PAGE FOUR HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY. JANUARY 13. 1 0.12 FRANK JENKIN3 Editor BILL JENKINS Managing Editor Entered aeoond class matter at the post office of Klamath Palls, Ore, on August 30, 1906, under act of congress, March 8, 18TS MEMBERS OF THfc ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press u entitled exclusively to the usr for publication of all the local news printed In this newspaper u well at all AP news 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mall t months 16.50 By Mail year 111.00 MMhflMM I,, in fill lYlll. 1V! IIIDIlrtHIII lllllll lllllft jMAjAMMMMaMAABil ill I ) Again and again the first ques- .vncihcr it harms the heart or tlon published today is brought up I legs. 1 know that the day after In various forms. I washday, my legs acue. Q For several years I have . . ' . . Mrs' f t been troubled by unpleasant ! A-Oolng down stairs should breath, and I always have a bad cause no difficulty except to a taste in my mouth. This is some- Person who might have arthritis ; of t.mes ellnunaled lor a short time ' " V.T Her I eat. Doctors say . uiey can " "V"' L"',":"? ; T, find nothing wrong me. I have no .nus trouble and no tonsils. Mrs. C. K. A The principle causes for bad on the other hand, takes a lot of energy and increases the work of the heart, and of course, of the legs. People who are in good health are not apparently harmed breath and ail unpleasant taste I In treasonable amount of the mouth are conditions around the mouth and nose such as pyor rhea alveolaris and decayed teeth, bad sinuses and bad tonsils. Also inadequate brushing of the climbing, but the stairs should be taken more slowly as one grows older in pnvone whn has heart trouble. or notices such eaccts as Mrs. M. They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo KnES ARE FOR SISaES""NO S5J.P. RESPECT) Mti TOUCH 5Uy HILL PAVAS per example, knuckles mccdol-- ft.rr.f4.BTOTHER.' v LEMME OUT rzx ?a hours 7 HEREipti.r will awjifie otavin m M C THIS TO MEl I WANT I I 1 I J rO TIT lir l mriN vnJ V L. in wiiuj 1 if ill w rr stancw j ( . ipSS. ii Ts S--r. .-..A IUITI ir.KH.KD teeth allows food material to de- j does, n would seem wise to con- r cay I fine the amount of stair-climbing ! I heavy smoking and the drinking 1 to the necessary mm. mum of alcoholic liquors can also pro duce this condition. Certain food siuffs, particularly those whose odor is eliminated through the lungs, such as garlic and onions, are a not unusual cause for hali tosis and bad taste. Diseases of the stomach or other parts of the gastro-intesltnel tract and disease of the lungs are less common causes. In a case where no definite physical reason can be found, either locally or generally, about all that a person can do is to ex periment wiui reduction in smok P What would cause a woman in her sixties to have an open sore on the breast which dis charges some blood and pus, ap parently from the nipple? A Reader A This is a serious symptom which could mean cancer, and medical advice should be sought promptly. Q Please tell me why I want to drink water all the time. J. R. A Excessive thirst is one of the symptoms of diabetes, and while it is insufficient on which to make a diagnosis all by itself, it is ABC's WASHINGTON 1 On and off for more than ISO years the poli ticians of both parties depending on which was in and which was out have considered government employes fair game. Whpn thpv th mtt that. 1 peer through the economic briers i works by fixed routine without thev r-n h larc numbers of ' exercising intelligent Judgment." . . U'Vlil ihm ,-nl . ... . .. 1 . - . ... 1 oMv nn.eiim. i. rjin.Lt .k. ui .,. ,.,! ,hi, tures. and they blaze away. ul? orks.. score woulu then be below 3IWU un and rtn.iS S to minri "Cut down on the bureaucrats! ll,s . PUtaU which Stassen Ipomts. but I uuended lo keep the language Uian ordinary politicians who content thomselves with call ing federal employes "bureau crats." In the American Collese Diction ary, one of the definitions for 1 "bureaucrat" Is an "official who BLOOD DONATIONS ASKED Klamath Kails citizens nro lii'lntf asked. nlonR will) nil oilier communities, lo donato to tho blood bank. On "rillvSDAY, JAN, 22. a mobile blood bnnk will bo In Klamath Falls to receivo donations. If you care to donate vou nro nsked lo fill out tho attached coupon and mall )t to tho Red Cross offices In the armory prior to that (late. Tho clinic will be open from 12:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fourteen persons., can bo accommodated every 15 minutes. Please list an altcrnato time on your card. Nurserv service will be furnished for those with mini children. Transportation to ami from the armory will be furnished thoso requesting it. Tho blood will be laken at tho Armory. , KLAMATH COUNTY BLOOD PROGRAM Doner Fladgt Card Name Address Il"' (Business) Telephone , (Home) (Business) Group Affiliation I am wllllnc ! fsnili my tilvcd Ihrouin Ilia lt PREFEKREU TIME (Signature) r JACOBY on Canasta "The oUier nlht." relates an Oswcko "1 wannu to open a closed canasta that my side had melded early In the hand I warned to see huw muny deuces or jokers hud been uetl In the canusta i was trying to count up the entire meld. My problem was w.ieuier or not i.v'i 1 M i 11 y ii.i '-. in 1.1 1 hi 1 ii 1. 