TIIIIHSDAY. JANUARY 17, 19M IIKRAU) AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON PAGE ELEVEN ; JL 1 a.i:i vi;.i;taih.i: SAVINGS Asparagus 7flXo,:,cn35c Asparagus Dc' Mon" 7Iim 52c : Fancy Cut Beans ,onllom Ncon2 22 Green Beans Go.dcni.dt n0. 2 n 1 4 Green Beans B,'o or 303 19 . Lima Beans StaM, b,0nd Ncon2 1 6' Lima Beans L(,by Gfcen.No 3(" 28c BeetS Blue Tag Shoeilring No. 2 con 12 Libby Beets Wh0,. N..303 .n 23c Diced Carrots.,, no 303 con 14c TikM Hlghwoy-Voeuum pock 1 7e 12 o, con 1 Cream Style Corn GZt:on 14c Fanru fnrn Cun"v Home No. 303 1 c rdlltjf VUI II Creorn y, Golden, con " Fanru Ctrn Dcl mon" No- 303 1 fle I (WIT lUI II r,Mm rvl.. Golden can I 0 Creom style-Golden, con Niblets Corn I2oi. 19 HOminy White or golden No. 2Hcan18 Mushrooms DB:zr"ih 2 oi con 23 Sliced Mushroom DT,L - 39' Tender Peas 6a,d.n,,d.N "3 12 Green Giant Peas No 303 con 20 Fancy Peas sugo, Bene n0. 303 con 1 e Peas & Carrots' uT303 tan 19 Dromedary Pimientos ?tn 15 Sweet Potatoes Tflylo,,N:on3 26 Libbv's Sauerkraut No. 303 12 Spinach con No. 2 17c Emerald Bay brond can If Turnip Greens Blu.PloteNc;2 15 Mustard Greens Blue p,,,2 14 Succotash M3ian 21 Tomatoes Gordcmide brd3ron 17 V Del Monte Tomatoes0.2 26 Mixed Yegtables10' 19 Values in Safeway Leg o' Lamb Roast Wdi trimmed Lamb Shoulder Roast Beef Chuck Roast Boneless Beef Stew Beef Short Ribs Beef Round Steaks Beef Rib Roast Pure Ground Beef Young Beef Liver Skinless Franks Stidd's Tamales Fresh Oysters Blade cuts Standing lb. 65 lb. 69 lb. 55c 2 for 39 Pint 69e lb. 65 Chili Rolls Just add beans 55? CP PIIKIMIIED FOODS Tuna 25 Bumble Bee, No. Yi Con Pork i Reans TLrNo r, n 18c No. 2'j con Pork & Beans VanCom,NV 2 con 19 P' No. 2 con Baked Beans BtM. 28.o. n 30c Prem All meal I2-0J. con 49 Corned BeefFreyBenro, COn 42c Deviled Ham ,2l9c Libbv's Potted Meats No cl: 10c Libby's Vienna Sausage 22 Pig's Feet Cudt;:r o-o, iot 42 Haley's Beef Stew 15 oi con 38c Minced Clams Seade0r,con 26c MaCkerel Propeller brond No. I con 1 8 OySterSwmdleu brond 4 2-3-01 con 39 SalmOn Gold Cove brand No 1 con 42 Gold Cove brond No t con Small Shrimp chBdu 5;" 32 Shady River con Kippered Snacks No. Wcon 11 Grated Tuna To,ptdoNo.iar; ?r 23 White Star Tuna HATIIROOM SCPPLIES Pepsodent Toothpaste Ec. 63 Colgate Dental Cream Ecie 63 Colgate Dental Cream C'Z 47 Aspirin Tablets p,lflm pVo'19 Alka-Seltzer Lorg. ,iM 54 Jergens Hand Lotion 50e ,iie 49 Honey-Almond Creme6"rdo 49 Johnson's Baby Lotion d 49 Johnson's Baby Oil Mcd.iitt4V Johnson's Baby Powder 49 Molle Shaving Cream 59e $i 43 Burma Shave Gl0nttube 45 (Tox extra on many of these items) Guaranteed Meats lb. 91 lb. 75 lb. 75 lb. 82s lb. 45 lb! 1.04 lb. 90 Pure Pork Sausage Fancy Smoked Picnics Bacon Jowls Foncy Fancy Sliced Bacon Reg. Sliced Bacon Pork Roast Loin, or Pork Chops Pork Roast Pork Steaks Lean center cuts