WKDNKSDAY; JANUARY 10. 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THRKB v f, -TX i ... i J rr . , -w I . .'.SB-Si .V.-tiiLm. Vt". j Administration Sticks To Guns, Insists Pelton Dam Necessary To US Defense t. ; . Ii:. 'A J 7) BLOODMOBILE VOLUNTEERS, who will be on duty again at Red Cross Headquarters in the.Arinory Jan. 22. Pictured above, after a long workday, are, from the left, Mrs. Guy Barton, Mrs. llaarby Bcchcn and Mrs. Paul Farrcns. at the Richard Maxwell home, Cove Point, where all of the volunteers attended a no-host cocktail and dinner party. ' , "'. Photo by Kcttlcr Kefauver Gets Oregon Bid SAI.KM. Ore, I PrtltlolUi to miike Btn. KMch Krlnuvcr of Tcnnvaiirc th Drmocrmlc nominee lur I'rrahlrnl were lo no into cir culation In OrcKon Wcdiicftduy. Blntr Ron. Juck Bulll. Port land OPiiiucrnt. (mid hr hud or nunir.nl a uroim t nuon.ior tlie prlllluii, A- llioumind nl(trmUirc re nnrdi'd lo uct KWiiuvcr'ii minis nn I he uftllut for the Orrumi nrl nuiri election Mny 16. The run dldMr'a pmninslon Is not nctdrd In (Ills Mutt. fin fur the onlv Democratic entry In Ore cm Is (Jen. DwlKlit Pllnen 1'iiwer, wIiono mime w entered lirlore he announced he win a Ki-piibllcnn. The exiiocUttloii now hi lliut hln nnino will bn nlrlcken from the Doirnx rnllc ballot. Hnln Mid he doubted thnl Presi dent Truman will run. He Itled an a Kefmiver candidate (or the Dem ocratic tin tlcnul convention, and nn Id a lull xlittfl of 12 Kefauver randlulea would be entered In Uic primary. About 100 blunder from Ptika puka. In the Cook (troup recently moved to another Island because of nverrrowdlnii. The population on their atoll had reached 600. . . ". ' ' ' ( V A Slim ALLEN J 5 1 oni T0PSY I 1 "Tit Acromonloe" "if 8,My LEE U . "Wtaftrit Sooffi" ' RJ WATSON " ' . "Wiorj Of Tht Bono" 'A PORTLAND W The Defense Production Administration haa cer tified construction of Pelton Dam on the Deschutes River In central OreKon aa necessary to the U.S. Defense effort, according lo Port- In nil General Electric Company offlclala. Jnmca H. Polhemua, president of PGE, aald Tuesday that the certification provided for reducing federal Income taxea aurinif me first five yeara of the project's operation. The tax reduction will be made ud later, he said. Construction of the power dam la not expected to get underway for some time because of opposi tion by the Stale ol Oregon. Attorney General George Neuner haa said the state will go to court No Agreement On Big Race By MARVIN I.. ARROWRMITH WASHINGTON 11 Ben. Humph rey ID, -Minn.) said Wednesday the Democrats can't win the president ial election unless they nominate a "consistent 'lair dealer' and a warm supporter of the admlnlxtra tloni foreign policy." The Minnesota lawmaker told a reporter President Truman would fill the bill "better than anyone else because I obviously am talk ing about the kind of program for which he has fought." BuL HumDhrev added: "We have other good Democrats who could qualify ' and win the election" If Mr. Truman decides not to seen another term. Ben. Capehart (R.-lnd.) said he believes the President will run again. "The Democraia in my opinion haven't anyone else who could even make a race of it and I think Mr. Truman knows that," Cape- hart declared. Capc-hart Is backing Sen. Taft of Ohio for 'the Republican Presi dential Nomination. But he said ne is convinced "any Republican nom inated can win this year." Humphrey conferred with the President Monday and said after ward that Mr. Truman had kept him guessing on his plans. Humphrey reported, however, that Mr. Truman had told him he "wants a liberal platform, a lib eral party and a liberal candidate." Eight Die In Flaming Home COOS BAY, Ore. W Eight children were burned to death ear ly Wednesday in flames which de stroyed their home nine miles north of North Bend on Highway 101. The children ranged In age from 3 to IS years. Parents of the chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weeks, and one daughter, Dolores, escaped from the burning structure and are hospitalized at Coos Bay. to halt construction of the contro versial power project. Under Oregon law, he explained, dam construc tion must be licensed by the Ore gon Hydro-Electric Commission, 'that agency has refused to license the project. The dam has been opposed by sportsmen and fish Interests These groups say that If the dam Is built, salmon runs In the Deschutes would be reduced. But the Federal Power Commis sion, which licensed the dam alter more than a week of hearings here last suinmea, said that salmon runs would not be reduced, but might even be Increased by the proposed dam's related hatchery construc tion. The FPC said It was licens ing the project because It could be built quickly to relieve the Pac ific Northwest's dry season power shortage. When the commission