WKIlNKSDAV, JANUAItY l(t, 1052 IIKRALI) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORRGON PAGE FIVE .' Food Hale Junior HlKh Vrr.U mliilMer J'nllownlili) o( Pint 1'riw. uytrrlnn CJhuit'li will hold it loud unit! Hutiirduv ut the pine aired Mnrkft. I'rntwedn will uo toward dill (or the Junior clinpel. .Ion l.ullirmn l.ndlrn Aid will meet nl Ilia church 1:30 p.m., Thurnilay, I'yllilan Hl(rr Mrrlliiir Ecliecl ulrd lor PrUlny In canceled. Womrn Buvvlera 'I1i( Women' Clly llouilnn Amioi.'IuIioii will inert f'ridiiy, Juii. ID, nl the FJIIcn purly room nl B l) . 1 1 1 . All women bnwIciH nl Ihn Moiuip mitl l.mly Hiik l.rnKurn nro nukncl lo he preiuml lo oonalilor pluiin lor n clly tournament, Dram iirnun-of (lie Klnmiith Mmlr mul Arln Cunncll nieeth 'Itiuradny, H p.m. nl the rlinmlin of commerce. Member iiikI liilcr. rated friends mo Inviuid. AAL'W Ktudy imup Interim lluiml Kclnlloim umuii will meal tomorrow. 8 p. in., ut Hie lioinr ol I'liyllls Wnlfh. 4613 Clinton Ave. Tor transportation oil il-24(7. Muyfluwrr Club Mf-rllim sclicd nleil lor Krlduy h been postponed one week. olbrrl' VlnlU-Hlnln fuller Hut. mil Cnlbrrl ol Mnllord l vIMIIiik llrrr InichliiR UrM nld liimvn at (lhe loon) Blnte I'nllce olllce. Meeting HlmMu ChmikIp Mill acctloii ol Hie Horirlv ol Aiiirrli iiii KorrMrm will hold a iiirrtiiw Fri day, 6:30 p.m., In Hip Prllcun parly room. All furcle are cor dially Invllcd. Mllunary Kurlrly Iiinimlliiol nuptial Crunch iiroiiii will meet Thursday, 7:30 p in., ut the churrli lor election of oflkcin. Thrre Will -bn a sprciul joint mealing lonlKlit. 7:30 o'clock at ihe paraonaKa i( Hie flmt ConarcKn llonnl Cliurcli of. the fiimnce com mitter, the bulldm rominlttec and all uncreated persons. Card J'arly Ilia Wlnema Wel fare club, Tulclakck will mioncor a public card puiiv al lire Wlnema aciiool hoiiae Halurdnv, ' Jan. ID. 8 p.m. There will be prliea lur brldne, plnorhle, canustn. Every one la welcome. Postponed Tile rocreatlon' training- In ajunre dunciiiK scheduled for January J2 at the fnlmroiinda to have been laucht by Jrssnlce Mallallcu, recreniion spcculim. Oregon Htatc College Inis been postponed Indelmilalv because ol the Instructor's Illness. , , ' in, ' Cerlsen On , Way Home SHANNON AIRPORT, Ireland i.fi C'npi. Kilii Carl'.en iniicle hli Woeond atari lor New York Wednca tiny allernoon In the Pan American Ci-pper Wnahlnitimi. He In due lo arrive at New York ahorlly after 8 p.m. Pat. , . The heros welcome In New 'York (or the i kipper ol Ihe sunken Fly ing Eulcrprli,e hns been postponed until Thin Mlay. A ticker ' tape re ception and a inarch up Broadway await him. HI plane returned to Shannon Tuesday alter covering 250 mlle.i. A heater In one wing lulled to function properly. The aecond start was made at 1 p.m. 15 a m. Psl.i. Mechanics worked all ninht to repair the de fective healer. Curl' en and 30 other passengers slapt al the airport. The delay caused Carlson lo aav "I'm beginning to wonder If I'll ever get back lo New York and home." The reception at home will cap honors paid lo him In London for his two weeks' betlle nftnlnst the Atlantic In a vain effort to get his storm-wrecked ship Into port. Taft Gets Support Of Most GOP's II y JACK IIKI.I. HAN l'UANCIHCO Wl Ben, lloliert A. Tall of Ohio Is a three-lo-one choice over Clen, Dwighl U. Klfienhower for Ihn Republican Presidential Nomination among (KJI Mnllonnl