TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TOREK Adore Reports Come In Telling Of Red China Invasion Plan Ily Thn AnaiH'liilrd J'rcM Unvunllmiccl ropon lluil Hcd Chlim In iiioIjIII.Iiik lor nil Invun Ion of Hoiitliuirit Alu cmiio nnt-w lioln Huiik Kcihk unci Formmiit Monday. And friiin Miwrow mime h chin un Unit tlx- UnlUn! Blnton, Fiitniin uml UrUiiln mo cimnpliliiK lor "new wiir venturer)'' In the rinme firm. The ofllcml Red nrWMiuper Pntv (In repealed climnu tliut llio Amcr- mi:.:; Inn Bevcnlli Fieri linn been car- rylUK Chines NHUonRiirii aoiiiicra lo Thnlliind, Hiirma and Indochina near Conimunlnt Uhlna'a auullterii holder. The Iron Curtain drawn tlKhtly around Die ChlnnKn mainland nlnce ii... ti...u i.wik nvr ciieuLlvrlv con cealed preparation" for a lied at tack, II one IK piannru. 'llie Nationalist Chlnee Delennc Mlnlnlry In Kormona aald Red troops are maimed at South China banen awaiting the algnal lo move southward. 11 nald hime supplies of food and It. .uu-haiu' -. JIM STILWELL, longtime active sportsman here, has been elected president of Klamath Sportsman's As sociation, replacing Virgil Davis. Hot Sweaters Hit Northwest By The Amoc-Utrd I'rew Borne ol the tnflammablo sweat ers peddlers have been selllim ihroiiKhoiit tho country turned up In the Paclllc norinwc.w Monaay. Portland firemen tested two of the bruKhed-rayon sweaters with matches and. In line with reports Irom California and the East, they went up in Ilamcs. At Yakima, Llndy Sonnabend and ills. Andrew Klcrat told police they hud purchased similar HWeal ers Irom peddlers In recent mouths. Airs, rifrst' kind her, hiubautl dr.Miped a cliiarelte ash on one ol two sweaters she purchased and the sleeve quickly burned. Portland liremcn warned there may be other sweaters of the type In the area and nudKCstcd that owners gel rid of them. Forest Service Talks Fire Problem PORTLAND I Fire prevention In the 19 National Forests of Ore gon and Washington waa discussed here Tuesday ai a meeting of the US. Forest Service timber man agement experts. The four-day session opened Mon day. All phasea of timber manage ment will be discussed during the meetings, J. Herbert Stone, region al forester, reported. ONOU m Louisiana Election Hot NEW ORLEANS Ml Louisiana, where politics Is as hot as Its Cajun pepper sauce, chooses among nine Democratic candidates lor gover nor Tuesday a record field com pellnir for the favor of a record UUI.000 registered voters. Gov. turl K. Long, brother of the late Sen. Huey P Long. Is backing one candidate. His nepii ew, Sen. Russell Lang iD.-La.) Iluev't son. Is backing another. Seven other candidates seek to beat both ol them. Oov. Long Is supporting his hand picked candidate, lormer State Dis trict Jurixe Carlos Spaht of Baton Kougo, rue constitution nromims the governor from succeeding him self for a second four-year term. Sen. Long Is supporting Rep. Hale Boggs (I).-I.n.i of New Or leans, lor many years a foe of the Longs. Mother Slays Son, Takes Own Life 1 CiRAND RAPIDS. Mich ifl A mother dropped her Inlant son from a third lloor landing, then jumped to her own death from a fourth story roof of the Sunshine sanitarium. Victims of the double tragedy Monday night were Mrs. Matilda Reinhart. 