PAGE TWELVE The use of vinegar, a mild acid, fends to loosen the hard deposit that forma Inside a tea kettle. Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th 4 Wolnut Fh.770 cur and wrap your beef and pork for your locker And we still cure your horns and bacon SMOKE A. G. "Butch" Zweigort Klamath Falls 427 Market CHANGE NOW Tired of bornyord moted Tne Kino mar never maws yvu mvncn Moke Change New! Get chicks wilh production bred into them, chicks thot live and lay, chicks that return a profit! Stop in tomorrow and ploce your order for GILLS Central Oregon Chicks. Stroight run, . . j sir express prepaia un PACIF SAVE TIME & with the VSTl WIRE ATTENTION LOGGERS, Tractor Owners! We have been appointed EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR INDUSTRIAL PARTf FOR II CATERPILLAR" TRACTORS Photo shows 1 -piece Track Roll for D7 er Dl "Caterpillar" Tractors. CASCADE 515 MARKET Bull Sale to Contribute $10,000 Over $10,000 will be contributed to the March of Dimes fund as the result of the sale of a reg istered Hereford Bull at tile 11th Annual Red Bluff Bull Sale, at the Tehama County Fair Grounds In Red Bluff on Feb. 9. if records of past sales are maintained, ac- HOUSF Phone 7060 chicks, run-of-the-riotchery stuff, sexed pullets, or cockerels. i r i nn - viucis ui iww wi iiivic SUPPLY MANPOWER HI 1CO-OPI Unwinds from inside to outside -Controlled by brakes -No kinking and tangling -Heavy 14-gauge BYRON JOHNSON "Your Minneapolis-Moline Dealer" Merrill-Lakeview Junction Phone 9789 Malin Phone 309 1 o INDUSTRIAL INCORPORATED to Dimes Funds cording to Charles Stover, leading Tehama County cattleman and chairman of tho sale committee. "Miss California," Pat Lehman of Sacramento, will take part In this feature event of the 1932 Bull Sale. Miss Lehman will be In Red Bluff to assist In promoting tills event on Friday evening, Feb. 8, and will lead the bull. BV Dandv Domino into the Sale Rmg at the Red Bluff Fairgrounds on the 9lh. Dandy has been donated by Oeo. ! Hunt of Shasta County, and Will be the first of moro than 400 J selected, service nee Hereford I bulls to be auctioned on that day. The sale of a registered Here ford bull donated by Tom Richards 1 of Sacramento at the 1950 Red ; Bluif Bull Sale enriched the March ; of Dimes fund by $11,315. I This bull was purchased four i times and turned back for resale at amounts ranging from $2,000 lu $3,000 before finally being pur chased by Mrs. C. F, Stover of Red Bluff. In addition to a group of twenty cattlemen who raised the first $3,000, the bidders who bought the uuu and turned mm bact were Fenton O'Connell of Ollroy, O. F Williamson of King City and Paul ureenmg oi rontons. Montana Spud Holiday On DEER LODGE, Mont, in A group of Montana potato growers. claiming to speak for producers ot ku per cent of litis stale s crop, announced Saturday a two-week marketing "holiday" in protest over a price rollback. The "holiday," during which not a single potato will move from inese Rowers to market, will start Jan. 19, the effective date of the OPS prce rollback. The holiday was announced by William E. Anderson, elected to head the growers protest group formed at a meeting here early this week. He said the group speaks for pro ducers of about 80 per cant of Montana s potatoes. Index Service Set at OSC Indexing service for Oregon's potato seed growers is available at the Corvallis greenhouses. E. C. Johnson. Certification specialist announced today. Indexing consists of taking one eye from each tuber and growing it prior to the normal planting sea son. The plant from the index piece is observed for disease symp toms. If the index plant shows disease, the balance of the tuber is discarded before planting time. Numbered metal tags are used for identification of index pieces. Consecutively numbered metal tags are available to growers at a cost of $5.00 for each series of 100. No aditional charges are to be made for the indexing service. Johnson expects that 50 days will be needed from planting time in the greenhouse to completion of disease readings. ROOKIE ICEMAN NEW YORK, tffl Jack Stod dard's promotion to the National