i! i I ! it I ft jj. ip til 'J if ?! 1 i1 Ji i ! . PAGE FOUR J RANK JENKINS '. ' : EdltO? Entered u aeoond clasa matter t - - on August 20. 1906, under act or congress, March S. lBTfl ' '.' :': , ..MEMBEBS OF THfc ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la entitled of all tne local newi pnnra in irai SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mail - monthf $.50 ... NEW l'ORK Chemistry may break the deadlock between the government and the , oil Industry and produce synthetic : gasoline commercially "much sooner than many think." : "" v.- - This is the opinion of the re search mana(rer of Koppers. com pany in Piiusburplv in announcing that Ita research department is going to set up a pilot plant for the conversion of coaL to synthetic liquid fuels. What they'll aim :at is not so much the synthetic gasoline they'll make but the valuable chemicals the process will also turn out. Government officials are plug ing steadily for commercial plants to turn coal or snaie mto gasoline and fuel oils. They contend this would be a national safeguard if war should deplete present supplies of petrol leum. And they think the synthetic gasoline can be produced from our abundant coal and shale supplies aimost as cheaply as from petrolv eum. Oil Industry leaders have criti cised this condition. They claim the synthetic gasoline would be far more expensive to produce and they say that the tax money and steel would be better us;a to ex pand the industry facilities. WASHINGTON 'tiP Me. I get confused. "We the people. . . ." it says right here in someming i been reading. Constitution, they call it. Bunch of bigwigs got to gether a ldna tline ago" in Philadel phla and Wrote it out. Pretty hot asux. - . "We the people. . it says, meaning, .! take it, we the people own the government. I guess that includes me because I pay taxes, too.. But sometimes I wonder. Some times I ask myself: Just whose government do the politicians think this is? ; I know politicians run the gov ernment. Guys like me elect them. I don't like them much. Never have. Too many of them get too bitj'Jor their britches. Everv time guys like me- elect them it's like using a bicycle pump, on them. It puus mem up. . , But I guess I havenrt got too much right to . complain. Some; body's-got to run the government. So ;guys like me elect them to take care of the details while I make a living. Of course, they make a pretty good living off my living. But that's all right so long as they, remember who's paying them and the government belongs to guys like me, as well as to them. , Something just came up to make me think.iThis talk about stealing in the government. Internal reve nue, particularly; Bums me up. Guys playing around with mv mon ey. ("Clean "em out." I says. And I really mean clean 'em out. So 1 oil. ' ABVs : Automotive Engineers Eye New Developments For '52 !j By David J. Wllkie . comprised of a steel backing clad '. Automo"ve Editor I with a cadmium-silicon-aluminum m useo. to oei said an automobile engine was only good aa Its bearings. This view is being upset by engineering pro gress, according to speakers before the - Society of Automotive Engin eers, here. , . . , New materials have been devel oped that produce bearings that actually outlast engines and free engineers from one of the limiting factors of engine design.. . Arthur B. Shaw, of General Mo tors' Moraine . Products Division, described what is called the Mo-raine-400 bearing. Basically it is fl) hffltt COMING FRIDAY... THE NEW II ; HUDSON Wjth its Spectacular, Lower Running Mate, the HUDSON JUCKELAND TRUCK ' ' 1 I JUSt Arrived! BUX JENKINS ' Managlnt Editor the port office of Klamath ralla. Ore, exclusively to the use (pr publication newspaper a wen it au at news. By Mail year 111.00 . .... W I.N..., . . ... . .. They also say oil reserves art suf ficient for even a war