PAGE TWO KFLW M50 Kc PST Thursday Evening, Jan. 17 1:00 SparU Jllfhltfhu . ( , . 0:19 Horn. TeVvn Ntws ' i. M World Nrwa fiummsry 6:30 Suburban Srnatls 0-49 Headlln. Edition ABC 8:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 Mr. Pr.sldnt ABC 7:30 Bcdttmi- Storiti 8:00 Oris. : Amateur Hour ABC . 8:49 Foreign Jltporter ABC 9:00 Hollywood Bur Playhous ABC 9:.K Concert of Furop. ABC 10:00 10 PM Headline' 10:19 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club tfU KIAMATH 'ALUS, oaccoss AMERICAN CHINESE ; l Hssxi kaatl Ml. 49 For Ordtn To Tikt M 'E'en' B. Lee, Mgr. ' 7-Jfal Members - Nomination of Officers Friday -- January 1 8 Elections Will Be Held Friday -- January 25 r Does your oil heater - I GIVE TOO UTTU HSAT, j Dunn too raucn oh.?! V End your troubles today, I . V-PATCrmDAUTOMATIC V Oil or ' ''' II I III: -.MM -yf' :r TO tHfcfBCTtOMTf WrtOlltOOR PRO- s fJ - rr. ...... tutmlUMMMtmNTM 111 "seae" I'm I'SH EYIVXXI wit axnmi SEE YOUR NEAREST 11:00 News Summary' . 11:03 Sim Oft KFLW 1U Ke PST ' Friday, Jan. U , ' ' 6:00 Sign on K.WS , 6:09 Corn In the Morn- 6:49 Farm Fare 7:00 News Bkfst Edition 7:15 Charlle'i Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred & NW1 ABC 7:40 Top of the Morntnt 7:o Jonn Conte Sings ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chct Hunt!ey, Kewa ABC 10:19 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:99 Edward Arnold ABC . 11:00 Baity Crocker ABC 11:13 Stop at Shop 11:30 Again, t the Storm ABC 11:43 Musical Roundup 11:93 Market Report 12:00 Newt. Noon Edition ' 1S:13 Paylesa Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky U Ranch ABC .1:00 Paul Harvey ABC .". I 1:15 Better Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrldl ABC 2:00 Basin Briefa 2:15 Accent on Melody ' 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M D. ABC 2:43 Rom. Evelyn Wlntera ABC 3:00 When a Girl Marriaa ABC 3:13 Ted Malona ABC 3:30 Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge ABC 4K Mary Merlin AB .' 4:15 Requesliully Yours. .1:00 1 un r.-ctory ABC. 3:30 Chet HunUey ABC -i -. I . ": ; , 5:45 It's Movie Time Attention Dom a better eb f bati9 ' w mi ry-yVTt4yatftnyf M' . your Slgltr Oil or Gai Heater doein't deliver mora and hotter hoar evor tho floor than ANY comparable tlzo hoator rogardloti el make er prlco, you got your money back." j lAUlMrlli. .11 J NIJrJ DEALER, or write 7 8:00 Sportl Highlight! 6:13 Home Town Kewa M 8:23 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC M-31 anka Newt rtounrtup ABC 7 00 Glllettt Fights ABC 00 Richard Diamond ABC 8:30 This Is Your FBI ABC 9:00 Oral, and Harriet ABC 9:30 Cone, of Favorites loro 10 P M. He-tll- . 10:13 Dr. Glno's Musical. ABC , lo:.iu insomnia Cluu II 00 News 11:03 Sign Off KFJI 1158 Kc PSTv Thursday Evening. Jan. 17 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS . ,' 6:15 Klam. Theater Quia. 6:30 Around Town fc'ews 6:49 Sam RayeaNewa MBS . 6:33 BUI Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony Time . 7:13 Snorts 4Uum 1-M Bobby Benson MBS t 8:30 Adventure is Your 'Heritage 8.4.1 HcioelDeig Harmunaires 9:01 Glenn Hardy News MBS. 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 Rod & Gun Club MBS 9 33 3-Mlnute Final MBS 101 t Love A Mvrtery- MBS 10:13 Stars on Parade 10:30 Bandstand USA MES 11:00 Night Owls Edition 1:03 Niant owla Club 12:00 Sign Off , KFJI 1150 Kc. PST - Frldav, Jan. IS 6:00 Muslcai Reveille . n - -ar- e bulletin Board I 8:59 Local New- i 7:00 Hemingway News MES ! 7:15 Breakfast Gave MBS j 7:30 News i 7-43 Best uys ! 6:00 CecS Brown MBS : 1:13 ruMakfait Gang MBS ' 6:30 Bible Institute MBS IM Horemr'-er Harmonies t i 9:13 Platter Party . , ..- I 9:43 Favorite: ot Yesterday'., ! 10:00 News MBS , . , 10:13 Tello-Test .' v! f ' 10:31 t iPoln'es ' 10:43 Concert 10:50 Currins : 10:33 Ken Carson 11:00 LaUes istt MBS ; AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A ' ! PIANO r I Tm caa rent a Nrtlr bi plt Un from th Louis m, Mmn rian im ' ri N. "Ih. at low monthly 1 ratt. After a reasonable time jroa can, if yea with, chance from rent lo pur chase arreemtnu The rout alrcadr P . la all credited lo yoor tirchate account i anJ bo other down payment la nece : aarr. Tho nonthlr Bavmentt can he little hither than rent. Or. if yon pro 1 for. yon can contlano to rent.