announced Its findings, the State Fish Com mission threatened court action saying It "will move to slop them" if PGE begins construction. Polhemus said the Office of De fense Mobilization, the Munitions Board and the Defense Electric Power Administration all had en dorsed the project as necessary to the defense effort. That was a blow to opponents who had hoped Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman would block the certificate. The Defense Power Administration ia an Interi or Department agency. PGE said it would begin con struction within a week If not blocked by legal moves. That indicated the company had almost completed negotiations with Warm Springs Indians whose re servation Includes a portion of the, dam sue. MIM0RXH0IM COION ...STOMACH 1 Allmtrtt UTUI (H.rsl.) - Vlltld VKlMt ImiU.1 iMtU. 10.00 ill J.00M.. ,i....kt. Until 1,00 t.m. M..,W.df,L CJ.Df.lt . free wr:?7.:"ki SSSf THE DEAN CLINIC IN OU 42' VIAR tt NOarHIAIT IANOT tOUUVAl Tlplw IAH 1S rrtlatitf 14, Or. Hans Norland 627 Pine St Auto Insurance. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Tab can rtnl a Uveir new iplnet plane from Ibe I.etiiB , Moa Plane Cam pnr, lie S, llh, at lew menlblr rate After e, reasonable time yon can, 11 ymm wtb. change from rent tm pur chase agreement. The rent alreaalr pate la all credited te rear parches ecceenl and ne ether down payment it neces sary. The menihly pay men ta can be little higher than rent. Or. If ye pre fer, yen can centlnnc lt rent. OR PAY NOTHING ROYAL- HEARING AID Try the nw Zrnlth "Boyar hearing aid for 10 day. It you're not completely atiiflcri return the Instrument and GET YOUR MONEY BACK! Only $. A Month IVo Down Pnvnient 715 Main Street Printing Industry Convention Slated PORTLAND Wl The Oregon printing industry and Portland Club of printing house craftsmen will hold their annual printing week banquet here Thursday. Walter W. R. May. editor and co-publisher the Enterprise cour ier, an Oregon City newspaoer. will be principal speaker. His topic will be "This Imperishable Art of Ours." DIES HOOD RIVER ' Kenneth Kern, 60, a construction worker, died here Tuesday after his skull was fractured in an accident.; Kern, who was working on. the Columbia River highway project a mile east of here, fell lrom dirt moving machine. "? STREET SKIER Frank Drew of The Gunstore, models some of his wares on Main St. Farm Land Cost Hits New Record CORVAI.LIS Wi Oregon farm The Province bell, later known as the Liberty Bell, cast in Lon don, arrived In Philadelphia in 1152. It cracked during its testing. It was recast and cracked again twhen tolled at the funeral of Chief lands cost more than they ever Justice John Marshall in 1835 nave oeiore That was the report Tuesday of the Oregon State College Extens ion Service. The Nov. 1 price Index on farm lands ws 213 per cent of the 1035-39 average 14 per cent higher than on Nov. 1, 1950.. The report added that farm mortgages were higher In 1951 than at any time since 1933. I: HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. . MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprietors and Joe Earley Estre Work, Made Eaiy KENT A TYPEWRITER r ADOING MACHINE Eltclrle r Han4 t Lul m.nlh'f rrnul It ipplltl U tht purcbatt prlct. Villi's i n t Fioneer Umce Supply Pliant 1115 I" - n nirs a I I SMALL! i TODAY JWillJamu' f4$S I every clay except Sunday open 10 lo 5 SixdaysaweeR Sunday Js "church day"... but Monday through Saturday The First National Bank of Portland is ready to serve you at the hours mos: convenient for you. When bills and expenses have you going in circles, don't delay ... get a First National PERSONAL LOAN! It's Quick . . . Easy . . . Convenient! You can arrange for a PERSONAL LOAN any day (except Sunday) 10 to 5, in cluding Saturday. Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Stmt Branch Merrill Branch Fl 1ST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Tht honk ftot ifoyt OPEN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK for your conv.m.ac "UT'S BUfLD OREGON TOGETHER" ' Md Dart - carpmata Calhouunl FLOOR COVERING SALE STILL IN PROGRESS . . . ! :V, figuring on hard surfacing your floors? Do it With 1st Grade HO LEU V. Iv NOW at a savings during Floor ' Covering One Lot Of LINOLEUM ,,,lst ade... Standard Weight Marbleized Straight iine Embossed Spatter Jaspe Strypelle While It Lasts!! OS Sq. Yd. Asphalt Li Tile bccots Pft; Other Colors Also Reduced!! Now Is The Time To Tile YOUR FLOORS AND SAVE!! Nationally Famous . WILTON CARPET SPECIAL THROW RUGS Stvt Your Rugs From 27" x 54' 99 Values Winter Wsarir ' 14.95 : LINOLEUMS ' I 'CARPETS TME LAKdST STOTK Of J5T CAST MAIN JTirT OUAirTY BLINDS THt KLAMATH iASlM TIL WOMt $ All Loop Pile Beautiful Pattern Tons On Tons Grssn, Gray, Mocha Bsigs , 12 Foot Width LIMITED SUPPLY 1