1 . n 11 i iii 1 1111 1 1 . f '" " . L. -. . - ... ....... 1 11 I -v ' .- n.r- - . a Engle Hits Surplus Of Power Tale I WAHIUNOTON t.H - nep. ID-Cnllf l liuillentird Tuenrtnv Urlrlinii I'rotliirtlnii AdtnlnlMli titlrin ' AdvlMity Cniniiillleo mpmt Wiirri j ilc.-.lunnlfB Callliiniln n nn aira u( liicrraainii pnwrr turpltin. The Atl vlnnr.v Coiniullleo, hi report to DI'A AilinlnlKlriitor Mn, ! Iv 1' Iflwliiniiiiu, iirurd if f xumiiu. 1 Hun of lultlio iHiwcr projrci, cmit'tinlrain new nipnclly in bi ruj 01 itioulni.t ili'llclt, 11 (Irwillieil the went, with i esrciitlnu nl Ilia I'liclllc N01 'Uiwpm, null Ihr Mlmirl Ilunlil rritlnn , nri'un in which power muiilinn, nllliouiil lint iiroul, will Inrrm,, In IWI and UM under irrrnt M'hetlulra. i:nitle told a repot ler hp (1 "Miriirlnrrt" at Hip leoil urrnii-e 1 It does roliu-lile Willi ttinliri bv (lie Harllln Hoiilhwenl Imn. clinnnf Conimlllpn In n rPiiurl to tlir Cnllfiiriila l'ubllc Utilities (,'oiu. iitlNtlan. 1 Tho InlcrcltBiiHP Coinmlttpp, 1,1. ! iiuld. I coiniopd ol private nutl public power kiuuph. 1 "The mnntliia 01 nurplus, )ur. Ilciiliulv In fie rap'dlv p.-imiihI". ' arp of Norlliprn Callfnmln. nro I o 1 11 1 1 y lundoiiKlP, ' Kiwis amnt- el. Don't Diet--Not Even For riness. It Won't Work "Cut down on the bureaucrats 1 .-, nH well an monev" thev sav uvuiu mi "c " .. .ana wen saie moej, uic nr.,i..4 ,.r m.u.. i..t murt HSLSK VtStSftSSSSim loafers" If he's elected pr'e.i-1 "i could count the open meld. a.. . nn. irii h limitpd in oent. Since election Is 11 months of course, and I could form a Rood Happi By EP CREAGH (For Hal Boyle) WASHINGTON H Mad at your wife or husband? Thinking of going home to mother or fa ther? Convinced, after giving it a fair trial, that you plucked a per simmon in the gardon of love? Walt, friend. There's hope for you yet. An easy-as-pie new form ula, just published in "This Week" magazine, tells how you can put the magic back Into your mar riage if you live. . The secret: Lose weight. Not just a few pounds from around the hips. Lots of weight. Pounds and pounds. Get to be scrawny, in fact. Thin down to the point where you'll have to walk past twice to cast a sha dow. This Is the conclusion to be dlctlng success or Failure in Mar riage," by E. W. Burgess and L. S. Cottrell, Jr. They make no bones about it: Skinny, bony people have nappier marriages man tneir oei ter padded neighbors. The successful husbands, say the authors, are likely 10 be 15 pounds or more underweight, which seems to show once and for all that mal nutrition docs more than psychia try can to justify woman's ways to man. Well, maybe. But it doesn't work out that way among the people in our neigh borhood. It may be just coincidence, but the only couple within three bloc 4s who reguiarly slug it out at the drop of an insult are thin, pale individual targets. away, it would save money if he'd By JEAN OWENS Snow and wind storms were un able to dampen and depress stu dents on the first day of the new semester. Schedule changes having been made yesterdav, everybody seemed to be satisfied today with any changed courses or schedules they might have made. English and speech students are now taking lit erature or composition which is required for aU juniors this year. Other one semester courses include business machines and several ste nography courses, radio-speech and photography. The French club, which now con sists of only second year students, are planning an Initiation of those who are taking first-year French in the very near future. The planning committee met this morning to set a where and when, and to man out Important details for the affair. Members of this croup are Carol Adams. Mildred Mitchell. Shirley Sehorn, Melvin Warner and Dick Dewey. The coming of a new week and with It brings a new noon movie. "South Sea Sinner" will star Shel ley Winters and MacDonald Cerev. The movie will begin Wednesday In the auditorium at 12:10. ' Here Is wishing KU students good luck end hoping that evervone has a good time during the new term. Activities will be underway as soon as schedules arp settled and rou tine is again set up. ihi raiiNoiv tut uni f04 Klamath Avt. "' Niont 07 Anti-Warren Clan Gathers SAN FRANCISCO ' Home state foes of Gov. Earl Warren !5bH And the most contented couple J S"' l?J:? f t?",'iVofCnS: ThPSnW Ch,nri?in hii, .,..,1 Regular Republican leaders with nrri?0P ilrf ,l to the state are supporting a slate innt n thm IIL:8e,'hd they pledged to Warren. The third-term Th.wiinu Lo! governor was chsirm.n o' Ollfor The wife In this case started wor -ii-.