Thursday, January n. 1 nr.2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK SKVKNTKKN MAj. 1ST Ml OR SAM jo SS AUTOMOTIVI 46 FINANCIAL LOANS AUTOMOTIVE , $500 DOWN Aone bedroom homo IoiiiIp.I km I nun comer lt. Tuliil pike nl f 'ii(W liu'lutlm anm luinlliiie. ilul ,,'me uu may lerma, Walking Distance Vr loouted homo I'loao lo ru lioolv liuirclien mul buidiirra dlMilct. All 30.... .f t ISTATI FOR SAL! 3 BEDROOMS ! MILLS ADDITION Vnvr iillinrlivr. w,. mm 'lull" unit nnd oir,,-r i-ji, 0ihv W.m. will cm 17 ny kind ul l"ini. 4 BEDROOMS ! At 'tl.'A Hour lllrrrl Almtwl lis lllllll triiina. rurat irni milium-, mma, r I ;, Larue irrd'il ll roomn herd rrd-rnriit. Inularnpro i,i. i,,lv h ire I. Idinl lni( lor which niiowanin nun ;rii in ui. inn Imuily. ;) r ti .i-liir mono in ins p.... '--.inn iH-.MHi. ami 119 to ..,,,, n nut, nt hi, Hoe I'rcd Coirr Dob Stephens llSvnilimn -w:i0i DUPLEX Barnhiscl Agency. Bill IMloiiir -I Hj: $$MONEY$$ ON THE FlltST CALL I Up to ir.00 on your uto On voui lulary or furniture up to i:joo Toy Day" loam ipeclalty - 110. US, IIiO loaned till "pay day' or longer 70 coala but IB cent! tor on week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. Ill ". FAIRVIEW DISTRICT (-..menlmlly Imiilod-nrnr wlmol. bus and aloreu. liimic Willi 111 bediooma mid llniMird utile room. Coin'Jlnntlon rtlninii mid liv lull room, tlrrplai-e, bulll-lna. Itwmiy biili. kitchen Willi brrnklii-t wok. laundry room. I'lnhhc:! hull b.niv inriit, l'Utl lurnarc, double tui nitf. Can be bought by (II ,11 11000 down mdiidln-t nil do-.liiu .narsea. 1'rlca iKW. Wlllilu tvr.y wulklUK dli.luncc ol Clly ri-iiin. Autuiiititli: licit. One iipiul iiir-nt (oinplciz-iy Inrnlnlied, lii-il l.ivi-.tnit-iil ul the price (,I WM). CLOSE IN $2250 One bedroom collate near Concrr tichool. Living; room, kitchen, en cloned back porch, Hull ahowcr. 30 jallon electric hot wnter lank, ml 4leater Included. Good location lur lenta) or woiklnii couple. Anna Maaon Eddla lloaley Dilve by 203 Mortimer mid nee thlr, Wi ll 1 mi' U 111 le i modern 2 bedroom home Con-n-ii! loiiiidution, pnvol stint nnd aidi-wiilkr.. Total price tfl'ill. T-riii-i irniii'ed. ni'KN kvi:nini:i 11Y AI'I'OINTMKNT lire lion Monti I'lione MM Kvea. I Homer Hi Hen 2 24110 Kvea. I l ied Krott Kvea. jCHILCOTE & SMITH i FtCtlltOM I lilllPP 1009 III N. Oih Hi. I'lione 4.".CI or 5i2D IIS No lOlh lit. M-3M 43 HON Mi INTYllrivllfr. Veari Friendly service. Phone 2-2537 INCOME i:i r ml iilft tilus finarlmcnt for Kr.i. 0714 , nwnrr. All have own Krnnc. All 2 01H8 Klrrn mul u wrr iiii-x.iMiirnU paid. I I'ullv MitKlrrn nnd on irootl foundn- BOGUE DALE, Realtor l, Bhow 42 ..tlVCSTOCK I POULTRY r'UUL KY ."WAN I tD Canh paid for tny ainuunt. lop murkcl i.rlcca fi r good quality, for ouotatlona PHONK 31107 Kf.AMATH Pf)UI,THYTARMS WAN I KD . IMia PMM JM iliUllrh'l pnr.t PBIO ,Vor iMiulirvr nd llveloek. Ultl V MKAI 11AI1KKI I.KK.-'l.w Junell"ii IMion. 4r-?i .tm irii.iAu Phnnt 9721 M 14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WAN 1 V.i) 'i 0 ilkliT. 'I Wo WliiieelH-iV- riirini iiiifu-nlh.-l hi'U'e. I'lione 2-2U1Q. WAN'I'KIJ, cuhlviitor " fur llllv.r imv eroii. Wrlla J. A. Cunc, 111. 