Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 15, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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ill llilll iS.ll.lll t.i.ln.lll miHf i i in.,, 1 i, i' ,. I, ftiAj-.4ii
Prlli'Hii 1'in.l -VI'W, HIHII, mld
tin reuular inrtellnii Thurnilny, 8
i.ni.. in Hi I'oal'a eluu room.
Mantanll Hoc Ul ( lull I.nnrh.
(nil iiitIIiik, Vi.'M) p. in., Tntira
liny, will 1 1" "I the limn o( Mm.
C. B. Aiintln, ira Ori'Kdii Ave.
lym ('la.ara TA aiimiftored
KVin clnauea m Henley turl to
nluht, 8 o'clock In ilir llenlry
mucin m-IiooI Kyin. I-ola Hiimer will
irwh, llio cliihirn are (or women
mily mid anyone Interented my
Nil Mpp Owlim lo Inclement
weather thern will be no incelliiir.
i m. Mnry'N Altar Hnclely, Hatred
City Council
Eyes Street
Klamath llnuril nf Itpulliirn- Itei
uliir iiippIiiik WrOiiPMliiv noon in ' 'Ipnrt r'ailnh, Inmnrrow
the WdlM Ill Hotel. Oiled ripi'llkcl'
will b Aninlil Ciriiluiiii, Mii.rnii.
Idlilrnl clly n('liiioli. Illii Miljjccl:
lux dollar and iirouiTsn. Public Invited.
Mppln ppliL-un P'f A will niPPl
Wednesday, 7;3o n.m. n the m luml
auditorium, An HitrieMliiK proKiam
In pliinni'd.
Speaks At
Knife, Fork
llrcuvrrhij Mm, llrnry Orlinen,
who Imn been 111 nl her hump,
1134 C'untiy, lor the piu,l three
week, In recovering
Klamath Fall member of the
Knife end Fork club lat nluht re
laxed n little and lprnpd a little
about Wo and how human brlnm
could bettor live It.
Dr. Felix II. Zafllro. a consult.
inic p,tycholoKlt from New York let
out of the buir what many local
Knl.'o and Porker may later
learn an aecrcta of happlnena. Htx
upeech topic wan "What Makes Us
Perhaps, he BUKKested, the Ural
criteria lor helping people tick
Widening of the traffic lanea of
Paclllc Terrace will coat about
S.'tfto a lot, accordliiK lo eiwlneer'a
e itlmiite, but the pinna have been
filed unci the Improvement project
tentatively net lor next auinmer.
It wim Initiated by the City
A hcarlntf la to be called In
which property ownern alniiK the
' Mi eei win lie a owed to vo w on-
.Minted John Drlirklll. aon of 1 lecllonn to the m o led. and enough I luhi h I. hi i,h, i nfieriinn i..r
Mr. lend Mia. Charles IJrlHklll. 38.1B ohleellona (by the ownera of two-'people who nped help.
HiI'iIiiI Ave., him none lo Copur thlrda of the properly) could kill i Dr. Zolllro described the chanii-
iwnieuc, ion.. 10 piiiini in tiie Air 11. unit ol a human personality a
Koree. Anotlier non. Cnl Ilov nin r..r ih inh hm .iNr.f ' Hrmipthlmj almllar tn the roiintrv
Order of Aiiiaranlli Itcitulur I Drl'klll and bin wile have returned on llle la.sl nlnht by City Ennlnecr iboy. u.ed to keroaene lampa, who
mncllni, Wediipadny. 8 p.ui at!1'" Ciunp Cookp, Calif., aflpr vlilt- Taxi Thomaa. tried to blow out an electric llitht
Mnnonlc TpiiipIp. iimmiiiiu Pant '' hbi parpnt here and Mra. They call for tnklim a four-foot ' wIipo he came to the city.
