TIIUHSDAY, JANUAHY 17, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE www lijin,..!).!. .t;n. . V . , ( iVj.. HI ii .1 i V i , i n t V . mm i ni I ! i.i'i.i i.i ml i . L .... . i 1 oiid lesson In ensler Ironing. Any- oni! pliiniHiiK " miiko n ironing hoinU brliiK maleiluls. Buck lunch. IHikkp . I.oilud A sticelfll Initia tion will bo conducted tonlKht at t. Jnlrn Dituiililrrs Meet tollluht at I iH MiinoiiIo Hull. Mrrllnit C'Iiuiiko 'l'lin Fahhnvfn Iliiina UxU'iinlun Unit will meet Jiuuiurv XI nt Joint's kitclion nt Ilia lull uioinulM limlciid ol today iih pluiincil. Hludy nt tlmt diitn will hi' on Kunlrr IiunliiK BU'lis No. 2, Tlwiu will bt a potluck luncheon. III'W Ml Kllr-n UP. attond mien chilli limn of Bimlnsss mid rrolcm.iiiiiiil Women will bo chair man nl Iho iittciidiince program phinnril lor next Monday nlKht, Ian. ill. A vaudevllln ol lncul till put In planned. It In ulo nnnounced bv Hulh I.olmuuh, club musician, that n cliol'ul k roti Hi br!n or Kimlr.rd to kIkk (luring the tnl convention hern In May and any one who can nliiff and la Interested In lnlnliiK, will be welcome. At tend cnrli meeting because prac tice time following the meetings In all thai can be arranged. Nursing A cuurse In Home. Nursing will be ollered bv the lncul Ucrt Cross cliuptrr beginning .Ian. 21. Class will meet ram I to S Mondnys, Wednesdays and Frl clnys, ut Mm Armory. Thl l H-hour courie, with the 7th lea Mill devoted to civil delense truln Iiik. Thlily-two ol the newest lech nliiurn In homo euro of the nick will be tiumht by Mia. Kleanor Ml, HeglsUircd Nurse. Inslrut- In (ire; we. only coal is ou cents lor a nursing textbook which Die aludent keepa. All Interested are Invited to register by calling the Red Cross. 7IH4. 1'nllo I'arly Ilcnlny CH'iimko will sponsor a March nl Minos benefit curd partv Jan. 10, 8 p.m. at the Urunge Ilall. Public la Invited. Itrturns to lias Cpl. Thomns T. Mltchiiin hun relumed to C'hnnute Air Force Unne. 111., alter spond lim a 20-dny lei vo with hla wile, reliitlven und Mends, ilia wife la the former Aurora Ilorrera, 030 Owens Bt. Meeting Canceled death of ft charter Due lo the member, L 111. tin Meeting The Bhecp Delles and their Heaux of Keno Knad will meet Haturday 3 p.m. nt the home of Kllen Olson, Keno Road. Don't forget boys and girls. Promoted Sherman R. Preslar, IK. son of Mr. and Mra. 8. R. I're.ilar, 362 Jordan, hoa been pro moled to I'fe. Ho Is nerving with the fill Infantry Dlvslon on the Korean front. Bhcrmun Is pla toon runner, Company K, 3lst In litntry Regiment. Mn entered the service April 13, 1001. Alva Lewis, the regular meeting of HhiiHlu Urunge scheduled for Fri day Is cancelled, ' In llosnltal Mrs. Roborl (Car men) Einbrec, Pine Orove, Is In Klamath Valley hospital recovering lr,n mnlnr Nin-ierv. Hhe was stricken Haturday, and la expected to bo loady lo go homo this Bun day. Klamath County Associated wmnen of the Farm Bureau are to have a luncheon meeting Mon rinv. 12:30 n.m.. In the Crater Room, at Iho Wlneinn Hotel Checkup Sam Neslln, 8 Uth 8t., Is In Portland i physical examination. kauiiii