WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 15)32 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN 10 SIRVICH cabinet Work" Krm'xtrlliiH tn vuui- lioinc J''uinUiijo Itupitlr f (JKOHGK K. CONWIKY in.'lfl Kmnuhl Phone i'.'M U IDUCATIONAL ('Mil l ('AUK untl cttiicallnn, Pr arhool rutin I'lmns 4 it." If imwKM-M'lNlj lMirl(ianH"lvitin( iiii di(i nl'jei l. of Hi riisrhines KI AMA1M Ul'HINKNb OH.i f,:,r Tt.1 Pint fhnn 47w 1J HEALTH )iiANKA(it!,'Hrrlf, wdil.tlifHiif I'hv Btntlimi f"i rriltuiitu, rvlamiioii, IkmIi liulldlntf Main for rili An iitilnlruriil, (ilifttt ;itl(i;t.,1fMlOI Mrtllral 14 HELP WAN f ED. FEMALE ItAllV hlTH:u" i..r (liiiVl'iinM J !irr fl i lit. llAllY HI I t Kit In il"(i,-,iu Vltlltli vn I'. him 3 niitiu Wa.N'I i ll lloiisrltrt irr ltt-iinilii .rat li-nnr I'lioni Idiil f irr 4 p nt. )tAin 1.1J u:il. UN i'lnlno iV-u ait r it n tn ).AIY I" rtMl' l wiit'i-nitiHtK fitf room Kink. Mttil l fi llhl phU of good i inmrlcr, 1 iv m, Write lto 4o llmlil mid Nwi I XI'l'.lllt:Nrtl) hiM.Lt rrpr, " rtiinlllat H.llt roll mid geitt offtr work, (iiifirl lr(iy i4llioit Htl e mj t iicliw o lit llrd lt(t i , Wi lit Hon 4'CI llriMlft mill Nrwu WaNVM) Ludr lor hiitibrhr,f',r"miil in rri (nr th.eily luily in Lukevtrw, Ore son, Modern IfniT, soot) vn af with rooiti nt Ima-d. Write Mr. K f'avrll. ,.. houUi II HI I.nHv)h, (lirimt nr plume I, ma l.l rviw. 16 HELP WANTED MALE 'I'O t& pntr roiMinUilon uml Ittiitu'Cti-ll" tntf 0UPtut nishiimrtl thora diri'il, t in on tilt. Kmnplc KicriC'i'' urt' Htt'wmmty full. tat Urn, I'diap-on, 7?! (iilumttu-. ltoiti, Mat.. WaNVHI). thte t ill. nil tueif" I'liofttiM Or. I'hftnn IMSWt after d p. m. ' I'hvne M'irr.i 711 SITUATION WANTED , lt(ii''Hk:W6t(K"iid' lihy"iiunn'ln IIC I) I J I , I.UVlNU tti flvrit lo your child (Ini ir ronm ini iq tltllU til my numo. hftn J-I74S. Vjtl'fclilfcNCrlU kienuifiMtilipr denift KUon. 3-dy k ticltie4. I'hun nyo Of I tiitlvnt, iitarrirj, wIlli !mih", ttttft work mtr A v in. I'hon 31143 WAMMtN(i and Ironing " -uTlO' hAVjITTINtilhon a-OSTJ WlCi rart lf rhittlten in iny linint fUyt or your humt vnlnK. Call j. I MS. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT mrtrlifhl I'hnn Mfitt. "jiifUM itt Ikmi u lur nittnit. Hnuur B.13I. . VtliAflU) fwnti ftift Parllr'JTir!!" jiOOMM. jtVlfii rronir."Phti;4nr tttVtl.YrtmmCtnr rcntM"-l. Nk Coi in. Prion 4SM. WANt hnuwwork by hour. Fhon 3-0314. huoMK IW4 Hum 24 APARTMENT! POR RENT yOk HKNT"iric ihreriHmT lurniihcd aprtm(il. I J 41 Kail Ht 3 KI.'HNlHIIKf) parimvtilt. l.llhl and 172.1 CJ! itiUkt'oMAI KI ihrro 'rovm furtiunrd apartnMnl. KUi-lrlr taat. Two blork frum Main Adult. No pel. Nolan ri Wu llt'IMtM)M lurnulted'apaf tniant. AjluMi awiXVIill. K -ci. WiJ ttOUM aitarVmrnl. Atram ft it Clot In. IIS Ho. 3rd. I'ltunl . I ..itMHitl.lJ l fwirn apri' Vie. (fKorator, bain utiliiic., o week. ) - 'tr:--rvf. T'i M utlt 4lli tiit l'tiltirnliiril twu txirtoili i ll lli-or npmlineiit. I'lvm Vl.MtillhO a.tnrlireut ullaola " for r inle. I hoc p H4.VI I .i. irau at'trunont. 44J Sortli in h , I i li.Nlhtiiil) fwo ruoiii" nparlinciil. Itr iMCrratm , all Ulllitir IneHltJcJ 4'0 i Trillll apartment ft Junl. Willi Irepinjf porclt. Klnc "d rotrlgtiahir, CJ M. Clow Icctnc l faialor ftia M. Clow tn. 1 1 IB winui Tuft' ltlfN;itVr"ri mentAdiiliiJtiii limad Vult t.NT, 4 ttmin VparlnVnt. 3 hlorka from Mm htrral. lur wurking r"up!?i ''hf,n it.lng XlM. flC rlan aparlnirul ' ii" rguippeu. Itairnaralor. t'niiplt prr(rtrd. "Villa iarulra" Inqutrei:wi4 jjak. VotT'HKtfT "iwn rnnm nitHlerii apart mnl. Adult. XI 1 llroad. NORTHftlDt. Cln in. Upilarlt Md'. rn, ntr amall 5-room uiifurnithd aparlmant Adulta onlv. N dog, no alrholln. Rcferenrtt. 