Itoyal Malrona and Pntiou.i. il)iisklU'B pureiita nt Post Falln, I atrip off each aide of the center! "Until he learned lo flick the
! Idaho. Cpl. Urltsklll leaves noon for ei,plnnnde to widen Ihe alrpel lanea fwlteh," the doctor aald. "The boy
oiri ncouih-irunp u win nui rn mm. ry.. 10 auena ipiio't- n.v tha; much. Tlic lanea now arc touia not iiev me inm oiu.
meet I hurnday, due to weather . ''illii arnooi. oilier viullora at the : fppt V;lde. and would be made
Date Vague
Last week, some unidentified
ReclKmat'on Bureau apokpsman In
Ban Franclaco xave out with some
Inlorinulion on Title Lake home
ateada that la Hiving local Recla
mation men a roui;h time.
The AsHOclated Press reported
tho Han Franclwco source aa sav
ing another section of Tule Basin
land wou1'' "aoon" be opened for
I.aton 'Slenhena. Reclamation
manager, here. Bald the "aoon"
vould be at least two years since
the only land now tagged for homc
fctepdlmr woi'U' not be ready lor
at leant that long.
Slenhcn' view was published bv
Ihe Herald and News along with
the San Franclaco reoort. Never
theless, Stephens' office Is being
deluged with reouests for Informa
tion on bidding In the homesteads.
The delude aoparcntly orend to
the regional, office of Ihe Reclama
tion Bureau In Sacramento cauv
Ing Regional Director Richard
So!ns Eye
Tax Work
Suburban Firemen
Elect Officer's
New officers for this year took
over last night at the January
meeting of the Suburban Fire De
partment. The new offlcera: Julius Ouln
toni. president; Ted Million, vice
president; Prince Kobeyt, secre-
day deadline for action. Congress
took a cool look Tuesday at Presi
dent Truman's plan to reorganize
the Internal Revenue Bureau.
One senator who had talked with
several colleagues said "It does
not seem to have too much sup
port." He asked to remain anony
mous because he Is a member of
the committee that must pass on
the plnn.
Another member of the Execu
tive Expenditures Committee.
Chairman McClellan (D.-Ark.i. told
a reporter the group probably will
decide at a meeting Wednesday
conditions. !lrlnklll home recently were Mra.
Clerlrude Kri les. I.acro-se, Wash..
Cullfurnln Vaeallun-Mrs. Fred J'r. ami Mrs. Tvmi Fecles and
lliunen ol Hie Kenu Culo Imn gone jliimlly. Wnlla Wnllii, Wash, and
to Mnnlmliim Bench In visit her''l'''k Von I.lndprn. Post Falls,
inolhpr. Ml" Kiln tloudtt !u. with ; Idaho.
Hr. and Mia. John Cr.lallno, "I !
Hip Mallard Mnti-I. Wocim, who1 Ni nuln - F.splorer Pont M2 inccls
will visit relatlvps and friends In First I'resbvlcrlrn Church, to
K Hrgiindii. morrow, 7:30 p.m.
'f Klk'a Kmwrp DaiUP-'lotilKht. ' Pro.pprlly ItpliPkah l,nd(eReR
p ni., at the Elk's Lodge. Olto 'ar meeting, ThurMlay. 8 p.m.,
kills, caller. '""I"
Wlnpma AiiiPrlcan Leilon -PoM Jepli I mer ITA-MPela wen
141 will hold Ihe lint Hireling ol nesdnv. 3:3u p.m.. In Uie school
Ihe veor Wrdnesday. 8 D in.. In 'auditorium. Youth groupn of Klam-
Dip vclorau'a Meiuoilal Hall. AH
women vrter.'is cordmlly Invitrd
to help mnke pluni for the con
vention hero this rar.
alh P'sIIf have arrmiged Ihe pro
gram. All members are urged to
Personality Is similar. You can-
The esplanade Is 39 feet wide not change It until you learn to
incx me awiicn.
He told of case histories from
his own files showing how little
things may aflect personalities
greatly In later years; and how
bv learning what thOHe things are
the personality traits end affecta
tions can bn conquered later on.
Dr. Zalflro. struck out at wnai
A review of Ihe Pacific Terrace
f ilnns was Ihe principal business of
list nlihl's Clly Council business.
Final approval was given or-
idlnances regulating coln-ln-slot
While Shrlne-Naoml Shrine No. ! amusement devices and Jukeboxes.
