WKDNKSBAY. JANUARY IB, 10ri2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PAGE NINE : 1 3 1 I 1 ? . Pelicans Drill For Cavemen Urr.iildl lit Irn.'.t l.-mpomily liv Urn Mcdlord llhk Tortiuilo, 1 1 tin Klitniplai I'll 1 1 1 rcllcins will l;v lo llml I Vir winning wnyn main when Ihry travel lo Cirunltt I'im.i lor it ui'ii. 4 I'Vidiiy-Kniiirdiiy twin hill biwikclball Unlo with the C: vemc n. I'M ( nir In t wo A schools lii DM. 4 lilnrl liom tern It'll ng:itn niter Mpdlnrd'K win ovrr the. Pelt mid Lie Civtincn'M win over A'hluml, lioih Unlurdii nluhl, threw Ihc race Into a lour-way deadlock. Actually, Crnn'.s Pnfi him only cue Icllciman, big John Harbour, t ! 1 f w r ,..! ... , r; HANDY SUB Not a reg ular with tho Pelicans, )avid French nonetheless is a valuable replacement. He'll travel with the Klam ath team squad for two games with Grants Pass this weekend. back and he wasn't a regular last acason. But Omnia Pass' nhoddy S-( rec ord tn dnle doesn't give ft true picture of Its strcngUi. All six losxa witu clqre (lo A'h lnnd bv two polnta, 43-43; 43-4S rnd 43-44 sotbacka by Murshilcld; n M-M lo.vt lo North Bend; a SO Dl lo.-ut to University High ot Bu ndle: nmi a 34-31 trimming by Cottage Grove). The Cavemen bent P-cddlng. 43. 45 In overtime; Roseburg twice. 4'J-m and 41-33: Cottage Cirove In a rcmatrh, 44-34; and Ashland Sal unlay, 68-41. Ilerbonr Marts at forward with Dick Jump. Sophomore Sam Dean or junior Mel Norrlck will gel the center call. Quanta are Norm liedgepeth and Bruce Robertson. Paul MrCnll. Pelican coach, anld rarlv thin weok lhat Calvin Oil more la Mill on. the doubtful list The hard-lurk cajer sprained Ills ankle late tn Friday Mcdford came and dldn t aee action KRnlnBt Hie Tornado Saturday. Earlier In the aeaaon he dlslncat. ed a (Inner In scrimmage sessions. CAGE SCORES (, 1)1,1. K( IK I All Wl.H V Ulnrk Junior Cohens 10 Portland Alruu bi Uonr.aa Oil Kn.ilern Oregon A3 .'Ji'.nln Clnru ( St. Mnry.i (Calll) M Colleen in l'nciliu 05 bncraincnlo Ululo 47 EAST St. Louis 1ft NYU CO hi. JoIuik (Bfcm 113 Mnnhnltmi 03 Holy C'rnsa I oil Providence VI Diiriiniiulh 10 Harvard 13 lover- time Cornell CO Yule 63 Siena ll Ionn f'.! ' MIDWI'.KT Noire Dmne 63 Michigan Hlole 40 Ohio Unlv 1H cini-liit'Mii CO HOUTUWHRT Texas eo Hire M Arizona Stall- CJ'enipc) 00 llurdlu- Hlmnion (13 AikaiuuiK AIM 13 I Idle Hock JC 00 KOI.'TII I.oulnvllle 13 N. C. State M 'Hie CMiidi'l 13 NPWberry 60 VMI 10 nichmond 67 Orcfon Web School Batketball liy The Aaaoclated I'reai Amity 61, North Marlon 28 Wet;l Linn tl3, NpwberR 44 Cleveland, (I'oitlnnih 68, Lewis and (;huk fronh 44 Unlvcralty, (liuucnci 03, Oakrlde 4(1. Woadburn 40, Estiicatla 33 Urealium 63. Columbia Prep (Port- I hndi 30 I I'arktlaln 43, Dtifur 30 Wenlporl 41). Jewell 41 Wuldport 47, Tall 43 'lllll'.boro 60. Korest Drove 20 lJatUesjiound, Wash., 60, Lake 0- c;o 30 Mill Cltv 41. Sublimity 40 tiweel Homo 40, Sacred Heart, Balem 43 McMlnnvllle 52, Oregon City 4S Cnrbelt 33, Mosler 31 Vernonla 60, 81. Helena 33 Davlon 60, Slim wood 18 Unston 32. Verboort 25 Wv-Easl 63, While Salmon. Wa:,h., 38 P;iiKene 45 Cottage Drove 37 Hprlngfield 40, Junction City 31 Creswell 38. Yoncalla 24 Drain 43, Lowell 41 f hemawa 37. Bi. PpuI 30 Unllus CO. Handy 61 ClnUikiinie 63. Kuinier 33 TolPdo 43, Newport 20 jjcappoose 61, Purkrose, (Portland' 60 (overtime I Molalla 66, Sllverton 30 Brownsville 67, Bhedd 48 Ml. Ant-el 43, Canby 33 Philomath 03, llalsev 60 Harrlhburg 61. Bclo 41 Seasldo 50, Warrenton 32 flank 42. Wlllamlna 41 Stayton 62, Tillamook 40 Salem Academy 60, Concordia, (Portland) 40 Sheridan 56. Yamhill 30 Powera 63, Bandon 20 Knappa 61, Star of the Sea, (Astoria) 44 Roneburg 38. Sutherlln 31 Rcediporl 78, Sluslaw 4S EOCE Loses Number 13 LA