SI MONDAY, MNUAUV 14. 10!2 UK KALI) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE . i i ... . CLASSIFIED RATES uy ..................... per word v l)BV ............. IT word 1 1 r Week run per word 20e Munili run par wind Mi MINIMUM Tho minimum rlMme lur niiy out id In 60c. IIOX NUMIJISIIH AntiWrra to luln inny be hiinillnl lliiuuuli Doxf litliiiUera ut thu piipui lor n ttcvko tliwHtj o( 'iic. DliAUHNlCH Cln.Mll led am accepted up to 6'3l p m lor following day puollcullon . c:Mllird tliapluy arts accepted up ti' IJ noon lor lollowmg dnya puu Ilea lion , ADJUSTMENTS I'lenae oiiikg mi i:uiiu.a tor adjust menu witluul tlulny. Correction! or cunccllatloiti re celved ov 6 20 pm will or madr In tollunpnii dnyi publloaMon Herald & News ' Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CAWI OIMJCKHV I'linnc 7M Boi 3tlt UCRRlS Ma"J DOHA UKAN'rMM 'feliano 183 mi K ltr.en Henlcv Tulclakc HUTU KINO rhone 6453 Kio il. Dox 61b LAKEVIEW BLUh NOTfc MUSIC I'hone i!7ol l.'O K 81. No MERRILL noiifcin a ofcwtv Plume Biol Merrill MALIN MH3 JOfc HALOUHKK firm 114 Malln Phone 374 A CARD OF THANKS WAI.I.AN--W. wiih in lake thli oppor tunity lo thank our litany trletiil. and neighbor. Inr Ihnr ail. of luiulncs. and Ixnutlful floral olfrringt ilurlna Ilia llln... and ilcalta til our li'liivcu innlhT. N.ltl. W.llini Iter r'amllr. C FUNERAL "HOMES. Vt.Mlfjn Hlemalti funeral Home Huh Slrt prion. JV.4 ai. MEETING HOI CES NAOMI BillllNE No. 8. Order of White Slirliif of Jerusalem will hold a autcd ineclinn on Tuesday Jim. ,16 105:1. All viaitliiK aojournerc Invited. DI.AMCIIE MARKS W.II P. BKU.B JOHNSON W.S. GENERAL NOTICES Lorill Sidton Teacher of PIANO and THEORY PHONE 2-09!0 THERE'S NorillNO LIKE Herald Ac News tda wlic It cornea to turning un-necdablcs Into cash. Phono Bill. i J I CREATES NEEDED HEAT I ) to promptly relieve s Muscle Soreness, Stiffness , When ufTorlns pain from rhfumntlum, rttirltii or lumbago rub on Muntcroto. ;4 H promptly prcnton nerdrrl 'hrnt' right ' v whrro )iplio(i, hrinRlne mnntlrii; rcllof. '' YourRnnrtunlly frol Muntorolo'iRrrut ptin-rpllovinit moiliration iiiooiline frch now blood to tli ulTcctrd nrrti to iiwrop AKty the painful conrpstlon. Thct'a why ttit roniPti no fnnt! P, ' If pain II in y tnc buy Kxlra Strong Muxtrroff. I V, rtnui. ataa ;,?-0i f't .,i V .El i aweA iflrt fMW. i at, i v w J'if ( V (D ,M. r.,iit r- Ji Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders Iv HERALD I i. liaMCCTa 10 SERVICE WM. A. ROGERS SILVEIIWARB Made mid Uuurnnteed by Owililn, Ltd. . Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION (Jim, Oil, TlniTul)ra Uatlcrlea,' Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH mid MIDIAND ROAD Klamath FuUn, Oregon . Phone 2 MXI The only Server) Stiillnn In K'nmiith Falls liming Itogrra Silverware Cards' MCETING NOTICCS IOOF No. 137 Every ruosdav 8.00 P.M. Flllh and Miiln Sis "Kin iiliit liLoIio No.7" AP and A.M. Will hold a i.atcd mrtetltij Monday, Jan. 14. 8 p.m. "Sen lor Wardens Night." VliUIn? breth ren Invited, llelrcah- inciito. DAI.K BEBBF.R Worfililplui Manler AI.COIIOI.ILH aKonymouk fnr information, wntt x:in. , 2 " LOST AND FOUND Ttfu Han't Irnrli'tlialnr'iiViirr I lid pin l'lndrr ulpano call .U'KI. ,- l.OHT" (Jlt"nT(Jl.KN"willl l"iiU-lia,rfd j iiim a ilna. re fnlila Ima hcntlta. An ..Ur. lu "T..pir." Phuna 2 or .fill. . l.ost""rniiia'liina necklace. Kcwaru. Phiine 5;iJ0 allrr fljiin. , 4 GENERAL NOTICE liirB ttiiini Krwiiii tanlat II oH.ri In lha public. lit la1 Oir Ifcc allacri'nanl iiulruclinni tiiNcieti nr.viiNc: CFNrfH a:aMain r?1'-J:??" 