THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. PAGE SIX ' HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON t. It l GoJden Bread Pudding Good r.oi.nt: brkad A quick mid easy dessert that's i budgei-wis and of good mcaltlme- sisr. nie lemon stives a new, "per ky" tasie-appenl lo an old (nvorllel 3 snccs day-o!d bread with cru.iut 2 cu;is milk 2 esss. separated 't cup 'Sugar 1 1 teaspoon each salt, mace 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon ruin In large bowl break slices Into quarter;. Pour on milk: let stand about 10 minutes or until breid Is so.'l. Add. all at once. erg yolks. j sugar. Milt, and r.nd. Beat wtin rotary or ctrciric ueaicr un.n ingredients are well mixed and bread completely broken up. D. vide evenly among 8 t& 02.) cus tard cups, lightly bjtte.-ed. Place In pan: add hot water to level of custard. Bake in a slow oven (324 deirees F. about 1 hour, or until toothnxk thrust in center comes out clean. Remove from oven and pan ot hot water. "Wreath" top' ih menngve (stiffly beat the I cst whites; add ' cuo suirar. a tablespoon at a time. beatin un til well blended and mix.ure holds a peak). Bake In a moderate oven I3S0 degrees F. about 15 minutes or until meringues are light col den browii. Serves 8. CONSTANT CAREFUL use of your precious sterling gives it that prized patina finish of antique sterling. Enjoy it jday by day even with your simplest meals. '5ator Cookery Told By Gourmet How will you have your alligator Boiled, baked. sauteS? Brisad'er Central Clare H. Arm strorg. Cairm S.ewart. "Gawgria" cuerud Gourmet in the January ifsue cn how to cook a four-foot Live With Your Silver Every Day For Charm grace your aauy taoie, contrmut- be an excuse for hiding it away. in a much needed note of serenity a single big blossom, a couple of and charm in a tense and weary , gardenias or an arrangement of j world. This Is more practical than j small budded roses as shown here you may think for if you would 1 in this silver basket with iu graci-' have your silver possess that heir-; ful pierced handle no; onlv will i loom look, that rich lustrous patina j emphasize the depth and richness 1 WhiCh iS the hallmark Of the beaU- ' rf h naltnm hnt ie nn!W (n. 1 tlna". If. on the other hand, you auiptor. store away your silver for best oc- i 5 ,he , answf f,; he cisinns vmi'll find lht th dinvtl. "".6 b?St CaliCST. AllilTator oration and tamish rmiirrd In d(. : Prepared in black but'fr. use is much harder to remove than any effects of day-to-day ex posure. Be imaginative about its use. For example. Just because you have a beautiful silver Don bon dish and no "bon bans", don't just let that tal is brains highly seasoned, like calf's brains ru beurre coir are another esoteric delicacy, so ue the eTtremitie-. end let the rert go into bass and shces where thev "fare" best. tiful age-old silver in then give It daily use. Silver experts assure us that the reasonable careful handling and periodic cleaning that silver re ceives In everyday use produces the prized finish known as "pa- of the pattern but is another in genious way to use Its silvery ber.u ty. It's Ideal for an afternoon tea table or a low coffee table. For an evening dinner table couple it with low matching candle sticks and tall dinner candles for an arrangement of charm and beaut)-. ll.jy..;ijtaAjay.wy contributions to him or to Bill Ganger also on the committee in order to assure the commitee get ting credit. Coyner gave an Insplrlnz talk on "the three basic philosophies of ed ucation. Members of the senior class of the high school presented the program. Lois Roper gave a reading. "The Young Man Waited" Jack Ayres playea three piano numbers, "Aiter Hours." "in Spanish Courtroom, and "Si- Carol Moore Tahoe MILLS - The January meeting of the Mills PTA was held January 8th in the school auditorium with a large attendance.- Entertainment was provided by a string ensemble followed by a community sing. Blood donors of the Mills PTA i tan Takes a Holiday.' this month were advised of the i gave a reading on Lake "Blood Donor Honor RoU ' on the . written by Jack Ayres. school bulleun board with names w. H. Weltkamo spoke on the of aU donors to oe ended. good reputation the high tchool has Joe La Clair talked on r cunaa- in otner communities and tions for Good Citizenship." pressed his appreciation and in- iicom count prizes v. ere won by I terest. Delia Records and James Pal mers rooms. - Refreshments were served by Fourth grace mothers. A Founder's Day meeting and siiver tea Is planned for February 13. TLLELAKE A varied and interesting pro gram entertained the Tuielaxe high school PTA the evening of Jan uary S. Poiluck was served early In