PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON KFJI 1150 Kc-PST Wednesday Evenlnr, Jan. 1( 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MriS 6:1S Klamath Tnealer (Juts 6:30 Around Town New" 6:45 Sm Hayej News MB :M Bill Henry MBS S-.ja Alfalrs ot Cafsanova BBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 8 00 What's Name Sonf MBS U.-30 Med) of Honor 6:9 Heidelberg llarmonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy Newi MBS 6:13 rullon Uwll Jr. 6:30 WreeUlng 8:39 H-MIn Final MBS J0:00 Wrestling 10:tS I Love Mystery 'IBS . 10:30 Oot of l hunoer MBS 11:00 Night Owls Newt 11:03 Mint Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Rc PST Thursday. Jan. 11 6:00 Musical Reveille 643 Farmers' BulleUa Board 6:3J Local News 7:00 Hemingway Newi MBS 7:13 Breaklait Gang MBS 7:30 Newt 7:43 Beit Bust 6:00 Cecil Brown MBS 6:13 Breakfast Oang MBS 6:30 Haven ot Best MBS 6:00 Homemakera Harmonies 6:13 Marlon from iUUera 0:30 Platter Party :43 Familiar Favorites 10:00 Glenn Hardy Newt MBS ma irtnj tat gang ia at Coffet rinw . . .1 1 10:13 TUo Tt 10:30 LaPolnUl 10:45 MlnUtur Concert 10:50 Mrltn Dotgt 10:55 Ken Carson MBS 11:00 LadtM Fatr MBS 11:15 Ncwi MBS 11:30 Oumn for a Day MBS 12:00 Nimt Bands 17:15 Newt Headline! 13:30 Your Dine Tune 12:4.1 ISUrke' Uvtitock 1:00 Jack Klrkwood Show MBS 1:30 Tuna Tit. 1:53 Local Newt 2:00 N'ewa MBS 2--OS Kctt-i 3:13 1a Time Tips 8:45 An wor Man MBS 3.-03 Ricky 'a Request 4:00 Speed Gibson MBS 4:13 Hemingway New MBS 4:.T0 Curt Maney Time 4:43 Sam Hayea MBS 51 Srgent Prrt-n MBS 3:30 Sky Kin MBS 5:55 New MBS (1:03 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:13 Klam. Theater Quit 6:M Around Town Nwf 6:45 Sam Hayes Neu-a MBS 6:53 Bill Henry MBS. T.-00 Harmony Tima 1:13 Sports Album 7:30 Bobby Benson MES 8:00 Tartan MBS 8:70 Adven. Your Heritart 8:45 Heldelberi Harmonalres 8:00 Glenn Hardy News MBt 9:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS fl:.-0 Rrt A Oun Ch'h MBS 0:55 5-Min. Finrl MBS 10:C0 I Lova A Mystery 10:13 Stars on Parade 10:30 Bandstand USA MBS 110 Niuht Owls News 115 Kifbt uwis t-iuo KIAMATH rLLl. OM64K AMERICAN CHINESE Ms. 44 Ni (Matt Ta Taka (M en 6. Lee, Mgr. li-00 Sign Off. , KFLW 1450 Kc PST Wednesday Evening, Jan. 1( 640 Sports Highlights 6:13 Hamt Town News 6:33 World Newt Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headllna Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attractions on AUk 740 The Lone Ranger ABC Mvstery Theater ABC 8:00 The Ton Guy ABC .T) Roanes Caller" ABC 6:00 Proudly We Hall 0:M Northwest Artists 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:13 tre-am Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newt Summary 11.03 S'en Off KFLW 1IS0 Kc PST Thursday, Jan. 17 6 00 Sign on Newt Summary 6:03 Corn In the Morn. 6:43 Farm Fare 7:00 Newt Bktst Edition 7:13 Charlie's Roundup 7:60 Bob Garred & Newt ABC 7:Jt o' the V'-ntnf 7:M John Contt ABC 6:00 Breakiast Cluo ABC 040 Hank Henry Show 0:30 Brak the Bank ABC 10:O0 Chet Huntley, Newt ABC 10:13 Lont Journey ABC lo:SO My True Story ABC -10:53 Edward Arnold ABC 1100 Betty Crocker ABC 11:13 Slop Shop 11:30 Jlmmle Fldler 11:30 Against the Storm ABC . tr-s Mur'erl tounup 11:33 Market Reports tJ:0J Noon Xdition f.'ew -11:13 Pay less Sidewalk Show '1:20 Luck)- U Ranch ABC 1 40 Paul Hareey ABC 1: 3 Setter Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBrld ABC 240 Basin Briefs 3:13 Accent on Melody 3:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 3:U Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 When Girl Marries ABC 3:13 Ted Mtlont ABC 3:30 Perfect Husband ABC- 440 Mary Marlln ABC 4-13 Reouestfullv Yours 5:00 Tnri Ccrbett. S"aco Patrol ABC 3:25 Will Rogers ABU 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 