6" PERbONALS j Hi ANLKY- llVi'mrpr"diicii'iiiaJill WII.KNIT"aiiiranlectl hul.ary (or eh lire (arnllv. I'hnna 73H3. 10 SERVICES "CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Repair GEORGE E. CONDREY 1038 Fremont Phone 4320 beptic I ank.s Cleaned Nrvut Btnttary Method! Altn ROTO ROOTER SERVICE CIcjiu riawrr Lima ol RooU, Ete CI) P. KINO 14.14 Orrharrt Phnne 9841 TUFTS lor SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES Oil. BURNER SERVICE Phone fiiD.'i or 2-3316 . EXCAVAIING Moon tihovel and Trench Hot Bulldoier Fill Dirt lopto'iT Cruihed Rork Driveway Clndeia Campreaaor CRANE. SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. ' Phoi.a 6MI or 8110 FIX THAT RADIO O'jr Bualneu la 8o'jnd CONNfcH 8,Hr:RVICE CO Phone 8878 j Krt.l.KIt hru-hc1.. rrmnc- aofH or rt.OOKS plhrd free. Phona B200. SKWlN(;"and altVratlVn vtorK. 0oVll l.rc Phontf S-OIVL i.mi us j.'fi jwur nrcoiace draVtr not rail IMH.j iuiKS YOUH fireplace need repair? full gonai. Vii'h 'niAWlNG. Call . evVmnga and wervemu. va ic ut. Auurtii, neMf,ni.oic. '3 pATvnN6aiid paperhansing I'hone 7lil7 1 HIPP a At'TO DBintmg. body and fen or wora Pnone 4n4jj KL'KCTTfiC WlltlNtl. work by hour or i-ontract Phone2-I0tn KXPKKT riicomaklng and alteration!. phone flTfll. , (..MAINS' laundt-eo ana tietched JC DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 308 No. 7th. Phona B148 . mt Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment , 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709. WANT AO SECURES' ' S GIRL FOR KEV ROLE ' C MOVIE C F.INDIA I Ncn iwcr.iciownoy, vno , ' 1... ,.T-I.I - I . maoo ino Drocnn icirang . color film, "Tho River," , . about a British lamily in V ' " Bengal, used a Want Ad In ': ;.v, tho Calcutta StaloBinan to , find somoonolo lill the dilfi- ;." cult role ol Harriet, the 13- '5 .' , year-old- girl; selected Pa- Irlcia Walters from among ' llioce vho anowcrcd. ! . f; Want Ads Meach Tho Bight folks , IS I. Rid iniitfr tt earlj tm ivifir'r r'inlfi.J A4,(illtl, rftnll (Inr, w, a,pt. l:.n,4 Piiiik. E.i l:i. KW Sr.. Kiiai, 41, llnila. & NEWS ,.., - f iiitiiiiim-;. SERVICES MOVING?. . Cull 7125 rnctil'LijiiK Ulslnrtcn Pin no unci ttppliMtico niuvlnu a Ftitcclulty Triinnfor untl HtornKr lick In n MovIiik end Bturune Peoples Warehouse Since IpJ PMtVi'lNti, tiforAUnii, pa.tcr hanin. ills itrr-txiarrj finlihlng, npiay pui tiling 12 I DUC A f ION A L CIUI,I)"CAHr anil tducatlonrPra School fn(f I'hon 4i7. liutiKKrKi'lNU anurlhand tyumg kio dru tutijcrla. offiie tmcniiiaa KI.AMAIII UCSINCSb LUiA-K. lt 7TlPln Ph" Vf" ii HEALTH MAKHAC.r.r rxtrvltt, weif hlllfllnjr." Phv- Riutiirui;' for r.'dlic.nt. ri1j.tttln.i. mly building. Ttnlcj lor rerie. An- IIUllI Man hitmcnl, iitioiic Jtm-SMll. Medico o. women only. 14 HELP WAN r ED, FEMALE j faAUV t' M'.li w.Ui ( tioit.nd aiiu Yutiiu j v.'iri(l Milrt hs rnliaoltt And of aooo ' cnarartc. . Live lu. WrIU iU 4'li He. nld ai.d Ni-wii. i.XJ'tItlhnCLJJ b(xK keener " iatnitir lh tyrjil end ffmcial (.jflrc wur.:. (;o(d ledy puil.toii ftta'.c ag nnu eprrlpni c in f irnt letter. Write Uux 4'U Itrrnld and Nrw. fcXI'hi(li;.Ct.U ktc iitjVpneir'"".yr V iMiniiblc poii;un. Goml rnitary. Apply at Oregon Main i:mplrmr:t Ufllt-t: VA1N'1 LL. Ltidy fur llouacr.cpcr nnu lu taia for elderly lody lu lkcvlew. Ore Ron. Modern hurne. Rood uajic with rcom und If on id. V.'rilo Mr. K. (i Kavell. ;u:i Houm 11. Streai, iwikctieta", Un-gon oi phone IM.2 IUeview. 