PAGE 1 SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 1052 B)r MRS. CLYDE BBAMLETTK A letter was received by Mrs, Marie Kaschko on Jan. 3 Irom her war captive husband. Major Hnr old Kaschko, who Is In a Red prison camp somewhere In North Korea. The letter was written Dec, 24, 1051. and told about a big (jurist mas program the Reds were pre paring lor mem. He wrote wai a ball same was scheduled between the companies and that they were listening to Christmas carois. Major Kaschko wrote that He had received a letter In October from Mrs. Kaschko that she had sent to him In June. In the letter Mrs. Kaschko had enclosed a scribbled ''note" that their three-year-old Eon, Mickey, had mado marks tor kisses and had tried to draw Humpty-Dumpty on. The enemy evidently understood the grotesque heterogenous sketch, for the Major wrote that he had received u nut had quite a time reading It. He also stated in the letter that he had received a letter from his sister, Mrs. Mabel Messer' a for mer Paisley school teacher, now employed In the Signal Corps de partment in the Pentagon building, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Kaschko has written her husband ten letters since the War Housework Easy Without Nagging Backache ftaggtag backache. Ion of pep and energr. headaches and disstness may be due to alow down of kidney function. Doctors say food kidney function is very Important to good health. Wbenaome everyday condition, such as stress and strain, causes this important function toelowdown.manyfollusunernag giog backache-feel miserable. Minor blad der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause gettin g up n igh ts or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Piili a mild diuretic Used successfully by million, for ever SO years. It's amasing how many times poena giro nappy relief from these diseom. lorts-belptbelSmllssof kidney tub, and fil ters flash out waits. Get Doan's PUis todajl i Department wrote her In June that rne could write mm a one page letter each month but they would not guarantee delivery, Only one or these ten letters were received by the Major. The flue is causing much dis tress here. Mrs. Fred Carey and Mrs, Waller Wltham are patients at Lakeview hospital. Mrs. Susie Bcneflel and Ed Lundy aro in Lakeview for treatment. ' The high winds are keeping the highway crew working around the clock. The highway Is clear of snow but high winds sweep the snow from surrounding fields into the highway. Drifts 18 inches deep In places are causing some cars to stall. The VFW Auxiliary is starting a scries of pinochle' games to be given through January and Feb ruary. A birthday dinner is being pre pared by Mrs. Lorel Conley for Jan. 27, in honor of her husband's 50th birthday. Those who will at tend are Mr. and Mrs. Aloiuo Vernon and children. Mrs. E. L. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lanion and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bramlette. A car driven by Paul Edward Brattaln collided with a deer near Valley Falls TutJday evening, the deer being killed and ' Brattaln's car badly wrecked. Brattaln was returning from a ballgame at Alturas with a group of local men when the accident happened. The car was towed to Lakeview for repairs. None ot the occupants ot the car was injured. Clyde Bramlette wm leave lor Portland Jan. IT, to receive radio ! active treatment for polycythemia ruba vera, a rare blood disease where there is an over production of red cells. Bramlette was discovered to be suffering from the disease tit June," 1950, and has been given radio ac tive treatment each month since. The disease though Incurable is being retarded by the treatment which Is still under research. Blind and paralysed when first found to be suffering irom the malady, Bramlctto Is now able to work as foreman of a highway crew here, Harry Reed, accd rancher near Valley Falls, suffered a severe heart attack Tuesday, Jan 8, at his home. He was rushed to the Lakeview hospital whero his con dition remains critical. Snow drifts across the highway four feet high and one-half mile long blocked an tratuo on the highway about four miles south of Silver Lake for several hours Thursday morning, Jan. 10. Two snow plows sent Irom Sli ver Lake became stuck In the high drifts and a call was sent to Pills ley for a plow, but it had no bet ter luck and was stuck at the south end of the drift. Then a call was sent to Lake view, 65 miles south, and a big rotary plow was sent to open the road and free the snow plows. Trouble came double for the Fred Carey's last week. Mrs. Carey was taken to Uie hospital Monday suffering from virus pneu monia ana on Tuesday Fred cut By MRS. T. P. MKHA1.L Mrs. Ted Falkoskl entertained with a birthday dinner of Jun. 4 In honor of Mrs.- Ann Jane White. Those present included Charlie In man, Ted, Bobby Fas, Virginia Falkoskl. the honored guest, and the hostess. Mrs. Sarah Mlchnel spent the New Year's" holiday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. mid Mrs, D. Hoeflcr of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rlller and son, Erwln, were dinner guests on New Year's of Mr. and Mrs, Er nest Kilter ot Henley. Mr. and Mrs. Byron M. Welch and children. Eddlo, Elton, Loy and Clarence of Lakeview spent the weekend wltli their mother, Mrs. Sarah Michael. Tile recent snowstorm blocked the roads so there was no school at Bonanza for several days. Jessie Amel had the misfortune of cutting the ' end of his thumb off while cutting wood at-hls home on Wednesday. Jnn. 9. Ke- was rushed to the hospital In Klamath Falls by Marvin Michael for med ical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falkoskl and Mrs. Ann Jane White and Charlie Inman, attended Uie auction sale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rltter and family of nrniey, Mr. and Mis. Tom McCoy and Mrs. Barah Michael were transact ing business in Klamath Fulls on vvenncstiuy. Mrs. Joe Vlctra worked at the Michael grocery store on Friday wiuin the Michaels were transact' uur business in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs, Don llaiiklns and son, Bobby, have returned home alter a visit of several months In Buftalo, N.Y.. with Mrs. Hanklns Barents. Mr. nnri Mis. llieo and i-otncr relatives, FALSE TEETH That Loostn Nted Not Ember rots iUny wtartrt of fait itwth htvt tuf ffrJ real cmbairaumcnt bcauM their plate dropped. slipped or wobblad at juat the wroo time. Do not Hvt In IW of this happen In to you. Juat prlnklt a little FASTEETH. the alkan?anon. acid) powder, on your plate. Holde raJ teeth mora firmly, ao they feal mora comfortabla. Doe Dot aour. Cnecka plate odor" tdentura breath). Oat FASTEETH at any dnif atora. L1"'"." .."".." Klamath FalU last week anrl wa rnhd In th I nkevlow Mr- an1 Mrs Th-MlCS L. McCoy nofpUal wife!? .UlS. .tViifiS' V2 SSalTS? were taken to' close the wound. I.",,. J'SS "L" Having lost a considerable n p'J? reurnea t0 Uwlr home amount of blood it was decided i M ,,,, ,.. , that Carey should remain at the "cS.eAJ?. LU. 1? KAcnllnl I."