IIEHALP AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IB. 1052 IFirenfiljii imfis dirndl hh Fwed TIME OUT! 1(1 (TH PACK EIGHT SufltelhiDmi U , LAST SHOT Don Sutphin, leading scorer for Oregon Tech, left school yesterday-after Coach Art Kirkland fired him from the cage squad for the "good of the team". Morale problems of long standing prompted Kirkland's mpye.. . . -. 5taUabSto' V :i DHIHU, SrOtTiBHTOC - i, 'ft to SUGGESTION passed Wis corner:' along Why doesn't Paul McCalJ sched ule Gilchrist, put big Ralph Car roll in the key, and try to hand the 6-7 Pelican lad an Oregon scoring record? We aren't any more serious about this than the one who sug gested it or any one of the many callers who greeted Wade Hal brook's .66 points Saturday night with surprising disgust. THE REACTION to Halbrook's scoring feat against Molalla touched off a red-hot controversy. in a nutsnen the general con' sensus of opinion is that there is of late too much emphasis being piacea on DreaKing records. I can't help but go along with wis tnougm. Seems to me that a good deal of snine is tauen olf a . record-break' tag performance when, a team's of fense is set up purposely to break a record. If Halbrook had scored 66 points in the run-of-the-mill course of the game,- then I'd say hooray for him. But it has definitely been estab lished . that Halbrook's Lincoln teammates, with malice afore thought, set out US give the Splen did apnae me scoring tine. DAVIS WINS SHOOT Davis won both the 16-vard and handicap events in the Klam ath Gun Club's weekly shoot at Woe us Sunday. He shot a perfect 50x50 in the 16-yard division and posted a 47x50 in tile handicap shoot. Vera Moore, KGC president, said snow would be removed from the parking lot lor next Sunday's shoot. Results: SAYS THE Associated Press story: - ? 'Halbrook scored 30 field, goals and six free throws as he erased the state prep record of 52 points set just four nights before by John ny Frederick Jr., Tigard. guard, against jsewoerg." . , Halbrook had established the old mark of 51 in a Portland high school game last year. The .AP goes on: 'After Frede- rick s teat, he (Halbrook) swore to regain the record, and against juoiana nis Lincoln teammates helped Halbrook by ' feeding him passes every time they- got the wail. t - -'The,' towering . (7-1) Halbrook iook care-of'the rest." There isn't any , Indication In news atories that Frederick's 52 was a planned course of action. I don't know for sure if it was w not. If not, I'dv say. Frederick., de serves a bigger bouquet than does the big Swede, . IF LINCOLN qualifies for the date tournament, the big cage ihow will again take on the "stop aalbrook" flavor as last year. But I'm not too certain the Red Jirds, even with Halbrook's amazi ng height and dunking ability Baking a shot is as easy for Hal jrook as it would be for you to lunk a doughnut in a cup of Java -will, -be one of the two teams rom Portland to win tourney erths. ' Jefferson, with big Max Ander on, somewhat shorter but a bet er and stronger ballplayer than is lalbrook, stands a better chance. And Cleveland, from word that going the sports rounds, is the ortland dark -horse, and the team o watch on the inside lane. Davi .,; ',, ,. ... J. M. Adams- C. J. Martin T. B. Walters R. M. Smith C. M. Grant , Nelson Reed , , , W. G. Cooley , A. V. Moore . , D. Knowles , .... Ray Billing"! , , H. E. Hauger . E. E. Driscoll R. D. Bra nam an M E. Bramlett Jim Calahan Don Sloan E. Balsiger James Hilton . E. Pitcher Jt-ihot 25 targets only. 1 Bdcp 50 - 47 , - 47 36 - 46 X20 ..45 36 - 44 45 44 41 - 44 , 41 44 41 . 44 33 - 43 31 . 42 X19 Oretech Home To EOC Five The Oregon Tech Owls are drill ing this week for the wcekeud In vasion of the Eastern Oregon Col lege Mountaineers minus their top shotmaker, Don Sutphin. fired yes terday by Coach Art Kirkland. Sutphin's expulsion came on the heels of his suspension last Satur day when Mrklund benched him In the second game wltli Oregon Col lege of Monmouth. The Myrtle Point eager, second In Oregon collegiate conference scoring last season, checked out of school and was rumored to be heading for Vanport. Kirkland felt it was unnecessary to release for publicity details of firing Sutphin from the cage squad, but said it was for "morale res- sons". LONG STANDING The motter is one of long stand- and came to a head after Friday's loss to the Wolves in Monmouth, "Teamwork and team spirit is more important than winning games." Kirkland said when he gave the story yesterday to the Herald and News. He added that there was more "fight and spirit in Saturday night's game" when Sutphin viewed the game from the stands than