& will meet lonlghl. 8 o'clock n ! Ilie amuseim-iil ev Icp ordinance
.... . . ... i.lI nil) lulift o rllutrllintnt InPAnvn nf
meeting ol Ihe Royal Neighbors oli ' Mlt '""I"' Mnl, M.V lor. the first vear. 1. 000 for
. I succeeding venrs. plus 10 per ma-
M..H..T-. n..t. will meet Wed- ! chine the distributor has operating
iie.iiav 5 i.. t ihe rirsi Chris- i m ihe city, and establishes
unn unurcn io muxc oanouges lor
Ihe Cancer Society.
and would be cut to 31.
Thai work would be done from
Lowell to Alameda, and the various
Intersections would be rebuilt.
Lawn sprinklers where InsteP'-d
would be moved and reset by the
Thomas estimated the lob would
co..i im.j-io.i ii aspnau pnvmu in . h ,.iied too much lalth In ma
ucd. 51 ,637.34 If a combination o i l(.rlll tnlngs among modern day
esphali. and cement Is used, and cMrj.H- he aald there was too
J50.949.08 for cement paving. j mU(. tl,ltn n things spiritual.
The cobt would be psscsned l "The further you get from God,"
against Ihe adjoining property. the psychologist said, "the further
ThP past oraeles ,
America, plannrd lor Wedoesdnv ,
night will b postponed until fur
Iher notice.
Home-Mrs. Evrlvn P. Waldron,
Orelech, President ol Klamalh
County Ponlinaslers. and Mrs,
Hope Brader. Chemult. Becrelary.
have relumed Irnm Kugene, via
Hhasla Daylight where Ihev attend
ed a meeting and dinner In the
Crystal Room ol the Oborne Hotel
for Lane County PoMina'lern.
Forty six postmasters enjoyed an
exceilPUl talk bv Melvln Northrun,
Seattle Inspector In charge. Dor
olhv F.lllott. State PrrsldPlH of the
National Association of Postmast
prs. Florpncp. Orp.. also talked.
Mra. Waldron visited at the home
of Harrv Krleger and liimllv,
Springfield, Ore. Krleger was one
lime lire chief l OrpiPch and now
is fire chief it Springfield.
First Aid Red Crosa First Aid
Classes lo be taught each Tuesdav
night for Ihe next alx weeks atari
tonight. 7:30 o'clock In Room SIS
ol Ihe hlyh school. The course will
be taught by Klin Redkey.
Special Meet There will be a
special Joint meeting of the llnance
conimlllec and the building com
mlllee of Ihe First Congregational
Church 7:30 p.m. In Ihe parsonage
1 I
... I.., i ii ii i ik.i i i,i ii n.i.u ...i.i,. i miii i
I:.. .... . .V. ..:.L
rimer 1- Mitchell, nul ope i tor e
C9IH rl KM.
Alv V. Oidhm, no vehirl llcnt
rine M
Ml NH trAI. ( OI'RT
J O Moniero, drunk dnvini. Fine
II (JO and .10 dy,
Cirh Praafuld. rtrunh. Fin 10.
Dfirningu Lopt. dru:ik. Fln t0 or
I 3 dat,
Mallaa Marline, drunk. Forfeit 1S
I Kiltfar Krvln. no operator llccnae.
! fotf.il .1 ball.
(!fr Crvtn. ran red liihi. Forfeit
3 nail.
Gllcrrto Rounder, drunk Fine 1)0.
lKny Oudowa. violation banc rule
Fin b:13 or :to dava,
Lrtny Oodowa. no operator' I cene.
Fihe 3 or 1(1 dai.
Jay Duffy, drunk- Fine H0 or 10
da a.
Life Raft Hero
Enters Politics
. lirlnT.Twri tut.' r-nllf IIS lutnes
-lo dlscusn -plans lor, thr building. vvhlttaker." wlio with Capt. Ed
1 . o-r7n . ti. -.. " Rlckcnbacker survived 21 days
life raft In Ihe South Paclllc
owner license of MOO per machine.
Earlier drafts of that ordinance
had that license at 1150.
The Jukebox ordinance sets the
license for distributors a I $1,000
and for ownera at $100. The latter
was upped from $50 In earlier
drafts of Ihe ordinance.
Jukebox licenses are based on a
calendar year, pmball licenses on
a July 1-June 30 year.