- thatrnny on eerthl ' Jsl. J.l J U Siegler, Centralia, III. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH It M News ll .Hi dueen for a Day MBS 13:00 Name Bands 12:19 Headline News 12:30 Danre Tunes 13:43 Marltet-Uveslork 13:53 News 1:00 Jack Klrkwood MBS 1:30 Tuna Test 1:33 Vewa 2:00 Newa MBS l':0 euvou 4 ewe MBS 3:15 Tea Time Tips u:43 Answer Man ..IBS 3:00 Rlray's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:13 Hemingway Newa MBS 4:30 Curt Massay Time MILS 4:'3 Sam llaye News MBS 5:00 Twilight Time 5:30 Wild Bill Hlckock MBS 5:33 News MBS oo Usbi'el Heatter MBS 6:13 Ouls Show 630 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hayes News MBS :.Vt BUI Henrv MBS , 7 00 Advtn. ot Ms lua MBS . 7:j Cisco Kid 8:00 Bsktbl. KUHS-Cranta Pass 9:00 Glenn Hardy. Nan's MBS 913 n.vihl. Ktms-Granta 1'asa 9:43 Fulton Lewis Jr. 9:33 3-.MIn. lnal lrv t lve . M"tr-y MBS lA-lft IT S Mvv Rnrf . 10:30 Proudly We Hail ll:(M Night uwls Laition ll:os Night owls Club , 12:00 Sign Oft JACOBY on Canasta "Please settle a play problem for us," requests: a Toledo corres pondent. . , - " "It was near, the end of the hand, since the stock pile was down to about ten cards and our oppc -its were drawing (or Uielr out a. We had six kings and six sns on 'the table, and my pnrUwr had a deuce to add to one of. these melas. "The six kings were all natural cards, but the meld pi queens con sisted of four natural queens and two wild cards.' Where should my partner add his deuce?" The deuce should Be added to the meld of kings. This gives up the natural canasta, but greatly increases the chance of melding both canastas. No matter which wav vou meld tne deuce, your cnance to draw another wild card remains un changed. The only difference In your chance to meld both canastas . lies in the greater ease of drawing I a queen rather than a king. I There are only two kings out 'against you, but there are four Queens. Hence you have twice as gool a chance to draw a queen u i to draw a king. If you add the deuce to the queens,, you have two chances, (the two missing kings), to score an additional 500 points for the natural canasta. If you add the deuce to -the kings, you have four chances, (the our queens), to score an addition al 300 points for the mixed canaMn. in the long run. lor every low points you might score in natural canafta.v you will score 1200 poults in mixed canastas. This is not the only argument In favor of adding the deuce to the kings. Your opoonents probably now some oi tne missing Kings and queen. Since they are trying to meld out. those kings and queens are embarrassing cards. The opponents will be more re lieved if you complete the canasta of queens than if you add the deuce to the kings. Once you complete a canasta, the opponents will be able to throw cards of that denomination without losing too m"h bv It, Such a dis card, sunder the official laws), will give away1 the discard pile, but that Is seldom Important In the late stages and in this sort of position. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR. RENT $6 per month W DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 33 Moin GREAT REFRIGERATOR NEWS! The 1952 cSwt Cuit.m Model $389.95 Model DAC-9 hat automatic defrosting that really works Jn 2 to 10 minutes your refrigera tor it completely defrosted Automatically! With the new Shelvtvdor, same size cabinet gives you up to 23 more apace) easy to use, easy to reach new space, more space, all at the con venience level. There's no stooping clear to the floor! And all the space is refrigerated. f) Up to seventy pounds of frozen foods in the big double-freezer compartment "ButterSafe" with , its own temperature control and many more wonderful features! see it now! p - sissrhisr.T.S.Ii..l.rsl.. Better Products for Happier Living a? If P Uii FALLS, OREGON MALIN COACH Jim Conroy (left) and Ruth Kuallna (right) eye a