16 HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN 7 Experienced, preferred, wanted by soap department of Colgate Pulm onic Pcct Co, to call on retail and wholesale gro:ery trade In southern Orrgon. Ace 23 to 35. t.ilnry nnl expenses plus quarterly bonus ar rangement. Car furnished. For In terview sjc L. R. Smith between v a.m. mid g p.m. Friday, January 18th at Jackson Hotel in Mcdford, Ore. HKHE 1H f Itio initiicy.niiikina opporliT. nlly wllh an organlratlon rcpraMnllnc a Urjc r.a.tern Slarutrtiirer of pror.uct that It bt Hkm f ;., klnd If m,u arc a ctocr and are v.ill Ins In no piore tj gtfi mor moilr. It inn are clrjnrut. rionorablo and nl Sod pcnonalltv, ,nu will c'o well Willi u.. r.arnlnii. nf lcn lo ;q ,d mor per week r pj.Hblc. f yo would In more I-. act more write Herald New, n 402. WANTr.1) under-ajmin rxprrlcncfd In appllanrt M llng. Opportunity for ad vanrernent. Ileply lo box 4IS care of llcrold and New. fivln namr. ale. ex perience and talery expected. WANirJlj. three cut'oli me i.iMioennr. j HELP WANTED WONTMirVp.rV'time. We wilt . a-?. rfllnble peron from thu area to refill and collect money from out new automatic n'crchandiung ma. r.tlnflt . No kelllnc. To guallfy applicant mut have rar, referenreB and 7M working rnpitJl. Devoung a few hour a weh w,u ntt up to U03 mo .thly the pOMlbi'lty of laltinj; over lull tii:.e. For interview wr.te tlving full parbrularj. nanir. addsci.3. rge a.ul pnone nuuther. CAL-Vcn Corp. P. o. cihf ..6007"fitatlon " 8" Lo Angeli. Slt.K and wool pi-enrV mint be ex", penenccd. Top wagca. Call J.iuttj Roto biTu. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED - OTl tludYnti ni'nrnedi am:l. ivi!l,clM,r.'!!0'r ' . '" Phone S-I14S. LAOY uanU l ping at any kVnoiuao aljiome. I'hone 4.HHI. BAliY-MI ilNUui'my home dav, youra evening.. In Poe Valley d?itrlct. Mrt. Marvin Kord. Rl. 2, Box 746 B. Klamath ,"ellv Pv.woK." colored IflrirPhonTspict y'ArNCJand Ironing. Phone a-Jilto IHONINO. Lali'Viici.;. BAI.Y SlTl'iNt;. I'hnre 2 0572T WIU. ctre for chUarcn In my home S's's r our hDnio evenlnsa. Call ftouit work. Phore 7ms. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT l.ARIJE tteVning room with heat. Cloia In. Phone .111:17. i.,V,-" ",u uualu lor fnone ". 6211 Jofferi,.,-. Uj-L-tg".1.".1!.. Paculc"7ei rare. irierojmnaJMeHnureiV LOVELY ro'nmi for roht. S6.-7. a week ,,,, rnone 40V. WANT 2-0214. housework " by hour. Phone HOUMH icik Hleji 24 APARTMENTS FOR RtNT llll.MSHEU two-room a'partniem. Re. iV.Ci!V' " U'lll'lca Included. J.V" ,H(yiw 'uniSbcd apartment for rent, with sleeping pnrch. Electric atove and refrigerator. 142.30. Cloaa In. Ills walnut. Ku. HKNT three Tii furnished apartment. Inquire 30.'l;t3. Eberleln. hOK RENT two room furnlaiiea apart, mcnt. Adulta 33(1 Broad. K?!.'!&1' '"nla'icd apartment for lady. Ui'UUea furnlnhcil. 407 No. 8th. Foil .1 room apiirtment, 2 mm Main Street, r'or worKInc blocki couple, Phoni 4467 evenings :WS4. MCfc clean apartment. Cna equippea. Refrigerator. Couple preferred. "Villa Margulre" Inquire 1X14 Oak. FOR RENT two room modern aparT menl. Adulta. 321 Broad. NORTHSIDE.Clo. In." tIpitafls7"Moii'. a'partmi? Adulta XVftR'S I alrhollca. References. 1023 Owens. FOR RENT two room furnished 'apart incuts. Couples. Phone 731B. ron RENT. Largo four room furniaiied npni-lment. Phono liaat). iHljaSi room" furnished apartment yi'mriin.v locaiPQ. iai so. and. UUK ROOM furnished apartment. 