., tiwilic .MC31MIV .mill VIM. VI nospiiai. severe! weeks with her nnrrnte at The .contusion ot eo. Luncy a i Snnlt -- -h the Lakeview hospital is reported to be very grave. Mr. Lundy was returned to the hospital Saturday evening after suffering a relapse. Mrs. wenuei, agea momer ot Mrs. Sarah Michael srtent the weekend in Lakeview visttlmr her daugh'er end scra-ln-law, Mr. end Mrs. Byron M. Welch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mnmoii Price of Mrs. A. J. Dunn, is critically ill ' ' ' f ":..' at the Lakeview hospital where she ; 0 ' V, Dairv last werteitf is suffering from virus pneumonia. ' Mr-' .nCd,rsm!1'ncn.,, SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Sarcfufvlty TreaUi i Eielialva Met bed ' ? Ko. :th Phaaa TM Ihtraaraelie Phriielaa HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE. ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietor and Joe Earley - Senator Asks For Commie Lockup . WASHINGTON Ifl Sen. East land ID. -Miss. I asked Congress Wednesday to declare "a state of Intornul security cmergencv" as a move toward placing "under lock and key as soon as iiosjilbln Ihnu. sands of Communist conspirators now In this country." He Introduced a bill calling, fur a declaration of emergency under me juciarrnn internal Security Act. Tills law named Sen Mr.. Carron (O.-Nev.) allows the Jus tice Department, In lime of emer gency, io round up subversive char ncters and hold them In detention camps. Legal Notice NOTICE Of BONO SM.f Staled proposals win be receded bv Ire Commnn Council of the Clly of Klamath falls, Oregon, lor Hit pur. ensit t.f sewer Improvement bonds. Series as, aggregating. Four I'' Five Hundred Twenty-two 'and 3J-100 Dollars. i4..133 duly author, red l ordinance of the said City of Klsmatn rails, for the construction and laying of sentr llntt In Sewer Unit No. SO of said Clly and serving the property between South Slslh Street, the O C . I Railroad Right of Way. Shasta Way and Wainuurn Streets. Proposels to purcha' said bonds will oo iece'ved by the t STATED MEETINGS DP MANZANITA CHAPTER No. a D.ES. will be held Prt lav. January 18 at 8 j'clock In the I.O.O.P, .tall. Visitors welcome. VERA rTtlTSCH- W.M. JOHN LARSON W.P. f.9t KALLb Acne No Regular meetlnt every Prldoy light 7:45 p.m s. sew nan, vui rw.H md Walnut Vu.-nia uieniocrs cordially invited Buffet nours 10:30 am td I am 4 Crater Lake Lodife No 211 APJtAM will hold a special communlca tlon In PC degree inursclay, January 17, at 7:30 p.m. By order ot tne w.m. WILLIAM FINK Secy. REGULAR MEETING oi 'JisMDiea Amerlcsn Velemns and Auxlhtry lll oe held January 18 In the K. C. at 8 pni. MAX L. RUO Commander ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Friday. p.m., for Information, write Boa 204. Phone Xuu. ' k n C J f ll Ttrf JN wa.