riltlllSOAY. JANUARY 17, 1052 HERALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREI Student Poll Shows Trend Toward Clearer Thinking, Responsibility For Action Hie nioulhn of babes com words of wilt' "Out 61 oltvntlniFn dom." The source of that toy Inn In un known to this writer, but It Ills, In some cases, resulln of mi opin ion pull taken week iiiihiiik liixh school, junior high hihI grade school militant on now to build hrltrr citizen for the Klamath llnsln. The opinions written were oltcn tim blunt, Hmnptlinen tliry were rvelirow raising nnd once In a viry great while ntlly. There In al ways a Joker In every crowd. But iinme of the 2000 received me worth repealing here. Carloadings In Northwest Gain SEATTLE on-Northwest frelKhl rni londliiRH were 3 'j per cent urcnirr lust yeur thim In 1050, the t'uclllc Nurlhwcst Advisory Bimrd mid In a year-end report Tliurn tiny. ; The greatest Incrense won In enr landings of ttrnln, which gained 37 ir cent in tho year because of heavy export shipments, P. T. Westiiieyer, bonrd soirclury said. Totnl ciirloiullngs for the year wns 1,118,4117, coinpnrcd with 1, mm In 1060. fruit carloadlng at 43,454 were the smallest since 1043 because of light crops. Decline aluo were ohown In IoiuIIiik of livestock, lum ber and forest products and ore. 'Hie report covered carloadlngs In Washington. Oregon and Idaho north of the Balmon River. . "More parents need to net a bet ter example lor their children, by going lo church every Sunduy and he being good citizens; by votliiK, Inking part In civic affair. Basic ally 1 think the citizens of tomor row need Christianity." ' What of the nodal lllo for teen agers In Kliiiiintli Falls' Over 00 per cent of the que tlonnalren returned inked for a I recreation center, For example, "ff towna would build more recreatinn ccntern nnd They dwell on various aspecln Hwlmmliiir mint an u umli hnv of the problem of building better Uomothlng to do and not k1 In like YMCA and the K.U. 'student Mivernirient' are concerned, I liilnk they are a big farce." Then, of course there are the jokers. Just an there are In every deck of cards. And If the situation were not so fierlous their replica would be worth a laugn citizens With regard to the responsibili ty of parents: , , . , "If the present genera tion of adulta were to net an ex ample for youth to follow, we would have omethliiK to look to for faith ... I believe the Job lalls on the parents the most. If ihey teach us responsibility, faith In Ood and hluh standards to live by. 1 think you can build belter tomorrow's tltlr.ens . . . Training begins In the home." The above three were excerpts of opinions rendered by high achool students. An elementary atudent stated, "You should have more work In the homes and the child should be taught the right thing In the lirsl place." Another grade achool child wrote -in a childish scrawl and bad spelling "Beter Christians will build a beler America, and more icsponitlblllty would prepare us for a beler llle." Also on the angle of religion a high achool pupil wrote, "It we could bring Christ to the homes and families, delinquency would be dono away with. We need Christ to do right and should be come more Christian minded. The best opinion on the subject of religion was this one, also from a high achool student: Fifth Set Of Twins Arrive PINE RflXlK, 8. D. Il Mrs. Mnrcella Big Crow was the proud est woman on the I'lne Ridge In dian denervation alter leaving the Itospllal here Wednesday with her fifth set of twins. The luteal, a pair of girls, ar rived Friday. The previous four sets Inrluded a bov and a girl each. The Big Crown lost a bHby girl from the first arrivals. Bui a single birth of a girl followed to give them five each of boys and girls. TODAY KT tmi A -BOMB'S moil explosive yfATlb mi Soroptimist Club Meeting BoropllmUt club held Its regular luncheon and business meeting on Jan. 10, In the Pelican party