THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE Home Extension News Ch.mi.lh Kails llillL will have " T "' ."ft deo " ',,CbJrri01.!vTr!7n,,i" l"citlattil taS2.Tur o be ulven by project lend- ...... ',, ... .,...,, AI I NDAK OK Till: Wl I K Jan. Ill Klumalli Kiilln mill will have t lo bo ulven by prnj era Mm. U. A. Hewitt, unci Mm, 'K. J. Hawaii. Mreunu will Mm I, promptly nl lu h.iii, Back lunch nl noun, Jn. II U.T.I. Unll will have dc-moiv-n.iuunn on kUi wrapping-end i oi. mi nr innkna nl ino nilme (i, Nun. Jnhn llnwanl on Klamalt, Clidr, siarlinit at litiiil Mori- llimi 300 inrn and women from 2i counlleii In Oregon are ex. peeled to attend the tilth annual 411 Lenders' Conference al Oregon mute Collcxe Jim. 21, 23, nnd It, announce L, J. Allen, stale 4-H Innclei', lOmplmnlH will be on uiidmslBlid- Inif- the club incmlior. Miss Joy HilU director o icucher education Intent icuiuiloiis. MI'ln Hills will alno urcBdil tho club lender, . The Itlf.i conference will ho es pecially helpful lu flrnt-year lend ui'fi, accortiliiK to Mrs. Alice I.ind say, Urant Fans, president ol Hie OrcKon 4-11 Leaders' Association. Pros nnd conn of the 4-H awards proiiraiu will be discuhitcd by Minn Kinlnlr Nelson, CIiIciibo field rep- lu a.m. Mra. Clone Wotor','llV. of the National 1 Con,. mid Mm. Murk Tnylur of the County Kxumslnii Committee IiIvuik the deiiionniiaiions. Henley unll will inert ut the Jan. Imlltee on Hoya nnd Olrls club iwor. Ait In previous ycurs, new tub Jeclmalter Informjitlon In home i. . i. I,. .1. wn. hr, m lli nn Lonoinlci mid ' iouHurnl pro- lor Hie ruirr ironiim lesson iJrcw will lie ulven by OSC extcn m be ulven bv muled lend- Ui'on specialists. eis Mm, O. 1.. Mellon nnd A Iceneiie dress revue nnd re Mrs. Ilnrvty Wise. Buck ! rln on tho 19.01 Nntlniml 4-H lunch. .Club Conurcs will highlight the IK . I'lic-wluy evening progi-iun, Jun. 22. Hheslll-llometlalr unit will!'"" " ,be ,"vc"M,b,y1.4:," hue moled leaoor Mr.i I member Joe Klllninon, Mu ileton. V , d,,' wm in i'mrw of lhe!M". Will..,.. He. key Portland I 4-li lr. u.. eiwer Iriinmu la b ; l ' Ml. Nelso . Men bere u.vrn ul Hie i'ulmrauiidh Campus 4-H Club win re- :,..,, ,,, -in Krk limrh. ivew the imernulioiml Farm Youth ,.... ...... I I.-VPI.H,,,. U'lll.-l, It.. C.llW It nr,!1. Kxliw-don ' orl"H ln Oreifcn lor the ecund Jan. Tl Klnmnlli Cuunly Jan. The bniiquel W'edneMliiy, Jim. 28. will lemu.e prei.e..talloi, of nwardit nnd inunlc by the OBC Muiuc Deimrlment directed by Holiert V,'nll. l.i-iuler.i nllcnillnu from Klamdll, ni,r,,u.M ' ' f i. ...I. ..I. ftr Uillll...,. V.inf nark lunch b-inu m-rvert at , " " "" ' noon. Mis. JiiiiK-H llopkln-i.Mra. Charles nmrmnn. and Mra. u ill la(l ltt l'L'ii nn iiHirr il ied Wollrmn of Aliamonl; Mra. nmnnu . Henry Newhoire. Kalrhaven: Cu.uu.IUne will meet ul Hie home of Mra. Oene Vomt,, 'SMI Oicuou. for a luncheon meelluv. Zi Kulrhiiven unit vMII meet nt ' the Keln:iounii at 10:31) will, i Mm Klmonl The recrenilon Iralnlnx meetinu : ''' w';r'c,,:,'l,',r; orlulnally acliedulril lor Jun. 25, to Keiiyon of Mnlln. Hie ll,"l!n, be K.ven mninlv for the trMnl.iK 1 ' l"v from e Office at Ul lender, lu (iUnre dunclni. h':u ". Monday. Jan. il. been postponed Indefinitely b.