Lease of space In the ateel
hangar at the airport to the Mentl
Newlun Aircraft Corp. for three
years at $335 a month was okayed.
Olhcr Council action Included:
Approval of purchase of a $125
snow bucket for the cemetery, pur-
i chase o: snow clothing for Jail
I trusties used In snow shoveling,
' and a $163 Job of celling the woik
(hop part of the garage.
Removal of llle bus atop on East
Main alongside Twin Girls Gro
cery, and installation of a stop
I sign on the south side of Klamath
at 2nd.
Approval of temporary restricted
parking on Wilford while that
street la being used as a sledding
vr.n act from sanity
Dr. Zalflro alto blamed the
school on much of the Insecurity
held within people. He asked how
high school atudents, looked and
watched over by strict regulations,
could be expected by mere com
mencement to have ben taught
to face the world and Its problems.
He called on Ihe schools as the
saviours of democracy as we know
It, also. The government, he said,
la the servant In our way; the
people are the masters. The aris
ing of socialism, be said, comes
from the lack of the people to
think and master the government.
But. he said, the methods of ed
ucation will not Improve as long
Rain or sh
dogSmells fine!
VMeol-WoyortcJ bi'icvif
)op dog odorW
Goodbye to unpleasant dog odors 1
New, improved Ken-L-Biskit now con
tains miracle chloropliyllin, nature's
own deodorant.. Eliminates bad
breath, coat odors, all dog odors in lest
than stten daysl Give your dog the de
licious, nourishing food that rids dogs
of Uon odors. Pick up Ken-L-Biskit
today ac your favorite store.
as the teaching profession lies be
neath all otneri in wage and repu
tation ccale.
Bokc to go Stephens one better
Not only will It be at least two
years betore there la any more
I homesteading In the Tule Basin,
Boke says, but there Is a strong
j possibility it will be much loner
! than that.
when to start hearings on the pro
posal. The plan can be turned down by
a vote of a Constitutional majority
In either branch 49 votes In the
Senate or 218 In the House.
The President proposes to slash
the number of Internal revenue col
lectors from 64 to 25 and to put
them under civil service with wid
er responsibility.
These appointments now are sub
ject to Senate confirmation. Many
of the collectors are named by the
President on recommendations of
Sen. Kefauver (D.-Tenn.) and 24
other senators introduced two bills
which would fumlsh an alternative
method of reorganizing the bu
reau. They would keep the present 64
collectors but would place them
under civil service In an effort to
remove the appointments from pol
itics. They also would prohibit the
collectors from having any outside
9 A
Fluhrer s
. Many woy
Con Be Serv.
' ''Ah milted
r . Vr Creamed
bit or w , ,
ffi'Vouthe " Co-
tsry (reelected): and Joe Bearles,
treasurer (reelected). '
Henrv R, Muddcr was the retir
ing president.
It U a real satisfaction to know
your home and ear are properly
Insured. Hans Norland, 3T Pin Pit.
EtoiHiiiio Snaek
solves laxutivc problem .
"I have had great success with
all-bran," writes Pateison, N. J,
man. "After years of constipation,
I am now regular. Thanks to my
'i cup of all-bran every day!" If
you suffer from Irregularity duo
to lack of dietary bulk, try a bowl
ful of this tasty cereal every night
before bed ... It may bring back
the1 youthful regularity you
thought long lost, all-bran Is the
only type ready-to-eat cereal that
supplies all the bulk you may
need. It's high In cereal protein,
rich In iron, provides essential B
and D vitamins. Not hablt-form-lng.
If you're not satisfied after
10 days, send empty carton to
Kellogg's, Battle Creek, Mich.,
and get double money back I
See Thursday's Paper!
603 So. 6th
Fremont PTA will meet Thursi
duv. 3:30 p.m. In tile auditorium
of Premonl School. Speaker will be
Kenntor Pbll lllifheock and his
topic will bo "God. Home and Ihe
School." "The Junior high school
orchestra, under
in World War II, wants lo go to
The Burllngame contractor, a
Republican, announced his candl-
'ir direction of l?- '! 8n -
John Drvitda'e. Will entertain. Tea
will be served In Uie cafeteria and
small children will be cared for ln ditched
me bii.
leo County District.
