PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .tf- 11 infcxT-arahr i a 5 f'YA' -I THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 10112 BonBranmnananmi Housewives Look To Pish To Cut Food Costs Tuna prices hnve hit bottom . . . choice "chunks" ol while meat, selling for 24 cents a can make a hearty, satisfying meat dlph when combined with other Ingre dients and seasoning ... pep up' winter-weary appetites . .help bolster the food budget with these U'O filling recipes.' TUNA TIMBUCTOO . This dish gets Its rime from the fact that Okra originally came from Africa. It first gew wild In Ethiopia, was then cultivated and brought to this country bv the slave traders. That Li why It is particularly popular in ine souin. 1 S'a-oz. can "Blte-siie" Tuna 1 call okra or 2 cups fresh cooked okra 1 small can tomato sauce Combine the three Ingredients,' heat thoroughly and serve. SlRr-RlSE TI NA LOAF A moist, fluffy tuna loaf with a decoration in every slice! You will like this delicious tuna loaf either hot or cold. It s seasoned most delicately so you can enjoy real Uma flavor. And the section of hard-cooked egg in each slice makes it especially attractive. J cans Bite-Size Tuna 2 eggs, separate ' j teasoon salt ' teaspoon" each paprika arid pepper. 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsely 2 tablesoons lemon juice ' cup coarse cracker crumbs 'j cup milk 3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled Flake tuna well ymd combine with egg yolks. Stir In salt, pap- rlka, pepper, parsley, lemon Juice, cracker crumbs, and milk; mix thoroughly. Brat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold Into tuna mixture.- Spoon about oiie-hnll ol mixture Into a greased loaf pan (0 X S x 3 '). Arrange hard-cooked eggs end to end down middle of loaf. Spoon the rest of the tuna mixture around and over the eggs. Bake in a moderate oven i3J0 F.i I 1 hour, or until doue. Slice and j serve hot or cold. Makes 6 servings. ! -'TWO HEARTY SEA FOOD dishes, Tuna Timbuctoo (upper) j . ..and Surprise Tuna Loaf add zip to winter menus. Both are ' -easy to prepare. Serve tuna frequently while prices are at rock bottom. ' Local Woman On Committee .. Mrs. Lee Holliday, Klamath ilfalls, active in Home Extension work and the Klamath County i Farm Bureau has been aDDOimed 'chairman of the bousing and utili ties committee ol the Rural Life '.Committee headed by L. E. Fran cis. Tillamook. . .Nine essentials of the "ideal" farm home have been outlined by this committee. -They are adequate income, time 10 enjoy life a family goal, fam ily love and understanding, reli gious education and spiritual val ues, parental recognition of oppor tunity, the ability to bild charac ter In children, evaluation or Ideals and the belief that the family is v inore important than the house. "Members of this committee are Jpw making plans for the Oregon agricultural conference to be held r?! Fabric lamp shades will last a lot longer if you wash them from time to time. Wipe parchment, ;heavy paper, or similar shades With a soapy cloth, sponge rapidly and all to dry quickly. Keep cloth-as dry as possible. at Oregon State College, March 27-28-29. The rural life committee will meet in Portland February 12-13 for improving rural homes and communities during the state conference. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rare $ 1 1 90 At Low As I I . ' PlM Smill N'eBwtrriBf Membership F Lett OHUI4 Cllv Preferred Ins. Exch. B. WILLARD (fDAKLCAr Dil. Aienl Fhnt !