PAGE SEVEN TUKSDAY, JANUAHY 15, 1052 UCAM TIME OUT! IIKKALI) AND NEWS. KLAMATH KALI-S, OREGON S SGCOO) T Pi or ri IL'J rs- i ar UI' .--jJjX 1 H W A lUromt I'orlliind team. Hit tY'TV Jf-3 1, U .Cciitrul Catholic Rimm. moved lu ll 0 . 13 17. HI in in ,l i. luce llils week In Die M 1 tiW1' "I wouldn't think anything of all Dili heavy work lira slvrn ma today, eicrpt Hint 1 bowl him Inr Ihe efflce championship tnnlilil!' yT "-'" ; '' . i"" P m f fL T V;UlI)k.l LA V Cf ar ' v I LI WfcTlT . fa i-ajaiii WIIKN Till". Aiuioclnled PreM hoy ntarled iwlllim ll nportiwrll s Jim membera on Uie "oiiUtttiidliiK ?thu" and "oulntiindlnij Hint" ator ' lr ot lh jcar. they foraot one llTieyryRhould have Included Ihe 'nutnlandlnii dlrace In tporu for Ui year. Juil two weeka of Ihe new year have rolled by. Hut you cun bet a ilUhtly-uned cmr If there were the ! Kiich a category in Prnfeulonal Clolfen Association would win It without a flu it. . , in li. lnnu. 1 nr.rm. . - , lanrllnir rilllnir vunuii nun-win- kollera compcvina m iv menu. ..... mo POA ruling- bounced Into the limelight over the weekend with Kormer Heavyweight Iloxlnu Clm plon Joe l-oula a central "k"'"- Loula-alonu with W"'! groca. proieiun wero barred from playing ni.nn rnlll.. Unen. the lula waU l barred Iroin puttliiR World War If. He waan'l barred Irom the prlieflght ring where he proved hlmnelf to be a great cham pion, a clean champion RAN DIEOO tournament old claU aald they had learned ol the J,egro-boycolling POA rule )ul two daya before the tournament! Th bulk of ridicule will fall on POA President Horton bmlth. whone Job It wa to cnlorco the rUj"cfon t know Smith, of courae. And I know nothing ol hl.n own pemonal attitude toward the ru 'ng Perhaps hell delend hlirwell by Vaying that he was merely en lorelng a POA ruling already In the books. Perhaps he won't even try to delend himself. I don't know. But It necm.n to me that, an the v top braa ol the PGA, h rouid 5 have fought the prejudicial ruling by permitting; Louis and Splller and Clark to compete In the goll Open. Professional baseball opened the ey 4or ero piaycri. hasn't been hurt. Buscball I'PSICTS are getting to be a dim a dor.en In Ihe Klamalh County high school bnaketball league. Only Sacred Heart is undefeated with eight straight victories. But all other teams have taken their lumps, many times In the favorites' role. It's a heslthv sign and point lo a top-drawer tournament 1'cb. 21 through Feb. 23. The tourney Is the blue-chips event where the champion Is picked. And If the current upset trend continues, the tourney favor ite will bo anybody's guess Cling To Top Spot NEW YORK Wl The University of Kansas Jayhawks got one lens first place voto than the University of Illinois, but still managed to ro tain a slim lead Tuesday as the nation's No. 1 college basketball team In the Associated Press poll, Coach F. C. (Phog) Allen's Knn. aans received 22 first place votes ' and HO points In the sixth weekly balloting of sports writers and sportscastern. v Illinois recolvrvt 23 .first, place ' votes and is In the No. 2 spot with 173 points. Both of tho leaders are unbeaten, Kansas having won 13, and Illinois II games. Kentucky remained In third place but otherwise the top 10 had a shaking tip, as Indiana skidded from the No. 4 spot to No. 14, and Keton Hall dropped from No. 8 to No. 12. The University of Washington, (12-2), which defeated Oregon