TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 'AGK NINK IB MISCfLUNIOUS FOR RENT ,vir.rrT.ieAfiis iMr"v.iTi-r,.nVii,itiTii I A. if ili'Mll ImifJ. A A. lur iKjtnliMii. Ml A. I Ml rnlrn one year old. I'ltune linv. Klmalli rL t , t iCfcV" fur" rent. " iit'4 Main'. i'liu'iie il'll, i ,)H IIKf'l ImmiI laiMlira IM tt Ivint fiiKHMini'iil Htihti, lli Lumber Co. Illh ml WlllMtll IMltill 77011 C'AN'HTnnAClK ilKATKI).i( will tir month. fcarl Limb, pliune 4(l7a or 71110 30 RIAL S i rk"roR SAll 30 RIAL MTAfl fOR SALI " . "80 ACRES $25,000 All under urnvlly IrrlKullon, i line, nllalfn, 20 ncrri imitiur. 41 ni'itu groin. Mmlnn 3 bedroom hull., bum, pump Iioum?, fruit Irres. 7 mil's f rum town, I mile mile from Cliiulr. hi liuol nnd llltfli Htliool. Puvctl loud. IMMEDIATE I'OSSEaHION T2HM8 Phone B073 "opportunity knocks again line la our of thene rnre b.irtnlm i on aomo times hrnr nbout but if 1 ilnin are. Almost new. rlnder brick conMrui Hull, lv.' ii brdroom home Fiirnlnhrd lo NUl cli'Krro with new furniture. Wall lo Willi cnrnclliiK. aulomnlle washer and nil. You must rra linn rxteplloiuil buy, don't inlas II. Trrmi tun be nrrniiKed. Just rail 7MI for appointment, flnlre Kills 2 l',0 Jay P. Cirle -' W. W. Thompson nt Mnlln J. W. SANDERS NORTH SIDE . I47B0 buyi till two bedroom cot liilio typo hum. All room Iiiikc and cheerful, l'linmco heat to nil riKima, Knay wniunii: uia-iiro uum town. Uiiublc mirniie, run price M7MJ. only 7:.0 down inriuiiiiiK tnxea mid liniiriincc, balance low monthly puymcuta. ATTRACTIVE Three brdronm home In nice Mir loundlnua. Una Inrmi llvlnit room, enlniliie hull lieuluce, hardwood flooia two full butha, nlio kitchen pud (llnetle, utility room Willi ii tuple rpiiOT for dryliiK clonics Automatic heal to each ro-iiu. (Jnoil Ituriiiie, excellent soil, Kurdrn, luwn. HctB. Price (11,600. Term. I'.nanred on caay monthly payments with only Intercat. Even. 0714 42 LIVESTOCK l POULTRY LIVESTOCK AUCTION Every Wednesday 1 :30 P.M. Cattle, lior.fi nnd hlieep, Consigned for WedncKluy, Jan. 10: one carload Ii 11)11 led hcilera, one hull carload urain fed cows, Livestock trucka fur hire one head or carload. For further Information call KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. Phone ,'1974, Midland Road It. E. "Hob" rthodca, Auct. Phone 4032 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Anne Miimui nidlc Ho dry ! 01 W BOGUE DALE, Realtors $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL 1 Up to IMJU un voui auto On voui salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans a tpec-ialty - 110 tit. ISO loaned till 'pay day' or longer m costs but IB cent for on week No other charges. SJ AUTOMOTIVE We're Going To LAUNCH A NEW ROCKET S-O-O-N To make ready for the New "ftockct Oldtmobllcs" we offer lhc-,0 used j cam at greatly reduced prices. All cars are fully winterized and ready ! to go. BUY NOW! Prices will be Higher This Spring! j 1995 : SS AUTOMOTIVE A- YOUR CHOICE USED CAR SPECIALS $1595 122 H. Dill Phone 7200 1213 KKALTOrt Main St. Phone . St. Francis Park Nent. attractive, well conitrucled. modern 2 ucilrtom butiKuluw. Con vinlrnt klldirn nnd dlnlnit area, laundiy room, complelcly ItiMi'iiltd end equipped with ttorm windows. Attached Karaite, automatic oil heat. A good buy nt 0MIU. FIIA terms. KENO ROAD LOCAL LOAN CO. 116 No lUth Et. M-3M 43 DON Mi INTYrte. Mcr. Veara friendly Service Phone 2-2537 8-271 SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1 p.m. MERRILL, ORE. 75JI CHEAPEE TEE 'PEE How would you like to aniokum peace ple In thla comfortable ceml inoderii 3 bedroom wig wam? Lota tl room