-IM s.. ik Her "ConU Thlt B V.?" KFI.W S:M p.m. SLndir Mrs. Wendell Corey Puts On Blue Bonnet For Social Affairs! I l Mrs. Wendell Corey, movie atara .wife, finds that Blue Bonnet Mar garine is a feature attraction at formal dinners, as well as family meals. You, too, will Ion its deli cate, sunny-eweet JJaror. And BLL'B Bonnet gives your family real nour ishment. No other spread for bread is richer in year-round Vitamin A! What's more, the high-priced spread ' for bread costs up to 4W a pound more than Blue Bonnet Margarine! So buy Blue Bonnet and enjoy "all 3" Flavor! Nutrition ! Econom-e-e I Helps greatly when washing, clothes, less soak-' ing, less rubbing. ARM & HAMMER SAL SODA CONCINTRATID UCBEKfs SERVE SNOW'S CLAM CW.MR ' 1 menas 'Of course Hills Bros. Coffee is thriftythere's ore flavor and enjoyment in every single cup." "My wife makes the best eup of coffee in town. It's always the same always Just right I" " "I've bought it ever since 1 started keeping house. And it's still the best coffee I ever tasted!" , One tingle tip will tell you that this U the finest, friendliest flavor you'll find in any cup . . . always satisfying, always rich, dellciously the some. That's because Hills Bros. select only the chbiceit of the world's coffees. Balanced blending ond "Ccnfrolled Roasting" assure rare, unchanging flavor. "Here's the best part of the partyl . That's because . ' tirtnimto Ift 0.1. ht 0 Camlitt iMI-HHb trn. Mh. Im. XP ft Prices effective Friday and Saturday we reserve the right to limit. FREE DELIVERY on gro cery end meat orders total ing S5 or more. Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30. 1 I m t i m m m i m f M mm "Above Por," ' No. 2 tins "Southern" Specialties POKE SALAD GREENS UIICTlRh rnCCklC "Above For TURNIP GREENS SORGHUM '"""""'""'"".. BLACK EYE PEAS " Fresh shelled, No, 2 No. 2 tins "Above Far" ' No. 2 tins PINTO BEANS "Above Par," No. 2 tins 22C 17c lie 65c 20c 17c i d U U IPiTNI SAVE WITH THESE SPECIALS UBBY'SPEAS ,.,; 2 ,35c CATSUP Hunt's Tomato 14-os. 1?C GRAPEFRUIT JUICE,.,.,c,t,N..a2 ,.,25c TOMATO JUICE , s, 303 tins 3 , 29c SLIM-LAC Powdered milk, 24-os. 5?C CORN "Pictsweet", whole kernel, 12-oi. 2 ,.,2?c GREEN BEANS Willamette. 303 tins 15c 3 lb. tins 75 POST TENS CeredTray 29c Cleanser With Soop each FLOOR WAX Gold Seal, self poiishing" pt. 39c Grade AA Large SARDINES "Ski Girl" Norwegian Bristling' Strictly Fresh dor. W Va 29c Pabstett Cheese Food 2-lb. loaf jjjj) PRESERVES "Oregon Hills", Blackberry, rasp., boysen. 12-oz. jar 37c lis mm Timberline No. 1 tins for KRE-MEL PUDDINGS tpkgs. 25c CHINESE FOODS BAMBOO SHOOTS WATER CHESTNUTS .., CHOP SUEY VEGETABLES ..,.. CHOW MEIN NOODLES Famous SUNSHINE Products KRISPY CRACKERS ,.lb., 2?c HYDROX COOKIES ..,,, 39e MARSHMALLOWS ,,,,, 35c 7?c 98c 30c '19c PRODUCE FEATURES! RED RIPE SLICER TOMATOES 25c FRESH GREEN t PEPPERS lb 21c ARIZONA SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT t 49c NEW CROP NAVEL ORANGES , ,t 59c BUB HANSON'S MARKET SATISFACTION ALL -WAYS Nwe HAMS ' 5 boasts 69c RIB a SQUARES s""""1 lb 29c BOIL "" lfc 43c BACON " J '"" ,b 49c STEAKS s b b lb 8VC SMOKED Tenderized Aft RK yiO PICNICS Shor"honk lb 45c ROASTS ndef lb SALT PORK gt0 PORK Eo,tern ,b 29c STEAKS L"B blad 55c SUGAR-CURED Att LiNK Portland Proviiion BACON ;.llh,"".',b,. ,b" 49c SAUSAGE Pu,,r - ,b 5VC XWmV Wl 1((77