emergency. Dr. O. P. D'Alelio, Koppers re search manager, agrees with both sjles to soma extent. He says: "While plants to make gasoline from coal are costly to build and gasoline could not pre sently be produced in them at prices in competition with petrol eum gasoline, research is finding ways to produce an Increasing number of valuable chemicals in such processes. "These processes can be regu lated to produce more chemicals and less gasoline. It is here that upgrading of products m?.v result in a 'coal to gasoline' plant be coming economically ie.tsible much sooner than many think. The Koppers pilot plant at Ver ona. Pa., will produce gasoline of aviation rating, but eko a long list of aromatic chemicals such as benzene, and also phenols and cresols. alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and fatly acids. The commercial value of these would make plant operation profit able. D'Alelio says. Koppers is spending its own moiiev on this, pilot plant but government officials have proposed that government backing be giveu to those wishing to enter the syn- thetic fuel field, President Truman sends a plan to Congress to make ln.ernal revenue cneaper to run ana cut aown on u chances for stealing Nobody been talking louder about cleamnz out internal revenue than Congress and now all of a sudden, I read in the papers. Congress gets a big chill. It begins to look like a man who suddenly got a forkful of- mud when he ordered gravy. Seems this is the trouble: There are 64 internal revenue collectors and a whole bunch o." offices scat tered around the country. Mr. Tru man wants to cut down on the of fices and cut the 64 collectors to 25. But that's not all. As it is now the ' senators can name all 64 collectors guys thet did them favors or put up dough for their campaign, or something. Anyway, they can name all 64 and the President appoints them for the senators. But under the new pjen the senators couldn't appoint even one. All 2S would be regular government civil, service people who got promoted'to-coUectors be cause they had been aoing gooa work. So if the senators okayed this idea they'd be knocking them selves out of ft political friends or political pay-offs. So they get a chill. Or some of them do. . But I'm not interested in their temDeratures or in helping them make political mends. I wish- there was some wav I could remind them sometimes about the question that pops up in my head sometimes: Just whose government is this? alloy overlaid with a tin-copper- lead babbitt. ' Shaw said the new bearing has outlasted three to four crankshaft and blocks in a test engine. He estimated the new bearing has six to 10 times the life of conventional bearings, with four to six times the .load-carrying capacity. Materials shortages and other shortages and other defense re strictions have not himpered engi neering work in the industry's lab oratories. This has been well demonstrat ed in the work that has been corn- !(! fi - jCtW HORNET" priced llA A C DH SALES AND SERVICE, Ine Black Brown Blue Grey UL f 11 They'll Do It Every Time i' I 1 ,TvJ'T iT F41 ITlO ll I LfiQUATWEU. TOLP 50NE7 2Q3 QtMlNTSO SENSE TO ME.' MMT 3 BOUGHT ONE OF TKOS2 lit, ' fcwATTS-SW j C2Zr-fj OOP FOR ? WTMIfJ'J I TALL F0UR-P05TEff BD5" Sis. lTK8iljji Y wny poKT 3U 5T -fl & Itir?'! ',r-4j ON- OF THEM MOOERN ) l msssm wegw I I Uvw ihxi ohco IL ymjsim vsw-rJ wr-Jk. li I II GOT THE WKH itU (L.iUW I Ik frflK I ! It has been some time sine Communist negotiators at Panmun - jom have offered a significant con- cession, or in fact any proposal l " In recent meetings, the United Nations conferees have been do- apparent that, whatever their c,b - ;ng alt the conceding almost toljectives earlier In the Ulks, they no "'" ju - mimnrjp security on the Korean Peninsula. Tais has been ione in the interest of Indicating our firm desire to reach a settle ment, to prevent