room President Ofa Smith presiding. Mary Bothwell and Josephine Robinson reported on club aellvl ilea and finances of the organisation. An announcement was received of a new Boroptlmlst club at Down ev California, sponsored by the Huntington Park club. Marguerite Ward won the award of the day. The Soropllmlat'a subscription to the United Nation's Review has been aent to the Klamath County Library, where It may be of more use to the public. A very Interesting Christmas irrectlnu- was received from the Hnrnntnnlat club of Paris. France A special folder. In both French and English gave "The Twelve Commandments of a Good Boroptl mist '' The recent Illness or Rose rooie was reported. Coral Sabo In feel ing better, and will noon be In a walking cast. Josephine Robinson back from a recent vacation, brought greet uiga from Lucy Hauger, who now lives at Santa Crur.. A vote by the club favored Mar Inn Lewis of Spokane, an a nom inee for the ,. Federation's second vice- president. -- The next meeting will be a "Trip lo Alaska" with Doris Peyton, showing pictures and giving the talk on a recent trip. mlschlel Another wan more pointed and Mated, . , , "More recreation In the auburban areas." A third repeated the Idea with . . "We can act up parks, play- groundn, places to keen them out of mlnchlef. Older people could ael oeiier exampien lor the teenagers." A very blunt answer was thin one, "Improve the whole noclnl structure of Klamalh Palls. We do not have a public swimming pool, public golf course, an adequate teenage center, or a functioning YMCA, The anll-soclnl forces out number the pro-social forces 2-1. What ,iort of a result doen Klam ath Falls expect?" On the other hand there were several high school students who thought they should do something about the situation themselves, In stead of others. , For example; "I believe It In up to the stu dents to do something. Thev don't need to follow the example set lor them bv their parents, govern ment ofllclnls, and other student. It's going to take a little effort on llle part of the students.". Another said, By letting the teenagern organize and plan for themselves Instead of being al ways told what and what not to do." Several of the high school re sponses attacked so-called Inequal ity. one pupil said, "We can build better citizens by cutting out thin upper class business. It someone can't show off the money he's got ne ii try to attract attention by vandalism. Elimination of the 'elite1 In high school will Install a feeling of equality and build bet ter citizens." Another student stated. "The parents and church are doing what they can. But as far as things Small Employers May Get Release WASIIINOTON ltl Employers with only three or four workers may soon be freed from wage con trols. Chairman Nathan Felnslngrr said Wednesday the Wage Stabilization Board will soon grant the exemp tion but has not set the number of employes an employer may have to be Included. This rule probably will touch those employers with four or less workers, Fclnstnger told a round table discussion of controls spon sored by the U.S. Chamber of Com merce. ' Exempting small employers would cause little additional Infla tion, he said, but would free many businessmen from the controls, Original manuscripts and notes used by Brig. Oen, Henry Martyn Robert in preparation of a famous book, "Robert's Rules of Order," were presented to the Library of Congress, April 24, I960. IT S A "SELL-OUT In Food Stores Everywhere! if 0 It's th Todsr V J A ii1ifl A FLAVOR SENSATION Never have we offered a Bread that pravad is pepulsr in short time. Everyone loves the marvelous CORN end HONEY FLAVOR ef this new "Golden Leaf." Demand el food stores hoi bean so treat that many of them have SOLD OUT at 01' Soulh'rn Cam Bread before naen. So . .'