-.irtT.e . io-ic iu nd rying about her weight, a few years delegations in 1936, 1944 and back, and went on a diet. Ate noth- cker, .1 an anti-Warren ral- ?Sht X fl, hi? ht't"e governor was more a Demo riiSLnn gTO1 icrat than a Republicen. disposition Republican Gov. Arthur B. Lang- One night, watching ber husband !UeV Washington toid another GOP hl intA I'll nnfa not: nnrl crrow c u. I 5 " . -k- T a.-irTi:.ri ;nraectin taai me pany can sue president, could be ekpectcd to be ! 2tiU:jiaT"t ?'S!fLn?5nl; more diligent in his use of the j ,if0eye1,:! season 00 8vern"e'" While the Republicans will be doing the shooting and the Demo crats will be on the receiving end. the Democrats themselves can be said to have started the tradition back in 1800 when Thomas Jeffer son w anted to be president. His suppbriers, the ancestors of the present Dsmoc.-ats. put toge. it er the -fta-rt political platform in American history with a plank (.aimed at Ute Federalists who were then In power an l can b: consider ed the ancestors o. the present Republicans. This plank called for a "rigor ously frugal administration 01 the government." It promised "resis tance. - i Jo all measures looking to a .rriuhipilcatlon of officers and salaries, merely to create parti sans and to augment the public debt on the principle of its being a pub ic blessing' And here is a statement with a more modern and familinr ring: "I do not hesitate to say that the most expensive luxury in America today is the widespread opinion that government is necessarily she threw a salt shaker at bun. He was so outraged that, for the first time in his life, he went out and got loaded. When he came home, she wouldn't let him in. He went to a hotel, phoned a lawyer, and it looked like the end of their romance. But his wife ate a couple of cream pulfs, to soothe her nerves, and felt so much better that she went downtown and apolo gized to her husband. They went on a second honey moon and there hasn't been a cross word between them since. She j higher prices to come for dairy estimate of the counting value of my partners hand. "Lie trouble was that I had for gotten which cuius were used In uie cloyed canasta, and the pres ence of a joiter in that canasta would have been enough to put us over 3000 points. "My attempt to open the canasta started quite a discussion My op ponents were quite sure I had 110 right to open Hie canasta. What's more, they thought I was crazy for tryuis to count so carpfully "I therefore put both these ques tions up to you. "Did I have Uie right to open the canasta?'' "Was I crar.y to be counting the melds so carefully?" ihe opponents were half right You did not have the right to open the canasta lor the purpose of counting the mold. Once a canasta has been closed It may be opened lor any reason at aU during Uie turn 111 which It Is Closed' and also during the next player s turn . When the next player has' dis carded, the canasia stays ' closed until the end of the hand unless somebody tries to add a wild card to II. If you take a wild card out of ceed in the 1952 camnaign only If it seeks out the best program and (be best leadership. . Higher Milk Price Hinted GEARHART W - A 'hint of je Democrats w.y n...v imni .. ,. ;.! your nana ana try to aaa 11 10 a temptiblS. This attitude co.ns not If?""4"- 2 ?" fif1": only millions, but billions of dol- HLnt0J l s"r ' "ft i.r. .nn.,.111, Ko,n it nninn. ! Ulcn contain more than three wild th cnrini.. if interact Cards. weighs in at 187 today, a gain of nine pounds since Christmas. No, starvation doesn't really seem to settle the problem of man-and-wife discord. Feed the brute, the wise old wives used to say. And if good liv ing thickened his waistline, at least that made him less attrac tive to other women. As for the man, any honest wife will tell you that he seldom takes a good look at her and when he does, he sees her as the shy, slen der girl he married, though she may by this time have all she can do to squeeze into a size 32 ikirt. Lava Beds Aggies Elect New Officer TULELAKE The Lava Beds Aggle3. Four-H