It's Movie Time 6:00 S-MrU Highlights 6:13 Home Town Newr 6:23 World Newt Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headllna Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attractions on ABC 7-01 Mr President ABC 7:30 Bedtime Stories m FINAL DISPOSAL SALE mm o o o o ... IS RUNNING SHORT ENTIRE STOCK LADIES IPIDC AND BELOW ... ONLY A SHORT TIME IS LEFT FOR YOU TO PURCHASE FAMOUS BRAND LADIES AP PAREL AT THESE RIDICULOUS PRICES THEY MUST BE SOLD NOW REGARDLESS OF OUR LOSS ALL SALES MUST BE FINAL NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES SOO.OHg. Amateur Hr. ARC :4B Foreign Reporter ABC 0:00 Hollywood Star Plnyhous ABC 0:30 Concert of Europe AUC 10:00 10 V M Headlines 10:13 iClnb Can Do AUC 10:30 -Insomnia Club 1140 News Summary gt 11:03 Sign Oft f Second Trial For Costello NEW YORK I.TI Onmbler Frank Costello his first criminal conviction in 37 yenrs reportediy biocked by n lono Juror will tttce a new trlnl (or contempt of Uie U.S. Sjnulo Crime Committee. And Uio committee's former. rlialrmttn, Sen. Estes Kefnnver iD.Term.), nitty be a prosecution witness itt tho retrlnl. unnoio to agree on even one ot the 11 contempt chnrccs uiftiinit Costello, a fodoi Rl court Jury Tues day gave un Its efforts to reach a verdict after being out 23 hours ana jo minutes. Federal Judge Sylvester J. Ryon continued fio defendant in $5,000 bail and set Friday for a prelim mo ry hearing on a new trial. Unofficial sources said that on rsome. but not all the counts, tlie Jury vote was 11-1 for conviction. U.S. Atty. Myles J. Lane torn newsman ho had invited Sen. Kefauver to appenr as a witness at the trial but that "he did not come" Lane said he would renew the Invitation to Kefauver when Costello is tried again. y Jews Claim Reparations JERUSALEM (PI Israel is ready to start its first direct negotiations with Germany. The first meeting to discuss Jewish claims for a bil lion dollars In reparations la ex pected to be held In Brussels, Bel glum. A date for the talks has not been announced, but they were author ized Tuesday by the Foreign Af fairs Committee of the Knessot (Parliament). Bitter debate over the propriety of Jews talking directly with Oer- ; mans led to a riot last wtek oy I the Herut Party, headed by Menv i chem Belgn, which hotly opposed j the talks. I Previous Israeli claims for reo ! arations have been presented to the powers hi fjtr- ' ,: " irl I II II II I t" I I WKDNKSIMY. JANUAItY II), inr,2 GREYHOUND bus drivers, blocked hero temporarily by heavy snows on the highways, engage in a bit of horseplay at the Bus Depot. The men are (1 to r) Jt, L. Wcodlo and L. J. Clark. i four occupying many. FASHION SALON SECOND FLOOR Sailors Drown V As Boat Sinks TOKYO !H1 Two U.S. aeameri from -, 6etUe and one from Port land 'were' -drowned Tuesday night when a launoh from the freighter ;Washingtdn Mall sank In Yoko i hama harbor. I Three other seamen. Including Willis Cloud, wiper, of Seattle and : Edmund - Post, wiper, of Portland : were rescued. ; The. victims wertj Identified s ! Azle Adams and Robert M. Hor : ton of .Seattle and Horace R. Ed I wards of Portland. Cloud said the launch Was tak j ing men ashore when It struck a ,buoy. It quickly filled with watr and sank. Japanese m a fiarg punea ine mree survivors from the j water within 10 minutes. Impromptu Wrestling Bout Draws an All-Star Audience By ERSKINE JOHNSON I with Dick Wliutlow, her partner In hullywuuu inkai Holly- u new uiiery act. wood and Grapevine: Mnry Rog- ers. daughter of the late Will, and The Lana Turner-Fernando Lam her estranged hubby Wtlter Brooks,,, g(ar lan't coolmg off cn bit. had onlookers pop-eyed by their i j WOu'.1 guess that their gighs. now wrestling tactics at a