All members reauested to phone Vic Douglas residence In connection with plans to attend Sheriff Jack Fruney riles. Keames Square dancing Friday, n.m. Otto Ellis, caller. Food available. Toketee Lions Field Executive Don Adams, Modoc Council, Hoy Scouts of America, was chief speaker at a meeting Wednesday night at the Wlnema lloici. it.,,.,. Kiirnnlnn Shasta Home ni.le lin t wl meet 01 Joan s Kitchen, Friday, io:au a. mi pec Duty Theodore H. Chapman, aviation machinist's mate second class, UHN, son of H. A. Chap man, 1416 8. 8th St., Yakima. Wash., has reported for duty at the Navul Station, Alameda and hua been assigned to the overhaul and repair dept. He Is authorised to wear the Good Conduct and Ko rean ribbons. The 20-year-old sail or attended KUHS. Mrellnr The Fire Belles will meet tonight, 7:30 at the home of Mrs, Sarah Snyder, 3H9 Corlez. Visitor Jim Smelcer, aon of O P Smolcci', AHuras, and well known here was a guest this week of an aunt. Mrs. Kdgar Williams and family, 611 Addison. Jim received a serious shoulder wound In heavy fighting In Korea September 8 and was ruptured by the Chinese Reds. He waa alone at the time and was taken to a temporary prison er camp where the Chlneae treated him kindly but had no facilities for caring for his wound. He was released October 30, probably for Mronagunda reasons. He is spend tag a lew days In Alturaa with his father and will return to Madl Ran Hospital. Tot'oma, by Feb. 13 i lor further treatment. ALL-OUT PORTLAND ld Tho little town nt izra !n Grant County has ti nini-a in tho March of Dimes, The town's residents oil 60 of them have contributed more than 16 per person. Il was raisca box social. The total there was the town's annual March of Dimes 770. More Is -81111 to come from school children's contributions. SUPPOaE VOUS CHILD KEBISASPIIUM " " Km It knit Atiln far CMMrn Handy! Mother, this specialised aspi rin Is approved by thousands of doctors. Tablets H adult dose; orange flavored. m tablets 89c. Buy Mt. Joseph Aspirin For CliOdran today. Meeting The DAV and auxiliary will meet Friday, 8 p.m. In the KO Hall for a formal Initiation and Installation of one state offi cer. We . expect some Important guests from the national service office, also from the state depart ment. Refreshments will be served No Meeting Because, of." road conditions there will be no meet ing of the Tulelake Homestead w COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices : Lunches Dinners from LAS from Southern Oregon', Flntti club this week.- The regular Feb ruary meeting Feb. 16 will be held, subject of study to be "Slip Cov ers." ' r: Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Millard Clark, Oarland, Wyo., parents of Mrs. Carl Proebstet, Bly are visit ing at their daughter's home. They will spend some time in the south visiting points of interest in Cali fornia before returning home. The HIEBT W cut Aut Gldit to any shop Including bent or curved f fan. A comprehensive itock of pattern i It maintained assuring accurate prompt ' service. .in i Proebstol family visited Klamath Falls Wednesday. Symptoms of Dlstrau Arlslrtf fpm STOMACH ULCERS out to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST He?!