50J r .... i-n'-te H.1W. APARTMENTS for rent. Broad. See Manager. inquire 24b f OH HuAi'l . nice uiuurnlshcd duplex. IM'l Oak. Coil KENT, turnlaned aparlrant quire SIB High NLWI.Y decorated nHv.t huh b-H. chcnclte. Sleam heat, alectrle rani. week Rex Arms Apartment cCkiricauv Ori RENT, three room 7Tir.ii.heri apartment. Hot water heat, Adulta. KOIt llEN'I'f two berirnnni rurnl.he.l '"Ira aparlmeiiL Hont and water fur- itiniiiio. oii .rani. t-nona a-U2ia. v" ...mi, piivinu viurnnco, inrca room furnished nnarlmenf Irinelpl.llu p.t.nifncu. vii neui. xituo main THREE room modern furnished apart ment on Real Main. Private bath. Atl'.o mat a hept. I.1.V A- ulls, .No pets. I -Milre aim Applegr.--. Clore In. Adults. No pet. Phone 7ano. 'I lllti'JE Mfim iiirnl.heri niurlm. .1 I'fn.A In, Laundry facillllcs. ffm N. nth. Coupla only, no peta. I3. call 3-3170, 10 24 APARTMENTS FOR RINT - UK hlthtr'f.lta"unTufnUfii foplesT. IKKl Oak. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT riiiCfif.Nt. fn" KTamaUi Fall iurT nlnheu thrr-e ronm hou with nrw IimiIi, elertrla haal. elaclrTc slova, nrw mfrlgerel'ir. Call ownir at tula aka V!""!"1" J !', mj ..i V'fTr.i i anCnK. hfinr"a22&, ion iiUn-. X'wnlaV(aBfa7rlVa'n tww iirtjrnr.m (iuplax. Partly rurnlfhad. I'd Vhn"r nm nr4:u:o. Mlir'l.KAhk Iwn 6Vdrouni Mobern lir iim. furnlihed 89 per monlh. Call KOn'-llKNt. fmnlikrt Iwr. 6ronm ti'ftiMi wllh jraraaa. )Xt month. Jnqulra 1122 Lakcvlew. HJii HKN'i, t'o bedroom iuinuiiu h'ju-e. J373 Boar dm an. Inqulrt at ZiOl Urrb'-. , rOn liETirr. Vwo bwlroom uiiplex," fur n clofK Inoulre Tjtt North lllh.' tun fiF,.M. t-iea.a, i.rec titrtt,'i on l.edroom houia, Coupla only. 223 I, Infold. 23 MISCELLANEOUS fOR RENT " V " - BEEHIVE" "ii" u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Slakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 830t WllXl.r?Anlion ihare.crop tnulv 209 A. I't fialn land. SO A. for pot'toea. .V) A. In alfalfa one year olq. Phone 70.12. Klmi.lh Kail.. brricf!" for renl. IlliJ AtaTn. lUione rOH MKN't' f.uur sander, laleil ecuipmonl Suburban Lumber Co 1 1 it and Walnut Phone 7700 CAR BTOnAOK - HKATFD. day weak or month. Earl Lamb, phona 4073 or nan 30 REAL ESTAft FOR SALE 80 ACRES $25,000 ' All under gravity lrr!5at!on. 12 acres allalla, 20 acres pasture. 4 acres grain. Modern 3 bedroom houce, barn, pump house, fruit trees. 7 miles from town, 1 mile mile from Grade school and High School. Paved road. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TERMS Phone 8D73 grain. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AGAIN Hic Is one of these rare bargains you some times hear about but sel dom see. Almost new, cinder brick conftructlon, two bedroom home. Furnished to Nth degree with new furniture, wall to wall carpeting, automatic washer ond alt. You must see this exceptional buy, don't miss It. rms can be arranged. Just call 7521 for appointment. Claire Ellis 2 2659 Jay P. Griggs 425 ' W. W. Thomp;on at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR St. Phone 1213 Main 7521 St. Francis Park Neat, attractive, well constructed, modern 2 bedroom bungalow. Con venient kitchen and dining area, laundry room, completely Insulated and equipped with storm windows. Attached garage, automatic oil heal. A good buy at 88500. FHA terms. KENOROAD. Don't miss this modem 2 bedroom home on 1 acre good soil. Attrac tive living room with fireplace. Automatic heat, detached garage. The complete furnishings of this home Includes automatic washer and dryer, and power lawn mower. Everything goes for $9000. Immed iate possession. Near Conger School Owner Is leaving and must sell this 2 bedroom modern home on double lot, completely fenced. Electric range, new floor furnace. Total price $4550. Reasonable terms ar ranged. MILLS ADDITION $750 down buys this well located, 2 bedroom home. Total price 13750. Monthly payments like rent. , Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan . ' 5658 Eves. Fred Scott ? 