IIKUAIJ) AND NKWS. KLAMATH KAI.LS, ORKGON PACE SEVEN fteairti Fronrii X MONDAY, llANUAItY 14. 11)52 Pels i -.'i. Iw... .:. Ertk CHANGE OF PACE This 25-lioi-st'J0.ver ouluuunl motor alt;iliiK up to 30 miles an hour for aquaplane stunts and jjctliiiK there in a hurry. The liii; twin still may be revved down to good trolling speeds with the same excellent per formance. It is on exhibition at the National Motor Boat Show, ending a nine-day run at New York's Grand Central I'alacc, Jan. 19. Oreaun Woolen NulMirlMIt Kitrltait I'arkmor Drive In ... Landry Jnsuranr. KKI.W link Iteeder'e 14 In. I Weeks Hesolls Kreiler'a 1 I'aikMM.r 1 Hulmrl.en 1 KH.W I l.andiy 3 Oivgon Wftul 1 Oregon Woolen lit holding to IU ftlim lead in llir CIiimIc bowling league but tho Woollrj miiy have company noon with three teams moving up fact, Tho Woollen look thr-lr bumps Irom fourth-place Landry Irmir mien lust wee Willi the lmurniu-e-mm pOHllnn " lcl,m 1IK"V' dual point InureK Tho leam'a 733 138iS0-21i7 line was tin- brat ol Hip evening both lor .'ilniile gumo and Brrlev lllll Klrnan rolled ft lor high Individual itnme bill hl.i Landry ten in in a In, Hill Owens, won more ion-.lU-ni with a 2U3-lBi-20-lHXI liluh aeries. . The erason's high average Mill lirlonus to Pnrkuior's Chmllr Iluolh, 1H0. Bui Mi-I Roljlnsun. OiCKun Wool, and Al HukrnwrrUi. plrk r.rcdcr a, hold lilt and 183 avna.'C.i. ( OMMI H IAI. I.I AI.I T. - I. i r.'nlint Oranita 40 I M 1. Jilhl.Mtn tilt 71 31 flralech rrulty .. 'J 2 Atlllcy Chevrulvt H 1 'J' (Irlgft Kiindk 17 -1 il.mboo r.l-r . I .1 I'cr. :t:l .run run '.l:ti Ml l.al !. Hrtunt Jnhiunn .1 N-fb;ll 1 iirtlrrh 3 (Ingm I UarAlKMi 3 Asliley 1 Nc.ibltt Oran.-c losl it 1-3 drrl aion lo the M. L. Johnson Insur ance tenm Insi week but null hold a healthy lend In the Commercial bowlliiR ienuue. IllKh-polul honors were divided between the Nenbltta and the John sonn. the Insurance keglcM had the hlRh team aerlea, 2819, while Nov bltl po.Hlrd a hlk-h team iianie. Kill. Johnson Jerry Cole's SGil was the top ferles; Olno RoMlrolla, Neabltt. rolled a 203. the best sin gle game of tho evening. Jayvees Beat Medford, 47-36 By HAROLD MrKAY Klnmulh'n Junior Varsity rolled over tho Medford JVs 47 lo 36 on Pelican court Buturday night. Med lord lead 31 to 18 at the half. The Klninnlh boys came back in the second half and shot uhenri 33 to 28 in the third period. Vernon Keller, Klamath center, had lft polnui to his credit to Mim e high point honors. KU Korwitid llud Barron had 13 lo run a close kecond. Ted Landers was high for Med ford wilt, 11 points, add boo Rose mrer ki.amatii ) (mi MKnfnnn Mllln. D. T a LK.iclrni, N. Ilnrron Is K i Crlnnen - Keller IS f- ' Woolon ' Dni.Rherly f ft 4 CtirlKtliin ) Owlno I II II Lncler. T. Kliinmtli uKi Summer 7. Ilelrnll :i. Hull, Ml IIm, (-'.( Predrlt'kHfin, FlnnlKnn. WrlRht. Meilford iuliH--tnvli 7, Cortller t (Inll, Cretfnry, HoIkuiiu, Oniuuuva.v, Knapp. UCLA Leads South Race LOS ANGELES M Stanford moves In on Southern California and the first place UCLA Bruins lnvado Berkeley this Friday and Saturday as Southern Division nul" lets enter tho third week of the Pacific Coast Conference basket ball race. UCLA look over tho division lead last Saturday night by trouncing I ISO lor the second straight lime, n-68, while California was upset ting Stanford, 72-63. Of the 18 men on tho Norlh Caro lina State basketball squad only lour hall from the state of North Carolina. Only one of theso Is a htarlcr. In 31 Ktt ! X JCr ' ' V, I YORG CRETORIAN . . . Faces Hurricane Herb Cretorian , Parks Mix In Semi I Two outstanding bouts have been Closed by Buck Davidson 10 sup port Wednesday nlghl' rematch betwern Pcle Helcastro and Kurt ! Von I'oppenhelm