-c.iuic A nieetliiK for 4-!l leadci-a will of the lllueM ol Ml.n J-jt.tlee 'no be held nl I-a ornnoc. jbi, w .11. iMniunii, iwut;,, .ii . tu maiiauru me ic i c. n,,r - . .... Hi.v Iron, Oregon State College. Notice i of the new dine will bn given upon word from the college. den l feheduled lo tell aome of the huthllithtn of his recent irip to Nntionnl 4-H Club ConKrena. 1IKM.KV 11. e Henley Extri,r.,oi, Unit met al the home of Mra. Wnllnce T.ompaon Dec. 20 for an all uay niecllng. The lcniton for Uie day waa r'reezinu Conked and Prepared 'oud lod by Mra Thnuipnoi, and uvtliued by Mra. Ralph Hill. Twemy-elohl mpmbera und guenut Joined ui judging nnd aau.pllng floret, food-., A planned Clirlnunus luncheon "wn .nerved al noon. The meeting opened al 1:30, waa followed by a Christina Olfl exchange with ite.lnen and ongs led by the recreation chair mnn, Mr. Harvey Wie. '11,e next meelli.K will be at the Kal.grounda Kitchen. Jan. 17 Kith aicr lionlng II as the Ic.nnon. MKRRII.L The Merrill Home Extension Unll met In hie recreation hall. January 10 with Mra. Charles Cun nlnullam and Mra. Warren KrulUi In charge of the le.nson on Easier Ironing No. 2 The baakelrv project will be tauutu al an all-duy meeting Jan t uarv 10 In the Pre-.bvterlun cuurcl, v parlor. Anyone wlnhuig Inntruclion ahould conlitct Mrs. Harvey Ueu ham Immediately for the nece-i- rv supplies to bring. Tliose at tending should also take a sack lunch. Members prenent for the last meeting were Mrs. Harvey Den ham. Mrs. Leonard Will. Mrs. Itoy Beasley Mrs. Mlllon Loper, Mrs. Webb White, Mrs. K. M. Mitchell, Mra. Cunningham and Mrs. Fruits. FAIRHAVKN The Falrhnven Home Exlenjlon Unit will mret January 23, 10 a m. al Joans kitchen at the fair grounds In.nlrnd of Jan. 16 as planned. Knsler Ironing Tips No. 3 will be demonstrated and there will be potluck al noon. iii:ni.i:y kkwing sisiKd Exaniinuilon of dresses made by the girls of the Henley Sewing Hun. en Club, wnlch met Jan. 8. at 1 the home of Mis. F-arl Mack, were j shown to Mlxa Beverly Mack, aub Ulitule lender. Ilefreslun'-nis were served, atler Iwhlfh ihe meeting was adjourned 1 by Dnrbnra Jacou.-on president. Keemarr O'Keefe News Keperler J' lo.ftl ,h0P DREWS Manstore 731 Always take hold of the plug when n cord , from . an outlet or appliance. Pulling on eord may lnoven connections with in the plug which would blow , fuse. For besl reception, your radio should not be placed with Us back flat against the wall. Leave about an Inch of space. If you tniint fold a rubber gar ment for storing purposed, use dusting powder between the sur faces that touch. HOME MADE CANDIES i Garlic Bread Kp the tmtll ut ef the PUMPERNICKLE, loaf 20c breadsTTastries laktd ftiih Deyt A Week -JOHNNY'S-Big Y Bakery Merrlll-Laktvlew Jet. Ph. 7092 s xnx .