39. and her two-montlis I old son. Allen. A note left In the family car. found parked on the sanitarium i grounds, said: "I took the only ! way out." war materiel are ready and more limn 30 seagoing ships arc loading supplies at Whailipoa, near Can ton. The defense ministry said some SOU smaller craft have been as sembled at Kwangchownn, I'akhol and Yulln to "smuggle arms and ammunition t') Iivlochlna, Malaya, the 1'hlltpplncs and other places In Southeast Asia." 'Hie military Information serv ice said China's railroads and high ways are clogged by heavy ship ments of troops and supplies south ward. French authorities In Indochina Monday said the Reds apparently the Isolated Boa Blnh Basin, 40 miles southwest ol Hanoi. Communist-led Vlctinlnh rebels have concentrated antl-elrcrafl guns In the area to shoot down French planes alrllltlng supplies lo the Isolated slrongpotnl at Boa Ulnh. The French have been us ing the airlift to supplement the lew convoys which manage to get through. In New York, Oen. Alphonse Pierre Juln, Inspector general o! the French army, told newsmen he was pleased with results ol con ferences with U.S. and British mil itary experts on th: defense of Southeast Asia. General Jinn left Sunday by plane tor Paris alter asking the U.S. to extend Immediate aid In the event of a Chinese Communist Invasion ol Indochina. dNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS WASTE NiKffinir barbae ho, Irtaanf ppandnrr, : hradarlm anil dlulnraa may b due lo akiw ' 4iwn of Mftnry fun ft Urn. Doeiora ur food kiilnvr function U wry important, to Kood htallti. When om very day condition, aueh atraaa and at rain, cauaea thla important , function to low down. many fu!Uaauffrrnaa ! glna; barkarhe frl mUvralilr. Minor blad . drr Irritation due to cold or wrong dirt may ; cauMfrtttna: upnightaor frr-iurnt pimiri. Unti'i nrlct your kldntra it thnm rondl- tlona bother you. Try (loan 'a Pilia-a mild ; diuretic. Uaad aurrrai fully by million- for ovr0 yran. It'a amailng bow many times j Uoan'a vlvr happy rvlirf (rum !h dicom ' forta-hrlp Ilia lorn tlraof kidnaytubn and fil- Un fluati out wait?. Get Uoan'a IlilU today I Candy Leads To Trouble For Private TOKYO ' PFC Llnwood E. Smith, Purple Heart veteran of Korea whoso sweet tooth cost him Ills Corporal's stripes, Oood Con duct ribbon and honor guard post at General Rldgway'a headciusr- lers, nas a undo lo console htm. But not for long. Hmllh said the Army first donlr,! and then granted him permission vo marry jean Marck ol Baltimore, a clerk In Its Special Services di vision. They were wed Friday In a civil rite at the U.S. consulate and a religious ceremony the next day. Smith, of Fredericksburg, Va., said he expected to be sent lo Ihc United Stales-In a day or two lor reasslunmcnt. . Jean has to stick to her Job until August, or reimburse the Army tor her fare to Tokyo and pay her own way home. Smith's troubles began Jan. 3 when he dipped Into a candv box In the Supreme Allied Command er's outer office. The Army Investigated and Smith was shorn of his several perquisites. Including the $13 a month extra pay that goea with the Corporal's rating. "That was the most expensive candy I ever tasted," moaned Pri vate First Class (formerly Cor poral) Smith. KUHS Radio Program Set For Sunday "Youth Views the News," the I Weyerhaeuser Timber Company's 'weekly radio program, is to orig inate at Klamath Union High School this week. The program, broadcast each Sunday at 6:30 p.m.. Is aired over 11 stations in Washington and Ore gon. Klamath Falls station KFJI In one of the stations. The KUHS program Is to be re- rrtrrlfri Wirlf.v mnrnlncr fnr lh Sunday broadcast. Seattle Station KOMO