3 Boa an K. V.'ll."l. I'AV CAHII In iliaiire for Irrl" fattil p-.liire lur 50 head cattle. Phone .ir.llu ,n:r. NKWCOMfclt lu klamitti. ieprenta live nf Natlmi.l cunrern, deiirea Iwn ..r llir. ' "Ir-'iui i,-i'-tr","s-jd houe li.r renl. Will lene. Oil tlOl. L" 'NKK'rt CAIIH' Oel-lop prir. now' Une Mnlor Co lllh fid Vtum FINANCIAL LOANS SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE REAL VALUES IN COMMERCIALS 1395 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes ', M. ,J. BafntiS Ph. 7059 Ph. 7991 1950 FORD "6" Vz TON PICKUP 4-Spced transmission 1949 FORD "6" Vz TON PICKUP 4-Specd transmission 1947 FORD Vz Ton Stake Pickup 4-Speeti transmission .: 1295 795 fhotie i 46 13 8. tilt rhonc 72WI ; SUBURBAN Modern two bedroom plastered home. Tlila homo haa an excellent floor plan. Healed with clertrlrliy. Tha araa haa room tor workuhop. Large, lot, with Idea lawn In front and rear of hoium all lemcd. 1 block beyond city limitn. ' MILLS ADDITION If you want to llva In Milla Addi tion, don l rniaa tnia one. in uc. room home on paved alrect. At-, tractive fireplace, In llvlnit room Thl homo alr.o haa living room. ! dining room. klU-hen. bath and hall for better acru. to real ol . houae. Lota o( cloMla and bullt-im. Lot la ill fenced. ! Largo home, i blocks from Ilul-' lieaa dlalrlcl. Could bo made into duplex ro.Mly. Could be bnuiihl lor Af) down, llalnnre like rout. V.'e have a dandy lltt'e buj'nevt l!r-t la really a mcney-maker. lv.a c-n br bought for lOdJO, plus in ventory. Tha ohly btiaineu of Its kind In Klamath Falla. Ul o tee in for IIOIEI.S-UAH3-CLUIW and HKSTAUKANT8. Art Predrlckaon .' Phone C725 John llobson I'nune M(H Liale Ur.ubb Thonc TjU AL LONGE Ileal Estate Ul 80. Iih Phone OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AGAIN Here la one of tlieae rare bargain-. Jou tome tlmea hear about but sel dom aee. Almost nrw. cinder brlrk conatructlon, two bedroom home. Jliriilhed to NUi degree with new furniture, wall to wall carpeting, automatic wanher and all. Von musi !? ihl 'Xccpllonal buy, don't mlas It. Terma can be arrnnged. Just all 7021 for appointment. Claire Ellis 2-26M Jy P. Orlggs 42il W. W.' Thompson at Mnlln J. W. SANDERS TWO BEDROOM Home with two cur garage. Almost 11cm lundaciipcd yard for only 811100. 100 ACRE FARM Kor only 1:10.000. All levelled nnl fenced. This, shown by appoint ment. THREE BEDROOMS 'I bavment. Ill Hot Springs. Beau tiful location and very quiet. Very nod fireplace and piped furnace hcut, for ;c.--a than $15,000. FRED E. FLEET - Realtor DENNIE COATES, Saleslady o Main Olflce Ph. 2 3335 Eves. 2130J MIW I1I).M1.h" lor Hit'. Wlillllll b 1'iA.ell. I'hi.n. fliili , i.,uri.v.tiAi. ni-i t. VrnVioVO MS&. I'liiirr 1.V1I C, 11 Green, lull ' KAI.fc" t'r "iraila mr runup m ,rL 1:. l. euuuy in iwo li. i.kiiii Hon.. 111 Souln ul)ur. I'nont UHI , . 32 BUILDING & REMODELING HahuV; ofiii VHii'itM: Om. Xincri. i'AN Mm. W.lnul. nircue. Maple. l.e. uur llln ll. r.orma MnliuaoliJ . Kno.ll' iiti. in I'.oefc 01 nmln Hnllulnl Mi- Itiial. 7.J I'll. SlKlli:i IMji.nJ-Jt-U3. Ji'ST'liefeiVfai: "c'XIl 0 KocKwtwl liatu line:.! nt Iniulnuon; Iniull ycur-u-ll lur lowest co:U. Union UU'Ullnl Maleilali. 47M Bo. So.lh. I'lione a 3.M.J IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow ' Pay Onl $100 '" $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP i'O $3U0 ON rURNI'I'lJlO OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CAR3 THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Can "nance at Dank raw M'JNtY LN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. to yeara "acrving K'amatn Ba-11 See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. 114 N 1U 8U Phone !"! 8.J4I M-n- COMMERCIAL Furnishes Cash! ft KN M til it V it C u u m r ie iTier . Cuntpairt Sa1- and Hcrvtcc. V2W Lib'iKit lo KTJl at lu a. m. mums j morning fur what wilt be told at th namorfj ana Lumping nucnun in mrr- rill Friday afternoon. t.l, V.CAUK iocK itttl pu(Ji 10? touii oat or Dariey ttraw. inyn iorci- in .11 One formal lt. tJili :it:i7. l-Oll HAL, MUX. IS top Mattirnom axKravaUon lorever with tha "Alert KluH Uu'de" Oct youn at Tha Jtaaln Dutldlng Material. 