State twlco last week, fell nevertheless from the No. 6 spot to No. 8. Knn kss State, which trounced Nebras ka Saturday ,fcll from No 7 to No. . The top 20 teams In order were Kansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa, St, Louis, St. Bonnvcnture, Du nuesne, Washington, Kansas Stnle, West Virginia, Siena, Seton Hall, Louisville, Indiana, LaSnlle, Texas Christian, North Carolina State, Oklahoma City, Dayton and Holy Cross. Others receiving votes Included UCLA, Washington State, BrlRhmn Young, Wyoming, Stanford, Seattle and Utah Kircher Waits Until Tuesday PULLMAN, Wash. Wl Alton Kircher Is expected to announce Tuesday whether he will become head football coach at Washington Slate College, Kircher, backfleld conch under Forest Evashcvskl, who resigned to become head coach at Iowa,' con ferred wllh Evashovskl and school officials Monday on WSC's oflor to promote him to the top spot. WSO' sources predicted a deci sion .from Kircher before nightfall Tuesday.... .; . Jayhawks Central Tops AP Cage Vote nr i no MNiiriaieu Aasm-laled Prem Oreuon mull Hchool Unkcluull l'oll, replacing Kluiniilli fulln. Kliimiith Kails dropped to third tilncn linn weiik alter limlim tu Mrrilnrd Htilurdny nliiht, 61-44. Lincoln ol Portland look over rvtiti-iil'N Nn. 2 Knot. Conlriil Catholic received ilx ! Hi nl-uliice voles from Kporlawrll- rr:i mid kpartACiwWra tuklnn part in Ilit null. Oiitrnl won Kme over Aalurla and Jeliei-siin of Porl- lnd, ili-londliiK state chump, Inst V.liit'ilii picked up lots of upporl inr .n-mui nliicii. but received only . , . . two llir.l-pliioe voles. Tlio uarinnum lire nillliiK hrhlnd tin" M-orliiH ol 7-lool-Hn li Hwedo Halliroolc. who t.rt a slate Indlvuluiil aconiiK re cord ol DO points liiitt weekend. kItiiiiiiiIi Fulh uol three lint- place voles, mid McMlniivlllc won Hie oilier two bullols lor ton ai'Ol. McMinnvllle. uudclratcd In hlnh iiclinol conipclltlon. won two more name hint week end and IlnlMicd fourth In Ihe noil. Biilrni slipped one notch to llllh place this week, and Ihe Dalles, v., n in., i virrk ilronnrd to the alho-nin ll- t. Tlie Dulles lin.l won iheven slralKhl names, but lol two in ii low list week ena I Jellcr.ion of PorlUnd climbed to No. 7. M.ltnn.lrr.alrr waa the only newcomer lo Ihe Hist ten. moving Into eiuhlli place aller beutlim Hie Dulles. 7M. Corvullla advanced one place to No. II und Aslotla tumbled irom cluhlli to tenth. A clna-H team. Powers, led the iilio-rnns again this week. The list i with the number ol firsi-placs votes, then the team's record in parentheses: , c,lrill Catholic (6) 17-11 11 111 1 I.ltunlll IJl l7-l 3. Klnmalh Palls I3 1-2 4. MeMlnnvllle l3l 0-2i JJ 5. Siilem B-3i " 6. Jefferson H- 44 7. Marshlleld 7-3i 43 B, MJIlon-Frcewater (i-3i -IS 9. Corvnllls 8-4i 10 Aslorln i5-5i " Oilier.: Powers 11. Tlie Dulles 10. Cleveland i Portland i and Tl uurd 0 each. Baker 6. Medlord and ... . c .....1. IT. ...nttn 1 n I nril Itl.OOhD VHV.ll. Iiunv'.i Cirnnel" and Oteiioil City 2 each, ; Milwniikie, Pendleton and i mond I each. Red- Sportsmen Fight More Homesteading REDDING, Calif. W Henry Cllueschmlilt. nresldent of the j Western Stales Federated Sports men, Tuesday called on sports men's groups In the 11 Western Males to oppose the withdrawal ol 10.000 acres from tho Tulc Lnko Walerlowl Reiuac In Northern Call flronla for homesteading. He urged that sportsmen's groups and Individuals Interested