the talks from bogging down. For example, have aban doncd our demand for aerial In- speciion over non n liorea auring n.. ..u.Uw .iiu nine agreed to limit troop rotation (the Reds wanted It halted altogether). But if these concessions are not to be matched by similar yielding on the Communist side, there can be little hope of further significant progress In the truce parleys. As one UN negotiator stated, we have not come to Panmunjom to ar range for tlta destruction ef our STALL ' . i The Reds are lulling, clearly, awaiting new instructions from higher authority possibly Mos cow. Meanwhile they fill the void with Insulting epithet. soviet Fore an Minister vishm- skys suggestion that the UN Se curity Council try to help' bring the talks to successful conclusion may provide one key to the delay. The Communists may have decid ed they have gained all the ad vantage they can at Pnnmutijom. 'they may feel that future ad vances depend - upon transferring the negotiations. to the larger polit ical arena.- '- .- : It this is their 'hope, the sponses of top : Western officials make it evident they are doomed to disapoinunent. We htrve no in tention of giving the Reds a chance to mix broad political ques tions with the specific military is sues under negotiation in Korea. Nor do we inteni to throw them into the Security Council where Russia can veto any solution not I satisfactory to ber. - On the other hand. the Red aim may be simpler.' Having seen what striking concessions we have already offered In an effort to keep the talks moving toward settle ment, they my be convinced that continued stalling and stubborn ness will push Washington to yield new ground. . FINAL' OFFER But we declared on announcing pleted on experimental cars: pow- er braking and power iteerlng. I One speaker on power steering , told the engineers liva car makers ! probably will have the steering aid In this year'i models compared .with one. Chrysler. In 19S1. He didn't designate the five, but aside from Chrysler, lt la known j power steering will be Introduced ! this year by Cadillac, Buick and ' Oldsmobile. Ford has been experimenting j with the device but whether it will be ready for Introduction on : this year's Lincoln models has not ! been indicated. Maircli of iimes Bmte SATUtlDAY No limit on number of guests , you may bring. Mail donations for this good cause rSUNDAY Special March of Dimes Class Initiation Sunday, 2:00 Suede Oxfords HERALD AN'D NKWS. KLAMATH lour 'inwi ri-nt rtAm-inn thai . these constituted our "final" of.'er. On this proposition we should j stand. We have yielded enough. It I is the Communists' turn to comcje. i If they do not. it will then become jiouger waiK.,reai iruce. The' ma lor notnt on which thov must yield is their insistence on ihe right to build up mllitarv alr - fields In North Korea duriiiit an armistice. This is utierlv lnco:n - patible with peaceful aims andl'cwer bowel 1st exceptionally larce cannot, be defended legliimalelyT-.iat certninlv nnt nn rh fltmw nr. text that to deny them this 'rlglit! amounts to "mierference lu North Korea's Interne 1 affairs." In the past the Reds have from time to time- conceded Just enough to keep alive the belief they really wanted an armistice. This could have been, a ruse, designed to lull us to sleep while they prepared lor a big spring offensive. If It was not, the moment has come for the Communists to demonstrate" i Whiskey Ad Ban Sounht WASHINGTON I.H A bill that would ban broadcasting of whlskey advertlsing over radio and tele visionbut not beer or wine Is be fore Congress. Introauced Wednesday by Sens. Johnson (D.