. If yeu didn't find a supply the first time , , , TRY AGAINI You'll toy It's truly FLAVOR SENSATION. Baked Exclusively by Klamath's Finest Bakery televised crime committee was first quoted In this This last one written In a child j rnl "t refill i '".ici will "t n,c luuuiim ui iii euinwi uy m .inn Hi.un oiu ..h - " hiluii nfi,ntlm r-nmi, wnrria tit ritnf. uaa thai mnaf. nr1rl.aa wisdom." I wise of all the 2000. about sessions answer on grounds thst might In criminate me." , Others read . , . "More pool rooms" . . , "Put them In musical college 8lng Sing)" . . , "Get a new homeroom teacher for room so-and-so" . . . "By clapping the This one no doubt had read little mobsters In jail." BOURBON at its ALL-TIME BEST! lllllll jplantcrs and In short, precise words this wis little child said, "to be good eltl-' zens we must do good, b good and have respect." N0W...The permanent so lavishly rich it's I a ' v la I a like whipping cream tompared to skim milk Gives you loveliest of waves,faster, easier! Better buy Planters Club . . . By any standard, you couldn't buy belter ! (jr. 3.1 rirrr STIAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY ti PlOOf CONTININIAl OlSIItlING CO IF. P Hit A., PA, Jl NUT CREATES UNRIVALED SOFT NATURALNESS THAT USTS WAVES SAFELY, tENTLY, IN LITTLE AS II WHtim AFFUES USUI, CUNSS TS HAIR WHILE FR0CESSINS USY MOTNIIII Nutri-Tosic ti freed for little f irli, toe. Wevet fltntly yet quickly thty des't tiro out If ytw have plastic t tit, buy tho 1(7111.. DIIUXI SET with 2 ami", cvn.ri ... cv,. $ ItfT PHI... If'fJ IT with vatented OIL Creme bate ITS SALON-fAMOUf HUTUI TONIC with the vatented oil creme base Tilt the bottle. Compare. Youll see Nutri-Tonic's lavish richness In stantly . . . the richness that give . loveliness never beore possible, 1 Almost M is patented oil creme base. Waves safely in little as 10 min utes. Applies easier. Clings to hilt while processing. His much mora pleasant odor. Hair rarely needs setting between shampoos. Nutri-Tonic's richness makes the richest, loveliest of oil permanent'i patentee.. MtlhW f ptrmasMn kearief Ike Neirf rsl fradt.eiarfc Jtave fcaea given fa kaaary afeel, fiU t4 re . VYloudhcL ShofiA. and Shofti Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Time Is a'wnjitlnir ... It waits for NO woman . . . FEBRUARY FIRST will trip you up if you don't watch out. WE can't BELIEVE you ARENT Interested In what Is going on In the FASHION SALON at MILLER'S . . . ACTUALLY t h e PRICES are UN BELIEVABLE on DRESSES . . . COATS . . . KOR MALS . . . DINNER FROCKS . . SUITS . . . WEDDING OOWNS . . . bear ing - nation ally KNOWN famous labels . . . SLASH ED to the BONE . . . going, going, going before FEBRUARY 1. SCADS of BARGAINS all OVER the pfacc . , , upstairs and downstairs and over EVERY COUNTER ... at MILLER'S STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE. . NEVER . . . since we wore a middy and pigtails have we seen such PRICES . . . famous Fleldcrest SHEETS. IlilOg, regularly wrapped up for you at S4.39. NOW ONE DOLLAR LESS . . . finest CALLOWAY, big, thrlsty BATH TOWELS, 69 cents to S1.95 . . . terry HAND TOWELS, 49 cents to 98 fjenta . . . decorator COLORS you'll NEVER resist . . . SHAG RUOS . . . fluffy, sudsable. sizeable. 34x42 to 36x60, 13.95 to . . . TABLECLOTHS, lace, rayon, cotton, matching NAPKINS . . . ONE HALF PRICE i . . you'll go "squlrrlry" once you gel DOWNSTAIRS at MILLER'S and SEE the PRICES. Scoot UPSTAIRS to the CHILDREN'S DE PARTMENT and outfit your tadpoles for HALF what you usually shell out . . . crispy little taffeta frocks with terrific touches . . . Ray little coats ONE-THIRD off . . . SKI SUITS, twill and satin Jackets . . . sizes 7-1? ... for a TERRIFIC 19.88 . , . TODDLER COATS, 50 per cent OFF We've Junt SCRATCHED the SURFACE . . . YOU go dig DEEPER for BARGAINS In the BIG JANUARY SALE at 512 Main, MILLER'S If You Ask Me, Says F.ven tho Spring may not be "Just around the corner", think you'll be Interested In the preview of what the smart gal will be wearing In girdles come warm