Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 17, 1952, Page 13, Image 13

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    THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. 1952
Win For
'I'lie I'ruucl Kiirl Vim
roppcnlirlm, l imrniim brulon
today iiller Icmnini too In lo litr.l
. night Hint I'cia nncpiiiro durim't
gel really loimli until he n K"HU'.
'Die Weed AbkiiiihIii wnn tho IP
turn match Willi rtliitllci'liig u,.,;oi
euls Hint (nnn could led In the
The Mauling Milkman Win re
cipient o( a terrific biustinit uefure
lie landed (Hi -all right eiiiuuh.
in Uic third go-round.
Von ropiicnhclin spent the time
ftmmmi j'rle'n rye--nl 'ono tlmo
u.ed a dlncimied, coke ctu b a.
finlluli.tr lvr.Li.nil.
v ill i:.nclly It minute, Hc!:n;:tii
hitd the (lint full In a bltlt Hint
went the lull three tails but la.-.tcd
titan hull Hour.
.' Bclcaslio MiifsfiTd back In Iho
ring niter Von Pci)' hnd niiiMii(rd
tun lace wlih llie rupr. The Frill
aian tlo.eil In mn:ii too conll
nentlv lor the kill. Belcnnlro
, l-uisht him tlilna or two itl)out
n.tliiK the ropes, then dropped hlin
'with three nimlijhl uuirmiin. 'Hint
' was nil lor Vrm Popprnlwliii.
. Von PopiicnrWm evened UiltiKS
10 mid a hall m'lltiten Inter v.lieii.
rti.lr.n,,.!-,. I,ll,irlrrl I,., I.lnnI lilflfle
1 grab at Iho tierniiin on Ihr ropes
lete inLijird, tumbled backwards
nnd Von Poppenhclm was on him
In Jlif time lor a buck pie nnd
. lite second (nil.
' 'llie third -hent wnn n l'lcr t
brawl but Pete Immd the German
through n hare o blood lor the
pay-otf riuhl-hnnd wallop In three
nnd n halt minutes..
Yorit Cretorlan'n victory over
Jterb Tnrki was Jn.il at bloody.
Alter earn wreallcr bud a fall,
the Rumanian Ape uplll I'arkft'
head wide open with the corner
post. Concentrating on thin atlviin
tntte, Cretorlnli aimed blaht nller
bln.it on the Rnolnii wound.
Hurricane Herb, blinded by hln
....... l.lnrwt nlinr.Wr.ft tirill, f.rrlr.r.
Inn and Hclercc iluck Davidson,
at one tlmo loulnK Unvldnon out
o( the ring. But Parks wan no
match (or Crctcrtcui who tiled
hcadlocks an a leverage and
worked on Purki" cut.
Davld-on hnd to Mop It to save
Herb from mors punishment.
H 1,1, NKI.SON
Yor won the (lint (nil with n
(ull nel.-on In 14 mlnuten. rarks
evened It with the stomping ton
hold In 13 minutes. Then It took
Don? aWr-a Ihm nw
Aaro Wllfi unftn you
or prtparrd to ha
dlliallifltd ttlil, your
v prawn) cor.
.arjar t uj m mr rr m air iff ma i-ls tr -1 m -v
THIS MIGHTY BLAST from Pete Belcastro's big riht hand
started Kurt Von Popjienhcim's downfall in a savage re
match last night before a full house at the armory. Re
tastio won two of three falls but had to wipe the Wood out
of his eyes to find his way to the dressing room.
Cirton.ui Ju;,t three minutes, IS
hccundn tu end II n(tcr he had
popped Pucks' head open.
Daimo McDomiJd and Cene
Mlukety cculdecl to a lialMiour
draw in (lie opener,
. Dnvldun announced lhat he has
llie 210-pound Swedish Anjicl
)Riied for ne.it week with live
other wrestlers In a battle royal.
By The Associated Frru
Today a ycnr'ano Kenneth
C. Gerard, Duke baskolball coach
Ulcd. ,
Kite years aso Billy Graham
outpointed Ruby Kessler Jo a t;n
rr.tiud bout In Madison Square
Ten yenri njio The United
States Lawn Tennis Association
plr nned a (ull totirnnnienl schcfaulo
df.-plto the war.