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS . Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 MILLS jveany new one bedroom home mcaiea one oiock lo bus line. Wall " i carpeting, very attractive kitchen and dlntus area. in-,iiiniH walls, ceilings and floors. At garage, utility room and workshop. cAci-ncni, conoition inrougnout. A real ouy at $6500, terms. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY A real money making business lo- "tCd " "e 01 U'e mal" thorough- fares. This Is a year around busi ness and would be especially ideal for man and wife. Present owner nas Dusiness interest out of town. Should net man and wife nt least $800 per month.. $13,000, terms. NEAR ACADEMY Well constructed four bedroom homo on largo lot. Spacious living room, dining room and kitchen, two baths, full basement with cen tral hent. Quest house at rear. Owner leaving. Only $7500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD (Eves, 2-0527) AL SCHMECK " REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone' 3211 HUMES FOR SAUt CVERKTT DENNIS REAL I OR Don Kirkpatriclt Salesman III 5 Phona 4l FOR SALE. Five room House to be moveq. uneap. rnona ouo, Maun, ora-fun. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to ISOO on you auto On vouj salary or fumlturi up to 1300 "Hay Day" loarui a epecialty - 810 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer 125 costs but Id cenu lor one week No other charttet. LOCAL LOAN CO. US No 10th St. M-354 DON MrlNTYRE. Mgr. Years Prltndly Service 43 90 REAL ESTlt FOR SALE Lot and dwelling In Merrill, mod ern, Insulated, laundry trays, Vene tian blinds, electric water heater. C100. .. M. A. BOWMAN REALTOR Merrill, Oregon Phone 7302 NORTH SIDE $1750 buys this two bedroom cot tairi! type home. All rooms large and cheerful. Furnace heal to all rooms. Easy walking distance from town. Double garage. Full price .4700. Only 8750 Ocwn Iwludln? taxes nd lnsur?ncc, bahn'3 low monthly payments. ATTRACTIVE Three bedroom home In nice sur roundings. Has large living room, entrance hall fireplace, hardwood floors, two full baths, nice kitchen and dinette, ut'lltv room with ample space for drying clothes. Automatic hen to each room. G ,od ! garage, excellent soil, garden, lawn trees. Price 811.500. Termi. F:nan-.ed on easy monthly payments with only 4'.i Interest. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-1038 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7206 We have one of the finer homes for sale In Mills Addition. Three bedrooms, kitchen with breaklar.t nook, dining room with elcove cr sewing room, living room. Ilower room and of course utility and bath. Partial basement find two Roragcs with concrete floors. This home has hardwood floors throuzh out. Insulated ceiling and is lo cated on a large corner lot. Make an appointment to sec It as It may be Just what you want. See or Call James Kcseltlne Orayce Fnton 5669 7737 Salesmen with M' L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phorc 5113 URGENT Our oflice Is in need of listings In city limits end South Suburbs. We have buyers lor z-4 oearoom homes. If you are nlannlnrf to sell call our office FOR COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 1?2 S.' 9th Phone 7266 Ut ACRKS tanuy loam in Butte Valley. Irrigation v.cll and pump. 0 acre al falfa. J6O00 cash. See Iceland A, CrU. Macdoe . California. 