for Muaw nnd paiioose.i lo run around on '. ncre lnrlgnlrd ground In 8hn.ua, Dlatrlcl. Only 600 burka down nnd balance like rent. Full price CiiOO. Let The Snow Fall LET THE WIND BLOW; you'll be happy, coty and warm In thla 4 year old modern 3 bedroom home In the Bummers Lane District, llnrdwood floora nnd automntlc heat. Extra large living room. "i ncre good soil, burn and dandy ga rage wllh concrete floor. Priced for quirk sale nt (OSOO Thla lovely InMilnled home could not bo dupli cated for less than $7600. F.1I.A. Appmutol for the sale price of 16600. Once In A Lifetime Do you get a chance nt a real bar gain audi na this. Located on n paved atreet among lovely new liomri nnd filcndlv neighbors In Mills Addition. This attractive home only g months old was built for comfortable economical living. llnrdwood floors throughout, auto matic furnace nnd n?painlc dlnlni loom. Also Inrge it.iniso and lovely fenced back yard. $0600. Terms available, Call.u today lor an ap- polntment to sec it. A) we have hold our store building and are quitting business, our complete stock of Groceries, Store f ixtures nnd misc. Hardware will Don't nilsa this modem 2 bedroom be sold nt Public Auction. home on 1 acre good soil, Attrnc-I ,.A.,,nv c-n-nr;.' ' INCLUDES ALL TYPES OK FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES tive living room with fireplace. Automatic heat, detached garage. The complete furnlshlnus of this home Include outomallc wnshei ond dryer, nnd power lawn mower. Everything goes for $9000. Immed iate pooaeMilou. Near Conger School Owner Is leaving nnd must sell thla 2 bedroom modern homo on double lot. completely fenced. Electric range, new floor furnace. Total price $4660. Ileaaonable terms ar ranged. MILLS ADDITION $760 down buys this well located. 2 bedroom home. Total price M1M. Monthly payments like cut. Open Evenings by Appointment 1950 PONTIAC FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, tutcr.c paint, Hydramatic, Sent covers, One-owner car. 1949 OLDS.MOBILE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, healer, Hydramatic, One-owner. Service record on file 1943 OLDS.MOBILE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Hydramatic, heater, radio, good rubber, under coated. 22,000 actual miles 1950 FORD Vi TON PICKUP Oneowner, low mileage. Guaranteed top shape 1948 OLDSJ.IOBILE "68" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio heater, Hydramatic. One of our mechanics owned this car, so It's In A-l shape 1 1913 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. In top condition. -. 1947 OLDSMOBILE "78" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic, seat covers, good tires. A-l shape 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Tutone paint, radio, heater, Hydramatic, clean and In very good shape See Homer Stiles Ph. Don Sloan Fred Scott 2-2460 Eves. 0(160 Eves. 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1801) 111 N. Oth St. Ph. 4601 or 5529 Al Longmlre Kvj. 0724 Joe Perry . Evs. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY Realtor it Insurance 1037 Main St. Ph. 3005 or 3421 NORTHSIDE QUICK POSSESSION. On tills neat nnd attractive four room homo lo cate! only five blocks to Main Street. New roof, continuous foun dation, automatic heat. Includes refrigerator nnd range. On pave ment and Bldewalk.i. $5230. Terms. Natural Hot Water Heat Large well constructed home. Close In location. Overslre living nnd din ing room, wall to wall carpeting, fireplace, two large bed rooms nnd bath, den, beautiful kitchen nnd utility room, full basement, mirage. Iwo cxtrn lots included. tlR.OOO with $0000 down, S per cent Interest. CASH BUYER For attractive two bedroom home, close in location, on level r.rour.l. Home mu.st be well constructed nnd In A-I condition throughout. Elec tric hent preferred. Will pay up to $15,000, For Information call. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2 0527) r ALSCHMECK REALTOR, nnd INSURANCE M7 Mali) Phone 2211 HUM La rUH 8ALX Uoh KUkpAinrK ftjietftitii 131 N mi Pnuii OK SAUK, rivt t(K,mhoU- o fc ( i-timcil. Cheap, i'nono kHJ. Malm, Oio- j ; u.i siLKt.a auuiuy loam in Utitte Vailcj. iiiiHMMi.i well ana pump, u acie t. talU. iuiiOU ih. b$M Vaiai.tl A, L'r., tU(Jor,, Caluornla. i AL.iL iincn, ail Uittcr iiiit.vauK l.tt I room Home and oulljuttJtugs. 1 Ait.) led 3'f ml. wel ul liurn. rfcv.ii Wirt?, t'hoite if3. Ourn. Nr. .V " JttiAn- inr aale. WilJlan. U. Cimcll. I ltoim P3i. ' lAJv tu " Uvu-ordiootn huinc limit in UMU, Ituulaiftl, In raw oud ilooi Ihruufitiuut, Coved linokum. One block off ttouili Oth In Su in Subui ui Sll equiiy fur 11.400, Oalaiu-e u,iuu. I'ltune U..10 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Will sell at 7 p.m. Thursday Evening Large Double Vault Office Safe: Large National Cash Register, 4 drawer; Underwood Typewriter; Butterklst Popcorn Machine; Class Show Cases; Bin Counters; Counters; 1000 lb. Hanging uuicncr scales. , HARDWARE 2 300 Chlx Pelulma Elec. Brooders; 2-Worchouse Wood Stores; New Elec. Sickle Grinder; New Universal Milking Machine; Draper Chains for 20'' Spud Digger; 14" Steel Plow shares for J-D; Fairbanks-Morse Platform Scale; 12-Stcel Chlx Coops; New 750x36 Tractor Tire; Walking Plow. TIME OF AUCTIONS Thursday. Jan. 171 p.m. to SNp.m. Thursday evening 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. If additional time Is required to complete auction will continue Friday, Jan. 18 at the game hours. Listen to KFJI for further announcements. NO RESERVE LOCK STOCK BARREL EVERYTHING GOES DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GROCERIES AT YOUR OWN PRICE Coffee & Donuts served by the Rebekahs' SANFORD & CO., MERRILL, ORE. - Owners Complete Auction Service by R. E. 'Bob' Rhodes. Auclloner, Phone 4032 1895 '1345 '1295 M095 Ml 95 M095 '1195 1 950 Ford Custom Dlx. Fordor Radio, heater. Good condition throughout 1949 Mercury Club Coupe Has overdrive and heater 1 950 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan Equipped with radio and heater YOUR CHOICE $1295 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF 1941 AND OLDER MODELS All Fully Winterized-Priced from $100 Up WATCH FOR LAUNCHING DATE OF THE NEW ROCKET OLDSMOBILE Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 INCOME 13 rentals, plus npartment for owner, AH have own garages. All street and sewer assessments paid. Fully modern nnd on good founda tion. Priced reasonably. Shown by appointment only. TWO BEDROOM Home wllh two car garage. Almost 'j ncro landscaped yard lor only (9600. 100 ACRE FARM For only $30,000. All levelled ni'il fenced. This shown by appoint ment, THREE BEDROOMS ri basement, In Hot Springs. Beau liful location and very quiet. Very good fireplace nnd piped furnace heal, for lesa than $15,000. FRED E. FLEET Realtor , DENNIE COATF.S, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3336 Eves. 2-13G5 32 BUILDING I REMODELING CUMl'I.Kl K iineAVino "iVint.. av.il alile at H.ln bu.l. Ill's Malriiall. 