In pre serving the big reluue which he termed the "key to the waterfowl population" on the Pacific Flyway wrlle Immediately to their Con gre.umen and to Interior Secretary Oscar L. Chapman opposing furth er homesteading of Tulc Lake ref uge lands. Cllneschmldt also suggested that national legislation might be sought to transfer from the Bureau ol Rec lamation lo the Fish and Wlldllle Service the control of all lands in Uie boundaries of established fed eral waterfowl and wildlife refuges. Ho said that would halt, the pos sibility of continual reduction of the areas to provide reclamation projects at the expense of the na ion's natural resources. IAST NIGHT By The Associated Press Boston George Araujo, 132, Providence, R. I. outpointed Sandv Saddler, 130, New York 10 lion title. New York Willie Troy, 155, Washington, D. C, knocked out Dick Anderson, 158. Cleveland, 3. ChlciiRO Dave Shade. 136, De troit, outpointed Tim Dalton, 138" i Chicago. H. Salt Lake City Floyd Rich ardson, 190, West Jordan, Utah, knocked out Billy Carter, 178! i, Edmonton, Altn, A. Pacific Beats Idaho Quintet FOREST DROVE. Ore. Wl Pa clflc University defeated College of Idaho 80-41 hi a Northwest Con. ferenco basketball game here Mon day night. Flail Inlrrnting, colorful . . , SAIV F1IANCISCO Stay at the Hotel Whiloimb, at the Civ ic Onler in the theater and hopping district, ill direct line with both greaf brlHgra. Bring your family for a week-eni m" lonaer, and enjoy the diatlnclW Hotel Whilcnmb cuiaine and terrice. HI Hiiartiia tlitli;.''i Wt III M ARKIT ITHIIT at (fk Oarage In 8udhi HOTEL W1IITCOMII " KAKs. C. WEHK . r'raila'int end Osntrol Meaafaf i' " If l " " " ' A i KURT VON POPPENHEIM WW-WA' ' r"" 1 kKt4 "'ants whole kaboodle PETE BELCASTRO promises speedy end tiPHUto. srotTttorro Sr - Basin Leaders Post Basketball STANDINGS IVI. I 000 l.OVtl 1 IKK) ,6tl7 .on .:ixi .ILI.I .333 OX) .oou .000 .UJU rhiioouin ..- .. Jahawki 'lull-lake ... Koio ... ' Miflin ... , Klamalh Sons Merrill VKW , Uorrlt lleatty Sorrgue Miver Hl X - - The three leaders In Uie Klam ath Damn Independent basketball Icunue kept their wlnnlmr ways last nliiht to turn In their third consecutive wins. Chlloquln beat Kcno, 70-54; Jay hawks walloped Klamalh Sons. 80 30: Tulclake drubbed Merrill VFW, 04-40. Malln defeated Dorris, 62-41. In the only other name on the snow cut proftnim. The fleattv-LDS and Bly-SpriiRtie River names at Sprague Hlvcr were postponed by bad road con ditions. There was heliy scoring in mc far-fluiiK loop last nlnht. Remo Minato oumnca In Chlloquln's victory over Keno. Erl Homer ana uaiy h1"!." teamed up for 19 and 17 In u Jayhawk landslide of Kiamatn 80I1J. Vandals Climb To 3rd Rung STANDINGS W L Tct Oregon 2 1 'S Washington 3 1 .750 Idaho 2 2 .500 Washington State 2 4 .333 OreBon Stale 1 3 .2o0 .Monday nignt renins: Idaho 67 Washington Stale 49 Bv The Associated Press The University of Idaho "Vandals gained a split In their Saturday Monday series with the Washington Stale College Cougars with a 57-49 basketball triumph Monday night. Idaho climbed into third place In the Northern Division Pacific Coast Conlercnce by vlrtuo of the win and the Cougars dropped to fourth. The Vandals were held lo a 22-22 tie at the half but gained a 33-32 edge Into In the third period and kept on going. Freshman Harlan Melton, a reserve forward, scored 10 points in the fourth quarter to lead Idaho to victory. Ho had tal lied only two points In the first three periods. GYM CLASSES Oym classes for women only arc being sponsored again by the Hen ley PTA and tho first class is the grade school gymnasium. Lois Rumor will be in charge and any one Interested Is Invited to attend. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath . Ph. 2-2581 Triumphs Jim Conroy's 23 paced the Ma tin quint over Dorris. althouKh Rob on Egelinc and Wesley Owen were not bushlul lor the losers, potting lb and 15. Tulelakc's Welch scored 23. not a curDriMnK Imurc for this sharp shooter. Ray Rader had 14 for the losing Merrill team. unx score-: DORKIS ill) Kaehne la . T I'orlerlield. It. F 1111 MAI. IN 6 Woodlev Victorlna Porlcrliclil. 1L 9 O o Anderson i- Kilil.unn 4 Wlltijima l: ii O'Kecife uorris sur---i.ev. oooon. uwen u. Maizaienus. wniie. r-iunu . i cnwun. Malln auhs nrtehlman 6. Lindsay. smaiiey. Unia, McKoen. The Woo es trounced SONS I3tl ! JAYHAWKS , p , , h-.vbH Hall 3 r 19 Homer;84-'. r" ton s waxed hiii 3 f nevis els, 53-24. rrank II C 17 Dnwes Minato 8 : 14 Banta Pearson 5 G 7 Brvanl Klamath Bora sus- llnoa. juynawss subs Pntteraon 6, Gilchrist 3. Brown 2. Ktme 12. I Hlt.OUt'lN I-.0) (311 KENO Hatcher 4 F 10 u. Itamsev Hatcher 12 T 11 Lavlon Minato 33 C 10 Johnston Miller 3 C . Dow C. Hatcher 4 G i Foster Chilnouin suns souers z. Mtnun 2. Geintfer 3. Wampler. Bratton 3. Keno suoa 14. Hainao, Dcvrua. o. diucb. D. Ramrey. Mi nRii i. no) oi) Ti'i.r.i.AKE I.. Kandra OF 23 Welch Berrv F 8 Crawford Winter 3 C. 10 Cross Dunran fi Ii 9 Ufl.'.e Rader 14 G fl Landlne Merrill subsS. Kandra 2. O. Kandra. Knox 2. Dellis 8. Sowell. Gibson. Tulelake aubs Jensen 10. Ur- ' hech 2. Kirkpatrick. Gresham. zm . to Even Stltky Jam Wiped Off Clean! - 2 e Railed Pattern looks like Foprl( lg JF EEEEEEl 3 I Here' botherless beauty you want ond needl For, the non-porous surface of new Plastic Topes won't absoib grease or grime, they won't shrink, stretch or fade. Add lo this the exact flattering Tit of Sears best made-to-measure Ve netian Blind. Save on both from Searsl FILL OUT, CLIP, MAIL COUPON TODAY! Sears, Roebuck and Co.' 133Se. IthStrett ' Klamath Falls, Ortion Send expert lo demonstrate. New NAME. ADDRESS- CITY I 0 Belcastro, Ready for buck uaviason, rcierec. wrestler and pinch-hitting matchmaker, is making arrangements to neat a rec- ord crowd tomorrow night at the i armory for the m.J-eek mayhem. . Lower-floor seats are being add- son's calling last week s bout no cd for the re-showlng of last week's contest' and holding up paychecks; wild scrap that saw Pete Belcastro I 'they both Indicate they'll resort prove to the fans that he's lost to any tactics necessary to "end none of his dynamite in a lay-oit,lt quickly" and pick up the entire from the ring. I purse. The bout ended out of the ring L ftoth J,";,-11" nwi"n'"B with the Weed Assassin and Kurt .a tncy J, mf. "?.rS!" Von Poppenhcim wallowing m , ins to a no-time-Umit, inner-take-blood a" match. . . ., , . i It's a cinch science will be left Mat customers, still raving about in tne dressing room. The empha- sis will be on knuckles. Davidson Wools Win 2nd in Row STANDINGS W Oreson Wools 2 Crises ... 1 Peyton's 1 Mocked . 