The llle raft exncrlonce occurred
In 1042. after their plane had to be
Home Jim DcVore. high school
student at Henley was called to
Grants Pass last weekend ,nv tho
death of his (ether. Flmer Tl.'De
Vore who died Jan. 0. A brother
Hen DeVore and his wife, Susan
vllle also came north for the fu
reral and visited here brlcflv wllh
DeVore's mother. Mrs. Russell
Storey, Hagar.
IllHarold Mallorv will leave as
soon as road conditions permit for
Stockton lo the bedvlde of nls
mother, Mrs. Laura Mallory, crlt
rally 111 in a Stockton hospital.
Mrs. Mnllory has visited here a
number of limes.
S6 per month W
Ph. 2-2513
633 Main
23 fyeaM lfa
Monday, January 14, 1929 The Harmony Circle of Ihe First
Christion church met Tuesday otlernoon ol Ihe home of Mrs.
John Totton on Crescent Ave. Officers elected for the ensuing
j year were: Mrs. George Wirtz, president; Mrs. George Myers,
'vice president; Mrs. J, A. Leach, treasurer and Mrs. George
McCollum, secretary,
Tuesday, January 15, 1929 Personnel assisting In the opening
of Ihe new Pelicon Theatre ore Vera Thompson, secretory ond
traosurer; Gertrude Von Berthelsdorf, assistant cashier; Joan
. Thompson, cashier; Lydio Von Berthelsdorf. organist; Vernona
McCouley, cashier and Jomes Hensen, advertising manager.
Wednesday, January Ii, 1929 Dr. George H. Adler for the
past year resident surgeon of Ihe Good Samariton Hospital of
Portland recently arrivod In Klomoth Foils lo locale permanent- .
ly. He has taken olflces with the Klamath Clinic in the K.
Sugormon building.
Thursday, January 17, 1929 Delegotes ol the Klomoth Falls
American Legion who returned Friday from Grants Pass where ,
Ihe district convention wa held were: Alfred Collier, W, R, Can
Inn, H. E. Gel, Leon Crawford, Douglas Puckctl, Bert Igle ond
O. D. Molthews. .
Friday, January II, 1929 Mrs. P. J. lesmeister ond two chil
dren arrived In Klamath Foils from Portland last week ond will
make their home In Mills Addition. Mr, Lesmeister is on em
ploye of Ihe Greot Northern, ,
Saturday, January 19, 1929 The Queen Esther class of the
First Methodist church met Tuesday evening at Ihe home of Mrs.
Lawrence Phelps for a covered dish dinner. Members present
were: Margaret Young, Ruth Chllcote, Allison Barnes, Joanne
Huls, Nadine ond Ethelwyn O'Flaherty, Lottie Kenyon, Jean
Froiier, Mildred Floyd, Doris Yodon, Isabel ond Thelmo Toare,
lone Earhart, Naomi Roberts ond Milt Palmer,
"Inmre With Landry" .
JlandUu Qa.
V. T. Johnson ,
John A. McCall
D. L. Thomas
419 Main Street Phono S612
utte Valley
Dorris, Calif.
Effective Jan. 1, 1952 we pay interest at the
rate of 2Vi per annum on all new and re
newal savings on time certificates of deposit
' of 6 months or moro. Interest begins on the
date of your deposit.
The Butte Valley State Bank
is an independent bank, serving
the Klamath Basin since 1908.
Banking by Mail
Is Convenient!
Let us handle your banking business.
All accounts insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
up to $10,000 each.
,. Member Federal Deposit Insurance
n nifhnnnirhavn.fMN
at the
Sprague River Mill
Will Continue
One to four room cabins!
Priced from $60 to $245
Two to three bedroom homes!
Some modern (good furnaces, up-to-dste interiors, everything you
would expect in modern homel) Some to be bought with prop
erty . . , some to be moved.
Priced from $235 to $1725
Other buildings to be moved!
Priced from $18.50 to $900
Our Salesman Will Be On Site
9 a.m. "til 4 p.m. 7 Days a Week!
Terms may be arranged on the site
with our salesman. John Vicars
or at
534 Market
Phone 4862
Paul 0. Landry