--. s4V Jl-T. A ZJ:. VidlrVae) LfVZ'ttl Vf V, H.I having claims assln.t ..Id e.ui. sr. 0VSH If' r:;-aT fl I'll? .jTltlll aPW CLAYTON 1. BURRCLL liMlLSf Kn,.Trh''o"r..on. pmm CHARLIE'S ROUNDUP 1 rnnsA mm kflw m top of the morning m J . a wm ' m TUC m i & Wl I M mmVKW THE HANK HENRY SHOW li fl gFrVfjj .s M I 9011 AM .Vl'i II p- . iv an II fO I Ml IKIir MIIKT I ....... ..: V III a M. K. ...I a, Vlvawaawa 1113 Ijir EDWARD ARNOLD j Dtama in the Afternoon! 1 II I i-swfM Morvte pp I "m til r 1 m "M ' : I i! W II I li I " " - f Health-and-Homs Hints! j$mh 2:45 P.M. ! I i 1 I - I ttnfm'll MttHEi.f: For ... S 1 JfmVm If Sf ory of MARY MARLlil I J r52!'. i lu:'. .vw.i i. I V;t j nn mi I 1 I I I 118 J m BETTER LIVING Wttt when fflC n) ' 'in with Minnie Surles - w"' tZTSJ' J S J' 1 TOM CORBETT 1 ff tfmi M ) nwJ Space Cadet Wi fl Automobiles , liWlW FUN FACTORY f . : Are ' m ' f (13 m SP" $j0&-x ' ' M 1 1 Built H. t. Elauger s x a ' nrmkrf, .a ih .arc wm.i hi i i duiim i vntiifHriw " 1 1 24 -U lfflll Them!! I'X'W , rg. ' lrJ Sunday 'r.' uiwlaraiaf nail1 iin In and includlna lha 4(h day of rabruary. at tha hour ot lavan-lhirtv o c'oc p fli. of aald day and opaned ai a rrtular meatlng nf tha Common Coun. r immiaiiifiy inrraautr: aaid Donii shall be dated rabruary 1. 1933. and anal) b In amognu of (X) aoh. axcapt bond No. 1. ot ald aarlaa. which aha!) ba for tha fractional part of said lum. and all ahall ba Una ten aari aftrr tha data of luua, payment Of tha antlra bonds Anllnnal Mrilh ulrJ j C.'ty at any coupon paying data on and ui.s 7 ar irum ina OJiia inereoi Said bond will bear tntere.t at the rata of pot to exceed tlx par rent pet annum, payable emiannualty on .febniarv U. t,d Autuit Ul. of earh year, principal and Interest pat able al tha office of the trvamrer of tha Cit) ot Klamath FalU, Orafon. All propOfaU mutt be unconditional and accompanied by a certiflea check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council renarlea the right to reject any and all bidt. The lucceurul bidder for Mid bondt will be furnUhed with an oomion a to the legality 1 hereof by the law firm of Wlnfrce. McCullorh. Shuler A Sayre, Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. Thla notice U authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails, Oregon, dated Decern bar 17. 13I. ROBERT M. ft-DfR. Police Judge of tne Clly of Klamath rail. Oregon. D - 31. J- l.a-3-a.5-7 8 - 9 - 10 - It . 12 . M - 13 18 - 17 . 18 - 18 - 31 - ?a - 33 -34 - 23 . StI 2S - 39 - 30 - 31 r 1 s Na km. notici5to cVrbrrons KOTICE IS IICRRBY GIVEN that I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting aaminiairairix or ma a.iaie of Grace Landl. deccatad. All perwint having clalmi azalnt safd eitata are nereoy not fled lo oreiant tha same. with voucher attached In the manner p rovied by law, to me at tha office of Clayton J. Bur ret!, 307 Pine Tree CLASSIFIED RATES Om dny - per word 4' nut Day ...