Mocxey League naa its snortconv ings. When traded by the Provl' dence Reds to the New York Rang ers recently, Stoddard was the leading scorer in the American Hockey League. He had 48 points on zo goals ana za assists. Recongnended By Many Leadng DABY DOCTORS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS Chi Id 'i Mild Musterole U made espe cially for kiddle to promptly relieve coughi. sort throat and break up local congestion of chest colds. Musterole creates a sensation of protective xcarmth on cheat, throat and back, bringing amazing relief 1 Chilli's MBd Track Rolls . Track Guards Drive Sprockets Idlers, etc. for Klamath, Lake, Deschutes counties in Oregon, and Shasta, Trinity, Modoc, Lassen, Plumas and Tehama counties in California. SUPPLY Ph. 3711 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' i if ' Jr" BEACH GIRL Nina (Honcybear) Warren, , 13-year-old daughter, of Cali fornia's Gov. Earl Warren, has all the props appro priate to. the beach at Wai kiki. She is vacationing in Hawaii with her mother. DR. J,' H. GILBERT, emer itus professor of economics at the. University of Ore gon, who will speak Thurs day -at-the Willard hotel. One, of four top University men due here, his talk will be included on a program for all friends, alumni and parents of thejuniversity. DEAN THEODORE KRATT, University of Oregon school of music, will be one of four top educators to speak at the Willarf Thursday night as a culmination of the university's .Klamath Falls tour. OSC Dairy Lab Open OREGON STATE COLLEGE The new dairy manufacturing fa cilities at Oregon State college plus a program that will Include nearly a dozen nationally-known dairy products authorities are ex pected to attract a record attend ance at the 41st annual meeting and short course of tho Orecron Dairy Manufacturers association nt Oregon State College Feb. lfl, 20 and 21. 1 The dairy manufacturing wing of 'new, Withycombe Hall, which houses the animal and dairy hus i bnndry departments, will be nearly i completed by the time of the con i ventlon although It will be several months before all equipment Is In stalled. This will give OSC and ! Oregon dairy Interests one of the most modern educational and re j search plants In the nation, j The tentative program an nounced by P. A. Ketey of Eu gene, president of the association, will Include discussion on all phases of the dairy products In dustries such as fluid milk pro (iucts, cheese, butter, Ice cream, ! merchandising and new develop, jmonts. The nine dairy products i judging contests In fresh and cold r i 1. . . I . 1. -.1 .1 n .UaMi A A HlVlnAa UUllUl, UllCUum iwj cream and cottage cheese as well as judging contests will be repeat ed this year. Five Day Week For PMA Office The Klamath County Production and Marketing Administration of fice, Tower Theater Building, will be open five days a week only from now on, according to As- i tj& ... ji ML fly .rf V t Hampshire Is Grand Champion iamb L i I 1 t CHICAGO The Grand Champion Wether Unit t the 1961 Wii- eago International Live Stork Exposition wai Hampshire, brd and ahown by the University of Kentucky. Pictured il the tinWemtjr I Harold uarber, who described this Hampahir lamb at the flneat and brat flnishcU iiampahire wether he had ever aeen In Ihia country er England. Si .4 1 STILL COING STRON G "Bronre Charlie" Miller, lut of the pony expma rldrrt. teunds off wltk teach driver yell at he near bia 102nd birthday anniversary in New Yerk. TURNING ON THE CHARM - Former boxer Max Baer, brtakinf In as a radie Interviewer, tries technique en actress Jean Simmons on "Androclet and the Lion" set, Holljwoed. Memorial Fund For Foresters Proposed OREGON STATE COLLEGE Friends and associates of the late George W. Peavy, dean of the Ore gon State college school of forestry from 11)10 to 1034 and president of OSC from 1934 to ,1940. are col lectlng lunds for a Peavy Memor ial fund. Proceeds will be used to estab lish a student loan fund at OSC for the benefit ot undergraduate forestry studens. Peavy established the school of forestry at the College In 1010 and became widely known throughout forestry ranks for his lifetime