1033 Owi. IllltCt: room "(urnlhed airtment C'anlfaMy lo-atrd. 131 Ho, 2n Ph. nfll ioiJH HOuiHrurnuhifd aparTintni. frkM. I'hon H7. YOU liESr, nua unTunuihtJ dupltx. f' Qk. . f 6tt KrfvT JuTri" tThVd aparip'tnt. In oulr Mil High IS t WI.V " dro raltd, priv a 1 nalh,' k TT rhtnatta. tttaam hvat, rlfclrlc rang tin mHt Ran A rmi A part n i n t ft.UAt.l. virmi aiuirliiiPiil. tCiCi'trtcaiti iiiinnfff j-ft North inth. Tbn nKJiT. Ihrt room frnlicd apartmrnt. JIol water licat. Adullt. rhona .UllUT KOH hKNT, two biiirnom" furn iihed" tip lain aparlmant. Heat and watar fur nuhrd.B2A tJrnnt. I'honi 3-0313. flintK rixim tnndarn fiirnlthed apjrt mant on Eat Main. Private balh. Auto, ti 1c heal. M, Ariulu. No pcl. In qulra 3110 Applrgn. 26 HOUSES POR RENT ONeltjftOMurnth.l huuaa for 'ni.JL'aU 4U'Q. AnarlmfntINi ,,r'17 1 U itr.lN I' on hnn uvo nru room ftirnUhctl hniira In 8lt?wart-ln nox addition, Largo lot. Imf mant, twril, rhlrfcrit linii.r, eti. Call; W. J. Kartnr, phone . VWu HUuMS coniiiit'ieiy furnUhed. ,!i,J!Ln,,' J'OU ilhN'T In coifulo only, niodprn Ik, u.. wn InrfiC v hiiik. Innulre 4420 Hhioin Way nr inin Cnry St (iT1 ItKtNT, niif amnll bedroom houm fuiuialied. C'nuple only, ritone 7043, all tr nun p. m inuuiro 'i v . .-m 'it.iii'-. I'houo Wlti. lUlt HKNT. Comfortable, clean two hod room duplex. Pnitly furnuhed, 0 !hnna 770i or4li(). KOH-TrifiN'lCTwu"ictrrnmn" n'hd, rlnHO in. Inqulrn 7Kfl North 1 1th. 2 MisCELLANEOUS FORRENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'j New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stnkts Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 WILL LtANE on shnro-crop bajil,. Son A. of grain land. SO A. for potnlocs, HO A. In alinlfii one yonr old Phone 7'llia, Klsmnlh milt. ViCfi fur rent. U2J Main. 'Phone 7111. tUK HtN'l fiuiir .ander istesl lyii. eoulpmenl Sulmrlian Lumber Co. Mth anrttVslnul Phone 7700 CAR 8WriA"a'BtrtliATBifo. dTv wceTi or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4873 or 7;i 30 REAL EViAfk FOR SALE WAhTKIJ Til niiv, ti7iunrVnda7 l" land. Not le.i than a tono arrei. "ry or Irrlmiled. Not ovor 100 mile. rm Klnmalh Knlli. Will pay cash. KOn"TB:ASlirUr'irn B..HH lnn.l 10 per acre. Netled $111.01)0 la.t year. V. B. Grl.e. Dairy, Oreiton. . HUMES FOIl 8AI.K rVBIIETT DKNNIS RKAI.TOB ... . "n Klrknalrlik Saleaman "N ia Phone JM9I I'On SALE. r"lve room hniise to he moved. Choap. Phone 001), Malln, Ore- fTvcilES sandy loam In BuTtralley. itrlsnlton well and pump, (I acres ul. 'nlfs. tnooo rnh. 8ga Leland A, Crlss, Maodoe', Calltonila. 30 REAL ESTAffc fO SALE SUBURBAN Modern two . bedroom plastered home, This home has nn excellent fliKir plan. Healed Willi rlecl rlclly. The mimi!fl hnn loom lor uorkshoi). ; l. mi' lot with nice lawn In liont nnd rrnr of Ivnian nil fenced. J i.ui r. ui-juuu i ny until., MILLS ADDITION If von wnnl to live In Mllln Addi tion, don't in Mi thin one. Two bed- Mititn lirilni. fin (ti.l bttMi A I i irni tivn tirrplnre In living ro-im. mi noinr linn iiviiik rofun, dlnlnK room, kitchen, balh and hull for brtier (Tm to rml of hiMinr. I oli of cloj.oli nnd biillt-lin. Lot In nil foiKOj. Lniitr honif, 0 block from Bul dlstrlit. Could Ixi nuide nuo duplex einliy. Could be bourht lor :;ou down. Unlance like rent. Wf hftvfl ft dundy little bunlnrr.i tlmt In rrnlly a incniry-niakrr. Tin run be boucht for $0000, phm in VPiUurv. 