trophy while Wayno Rick (centar) has eyes only for Ruth. Rick is holding the E. 0. (Clover) Adams sportsman ship trophy which he won this year. Groucho Says ; Won't Team By KRSKINE JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD (NEA) Hollj--wood on TV: Groucho Marx tells me that offers have been pouring in, but lie won't be teaming up with' madcap brothers Hnrpo and Chlco for a TV comedy series de signed to revive Die sany Marx antics. The mad-cyed. sharp tonnued Oroucho will roll along with "You Bet Your Life" and an occasional movie role because vthls gives me all the work Hint I want to do." and that's enough." Oroucho says. "You can only gel increaslntfly stale. We realtted that and struck out xor ourselves, mayoe a snouia say v struck out. Charges of hacking contestants to little pieces on his NBC-TV quia show sends the Marx eye brows higher than they went when a shapely blonde passed In his days as a stage wolf. Protested Oroucho: "I don't insult Deonle. I get oft a few truths. Hardly anybody in radio or TV speaks the truth. Fred Allen Is one of tho tew who does." No wonder Hollywood's gulping. More people see Dean Martin and I Jerry Lewis for free on their TV shows than people who pay to see their movies. Their average TV audience Is 28.960.000 people. The average mo vie plays to around 30.000.000. The same goes for the Lucille Ball- Desl Arnai show, "I Love Lucy. Lucille states: "More people see my .TV show every week than saw me In a movie in two years. Whals more. I can play a different role every week and I have control over the roles I play." Movies - on - TV - are - big -business dept: The Du.Mont net work wrote a $1,800,000 check for the lease of 28 old movies for three showings each In 20 cities. . . . First in a series of TV films based on Mary Roberts Rlneharfs famous "Tlsh" stories goes before the cameras in Hollywood this spring. Zasu Pitts will star . , . Barring total war a TV set manu facturer predicts 95 per cent of U. 8. homes should have TV with in 10 years. Movie stars Gale Robbins leaping in "Pan Into TV: American CROSLEY exclusive WORKSAVER design gives you all at the "CONVENIENCE LEVEL" BIO, NEW, 7-CU.-FT. MODELS AS LITTLE At 209" MODEL DAC-9 9'x cu, ft. Automatic Deficit m I I 1 saf 1 k A iuui Main , Ph. 2-25 18 Famous Trio for TV Series Show Time." vldoo musical comf' dies . . , Ueorge Brent and Nigel diucc in me names stories. , Dun Ouryea In "The Affairs of China Smith:" He plays a private eye on nun . . . Aielvyn Uouglon hits the air Feb. 1 in another filmed series, "Hollywood Affair." The show Is being sold on a city-by-clty basis . . , Allan Jones and his actress wife, Irene Hervey, In a Mr. and .Mrs, show to i pro duced by veteran movie maker Harry Juo Brown . , . Gene Autry and his radio sponsor are plotting i a live TV version of his Melody tint TV 1 Ranch." He's already on channels In a western film scries. Meet Dick Jones, the only ex movie moppet to go slrtaklnj across the plains I He's the television sagebrush star of "The Range Rlder'r series these days, but as Dickie Jonrs he wept over by misty-eyed mo vie queens, played Cary Oram. Frederick March and Ty Power as children, and "didn't" grow up lo look like any of 'em." Teleforum: Fred Allen: "There's ht .fr---.. . i . . . . In radio Jou VrueVrw pcopie can imagine, ror television you wrtto only what somebody cn build." - . Maureen O liars, admitting she's a TV holdout: "People won't pay to see me at theaters when tney can see mo freo at home. I'm sticking with Hollywood until I can not get a movie Job. Then I'll do TV." It's being kept quiet, but TV Is the big reason for the recent mer ger ot Universal-International stu dio with Decca Records. To avoid squawks from theater owners. Dec ca s 55 distributing centers will handle TV films producol at the studio. The video giant: There are now I5.0OO.00O TV sets one for every three families In the U. 8. New York tops the nation with 2.630.000 sets. Los Angeles is second with 1.045.000 and Chicago third with 1.020.000. Cold In those vaults: Veteran movie producer Hal Roach esti mates the TV rights for old films will yield I2S.000.000 for tarh ma Jor studio unloading Its film li brary. Donald O'Connor, after working on TV with Harpo Marx: "It was Just like working with Francis, the mule. Except Francis talks." Quickie TV film producer an svarrlng the telephone: "Hold the line a minute while 1 finish this picture." McCarthy Row Gaining Heat WASHINGTON Lfi Sen. Benton (D.