Shoulder cuts Blade cuts Pork Spare Ribs Veal Roast Fresh Fryers Fowl for Fricassee See how you can where all prices It pays to check all prices. Savings add up only when all items on your shopping list are bought at the right prices. That's why we invite you to compare our prices with what you , would pay elsewhere. Discover the values we offer every item every day. CANNED Fill IT VALUES Whole Apricots 32' Apricot Halves Del Monte Un- Oftc peeled 2'i con I7 Penthouse, halves, slices 00 reaches No iv, con No. 2'j con Peaches Coitle Cre-,t No. 2Vz OJc Halves or slices con Sliced Peaches m 33 ; Peach Halves 29 Pa arc oll Hi" ,0' lodi 11c rears no. 2Vj con Pear Halves H"flhwro2ncon 36 Pear Halves Ho,per ITk n 41 e Grapefruit Glenn-Aire 1 Qc No. 303 con CitrUS Salad Adorn s variety con 29 Manderin Oranges Sun Pearl 1 7c I 1-oz. con If Seedless Grapes L, 14 Fruit CnrltzW Ly No. 303 I iuii vvimun 25 Brond con Del Monte Fruits lodsNo r 31' Fruit Cocktail Hos,cssND0c"fhcon 23 Kadota Figs Kelvin brand )ic No. 1 con At Oregon Loganberries ,,.0,eon 19a Pineapple DclMon,e t0952 can 30 Pineapple LoLont, slic 2 flat ftc tint ' Pineapple HjST' 2-Meor; 31 Pineapple Tidbits Ubby Bu"l 14 Crushed PineappleuLMTn 14s Stewed Prunes DelMon,. 303 jar24 Whole Plums Moni0Nobro2nd, eon 20 Oregon Applesauce. n.ot. con 10 Applesauce Lokemeod No. 303 COn 1 4 Sliced Pie Apples 'riL 20 lET FOODS Charge Dog Candy 8 o, 19. Playfair Dog Food con 9 Friskies Cubes orMeoI5..b. pkg. 79 cured rib end lb. 49 lb. 39 lb. 29 ib. 55 lb. 46 Ib. 45 Ib. 68 Ib. 39 Ib. 47s Ib. 59 Ib. 79 Ib. 69 lb. 65ff Parsnips Shoulder cut Pon-ready Pan-ieady save at SAFEWAY are low . always HAKEItV IMIODI'CTS Fresh Bread 22 Ruth Ashbrook Pastries eoch 30c Assorted Cookies 29e uianain uativci) Goid Pkg r L. r.eL.M Pirates' Mb. Oic Soda Crackers Busv Bokers 30 Soda Crackers snow,' p2k;b 60s Hi Ho Crackers D,f(cr(:nt! JJ- 36s DIIIED FOODS Long Grain Rice Show 2-ib. ore ' Boot ' pkg, MJ.B. Rice . lAt w 36 Small White Beans . 2,b. pks 31 Idaho Red Beans ;iPkfl 35 Porter's FriHefsv I6-02. Wide pkg. I Ul I CI 9 I 'lOVaiVHI Cut pkg. Large 24-oz. 01c Dried Primes 55 2-lb. AQc cello pkg. ; Quality Raisins ; 2,b. pka; 37 Sagaripe Peaches ,,b pkO.t40 3IISCI2IXAXEOIS VAIXES 7 D; - Ai;,,,,. Modonna brond No. 1 OOc Kipe OllVeS Extra large con Heinz Tomato Ketchup H o, 23 Snack Lunch Meat ,2 oJ. 39 Jell Well Gelatins 2 pkgs15 Jell-o Gelatins pk, 9 Millf Cro,er Loke 1Qe nilri Medolond quart "AA" Large Eggs " Doi. 59 Sweet Butter 5hodyLonelb. 87 Dill PickleS Steinfeld's 12-oz. jar 22 Cocktail Peanuts Plonter 8can 35 Walnut Meats 29 Oregon 4-oi. pkg. Marshmallows 1-lb.- 01c Fluff-i-est pkg. M.&M. Candies ConiTl: 25 7-oi. pkg." ProduceiValues Rome Beauty Apples 2ibs. 25 Cauliflower BiHowy white ib. 19 AYOCadOS Ready to use 1 0' GrapefrUit Arizona white 8 Ib. bag 49 Navel Oranges seediess 5 ib b0g49 14' ib. Golden Carrots smooth, even ib. 12c RutabagaS Farm-fresh lb. 8 Ripe Tomatoes m-ozco 25c Potatoes Wa,siZes25 ibs.