'I'he only huMncns of Us kind In Klamath rnlln. Alf-o nrr? liff for lIOTKI.S-nAriS VLVHH nnd KlitfTAUHANTH. Art ricdrlckMJii Phone 672.1 John HotMon Phone 6804 UhIp Of ublj p-0,.e 3544 AL LONGE ftcnl Eslnte !1 80. Dlh Phone 8:83 80 ACRES $25,000 All under gravity irrigation. 12 acre alfalfa, 20 acres pasture. 44 acres grain. Modern 3 bedroom house, barn, pump home, fruit trees. 7 miles from town, 1 mile mile fiom Orade school and High School. Paved road. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TERMS Phone 8073 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AGAIN Here Is one of these rare bargains you aome times hear about but sel dom see. Almost new, cinder brick construction, two bedroom home, furnished to Nth degree with new furniture, wall to wall carpeting, automatic washer and all. You must see this exceptional buy, don't mlas It. Terms can be arranged. Just cull 7521 for appointment. Claire Ellis 2 2059 Joy P. Griggs 4254 W. W. Thompson at Malin J. W. SANDERS REALTOIl 1213 Mfcin fit. Phone 7521 CHEAPEE TEE PEE i How would you like to rmokum ,peace pipe In this comfortable ii-ml- modern 2 bedroom wlg-wam? Lots j of room for squaw and papooses i to run around on '4 acre Irrigated ground In Shasta District. Only 500 bueks down and balance like rent. Full price 12600. Let The Snow Foil LET THE WIND BLOW; you'll bt happy, cozy and warm in this 4 year old modern 2 bedroom home In the Summers Lane District. Hordwood, floors mid au;omntlc heat. Extra largo living room. acre good soil, burn and dandy ga rage with concrete floor. Priced for quick sale at $0500 Thla lovely Insulated home could not bo duoll ruled for less than 87500. F.H.A. Appraisal for the sale price of (0500. Once In A Lifetime- Do you get a chance at a real bar gain such as this. Located on a paved street among lovely new homes and friendly neighbors In Mills Addition. Tills attractive heme only 9 months old was built for comfortable economical living. irnrrlu'nnH flnnra lt.rAitnlin..l ."ww ..v...-. ,... uuanuui, muiu- matlc Iiirnace and separate dining room. ' Also large garage and lovely fenced back yard. 19500. Terms available. Cnll lis torlnv fni- an nit. polntment to see it. A) Longmlre Evj. 6724 Joe Peiry Evs. B332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor ti Insurance 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 NORTHSIDE QUICK POSSESSION. On this neat and attractive four room home lo catnl only five blocks to Main Street. New roof, continuous foun dation, automatic heat. Includes relrlgerator and range. On pave ment nnd sidewalks. $6250. Terms. Natural Hot Water Heat Large well constructed home. Close in location. Oversize living nnd din ing room, wall to wall carpeting, fireplace, two large bedrooms nnd balh, den, beautiful kitchen and utility room, full basement, garage, two extra lota included. S!8.000 with $6000 down, 5 per cent Interest. CASH BUYER For attractive two bedroom home, close In location, on level grounl. Home must be well constructed nnd in A-l condition throughout. Elec tric heat preferred. Will bay up. to $15,000, For information call. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 3-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR nnd INSURANCE 817 Mnln Phone 3211 46 FINANCIAL m MO ON THE KIHST CALL I Up to IA00 on your guui On vour salary or (umllure ; tup to MOO ; "Pijr Diy" loam a'. Ipeclaliy - no. Hi. 