local spot. Mink-coated Mary grabbed Brooks at the back of his pompadour, yanked out a handful of hair and knocked him off his barstool onto the floor. Amazed spectators In cluded Corlnne Calvet. John Broin- fleld. Mel Ferrer, Gloria de Haven and Harry Rita. Gloria, by the way. Isn't deny ing the possibility of a sprint to the altar with Manhattan Million aire David Haft as hotly as in past monuu. sne tow me: "ill admit that he's the top man." Barbara Pavton is Introducing a handsome Air Force captain around as "my nephew-' and gig ling about It . . . Their pals say that Carol Ann Beerv. wallvg adopted daughter, will tie the knot mmm 3SaSEHfli ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 Son Born To King Farouk CAIRO. Egj-pt tti Queen Nar- riman. teen-age second - wife of Egypt's King Farouk, gave birth Wednesday to a son heir to the Nile Kingdom's throne. The boy born at 8:20 a.m. was named Prince Ahmed Found after his grandfather. King Fouad . Palace sources who announced the birth said the Queen and her babv both were "doing well." The King was married last May I to Narrlman Sadek. commoner daughter of an Egyptian civil serv ant. The Queen celebrated her 18th birthday Josf Oct. 31. Farouk will be 32 on Feb. 11. Swelling crowds massed In the huge square before Abdln Royal Palace and cheered as a 101-gun salute boomed to herald the birth. A'stcady procession of cars car ried Cabinet ministers, government officials and other dignitaries to the palace to record their official congratulations. The Education Ministry ordered all schools closed Wednesday and Thursday. Common Fly Still Major House Pest WASHINGTON W) Man Is still waging a losing battle In his ef forts to rid himself of the common house fly, the Agriculture Depart ment reported Wednesday. During World War n. govern mcnt scientists came un with DDT, an Insecticide they hoped eventual ly would doom the fly and the mosquito. But after some time, It was dis covered the fly as well as the mos quito was developing a resistance to DDT. In a research report Issued Wednesday the department said laboratory strains of house flies have been bred that spend their entire adult lives and lay eggs while confined in cages thoroughly coated with DDT. The department said Its scien tists now are studying possibilities of using baits along with rigid san itation as method of controlling flics. Daylight Saving Plan Suggested WASHINGTON Ml A Congres- Rionai committee suggests that "a national plan of daylight-saving time- De considered to conserve elcctrlo power for the mobilization effort. The Joint Committee on Defense Production said Tuesday daylight saving time would reduce peak loads on power systems by 750,000 to 2 million kilowatts. EXPLOSION SALEM Wl A grade school was dismissed at Lyons, 20 miles southeast of here, Tuesday when its heating plant exploded with such force that It cracked ft num ber of walls. None of the 200 teachers and students was injured. Nepal Is an Independent king dom on th southern slope of the Himalayas. Ihat "The Merry Widow' Is fin ished, prove that this romance It not atudlo-cnglneered. A visiting flrelady on "The Ko rean story" set was lolling Bob Mltchtim how sorry she was that she had missed the billboard of Bob and Jane Russell for "His Kind of Woman." "Don't let it throw you," Mitch urn shrugged. "Someday Howard Hughes will re-Issue the bill board." There will be a classic scene In Stanley Kramer's "The Happy 'lime" in which Charles Boyer tells his son, Bobby Drlscoll the facts of life. The birds and the bres and the stork will be prominently absent. He'll do the revolutionary simple thing of making It all about people. It may or may not be clue to an eventual marriage wlUl Clark Oable. but