PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, JANUARY IS, 1052 wrari 4& 1 v a ma jt im. . TJ.V I v.-- i X . all.'! .n ML. -1 m'." Tl" a IP (A itesr-J III m jay . & M i 7 Quads Born To Arkansas Wife NASHVILLE. Ai'k. Wi A Mir prlaecl, 38-yonr old fni'in wlfn who was expri'tlnu twins huvo birth lu quudrupiflta Monday night. Ilio bnblp.H, Hires bays nnd n Rill, were burn to Mm. Huumil Pointer. Ilio mother of rlitht other children, nt her tnnnll fiuni huiiNa i 'j mile norm oi Muilree.HUoi'o. Ark., 30 miles (roni Niishvlllo. Dr. M. D. Dimriin, who vnn with Mrs. roiulrr ul tho limn, bind the mother wus dolnu nicely. Dr. Dunvnn anltf ha wus Just tin HtirprlKPd nn ho mother. Ho nlno wnn looking lor twins, Tho fiithor, Leonard Ponder, 41, nnd threo women neluhuoiH took (ho bubles to u Nui.hvllUi lio.iiltnl whero they were pinned In nil In eiibutor. An nitciitiiini nuiu un wind dolnu well, AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability , Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rate $ 1 1 90 At Low As I I Dui Hmill Nonrrrurrhii MmtMhlt if tfM Oulild i'ttv Preferred Ins. Exch. K. HH I AKll ( IIIAKI til DUI. Min ,int7 nm. th llrr "I'auld Thlt II You?" KI'I.W ft:IHl p.m. Mmtrfav Anyone who is interested in looming to lpook eosily be fore an audience is Invitod to oin tho SPEECHCRAFT CQURSE A friondly, enjoyabla and profitable 10-wcck course beginning WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M., Willord Hotel This is an opportunity to hear tho fundamentals of organ iiing and delivering a speoch, through examples and practice. There Is no obligation for attending the first mooting. Come, loarn about it, then if you like join the 10-week courso for only $5.00, This foe may be applied to membership in Toastmosters club if dosired. Modoc Toastmasters Club T.loph.n. 6001 For Further Informotlon The Moore Park rink was a popular spot Sunday Chief Of Staff Says Tank Breakdown Rumors Not All True, Hopeful Of Future PORT KNOX, Ky. (P) Chief of Staff Gen. J. Lawton Collins - said Monday the army was forced to "gamble" when It ordered pro duction of new tank designs before service tests were made but that initial "serious deficiencies" have been overcome and the gamble won. A speech prepared by Collins for delivery at the annual meeting of the United States Armor Assoc iation clarified a situation produced by reports many light and medium tanks failed to pass inspection. The chief of staff explained that when the Korean war started there were no light tanks in production; no medium tanks had been pro duced since World War n although about 800 World War n Pershing Mediums were being equipped with new engines, and heavy tanks were "still only on paper." The decision was to make a family of three new tanks light, medium and heavy. The general said that "despite our troubles we are still a year ahead of the time schedule we would have been on had we waited for complete test and development before going into production." Heavy tanks, Collins said, have not been given as high priority as the lights and mediums. However, "limited production" is scheduled to begin early this year and Initial testing of the pilot model heavy is underway at the Army's Aber deen, Md., Ordnance Proving Ground, he said. Until 1951, Nepal, on Tibet's southern border, had been gov erned by a hereditary piime min ister for 104 years. Stassen Predicts Taft GOP Win NEW YORK (VPl Harold E. Stassen said Monday night that Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohlo) is "clearly out in front" in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Stassen, president of the Unlver sity of Pennsylvania, told television Interviewers that Taft is his chief ! opponent in his own bid for the nomination. ion With nil the talk about new engines, which car isjirovcd America's finest performer? The record book of the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing show the record of 102.465 miles per hour was set by the Nash Ambassador n,t El Mitnge Dry Lake, Calif. Come drive a Jcilirc-powercd Nash Ambassador for an eye-opening thrill. Get the amazing new about price, loo and hcur our great proposition. The 102.465 M.RH. Stock Car Record ? KLAHN NASH CO. 606 So 6th St., Klamath Falls : FOR CHItPWM JMOTHERS LVj i m TO CIVI WCV 9th & Pine Phone 31813 t "iHnsHsM Isaiw , v - ... , WE'RE ALL BOSSES For Wednesday and Thursday We're not Vi off . . . BUT -Look what we're doing for two days! Sam's gone (we think he is Vi gone anyway) ... so he won't know the differ ence! Wednesday and Thurs day only' HarnIA C:.'T.i - sirrreim 3 SI 4 AWv 'tm ft t m Sale-MW Automatic Home Laundry AUTOMATIC DRYER REDUCED REG. 249.95 AUTOMATIC WASHER Buy at Wards 229 15 down, terms Now Wards offer you a work-saving Washer at low sale price. Load up to 8 lbs. clothes, set dial M-W automatically washes, rinses, damp-dries, shots off. Fast, safe Surf-Flo washing action uses less soap, less hot water. Spins clothes damp-dry. -!9o Many, many other items at January Clearance Sale prices! terms Say at Wards 2 I 700 15 down, End your "weather-worries" on wash day with this completely automatic M-W Dryer just set Magic Dial for damp or dry. New vaeuumsystem gives correct amount of controlled heat and air for per fect drying. 16 opening. Dries 9 lbs. of clothes. ONE GROUP JEWELRY Key Chains, Tie Bars, Etc. Off! ONE GROUP ONE GROUP SHOES DRESS SOX Dress Oxfords 50c to 1.25 KzOff! 'zOff! ONE GROUP ONE GROUP SPORT SHIRTS ZELAN JACKETS Long Sleeved Vz Off! Vz Off! ALL WOOL PLAID ONE GROUP CRUISERS BOOT SOX Vi Off! Vz Off! USE WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN TO BUY NOW 800 Main 'We Give S & H Green Stamps Phone 6873 r iwin i ii hi i