12j AC UK ranch, all uncer Large 7 room hou&e and outbuilding! Located 3' mi. west of O arris. Jewel Wire. Phone 9F5, Dcrris. NEW HOMES for sale. William B. Powell. Phone 8329 LOVELY two-bedroom home built in 1019. Iniulated. hardwood floors throughout. Coved linoleum. One block off South 6th in South Suburbs. Sell equity for $1,400. Balance 90.100. Phone 9310. 32 BUILDING & REMODELING rnMPi.KTF. lint? Acme Paints avail able at Basin budding Materials. 4T6 m Ca wth Street. Phone E-2563. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 PKESTULOGS pickup or delivered. Cilff Yadeni Signal Servlr 3360 So 6th Phone 3631 or 2-9260 S At H GREEN STAMPS ft ven on heat ing oili Phona 3681 or 2-8260 for orompi dtffvery. CLIFF Y A DEN'S SIGNAL (SERVICE 2560 So 6th STANDARD HEATING OH Stova. furnace light fuel, cnal, wood, charcoal Peyton and Co. 835 Marital Phone 5149. 18 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES COLLIE pupa. Litter registered. Call lUWl, FOR SALE. Boston toy bull doat. Phone 3.131. FOR SALE, 2 female Dachshund pups. One red. one black and ton. Wormed and distemper shot. Call after S n.m 2435 Eberleln. Phone H23B. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels Phone 3047 MSi Delaware nft Homedale BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual citdoor runs for each do Dogs nandled durlt g mating Will dick up ana neiiver Visitors Wtlcom Phone 5079 Merrill ttu Rt 2. Box 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK POULTRY , 100 NEW Hamoihlre ouHbTil Lav Ins. Phone 42B2. . WANTED TO BUV. Cnwi 20-2.1 hiar.fl. 3 to 6 yenr old Hereford or Durham. aii ' to caive mis spring, fnone or HT.te rewrite Cw. .u'e -kt. Califor nia Call Newell 2n34 or 230t. WANTED colored hens Phone 4591 HIGHEST nrlrea oald for ooulirv. Hogs and llveittock. BIG Y MEAT MARKET Lakevlaw Junction Phone 4o:u Phone 2-2537 8-278 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY i-'OULlKY WANTED Cash paid for my amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations . PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY PARMS POn HALE four registered HoUte.n riulli. Call 2-Q2H. PoiaLKL) Heieford bull. Three ear old. . i ir lOAL, Phrne 3721 M 1 Bo S22 rtHEKOINti SCRVlUt, C iChurki Warren Pi 14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTKD TO BUY. Chicken wnea. ion 'uai delivered, fnone 3032 WA"NtKb"TO'RENt7smairmrdern un. furnlihed houie for retired couple. Pre fer South Suburban area. Phone 6384. NKWCOVKR to Klamath, repVeMnu tivo of National concern, dejlres two thrie 1 "irflom imf'irn'.ed houae for r-nt. Will lean. Call tr212, VMNTKD TO RENT. Klvo or tlx bed room houre. Would le.ite or with op tion lo buv. Phone 6012. At M.r:r CARS' Gel lop price now I"" Motor Co 6th end riurr. WANTED TO BUY. Paiture and rai Inir land. Dry and irricatd. Within 100 m'les of Klamath' Fall.. Will poy caah Phone mxi or S043. WANTTD TO Phone 8710. BUY. Baled atraw. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pt, Onl $100 $7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP V'O 1300 ON FURNITUiiS OR SALARY ,UP ro $1200 ON CARS rHE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient LocaUoo Convenient to Borrow ' Convenient to pajra Locally owned New Cars ''nanefl at tutnk rates -VJNKY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. m years serving Klamath Battr 8ee "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. Ill N 7th 8L Phone 33?.' 8-341 ' M-! Commercial Furnishes ASH! CASH LOANS $50 to $800 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary 850 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation . Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie S-251 N-2X 107 No 9tn Phone 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE a dandy 11. tie general a-.pre. $3000. will handle. One percent oil royalty will be g.ven' In the deal. It will pay you to look Into thia. Write 'iciam alio news. i cause., sacrifice of nice clean - neraiq .mwi Box 400. FOR SALE. Beauty salon in Tulelake. California. Owner m.iH.. 7-1371tUr,her ln'ormlion " Tu'elake 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes fn. VB5a . ph. 7991 iltlnn Kn.. ... . , . rirsi ana second cutting. Approximately 60 tons, located Rh.n. m.iV '.. ". i-aiuornia. Ji?pr2x- 23 y 23 m. ii. u. o,a r U I30X flZH MAhn fire AT 1'ENTION Suburban HesiderviT; it .. - j 'i. on your mail Dos it n 1 n S"1 g" re"cve letters Sixth St Board with numbers and name both .idea averagea S3.30 com- i a n nn j-. ..... .. . niuun vieras wringer lpe washing macliine. with pump. Also f iSv'S la-stausei double-barrel shotgun fcjO. Both items in excellent condition. WOOD clothes driers. Ideal for winter ih-e only S2.89 at Basin Building Ma tcrlals. 4704 So. SixthSt.Phone3.2S63. USisL Klrby. nearly perfect condition. OR bALE. Kenmore Washing rniT chlne. Recently overhauled. Excellent condition. S4J. Phone 4230 after 9, all GOOD alfalfa hay. round hales. In barn. $30 per ton at ranch. Black and White Ranch FULL size box spring, S20. Phone 6230 after A p. m. FOR SALE fireplace and furnace wood, length 16 inchea to inches. Phone S343. 30 TONS baled alfalfa hay. PhoneTzosi Bonanza, Dave Robinson, Bonanza, Oregon. COLDSPOT Refrigerator. Sloo7Perfcl condition 1723 Oak Street. l.Ff YOUR SNOW CAPS now: We buy u od tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. ar. 231)1 So 8th. Phone 4.115 AUD1NU MACHINES, calculators, type writers, caah registers, deaka, Chans files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 2f Main Phone 74l CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1167. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe . PEVTON & CO. 833 Market ELkCTHOLUX CLEANER and polishai and auoollea. Phona 7167 1'arkol Tweet. 911 Market FOR SALE 6 cu. ft. electric refrliera- tor. perfect condition. Phona 7294 after p. m. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ' . AUCTION THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1 p.m. MERRILL, ORE. As we have sold our store building and are ouittlni hualn. nun complete stock of Groceries, Store ue soju at ruouc Auction. $6000.00 G'ROCERY STOCK ' , INCLUDES ' ALL TYPES OF FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT Vill sell at 7 p.m. Thursday Evening Large Double Vault Office Safe; Large National Cash Register, 4 drawer; Underwood Typewriter; Butterkist Popcorn Machine; Olass 8how Cases; Bin Counters; Counters; 1000 lb. Hanging Butcher Scales. HARDWARE 2-300 Chlx Petulma Elec. Brooders; 2-Warehouse Wood Stoves; New Elec. Sickle Grinder; New Universal Milking Machine; Draper Ohalni for 28" Spud Digger; 14" Steel Plow Shares for J-D; Fairbanks-Morse Platform Scale; 12-Steel ChUt Coops; New 750x36 Tractor Tire; Walking Plow. TIME OF AUCTIONS Thursday, Jan. 171 p.m. to S p.m. Thursday evening 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. If additional time Is required to complete auction will continue Friday. m : Jan. 18 at the same hours. Listen NO RESERVE LOCK STOCK BARREL EVERYTHING GOES DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GROCERIES AT YOUR OWN PRICE Coffee it Donuts served by the Rebckahs' SANFORD & CO., MERRILL, ORE. - Owners Complete Auction Service by R. E. 