$1.89 POtatOeS Economy Pack 10 lbs. 79' CANNED MILK AND COFFEES Condensed Milk t0TLW Cherub Milk Toll 14 Evaporated can Evaporated Milk Not'l Brands Tall can 229 Nob Hill Coffee 'i75e2$1.49 Airway Coffee 'i 73 2bib $1.45 EdwardsCoffeec,o:b 7720,bM.53 'VALUES IIV JLICES Apple Juice -Quo;t 20 Church's Grape Juite 2; , 36 Grapefruit Juice ro" 26c Blended Juice Blend 5 29 Apricot Juice ubbyBrond,2r 12 Tanaerine Juice No. 2 11c Old yuth con Orange Juice OranriA Iiiia 6-oi. Ofte Full 0' Gold con U 46-oz. )7e VlUliyC JUIlC Sutter's Gold con LI Pineapple Juice ooi. 46cr28' Prune Juice Dei Mome Quor bot. 33 V-8 Vegetable Juice Z 41c Tomato Juice r 46r 28 Tomato Juice 3'2-OI. 11c " Campbell'! can I I : Libby's Tomato Juice 46-ox. i e can . 1A1ER PRODUCTS , . Zee Toilet Tissue 4Ro,l535e Scot Toilet Tissue 2Ros25e Zee Facial Tissue Pkr0o25e Colored Napkins Ze;5S,Mu229 Zee Wa) Paper I25.f00tre 25s RAKIXG NEED VALUES Shortening Rov0isatin 3-ib. n 83 Crisco Shortening 3.b.con89 Swift'ning Shortening 3Ib. can89 Kitchen Craft Flour u ; pkg; ?9 Kitchen Craft Flour25,b iOCk$2.25 Lac Mix Dry Milk 33 1-lb. IH t LA K FAST AND IIADY FOODS . Shredded Wheat NobJ2 19 WiieatieS prepared cereal 6-m, pkg. 1 7 Cherrios p,ept 0:W: Quaker Rolled'Oats 3 ,b. Pkfl. 41e Carnation Wheat Cereal 2pkbfl. 37 Fisher's Zoom Cereal ,6. 23s Gerber's Baby Foods Heinz Baby Foods FAVORITE SPREADS Peanut Butter 1 I ft -lb. CO Jet Salad Dressing Sunnybank Margarine PYgb 30 Delrich Margarine 1lb pkg. 30 Delrich Margarine ,.lb.pke. 2S Peanut Butter Pr ,2.,io, 39 Bradshaw's Honey .o- 45r Marmalade 41 King Kelly 2-lb. or Sleepy Hollow Syrup L4X 49 Nu Made Mayonnaise Pint lor 46' Van Zee Cheese Food 2bk t? Kraft YelveetaF-2,b brick ? SOAPS AND HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Paimolive Soap bor.327 PalmoliveSoap Bh.,. bcr.225 Lux Toilet Soap bar.327 Sweetheart Soap Rea ; 327 Wrisley Soaps auortm, 59 Ivory Soap M,d ,iz.bo"r,329c Tide Detergent .ox. pk8. 29 OXydol SOap Gronuloted 24-ez. pkj. RinSO SOap Gronuloted Giont Pkg. M White King Soap Gronuloted iT Glont Pkg. .0 23-ox. )7i , nuns riajfivwaf Gran. PkB. White Magic Bleach .fl0l. 27 Purex Clothes Bleach W aflI 29 Elastic Liquid Starch Quort 26' Diamond Clothespins ns. 19 Brown Beauty Brooms Eoch M.69 Canvas Work Gloves Poi ZV Jersey Work Gloves Pai'r' 35 60-Watt Light Globes Each 15' 100-Watt Light Globes Eaci, 23e Polish Cloth Codiu,;25' Silver Polish Cloth 25' P.D.Q. Pot Cleaner Each , 9' , FROZEN FOOD VALVES Frozen foods ore stocked ot most Sofewoys Dai a;kda ' io Strawberries 29 Orange Juice Be., 20' Cut COm Bird's Eye IO-oi. pkg. 25 Prices in this od ore effective through Setur day. We reserve the right to limit quantities.