GRANDE, Ore. Ml Eastern Oreon Collego of Education suf fered Its 13th straight basketball aribuck Tuesday night bowing 63. P(l to the high-scoring Uonuiga Bulldogs from Spokane. Lowell Kolbaba of EOC waa high arorer wnn 18 points. Jerry ver million netted 14 tor Oonsaga. JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS1 Enjoy tills GREAT STRAIGHT BOUEBON famous for "OLD TIME QUALITY" . v "The Bourbon Buy of the Ctnturtf' JIMItHI lOUKIOM WHISKEY II PROOF wnoMi nsmim nmm coup., 1 1 TOL'GII SKAT1NO DETROrr. M4 Rabbit Mc Veigh, veteran hockey player turned referee, atlll olllclnles in rollege and amateur games around Detroit. The 63-year-old olllctal, when reminded of his age, recently stated that sometimes he thinks the rinks are flooded with clue. -J . j IMmssm V : ; fall lS SOMEWHAT MIFFED last week when Referae Buck Davidson refused to give him the decision over Polo Belcastro, Kurt Von Poppenheim tangled with Davidson over the public address mike. There'll be a winner tonight because Davidson has made the re match a fight-to-thc-finish affair. The re-showing has caught the fancy of the mat fans more than any match in many months. Davidson is polishing the SRO sign for this one." Packers Gain Tie Mpller Eri Klainalh pack .... dun htore Cra'.tr l,ak ......... DeMolay I OaMolay 1 T At 1 Mcn'l Hand LtJry YT 1 1 2 0 2 Frl. ion l.UM .mi .007 .trn .000 .000 Ml Klamath Pack Is shoring Ihc Victory league lead with Metier Bros. fter walloping the loop's new member. DcMolav Number 2, by a 61-22 count last night at Fair view. Oun Store woxed Men's Hand Laundry, 4(1-23, In the other game on the double bill. Dean Lowell and Orland Dixon paced the Packers with 20 and 18 points. Vent Alexander led Oun Store with 10. Seals Acquire Two Pitchers SAN FRANCISCO Wl The San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast Baseball League acquired two pitchers Tuesday, one for Ya kima of the Western International League. Clinton Boren, 18-year old right hander from Pima, Ariz., was signed for Yakima a Seal farm. Bill Boemler, a southpaw, was purchased outright from the New York Yankees. Boemler had a 14-13 record with Yakima last season. He pitched lor the Seals after the WIL season ended. Eugene Eyes Wl Circuit VANCOUVER, B. C, 141 Tto geno, Ore., wanta In the Western International Baseball League. Bob Brown, general manager ot the Vancouver Capllanoa, Just re turned from a WIL conference In Seattle, sulci Tuesday that tho Eu gene application for a franchise was "well received." "Thero la no oponlng at present, hul !ti annllnnllMi taUM ii wiiy city in tue league tans apart Rno-pnA will eerfcnlnlv ha In ' In said. he Box fcrirev PAf'KKRK (Hi) Quinowhl 4 t,well 21 Barrett 1 Dixon 13 OMham 4 Packr rubi fub-i Prrtr. D. r 2 R. Blhi y Swk c lo K't:r?d i 8 Wftrd ii 2 Larson Overen 6. DeMolav Blthn f.vs btopf do Alfxand-r 19 P Keftne 4 T A'oot 7 C Blgby II (i Mrl.auf 'ilin S O Gun Store tubt - tib Anf1rwcn I, Hawkins t. Woodard. aui z, rout 2, (23) LA UN 03 V 2 C-KMard 2 Lund 2 r. Gonzae T. G on 1 lei 3 Poi-ell Henry. T.aundry Fete Pop The second chapter of the furi ous Eelcastro - Von Poppenhe:m (eud will be written tontgnl at the armory In a rematch that Is ex pected to bulgo the palace ol punch. SHUFF STUFF STANDINGS Wnrui ... B.ll Placet ...... l"va . Schuta Suburban Tal ...... VKW Roundup r.Bule ttuinntera Lana 11 .10 2 2 0 n 10 Fft. .017 .8T1 .7.VI 7.V) .SIM .in .107 .107 .000 Mecca had the only breeze In the tavern shuff league list night wiUi a 4-0 win over Roundup. Tuts was pushed In its 3-1 win over Suburban, while VFW and feaglcs split, 2-2. Lu.'i week a large crowd wel comed back Pete Belcastro to the wrestling wars and the Weed As-sn.