of service to the forestry profession. After his retirement from college work, he continued as a leader In civic life and was mayor of Cor vallis when he died June 24, 1051, at the age of 81 years. Descrlotlve 'material on the pro posed memorial fund may be ob tained from Ray Yodcr. OSC school ol forestry alumni association at Oregon State college. Independence Cow Completes Mr and Mm .1h V. T.lnrtow. Independence, Ore., recently had their sixth registered Jersey cow to complete a lactation of 1,000 pounds butterfat or more on Regis ter of Merit test. .Tun Vnlnntnar Fnntasv waa the cow that attained the coveted four- figure butterfat rccora. bne pro duced 10,604 pounds milk contain ing 1,040 pounds butterfat In 305 days at the age of 4 years and 1 month. The outstanding record Is equivalent to 13,121 pounds milk containing 820 pounds butterfat on a tit,!.. lail mlllrlncr. SOA-dflV ml. kure equivalent basin. Ten differ ent supervisors maac icm mu check tests 16 times while the re cord was being made. slstant Secy.' L. A. Bruner. Bruner said the state PMA com mittee had auhorlzed county com mittees to close offices Saturday mnvnlmff If H,.r. .1 1 ft o nnt nmian work to keep them open. What is believed to be the larg est forest fire In America occurred in 1825 In Maine and New Bruns wick. It burned over three mil lion acres and coat 160 lives. KITCHEN PALS Margaret Brundage, Klamath County 4-H agent. Kitchen Pals and their leader, Mr. R. S. Loos ley, met Jan. 7, at the home of bnid Williams.. Miss Brundage showed booklets on how to select vegetables at the market, 657 potato recipes, citrus fruit recipe, and a booklet telling what vitamins and minerals foods contain. Club members were In vited to borrow these booklets for use-In cookery. Misfi Brundage an swered questions the girls asked about their cookery project. She explained a 4-H health pro ject. The girls voted to decide at the next meeting whether they wanted to enroll in the health pro ject or not. ; The Kitchen Pals voted to ask people in the community to donate clothes for Koreans. Enid Williams demonstrated cooking of mild and strong fla vored vegetables by boiling and by cooking In a pressure sauce pan. For roll call, each girl told what she had cooked over the holidays. Mrs. R. S. ' Loosley showed the girls loaf of homemade whole wheat bread which she had made. She served slices of It to the girls. Enid Williams also served refresh ments which she had made, ' Kitchen Pals are to meet Jan, SI at. the home of Janice and Gladys Kendall, , F.nld Williams . News Reporter MAUN PORKERS Regular mooting of the Malin Porkers was held January 6, at the home of Orady Baunders. Vice President George Rogers was in charge of the meeting during which two new members were add ed. Betty Rogers and Buddy Smith were the new members. , The next meeting will be held February 3, at the home of Elinont Kenyon. ' Roy Ingram - News Reporter Legal Notice KOTICB NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVIN by tht Civil Servtet Commliilon of tht City of Klnmnlh Falli, Orefon, will hold competitive examination! for Patrol men and Firemen poiltloni with the City of Klamath rail", Oreson.. Certificate of health and physical qualifications by a Doctor's examina tion muit be aubmltted at the time the applicant takes the examination. Application blanks may ba procured 10 WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Made and Guaranteed by Oneida, Ltd. Roy Rinehart's .CHEVRON STATION Oaa, Oil, Tires, Tubes , Batteries, Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH and MIDLAND ROAD Klamath Falls, Orrgon i Plioni 1 237 Tin only Service Station In Kinmnlh rails Issuing Rogers Silverware Cards CLASSIFIED RATES One day Pr word ' flue Days - par " I If Week run . Pr word 30o Month run - Pr word 64c MINIMUM The minimum clierga tor any tint sd U tOc. BOX NUMBERS Ansa erstajhmaybe ha ndled through box numbVri attiirpaper for a service charge of 25c. www DEADLINES Olaislflfd aos accepted up to 8:30 p.m. for following day s publication , Classified display ads sccapltd up tc 12 noon for following day s pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mu an uaima lur sd)ut nents wttnuut delsy. Corrections or cancellations re ctlved by 8:30 pm will ot made in following day's puolica'lon Herald & News Want Acl Agents BLY HUNTS CASH OROCERY Phont 752 Bo 343 DCRRIS MRS PQRJt 0RAXHIM Phont 111 901 E Hwo Henlev xTulclikfl RUTH KINO Phont $433 Rt. I. Bos l LAKEVIEW BLUB NOTE MUSXO Pbont 3701 139 E. St, No MERRILL ROBERTA DEWEY phont 1201 Merrill MAUN MRS JOE HA1XXJ8EK Bos 114 Malin Phnnt ft74 Legol Notice NOTICE OF BOND BAI S tht Common Council ol llto C'uv ol KUmth rail. Oroion, for I fit pur tho of iwtr !mprovmnl bontlt, torloi til, MrrtgtUnf, four Thouiend riv Hundred fnty-two and U-1O0 iMjiirt, i4,Jl7r duly atithortivd by ordinance of lh uid CUy of Klamain ralla. for tho con it rue I Ion and la mi of fat war Una in lawtr Unit No. lo. of Mid CHy and starving I ho pronorty Miim sou in six itt nirtai, in u. K Railroad Mlfht of Way, thaMa Way and Waahpurn Siraaia. rropoaait to purrha. "id ionda will I racaivad by tho undaralanad un to and inaludlnc I ha 4th. day of ftbruary. ion, t ino nour ol aovon-tniriy onocH p.m. of tatd day and opantd at a raaular maaltn of tha Common Coun rll Immadlatoly thoroafiar; aaid bond thall ba dattd rbruarv t. 1933. and ahall b In amount of tMooo ai'h. axaapt bond No. I, of a Id aria. wnitrn ana il im ror in rranionai oart of ai4 ium, and all iftall b dut tan ri artor um data of laaua. oaymont of tho anllrt bondi optional wilh said City at any coupon paying data on and afitr ont ytax from tha data lhartof. laid bond wilt boar Intaraat ai tha rata of aot to oxcood tlx par rant par annum, payabla loml-annually on rooruary il. and AUfuil lai. of oarn yoar, pHnrlpal and intrl pavabla al tho offiro of tha trtaturcr of Iho City of Klamath falla, Oragon. All DroDOMi muii bo unconditional and arcompanlod by eartifica ehaek for flvo ptr tent of tho proposal. Tha Common Council roiorvts tht liiht to rtjaet any and all bidi. Tno aucrturui Diooar ror aaiu Don at will b fumlihad w 1th on opinion a to tho Ugality tharaof by tht law firm of Wlnfrta. MrCulloch, Shular aV ar. Spalding Building. Portland. Oragon. This not) co la authorlitd by ordinance of tho Common Council of Iho City of Klamath Falli, Oregon, dtltd Dactm bar 17. 1031. ROBERT M. ELDER. Pol lea Judgf of tno CHy of Klamath Mil.. Orogon. D-3l-J-l-S3-4.. 7 . I . a . to . ii . 12 . u . H . II . IT II II 31 32 :j 3l-3S-W33t303l- F 1 7 No. 121. XOTltE 5P fclNAL SETTLEMENT1 Notlct H horaby glvon that tht undtraigntd admlnUtratrlx of tht ra tal of Alnl Ware, dcaid, haa filtd In tho Circuit Court of tha Ktate of Ortgon for Klamath County tho final report of htr administration of aaid tatatt and tho Court ha appointed tht 13th day of February, 191)2, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of aid day at the time and the Court room of aald Court a the place for hearing and eettlemtnt of Mid final report. Done January, lflth. 10.12. Zelma Sullivan, AdmlnUtratrlx of tho aitato of Alnl Ware, deceased. Henry K. Perldne, Attorney for eald atate, 731 Main St., Klamath JTalli. Oregon. J-ldTjJ-M r-t-13 No, SM SUMMONS IN T1IE CIRCUIT COURT or THE STATE OP ORECION fOU THE COUNTY OK KLAMATH MABEL inENE PENNINGTON. plaintiff, RAYMOND AMBROSE PENNINOTON. Defenilent. To Raymond Ambrose Pennlnalon: IN THF. NAME Or THE STATE OF OF OREOON, OREETINOl You are hereby required fo appear and answer the complaint riled aaalnii you on or before February 13, 11)92, and f you fall to so appenr and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply t the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint as'lnst you. to. wit: lor divorce from you on the rounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment and personal Indianltles and for custody of the minor children named In plaintiff's complaint. Your attention Is specifically directed to the complaint on file In the above entitled cnu.e. Thl, summons Is served upon you by Eublicatlon pursuant to an order of the onorebl, David R. Vamlenbera. Judae of tha above entitled Court, said order helnt dsled Jenuery II, and l publication thereof for a period of four consecutive