4.U4 .So. Sixth atnctl. ,'huim ll-iSUX 34 fUtL HfATING "si'ANOAliLl HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDAELE Check nnd Kill System MEl'KK PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Henlhi'i Sitisf act loll FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels thot Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1C10 121 Spring St. Phone 4163 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING-7:30 P.M. January 16 4023 Winter Avenue next door to the Drive-In Theatre. The complete furnishings of a two bedroom home including: Beautiful Spartan Combination Radio, two bedroom suites, Crosley 8hd "dor. Automotive Washer. Electric Range. Dinette Set. Wringer Tvoe WaJher. Living Roam Suite. Sewing Machine. Lamps and Tables, VL Chairs and other good furnishings. Also Table Saw complete with motor. DONT FORGET 7:30 p.m 1949 Ford Fordor Sedan Heater 1949 Ford Club Coupe Radio,, heater 1949 Ford Tudor Sedan Radio, heater YOUR CHOICE S795 1 946 Ford Super Dlx. Fordor Heater 1947 FrazerFour:Door Sedan ;, Heater, overdrive, Directional signals 1 948 Kaiser Four-Door Sedan Radio, heater, Sun Visor SEE THESE DEPENDALBE OLDER MODELS WEDNESDAY EVENING. BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $3.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5140 hiKsrroi.OGS pkkui, or dfliv.r-d Cilfl Yndcns HlHnal Srrvlr USI1Q ho fill, Mlinnr a0l nr 8-DitfO S & H UtlKEN STAMPS lvo on hiiT inn nlti Phont soul or 3-M60 for ornmpi dUvry. CLIFF VADENS SIGNAL 8EnVIL't lino Bo tlh STANDARD HEATING Oil Stove, turnact light fiitl, col, wood, rhrircual Peyton and Co. 63S Marktt Pnone 5H ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES KINS HE'D. Oisrr nild" Vrlmnrni'r. 113 up. Sel Barony Kennels. Reg. Pmii. ,... I Minouia. Mont. COi.l.lK pups. Litter rcgutereu. CaTl noun. I'tlll SALE, 2 fetnnlc D.'ichnhund pupn. One rod. nne blat'k and ton. Wnrmrd and dlnomper nliot. Cnll after 0 p.m 84.H Khrrle lii. Phono nailll. Af,lib.ils'ON Bitardiiia Kennela Phone n7 sunn Drlaivn-e nil llnmedala noARUINO KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Snnllnry kennels Well balanrad diet Clran individual e-Jtdonr run for each doii Dorr nnntlled durlta mating. Will Dick up and deliver Vlillor. Welcome Phone 1(178 Merrill Ru Rt a. Box 804 8HASIA CASCADE KKNNF.I.S 42 LIVESTOCK t. POULTRY FOUL IKY WANTED Cash peld for i.ny amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONIi 3861 KLAMATH Pf)lll,TRV FARMS FOR SALE four reiiktered ' Holutem f.uiiH. unii a-pyn. POL.1.EO Hereford bull.'Three' yea'r'olti. pnone 8024 loo NEW flampihfri"" Phone 42na. WANTED TO I.UY. Cowa 20-2S head1. 3 In 1 vAr old Hereford or Durham. All to calve thla aprln(. Phone or wrlto Herrfle Cr", 'I'ulomke, Callfor nia Call Newell ?an4 or ami. VuTletsi'1 Laying. WANTED colored heoi Phone 4IHI Highest pneet paid (or po'uliry, hoi and livestock. nin V MKAT MARKET Lakevlew Junction Phont o:u 42 LIVESTOCK tV POULTRY 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 7"irTlTlCiAr rtHFKDINl. ... SKHVICl. Phone S72I M C IChurki warre- i ? Bow 322 44 .MISCELLANEOUS WANItw W'NEKD CAHS- Cel lop prlre now r,., Motor Co juoetd Plun-.; WANTED TO BltY. Pasture and rni In? land Dry and Irr.-al-rt. Wllhln 101 mile. o( Klnmalh Fall. Will poy ca.h Phone or jvntv WANTFD TO BUY. "liiled lr. Phone n.10 46 "flWANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pi" nl $100 s7 27 Mo Rcpnv In 13 InjtaUmcnts UP i'O JO0 ON FUHNriUUn. OR SALARY up ro iiaoo on cars HITS IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cara 'inane at ban rate -MONEY LN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. it) yeara urvlng KJamoth Bs-ll- Sea "Chuck" Bailey Mt. lit N 7th 8U P""ne m 8M4I U Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 50 to 300 Auto - FurntturD Livestock Salory ISO to 500 Aummohllca (paid for or notl Prlvatt 8ale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealal Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. L10. 