0 Petrolls 0 Sreret Last Ni(ht Peyton's 53 Rocket 24 Oregon Wool 44 Petrol, s 1 1 000 1 000 .SOD second straight basketball decision W.UIVUI M 9UIUIII.S III me Kills Cliy ! league last niffht at Mills but the ' big scoring job came from Shir ney Ralston of Peyton s five with . points. Petroffs, the Rock- Games tomorrow night pair Griggs and Oregon Wools In the 7:30 opener and Petroffs and Pey ton's in the 8:30 match. Gonzaga Whips EOCE, 90-63 v BAKER. Ore. l Gonzaga Uni vcrsity built a 42-32 halftlme lead and coasted to a 90-63 basketball victory over Eastern Oregon Col lege of Education here Monday night. It was EOCE's 12th loss in as many starts. NO MORE HARD WASHING! a swiih of a damp (loth (leans new NOW Available on Harmony House Made-to-Meature Venetian blinds 79c S. Ft ' 1 1 1 ' i Plastic-Tape Venetian Blind .PHONE- .STATE . e.m, to 5:10 p.m. ' l" Phene Stll Prussian Mat Brawl mat oout, cant quite unuersmau how the rematch could be much jmore hectic. But Belcastro and the Proud j Prussian are both irked at David vows he'll keep the donnybrook In the confines of the ring. But there are few punch -patrons who figure ne ii oe successful, j It .will start in the ring but it may end up on Main street. Both the principals are angry. Both promise speedy revenge. Both I are ready. APPROPRIATE Davidson has signed a semi windup that is appropriately de signed to set the stage for the ex plosive main event. Hurricane Herb Parks has a job to do on Yorg Cretorian. The vain Rumanian stopped Herb's kid brother. Billy, last week with a gimmick he called the Rumanian iCcra, n?ld- Cretorian will need more than a fancy-sounding maneuver to beat the older Parks. Herb takes a back seat to few for plain cussedness and aggressiveness. 45 MINUTES This one is down for 45 minutes or the best two of three falls. Gene Blakely, rugged Texas cow boy, returns in the opener against Danno McDonald in a 30-mmutc, one-fall affair. Reserved tickets are going fast at Castleberry Drugs. The armory box-office opens for business 7:30 p. m. ' tomorrow. . F. Goodrich WINTER TRACTION TIRE 0UTST0P5-0UTPUILS OTHER LEADING MAKES e STOPS QUICKER New scientifically-designed tread digs in gives safer grip on slippery roads assures greater margin ci safety over other makes of tires. PUllS BETTER i Gives firmer traction to pull, you through bad spots where other tires spin. Keeps you going in rough weather ' with less risk of accident. Be safe be . sure buy now.. . 1 MOST ALL SIZES IN STOCK! 11th and Klamath Hilltop, Cokes Win City League Scraps STANDINGS r t Prt. 0 j.eoo 1 .7.W 1 .7.W 2 .BOO .1 .2SO 4 .2110 Rtrkyi Pavlem Dnifi Hilltop Cafe . . Coca Cola . ....... Ili-rald-Newi Palmarton w 4 3 .. i Hercules .187 Srom Nllhl Hilltop 51 Herculei Tl Coca Cola 43 Palmerton 34 Hilltop Cafe climbed Into a sec ond place tie with idle Payless Drugs last night In the feature basketball match of the city league doublencader at Altamont. The Cafemen dumped Hercules by a 51-27 count. In the other game. Coca Cola beat Palmerton by a 42-34 score. Ki Carrier, Roy Harris and Ken Milllgan each dumped 14 points In the Hilltop win. Hilltop led all the way in the one-sided contest. CAGE SCORES College Basketball By The Associated Press FAR WEST Idaho 57 Washington State 49 Montana 56 Idaho State 54 Montana Slate 62 Colorado College 47 Washington State Jayvees 56 Idaho Jayvees 39 Seattle 95 Eastern Washington 80 Pacific U 56 College of Idaho 41 Lewis and Clark 82 Whitman 40 fin WFfiT .Kansas 69 Nebraska 68 jmnois 7g Indiana 86 Iinna 7H Northwestern 64 Ohio State 85 Purdue 69 Minnesota 70 Michigan 60 Kansas State 