weather and the time your curves will be coming out nf mink and mouton . . , two types, the high top girdle that pulls your middle Into a teeny-weeny waist and he low-rut (extremely) low strapless bra, to support your bosom for that young (Elizabeth Taylor), lifted rounded lines will give you the "flgger" every woman longs for. Both are keyed to the leading feady-to-wear silhouette, which focuses on a small mld-rlff, smooth, rounded hlpa and high, rounded, buslllne . look for them In all price brackets. it We re Certainly Going BACK to a WONDERFUL place In our town, the M. K. GREGORY CLINIC where this week we fairly P-U-R-R-E-D under the capable hands of AGNES KESSEE, MASSEUSE while we were rubbed, rolled, patted and pressed until we felt like we could whip our weight In wild cats . . . "WolkliV Gulls" or LADIES of LEISURE . . . If you are tense, tired, tern permental, torn with the weight of the world ... If you need PEPPING tip , . . want to look like a Lana Turner or "build you up" where you ISN'T ... get In TOUCH, via PHONES 3603 or 5506 and get a HEAD to TOE treatment . . , niassnee, exercise, relaxation , . , try the "shimmy shaker" for cutting down hip inches , . , the self propelled DISK for wasplng your waist, at the M. K. GREGORY CLINIC. The CLINip building Is BRAND NEW . . . delightfully decorated . . . there Is room for minor surgery for women , . . consulatlon room, rest rooms . . . there'll be steam baths and massage for MEN noon , . , ask about RATES for I series 1ft PHYSIOTHERAPY . . . a swell way to feel like a fnlry Princess at 2115 Orchard, the M. K. GREGORY CLINIC ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, "you NEVER kno what you'll turn up at RICKYS" . . . and WE agree . . . THIS week out of a clear sky we TURNED up the "Jlvlest" bits of CONTEM . PORARY CERAMIC io J ma us way lo Luf OUR TOWN... V SQUARE DANCE PLATES . . . collectors Items SIGNED, mind VI t.w you, by the Incompar- AJnL yf. able darling of Holly wood SASCHA BRAS TOFF (you say it) . . . the amazing young man who has had an amaz ing career as SCULPTOR. DANCER, SET and COSTUME DESIGNER for the Hedy Lamarr'a of fllmdom and FINALLY as a CERAMIC ARTIST, THESE plates with soft tones of autumn colors and the whirling, swaying, rythmic grace uf dancing couples are EACH one DIFFERENT . . . we're safe in saying there are no OTHERS like them "hcre-abouta" . . . each Is an ORI GINAL work of art, entirely HAND-MADE-HAND-PAINTED . . . and no DUPLICATE will EVER be CREATED. Thev BLEND stunn ingly with ANY color . . . RICKYS dashingly displays them on earth brown LINEN with chartreuse napkins nnd sunny yellow accents ... a POEM in POTTERY. SASCHA BRASTOFF . . . Mr. BIG In the field of EXPENSIVE ceramics is a burstlng-with-talent lad mentioned at length by Ersklne Johnson In his syndicated column as the artist who put Greer Garson's and Gregory Peck's POODLES on plates ... he takes a swatch of silk from a Hollywood dining room ... a glimmering of an actor's sub-conscious, a whiff of the psychological air currents in a million dollar manse and turns out "chow-ware". . . . (Johnson's words . . . not ours. The PLATES plus a FEW other Items are HERE . . . you'll be SEEING VASES . . . BOWLS . . . CIGARETTE BOXES . . . ASH TRAYS . . . DINNERWARE . . . FIGURINES ... as perfectly done, as carefully signed as the custom work for many of the world's great . names. ' SOME dny we'll tell you about heavenly SMOKE TREE DINNERWARE signed with the now famous name SASCHA B. at "Your Registered Jeweler's, 700 Main. RICKYS ' - ' ' The fashion-right blouse that's Unlit, soft to the touch, wrinkle-resistant, that launders well and needs no Ironing, absorbs moisture readily and holds Its pleata under all conditions Is that blouse that fills the bill for the paycheck girl. New miracle fiber fabrics (orlon or part orlan) now being used tor blouses and lingerie ean be laundered at night and turn up