47A4 HoBUIh 8t.. Ihore 2-23CT ti-INCH coiurctt tJlvoft, pipe, W teiiu per foot, PT.YTOH te CO LlHiN 'j"oKr Jl at JO a", in . inuij inorn ng for what v,11 be mitt at tne Sanford and Company Auction in Mer rill Kric'av a ternoon. ytit(HALk V cult, electric relngeta'lor" perfect condition. I'hone after 4 1950 FORD "6" PANEL DELIVERY $10 Radio, heater 1949 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIVERY $1095 Heater, 3-specd heavy duty Syncro Mesh 1946 FORD V-8 Wz Ton Stake-Bed $ AO5 4 new tires BALSIGER USED CAR LOT JANUARY CLEARANCE 1941 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN , Heater, sun visor. Jet black 1911 CHEVROLET SPEC. DLX. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater; 1947 FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mileage special. Like new 1917 OLDS 70' DLX. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. A tutona green beauty 1n Immaculate condition. 1943 HUDSON COMMODORE 'C SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. Very nice condition Solid green color, white sidt-vall tires. 1943 HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN , Radio, heater, ssat covers. Kew blue paint Job 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. Tutone paint. - - Ai.l" AI.J A hay fur ale. 2nd cutting. In nhed. Etl Born., Phone WXl. AOttUlA'iK lootv rock wool ana rod; wool balti. Kkuy to tnUll, Imulatc now. Save fuel. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1040 So. Cth Phon- 4310 BAKkl, approx. 23 In. by 23 lit . 32 in. hih. 175 P O BoxB2fl MaiinOre KOR" SALE fh-eptace and furhare wood. Irtigtti 10 Inches to 48 Inchat. Phone imx a "'OET YOUK SNOW CAPS NOW'. We buy U'.ed tlrei O K. Rubber Weld r 23111 So fllh Phone 4315 ADDING MACHINES, calculator., type writer!, cath reglilcrn. doik. chain (Ilea for tale or rent PlONtfcB OFFICE SUPPLY tyi M a I n Phone U 12 CHtJHlflrD rock and driveway cindcra. Phone 2-11C7. LLl-.CTItOLUX CLEANER and poll.hei .d kuppllea Phone 7l(J7 Tarkei Tweet. ij fc1arket WE AnE"pcpred to buy, for tmrrte diatc. canh, one piece or your entire houkehotd of furniture'. If you ha a ajmelhlng to ll call ut. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AL'C T!ON MART Ptone 5005-B219. ' FOR SALE rangti. 710 Main St. Greer Apt. Call at Manager's apartment. 2151 South 6th Phone 4354 SOME FOLKS RIDE SOME FOLKS RIDE roH SALE. 40 Ion. B.ed alfalfa nay. Uu about 40J ton potato alfalfa en. Hale V. L. Clinic. Home 2, Box 220. Tn'a'a'ke. Phone 7-OMO. C.8H LOANS 50 to $300 Auto - Furniture Llveatock Salary 34 FUEL HEATING REALTOR 1213 Main 61. Phone 7521 NORTHSIDE ' QUICK POSSESSION. On Mils nral and attractive four room home lo catf.1 only five b!o:-ki to Main Street. Ntw roof, continuous foun dation, automnllc hent, Includes refrigerator and range. On pave fment and aldcwalks. $5250. Terms. ' Natural Hot Water . Heat Large well conalructrd home. Close In location. Overlr.c living nnd din l"l room, wnll to wall carpeting, fireplace, two lnrge bedrooms nnd bnth. den, beiuitlful kitchen nnd Utility room, full basement, mirage, two extra lots Included. $18,000 with $0000 down, 8 per cent Interest. CASH BUYER For attractive, two bedroom home, close In locntlon, on level mnuril. Homo must bo woll constructed nnd hi A-l condition throughout. Elec trio hent preferred. Will pny tip to $1(1,000, For lnformnUoii call. MARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) ' JOE LEONARD '(Eves. 2 0327) ALSCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 517 Main '' Phone 321 WAflTEi) TO hUY. tVUllio liniParni Ina land. Nut lot. than a KllKI arrr.. Ury or Not ovrr 1110 mll rom Kfamath rail.. Will pay I'hnnt on.'l2 nr 801,1. KcilTXEAil.:. at aii vnnH .Dlltl land. f.'o jr aora. Not. ad llu.000 lait year. V- B. Orl-p. Unlry, Oreno.i. humhA ron bai.k tVEIIETT DKNNIB, HEAI.IOR Don Klrkpalrlrk. Salesman ll N Bl . ... Phone a91 5l-ACRt.S Miuly loam In ButtiTVaHey. 