65 Oklahoma 54 Missouri 59 Drake 50 EAST Duquesne 88 Westminster 58 Fordham 80 St. Peter's (N.J.) 46 Seton Hall 69 Eastern Kentucky 52 -- SOUTH V Kentucky 95 Georgia 55 Mississippi 94 Georgia Tech 64 Alabama 63 Vanderbilt 44 North Carolina 78 Davidson 17 West Virginia 91 Wake Forest 57 Arkansas Tech 61 Arkansas State 59 SOUTHWEST Arkansas 54 Baylor 38 SMU 40 Texas A&M 34 Arizona 65 Hardin-Simmons 43 Gets Pitt Job PITTSBURGH OH The univer sity of Pittsburgh appointed Lowell (Red) Dawson as football coach yesterday. Saddler Whipped By j Rook Georgie Araujo BOSTON Un Beating a world boxing champion his first such victim was far from a thrill for Georgie Araujo. 20 year old Prov idence, R. I., Negro lightweight. While a sellout 13,859 crowd, was still roaring over his close but clearcut decision over Sandy Sad dler, featherweight titlist, in their 10 round non-title bout at the Bos ton Garden Monday night, Araujo belittled his accomplishment. "The only champion I'm inter ested. In is Jimmy Carter and I want to beat him for his light JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, FIRST IN Palmerton made a mluhtv come. back In an attempt to erase a 7-91 halftlmo deficit but couldn't catch the Cokes, led by FriUs Kuni with 13 points. Eddie Hall and Jerry ' Dodda each potted nine for the Palmer tons. Thursday night's program will send the top three teams into ac tion. League-leading, unbeaten Rlckya face Hilltop in the 7:30 opener. Payless shuts down the show against the Herald-News quint. Bux acorea: PALMEBTON (31) ft!) COCA COLA miu e r I Hunter Hell 9 ' r a Frael Hell 1 C Newman Poster S () 13 Kun Dodfti 9 G Alexander Palmerton aube Yee I'. Zalenardo. Coca Cola auba Bergiolf 1, -Arant. iAi II 6, Demntrakna 4. . . , IIF.KCLLES Ci) Ol) MII.tTOP rtoetk 2 T 1 rrltnd S. Waybrant F 14 Carrier McKay t C 14 Harris Shlpman 3 O 14 Mllllaaa 1 Wivhrinl R ('- .iBclfann I Hercules miIm D. Adrian. Lohrev. Adrian 8, Samuel. Hilltop auba Soren- aon e. Shuff Stuff Wocus leads the tavern shuffle- board league after a 4-0 win over Suburban last night. That puts the Wocus team with a 11-1 record as the shuff circuit heads Into ' Its second week of play. in otner games last night, Bill s Place held to second spot with a whitewash Job over Summers, fcane and Schuss" beat Tat's.'3-l. , O'Brien Runs Total to 5A9 V CHENEY; Wash.'WI. Deadeyt) Johnny O'Brien, displaying the shooting form that has made hlrii the nation s No. 2 basketball scor er, roiled up 30 points - Monday : night to lead Seattle University to a 95-80 victory over Eastern Wash ington College. The effort gave him 569 points in 21 games with -the Chieftains this season. On Upswing DALLAS in The doctor for Dave Powell, varsity end on the Southern Methodist football, team, said Monday that he is on the 1 road to recovery. Powell was taken ' to a hospital last week critically ill with pneumonia, He is formerly from Portland, Ore., . weight title. And I can do It," Arau jo said. . . i Saddler was equally unimpressed by Araujo. .. "He's only a strong kid," he de clared. While performing before Boston' largest boxing crowd in almost air years. Saddler appeared to be lead ing by about an eyelash going into the final round. Then the Provi dence youngster cut loose with a furious two-fisted attack to the head to gain his 39th triumph In 40 professional, starts and his 26tt in a -row.. .. e" Inc. Phone 2-2581 RUDDER w