Virginia Grey is say ing "no" to every Romeo who tutu htr for a date these days. Virginia missed blg-tline star dom in motion pictures, but she's headed for Iho stratosphere in TV. She has film series with Ziu Pitts and a celluloid version of i no uickcrsons' with Lew Parker. Those ex-es. Shlrlev Temtile arut John Agar, are on friendly terms again. John and his new bride will soon head for the environs of Washington, D. C. whers Shirley and hubby Charles Black reside. ooiect: To visit with Linda Su san Agar, Jolin's daughter by Shir- icy. Ingrld Bergman and Roberto Rosaclllnl are scrapping again this time right in front ot cast members of "Europe 1051." Dan Dalley and Corlnne Calvet. snarling foes when they made When Willie Comes Marching Home" ft couple of years ago. are now very buddy-buddy In their re- near j is lor tne musical sequence! in "What Price Glory." Vincent Price's friends are wor ried about his health. He has a perloraled peptic ulcer. It Is eo serious that Tacoma, Wash., sur geons were reluctant to operate. Dennis King replaced the ailing Vincent In the road company of "The Cocktail Party." They must be seeing movies old er than the ones shown on TV, In Spain. John Boles In Barcelona for Bancs in Duenna," with pauiette Goddard and Gypsy Rose Lee. Is being referred to m tne upanisn press as the star of "Rio Rita." "Rita" was filmed In the early 30's. Add the name of Viveca Llnd fors to the list of movie queens who'll make their TV drama de buts In 1052. Danny Thoma about TV: "One thing la for sure. No one has it figured out. There are no gonluscs in television." The Alan Dales he's the former silent era actor who now presides over a restaurant In Hollywood expect the stork again In May. Skip the report that Columbia Is re-writing "My pal joey ' as ft "My Pal Josephine" vehicle lor Rita Hayworth. The studio has been secretly testing George DeWitt, who clicked In a night club act, (or the role of the heel. DeWitt dances and sings and Is viewed as the bent Hollywood bet since Larry Parks came along. LAUGH IT OFF WHEN YOU SEE 7 4 B.C. Pulp Milt Plani Under Way VANOOUVICH 11. O, Ml Plans to construct it ll million lil m l ... ,.. n, ul-nu dIKI lltlllU llorl I of here were disclosed by llm West ern Plywood ConiiMiuy Tuesday. The mill will be purl of a m ,.,im.. i, inioiiniiiioiit In tho uupsntil district. It will gel IU power from a US million QucmicI River hydro eleotrlo project planned by Hie British Coltimuift rower wumniis- slon, The new mill will employ more H.N., QiVI tt-nrknrs unit lllldrl UrOS- ent plans will provide 200 lolls of bleached sulphite a tiny. Egypt Putt Screws To British Reign v CAIIIO, Egypt Ml -A bill , Impose ntuloiicca Un lo Ilia ini, prlsoiinirnt for Egyptlana who col, litborato Willi foreign military inro. tin In Egypt passed the Clumber of Deputies Tuonttay night. Its apparent aim la lo fore aev. rial thousand Egyptians to quit llieir Jobs wllh tho British irmy n (be Rues Citnitl .one, lightening t lubtir boycott against the Ilrlilnlt. The Bonnie U collected to coo. alder llio bill next week. I to Ml . --- S-T . to IHi TM FOM M TM I T UUCT I .FOR A FORM IN STOLEN COLO... They'd PAYNE FLEMING' remmnr JUCKER; Ml IMP 1.6 ff ajbaaklialsMII VaaafJ nCHNlCOlOJt pijmh MiMlialfei.tfaiaMan 1HIATII "So yo w EXTRA ENTERTAINMENT Crny GolUt" (Corioon) Wof.r M,y HUhki" (Sporl) Wont To Cot It (McOo( LATEST NerWS REEL -?7Co . , r, ii af iiajjniyiiiiiiif aU" O.'UU riffll "",,",aaaaaaaa1aaaa a EVERYBODY WANTS AJPIACELNTHESIIN i .-rr , li ' , i Pirimount prwintj MONTGOMERY CLIZABETH ' SHELLEY CLIFT TAYLOR - WINTERS GEORGE STEVENS' Production ol APUCEIN1HESIN Ntxf Attraction M5 COtUMlia fcru($ ,, JOHN DEREK srlih Anthony Quinn Jody Uwrme AraoMjHoea bgeag lajeasM V ;