- ptr word llr Week run per word 'Jtk Month run per word OOo MINIMUM The mliilmum dim so (or any one ad Is we. BOX NUMUEH3 Answer to ad.i limy bu liniulled Uuuugli box number at (ho puper (or a tervk'e I'lmrgo oi wo, . DEADLINES "'" a Classified aai auccpled up lo '3C pjii. (or (ollowlng da)' puullcatiuu ClauKled display ads accepted up u- 12 noou (or (ollowlng dtyi putt- ilcaUon, ADJUSTMENTS Pleas mK an ciuuus lor adjut rtnu wltnjut delay. Correctlonf or eanrellatlom rt celved by S:3U p.m will ot mid in (nllnwina rtnv'a nnbliea'lnn 10 JiUVICI WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Miule and Otinrnntoed by Oneida, Ltd, Roy Rinehart's C11EVR0N STATION riioue 3 0237 Una. OH, Thru. Tlibea Unttetles, Lubrication, Woihlng SOUTH SIXTH and MIDLAND ROAD Klnnmth Fulls, Oregon The only Service HI n! Ion In Klniimlh Fulls 1i.nilng lingers Silverware Cards Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH OKOCERY Phine lit Bni iVi DCRRlS MRS DORA UKAN'M V.M Phone 183 j6l B ttaten Hcnlcv Tulolako RUTH KINO Phone tm Uie 2. Box tit LAKEVIEW BUUts NOTE MUSIC, Phonf a-lll 12a K fl Nn FUNERAL HOMES "Anus hlamelh ruueral High Btreel Triune 3334 MEETING NOTICES LOST AND FOUND i:6s,rhroi:Jn.aiiis7 cuifiiianiiiio' Drive lit. rutder aea niunsv, 1'liunt IUITH ttr 04C3. V III! K " sirKTii.TeVTr put, Kunilay, lltwaill. Una 4UU llorslU anil News. l.l)Nt,'hine.'iiine lieckiai'S1. liiwaiu. I'hims o:iyq aflsr a p hi. 4 GENERAL NOTICE LIHir.N in Kt'JI al 10 a. in., triilar ntiiriilng fur what will be snltl al the Matilfuru gnrl Cuutpanjr auollun lit Msr nil fiusy atierimuii. lUUH Uiitger aewlng Leillsr is open lo the oublle. Thursday 9 JO lo 190 fur Ires allarhment Instructions. hinuer eiwiMO crNirn U3 Main Phone 11)1) PERSONALS UOLPKN, rrl.p. waffles served In tour rer, wltlt anything you like. I'ellran R INDUCTION on all uermanent waves (.'all Vel.tia al Lady Klamalh tleauty Shop. I'lione ruin for Informatlon- k ii . ti. I. , i . i :.--irr -rr' iir.,,sn n nsnu 1 1 lAbun, lllv JUSIII. rnone njns. Si A Hi i.t! Y " tRnie'T'rVaiu -ITTK 7,ZfiV WILKNIf guaranteed riuitVy for an' lire family. I'hone TMI.1. 10 SERVICES 4r KLAMATH LODGE No IT A.FA-A.M. will hold I special meeting Fri day. January is. 7:30. Work In IX! Degree. Visiting brethren In vited. DALE nCBBRR. Worshipful Master beptic lanksCleoned NewMt Sanitary Methods Alan no TO ROOTER SERVICE Cleuiu 6wer Lines ol Roots, El FD F KINO Hi Orrharrl Phone M41 TUFTS (or SERVICE CHIMNEYS - FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6H85 or 3-3310 CABINETWORK- Remodeling In your home. Furniture Rejmlr GEORGE E. CONDREY I03g Fremont Phone 433J EXCAVATING Moon tihovel and Trench Hot Bullduw-r Fill Oirt lopsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Cludeii Compressor CRANK 4EKVICB GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e (Ml or 8110 rnENcii.oip Urlvs.ln. iix.u may rmme nim. Sandwich al I'ellran riliXElr' bru.n"e.. fhone inJi4 ur liutl llilikr. UV,m.. ,j,, uur r',0cc draw? tr nol rail 8Ug. r,iOji,"UK niVplac1iMo.-5aTn imi-i; iiiAwrNdra'a'ii4iicT slid weekends. WA lL.I nitl AIIU.VO, V.ln g.-ee. 4.IICJ 7017. tvtniiig lttatonAoifl ' M P prhninr lifioni ritlH AlTfo painting, body end iW nerworii Pnnn 4040 ga.KCfKiC WIHINCJ" work bv hmip nV con lrrl Phone 2-1010. Phnn 6781. CL'HTAINB Pmn 4i4 lltftltloiu. lunlto and iiritetitft J L DEAN Public? Arroontanl ind An.lil.. Off let l JOflNo 7tW. Phirnt PAINTINU. dWritra 1 1 ng, pa per" ItangTrtf' pittr-bonrd Ilttlihing, apray painting. ('hone noifl. 