-4iar-. . , TTiil s GET THIS DIG 11C01 GLASS BAKING DISH TftW It't the bait vahie ef the year genuine Oleibeke laklng Dlih with the exiluilve qulck-heet bottom, mn Jf value mat com you But att witn one nee, erem any Minion rrMucti write t oaey mnm tevr 30( en thli dandy 1 1-Inch baking, eiiht i W py posiaQa and ma ma cotts ! Just send. 1 label from Any , ii'..'... j Vroduct and & BIG Y iMRKET! Lean, center cut PORK CHOPS PORK Haf r whie' 120 ib oYer9e COLORED HENS SMOKED PICNIC GROUND BEEF CORNED PORK SHOULDER SLICED BACON T BONE STEAK LARD 50-lb. con E SALT PORK Ib, 49c lb 32'2C Ib. 37c Ib. 39c K ilAARGARINE ta rumann id MEAT R RICE DINNER Del Rich VIA Made With 9 lbs UxM vfk.i. Milk. Tr m Blue Plate" Medium, Cleaned - 5-oz. tin AND SPAGHETTI Nalley'i Quick to fix, tin w run e Vlllbl Nice and lean Grade "A' Con Carne Good for seasoning! lb. 55c T,. ib. 33c E CHEESE AndSpa9hetti ib. 42c lb. 95c C7 7C Zh iic M Sandwich Spread Nalley's Nalley's - No. 1 tin 59' I 25 Jf 17' Km Nalley's tin O Wyllitifc-K- Dressing, qt. Jj Z rllMIIV Durkee's ICt k?l lUVUIMU I Durkee's tC Pt. aJaJ ANIMAL CRACKERS Sunshine i box KARQ .SYRUP . ,t Light 1 Vl Ib. bot. BLUEBERRIES. B&M Maine, sweetened, enough for 9" pie tin PRINCE ALBERT W& Smoking tobacco 1 lb. tin SNACK Lunch meat 12 oz. tin CHEWING GUM $ All popular brands 7c 22c 31c 79c 39c 3Pk3.. 1 0c . 46-oz 2 00 TOMATO JUICE for ZL Campbell'i, 1 OQr WHITE KING No. 2 tinf dtaOC SoP' 9'0uote 9ian OO VEL Ol,, 0V Regular size V I V Giant size PEETS Soap -v giant size CATSUP Stockton, 12-oz. bottle .... GREEN BEANS Standby, fancy SUGAR Spreckels fine granulated 10 lbs. NESTLE'S MORSELS Chocolate pkg. PINEAPPLE OEd "Garden", sliced No. 2 tin a&fjl Bofh ' AMAZO PUDDINGS O OOr AJAX Choc, butterscotch, vanilla .... - for dLejL Cleanser Best Foods 19c PALM OLIVE ,25c 59c 75c 59c 2 -25c 2.25c I EGGS GRADE "AA" RANCH STRICTLY FRESH, Dozen cl a unr a iacc REAL VALUES IN OUR SAV-MOR DEPT.! All PllltJft LUNCH BOX LINERS $1.09 Sanitary, odorless, spill-proof compartments. Knitting. All colon, m , KRO-SHEEN bol. 10c Cialvanlted. No, 2 site, Reg. 92.98, WASH TUBS $1.98 Sessions. Electric, Reg. 94.49. Special. KITCHEN CLOCKS $3.49 Cotton, Double bed site, choice ef colors. SHEET BLANKETS $1.89 Reg. 98c. Flys high and lands spinning. Gun and 3 tops. FLYING SAUCERS 79c .F d7r I f M II M aV. JL r I . T . 1 I Med. size 1- 19c CELERY HEARTS 25c' BRUSSEL SPROUTS 19c T..J.. J A Mf? Full nound l vnurf jjisi ismmj aiw r - ALKA SELTZER C? sLarg Cl - B Cjji Hign in riramin content . . B!"!0!L .. I AMIUrr Navels, sweet FLASHLIGHT JIIKANHr Mb .me.hbag vuniiviiti i qtti- : ' H-t TJ iiniii nun1 Cllf r CT OAT A TACC Large ylTT rillAllIU IHd. VdVW Vi I tdf w ins w-w fl I IB U!.u Ib. WV Everreody CUI 1 BATTERIES in- fmAncrnniT Each iww v iiiKnrrrmii i wiim el I1VI AIR WICK Bottle .. 59c Pint Size Vacuum Bottles $1.25 Ariz, white, sweet & juicy, 8-lb. bag A Full Lint of TOOLS, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. ( rttmm 43c 45 c CAULIFLOWER - 18c GREEN PFPPERS 25c BANANAS 2 "" 33c siW i 'i MAIt TO MIWON aUCMONt COMMMT, not em iouth Hnu 4, waih.