vVKDNKSIMY, JANUARY IB, PAGE TEN lt-HALD AINU ISi 1 fca v met a CAMPUS CAT Oregon Tech's mile-high campus gathers lots of snow. The crew above is clearing parking lots. m $ mm V : ' U. LV. -"-i j ;. - . " - '.. - t - " - " " . r - r ' ? Mrs. Richard SNOW TEAM Mr. and Mendoza, 925 Vi Addison St., join forces to clear snow at their home. Compton Defends! UMT At Hearing WASHINGTON (A Dr. Karl T. Cempton testified Wednesday that Universal Military Training could "become a great moral force in tiis nation." The former president of Massa- Actress Sues For Divorce SANTA MONICA. Calif. Wl Movie Actress Gene Tierney has sued for a divorce from Dress De signer Oleg Cassinl. She alleges cruelty and asks for custody of their two children Daria, 8, and ChrlsUnia, 3 . The complaint, filed - Tuesday, does not request alimony, but it states that the couple intend to work out a property settlement. chusetts Institute of Technology was a witness before the House Armed Services Committee which is holding open hearings on UMT. Dr. ComDton is a member of a five-man commission which has prepared a blueprint for training approximately 800,000 youths for six months each year. They would serve seven and one half years more in the reserves. x Japan Not To Dicker With Russ TOKYO (.-Pi Premier Shigeru Yoshida sail Wednesday Japan has no intention of signing a peace' and trade treaty with Red China. But, he added Japan is ready to sign a treaty with Chiang Kai Shek's Nationalist government in Formosa as soon as legally possible. Yoshida declared his govern ment's China policy in a letter to U.S. State Department Advisor John Foster Dulles. "There are many reasons to be lieve," Yoshida wrote, "that the Communist regime in China is backing . the Japan Communist party in its program of seeking violently to overthrow the con stitutional system and the present government of Japan." Furthermore, he said, the Sino Soviet Mutual Assistance Treatv concluded in Moscow in 1950 Is aimed against Japan." "In view of these considerations. I can assure you that the Japanese government has no intention to con- Disloyalty Charge Hits HST Aide WASHINGTON lV Sen Mc Carthy iR.-Wis.l has fired now charges ot "Communist activities" uguthst Whlto House Aid Duvld Lloyd. In A Senate speech Tuesday, Me- i;nny said tiles ot a loyally study of Lloyd " all disappeared very con veniently" before President Tru man promoted Lloyd lo tho $17,900 a year post of executive assistant from a lesser speech-writing Job. McCarthy charged that, "under pressure Urom the White Houso" and from Seth Richardson then chairman of tho Federal Loyalty Review Board, a board panel in 1950 "rendered a decision to the effect that.. . . in view of the fact that they were not allowed to call a hearing and out Lloyd under oath, they did not have .sufficient evidence before Uieiu lo find him disloyal. " Informed of McCarthy's remarks Lloyd told a reporter: "All I know is that I answered in full, in a sworn statement, all questions put to me from the board ... If Sen. McCarthy wants to know anything from me. all he has to do is pick up the telephone and ask." McCarthy also fired new blasts at Anibassador-at-Large Philip C. Jessup and John S. Service, ousted delegate to the United Nation Ocn- eral Assembly in Paris. Service .was fired from the State Depart ment recently after the review board said it found grounds for reasonable dotibt of his loyalty. elude bilateral treatv with the Communist regime ot China." Russia lately has sought to win Japan's favor with trade overtures. Report circulated in . Tokyo that Yoshida would soon send a special mission to Formosa to work out details for & treaty, r There was no immediate Nation alist comment but sources with a good grasp of official tltlnking at tached importance to what they termed Japan's alignment with the free world forces opposing Com munism. Lewis-Clark 1 NTCM'K NA1.K SALEM vV Public Utilities CoiniiilMiloner Charles II, llnllnel lin.i uulltmlr.cd Piu-Klo Power mid LIkIH Company to xrll UIKI.IMI0 .ihui'Fs of roiniiion stock to liniiice Us current construction program. The company plans In build Yule Dam on Ilia Lewis River In Washington. riMT MPUCATION Mlllvif1 ITCHYSKIil frmo mwfcm hlihly mKc,w antlwiitlo promptly rtlUvoa He), Ida hulln( "I turlao tkla "r-. anUtotlplrrlUUom. f AtrnQ Ofllcers of the Young People's Club are Tom Lacey, president: Tom Wllllumi, vice-president; Ei leen Noomin, secretary and Helen Lacey, treasurer. Wins, 82-40 BEEF FOR BLACKBOARDS This prime looking speci men of beefsteak on the hoof will give his all for St. Augu tine's Church in Merrill fund raising campaign to build four classrooms to the church nail this spring. Fund Raising Campaign Set MERRILL Members of the St. AuRUsilnc's Church Young Peo ple's Club will hold a community dance and fund raising campaign lit the Community Hull, Jan. 26. Purpose of the campaign is to raise money for addition ot. (our classrooms to the parish hull sometime this spring. Three stockmen in the Merrill area have donated a prime Here ford steer, a 200 pound hog and 100 pound lamb to the lund raising effort. Jerry Ahem Is donor of the steer: Mike Noomin. the hog and John Singleton the lamb. PORTLAND t.TI Lewis and Clark smothered Whitman Cdllege 82-40 Monday night for its fifth straight Northwest Conference bas ketball triumph. Ken Servas collected 18 points for Lewis and Clark to top scoring honors. Don Parker had 12 for Whitman. 