come 7 a.m. ready for another day without benefit ef Iron ing. Look for these In basket weaves, shan tungs, erepes and taffetas. ft The Sun Shines Bright . the snow Isn't HALF so hard to wade through . . . smiles come easy and you say a friendly Who Cares How Long the Icicles hang . . . how hard the winds howl - or high the snow. ies against the window pane when with the flick of a telephone dial you can be wafted away to the land of "muff led purple thunder" where the MING TEAS grow . . . the land of zephyrs soft as the kiss of a geisha girl. where brilliant sun and drifting shadows mel low the leaves of the TREASURE TEAS OF THE WORLD, brought J to us by CARTER'S'. Brew a' cup of amber ambrosia (Sappho says 'tis a perfumed pungent ungent) . . . brew MING TEA in the early day to give you faith and courage . . , . brew at noon to help you onward toward the night and when dusk falls another cup will soothe and, calm your troubled nerves and keep you eager for the morqlng. Long before there was a CARTERS' "wise men" knew that TEA made famous by the name of MING brought peace to the soul. There's a ne shipment of MING TEA at CARTERS' . . . scads of those quaint little "Good Luck" tea pots . . . look for the name of your future love in the unfurled leaves ... ask for -Long Life and Happiness" and have your wish come true. "Suit Your Taste to a T" with MING TEA . . . just LOVE to roll those names from the lsnds across the water around the keys of a typewriter . . . MING CHA, choice of connois seurs the world around . . . MING YOUNG HYSON, picked In the early Spring . . . MING ASSAM, richly pungent and MING MATTA . . . MING CEYLON . . . FORMOSA OOLONG . . . MING KEEMUNG. the burgundy of TEAS and OUR love LAP SANG SOUCHONG. . ... the list is long . . . MING teas bring you heavy bodied brew . . . TEA light as the ripples on a sunflecked pond . . . flowered flavored TEAS '. . . TEAS from lands touched by deep blue waters ... Drift away to lands of enchantment the EASY way with a cuo of MING TEA . . . dial J-2511 "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer", 1420 Esplanade, you're HAPPY spot in our town "Hello" to all you meet when you KNOW there's a ... a JEWELER like IIARWIN'S where SER VICE Is the watchword , . Found out this week that you can take your TIME PIECE, your wristwatch or your pocket watch to IIARWIN'S for a CHECK UP for ACCURACY on an electronic timing machine . . , there's nary a cent charge" and you'll go on about, the business of liv ing all cheerful and GLAD Inside, with your dollars STILL In your pocket. IIARWIN'S also will CHECK the MOUNT INGS of your RINGS nnd will put a super polish on them without THINKING of asking for a red copper . . . it's Just ANOTHER thoughtful SERVICE offered by your favorite JEWELER .where the dollar stretches and stretches and you get 8 A H Green Stamp) and a warm WELCOME at 701 Main, CARTERS' '", ' ' .V' , ; Gramma's curling Iron Is coming once more Into its own. With hair styles (poodle cuts) getting shorter and shorter, women are going In circles keeping stray locks trim. Wise women are raiding the notion counters for curling Irons to roll up droooy bangs and those persls .tent little "scolding locks" at the nap of the neck . . . Just DON'T get your Iron too hot ... wield It wisely and look wickedly winsome . . . your Iron will be eleetrio of course since lamp chimneys are scarce as hen's teeth. Don't Be Squeamish- not even if you're "TICKLISH" about going to the SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. for a SINGER MOULDED DRESS FORM ... NO MORE need you go through all the contortions of an acrobat to fold a pleat W ..or turn a hem . . . nor stana Looking Under The Bed for THAT man Is as old. fashioned aa eurl" papers and a night cap . . . today's smart women go to Cl'RRIN'8 for EXPERT beauty help and KNOW the boys will come swarming . . . EXPERT help means assistance with ALL your