Twenty years ago Fred Mor
rl:on won the J15.000 Atjua Cal
lente Open Cloll Tournament with
a score ol 284,
ZrWJ-rr f sr IS f (k
In one giant stride, Willys sets a new pattern for the future with a car which
embodies advanced features of Aero design With its advent, many other cars -become
obsolete For no other car possesses its combination of Economy;
air-borne Ride: low-center-of-gravity Safety; sheer dollar Value and it's Beautifull
It's Low and Wide Jl It's Big Inside c?&
and It's Beautiful. Today, Willys brings you this
revolutionary car, a brilliant blend of aero andauto
engineering, ready to thrill you with a new exper-'
ience in motoring. Jfcs
AERO-FRAME CONSTRUCTION, following principles of
acro-design, welds the body and chassis members
into one extremely rigid unit. Streamlined from
plane-wing hood to rear air-fins, the lero Willys,
powered by a new Hurricane 8 Engine, gtvea
mileage up to 35 miles a gallon with overdrive.
49'ers Get
NKW YOHK W Tlie Ssn Fran
ciico 49 'era of the National Foot
ball I.eajue dratted Hujh Mc
Ellienny, University of U'cKltln-cton
back, it the ftrat rauuii dtaiv
The Chicago Rears drafted Ed
ward JMacou, College ol PcJJJc
Whitman Nips
Gonzaga, 57-56
: College broke a tie with less than
, two mlnutei lell Wedr.ciiiay nlghl
juiid atallcd to a 57-50 basketball
The home lam pulled out in
front 57-54 after the score h?d been
tied four t:iM In the fourth quar
ter. Chuck Gfl!fscc;kt's Jump ahot
moved the Hulldofw v.tthln one
point and ended the accrlng.
A Connchcr or a Bentley has won
Ihe scorlnrr rhamploji.vhip ol the
National Hockey League six times
in ths last 18 yearn.
-c -
- --T. I WT
PREMIUM GAS NOT REQUIRED because of F-Head engine
design. This new engine, with 7.6 compression,,
produces .560 horsepower per cubic inch displace
ment, surpassing the engines in America's costliest
cars. The Aero Willys is a performing sensation.
HEUCOPTf VISJBIiny, with panoramic vision all
around, results from wide glass areas. Alt 4
fenders arc visible
KlupiBth Unlrvn iKli fcciiooj nd
Eacted Jlfiirt Academy ;yhl to
games' tin Pelican Court Jait nlghl,
'J'he KU Frc'fhmen walloped the
TrobsbcV 60-21, In tho curtain
rul'xr; the Acndemy vnrslty
dumped tho KU WUdcals, 40-28 In
the i. null event.
Jim Ma'iioncy ncorcil it (or hiah
point honor:) In tho Hccond tilt.
Sained Jlr.artr ltd Just fl-il t
lie r.e;r 2 r
i s-..mnir.t. j -
4 cXli' -
lerird H (1
Trojn-u ;ih Nt jbrt 0. Vrttt. Wild
call iuU Gordy 0. PitU. Vcu;if.
lynx runted ll'ih'.weight contender.
:r.ody Do Marco. Tnursujy nhtnl
hov.-.i irs (Ihtic v.nres (or tne (Irtt
' T V1 'LJSi.--,,
ic.uni oouv vmn cutc v.f&vcs at
,, fc ... It gives ciub ovmers this choice
The Brooklyn boy. who ban nm f a Vyroli ceHtr:
! H wins In a row, will go Intoj , -f,w payroll In any year from
'he ring a 1 to 3 favorite. t!,rJUi?n l8M plua a flat 10
'per cent.
Fcveil Scores
30 in News win
Cenc Favell and Jcy Grlss I The club may parcel out its pay
carried too much radar onto the ;roll to playarn any way it want?.