8-.51 - ti-'m 107 No. 9th Phon 1711 WANTED TO RENT. Smill modern un. furc.Ur.e houu for rctlrfd coudic. Pre fer South Suburban are. Phont 6584. NEWCOMER to Klamath, rapreecnta live of National concern, dcitres two nr thrte "flroom unfurr'fhtd house for rrnt. Will leaRC. Call 0262. WANTED TO HENT. Fiva or tlx bod ruum house. Would leaua or with op tion to buy. Phona 6813. 43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ton SALE a dandy little general tore, fctooo. win handle. One oercent oil rnyaiiy will be given In the dtpl. ii win pay you 10 iook into nu, write Box 404 Herald and Newi. HEALTH rnusci tacrllice of nitt cean n,-r. WrHniWNPwy Bix FOR SALE. Beauty taton 1 Tulelake. California. Owner movlnf. must iell. For further Information call Tulelake 7-1571. 51 MISCELLANEOUS fO SAtE ' EVERYBODY GUARANTEES THEIR USED CARS. BUT ONLY AT DUGAN & MEST DO YOU GET A 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE -SEE US TODAY - 1950 PLYMOUTH $1647 1950 BUICK SUPER $2397 1946 BUICK SEDAN $ 997 1947 CHEVROLET AERO $1147 1949 STUDEBAKER $1397 $7.00 DOWN On All Pre-War Used Cars! YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN &. MEST 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS YOUR CHOICE $395 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S . Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Ci6oD alfalfa hay' Wrst and second cutting. Approximately 60 tons, located 3 mites Kouth of Newell, California. Phone Newell 2105. SAFE, approx. 23 in. by 23 in , in. hliih. S75 P O Box 528 Maim. Ore ATTENTION Suburban Residents. If name ana number on your mall oox arc hard to read get reflective letters at riasin tjuumne Material?. 47B4 so. Sixth St. Board with numbers and nimo Dotn sides averages 93.50 com plcte. WOOD clothes driers. Ideal for winter u.e only 52.69 at Basin Building Mi igrmis. n a 3. sixinat.fnonea.Z3-j. r on SAL.E. Kenmore Washing ma chine. Recently overhauled. Excellent condition. 943. Phone 4239 after S, all dnv sunriav. GOOD airnifa ha v. round bales. hunt. $ao per ton at ranch. Black and White Koncn, FOR SALE fireplace and furnace wood', length 10 Inches to 48 inches. Phona BJ4 J. GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld eri 231)1 Sn filh Phone 431S AUUINO MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, dastts, chalis. files for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY B2! Main Phont 7411 t it I' SHED rock and driveway cinders. Phono 3-11G7. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe. PEYTON & CO. tm Market KLr.CTUOI.liX CLEANER and polisher sr.d kuppites pnone larnei iwcei ilifclnrkei WE ARE prVpartd tobuy, for Immi- diale rarh, one ptece or your entire household of furniture. If you have something to tell call us. Wa buy ANYTHIINO. 8UMM1HH LA Nil AUt-' TIONMART Phona 0395-SaiD. rnn SAI.E n'rnan. 7lOMaln St Greer Apti. Call ai Manager's apart in en 1. KtlKNlTURE FOR SALE The com pie to furnishings of a two bedroom home to be told at auction, wedne tiny evening, 7; 30 p. m. 4623 Winter Avenue. iH" S ALE.'" 40" toni" Baled" alfalta hay, aMo abnut 40fl ton potato alfalfa en. ntlng( W. L. Clink, Route 3, Box 320, Tulelake. Phone 7-0440. 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2 1 52 South Sixth Phone 4354 JANUARY CLEARANCE 1941 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, sun visor. Jet black. 