there had been all season. Kirkland admitted, however, that Sutphin's loss will mean a big job of rebuilding because the plays were built around Don." OPENS Marv Hammack. Sutphin's run ning mate at guard until a Dec. 7 injury sidelined him until last Fri day, will probably open against the La Grande quint on the Oretech floor Friday night, along with Len Genetin. But Al Foreman also dellnuery figures in Kirkland s plans, , the cage mentor said. The Eastern Oregon team nas lost 13 games in as many starts, although the Mountaineers gave the OCC-lcamng vanport team sun tiffs before losing two games in their only conference outings. Parsons May Open SEATTLE Wl Doug McClary may be sidelined along with ' Bob Houbregs for the Washington-Ore-: gon basketball series Cere tins week-end. i McClary, Washington s six-foot-: eight-inch forward from Olympia, I injured an ankle in Tuesday s prac tice sessions. Dr. John Geehan, team physician, said the injury appeared to be a sprain which j might . keep McClary out of the games j-Tiday and Saturday. Houbregs, starting center injured in the. game with Idaho two weeks ago, also was -expected to miss tne Oregon series. Coach Tippy Dve said if the an kle injury sidelines McClarv he wM start with Dean Parsons, six foot seven inch freshman from Eugene, J It ft H k J I V I' i 1-11 I I if x V. A I gig "When you have a minute, Har ris, may 1 see you in my office?" Louis Wins Golf Fight SAN DIEGO. Calif. W Former Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe uhiis was tno winner in his right to gain Professional Golf Associa tion approval to play m the San Diego Open Tournament Thursday. Louis claimed It made him the first Ncrio, umateur or profession al, to gain such approval. The decision to accept his entry as an invited amateur was an nounced Tuesday night by Horton Smith. PGA president. Louis was paired with Smith and another PGA national committee man, Leland Gibson of Kansas City us a starting threesome Thursday. Smith also announced thnt a PGA ban would stand airalnst an. other Negro, Los Angeles profes- oiuimi out opuier. i Louis said he would plnv even though Spiller was ruled out. but that he wold continue his fiuht to gain equal rights for Necroex In golf. "This Is only the first round." he declared. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Saskatoon 3 Calgary 1 Vancouver 6 Victoria 4 KU Seeks Football Assistant Dwlght (Dutch) French, associ ated with Klumaih Falls high school athletic teams for a years, asked yesterday to be -relieved of his Job as assistant Pelican foot ball coach. - . His wish was expressed In a let ter to Principal James Brown. Cltv Sunt, or Schools Arnold Hrn. Inpp directed hlim commendation to French for his long years of duty on the Pelican sports front, and said he would recommend to tne Dlst. 2 school board that tlio veteran coach's request be grant ed. PRAISE Gralaun said his nnilsn ofFrench also goes for the entire school board, the KUHS coaching staff and the students. "Appointing an assistant to head Football Coach Bob llendershott will become a matter of Immedi ate study by the school bourd. Gralapp said. It was felt that there was strong support for Paul McColl for French's Job. McCull Is head bos- clball coach but also Is well versed in football, particularly as overseer of the backlleld. French's main chore with the Pelicans. Gralapp said relieving r'renen oi his grid Job would allow the dean of boys to assume added and nec essary work connected with his deanshlp, a post he's held since 1IH2. HEAD French wos head of all sports at the old Klamath Counly high school from 1925-28. Director of Athletics at KUHS from 1928-38. French also was bas ketball, track and Wildcat football headman, in addition to holding down the assistant varsity football job. He took over the basketball reins again during World War IL He has been -assistant football coach steadily since 19-17. AW HIGH MAN Bob Rich ards launches the major indoor season and his Olympic drive in the Phila delphia Games Jan. 18. Tho national decathlon champ ion and James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy winner has cleared 15 feet in the pole vault seven times. SALE CONTINUES - - - if . 4a . 