1 SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main (T n 5 doctors prove this plan breaks the laxative habit If you uk luallvM rcxiUrly fcvrVa how you An lop! Itvrau t Nn York dtor nnw hra proved vuu may brk th UtaUv hublt An4 twtatilUti your natural pwn at tulrily. Kifhty-thnw percwnl ot UtartM did II. So nn you. Stop takinf whatever you rmw taka. Iiutaaili F vary ntedl for on wrk Uka ( artta iittl Uvrr 1'Ula. Saninil wwk oiw aacb nlfht. Thinl wmk ana avary otbar nifhu Thro Duthinf! Kvary Hay: drink rlfht glanaa of walar; aat deflniu tiraa fur MUlarlty. Kiva Npw York dortnra provtd tbia plan m break tha UxaUva hadit. How can a latallv brmik the Uiativa hibitT IWaum Cartrr'a l.lttl. I.ivm I'.ll. "unblarkf tha lowor (!( 1 1 v trart and tmm thna on let ll nuke ua of lla own natmrnt piwra, Kurthtr Cnrur'i Uttit Uvar PUli contain Ho hahit-fnminc drui. Ilraak I ha tautlva habit , . . with Oartar1! Uttla Uvrr I'll la , . and ba rrgular naturally. Whca worry. Vrrratinf, ovsrwork makaynu Irrvfular tampnrarllytaka L'artvr'a Uttla Mvff pula tamporartly. And nTtr rt tha laxative habit. (it Cartrr'a Uttla Llvaf PHU, 8Tr at any dnicatora Uxlay. Vou'U b iraudvll tba ml ol your Ufa. FYOCK'S OFFER ANOTHER FINE RANGE SPECIAL! 800 C00I uvn"'J I $11 DOWN Jgjj LJ--5 i U ay Modrl DDL1 "Divided" top. Beven hnit npucdK. Dee. well cooking unit can bo riilhcd to serve an mirfuce unit. King lied oven with broiler. Rtiibl Unit eplienil it ceil. "Colertrol" iwiichci give precix control of ill turfice uniti. New "Haily (ial" UnH hcati fatter than any cooking fuel. Elulv Self.tMlIng, Slf-dullng Ovan Door kwpi more heat imiuc. Ov Iherma thrt wHh Aulomatlc Oven fre-htal. m nasinmt mum au cornnt in aosun Ci la M4 Ike . J rMfaMvr,at itdllOmn.l.. 7 (rail If 11 GIVEN! At No Extra Cost! A genuine COSCO KITCHEN STEP-STOOL (17.95 value) with . the purchase of , each , Crosley Range Model DDL!. ; FYOCK'S 1001 Main Ph. 2.2311 9th and Pine Phone 3188 9th and Pint Phone 31l Don't Fail To i Sure' See feirlfeHlfciSfls ' r-v.n n n a nn Mifem Mmwl lam . . for ' When F) . ; (Better 1 & Automobiles 1 Are j t Bunt H. E. Hauger's llBuiCk 1330 Moin I Build I I Them W Spring Fabrics By-the-Yard SALE OF RAYON GABARDINE, CORDUROY PETALDOWN RAYON PINWALE CORDUROY Ph. 5151 Saturday Sunday "4 All Day :00 to 00 Bta. 69a Yd. 57 c Yd. Haad-waghabh Reg. 1.49 Yd. .28 Yd. 37" widt Fine quality dull-luster Crepe in a smooth, firm weave. Perfect for smart 'round the clock fashions. Artistic designs, vibrant colors. 39" EMBOSSED COTTON in vat-dyea pas- 67c tels. Permanent finish waffle design. 35" fALEY & LORD GINGHAM, Sanforized, vat-dyed.SuperblydesignedCott0n.40" UNEN-UKE RAYON, washfast o 160 Choice of pastels, darks, brilliants. 39! f Yd. 89c Yd. 98c Yd. Rich-textured, velvety Cotton Corduroy, a fa vorite with all age groups. Tailors superbly; ideal for decorating, too. Pastels, darks, brilliants. CELANESE TAFFETA, smooth, lustrous. Quality Rayon. Postels, darks. 42" ' Yd. RAYON GABARDINE, youitbest buy for 89c casuals. Hand-washable. 41 inch width." ' ' Yd. BUR-MIL SUITINGS in menswear-type 98c t patterns. Long-wearing Rayon. 42!' ' Yd. Sale-Save 25 SAVE $9.50 TO $11.85 ON 2 SNOW TIRES 1 2 POWER GRIPS NOW ONLY 2 SUPER POWER GRIPS ONLY. 28.40 29.90 i : . . r i a 6.00-16 Plus Fid. Tag and your eld tint Sove now on Riverside Power Grips built to plow through deep snow and mud. Deep knob tread gives traction all ways for ward, backward, sideways. Buy 2 today. v . ' :;7 : ' ' DELUXE TUBES PRICED LOW 2.65 6.006, Plut Fed. Tax Your new tires are only as good as your tubes. Buy first-quality Riverside Deluxe tubes and be sure of long tire life Get ; extra driving safety for your family, too. 6.00-16-Plut Fed. Tax and you oW Urea ,, Sale-savings on Super Power Grip. Extra , traction on worst snow-clogged roads') exi ' tra mileage when roads are clear. Cen. ter rib runs quietly, protects ogainst skids. Silt 6.50-15 6.70-15 7.10-15 6.00-16 6.50-16 670-16 in fine ' 'two ' nun tun 41.60 41.60 44.90 37.90 42.50 42.50 31.20 31.20 33.65 28.40 31.90 31.90 te.MKt" two sum fowtt dips 43.70 43.70 47.30 39.90 44.50 44.50 (lit mt 32.80 32.80 35.45 29.90 33.40 33.40 'Plut Federal tax aod your old tlret. 10 DOWN ON TERMS TIRES MOUNTED WITHOUT CHARGE