1941 CHEVROLET SPEC. DLX. CLUB COUPE Radio, heater $1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GAS - 1 5c PER GALLON CASE TRACTORS 1952 MODEL NOW ON DISPLAY Factory Engineered and Equipped For PROPANE SAVE 30 PER CENT ON FUEL 90 PER ENT ON OIL 50 Per Cent On Maintenance STANDARD IMPLEMENT CO. YOUR J. I. CASE DEALER 2700 SO. CTH CALL COLLECT PHONE 933C For Further Information EVENINGS 2-1917 CRL'SHEU HOCri, Phnn flu'. driveway cinaers. OIL storage mii Market tanks! Peyton, and Co Klrt bortv wood. Phone flQSB. AUAM Schnf bungalow type uprtgni piano Flemish oak finish. Good con dition Ea;y terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 34.S E Main FOLKS who lif food with the home made taste. .like to shop at Jhnny r Big Y Bakery. Merrill - Lakevlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrub, and trees. Wa trim, spray and remove 'laKKSHORE OARDKNS NURSERY Phone 42r.fl CTSEt Kirby. nearly perfect condition. Guaranteed 9200. - .lUMUUVfc FOR SALE or trade. S450 equity 1D46 Pord two door deluxe. $130 red for older model. Phone! 30. .For SALE cleaiet 1940 Jocp in town, or will trade for four wheel drive Jeen nickup station wagon. See at 186.1 Melrose St tna PLYMOUTH Suecial deluxe. CUV Coune. Very lov mi I en Re. Has radio and an all weather healer, defroster. Th( cleanest car In town. Priced very reasonable. DIMBAT MOTORS ajo Main BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 177 8 7th Phone JTfi COMFUSTE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main t EsDland 1947 FORD SUPER DLX. 5-PASS. COUPE A low mileage special. Like new 1947 OLDS '78' DLX. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic. A tutone green beauty in - immaculate condition. 1948 HUDSON COMMODORr'6' SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. Very nice condition Solid green color, white iidewall tires. 1948 HUDSON SUPER '6' SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. New blue paint Job 1948 PACKARD SEDAN Radio, heater. Tutone paint. - - 1948 CHEV. 5-PASS. CLUB, COUPE v Radio, heater, scat covers. Maroon color, 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM SEDAN Heater and overdrive. 12,000 actual miles - 1949 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Radio, heater and fluid drive. Sea blue One owner and clean. 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. '8' SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatic drive, seat covers and snow tires. Very nice. $ 425 345 $995 ?1195 ?1435 $1365 $1465 ?1145 $1 COK $1595 ?1795 For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International Tn-cK Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath .'hone ?-35s) KOI! SALE or trade for I'lckup or light truck, a. 1. rqulty In two bed. room home In South suburbs. Phone (141. BARGAIN! 1031 Ford Convertible. Pur chased new. November 22. Over S4O0 discount BUS 8ARG-NTB Used Cert , Phone 8203 WHY WAK? DRIVE MURK MOTORS 301 E Main Phone 39TB "We will tell vour car for vou " W. buy eitrt Irarie' "BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone B2M rv- Nt-D CAKSi (Ml lo0 price now. Rose Motor Co. eta ant) Plum. 1951 SPECIAL HUDSON COMMODORE '8' SEDAN Radio, heater, Hyramatic drive, many other extras. House car. Only 8,000 miles. A $3,500 car for Undercoat, and '2850 . . . ... --,- .. ill A COMMERCIAL bPbUAL . ' $ 495 1946 DODGE PANEL One owner. Very good Yes . . . We'Tradc! The Best Terms! Juciceland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES llth & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 TOR SALE or trade. 1937 Chrysler Se- I REPOSSESSED day R t, H. Overdrive. Phone 3308 1 141 OLDS five pa.senpr couoe. Hx tt&t J:30 p. m. I dramatic. Make oiler. Phoae J-IJM.