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer IJb coata but 18 cenu for ona week. No other chargea. LOCAIi LOAN CO. 115 Nn 10th 8L M-3M DON MirlNTVRB. M(tr. 43 Vr Priendly 8ervice JO RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE "MAKE AN'OFFER?" Owner being transferred, niunt a?ll comfortable modern home on 'i I aere. With chicken house and in 1 aulaled alorage room. Kca.ionablc. Terrm. VERN W. EMLEY Real Eatnle and Innurance 2001 Boulli Sixth Phone 3-323B ;Vc. 9725 FAIRVIEW DISTRICT Conveniently located near school, bus and stores, Larue home with two bedrooms and Ilnbhcd attic room. Combination dining and Jiv ing room, flrcpluce, bullt-lns. Koomy bath, kitchen with breakfast nook, laundry room. Flnlnhed half base ment, piped furnace, double ga rage. Can be bought by CI for 11000 down InchidliiK all closing charges. Price 18200. . $2250 . One bedroom cottage near Conger School. Living room, klto.hen. en closed back porch, stall shower. 30 gallon electric hot water tank, oil heater Included. Good location lor rental or working couple. Anne Mason Eddie llo:.lcy Eves. 6714 2-1088 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. 9th Phone 7208 3 BEDROOMS MILLS ADDITION Very attractive, "well built home, quite neat nnd on corner lot. Only 0500. Will carry.. ny kind of loan. . . . .j. j . . 4 BEDROOMS At 2726 Hope 'street. Abundant storage apace, floseta, ct3. Large lari 'scaped lot, fully, fenced. Ideal for growing family. Clore lo schools, shopping district. Ask us to show you this at once. . J DUPLEX Within easy walking distance of City center. 'Automatic heat. One apartment completely furnished. Good Investment at the price of $ajop...,f. ,, r CLOSE IN Drive by 208 Mortimer and see this well constructed modern 2 bedroom home. Concrete foundation, pavol street and sidewalks. Total price 14000." Terms arranged. ' OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Slllc -i 2-2400 Eves. Fred Scott , 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH s Realtors Since 1909 111 N. 9lh St. Phone 4564 or 5529 INCOME 13 renin's, plus apartment for owner. All have own garages. All street nnd sewer assessments paid. Fully modern and on good founda tion. Priced reasonably. Shown by appointment only. TWO BEDROOM Home with two car gnrnge. Almost 'i acre landscaped yard for only $9500. 100 ACRE FARM For only $30,000. All levelled nr.! fenced. This shown by appoint ment. THREE BEDROOMS H basement, in Hot Springs. Beau tiful location nnd very qutct. Very good fireplace and piped furnace heat, for less than $15,000. FRED E. FLEET Realtor DENNIE COATES, Salcslody 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 NEW HOMES (or sale, William B Powell. Phone RS29. KOR SALE or trade for Pickup or lllht truck, G. I. equity In two bed room home In South aubttrbi. Phone am. . 32 BUILDING A REMODELING COMPLETE line Acme Palnu avall able at Bailn Building Materials, 4784 So. Sixth Street, Phone 2-230.1. 34 FUEL HEATING BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY . PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 UnY pine block, tor sale. Onen eve. nlng. and weekends. Mellera Bros. PINE or llr wood, any lenflth. Phone 7 1 BO, PIIESTOLOQS pickup or delivered, unir Taoena signal sprvic. aoou no 6th Phone sent or 2 021)0 8 Si H GnEEN STAMPS Riven on heat, tng olli Phone 3081 or 24)2110 tor prompt delivery. CLIFr VADEN'9 SIGNAL KERVICl 20110 SO 6th STANDARD HEATING Oil Stove, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, ,k...n.l D..IM .1. Mark. Pnona S14S. LOANS N'EYtt Phone 2-2537 8-274 34 FUEL HEATING I BTAhUAKLl HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Kntbfactlon FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1019 821 Boring Bt. Phone 4 1 S3 U BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES HAN'iOMD and Company ilfit. r.iy will J UIU In r.