and suceeslve weeks '4 Insertion". The date of the first pub lication Is January IS. MM, end the i,te of tha last publication Is February MM' J. c. O'NEILL Attorney for Plaintiff Suite I, Melhase Buildlnf, Klamath rail,, Oreson. J.ti-2.1,30 F-e NO, 8!) from tha Secretary of the Civil Service Commission at tha city Hall, Klamath Falls. Oreaon, and must be eompleted by tha applicant and filed with the Secretary of the Civil Service Board on or before January 22, 10.12, to en title persons to take tha examination. ROBERT MJ ELDER Secretory of Civil Service Com mission, City of Klamath Fa'ls, Oreson, City Hall, Klamath Falls, Oreson JIMS No. SSI WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, HRVICI C fUNIRAl NOMIS iv A tOra' ' hi la in e i 1 1 u 1 1 r ai iitmT o ijl lll,h Street Phuna 3.1:14 1 MIITINO NOTICIS KLA" 'r( "kalLS Airit ' Nti'jovi f U rtnular niretlni vVl, rrlda, 15S?TS' P t. Hall, iu, "A&FfV&Kfl.wi Walnut, Vuiii uirmucis cordially invltm, Buffet nuura 10:30 a m. to I a m LODGE MEEIINCT EVERY THURSDAY and Initiation rvcrr third Thursday W. O. HOOPEIl Secretary 1010 pins Crater Ijike I.odg, Nn. Ill APAsAM will lioltl a apeclal eommiiium Hon In MM drcrn QV 'iiuraoay, January 1, 1 i;ju pin. y ordf of the W M WILLIAM KINK Becy. R EG U CAR"7vA E ET I N G of Olaabltd Amnion Veterans and Auxtl'iry III e held r.-iday, January 18 In tho K. C. at B ti m. MAX L. RUDE . - Commander Op lerof Uii Aniarath will hold their regular meeting Wednesday eve evening, January ( I p m. OflA OEINOKP. . DM, , rrr IlUfll Ml K P. r,'f."0.UC? N6NYU6US- m., w r Ida y a n an t.m , Roe ao4. - m- , ,u isaaiel inatlion. ear r 1 1 A Phnna iaiJ " i LOST AND FOUND Wlllfjt ,old elientonoTVelrk lo.t si fli" Kd I?JSSrX' a lisrsia pOS.iu'rd"sr,"ioul .i - mo."" tw,en Crelas end Tou.lo.f'n ,. on, while, fur mitten. Phone SJSS slur o jo '01onT1!iKreuVirsT end Pine. Finder pl,,e cell JJO0. I.6t7" rnrne.ion, naeaTece. N,siu! Phon, ana slur s pm, f 4 CINIRAL NOTICI ftCvoimocv;r.ry--nr-.-.-.'t the Auction in Merrill, tonmrrew, l "...mjsnd Tpm. oojl 'tnVV"ewirii C,ni,ij "op." to the aublle, Thursday la io Id for free ttschm,nl Inslrurnon, aiNOEH SEWINO CEN TF R Main Phon, ,.Uis fEXSONALS ""spueiAir ?.r,?U.TION on all permenent vivmv tell Velma at Lady Klsnisth RsaulJ Shop. Phone a,rn for Informetton. f Hjl-IN S UEAUi'Y SAl-ONlila'atsmT1 Phnn, Q2A4. A NI.EV ilnme'roilurlB, " PhTi7teoeoiT WlT;jrN)rTuyrinl.."ilolMry io7en tlre femlly. Phone TIUI3. , f 10 SIftVICIS FIX THAT RADIO Our Julnaa ts Bound CONNfcM 8 HfcHVICi, CO. Phont6l7l MOVING? . . . Call 74'JS Local-Long Olntance Piano and appliance moving a specially Transfer and Storaga Bckln's Moving and Blouse Peoples Warehouse "Since IBIS" beptic I anks Cleaned Newsst Ssnltsrj Methods Alan flOTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans (ISHrr Lines of Roots, CIS, CD P. KINO 34 Orrhard Phnne I4I TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES 8TOVE3 'OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6596 or 3-3318 ' EXCAVATING Mobil dhovel and Trench Hoe Bullduter Fill Dirt topsoil Crushed Rork Driveway Clndeil Compreaaor CRANK SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Pho..a 8541 or 8110 NEED HELP on Income Taxes! Phmie nM0. jMILLFirjirushes. I'lliine UIIOS or 3lf. FLOOHS pniished free Phone 0200. hkilk la t niu - Ones your iiroiuece drawTjf not call SMB. eJESy6uR flrepiaca need r.pTu? Call 2-Oflfll. PiT'lTT'jiAWINa. Call oeJ eveninas mm waeKenos. WA'lL i. KKI'AllllNU, lleasonabla. 7S Miln Si -col. PAINTING and paperhanalns. iHone lltll'P'S AUTO oalmlne knrtv end feiw der work Phone 4040 ELELTRIC WIR1NO, work by hour of ."'""i rnone n-iuiu. fxT'EIlT dressmekTns a'n3aHefeiionsT Phou, A78I. L'l.HTAiNB laun'Ba-eii' and Trratchsd. rnnne sni. 1 L br a SI Public Accountant and AuriKnr Office at 30 No. 7th. - Phone till pAlNf INd, ' decorating, paper hanging, plaster-board flnlshlnj, spray painting. Phone 302S. IT HELPS VOU 111 so ninny ways when you learn the trick ot bene fiting by Herald it News Clnasilied ads They're excellent for sellliiR, buying, , hiring help, (Hiding work and recovering lost articles. Phane 1111. A i