clubbers met Jan. 13 at the Winema school to elect new officers. President is Ronnie Peterson: secretary-treasurer, Floyd Walden; reporter, Ellen Bishop: sergeant-at-arms, Margaret Hading. me group aiscussea plans lor the coming year. Anyone Interested In Joining the Aggies should attend the next meeting, deadline for member ship Date will be announced later. tiue iox is leader. products was dropped here Mon. day by President Fred M. Knox of the Oregon Dairy mens Asso ciation. Knox, a Gaston, Ore., dairyman, told Uie opening session of the association's annual convention that costs still were increasing in the dairy business. In large part these costs stem from public demand for better sanitation, Improved barns and equipment, he said. "If the public is going to con tinue to demand these things, they are going to have lo accept higher dairy prices," he asserted, adding costs still were going up with labor particularly hard to find. "A recent Oregon State College study shows that the average dairy farmer receives only one-half to one-third the hourly pay of Indus trial workers, besides putting up with harder conditions and longer hours. . . Our ratio of costs to income is much higher than almost any other Industry," he said. BIG MESS LANSING, Mich. W) The rec ord library of Radio Station WILS, mushrooming over the years, col lapsed Monday In a heap. More than 7,000 records tell off shelves and racks but enly one was bro ken. It was: "How about that mess?" the springs of government Interest, enthusiasm and service. . .there Is throughout the United States a widespread and vigorous propa ganda against government and government service." This sounds like President Tru man but It was written in 9'S2 by Charles Merriam. a Republican political science educator, when Herbert Hoover was president and at his Republican administration. Power Steering On All Cars Seen DETROIT Power steering for passenger automobiles at "rel atively low cost" was forecast here Tuesday before the Society of Au tomotive Engineers. Original equipment on only one make of passenger car In 1951 It la expected to be on at least five makes this year. W. K. Creson. vice president of engineering of the R03S Gear It Tool Co. La Fay ette. Ind., reported. "Further rapid growth of power steering is indicated," he said, "because it lighteas work, contrib utes to safety, and especially be cause its major technical problems Including cost, are yielding to years of testing and development." If there arc already three wild cards In the canasta, you must put your wild card elsewhere. The opponents were wrong, of course, when they thought that my correspondent was crazy for count ing so carefully. Experts agree that It Is worth several hundred pom's to iftny un der 3000 points In this sort of posi tion. Every expert counts very care fully lor this reason but he re members the cards In a canasta without having to open It up. Beer May Go Up Cent Per Bottle WASHINGTON I A bottle of your favorite beer may cost a pen ny or two more after Jan. 28. The Office of Price Stabilization Issued an order Monday night per mitting brewers, wholesalers and retailers to adjust prices of all malt beverages. Tables specify the exact Increases but OPS said they will average about one cent for a 12-ounce bottle or can of beer or ale. The OP8 order said Ihe Increas es were ordered to reflect higher federal taxes and costs of raw ma trials, containers and, labor. Even In the best of political tiiuva, 11 mm iirvci brvii runy m assure the American public an In tclllKOlH dlscusHloii of major poli tics mid propustils on lliolr merits. Politicians like lo skirt Ihe 1s- isue.s, to answer attacks Willi conn- ter-blow.s which tend lo meet the criticisms at n tangent rather than directly. Thev till the air with labels and eplthpu and slogans unci hoie It won't be noticed Uiat the real fac tual matters are lost In Uie shuffle. But the citizen can take only so much of this. There are times when he reallv wunts to know the lads, not just a political ver sion of the facts. And this Is a desire Unit today he Is llndlng harder and harder to luiliii. A prominent mldwestern gover jnor recently characterized Ihe sit uation succinctly when he declar ed that there Is "loo much con sidering of the source." In oiiiers words, when a state iment Is made, a policy announced lor a proposal offered.' the first I question la not: "What are Its nier ills?" The question la rather: "Who said It? 1 ACTI.AI.1I If the author Is a political com ' patriot, Ihe utterance la lavishly 1 lauded, the acclaim often has Uie i automatic, artificial auailly of an from tho paid claque in jlhe concert