-e ntl ', ' '" l Agillon lo lh hihtsi COKKKK.Tra-ar.eKT. Blne ..e .1 (he Auction in Merrill. 8. art. Thur.Cey, 1 o. m. and 7 n, m. i.'ii" "k- "'" nd Wrlmaraner.. I23 up. Sel Barony Kennel,. Ilea. M". Mleenula. Mont. tjUj-Ufc pup,. LTiler re.Tlereo: (Stil Kill SALE. 2 female Diichhund pup. One red. one black and Ian. Wormed and dl, temper hot. Call after S p.m 24'IS Eberleln. Phone B2;m, AMltn.soN Boardlna KeWeU Phon. 1U7 .uma D.l.w.-. .,n Homedale BOA 11 DING KENNELS Oof boarding by day. week or monib Sanitary kenntli Well balanced die l Clean individual o'lidoor rum fur each do Dogi nanrlled durli matlni Will plrtt ud and deliver Vltlion Welcome Phant S07I Merrill Ru Rt 2, Box Ml WHASIA CASCADE KENVE1.S 42 LIVESTOCK l POULTRY FOUL I RY WANTED Cash paid for tny amount Top ma-ket prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONK 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS 25 HKAU Sprlnjer Holiteln Hc.ler, Icr Rale. Ca'l 8738 or 0SO4. 51HVKHii. oan-reaGv;Phone 2-1135. ioo KPW llampahlre pull.u. LaTlnt Phune 4232. WANTED TO BUY. Cows 20-25 head. 3 to S ear old Hereford or Durham. All ta calve thla spring. Phone or write reiree C--. ', u'ercf, Califor nia Call Newell 22.14 or 2201. WANTKD rolored Ben. -bone 4591 Hm.HKST prlre. paid for.ooullry. bi'Ci and llvetock. BIG V HE At I9ARKE7 Laaeview JuncllTr " . .- Phone 4ST- 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY AiCII.ll.IAL rlREr.OlnKi SERVlCL Phnne 5721 M C. rChucki-iv.rr.n K 2 Bo 522 " .-. - 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED'TO'RENTrSman Ynod.rtTun'. furnlRhed houte for retired xouple. Pre fer Soulh Suburban area. Phone 03S4. NEWCOMER to KlamalKJreprewnla. live of National concern, de.lre. two r Ihr.e droom unfilriUrhed hoUM for rent. Will lot. Call 02S2. Affc eKED CARS" Gef Ion prlre.Jnow 'tnw Motor Co Slh end Dure. WANTED TO BUY. Baled straw. Phone S7I0. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onlt $100 $77 Mo Repay in 18 Installments UP i'O $300 ON FURNITURS OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'nanefl at built rate "WONKY IN A HURRY" Motor investment Co. 10 years serving Klamath Ba-ir See "Chuck" Bailey MT. 114 N 7th SL Phone 3326 S-241 M-27K Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salar) $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 3--4.51 - N-i 107 No 9th Phon 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KOH SATE a dandy nTtle fcneral store, f:ioou. will handle. One percent oil royalty will be given In the deal. It will pay you to look Into this. Write tins 404 Herald and News. HEALTH causes sacrifice ot nice cean tavern, vr t lOt-nlc 4rw. Hx -'ti, FOR SALE. BeauTyaloniii Tulelake. Cnllfornta, Owner moving, must sell. For further Information call Tulelake 7-187t. 51 MISCELLANEOUS COR SALE FOB SALE 7 cuft. electric refrigerator, perfect condition. Phone 7384 after 4 ALFALFA hay for sole. 2nd cutting. in men, r.n norn. rnone truiu. IT'S INSIDE, it warm. The big gro cery Auction In Merrill tomorrow. ZONOL1TS loose rock wool and rock wool butts. Eay to Install, Insulate now. Save fuel, KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1940 So. 6th Phone 4R1S I J SEC Klrby, nearly perfect condition. Guaranteed 0300, SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1 p.m. : MERRILL, ORE. As we have sold our store building and are quitting; business, our complete stock of Groceries, Store Fixtures and misc. Hardware will be sold at Public Auction. ?6000.00 GROCERY STOCK INCLUDES ALL TYPES OK FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT Will sell at 7 p.m. Thursday Evening Large Double Vault Office Safe: Large National Cash Register. 