THURSDAY, JANUAIIY 17, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PASS FTFTnSX I s ?n n Till "It's A Library Books Offer Variety Thought Food New volumes at th tv library for lilliiiK in the loim winter days rtller a wide variety of subject niiuter. The list follows: Fiction Cnlne MutlffsCWouk; ptoses, Asch; The Cruel Be, Man Mirral; The President's Ladv, Stone; Tile Wanderer, Walla rt; The Iron Mistress, Wellman; The Itoad to Btthynla, Slaughter; Prom Here lo Eternity, Jones: The Bless ing. Mltforrt: Mr. Hmlth. Brom field: The Serpent-Wreathed Staff, IIobRrt: Burnbbas, Lagerkvlst; The Larty and the Painter, Palffv. Non-flctlon The New Yorker !5th Anniversary Album: The Sea 4 ife)'Tife'--. molt this NtW lUOOITIER ... SHRIMP-BOATS . . and thart'll bt cheering In your hous tonight I Your m " t mmw. , iui IliNS'S MAH .amiMi iiti itmt niM mm honm invm mid That About Women Edited by Ruth King Woman's World" Around Us, Carson; A Mnn Called Peter, Marshall: The Korrestal Ularlrs, Forrestal; Kon-Tlkl, Hey- Klamath Woman Serves Committee Oreuon, with the Republican Governor Duuglaa McKay at. Its helm, stands among the '(! five of the 48 states. In Its total num ber of women appointees on Btate Boards, commission and commit tees. , Specifically, Governor McKay has appointed 27 women on boards and commissions; 9 on statewide committees; 3 on Interim commit tees snd S3 on county welfare com mittees, of which 5 are chairman. Mrs, Victor O'Neill. Klamath Falls Is one of three members serving on an Interim committee (created by the legislature! on Public, Elementary and Secondary School. Budget will enter, too, for "th mora Fisher's Bland Hour you use the more aco mimical your meals!" You'll LIKE to make ... and be PROUD TO SERVE this new Biinr.FTrFo . . . $&Wr! Tm"1 Approvti hy Mmy Mlttt 'idea 1V4 ua nSHIt'l UINO rioua-yav'll nmtit I Mia baking aew4r tai)Maii aada Vi fMtaa mH v a takloaMsi aherlealag H ip Wrtanallk e :i. i ... . mna measure nour. Add dry &uivm, mi again, juut in ' shortantng. Add milk snd sllr to Soft dough. Turn onto floured hoard- knead 30 seconds. Roll Into 8x12 y. , nren raciangia, mui mm 4 t .taetandes, plact on baking sheet M Wneh endt togetherlo form "boats". Baks at 450 for 15 , minutes, SHRIMP flltINO Mat 1 taMaipMM PISHIR'S HIND HOU-y..'ll andi 9 tablaiit butter 1 np milk alt aad pepper tail I l-aaafa mm shrimp , J hanl-akd mr1ri Melt butter, add flour snd combina. Add milk and stir. Bring to Boil. Add shrimp and egg. Heat. Servs In "boats". 4 servings. tUIIIMIlT TO k fioori fHIINC erdaht: Years of Adventure. Hoov er; Time To Remember, Douglas; Strange Lands and Friendly Peo ple, Douglas; Back to Mandalay, ntontaa: Mother and Queen. Craw lord; The Magnlticcm Century, Costain. . Here's the Freshest 51 . t - chicken waste-free, ready to thaw and cook. Cut-up fryers quick frozen fresh by Swanson or buy just the part you tike the best, in 1-pound packages all -drumsticks, breasts, thighs, or wings. rxsSir fc. 1 W- .Tim With th Freib. THE WAY TO "PEG" BRUNDAGE'S heart is via the 4-H route. Margaret Brundagc, vivacious Four i agent In our county for the past year comes by her interest in her work with boys and girls by the family route. She grew up, back in the state of Connecticut, basking beneath the green and white insignia of Four H clubs. Father A. J. Brundage was a state Four H leader from the time "Peg" cut her eye teeth on a Four-II button. lie served "on campus'' at the Univer sity of Connecticut and "Peg" made credits in Four-II cooking projects. The bug bit a brother Kenneth too, and he major ed in agriculture to gradu ate into extension work at the same University . . SO . . "it just came naturally" that Margaret Brundage fol low in the footsteps of Pop and Ken, She went into the program in earnest for three years in New York state but never, not once, did she forget what she had been told about Ore gon by a roommate in col lege, whose home was in the Beaver State. She kept thinking about Oregon, the people were wonderful, she'd heard . . . the climate was wonderful , . . the scenery was won derful. The thoughts tanta lized this miss who had never seen mountains high er than the Alleghenies and she wrote a letter never dreaming that its answer would bring her to Klamath county." But here she is with definite ideas on what KENO PROMENADERS you can buy! It's the new way lo buy WhySmmon is the fmhmt No other gysterri processes chicken so quickly, safely, efficiently starting with the finest, ten derest meat birds that the worlds foremost