hall. But If Ihe sponsor Is a political enemv. thiMi whatever was said ,or proposed Is Inevitably bud, Fre quently before the critics hiive 'even troubled to read thoroughly I what thev wish lo assail, they leap In with sweeping charges, j "Smokescreen." "foolhardy ! scheme," "unworkable plan." are I typicot comments at such mo- liients. I "H he said It. then It must be bod." seems lo be Ihe watchword (in these coses,. And It runs the reverse when Ihe author Is a po litical Irlend. ; I Now isn't that a pretty silly -way to trv to conduct me auaira 01 the world's most powerful nation at so critical a time? ' Of course a handlul of lawmak- pro ami other nubile tlKUics ways endeavor to give people both a lull laclunl accimnl ol policies and programs and an Intpllliteitt interpretation ol Ihein. Hut lliry are too lew and ollen are drowned cut In Hip dm of Uip emotional shouting from the rest. THINKKRS The citizen would like to Irel that more than a frnll minority uf his representatives have the will and Ihe capacity to think earnestly about Ihe country's problems and come up with answers bearing some relation to the merits. As. It It. most of them behave as If they were nothing more than walking emotional networks oper ated by push-button. A speech by a political friend snnns on Button A and the network produces soft, purring sounds of praUe. A decla ration bv an opponent flicks on i Button B. Inllanies the whole ya. tern and leads to a tirade of criti cism. No matter which button Is on, the periorntance soon begins to tound like a playback of an old olllce dictaphone recording. g.vcryooay oui uie pouui-iaiui seems to be aware how tiresome and barren theae push-button re actions have become. Come next November, perhaps the votena will pusn a few buttons themselves, and send some of our specialists In emotion back nome 1 where thev will have nothing lo re !act to hul the weather. Thomas Sneers At Ike's Chance PORTLAND IB Norman Thomas, six times the Socialist Party's candidate for PresVient. had a few remarks on candidates in the 1052 Presidential elections. He told a Reed College student audience Monday that General Elsenhower's greatest attraction Is based on the fact that he Is 'neither Taft nor Truman." All General Eisenhower has said in his speeches, Thomas said, "was that he favors free enterprise, Universal Military Training, sound taxation and no Inflation. I suppose he also favors the Ten Command ments." He added: 'Whoever Is elected, he will In six months time be doing, the same thing as any other candidate would have done.'' govt Joan Bennett i'- Htw to If Vtfebt and Lock lovolty Simply eat this dV llcioui vitami Mineral C called A YDS, fore meals nad ed. AYDS checks your appetite you automatically eat less lot weight naturally. Abso lutely aafe con tains no reducing drugi. JOAN PCNNITT SAY ''Ay Ml wMdw Maii l i hi." eat this da- K j 'Itamin and I 1 al Candy, J ? . YDS. be- H its aa direct-' J VITAMIN AND MINERAL CANDY j m m m 1f I r u ft d . 1 41- PAYLESS DRUG 808 Main St. ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 SFF HOW spLrt Big Savings On Hardy's JANUARY CLEARANCE SHIRTS Regular 3.95 NOW Regular 4.95 NOW Regular 5.95 NOW Regular 6.95 NOW Regular 7.95 NOW 820 Main HARDY'S nnnanaoMBae 288 388 488 588 688 Phone 6778 V ,:SK ; : -: ; .1 ' nncric rni n.cTiirrcn ( BREATHING PASSAGES Every breath of medicated steam brings DEEP-ACTION RELIEF from coughs, stuff iness of colds. No matter how choked-up or miserable a cold makes you feel, here's a fcama-provad treatment that relieves the worst stuffiness and makes breathing easier last . . . two spoonfuls of Vlcks VapoRub in vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in package. It't aotyl You Just breathe In the steam! Every breath car ries VapoRub's soothing medi cations deep into troubled throat and large bronchial tubes. In no time at all, ihit wonderful fraafmanf medicates and soothes dry, Irritated membranes; relieves stuffiness and helps restore normal breathing. For that ohoked-up feeling ... for coughing spasms or upper bronchial congestion . . . there's nothing like using Yicks VapoRub in steam. And always rub It an for continued roliof To insure continued ac tion, rub VapoRub on throat, chest and back. It keeps right on working for hours . . . brings relief even while you sleep. It's the Dest-xnown nome remedy you can use when anv cold strikes child or grown-up, one. and only VICKS VAPORUB f - , - .' ...: f.rt : ,ii"",!?lT!'",W-f'' - . - j- ''to- - --. o 0 O 0 LUTHER SEMINARY CHOIR CONCERT TONIGHT -8 P.M. KLAMATH LUTHERAN CHURCH Cross and Crescent Srs. Admission by Offering j Everyone Invited