the evening. Mrs. A: . Eyckman. substitut ing for Mrs. Leonard Mecnie. opened the meeting excerpts from a release from the National PTA president, Mrs. Anna H. Hayes. High School Principal E. L. Coy ner announced the end of the first semester January 18. New sub jects to be offered will be general business training, driver's educa tion for senior's, a compulsory sub ject in California, end first aid. Jew score boards presented through the courtesy of Roper Bro thers of the Honker are being in stalled and new gas heaters are being placed In the gymna sium. Books of the school were aud ited January 1 and every depart partment was found In in excellent shape. The athletic department for the first time in years has $10 In the black. Mrs. Russell Haynes. member ship chairman reported 98 paid-up members. Plans were announced for the annual card party, March 1, the only means of raising funds planned for the year. Doug Thomas announced that Ti'lclake's quota for the Merch of Dimes Is 8500 and anyone plan ning to donate Is urged to give Remove cooking stains from an aluminum pot with a fine abrasive scouring powder. When scouring fails, boil an acid solution vinegar and water in the pot. Tele-fun by V.'srren Goodrich I t 1 All-Star Muffins 4 kinds from I easy recipe I tbip. ilwrtMiIng , cup milk cup sugar I cup lllud mtloiMi flour J aV Hp. baking I cupKtllogg's - powdar All-Iran ' 1, itaipatn utt Blend well shortening, sugar: add egg, beat well. Stir In ua-bkaw. milk; soak until most moltture Is taken up. 61ft flour with baking powder, salt: add to first mixture, stir only until combined. Pill greased muffin pans H full. Bake In ffteheated mod. hot oven (4WF.) 30 min. Yield: 8 medium or 13 small muffins. Spicy Iran Muffirtii Mix 1 tap. butter, li cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon. Sprin kle over unbaked muffin batter, fnilty Mufflnu Add to flour mixture 1 tbjp. grated orange rind, H cup diced dried apricots. !oncy.Nuf Muffin.. '' Put tap. honey, vuuppco, nut meats in each ireased muffin up; add batter. SMS, S3? IVG "I'm sorry I was so long an fwering. I was trying to lo cate the source of a horrible smell I noticed around here'!" ...You won't miss receiving important calls if you always answer promptly ... Pacific Telephone. I -ztt I 1 ? - 49c Si j nt WhH.Kin9 THREE SISTERS X fi5c 4 L W 55c WHOLE KERNEL CORN S.A 03& fg l Jllili. f f TIDE MECO GARDEN PEAS SUGAR I m- Lo'sePockooe f GARDEN GREEN BEANS I ' W PEAS Sj f 29C I MECO CREAM STYLE CORN - I 8C .jj No j , KUI AL LLUD nUMini Fl -3,-75 'r-.-riL-v :':''': .14 mm WWW i I" "k;.t tv 111 i s vi nj w h. w i - k t -ratataraa1 '? :J yi 1 V Your Choice ,f TTiTl imm PEACHES pork chops ,.. stt 1 1 ac 1 1.1 -.. M-t- J 4k m- u I51cg I No.ltin, , 49c I i f m 5St C"'P, Aruono I TOMATOES 'If, bo9 ney. Blue R;.j Tube. 12-or wrcr CEIf BY Chulo Vista lb. ,3f Genuine : i? al-TAI A VAC Small to i . BHirrC H PORN KUWIi SKeuli.. I SLICED BACOH cm T PORK .......c. FRYERS ,P, ,..dr p W1FHFRS HEN TURKEYS m rii( haras Coil no ROYAL CLUB Cranberry Sauce SWANSDOWN PREPARED Cake Mix White or Devils Food m APPLE JUICE T ...a.. jl GRAPE JUICE Tea 0.1.-. ft TOMATO JUICE UB6 TANGERINE JUICED. & BLENDED JUICE ORANGE JUICE tibby'i, am WBMUftS COMPANY POITUNO, OttOOM lV" VI IMWIW r f in a mm The "makings" of your rr: tattempting casseroles, slews or 1 oupt ... or let family-fovorite . FRIL-LETS "solo" olam. buttered or in a zesty sauce. -Cs Economicol, delicious, healthful, nourishing A y lo prepare. ASK YOUR GROCER for these Jgz - I Porter products, tooi Spaghetti, Saladertes, neoShelli and Kurle-Q-Ncdles Srifcjt m. f-'ittii'. fronn. Honor COTTAGE CHEESY POWDERED MILK s' MARGARINE MILK CHEESE CHEESE p'o-( Ik. All Pure . t.ii ,in, Tillamook . Swi'l's A California Valencia Orange Juice Standby 46-os. lie jkU. POPULARV f BRANDS CIGARETTES Carton S1.59 BITS-'O-SEA TUNA I LIGHT MEAT Ft iFR,L.LETs 29c v y SLfei ' SIZE TIN 1 11 1 1 r ii mm Pl3. WALNUTS FRESH PACK rjVv.-iiini-,fs'3',"''T4""'"- Quick Quaker OATS 39c ! Jit t Large pkg "if.can . 2 lb. locf tf EO(5 Grad Large or Ex,,a Doz. 59c HPPy-Vole SALMON Mb.' tin 4?C fancy . VVhif, B'r-o Chicken TUNA 39c i i..b. pk,. 35c I t Medium Site B WyondoHo PiMed Em I OLIVES I 7-ox.lin 3lC I S FIRECHIEF i MATCHES I IS Lorqe Carton 8 3?c I PUREX AA g l i Gallon JjC I 7., ox NESTLE'S MORSELS, pkg. WALDORF TISSUE, 3 Roll Right To Limit Reserved 21c 25c NALLEY'S LUMBER JACK MARCH OF DIMES SYRUP - 69 LYNDEN RAVIOLA . 1-lb. jar SNACK MORRELLS Chopped pork, 13-oz. 19c 39c JANUARY 2-31 - I V W - sasBMaHsilsBfjarjjn sasf Hi WsWsv AW IP" Uf TwaiiflTr woioiw win 1 aw J w a' sv mw FREE PARKING While Shopping Foil River mm Bam. Si! 1 1 50-lb. baa 1 1 I $3.98 j l 1