Is send ing Millard Ireland here to serve as moderator at the KUHS record ing. Four KUHS students, members of the school's International Re ligions League Club, are to com prise the discussion panel on the program. The four are Tom Mur clock, IRL Club president. Beverly Fells, LeRoy Porter and Trudy Bennett. These four will briefly give their views of three chosen topics and lotion, particularly as pertains toi KUHS Instructor Paul Deller, the nroKram will then be onened lhc N"'"' monopoly held by the In- sponsor of the IRL Club, aald an ,n vilu,, J r.lnV. l th "'"N1"0"'11 Boxlna Club of New proximately two Jtmlora and senior, to viewx of students In the au- Yorki W()Ul1 pnr,lcpt(, , lne pr0Rr,m, The three topics for discussion are: 1 President Truman's State of the Union message; 2i Korean peace: and 3 the U.S. boxing situ- AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Van riN rrnl a lavrly aplnrt plan frm Lh J.auii K, Mann Piano cm pany, 12ft N, ?ih. at a law monthly rata. Aftrr a reasonable lime you ran, If you wUh, rhantr from renl to pur rhaa agrermfnt. 'fh rrnl alrrady paid la all rrrdtlfd lo year parrhaaa account and no olhr dnwn pay mrnt Ii necei arr. Th monthly payment can br Utile hlghar than rent. Or, If you pre fer, yeii ran rontlnua to rent, , Wi-ne-iiisi COFFEE SHOP ond DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Dinners from from l Southern Oreqon's Finest NEW LIST WASHINGTON ' The Defense j Department Tuesday Identified 48 battle casualties In a new 11M (No. 47Bi which reported eight killed, 35 i wounded and live injured In accidents. alS .aBWBaraaa1. vvr l ii i v ilimllemM I . TOPS! "Tlie Acromaniac8" IviRGilflA ToLAR H Solid Swint; I and Duck 'N Wing II M a aa aaa u ' KtU HAisun "Wizard Of J) 5 AairJ avU Tht Amoxng Sfory Of A Mdgef Born T. D. i ri i SMALL i I TWO TOP Hilt end STAGE SHOW I 'ATLANTIC CITY Honeymoon" , with ' '.Constance Moore .Jerry Colonnd -, Paul VHiiteaian I mils Armstrong TO ! j . . f-9 ,hop i fll Or.-' J"u0,y C,C," I 114 for "' I J I ,.lu . j M DREWS Manrfore f 731 M"B ji SPECIAL! SILVER REPLACEMENT SERVICE! Inoctive, out-dated ond suspended patterns of ster ling flatware mode up without die charge if ordored now. - Ricky's offers this special service on suspended and inoc tive patterns. Orders placed by February 15 will be delivered os shown below. If you do not find your pattern listed, call Rickys, 3151. Complete lists availdbc. GORHAM Doll vary June. 1932 nad rhrattrfleM rhIMtna Co I fa a Cramwrll Duha of York rdcdwsrth fvf-nllda Hartnttna Imperial Chryaanlhrmnm Ktnff Alharl - I.iindidnwnr l.atf Ucarilan l.rnax l.n (Uhllhif) t.ti v of ih Valler (H'hltlnt) Ittiltvrrtip , I t. m HI la ' i-hanlllly rnciiait UadrApn Klruaran . ' , Fairfax ' (Ireenhrlar , , . Klut Edwar4 l.yrlo ' ' N ic turn Old French Rnveraltn Ntrntiltoiirff VffraalllfH Delivery l)fglnnln Augiut, 1931 Adam Chatham ChryManthfliium ('Inderrlla ('Irrtnonl ('nvimlnn Dolly MadUtm t.tx fiavrrnnr' l.ady llunl I'ltih Imnfrlal Qurrn Jefferton Klnt Tdward l.ady Halllmora l.anraalrr I.auia XV l.uxcmhourf Madam Jumrt Madam Royalt . Mandarin ' -Mothvra Mvlholailqut Orlana Parla Tomntlan I'oppy Portland Ra Marl fit. Dunlan Chttrd Shraf r Hhral Stratford Thrradrd Anllqut Victorian LUNT Drllvftry about mid June, 193a i Oranade Dlreclolr . t'haaed CI at Is Rrgency Homrii ... Chateau Karly Amitrluaii Knr raved Cnrontt mnntlrfllo Prnriaiit of FrUll Fcatlval REED I. BARTON Pet I very Itrqlnnlntf June .1, lfOS Cfntnry Chatnimurd Clnvrlly Cohimhla llfvon llorothv nlnrv r.lrKanfe ' 1'renrh Antique .lltrllaie Intailla Jubtlrr La Marqulir l.fa Clns r'lrura Maria Antolnltr Martha Waahtnftan Mayflnwar Old KnfHih Antique ' Otford Muran Anna Romalna . Vlrtinla TOWLE Made-tn-Order rntterna (irnrRlan . Paul Kevrra' l.ady Mary . Oorothy Manneri'' , U'Orlrana l.ady Conntanra Old Newbury Itrnjamln Franklin Ilritry l.an Old Fngllnh . Old Brocade Chaard Diana Hvmphony Hfvllle Mary Chilton Hymphony Chased Virginia Carvel ' Canterbury Arliilocrat WALLACE Delivery July, 1952 , Antique (lenrclan Colonial l.arkopnr nena'tnanr Violet Carmel Klnt ChrUllan Prlnce-m Mary Rhythm W!ihlutn 700 Main REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN CEN SOCIETY Phone 3151 Kfk fUlNACIS J 90 STOVIt J HI ATM f M WOOD M.'VjtdKf p i"t aipoii M Kjf'V V fwaibtm ill tmi ftmxit M tad Devil Pewder er Liquid cleoot r Mat ad corbaa fraat flrpl la caiaiaaylaa. 4a!s mare heat eat at year faall Iny aad aaia re asei At Lcding Hordwort, Grocery and Deportment Srorel. ..:.irguii;.i:iu3rni I Juckebinic! Truck Sales 11th ond Klamath Klamath Falls cordially invites ALL OWNERS and OPERATORS of LIGHT and HEAVY-DUTY TRUCKS To Stop in and See the NEW 1952 LINE OF International Trucks NOW ON DISPLAY , LlllO PICK-UP L1110 PANEL LI62 CHASSIS - L172 CHASSIS LIT 92 CHASSIS (with JBS Cummings Diesel Engine These Are The Finest Trucks Ever Built By International Harvester Co. JUCKELANP TRUCK SALE and SERVICE. Inc. LINE PATROL How we stop telephone trouble -before it starts "Will it work when I want it?"-that's per haps the most important thing you want to know about your telephone. That's what wewant to be sure of, too. And that's why repairmen, testers, inspectors, and many other telephone specialists are constantly at work to make sure your calls go through. The term we use is preventive maintenance. And it simply means testing and inspect ing thousands of miles of lines and cables, and checking switching equipment con stantlyon foot, in trucks and electroni-cally-to find and fix any part of our complex system which might cause future trouble. (Sir i '' IF S'A . Jks i jMmim "Pole stubbers" at work: A routine inspection has revealed a pole which shows damage at the ground line. And this crew has been dispatched to reinforce it with a short length. When they're through, it will be as strong as new. And they'll have saved much of the cost of a new pole. mmmmmJmmimitmKBsamKammmmmmmmmmmKKii i .uw.-. : - . . . WwL a& iriiriiiiiiiriiiMHiJ While you sleep, a technician with an electronic "line patrol" combs over circuits in the office to see that they're operating at top efficiency. This is only one of the ways, here in the West, that we work 'round the clock, and are constantly planning ahead, to keep your telephone the dependable servant it is. "Trouble detective": If electronic equipment spots possible line trouble, testing devices locate it and a crew is sent to stop the trouble before it can inter . rupt service. Elsewhere, alarm systems and flashing light signals are alert to help make sure you'll have the world's most dependable telephone service. ilk Your telephone is one of today's best bargains Few of the things you use in your daily life have gone up less, in these inflationary times, than the rates for telephone service. Even though our costs of providing service have skyrocketed, your telephone calls remain one of today's best buys. Pacific Telephone