'Vfl gallon well and pump. 0 acren al. tilt: teooa raah. Sea Laland A, Crlu, Macdoal, California. ' BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PtYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5140 V Standard HEATING OILS Stove Eurnacc Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System MLTKIt PRINTED TICKETS Your (Jur.nmlcc Of llcuilni; tiiitlsfuction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" -Since 1010 821 Sprlntr XI, Phone 4153 WARM rnmfort ffr your lav'orVte pel. Hndlnnt nun panel at PEYTON A CO. I)MY pine blocks (nr rale. Open eve- iiinm fncl vrrftpnd, MMlom Brim. I'lNK tr ilr wood, any length. Phone 7III.V I'l.Kiui.OtiS pickup or delivered. Ciiff Yatlrna Signal Scrvlr. 2300 So fllh Phone .icni nr 2 9200 SAM CM KEN STAMPS given on heal ing mU Phone 30M or 3-Ui(H for orompi tlel'very CLIFF YADKN'S SIGNAL HBRVICK 2.1(lSo lh STANDARD HEATING Oil Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, rhjrcoal Peyton and Co. BUS Market. 1'nnne 3149. ?8 COATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FlNERKG. ISoxcm and Welmoranern. SUA tip. Sal Ilnrony Kennels. Heg. ivn. Mi.oulp. Mont. pups. Litter registered. Call KOH SALE. 2 frmnle D.ichshund pup One rrd. one hlick and tan. Wormed nnd dhlcmpor ttlmt. Cot I after ft pip 24:jS Flwrleiiv Phnnc Oin. A Hit i ; SDN Unarding Kennels Phone HH7 SfUlH Orlnwn-e nil HomedHle ii() A R 6 1 N G KEN N ELS Dog boarding hy dnv. week or month Siinitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean individual o'ttdonr runs for each do; Dogs nandled durtrg mating Will pick up and deliver Visitor! Welcome Phon 307H Merrill Ru Rt 2. Oox ft04 R1IAS1 A CASfADE KENNELS cl.KAN mrono'inicnl trmiblo frco heat oil atovcH. PEYTON A CO LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 KOU .SALE Clllii'frr Wew Jlninpli.rc ttrH frvrm nnd ronstcm. Wholesale prlrffl. Will droHH nnd locker wrap on order. Muni hnve 3 days notice. Phone :i41 nfler a p. I'lHivNriPlikXi at lo a m.. rridny morning for what will lc sold at the tiunlloru anu uoiupnny uciioii in pier rill, Krtt'nv nilrrnoon. I now booKlng order- tor spring t'c'lvcrv of Whltcfnce, Angus, and dairy cnlvcs. L. M. Hooker, Ht. 1 Box 7H3. Crescent City. Call . KOR HALK four ftcgistered HoTstSn bu 1 In. Phonff 2 -H21 1. nun rnYKHS Pan.rendy In plnstlc bngfi. Turn lfl mile on flrnt road south of Merrill' Lakoview Junction. Will deliver. LLOYD GHIFF1S Phone 3-113S Rt. . 3 Box 1117 23 IIKAU Springer llolitcln lleitois for nnio. i nil tu;m or .i ii. r'itVKHK. jian-rendy. Phono 2-1139. i no NEW liampihirt puiltti7LyTnf: Phone 4202. tbO to t&00 Auiomohllcs (paid (or or not) Private 8ole of Autos Financed Make your deals C.SH dcaUl Commercial Finance Corporation Cob O'Connor, Mgr. - Lie S-'JM - N-'iza 107 No 0th Phnn 7711 SPECIAL Good quality dr tir shlplap and 24 s. cer thuutand. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1940 So. Mh Phone 4BW ClU'Sllt-D HOCK, Phone 5541 etc. . dr$vt'A-ay cincers. C:iXWi-OltU overhead fir garage door, with fittings. Call 4:3 or B147, WALL BOA H U. Complete stock ol sheet roc):. Masanite Plywood, ten lock. Insul ating board "d celling ttle. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER loin So. flth Phone 4816 OIL storage (Ttt Market. tanks- Peyton and Co DONKEYS ELEPHANTS Around These Parts They Ride In Huff's . BLUE-RIBBON GUARANTEED USED CARS! r 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Eia; 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive. COII C Our new low price CpOlU 1950 BUiCK SPECIAL SEDAN Tlila popular model equipped with Dynaflow. radio, heater, at a price anyone can afford and in 6uch sparkling condition (f-i qqc you'll be proud to own It Cp I OO 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Have two of these beauties to choose from. Identical in equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. tl OOC Never before priced so low ....CplzD 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has auto matic transmission, radio, heater and (tOlOC nearly new tires. Now .only.- . J)i I 199 PACKARD V8v SEDAN .' ;'" ' inis late A9 model is blearier-arid nicer than most 50's. tl "70 C See It at this new price- a'rttf youll ant'to own it vD I 00 PACKARD WILLYS ' LEE HUFF MOTORS 1948 CHEV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, seat covers. Maroon color. - 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater and overdrive. 12.000 actual miles 1S49 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, heater and fluid drive Sea blue. One owner and clean. 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8' SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatlc drive, scat covers and snow tires. Very nice. 1 ? 425 5 345 5 995 ?1195 $1435 1365 ?1465 $1145 ?1595 ?1595 ?1795 951 SPECIAL HUDSON COMMODORE '8' SEDAN Radio, heater, Hyramatic drive, undercoat, ana many other extras. House car. OAO Only 8,000 miles. A $3,500 car for ZUUVJ COMMERCIAL, SPECIAL 1946 DODGE PANEL ' One owner. Very good 495 Yes . . . We Trade! Ths Best Terms! KIH bodv wood. Phone 9058. ADAM Sehnf bungalow type uprigni pmno Flemish oak finish. Good con dltlrn Eay terms, SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 34ft E Main FOLKS who ll!-.e food with the home maCe lute. -like to shop at Ji.hnny s Big Y Bakery. Merrill - Lake view June tlon, . LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrub and trees. We trim, spray and remove targe trees. LAKESHOnE GARDEN'S NURSERY Phone 42M 7th and Oak Phone 7256 ASHLEY'S OK USED CARS 35 AUTOMOTIVE 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Income Property Store and Apartment bulldln? on East Main. $57,000. Present Income- ft50 per month. Could improved to $300 prr month. HOWARD L DAVIS Real Estnto Phone 6970 fTt.NKSS fni-rcit immediate micrificc Mam Street Cafe. Phono 2-0108 for ap- pointment. SMALL rcaUiuranl doing good business. Selling on account of sickness. Phone 2-OJia. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE JANUARY ' CLEARANCE MEN'S Tailor-Made SUITS EXTRA PANTS Only $3.95 The mnmifnclurer cuts the Price below erst We In turn sacrifice our prolill SAVINGS UP TO $23 You pay tho regular prlco for your mitt then you get nn EXTRA PAIR OP PANTS for only $3.95 '' OVER 150 FABRICS TO ClIOOSE FROM Corns Into Wnrds Mens Department seo these tremendous values be. lug offered now. You'll receive your suit within 3 or 4 weeks after order Is placed. Montgomery Ward Dili & Pine Phono 3168 IU PLYMOUTH Spccl.l Ulue 4-Or. low mllcate, all tht extra.. This u. a leal value DIMBAT USED CARS So Bth at Plum Phone SIM tausv SEuL equity In Cnevorlet Aero-sedan. Al condition. See at Rice, lllrhrie'd Station, eth and Klamath. Wlltllt CAN YOJ BUY a IM duiCA Super 4.Dr. with radio, heater and Dvn.flow for only ttess? DIMBAT USED CARS, of courwl So, S'.h at Plum. Phone SKIP. run SALU or trade for flat bed trucK, l4t Chev. dump truck with 194a Motor. Flirt cla rondlllon Phone 0377. ONLY S70J DOWN nn tm.