-Colo.l. and Ce.se (It. S.D.I, it carries penalties not onlv for radio- and TV nnrrmtnr Ivir rf-;also certain makers and sellers of whisky. Actually, radio and TV stations in the U.S. do not now accept whisky advertisements. But there is no law against It. Radio stv tions in Alaska and Hawaii do. and the bill would apply to these ter ritories. , The bill gives the Federal Com Ifon'latinV XeV Chippewa HUNTING BOOTS WERE 18.95 NOW PRICED AT . The GUN 714 EAGLES p.m. - Entertainment and Feed :to Follow FALLS, OREGON aT. I' - .ffTSS By Jimmy Hatlo - t ' 1 K.'VKi' --;. at-hi i ii fi 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i we have a major problem In our household," writes a reader. "Namely, constipation. Both lather and son have tills trouble, and the son was born with It. Is constipa- uon mncmocw !moiraa most people think, and it n often contused with apastlo col- ion, wnicli has freouently been dls CU'sed In this column I It seems safe to say that It is ,no Iniiertied. although there Is an I unusual condition known as Hirsch- 1 si'ung's disease in which the birth and produces most pe- Iculijr form of rnnKtlnalinti "i most cases, however. Improp. lu North;"" training and neglect, especially ln childhood, have a great deal to i 00 w"h chronic constipation, Failure to set aside a regular "mr oi day for a bowel move- ment Is the cause of much trouble. Poor diet, of course, can and often do?s cause constipation. Too many people gulp their food down without allowing- enough time for their meals. Some looas are so hlshlv refined that they do not contain the bulk necessary ;at times. Fresh fruits and vegetables make up an Insufficient part of the diet. The-;e foods not onlv suddIv a I large part of the bulk in the diet I but also aid In p-rlstalrls or the wave-like movements of the lntf.s tlne which carry the contents down through the intestinal tract. Abuse In the me of laxatives or cathartics Is another great cause of constipation. The mistaken Idea Is common that If a person cleans himself out once a wfek with a uod strontf Purue It will be -rood. This disturbs the normal rhythm of evacuation. Treatment of simple constipation, unle.'s the trouble hit begun In childhood or hf listed for a very long time. Is usually satisfactory. The underlying cause, whether diet, neglect or abuse of laxatives first has to be corrected. Establishing good habits bv hav ing a -movement at a particular time of day an3 yielding to the urge when It comes are extremely S?Xhl . ... wy lllvrillluiieu 1425 Men't and Womtn't sizes STCRE MAIN accepted. BLOOD DONATIONS ASKED Klamath Falls citizens are being nskctl, along with all other communities, to donato to the blood bank. On TUESDAY, JAN. 22, a mobllo blood bank will bo in Klamath Kalis to receive donations. If you caro to donato vou are asked to (ill out the attached coupon and mall It to the Red Cross offices in the armory prior to that date. The clinic will be open from 12:30 to fii.K) p.m. Fourteen persons can be accommodated every 15 minutes. Please list an alternato timo on your card. Nursery service will be furnished for tho.su with Nmnll children. Transportation to and from I ho armory will be furnished those requesting it. The blood will bo taken at the Armory. KLAMATH COUNTY BLOOD PROGRAM 1 Donor Plidgo Card Name ' Address (Home) (Business) Telephone (Home) (Business) Group Affiliation I llll U ' Mr klM4 Iktaaik lk rM Ulttl PrrlM I tliltl In Mvlii iimmdi'i lit. PREFERRED TIME Pilot Has Rne Time OKLAHOMA CITY tin H plane's wild gyiit'ons over an Oklahoma City suburb set the whole community a.silr. Telephone cills flooded police headquarters. 