12 IDUCATIONAL ClflLtTTARK and aducalin7r..g.fv.l BOO K KEEP I NO " ahorlhand ivi.m. km drtd lubitrti offlr machlnta KLAMATH BU SIN CHI COl.t.E.IC TM Pint Phona 47i "Phnni 2 i W3 HEALTH MASS AG 'K, cxrrcla. walglitllfilng. YKy- loiherapv for reducing, relaxation, body Imlldlni. nalaa for itriak. Ap pointrnvnt, phone 3060-iWOt., Mtdlcal maurura, wuinvil only, 14 HELP WANTED.. FEMALE I'AIIT TIMrreLrri'lToNrrervTewerr wan from home. Nnt selling, ilog 1739. Grand Central Station. N. Y. 17. N. V. WANTKO lady lo care (or naoy ana cii i.snt imuirwors. i-none zkiz grier :30 DABY 81'min lor tail. afle- a p. m. I BAIlY-SiTTPill lo IH Phone 2-nORg. WAN'IKiJ. Mou.ekeepcr lor inolhsrle.s miiiie. i-nwne .nitu alter 4 p. m UAUY-ai'lTEK. dais. I rr u p. m. KXrKIIII'.NCZD book keener f.lll.. u-llh payroll and general nrrica work. tinrid Steady DOslllon. Hlale mmm .nn experlrnce In lint Inter. Write Bog 40.1 Herald and News. VaKtED! Lady for housekeeper ' and li rare rnr elderly lady In Lakeview. Oregon. Modem home, good wages with room and board. Write Mrs. E. O Favell. 30i South II. street. Lsksvlsw', Oregon or phone n2 Lakeview. SITUATIONS WANTED 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT roirhrlN'l'na.eTIrr7e"VoirnurnT.K.a apartment lllfKs.t M. i UlilNlMillilk aMarVii,eiifrjJ'ijj Lights and water. 173.1 Oak, llnDfl.'uit A'l ll three ion iirTiT.h.a Kleelrle heal. Two blerks a'",".: a wuh,u- u- Nu fb"ir"rtNVrViiur7nib"e"dlw'irbTdroo'iil main floor aparllnenl. Phone t-3314 rOHfilairtli aii'srl7ieniiViil(ibl."""0? cogple. Phone Bise. aitarunenk 441 Norm as.m iieeu lOlh riTKm-Hircir Iwu-roam Siisrlrnani irigeratnr, noi em n lentn lis lllla Tt.-. Ineludsd. s'tlT. "nlcg uitfuriiisKeiJoue. i iiMriYEN il" Two riVTurB'laiTeaTpaiu menl. Adults 33 Urosd. Vim IIK NT. i' rmim aperlrneiilTa bloeks Irom Main Jnreet. lur working ciuple. Phone 44aT evenings 13a4. illtlaTK twin "iurnlatieil apsiiii.'.n V- II ll -.rt, i M , Jnd fk. ,sal oil il imujd"iurniSreo'paiTme'ni7"ii mrwm. Hit Osk. r67t rlSiSV, luinilrieu tearip-anl. Ia "uye Dig tltli . NittfTTV VTeruVted. prlvsts osio. ku". . chenelle Hum neat, elernn tans. ' Bsa Arms Aoarlmenl i b.ftu.Vi.ea.i sartnieiil. HSi.(ics,',7 ' S" 1 Nnrih loth. , 'OWIlKR'r, ihtee room-' furni.hB aoarlmenl. Hot walsr hsat Adylta, Phone ."wag r ON H(!n1'.' Iwo Ki,i;,,,n ur.,I.T,"7J-7..-. slalra aparlmsnl. lies! and walsr lur. nl.hsd. BU CJranL Phone 1-0311 111 Hkaf roam miMfernr'uVnliKed psrl- menl on Kast Main. Private bsih. Xut.u n.atle h-st. aw Adulu. No peu. Li. au!rolll Applegsls. 2 HOUSES fOR RENT one bartraiifii ' itiroi.HT nou.e. adult.. North side. Uea J. Kuns. man. Heal (slat Broker, Phong as') s-v lime TWO M 6C)M 7u,ind 1-. .... .- aiewarl lnos Addition. Phong ITt4 f OH RES n;; le.iruum luinun.a modern hnuie. JO.TT Arlhur. f'0r"s!Nfrwelllu71ilsTiisr7l"esTr; bedroom hou. e (I till asd.lllle or phone g-lr4g. 6Klifixlhooirr"(urnUs House ' tor ,.'"c-'"' ' Aperlmsitl 4Q4 er 1)11 Urt riis'iin i.s.e-bss i:oTk room lurnlthsd house In flwerl-Len. nog addition. Large lot, basement, itarn. rhtrret house, etle. Call W. J, ..-i.r. pnnne 4-esoo I WO HOOalfi 1141 Plre. "cJnipIelely lurnfsKsd t.'NK 1""K,m ftirnt.hesl Kouse. lltoulig ... noeq. r..-m raoin-'. Phone gftd. pok n.wi'oS?s;r.bri ri bedroom duplea. Perlly (urslshed, .o. Phone T7oaor 4M0. POa illNt. fw'o'bajrom ditnl.. (,'-. nlth.d. rlo.e In. Inoulre Tge North Hlhj MISCELUNEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS W DRIVR Move Yourwlf Ear 'i New Truck! Tor Lonj Trips Plckupa Blakti Vgiii BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main phona (304 WlUrrmit'on .hsr.