'Bob' Rhodes, Auctloner, Phone 4032 AUTOMOTIVl EVERYBODY GUARANTEES THEIR USED CARS. BUT. ONLY AT DUGAN & MEST DO YOU GET A 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE . , -SEE US TODAY - 1 950f PLYMOUTH $ 1 647 1950 BUICK SUPER $2397 1946 BUICK SEDAN $ 997 . 1947 CHEVROLET AERO ...... $1 147 1949 STUDEBAKER ...$1397 ' $7.00 DOWN- On All Pre-War Used Cars! YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GAS 15c PER GALLON CASE TRACTORS 1952 MODEL NOW ON DISPLAY Factory Engineered . and Equipped For PROPANE SAVE--- 30 PER CENT ON FUEL 90 PER ENT ON OIL SO Per Cent On Maintenance STANDARD IMPLEMENT CO. YOUR J. I. CASE DEALER - 2700 SO. 6TH CALL COLLECT PHONE 9336 For Further Information EVENINGS 2-1917 CRUSHED ROCK, Phnna? S.MI. etc. driveway cinders, OIL storage 835 Market tanks. Peyton and Co FIK body wood. Phone 9036. ADAM Schaf bungalow type uprlgnt piano Flemish oak finish. Good con ditlon Eay terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 345 E Main FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . Jlke to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery. Merrill Lakevlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4288 WE .ARE prepared to buy, for Imme diate cash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. If you have something to sell call us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC- TION MART. Phone 5MW-9219. rOR SALE ga-Trang. 710 Main St. creer apu. can at, manager s apart ment. AUlOMOriVfc For a NEW or USED 1 TRUCK Always See ' "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Trpck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Mth ftnd Klamath .'hone V-25R1 KUH SALE or trade. IW1 C hrytler he- dav R ti H. Overdriva. Phone 3388 after 0:30 p. m. BAROAINl 1031 Ford Convertible. Pur chased new. November 22. Over s4on discount. BUS BARQENTS Used Cars i Phone 8205 WHY WALK? DRIVE Mtmie Mnrnns 302 C Main Phone 3570 "We will sell Your car for you." W buy and trade BUS SARGANTS USED CARS Wt BUY. SF.I.L AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets mont B203 TOR SALE or trade for Plckuo ngns irucx. i. i. equity in ii i. wo bed- room noma in south auhurbs. Fhone 141, Fixtures and mlso. Hardware will to KFJI for further announcements. TRY NOW . . and you'll ask HOW we can make you such a good deal. THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL KNOW IS TO COME IN AND " . SEE US! 49 N;r-$1845 49aDn S1595 A Q DODOE 7 4dr. sedan in HUDSON 40 Super -O1 4-D.. in PACKARD 40 4-Dr. Sedan ;n CHEVROLET 40 Styllne Cpe. 1-7 OLDS "8" 4 Sedan $1645 $1395 $1495 $1145 $1265 $395 $425 41 41 CHEVROLET 5-Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "6" Sedan COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel - 4-speed .. $89S 1946 DodKB Panel SS95 1946 Ford V-8 M T Pickup 79S 1949 Int. KB-8 83995 1950 Ford FT wtag 837F5 1950 Ford F8 Air 13795 1948 G.M.C. COE Tag 2-sp. 83595 1938 Ford Panel Sedan. Motor over- hauled 8195 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT 11th to 12th on Klamath Ph. J-251 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS . GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED ; vVest-H itchcock 1 Corp.' YOUR CMC DEALER ' 7 8. 7th Phone 7771 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main af bDlanra REPOSSESSED 1941 OLDS five passenger coupe Itjr. dramatic. Malie offer. Phone SVC NEED CARS! Oat lOO Brief BOWl on Motoi Co. Mb auta) flum. i