4 drawer; Underwood Typewriter; Butterklst Popcorn Machine; Glass Show Caics; ; Bin Counters; Counters; 1000 lb. Hanging Butcher Scales. . HARDWARE 1 2-300 Chlx Petulma Elcc. Brooders; 2-Warchouse Wood Stoves; New ! Elcc. Sickle Grinder; New Universal Milking Machine; Draper Chains for 26" Spud Digger; 14 Slccl Plow Platform Scale; 12-Steel Chlx Coops; Plow. TIME OF Thursday, Jan. 171 p.m. to 5 p.m. . Thursday evening 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. If additional lime Is required to complete auction will continue Friday, Jan. 18 nt the same hours. Listen to KFJI for further announcements. NO RESERVE LOCK STOCK BARREL DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GROCERIES AT YOUR OVN PRICE Coffee is Uonuts served by the Rcbckahs' SANFORD & CO., MERRILL, ORE. - Owners Complete Auction Senl:c by R. E. 'Bob' Rhodes. Auctioncr, Phone 4032 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING-7:30 P.M. January 16 4623 Winter Avenue next door to lunilsnings ot a two oeorocm noin; liitiuuuis. Beautilul Sparun Combination Radio, tv.0 bedroom suites. Crosley 8helvador. Automatlve Washer. Electric Range. Dinette Set, Wringer Tvoe Washer. Living Rom Suite. Desks. Chairs ana otner gooa iuruuuiu8s. ..- k , lth mo or FORGgT 7:30 p.m. SS AUTOMOTIVE . EVERYBODY iARANTFF THEIR USED CARS. EiUT ONLY AT DU3AN & 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE . -.SEE US TODAY - 1950 PLYMOUTH $1647, 1950 BUICK SUPER $2397 1946 BUICK SEDAN-.....; $ 997 1947 CHEVROLET AERO $1 147 1 949 STUDEBAKER $1397 $7.00 DOWN On All Pre-War Used Cars! YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST 522 So 6th - : Phone 8101 DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE 'Job Rated" TRUCKS SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S -Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 GOOD alfalfa hay. First and aecond culling. Approximately 60 ton,, located 3 miles south of Newell. California. Phone Newell 2103. SAFE, appro. S3 In. by 23 In . 32 In. hiil. S73 P O Box 318 Malm. Ore ATTENTION Suburban Resident,. If name and numbers on your mail box are hard to read set reflective letters at Basin Bulldln( Materials, 4704 So. Sixth St Board with numbers and nam both sides averages S3.90 com plete WOOD clothes driers. Ideal tor winter use only SX89 at Basin Building Ma terial,. 47B4 So. JlxthSt.JhoneSJSIM. FOR SALiTfiFeplace and furnare wood, length IS Inches to 40 inches. Phone I. IT VOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buv used tire,. O.K. Rubber Weld. er.. 2391 So 6th. Phone 431S ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash reftlslers. dosks. chairs tllea for R.le or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 120 Main Phone 74H CRUSHED rock and driveway cinder, Phone 2-H67. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe PEYTON CO. 833 Market ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and ooltshet ar.d supplies. Phone 71(17 rarkei Tweel Hi Market WE ARE prepared tcTTjuj', for imme diate cash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. If you have omethlhf to sell call us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS l.ANE AUC TION MARTS Phone 3593-8210. FOR SALE gas range,. 