Cominluee mem be r.i willing to exprer.s an opinion. An Awioelnted Press poll of the 08 iiiniilMM'N who ropreiicnt the 48 Mules dlncloied: Of 43 willing to alula how Ihcy atnnil, 81 favor Tall; nine support Kivcnhower, two are for Clov, Eurl Warren of Cali fornia, uud ono backs Harold K. Btunacn. Memljeis are arriving lor' a National Committee looming ba ginning Tliurrdny. Western region al OOP oftlclalu plunned lo atudy Ihnlr own problems Wednesday. A similar poll taken at a meeting In Wn.liiimion a year ago gave Tall 1'J voles: Klsenliower 12. Thus Tall In holding his own but ap parently Klnenhower has lost all ninth. Thcne rcxulta came In Ilia face of mi aiinouiiccini-nl by Elsenhower thai he Is a Republican and Is avullable for the pies'ilentlal nomi nation, although he has aald he will not participate In pre conven tion campaigning. LuM year's poll gave Slasiien four voIch. Warren two and one each to Ihe late 8cn. Kennelh Wherry of Nebraska and Oov. Thomas K. Dewey ol New York. The current canvass reached 85 members. It allowed that 42, or ulmosi half are unwilling alx mouths before the OOP National Convention to express an opinion either publicly or privately about their puiiy'a nominee. Growers Call Halt On Move The Orcgon-Collfornls Marketing Agreement Control Committee a potato grower committee which sets marketing stamiardji and reg ulations lor potatoes yesterday Kstoncd action on a Joint vote uy Klumath arid Tulclakc potato growers made Monday that all regulations on potaloes Imposed by the committee be lilted. ilic committee would ordinarily make a. recommendation to the Department of Agriculture follow ing up tho grower' motion; how ever, the committee decided In stead to await further develop ments by the Office ot Price sta bilization In Washington, D.C. 'Ihe growers voted 43 to 28 Mon day to lilt tho regulations which would allow them to put more potatoes of lower grade on the inuiltct. Many of the Tiilelnka growers were against the lilting of the reg ulations which they said had held up the reputation of Klamath po- , ta iocs. I Scott Warren, chairman of the uregon j-otaio commission slid a Klamath grower, and Louis Lyon, another grower and Klamath's rep resentative on Ihe National Potato Council, are In Washington. D.C. tins week attending Council-sponsored se.s-.lons with tho Olflce of Price Stabilization. Plane May Be Used--Again BfCATTLK W . It Air Trails port Associates' plans work out, a C-M transport plane rebuilt from parts obtained In Cairo, Kgypt, and a luselago that, onca housed a Kentucky roudnlde cafe will take lo Ihe air between here and Alinka next, summer. U. It. Miller, general manager of Iho non-scheduled airline, told of Ihn project Tuesday. Miller expulned that because the (our-enmne planes aro both sen ire and contly inriOOOO eachi, ATA sent a mini around the world look ing for parts and replacements for planes now In use. Ilo found noma of the parts In Cairo and elsewhere and located the fuselage nt Loulavllle. The un-ancmbled works were loaded on a train at Louisville Tuenday lor shipment to Paindale, Calif,, where thev will be put to gether by Aircraft Hales, Lid. Miller aald ATA hones to have Iho phinn on Ihe Bcuttlo-Anshorugo run next summer. NATO Council Slates Meet LONDON I The North At lantic Council Wednesday was culled to meet In Ll.