-Conn.) Thursday fought against reorgnnlzation of the Senate sub committee investigating his move to have Sen. McCarthy (R.-Wls.) ousted from the Senate. Benton charged the reportedly Imminent shnkeup "would surely be regarded by tens of millions of Americans as an effort to 'stack the Jury' for political purposes" and "would be construct as a 'whltewnsh.' '' Sen. Margaret Chase Smith (R Me.) confirmed that she la slated lo leave the rules subcommittee conducting the Inquiry, but told a reporter It was at her reqest. Sen. Hcndrickson (R.-N.J.) said he had heard he also was booked to be moved off the subcommittee and would not resist. Sens. Welker (R.-Idaho) and Olrksen (A.-Ill.) new Rules Com mittee members, are reported slat ed to succeed Mrs, Smith and Hcn drickson on tho subcommittee. McCarthy has protested that Mrs. Smith and Hcndrickson should not participate In the study of Benton's charges against him. He contend ed they would bo prejudiced be cause both concurred In an earlier report to the Senate . denouncing McCarthy's tactics In the 1A50 Maryland Sonatorlal election cam paign. Truman Defends Government Workers WASHINGTON (T) President Truman says it Is unfair to criti cize all loleral employes because "of the actions of a few." , "The overwhelming majority of our federal workers are dovoted, hard-working; honest, loyal serv ants of the people,' the President said. "They deserve our fullest rec ognition and suppornt." Mr. Truman'B statement was Is sued Wednesday on tho 6Ath an niversary of competitive civil service. "Hot" Sweater Probe Opens WASHINGTON l.fl Tho govern-' mniit Is going to try to ptinlNli nrto pie who liuvo been peddling "lliuli lire" nwcntiu's, Clinli'iniiu Jnnu's M. Mrmd ot llvr Fndi'iul Triulo Commission said Wcitiirwlnv ngmits Imvo boon timil lo Now York, lluUliitot'O, IMilludol- Moore Park Ski Tow On Docket Negotiations are underway lo linvo u ski tow Installed lit the Moore Park ski area, Hi'creutlon Director Bob Bunury hns an nounced. The low miiv bo secured from Ed Clmhb. onrrutor of the low concushlou nt Cruter l.uko Nation al Park which wus forced lo clone because of deep snows mid lack of skirl's in Hint arrn. Boiiucv mild If negotiations are sucrrsslully completed tho tow wuuld bo uviilhible In Inciil. skiers at u nominal Ice per person. MIJliM BEX Yw'ri Just the em nJS Pi,.iuioiht rahyi iO ADVNTUR nintheSoiithSa Jungl"! J"1 um isisissi mniir.nM.s'a vrt ssjrl s inM aunt nut Lr avians. sa-as-isi.i SHORTS Hurry Oon'f Uitt Unc(iuallctl umwm VvTT5vQl KTOtII II srskO i rsss SsUau.iaa aurru ft l-rr-art m0UW 1" mrnm UA:"r '- HVt:' M " """ """" ' SSM sm SMnM sr UMCf SltsIM StJtm, I lb (alia W fk Continuous Shows Daily 'SSOf' l lit lllf l omc8 Qpen, Wetk pays 1:4S ; ' -sZfTfZ LOVES -wiit ANTHONlf QUINN Jodv lawrance v,rnunHoist, I j iMiiiM fiiMif liHim-8cminiiiSHn ttwr.w. miis(fimiiAui THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. II).-, phla, Providence, It. I., Chlciiuo, Kansas City and Los Angrlrs la check on report ot "torch mvcnJf" ors" bnlnu said. 1 Mend salit the ngnnts will r. amine susprctnd gai'iiioiils to i-n If any federal laws huvo been vio lated. Investigation art fnr, Muiul said, indicates immt of Ihn sivoiiIkis huva been sold by peddlers, nut rcnul sloies. 474.084 288.025 518 . 129 W- 140 76 . m ' If So Vou Ar A Winner 01 2 Pe To See , , , All You Have To Do la Identify Yourself At The Ksqulre Bos Office And Receive Your 2 Passe ITODAY.? ? Ol mm i. v M STVB M LICKNSti jf NUMIIICR I ( I LISTED J HERB s. U y ilffllll EXTRA - CArtTOOM NErtS Thlt One - It End$ Tonight I As A Story Of Youth! r innuunl puitnn rNiiim smmr s,j CLIFT-TAYLOR WINTERS T w, GEORGE STEVE INS M ! APIACEINT1IES11N