on the armory mm. I Hurricane Herb Parks clashes 'null Van Cretorian. the Rumanl- !..n Ane In thn 4&-llllllutfi Kenil. Danuo McDonald returns to local wrestling wars against Gene Blake. ly. the Texas cowboy. In the 30 Inlnute, onc-lall opener. For Parks 11 i chanco to avenge his brother's loss to the vain Cretorian la:,l week. KVKN MOIUJ Tlie main event Is expected to draw even more mat customers than Inst week when a near full house of patrons saw Belcaslro spill blood in a "no contest" ilon 115 brook with the Proud Prussian. When the two wrestlers waged a bitter slugfest at the feet of the rlngslders and refused to return to tho ring, Davidson held up both purses and refused to give either Uic decision In a wrangle that saw each scoro a full. NO TIMi; LIMIT Wednesday night there'll be no time limit and tho winner will col lect, the entire pot. The fans arc still talking about last week's bloody bout and both principals have promised even more mayhem Wednesday night. It's a cinch lo bo a SRO crowd, if advance sales at CoaUcbcrry Drugs is any criterion. Laz Beats Richards NEW YORK Wl Don Gr-hr-mnnn and Fred Will renew their mllo feud In tho Philadelphia In quirer games Friday and to judge thorn by wnrmup tests, they ought 10 Itnlsh In almost a dead heal. Gchrmann, who won nine of the 11 races Ihe pair had Inst year, ran 4:14 flat In Ihe Washington Star games Saturday while Wilt, performing In tho Metropolitan AAU senior games, broke the tape In 4:14.0. Otherwise, the ir.ist noteworthy performance of the Iwo i.ltru was the surprise victory of Don Ln in Iho polo vault over Bob Richards, who hadn't Uccu beaten In 61 straight tests. Laz soured to a height of 15 feet 3 Inches for Ills best performance. Richards could do no better than 14 feet 8 Inches. AUTO INSURANCE 5-10-5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Raro $ 90 At Low As II Plua Small Nonreeiirrlnc Memlierahlp Fea l.eis ounitle cur Preferred Ins. Exch. t. WII.I AHl) I I IIARLI.4I Illit. Ascnl rhnna 3-DI.-.I mil So. (Mil Hear "Colllil Thl lie Yon?" KKI.W K:n p.m. Monday District Knotted 4 Ways STAMJINOH IV ..... I Klamalli ralli . - Metlff.lfl M I Aahland I Urania Paaa I .VJO .Ml .9WI aalaroar a ararta Medford SI Klamath ralla 44 Crania Paaa Oil Aahland 47 IJy KKirill'RD Oreson's Disc. 4 basketball race starts from scratch again this weekend alter Medford split with thn Pelicans and Grants Pass avenged Friday nights overtime loss lo Ashland. Urania Paaa beat Ashland. 58-47. Saturday night after losing a 43-4i decision to the Grizzlies Friday. Tim Pe cans' favored role in tne district was somewhat dented by a whirlwind Mcdlord team Saturday ululiL that ran like crazy tor lour full nuarlcrs to register a 51-44 up net on Pelican Court. JIIk lla nh Carroll scored 24 points In a herculean attempt to pull the game out of the lire but It wa.in'i-enough against a team that was high for tho full distance and refused to cool olf. MISS GILMOKK There's no doubt the Pels missed Uic services of Cal Glllmore who twisted an ankle In Friday's game and sut out Saturday's rematch. But Medford had its fast break hitting on all five, particularly In the third quarter when the Torna do pulled ahead by 10 points In a game that had been loucn and go lor the first half, Don Spinas, better known for his football exploits, led the third-quar-U-r blitz on the Pels that gave Mcdlord a pliuhy 39-29 lead after a 24-all half lime deadlock. Spinas scored 20 lor the evening but his four field goals in tho third frame broke Klamath's back III a game where every point loomed large. Seven limes In Ihe first half the lead changed and the game was lied the same number of times. TIKI) Carroll scored from the key to make it Sail at the end of the tint frame Spinas found the range on a long shot Just before the in termission gun lo make it 24-all at the end of two chapters of play. Jack Horton scored on a lay-in Just after the third-quarter tip-olf to give the Pelicans a 26-24 lead but ihul's the last time the Pell cans were In front. Mcdlord was expected to slow down somewhat In the last half out Instead Its attack was Juiced up even more. Spinas dumped two Irom the Iloor on the pay-off end of the fast break lo give Medford a lead 11 never relcnqulshed. 