PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 1?, 1032 Senate Ag Group Makes Unit Probe Announcer's Unclt Visits Klamath fffiffi Q52S?i 3 Art Stanley, unci or Charlie McParlan, 738 N. Jnd. wa In town Jan. IS, working with Copco maintalnnnce crew. Stanley, who has been with Kelt man Electric, Los Angeles, 30 WASHINGTON W - The Senate years Is now traveling trouble' mm cm ffifliHaHEK Agriculture Committee decided shooter. Wednesday to make a "full, com This trlii Included Grant Pa.u. plete and vigorous investigation" of three sepurale charges of neg ligence and wrongdoing in pro grams under the Agriculture De partment. Medford and Yrrka. where he went rom Kiamnfh mils. THURSDAY, FRIDAY,' SATURDAY SALE Mo., concern made thousands of dollars of profit by leasing surplus army buildings at Camp Crowdrr, Mo., and then subleasing them for grain storage to the Agriculture Department's Commodity Credit Chairman Ellender (D.-La.l of 7th' and Main - Klamath Falls, Ore. the committee said the motion for the probe was made by Sen. An limit Quantiitti derson (D.-N.M.) and approved unanimously. Corporation. 3. A charge that Government em'. The three matters are: 1. A report from Comutroller ployes of the Federal Land Bank General Lindsay C. Warren Hating and farm credit agencies at St. Louis, Mo., lormed a pool to spec ulate in oil and gas leases on land formerly owned or controlled by the government. shortages of more than four mil lion dollars worth of government stored Drain. 3. A charge that a Kansas City, i9 NEW HOME This is the. new residence of Mrs. Marie Kualina, Malin. Retail Prices On Some Foods Gain Over Week; Eggs, Butter Level Off By The Associated Prrss i Volume shipments ot lima Retail prices of some brands of jgot under way this week, coffee and Ice cream advanced a little in many stores this week, and the boosts were expected to become more general in the weeks ahead. - - Most shortening and margarine brands, on the other hand, declined one or two cents a pound, reflect Tomatoes were offered in a wide quality range, with the best bring tag fairly high prices. Latest arriv als of lettuce showed much improv ed quality over recent shipments. The cent-a-pound boost in prices tag recent reductions in raw ma- of a few nationally advertised oranos 01 cuuee was uic tusi maj or change in roasted coffee in about a vear. although there had been some temporary fluctuations called "competitive adjustments" bv the trade. Rising prices of green coffee were blamed lor we ad vance. The Agriculture Department's production and marketing division recommended that food shoppers give special attention to ducts as a menu attraction during the next thtee weeks because of the abun dant supply. More than 11 million pounds of commercially - grown ducks are ready for market. Other most-plentiful foods for thrifty buying this week. PMA said, are frozen ocean perch, frozen whiting, fresh oranges and tangerines. terials costs. Salad oils also were a trifle lower. Prices of both eggs and butter levelled off after last week's de clines, and butter even turned up ward in some places as consumer price resistance faded. Meats and poultry held about steady. Smoked hams, pork loin cuts and frozen fish were stressed by several store chains and large independent markets for week-end advertised specials. On most fresh produce counters, snap beans, broccoli, cabbage, let tuce and grapefruit, were marked down slightly, while beets, carrots, cucumbers arid peppers edged high er. Tangerines, apples, eggplant, es carole. endives, kale, radishes and spinach were plentiful generally. 1 BUY NOW Before-?? ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING NEW RANGES SINCE ELECTRIC COOKING BEGAN! NO OTHER- ( HOUSEHOLD RANGE HAS i Van OVEN THIS bis! J "Thrif ty-30" Electric Range You can roast a 35-lb. turkey or bake six pies at once in the giant oven of this Frigidaire rangel Yet the whole range is only 30 inches wide - fits easily in the smallest kitchea And it has fast heating Radiantube surface units - automatic Clock Control .all porcelain finish, inside and out full- SfiV ' width utensil drawer. Priced at only tmtmL Also avgilabl without Clock Control, utensil drawer 5 83 5 BUY NOW Before-?? VERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. COMPANY Search Fails For Survivors SEATTLE t Sfrrlir. vli-l... ; finding any survivors of the niiss- uig ireigmer Pennsylvania in the North Pacific. k Discovery of a lone, overturned lifeboat tossing on waves Tuesday led to reduction of th. senrh i o j one-airplane, two shluP basis. District Coast Guard headquar ters issued the statement: -There amiears now tn h ,,,c possibility that any survivors will The lifeboat siohfori TWd,.,, afternoon from Iwa r-nact r.nn- airplanes, was approximately 600 nines on tne wasrungton coast. An error in computation of position led to an early report that two of the wait una oeen seen. ! With the life boat was debris believed to be cargo from the hold of the Pennsylvania, which last reported it was '"down bv the bow" 125 miles to the Northwest. The ship's radio sent several SOS ap peals, then said its ,-45 persons aboard" were leaving." "Little David." perhaps the larg est gun ever built, was a 36-lnch siege mortar designed by the U.S. Army to help break through Ger many's Siegfried Line in World War H. HEYI THIS NEW CANNED FRKKJES HASA'toUJU-QUAUry ' I CAN TASTE! AND AlBERS SURE USES U.& GOVERNMENT , INSPECTEP INGREDIENTS! Vi P. our, WHMI fntATJ A RAVOR! ANP 'cause (T , PR0VIPES COMPtfTI NOURlSHMtHT, FKSUES' FORMULA HELPS , US KEEP HEALTH ANP UV LONQ. vrti FRSWES MMti HlttlNa COMPANY DIVISION Of CAMATION CMMM r 9th and Pint Phon. 3188 January Cotton Dress Sale SPECIAL PURCHASE NEW SPRING STYLES , MANY 2.79, 2.98 DRESSES FROM REGULAR STOCK Waihable BO-gquare percale 2.00 Miitei' and women's fltei V ' Wide style choice easy-to-slip-into coat styles, zip-fronts, shirtwaists. Wide pattern choice gay colorfoit plaids, checks, florals, geometries. Sweetheart, square, V-necklines. Many with pretty face-framing ruffles. r The frimsf Generous while organdy, pique touches. Gay piping, novelties. Big handy pockets; full skirts; attrac tive buckle belts, novelty belts. " Hurry In. Buy all your needs now ot this special low price at Wards. 69 POUND CHOCOLATE CHERRIES In trm NAPKINS STr2s23 i LUX Soap321 Sic Box 100 cottoh SWABS 0,2121 (limit 2) Wax Paper b ..... ... i r- . 19 lorge tot SUPER; SUDS Sire OQ now.' . efaO (Limit .') m m W m m 79c Sift t Saccharin Tablets looo, OQc (Limit I) jpDQO( 25c Site CITRATE MAGNESIA ll'vot. 4 C bottle .. AO (Limit t) Chefllne, 100-feet (Limit 2) HOT YKf: water mm BOTTLE Fresh ont-pitc rwbber, leamlen 2-quart liztl Vut TYSON ftiinteln Jrrln, with Hechmtntr 98c i. I lf0M V7VX- I C MM Do Your Own! INCOME TAX GUIDE, allow. OU Birbmitiiti vEwn Or. tdwardi' 30c OLIVE TABLETS Now it uvinet. (Limit 1) 18c oo 10e PIPE TOBACCOS Friends. Model or Granger J for mm T 7X torge Sit ALKA SELTZER TABLETS Tube AQf 0LA-BER0N-12 B Complex. Liver. Iron & 3 a. CryitilllM 1-12! . Buy TWO tnd SAVEI RaltlM fti,wMUE wowTOaf ISO. mmf 7 Buy 3 tnJ SAVEI Ammonlated Tooth Paste Regular 43c tss. .3s$1 Buy TWO & SAVEI Buy TWO & SAVEI WALGREEN'S FORMULA 20 Best ASPIRIN , Cream Shampoo Rtguhr 49c Rtgular89c .7SS.21SST Jr.. Injector Type Eversharp Schick Raior Blades 69c r7 t.i r s2.98 Oleum Percomorphum 69c ORLIS ANTISEPTIC 5SS . . . . 2 - 89' 89' ANEFRIN A.P.C. CSSrs.... Flu 20 f.l.KI cu To in Toll. 1,1. Ujfaj, end tilUoldi Larfitr-Typt MENNEN SHAVE CREAM IT DURO DECALS Decorative Transfer Up to 35e value with this Coupon H Limit two OC 0 ifmsmmm "If pgr isy ANACIN TABLETS Pain reliever. Bottle 100 . LYSOL Disinfectant Antiseptic. 14-ounce size ... Colgate Tooth Powder ' Giont Cory .... Johnson's Baby Lotion. 00 Save With lanolin,: 12-oz. size , . , 07L 98e Vov. 98e S? mSave 21c Vittmln-Rlch SCOTT'S Emulsion You SAVE 25c U4M. 4 19 bottlt,., I High energyl 31e HI! inHJ MODESS Sanitary NAPKINS Box . 4 49 k . . i Liquid-Type- X SEDAGEL for UPSET STOMACH I0ot. J19 124 No. 4th i Ph. 8365 L t J