poul try speciaUsts can find. The fine fresh flavor is captured by Swanson's same-day freezing at 45 below zero. When this delectable chicken comes to you it's ready for the Froin IN -rh Hard Serve Lots Of Prof eins In Menus For Good Health Good ens mm! thai nave cental That'll what homcmakera Kro intereated to ttiese January days. Chrtatmaa Wfto often place a heavy burden on the family bud get. Being bte to plan and serve economics! meal to a big help In bringing family finances back to norma!, .One good ? to economize on the food budget ( to prepare few er dishes lor each meal. Have plenty for everyone, but trim off those extras that rates the cost of ihe meal yet add little In food value. A hearty caaaerole dish, cooked vegetable, naiad and sim ple deimert to iwA as iwtisfying aa a full course meal. Dairy food such as milk, Ched dar cbeexe and cottage cheese will add flavor and food value to your meals at little exlra cost, iwaae milk dishes often. Count on cheese ) ront in bojjnff gaited water until for hearty meets, and on Ice cream ; tender, place macaroni In buttered for a wholesome dessert. Small fcnkmn dish, pushing It to aides, amountrf ot fteh, meat or chicken :Flil center with beef. Sprinkle with will ko farther by using Uiem "M cheese. Brown flour by sttrrinst In creamed dishes, in casseroles a jry met. Add melted butter made with milk, or by preparing , miiit snd seasonings. Cook until milk gravy. Remember too. that thick. Bake in a moderate oven small aroouS ot men, mcew, emu and vegetable combine well with roUk ami cereal . products mch as noodles or rice to make savory main dishes. These economical, tasty dishes will satisfy both the family's eppe 111. nd vour food budget. I Lima Bran and ftousage Casserole j t ) lb. time BtusBKe 4 eups cooked lima beans II lb, dried beans 2 Tbsp, flour 1 , cups milk 1 tsp. salt tsp, pepper 1 tup. dry mustard J tsp Worcestershire auee ' i cup battered crumbs Pry aausBRe slowly 12 to 15 min Four-H work should teach. She loves to ski and, swim and square dance ... she sings in the choir of the First Presbyterian church . . . teaches a class in Sun day school , , . helps the Girl Scouts and is looking forward to the Spring Four-H show in April. She loves Oregon, even the snow hut most of all ... she love's Oregonians. Saturday Nite Jan. 19 - OUR MOTTO. "More Square Dancing Fun for Everyone" Allen and Viola Howard , Chicken : ) CUT-UP FRYERS wtek'Fmien FRISH by Swan son pan. Work Frozen OUT iifes. turning frequently, Cat In i pieces and arrange to alternate layers with beans in greased baStlna dish. Blend Hour with J Tosp, aauaage fat. Add milk grad ually ana cook untu tutrtened, stirring constantly. Add season ing. and pour over sauMt-s and beans. Sprinkle with battered crumbs. Bake in moderate oven, 275 P., 30 minutes or until brown on top. Beef Macaroni Canerele. (Seryes t 2 cups cold cooked beef 1 cup macaroni 3 cup grated Cheddar cheese 2 Tbsp. Flour 4 'tap. butter 1'i cups milk 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Sail and neoner Cut beef Into cubes. Cook macs- 349 f' 30 minutes. iiamhurc-Cbeese Lnxf (Serves j 1 lb. hamburger 2 cups grated Cheddar cheese 2 Hjsp. chopped green pepper 4 eggs, beaten '4 cup chopped onion I Lip. Halt 1 Mix all Ingredients thoroughly, ! Pack imo a welt-greased (oaf pan. ;6x4 Inches. Bake in a moderate 1 oven Soy F., for 40 minutes, Dl'.VK BOl'GHNCTS Heat plain bsk-shop doughnuts !n a hot oven (0 Pi about 6 min utes, pr until heated through. Serve with bowls of powdered su- Kar. granulated sugar,. nd spiced futar made by missing 1 teaspoon cinnamon and ' cup powdered sugar. Let each person dunk Us dougnuts in the sugar oi his choice. To restore vetsreteest and cordu roy, hang in steam-IIHed bathroom or draw underside of material over a damp cloth laid on s not up turned tron. ymo-wm d9fil-'2l3 I "aM ? I aftil7 0t - S Gs0K Iff i izr M 1 llMHtamrfbll How Enjoy Canada's Most Luxurious SPECIAL WINTER RATES The holiday you're alvaya wanted now at a apeelal law price! Amid the snow capped peaks urrotiodin beautiful Lake HarrisH B.C. enjoy the hsppy com bination of eaaxptete lp faeilitir mad ereey nseit divenicn. Two beatnl pools! Exotic Copper Hoc in for daceing and reiaiatloo. Nsw Ic the Ideal timet REDUCED WINTER RATES K 1 . ta'tsiNK Tkit Asm 3 (Sataa nua BmklM ' w OOtBLE, iiM Foe reaenatiaBD, write, lre or ' telephone tite Masaaier i3arrioa Hot Spring Hotel, Harrictto, M,C or ee your trel gcnt. Color brochure on rrquit. tmm - - . . s w i Monet J SPA Resort us VIA Ht . 3 AS