Kcno gymnasium door last night The new policy was formulated
rs the Herald and News nulnt ol i under pre"f.ure from the major
the city league bounced Keno ol leagues. Officials saitl ft would be
the Klamath Basin league, 7-53, (out tut t format regulation
in a MaTch of Dimes tilt. .within few days.
Favcii tscored 30. GrtsKS 20. T. Tnev said It u-ould apoJy to aJJ
ft amsey led the Keno Townics with ; oriented basebaJl but the Major
ig iLeapiei nA the Pacific Coast
Rno school beat Falrhaven, 34-; League T.ould be the only oneE
23, tn a prelim. affected in any jrreat way.
cgs Shutout i SHUFF STUFF
RrCi!?.fOMD. Va. Ift Ttie Mag
Kte Welter Hlxli 8chool g.rJs' ba-;-kciball
teeni tr.'cd its darniest to
make a basket in game bere
Wednesday night.
The ball caromed off the back
board. It did dlpsy-doos around the
edge of tho ring, orten It looked
as If, lor a certainty, it would go
through the nets.
But it didn't nary a time.
Cnrver Hiph. nf frhrrster. won the
game by a shutout, 44-0. '
Tit. Wide
Ub to 35
horn the driver's seat,'
Pay Veiling May IHIiart
New Rule
Would Hit
Big Loops
a!arin, a Major League cltib o(- j
ieM r"et. I
Pcnmnt winners maally boost!
r.iTiw iharoiy the o1Iov.-kit year.
The new ruimx doesn t cover this ?j
tKl the Giants apparently will not MIDWEST
jiie sbie to apend more than Jo ' Qeyton to Eastern Kentucky 7J
Jasi.; lOWo WesJeyan 66 Ken.yon 47
I -nil hurl ihr OJajM unJaat ihe! SOUTHWEST
,-r., .. rrirrftjt xnrrlxl ?a.'
;rom tile Buif.ry Board," Calvin
I r-...irri(l. ..lr. nraiMr.nl f hr. Warh.
inDn ,0d a reporter.
, .n, n,w DOiicv . announced
j Wedne!day nlght Eel ceXXing on
..in. r.i.r .iv,an i.riM
o' individual players, as the o!d
;nile A'A
w i p- ''- 2? ' 'hre
.JilVjLJJi AJB r.,. jr....,.....
coaches and player-managers but
'no e.dmlnlstrative per.-enne1.
Wocui Tavern bloaied lis lead
lo Ir.o full games in the city
shuffJebosrd league last night with
a 4-0 win over the Roundup.
In other games In the beer
league, Summers Lane heat
Eajles, 3-1: and Bill's Place
downed VFW by the same count.
No games are scheduled tonight
but the week closes out with
Schura Tavern entertaining Mecca
Friday night at .
- Only 5 Ft Higr.
SMOOTH, QUIET A)R-IORNt RIDE. Road shocks, noise
and vibration are smothered by new springing
and rubber "pillows" at strategic points. Center-
fill gas tank at rear . . . pull-out dash
drawer . . . 24 cu. ft. luggage space
these are but'a few of the features you
will Tiolicewhen you see the surprise
car of the year and ifs Beautiful
cage scores.
Collert RutitlbiH
Sen Jose Statj 77 flan Fr incise o W
Whllm&n 7, Otxtzign 46.
Portland M, HaraJ) 41.
PennaylvanJa 66 Columbia M
Foi'dham 72 Princeton 66
I La Salle t2 Bcranton ti
willlam and Mary tt Washington
and Lee 81
Navy Johns Hopkins it
Hampden-ydiwy 84 Virstiti TeB
1 Hardln-Simmons 62 Arizona Stale
) IFlagstall) 88
1 f T"
' 1 wwi t w
Wins Third
Oi-ttm Weolt ...3 0 1 000
Pejtgn'i . - 3 1 "7
c-ini 4 i M
Kocl .... . J '!'
Ftuctlt 0 3 M0
I.ut SighVt Scrt
Or-aon Wooti 28 it(lK 27
Pevtan'M Prircil't 11
The Oregon Woolle gals won
their third straight cage decision
without a setback la;t night, out
it was a close squeak.