39 Russ Still Have Time OSLO, Norway Ml The Rus sians, who have been hinting that they might like to enter the winter Olympics, were assured Wednes day that they still have a couple of days to go before deciding definitely. Ring Rumpus Investigated NEW YORK HH Additional wlt neses were summoned to testify Wednesday as an investigation of the assault case following a boxing match last Friday at Madison Square Garden was continued by the grand Jury. Eight persons appeared ' before the grand Jury Tuesday to tell of what they knew about the rumpus created by Manager Tommy Ry an after his fighter, Rocky Cas ellani, was stopped by Ernie Dur ando. Ryan is accused of striking Referee Ray Miller who halted the fight in the seventh round. For MEN and WOMEN Nylon and Poplin SKI JACKETS and PARKAS ' WOOL PANTS ; SKI SWEATERS 25c o OFF V Heavyweight Winter Sports SWEATERS ONE GROUP PRICED AT and 5" Kircher Signs WSC Grid Coaching Pact PULLMAN, Wash. Ml Alton Kircher Tuesday signed a five year contract ns hrucl football coaclfal Washington State Calk-no. Kircher, offered the Job Saturday had been nchi'diilutl to go to the University of Iowa us an axslHlunt to Forest Evushnvskl, who resigned here 10 days ago. Kircher had talked th Nltuutlon over with Evaslievskl fur tliruo days and announced ut noon Tues day ho has decided lo stay. Dan Btuvely, an assistant to Ev ashevskt who was also duo to uo to Iowa, will remain as an aide lo Kircher. Terms of Uie H-vear poet were not unuounced. Hut Dr. William Pearl, acllntf president of WHO. mild "Ihev compared favorably with salaries paid other conchci In the l'licltlo Const Conference." Eviishovnkt got 913,500 here las year. The announcement said Klrojief will aeleut backlleld, line and IroMi. man coaches lo complete his staff. Dob Flora, linn couch under Eva Nhovskl hero last ycur, will go to lowu with Kvy. Addition or Florldu State to Geor gia Tech's 1051 grid schedule gave the Yellow Jackets a third new foe for next full. Army , and Tulane are tho others. The Waij'i Oldtil and Largtil Retailer of Aulo MipliM Special Prices Good Thr Saturday Men's - Women's - Children's SKI EQUIPMENT SKI POLES SKIS BOOTS BINDINGS 25 OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK GOES For Men and Women . . . Wool and Satin JACKETS FOREST GREEN CRUISERS - WATERPROOF JACKETS and PANTS Lightweight rubberized and plastic types. V OFF SO EASY TO BUY! 'SMI By The Associated Press Los Angeles Bobby why, 12714 os Angeles, outpointed Baby Face utierreg, 128, Ban Diego, 10. Pittsburgh Jimmy Cerello, 168 oboken. N. J. outpointed Jackie tirke, 162, Brownsville, Pa., 10. White Plains, N. Y. Sal Dl u.ardla, 135ft, New York, out 9inted Bobby Polowltzer, 135, . artford, Conn. 8. NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS tOW ' , DOWN-PAYMENT LONG, EASY-TERMS (tomeihioftrag deal! DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th Sf. Phone 8101 WOODS DOWN JACKETS AND COATS WERE 39.95 NOW 29.95 MENS LEATHER WORK GLOVES . MENS NEOPREME WORK GLOVES MENS LEATHER BELTS ALL RIDING EQUIPMENT Head Stall, Martlngalet, Bits 50 50 50 50 Off Off Off Off AGM 2-BURNER GASOLINE CAMP STOVE FISHING JACKETS TENNIS SHOES i, Values to $4.95 7" 3.88 1.98 tMAding Oft Conrjili... When You Purchase) 4 New CRIST Doubly Guaran teed Cushion Ride" or "Multi-Grip" Tires ft ief n illppctry wlnltr roodil Trod ond iov at Wiifn Auto Hh Ollhtr of that temoui WfSIIIN GIANT prodvcll. No on w (w yowr old tlfi) no en ofUrt, o ifongr gvofont Ihon Waiitrn Auto. Thi Hno Tlr ro Owrntd ff 55 Mvnthi r 25,000 MlUt (whlihvf miwi flril) Cn)fP(M YR BATTERY Regardless of price, you can't buy a belter battery than , a "Varcon." It's built lo the moil exacting quality speci fications known to the industry. It gives surging power, quick, sure starts ond longer life. 34-MOMTH UIANrii VARCON "DELUXE" 96 Cm Chang KITCHEN KNIVES 50 Off QUEEN SCISSORS 50 Off QUEEN HUNTING and FISHING KNIVES 50 Off RUBBER FOOTWEAR Fleece Lined Zipper Overshoes Men's Four-Buckle Overshoes Storm Rubbers Lace Rubber Knee Boots Men's Pacs : v l I V I 11 No 1 Cai fit, molt nodlt of Chvrolf, Crotlcty, Ford, Kalior, Dodg. Noih, Plymouth ond many other matt i, 3ft -MONTH OUARANflf Varcon'Super-Actlva 14 20 liccliant. Rubber bortomi Leather Tops THE war NOW Man's 11.95 9.95 Men's 7.35 5.95 Woman's 10.95 8.95 Man's 2.45 1.49 98c Man's 7.95 4.98 Man's 14.95 9.95 Mil INSTAUATION Mo. I Cos. n, , llil.d abov.. It hoi ih. Plbir Qlai Imulatlon and Ih. ,u. per-l.olur. "Watir-Ouard" which giv.s 50 mor. wal.r prol.cllon ov.r th. plal.i. Olli.r ball.rl.i Ihol con. und.r Ihli J5V. Orr SAIC ar. th. "0. Iu." No. J, No. JE, No. it ond No. 21 Com. Alio, "Sup.r-Acllv." . No. 2C ond 21 Coi.i. Aik lor prlc.i and sli.i lo fit your ntid. Th.r.'l a VARCON batt.ry lor av.ry cor. Famous Crest Twist Link TIRE CHAINS 6.00x16 Rag. $7.95 Co) ' Mad with welded ltd Criolm-Htavy hardened croif chaini foiltlv lock wllti ipring lak up action. SSSSjrtjnj ask ton WITHOUT CHAIIS SlIPPINOandSllDINa ' All Prices Subad ta Government Regulation ' JUWArSBETWlBUYSAli IK.l.t.H 11th and Main i i i 4 4 ( i i