-isln gave the fans one of the wildest bouts to show here In many months. The Providence Reds of the American Hockey League have their own radio station, with broad casting sludlos right In Uie Rhode Island Auditorium, Dempsey Seeks Boxing Talent LOS ANGELES Ml Former Hravywelght Champion Jack Dempsey has a plan under way to find boxing talent. lie announced Tuesday night that he hopes to arrange- a series of tournaments throughout the nation. He Invited amateurs, 18 or older and weighing more than 175. to I sign up. The bouts would be three rounds each, and 10-ounce gloves 'would be ured. There would be no entry fee. In a well hit drive the back-spin !of a golf ball will be from 3.000 lo 5.003 revolutions per minute, de pending en how hard the bail is hit. It mry even run a3 high as 3.000 RPM. - Tonight The Mauling Milkman and his nefarious foe, German Kurt Von Poppenheim, both plan to pull all stops tonight In a tiff that Is ex pected to decide once and lor aU which Is the better man. It was "no contest" last week when Referee Buck Davidson dis qualified both wrestlers for wax ing too enthusiastic In the laps of the rlngslders. Both purses were held up by the Klamath Falls Boxing and Wrest ling Commission. But tonight there will be no .time limit. It will be a fight to a finish with the winner picking up the whole booty. Both have predicted victory. Both can't be right. The semi-wlnjup bids to chal lenge the main event for thrills. In this 45-minute scrap. Herb Parks tangles with Yorg Cretorlan, the vain Rumanian. Tho opener shows Danno McDon ald against Cowboy Gene Blakely in a 30-mlnute, one-fall tussle. Advance sales at Castleberry Drugs points to a full house. Gen eral admission sales open at the armory at 7:30 p. m. WkW-&P?''''' ' -"V" IfM '.-fx- ,Mmv.. -.tw .... s.viaafci.. J.... ...,..a-.' HVaHLStlHHflrMilAaMaH Why let snow bog you down ? SURE-GRIP TIRES win Puii you out i Put a pair of Goodyear Sure-Grips on your rear wheels now and you won't be stuck helplessly in snow or slush this winter! The big studs on Sure-Grips dig down deep to give you super-traction provide sure-footed skid-protection on slippery winter roads. Tread is extra-thick for longer wear and they're self-cleaning sticky snow and slush tend to funnel off 1 Sure-Grips ride smoothly when you hit stretches of good road and are economical, too while on your car they save your regular tires from the wear and tear of winter driving! nam PLAY SAFE-SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER NOW, Oregon Track Date Billed PORTLAND (P! Oregon's an nual AAU track meet will be held here Mav 31. Bill Christopher, AAU track chairman, said Tuesday that pre liminary and junior events will be in the afternoon with high school finals and championship events In the evening. Site of the meet will be the new Lincoln high school track. inn I? 00 . J COMING FRIDAY . . . HORNET" THE NEW II HUDSON With iti Spectacular, Lower priced "jt A CD" Running Mate, the HUDSON JUCKELAND TRUCK tne w jZ371J Wheeling rSILaiJ Your t ! Li ..... - nrs Way Thursday SEARS MOBILE MERCHANDISER FEATURING THE I jmnfmcim L: I MECHANIC'S HAND TOOLS! uJm time the plac s I THURSDAY Corner of T . ! r; 1 January 17 7th and Klamath I , 00 A.M. to 5:30 PjM, """"Wlamath Falls) Ore! I , You ore cordially invited to see this exhibition FREE ... A rolling investment of over $30,000 - - - featuring more than 400 individual CRAFTSMAN MECHANIC'S TOOISI It It Interesting to note that while this represents the widest assortment of Its kind, not to be found anywhere but at fears, It still represents only a small percentage of the 5700 'hard ware and tool Items sold under Ssars nationally famous DUNIAP and CRAFTSMAN LABELS! M&CU mom fact JLk...J Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 So. 8th Phone 9188