- beauiltul Chrv-fler Windsor Club Coupe. Only Slli.oco mlle Sre 11 at DIMRAT USED CARS So.. nth at Plum Phone 9ina ilMO PONTIAC "a" 4.duor dan. ;l.uuo actual mlle-n. A re.l top quality car In mint condition. $303. till Brook. 8124 or evening. 4070. EVCEPTIONAL BUY. door .edan. uunmet.l 1S30 Pontlac 4- aray color. term, and trade, S1880. Call Wlllard D.-xvl. 6221. cvenlnaT 3-0706. DIMBAT USED CAHS . . . So. 6111 at Plum ... ha. a ISM Deluxe Ply mouth 4-Dr In new condition for the moit err at the least money. Coma In and foo It. Phone DIM. , CUSTOM "CAD . CHKVKOLK'I.' 1D3U convertible with every possible extra. "Cad" rear fender, and hub caps, dual pipe, and carburetor.. Custom (rllle. Cost new over &12O0. For a real av Inas and a true sport car. Call Don nrldTe. ai24 evenings, a-ua.u. 10-10 i'i.yMouTH. navv paint, new tires, new battery. A top car for a low dol lar, a3. DIMBAT USED CARS Soulh 01 h at Plum Phone I02 BAHOA1N! 10.11 Ford Convertible. Pur chased new.' November 32. Over S400 discount BUS SARGENTS Used Cara Phone 8203 A REAL BUY! 10S1 S'.udebaker Champion Segal De luxe sedan. Radio, healer, automatic transmission Very low mileage. Come In and look H over. New car appearence and condition. S1993. II. E. 11AUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Maln at Broad Phone SUI1 1040 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Like new. Low mileage. To see It la to but It. Only S1370, DIMBAT USED CARS So fllh at Plum Phone Dlli.1 TWO-WHEEL trailer $53. Phone il-taHM. OR SALE or trade. S430 equity 1D40 Ford Iwo door deluxe. $130 -V1.. for Hrier model. Phone t30. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E Main Phone II37B "We will sell vour car for vou we buy and tradi 1043 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. In top shape In every way. Yours for only $830. DIMBAT USED CARS So. oth at Plum Phone 81IW rtd ftttiU tJAItS U41 tUU Ol'ita nilW n. Motor Cn Bth and Plum 11140 FORD Custom Tudor. Radio, heat er, ovard"lve. A real buy at only $1203. DIMBAT USED CARS So. fllh at Plum rhore OtlW A GOOD LOW PRICED BARGAIN 1041 nurk 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio. henter. lots of equipment. Clean Inside and out. An excepnonni car in inis year and model. Hurry on this one. S325. II. E. HAIIGER BUICK GARAGE Ured Car Department Main at Broad Phone SIM JUST THE THING for a second car In the rnmilv. 1041 Bulck Sneclal. Radio. Radio, heater, new tires. Yours lor only $403. niMHAT USED CARS So. fllh at Plum Phone 0139 IMAGINE! Within a ten short hours alter you .order Herald St News Classified ad 13.000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone Sill. , OUR CARS are reconditioned to be as near LIKE NEW AS POSSIBLE OUR PRICE is right our WARRANTY is in WRITING, and you do not have ANY ARGUMENTS to obtain an adjustment on any car covered by an OK guaranteed YEAR MAKE & MODEL ' MO. PYMTS. 1950 Chevrolet 2-door sedan $69.75 1950 Chevrolet 4-door sedan P.G 74.28 1950 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup 57.70 1945 Ford 2-door sedan 43.59 1948 Chevrolet Aero sedan 49.73 1947 Dodge 2 ton Flat Bed 53.41 1946 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 38.6S 1946 Ford 4-door sedan' 37.45 1946 Ford Club Coupe ' 3S.6S Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition'' TWO LOCATIONS- 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 fjr a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tri'ck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 1 1 til and Klamath .