6oin reported the plane was out of control. Police rushed out to ire and, mouth agape, watched the plane loonlmt spectacularly, once passing under a power line. When the pline landed at the downtown airpark, police nabbed two aboard. They were Identified as Air Force Lt. Clifton R. Ashley, SI, Grants Pass. Ore., and his brother Homer, JO, of Fairfax, Va. They were booked on a chame of reckless flying. Homer, who said he was a poatal clerk, also was charged with public drunken-1 ness. The lieutenant insisted he was the pilot. "My brother doesn't have li cense and his never been uu be fore. He Just went along for thi ride." he aald. Police said they were holding both; however, because the plane, by the correspondent good Indivi dual medical advice would aeem to be desirable. Poteet's Market Owned and Operated By Bob A "Peanuts" Potcet RATION'S BEST BACON Small Lean Slabs 0Q Any sixe piece, lb. "C Skinless WIENERS 49c LB. Lean Center Cut PORK r.lb. 39c ROAST, Pure Lard . 4 lb. Carton 85c DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Prices Effective Friday . and ' Saturday Sizes 4 to 10 Widths AAA to C (Signature) NOISY PARIS If A auddrn, nhort hall ntorin, acctnntiniiled by simp lightning. Interrupted wo.k In four United Nations committees Thurs day. Delegntes were forced to nusprud talking for live lo fn minute un til the hull Mopped. Hull Motics beat on skylights and made nn nnirh noise the delegates could" not be heard. a rented Cessna HO, had dun I controls. WHBSEB3QG Every big -quart package oi Moihar'i 0n odfri an tkrtting tluubla value! Ilecauia noaty can', buy a 6nr qualur, mora deli, ciuui, or mora nouriihinji oaimtal llian Muiher'i Oau. And packed in every packait you'll tad a vllueble, uieful premium such i aluminum kitchen uttmili, lamitui "I Ire Kina" (late cup and lancer, heaulilul "Wild Roie" pattern china or fay colorful Cecal rl Ware. No waiting! No cnuponi! No money lo end! lull ask ynur I fixer lor Mother's Oau witb Premium, in the big ii-uare package. MOTHII'I OATI-c aWwl a THI CAOlEi! tOOIC AT THE BARGAINS flVfc FOUND FOR. TNE WHOLE FAMILY AT JURucNSEN S PRODUCE SPECIALS TOMATOES 25c Bluebird, tubes Green Peppers ,k 19c Oranges 49c Grapefruit M 8. lb. boo I7C Coconuts JOc 3 Chose and Sanborn COFFEE ,b 83c Nestle's Sweet Milk Chocolate, lb. can 4?C Van Camp's TUNA 23c 6-oz. cans Royal Club ORANGE JUICE, 46-oz. can 2?C 1710 Oreaan Ae. .... Phone 3860 THUnsiMV, JANUAHV 17. 1 0l2 (Dairymen Pio) New Program f IIKARIIART l - Ore,,,,,, r men ,rr plumilng i , ' ll.eir lioo.uoo public rclnii,..', "h grain, proposed hero enrlir, ',hrJ Thry Inalrurlrd new nlii,rr. Wtnlniwlay a e,Hon of r 0 " DaliMiirna Association ' Ihe piViHiiim n Mioli ns iw ,j,V. 'I'liry will work will, .iy ,,,,,,, "' liio-jenn-ira In tryitm lo Uim, uuoil will lor Ilia KiUiiMiy. " Hrtua Leiilhold, TIILmni.lt .. limited pio.sitlpnt; Palmer lln'ii,i sen, Astoria, first vice iirrud,,,?.' Krtwlu K-i-r ol Malheur m-tilid vice iirrililent, Hw-r M,,r,. CorvalllN, was lo-elecletl -.v,rUl' treasurer. ' F.. K. K u run n of Oleum, Collrgo Mitunltirtl a report li,,ji on tlio your 11)10. tint iBtP,i ' retail conl ul milk delivered in glnna Unities to I'ortlitnti i,w, nl Sill cents n unit. ciii,i,otd with t) aft c-enis lor milk (lelivcrttj wholc.snlo lo Mores hi tnii,,,,,. Furniture Market Back To Normal CHICACIO If!.- 'ISt. in-.-, ... Homo 1'ui-iHnhltiKn Market h.i been a eintirHu.-ibord alian. Menleeit hnv.. Kimhl, . ...... nt tills and a Utile ol Hint. v0it. lug heavy cuninillinriiln nlry tr. member Ihe flitnnclal lnllBeit,-t which followed L.it years ulil. lonom utockplllnii. The currrnt nmrket, which rlosfs Its two-week run rrltlay, has ben, "Hie llrM iKirmal market In nimi lllnll a (lernile " .1 r- , ' " "".nitiiT, executive secretary of the Nation, ul Asjto-'lallon of Furniture Man iilartiirera. salt! at a news eon. Ifrrenee ul the MerrlinnHli, (Lt... "It h.ia been the first markri since pre-war times when- iha snlermnii had lo come back Inn tile pieture, Instead of the nine order taker." McCarthy aaltl. afS QtAXf OAM COMtAHY Pobst-etla CHEESE 2,b, 0,8?c 2-lb. loaf Grade 'A' Large Fresh Ranch EGGS 5?c Doze Royal Gelatine DESERT 4Dka 25c Maxwell-House INSTANT COFFEE ,0, 39c . Royal Club ' OLIVES CI 39c CHECK ON Vi PRICE JAM 'N JELLY DISPLAY Free Delivery On $5,00 Orders Or Over SHOE DEPT. 1 T "v'. I $ ) BtSTf