& '":,. jj.HB I Over four million botilae of the WnukM TnaATMRNT hftve txen sold for relief of symptom of dlmrM vleiujt from MmnmIi end Duodenal Utr due to Iwm AetO n Peer Dlgettlen. oeur or Upset Simaih due lo Isem Atio. Ak for Mmmii" which hilly fu.plt.ma this bio itome troatment -- at PeyUis Diet Sure ' Welra Dref Iter ' ' Weai'e Dra Here flHebrlstt Oilchrlii Ril. HUre. Mallnt Malln Drue Co. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKEUND TRUCK SALIS and SERVICE UtKli Klamath Ph.2-2511 HARDY'S JANUARY Now In Progress! Check These Savings: Dress Shirts One group of tine droit shirts. Reg. 3.65 and 3 95. 2.75 2 for 5.00 SHOES A fins name In men's dren hoes . . . tale priced! 9.00 Values to 16.95 TIES - One Group Rag. 1.00 A One Group Reg. 1.30 A for for 1.00 1.50 SHORTS Pins quality knit briafi. Top thate buys! (Limit 3) Work Shirts Taxi cloth, cevart cloth, poplins end twills. 1.98 Values to 3.45 Satisfaction It never on tale . . . but always guaranteed! MNMiJI. STORE FpR MEN UMin fun m 33 TSS EST 'Je I DULANE DEEP FAT FRYER Ret; Z8.W HAVE FUN AT HOME. XELECTMC coin P0PPZR I t'heK"aD0r I WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT KjmiI It BLOWER TYPE I .us. n, , . i... .u iv.w . ' rKSa ELECTRIC HEATER I merchandise sold . jwu J II? 87 l'r' Koroite tI 2S FOOT I C 11 1 7 49Via. If PLASTIC APROH M.uMWUn III paylesa M AausA iV'"- J jw m I pric Al If TDAYt lllV 717 emflrl I A Il l I WSS V-aSf W. H JL&&&i IV w m w I I I t t" Ifc! -"LI WZ. 17 I7v? IK.WJWf IB y Up Special! ,VtfiA 401 1 I ftCSTUME JEWELRY U 8 lUil , Valentines I . Our R.Bulflr j, 0ft Te-Kr :f - 1 I Tf Overseas I Velo., - IA( il 50AP I l I Now! I I FPi" - 3rac.l.fl -XV kV L',mU Ji IC f iotpuiiX t( f r JfCi" wash U mjzr' SMOOTH FINISH I ' ""J"0" i LTI 9 W J I I m a - . n i n oar a a -s -v. i fzstLM xi j i riiiiiii in n n r i DUSTPANS lyal W0. c. .1 7H.,;30 . . , ,. I7B ( mg. fess 1-u9l( Xfcfi - " Unrllralatri If iii.N, V-aVnia V fan net JOBTJlIM TN W ,wi.. v... ps 7c baume tana stc V Stt ' J ttS&SSi I &Sfn 1 c CoHilei SS8- 47c bubble A p'lident 43c f . RATH I ",ys,"' IMPORTED DEMTASSE II StcKKOOINT MQ' lW y S 21 wtihDUpiund5V HwiaP 1731 H V W & flilaiaailiv 88 49 n .1 I 63c Value METAL - ADJUSTABLE SHOE TREES FOR MEN Durable Aluminum 37! COTTON THROW RUGS .S VALl'B QUILTED PLASTIC LAUNDRY BAG Zpper Bottom 27 I $2.2 Value .FILLCO HERE! Safety Satisfaction Savings I Open 8:30 a.m. -9 p.m. R lkiPocfcer ilwTI47 VSKusll IT s-.Tax COUPON 2.00DOUIUMCK BREAD BOXES (-' CLORETS CHLOROPHYJJ. a UUfV. IHC fha Breath 99 With Coupon 98c Saccharin Tabltts 3Qc 100 M ante ONLY 2.25 KONSYL 1.79 60c BROMO SELTZER 43c 39c 2.25 LA. FORMOLA 1,79 3.9S YI-DAYUH5 LYSOL Antiseptie 77c At Rx Counter II or. 3.12 1.25 EMPERIN (OMPOUNP - TiC 2.8S METAMUCIL 159 79c LAVORIS Econeair Site 59c 59c Tooth Brush 43c 2.00 Takif a Douche Pwd.1.3r 1.50 HALEY'S M.0 Quart 99c 3.431 ADAYrr.2.99 30c cuncuu SOAP Ih "0- hps Laxf Sis 41 73c 1.13 AMPHOJEL TABS 94c 75c BAYER ASPlRINiMe 4k