The Wools shade! Griggs Foods,
29-27. Sherry Larson scored i ioi
Griggs but it wain't enough.
Shirley Ralston potted 18 ss Pey
ton's kept tts second place tn the
Svrts league v. tttt a, 63-tl i-ltt over
Russ Entry
Hangs Fire r
OSLO, Norway t Kolpa Pe
tersen, secretary-general of the Os
lo Wtnter Olympic organising com
mittee, iald Thursday that lh
question ot Russian membership In
the International lee Hockey Fed
eration probably would be dis
cussed next Sunday at a. federa
tion meeting In Zurich, Switzer
land. Acceptance hy the federation is
tthe first step lor the Russians to
be eligible to participate to the
(Olympic ice hockey torntmnt.
i ti in iMtt
1H IttlttfrMK
.lb iiJJifuu el mills I
M (until uniit
NEW YORK Wr Alter two
weeks in second olace. Xentuckv
iasain took over as the nation's No.
I nsiv major coiiese basket
Iball team Thyc&dav. eciitnir tt
;'4'fic of ike National Co!Jegia
AtMetJc Bureau.
WUli SI ooints against Xavler of
)Cincioaatl &n& us agaios Fiorida,
iine WJWcatj snow an average o!
(84.3 points a jraroe in contests
jthrousrh last Saturday. We3t Vlr-
Jginia in a distant second with a
mark ot 78.8.
In team delcnse, Oklahoma A S:
M head3 the list lor the second
(straight week, having allowed the
(enemy an average o points
Tiger Owner
Dies at 74
ter Owen Bclgzs, 74, multl raiiiioa
atre ladusirialitt tad oanar ol the
Detroit Tiqer Baseball team, died
at his ocean Sront estate here
Brijrgs was stricken with a kidney
ailment last Sunday but recovered
sufficiently next day to go (or an
automobile ride. It was thought
the aliment was clcarir,-?. up, taut
It became worse Tuesday. He de
clined steadily until his death at
T.1S a.m. Thursday.
Official reports required from
hunters showed one out of eight
bagged a deer in Indiana's three
day open season, the first in 58
First Call
Last Call
With j
Here' safety insurance of a
premium , , , foctory-fresh All
state, sawdust retreads! Get full
allowance en your old tires in
trade. See Sean lire-man today?
All Tires Mounted
Allstate Motor Oil
Oiied Onlrifauiion Cuts Costs
ta-Ot.ConCnW"' 3.09
Cjf4JJ f(mum Quetify lor J
zt 4Mr wka woaIi top qveYity GW
r tya
Deluxe Fiber Covers
Reg. 1 6.95 2 or 4-dr. Sedan.
Hamarxob? low price for covers
Vinyl pfastie frim, eloilit eri be
tnuo fit. Modefc r most
Pilots Pep
Hawaii Five
HONOlrttLU itfi Unlverolly ot
Portland led all the way Wednes
day night in dcteatmji tne Univer
sity o Havmii basketball team, It
to 46.
The scrappy local learn put up a
Rood battle bat could not matcn
the buii-hnwkinjt, set plays or tnc't
bonrd tontroi ot the visitors.
Center EiK KcGiivery of Poiiiawt
!d the tscarinis wttit .8 sotnts,
traiicd by Aody Johnson (Mi it,
Don Rehteldt of the Baltimore.
Bullets In the NBA net 19 Indivi
dual scoring records at the Univer
sity ct 'Wisconsin.
Main of Esplanade Ph. 3121
To Safety!
To Save!
at Ho Extra Charge!
, AJhtafe Batteries
I f Guaranteed 24 Morrifu
45 Plata, V0"' old battery
iU!f Dpev 123 eMp.-hr. ettipiA, loe
fanc frth. Ci9 tfepfdob0 jrvice
with uch fine conilrudion deloiffc.
de of front ssat back reill for ,
at exceptional sovinosl Buy nowl
1 k
603 So. 6th Sf . Klamath Fails, Ore.
Siieit Hwtu f .. Silt f,m,
133 So. tti ffiene S1M
ttjtttt MMty fact'