-con baalS. o j. grain lano. so a. lor potatoes slr.lra nn. nl J ' OKI'ICB 7101. A "lor rent, eii-55aTnTli; ion rOM HKNT l.our ssnders ...... .... oulpmsm iuburban Lumber Co. H andwstnm Phona 770g caii a'rohAQinrTrtA'rtB.'' i ,i or month, Carl Lamb, absnt 441J er I IW JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In, Two children. Phono a-i'i7""ai DAY or hour work wauled. Pnuna C'llTl.u cake, day, week, or montn. OiKSKL Driver desires work. Call and land Store. Phono 2-1172 between 3-6 p. m. lloUHEWOHIt and baby sitting. Phone 2.27 1 II. IIAIlYBIITlNfX LOVINU cure given lo your child nas or room pud board child In my home. Phone g-!74S. WASlTlNO and Ironing. Phone 2-iHlo. " WILL care for children In my home dayg or your homo evenings. Call 2-I54S. fiOUK work. Phone 7111 A. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT SLKKPINO Kleclrlc hent. Phona 3!W)w IIEATP.D rooms. B2J Pgolfle Terrain, HOOM8, prli-esreasonalilnPlione 4lW7. KvUlV" rooms for ren"trT5 rVTsaelT Cioif IrL Phona 42M. WVVNjf housework"" by hour. Phong TiodMS io:i4 High, APARTMENTS FOR RENT KUllNlSIIKU aparlmenl, lario; ImiTi room. Inrgo bedroom, bath, combina tion kitchen and dinette. Meat and wa ter furnished. S minute) walk from clly centor, Phong 0013, J314. Crescent APAHTMENT available ihe i6th. li Ohio for couple. Phone oono Oll It KM T, apnriment. nit- , ...i ma neii inree Newlv reilfl.nralrt. room clean. F6r RK'NT, Furnished aoartment. i'n. h,"t 'urnlihed, Clotg in. Adulu, Phona 407B. , ' REAL BARGAIN You lll hardly brlleva it uhen vnn ce It, but lf true. A furniiiie.i modern 1 bedroom hmna in th 8.111th 8uburb on amall gcreaee Willi extra large '.race and work ihop with concrete floor lor ONLY 15600. As heat and clean at a pin. No work needed Jtint brln your (iiltcaie and move right In. AJI furniture Included. IVagonb; down payment and a.tsume owner f O.I. Ix)an. Hoiute U double con. alructlon ami on concrete -founda tion. Kiectrlc ranite ai1 ell hcaU Paved street pant the door. 12 ACRES , Close In on pavhl county rod. Oool land all under irritation. Large modern 3 bedroom home, ga rage, two lame chicken houses large enough to raUe chickens com mercftlly and umall barn. AI:.o Mnall pasture. 118,000. Should take any type loan. AI Longmlie Evs. 6724 Jos Perry ev. 6331 BURTON E, GRAY Realtor tt 1037 Main St. Insurance Ph. 3MS or 3421 y' 2 160 ACRES STOCK RANCH SCO acres under Irrigation with water cot.t of 11.25 per acre. Excel lent soil. In pasture, alfalfa and grain. Modern tile home, two barns and other out buildings all In good condition. Ideal fed) lot with southern exposure corrals. On Highway 00. School, bus service to door. Price $116,000, 29 per cent down, balance on long terms, 4 MILES OUT 60 acres nil under irrigation, 29 acres of permanent pasture, 40 acres ready for potatoes, Bandy soil, Including some farm equip ment, 100 head of Purefcred ewes reody to lamb. Modern six room home, garsge, barn and other out buildings. JAOK GARDNER ( Phona 6371 NeWhouse Real E$tate 2060 So, 8th Phone 8833 Losily. iwn.nedroom home built In I04K. Insulalerr, hardwood floors throughout Covered linoleum. Ong block off South em In South Huburlu. Phon.'P. l'm- n"n" Wm- HOiluTno ' for sale 'lo wreck,' gnrine,r snd living quarter!. Call Ccolti gu7'