beauty problems ... the "KNOW HOW" of proper ikin LUBRICATION ... the CORRECT use of COLOR to . bring out your best points . . WHO else can help you ex cept a BEAUTY CONSULT ANT? Starting January 28 CURRIN'S is-welcoming once more, RUTH WILCOX straight from HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S NEW YORK SALON .. . Miss Wilcox is known to many, of you who were helped by her last year, when' she spent a week at CURRIN'S. Now she Is coming back to demonstrate the new "WINGED STAY-LONG MAKEUP a new approach to making you the woman you ' want to be. WE'RE as much in the DARK aa YOU, but WE'RE certainly going to find out ALL she can SHOW us about the NEW techni que of staying YOUNG. . Make a consultation APPOINTMENT and when you drop in to have her look you over and offer suggestions about the care of your skin and the right make-up you'll receive- a SAMPLE of STAY-LONG LIPSTICK In just the right color to bring out the color in your 'eyes . . , the bloom on your cheeks. ,, Drop a card to CURRIN'S (remember a penny postal can no longer go for one cent) or telephone 2-3475 for an APPOINTMENT . time is limited and LAST year more gall a;2!!l LP than could be ACCOMMO DATED o DONT be left standing out on a facinating female you CAN" be simply by learning a few fundementals of proper skin T2d make-uP with HELENA RUBIN STEIN S cosmetics from Ninth and Main, CURRIN'S Sparkle, glamour, a sest for llvta . , , then are the outward signs of a lovely lady. Don't let the usual droopy, let-down associated with January upset your applecart ... use yor fragrant scent as religiously when snow block! your doorstep aa you do when yon sally forth In feminine fripperies for that afternoon of bridge. Don't keep , your perfume until soma other day . . . you need a special lift when skies are dull and the man In your life will enjoy your lovely fragrance . . , sony bit of cologne Into the air of living and bedrooms . . . put a few drops of scent on electric light bulbs . . . fill a small bowl with sachet powder and place In the hall of your heme for that extra greeting to your guests . , . give s festive atmosphere to dressing table and bureau drawers and the eloseta where you hang your frocks with a spray ef cologne . . lire la fragrance until the lilacs bloom. I HARWIN'S r or turn a hem . . . nor stana T7 f wearily while Tlllle the Toiler pins and pats . . . pulls md pads. NOW your EXACT twin can do the stand-In act for you '. . , she's YOU to the very last curve, the very last bulge and the ENTIRE process Is simple as falling out of bed . . , consumes not MORE than 45 MINUTES of a day. - Just wander in to singer , . slip OUT of your clothes right down to the skin and- INTO an under-garment provided by SINGER ... let the TRAINED attendant MOULD the WARM plastic base gently AROUND you . . . then there you ARE, except for the shine In your eyes, the curl in your hair. You'll see star-dust In HIS eyes . . . his pulses will beat a mad tattoo when you come tripping out In a wardrobe you have SEWN yourself and WHAT a pile of "long green" YOU'XL save . . . form complete with metal stand, S24.75 PLUS instruction on HOW TO pSE at NO extra cost . . at 633 Main, Singer Sewing Machine Co. First hats of Spring are welcome aa the first crocus ... the 1952 ehapeaus are de cidedly small and you'll be seeing very narrow brimmed Bailors to complement the new short hair cuts and the Gibson Girl sleeves you'll ba seeing . . . there'll be little pillboxes and toguea and tiny bretons peaked at either aide . . . thlf SPRING styles are going right back In silhou ette to the era of the "waspy" waist, high button shoes and bell skirts. Tiny sun dresses for the little laag t to I with their own petite boleros are showing up ... she'll wear these to Sunday School, then dash out to play In the same tissue gingham ... little folks will be wearing halter-typ frocks and linen dusters Just like Mother.