710 Main St, Greer Apt,. Call at Manager's apart mcnt. FURNITURE FOR SALE. The com- Rlete furnnhlnc, of a two bedroom ome to he sold at auction. Wednes day evening, 7:30 p. m. 4623 Winter Avenue. FOR SALE. 40 tons Baled alinlta hay. also about 400 ton potato alfalfa en silage W. 1.. Clink. Route 2, Box 220. Tulelake. Phone 7-Q440. SPECIAL Good quality dry fir shlplap and 2x4's. S4S per thousand. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1B40 So. 6th Phone 48111 CHUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phone 03,1 etc CRAWFORD overhend fir garage door. stock IIP on the Grocery Bargain at the Santford and Company - quitting business. Auction In Merrill, Thursday afternoon and evening. WALL BOARD. Complete tock of sheet rock, Masonite Plywood, lenlock. Insul ating board and celling tile. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1S40 So- Phone 481S Shares for J-D; Fairbanks-Morse New 750x36 Tractor Tire; Walking AUCTIONS EVERYTHING GOES the Drive-In Theatre. The complete , Sewing Macnme. Lamps ana laDics. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MEST DO YOU GET A 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GAS - 1 5c. PER GALLON CASE TRACTORS 1952 MODEL NOW ON DISPLAY Factory Engineered and Equipped For PROPANE SAVE-- 30 PER CENT ON FUEL 90 PER ENT ON OIL A 50 Per Cent On Maintenance STANDARD IMPLEMENT CO. YOUR J. I. CASE DEALER 2700 SO. 6TH CALL COLLECT PHONE 933C For Further Information EVENINGS 2-1917 OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co 83S Market FIR body wood. Phone !036. ADAM Schaf bungalow type uprlgnt piano r lemisn oaa nnisn. uooa con dltion Easy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 343 E Main FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . .like to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery, Merrill - Lakevlew June lion LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs and tree,. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42S6 AHlOMOHVk For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY", or "JUCK" Your International Trnck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES I1th and Klamath ?hnne J-2581 FOR SALE or trade. $430 equity tn 1046 Ford two door deluxe. $130 or -t c fr older model. Phone M30. 1049 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe. Club Coupe. Very low mileage, lifts radio and an all weather heater, defroster. The cleanest car In town. Priced very reasonable. - DIMBAT MOTORS 239 Main SS AUTOMOTIVE A JANUARY CLEARANCE: 1941 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, sun visor. Jet black 1941 CHEVROLET SPEC. DLX. Radio, heater 1947 FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mileage special. Like new 1947 OLDS '78' DLX. SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydra matte. A tutone green beauty Immaculate condition. 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE '6' SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. Very nice condition. Solid green color, white sidewall tires. 1948 HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. New blue paint Job 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. Tutone paint - 1948 CHEV. 5-PASS. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, seat covers. Maroon color - 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater an-J overdrive. 12.000 actual miles. .., 1949 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, heater and fluid drive. Sea blue. One owner and clean. 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. 8' SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatlc drive, seat covers and snow tires. Very nice. SPECIAL 1951 HUDSON COMMODORE '8' SEDAN Radio, heater, Hyramatic drive. Undercoat, and many other extras. House car. OAO Only 8,000 miles. A $3,500 car for , .. .r-r-vi.i -nri . A. pAUUCpP A CD U(P A K VI IVI C V lAL JIUIAL T946 DODGE PANEL One owner. Very good Yes . . . We Trade! Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 11th & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-258 We're Going To LAUNCH A NEW ROCKET .--Ib-O-Nf... To ntike ready lor the New '"Rocket" Oldsmoblies" we offer these used cars at greatly reduced prices. All cars are fully winterized and ready to go. s BUY NOW! Prices will be Higher This Spring! 1950 PONTIAC FOUR-DOOR Radio, heater, tutone patat, Seat covers. One-owner car 1949 OLDSMOBLLE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatlc, Service record on lile 1948 OLDSMOBLLE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Hydramatlc, heater, radio, coated. 22,000 actual miles 1950 FORD Vi TON PICKUP . One-owner, low mileage. Guaranteed too shape 1948 OLDSMOBILE "68" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio heater, Hydramatlc. One of our mechanics MHQ owned this car, so It's In A-l shape J7sJ 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 4-D00R SEDAN - Radio, heater. 1 1 Q In top condition - .''- - 7sJ 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc, seat covers, MOP'S good tires. A-l shape - - J7 J 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ' . Tutone paint, radio, heater. Hydramatlc. ' 'IIO'n clean and in very good shape . I 17 J WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF 1941 AND OLDER MODELS - All Fully Winterized-Priced from $100 Up WATCH FOR LAUNCHING DATE OF THE NEW ROCKET OLDSMOBILE Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath ' Phone 4103 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at EsDianade TWO-WHEEL trailer S33. Phone 3-0680. SALE STARTS Thursday, January 17, l p. m., ffierrin. wemi". TOR SALE. 1938 Pontiac 8 Cylinder 2 door sedan. A-l Motor and tlrea. Lots of extras. $23A, Call 3930, see at 4309 FOUR ALL STATE premium tires with new Inner-tubes, uned five months, will A'lHinoni unvc. Hell reaQ"nD'c- 5M Kiaoraao van SAf.E inrwi Plymouth Deluxe (our door sedan. 23,000 miles. $1400. Sea at Goodyear Service Store FOR SALE. 10SO Plymouth SDCClal dC luxe Club Coupe. Phone 2-0483. . ? -345 . $995 Hi 95 in 1435 $1365 1465 J1145 ?1595 $1595 $1795 it 8 495 The Best Terms! SEDAN it- Hydramatlc, lQys TJ One-owner. ' lftO - - W7J good rubber, under- $! 11 - 'v4J ' 1QQS 1 -V. i-'J BEST VALUES! used TRUCKS -CARS guaranteed as represented; West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER rn 8 7th . Phone 7771 BARGAIN! 1931 Ford Convertible. Put- chaied new. November 33. Over 1400 discount i BUS SARGKNTS Urtd Car. , Phone 8205 1 WHY WALK? I . DRIVE MORat MOTOR! ' 303 I Main Phone Ml "We will eell your car tor you." We buy and trade! BUS SARGANT'S USID CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE 1 Corner Shasta Way and ArUjur Sue. II Phone 82M tit NEED CARS! Oel up price nowi Rosa Motor Co. Sth and Plum. CLUB COUPE