-hnne 2-2581 HOW ABOUT A FORD? 1940 Ford V-U Custom Tudoi Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. .Has esery thing. Drop In and look lt over. $1423. II. E, HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Ured Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 1940 DESOTO Club Coupe. Radio, heat er, fluid drive. Top shape in every way. Look It over. DIMBAT USED CARS So. fllh at Plum E.himi-?ii?! FOR SALE. 1030 Plymouth Special oe- luxe Club Coupe. Phone 2-04S.1. 1049 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe. Cluii Coupe. Very low mileage. Has radio and an n weather heater, defroster. The cleanest car In town. Prked very reasonable. DIMBAT MOTORS 230 Main WANT A S-PASS. SPORT COUPE? 1946 Pontlac "8" J-Passenger aport coupe. Radio, heater, plastic teat covers, ac cessories you will like. This Pontlac haa had exceptionally good care. A real steal at 81023. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Ured Car Department Main at Broad Phone 8131 FOUR ALL STATE premium tires with new Innertubes, used five month., will s.U reasonable. 314 Eldorado. 13 EST VALUES! USED "i RUCKS - CARS ' GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED V vVest-Hitchcock Corp. VOUR UMO DEALER J71 S 7th Phone 7Tti COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING, FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at eolanadf THIS IS THE ONR! 1048 Bulck Super Sedtnet. Radio, heat er, nlastle seat covers. lots at chrome, Low mlleege. Try to dup'lcato It tor only lim II. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE uset car uepartment Main at Broad Phone 91.11 FOR SALE 1930 Plymouth Deluxe four door sedan. 23,000 miles. S1400. Sea at uooayaar servica store, Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS' lth & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 PARKER PONTIAC CO. CONTINUES ITS Removal SALE 35 CHOICE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ' From' 1951 to 1933 Prices "as low 'as ?37.50 1950 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN Clean as a pin and loaded. Low mileage. 1950 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN Hydramatlc and all accessories. - 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM TUDOR " Radio, heater, overdrive. A real buy. .J2095 , '1895 1943 HUDSON SUPER SIX CLUB COUPE $11 Q C Radio, heater, automatic drive. A t;auty. I I 7 J A 795 1947 KAISER FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. An exceptional buy. These Are Just a Few of our Outstanding Values LOW FLNANC3 RATES TOP VALUES $4$ $ 4 $ PARKER PONTIAC U can't beat a PONTIAC and : U can't beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantiand Ph. 6221 THERE MUST BE A REASON THAT WE SELL SO MANY USED CARS! rhat reason is our 2-Day FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Try these cars for 2 days, then get your money back if you're not completely satisfied. 1950 PLYMOUTH $1647 1950 BUICK SUPER $2397 1946 BUICK SEDAN $ 997 1947 CHEVROLET AERO .. $1147 , 1949 STUDEBAKER $1397 $700 DOWN1 ' On All Pre-War Used Cars!- YOU GET THE BEST AT . DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH 522 So. 6th -DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS Phone 8101 FOR SALE. 1938 Pontlac cylinder l BUS SARGANTS USED LAR$ door sedan. A-l Motor and tires. Lots WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE of extras. S233. Call 3830, aee at 4303 I Corner Bhaula Way and Arthur treU Altamonl Drive. ' 'hana 8208 ,