-ibon on Feb. 10. Announcement of the new dale Ihe orlglnul meeting acheduled for Feb, 1 In Lisbon was postponed was made bv Lester Pearson. Can adian secretary ol slate lor ex ternal affairs and chairman of the council. Prance had a.ked the postpone ment to gain time for mora dis co v. Ion of the projected European army, proponed es a nucleus for the 12-nutlon North Atlunllc Treaty Organisation' military force to de fend the West against Eovlol ex pansion. Meanwhile the French govern ment has fallen and France Is still without a Cabinet which can reach decisions on Ihe army plan, Italian Fashion Shows Jump Gun MILAN, Italy tm Italian fash ion designers, fearful of being cuucht with their plans down, are exhlblllng their spring creations at least three weeks before ParK Carmine Clalfl, director of Mi lan's Centra Delia Moda. savs Italian lirms are starting to show their fashion collections in order to beat the French designers, who are scheduled to beln unveiling their creations Feb. 7. To attract Ihe heavy monev American buyers Milan designers have created an "Italian fashion rervlce" to help buyers from Amer ican firms. Educators To Visit Here Four top Oregon educators com lo Klamath Fulln tomorrow lo peak to Klamath citizens at s meeting In the Wlllard hotel. Dean Theodore Kratt, University music school; Dr. James H, Gil bert, Emeritus professor of eco nomies: Dr. Edwin O. Ebblghau sen, im; tunt professor of physics and Truck Coach Bill Bowerman all from the University of Oregon will speak before a group of Ore gon alumni, friends and parents. 'flie public Is Invited, according lo County Alumni Director John Houston. Much of (he men. according to Houston, arc authorities In their Ileitis. They will discuss Ihelr works ond the University In a pro frnm along the linn of an old fashioned chautaugua. University Alumni Director Les Anderson Is In charge of the program. Hope Died Hard For Someone VICTORIA. B. C. Some dlMl hiKlond soul's dream of a return of tho Russian czars apparently died In this provincial capital. The appearance of several thous and rubles worth of Russian First World War bonds was the telltale evidence of the shattered hopes Or dying sentimentality. The bonds were stuffed Into mail boxes or thrown on the street. Issues In 1B10. some of the bonds had Interest-bearing coupons clip ped frcm them until mld-1922. They ore a l:-ycr, 100-rublc Issue, bear ing 5 ? per cent Interest. Five were, dropped into mall boxes ond a man lound one on the street. The old Imperial Russian seal guaranteed payment of Intcrer, on a 2 million ruble Issue. There was no clue to the Identity of the person whose hope died so hard. Speechcraft Course Offered Deadline for Joining the speech craft course sponsored by the Mo- ;doo Toaslmastors Club has been I set for tonight,. 8: 30, at the Wll lard Hotel. ' Club officials said there was no obligation attached In attending to night's meeting. I If you like the 10-week course being offered for lust J5. then you can sign up. The fee may be applied to membershto in the Toaslmasters Club if desired. I The course Is designed for those i who want to learn to speak easily I before an audience. FBI Checks On Bobbery Of Bank UNION Wl FBI agents have some clues on the attempted bur glarv of the Union First National Bank last week, Hut thty declined Tuesday lo say what the clues were. Police here ure cooperating with the FBI In Its Investigation of the case. Tftey -also arc Investigating the burglary of the Blue Mountain Creamery office Sunlay when 1100 In currency and silver was taken. NEW SCHEDULE PENDLETON ' There will be no opening afternoon show at ihe Pendleton round-up this year. The board of directors sold Tues. doy that a Friday night show will be held Instead. The dates will be Bept. 11-13. WHEN YOU SEW AT HOME... STORE HOUFf: :30 - 5:30 MOST WITH PENNEY FABRICS 1 YARDS AND YARDS OF FRESH SPRING PRINTS AND PLAINS ! ALL AT WONDERFUL NEW LOW PRICES! VISIT OUR BALCONY NOW! -; IMPORTANT NEWS IN FASHION FABRICS! Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE . 11th & Klamath Ph. 2-581J Look at this for a BIG VALUE! unnv M II Hand US PROOF KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLENO 6bX GRAIN NEU1HAL SPIRITS THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY J 11 iUfK i h I H 'l M I. "M -.' (H If J .If I'JL'JuN" IK!:.' B 17 a can THE TRADITIONAL COCERTO ... a superb radio . . . world-famed flagnavox phonograph in compact, beautiful fibinet . ; . especially well adapted for small iomes and apartments . . . fully automatic Ippeed record changer has a pull-out drawefor convenient loading . mahogany finish . amazing low pnee of Model 147M fiwhymmlc Co 120 No. 7th Ph. 4519 combination A smSflCe interest plus of surfoce m , WQWy dromot THE WAKINGS Of BIG . TINY .... . ore'sed out 36" vide. r lAdvanc 527 i"4?" 1 NO-IRON CRINKLE-PLISSE PRINTS Easy to sc', no-Iron pllsse In sunny, summery prints. You'll sew lots and lots of things, Irom baby's aunsults to your afternoon dresses. 35" wide. BALCONY SANFORIZED NEEDLE N' THREAD BROADCLOTH Lustrous, mercerized broad cloth in gay scenic patterns, p e n 1 i n e designs, florals, novelty prints! It's the per fect fabric for rquch of your Spring sewing . . . hurry In I Maximum Shrinkage, 1. BALCONY m ' 4',te, PENNEY'S OWN RONDO PERCALE PRINTS Crisp, exciting prints! Spark ling solid colors! Come shop now for Penney's own, fam ous quality Rondo percales you'll use for nearly every home seeing need! 36" wide. BALCONY HAND WASHABLE RAYON BUTCHER WEAVE yd, 5?c HAND WASHABLE RAYON SORORITY PRINTS yi. 69c SANFORIZED DENIM! PLAINS 59c TWEEDS yd. 69c BRIGHT NEW SHADES! 42" RAYON SATIN ri. 59q . 36" SANFORIZED, MERCERIZED cowrBROADCLOTH,,,. 55c SANFORIZED WOVEN COTTON GINGHAM., 79c PAJAMA PRINT COTTON FLANNEL yJ 49c SOLID SHADES WAFFLE PIQUE yJ 59c SUBTLE SPRING SHADES 42" CORDUROY (J.1.49 , SANFORIZED, MERCERIZED Silvermoori Prints yd. 79c BALCONY MORE BIG STORE WIDE SAVINGS! H MATCHED SETS! Men's Gray or Ton TWILL WORK SETS r 2-V Pants Shirt Sizes 29' o 50't Pant Sizes 142 to 17 Shirt MAIN FLOOR fl 50 WOOL LUXURY QUALITY BLEND BLANKETS 72 X 90 Size 90 Solid colors! 8 3'A- Pounds! BASEMENT A WINTER WARMTH! MEN'S BLENDED BOOT SOCKS Nylon Re inforced! . 79 Wool, Cotton Rayon Blend! Rugged Quality! PR, MAIN FLOOR SPECIAL! Sewing Scissors "100 - i PR. 5 Different Sizes! Fine Stainless Steel! BALCONY NOTIONS! See Our Complete Stock For All Your SEWING NEEDS Finest Quality! Large Assortments! Tiny Prices! BALCONY 100 WOOL 54" Wide All Wool FLANNEL YARDAGE Rich Solid Shades! Perfect for Spring Suits, Coats! BALCONY 2 98 JUST ARRIVED! 20"x26' 'Size FEATHER PILLOWS Durable Stripe Ticking! . EACH Buy Now At Only ... DOWNSTAIRS 1 98 NO RUN . MESH HOSE 45 Gauge 30 Denier mm 115 Sizes S'.i-ll New Sprlnj -Colors rr START YOUR YEAR WITH SAVINGS!