28-26. Ed Bingham and Dick Attcrbury hit from far out and Spinas added another along with Dennis Connor's free throw and it was 35-26 In Jig lime. PATTERN The pattern was set Uien as the Pelicans tried vainly lo catch up Uie rest of the way. And they almost did with Just seconds more then two minutes lo go. Carroll and Jerry Johnson paced a fourth-quarter comeback thai closed the count 10 42-45. But when Connor stole the ball and raced Uic length of the court lor a lay-in to make It 47-43, it was all over but the Mcdlord shouting. Alterbury added more furl lor tho Medford cheers with a shot thai made It 49-42 with Just a minute to go. inea isnrruii loun-u uui w iima.c things even gloomier. Johnson, a whirling dervish. In the lost quar ter, scored on a steal and It was 49-44. a five-point led the Pels had Just 45 minutes to erase. BLANK I I) Medford couldn't stop Carroll, who turned In by far the best per formance the big 6-7 lad has had all season but the Tornado did an effective check Job on Roy Bell who couldn't find the net from the field all evening. It wasn't a fluke. The Pelicans were simply out-classed by a team that started red-hot and finished the same way. Bell Injured his arm and shoul der In the second quarter and rest ed on tho bench for almost a lull period in Uie second half. Box aeore: MMiroRO Blnsham, f ... Spinal, t Wooton. c ..... Atlerbury. g . Connor, g .... Reserves: Tliompaon ro rr rr tp . 2 .... 9 1 S 3 Totala . ... . .. K I.AM AT II FALLS Bell, f -. llnrtotl, I Carroll, c . Johnaon. g ... Young, g tt Ileervea: Pence French . 21 0 10 51 r O T r-K IT 2 0 3 .10 ... 3 1 .. I 0 S 24 .1 7 ToUU W . .. ! Hainime acore: Klamath 24 Medford 24. Froa throwi missed: Medford n iBInghom 1, Splnaa 2. Alterbury 2. Connor 2, Woolon 111 Klamath 4 "Bell 1, Horton I. Carroll 1, Johnaon II: Of ficials: llagan and Sllva. Payless Loses In Dimes Game Mobil Oas of Medford trimmed Povlcss Drugs of the Klamath Falls city league, 45-36, Saturday night In a March of Dimes benefit game on the winners' court. The teams return In a March of Dimes game on Pelican Court Saturday night. Hilltop of the city leaguo meets Mobil Gas and the Drugs face the Crazy Swayzes. Extra Work Mad loiy RENT A TYPEWRITER r AnniNCl MACHINE Electrle or Hand. Last monfh'a rental la applied U Ihe purchase price. Pioneer Office Supply CAGE SCORES COI.I.Kl.K K A K W I HT Washington 40 Oregon Stale 41 California 72 Stanford 03 Denver 69 Utah 64 lovertlme) Wyoming 00 Utah State 37 Hrlgham Young 80 Montana (6 Colorado AstM 85 New Mexico 60 Washington State 61 Idaho 46 UCLA 67 Southern Calllornla 58 MIIIWKHT Kansas 60 Missouri 59 Illinois 67 Michigan 51 Iowa 78 Indiana 59 Kansas State 71 Nebraska 38 St. Louis 71 Detroit 64 Notre Dame 74 Marquette 56 Wisconsin 58 Ohio Slate 51 Minnesota 55 Michigan Stale 49 i KOL'TIIWKHT Arizona 70 Arizona State (Flag stall) 57 Texas 62 Arkansas 61 EAST Siena 55 Seton Hall 52 Cornell 08 Columbia 65 (two over times) J St. John's (Bkn) 71 CCNV 48 ; St. Bonavcnturo 65 Niagara 42 Duke 86 Temple 65 Yale 71 Army 52 Princeton 65 Harvard 42 SOUTH Kentucky 09 Florida 52 Tulane 71 Mississippi Slate 58 Tennessee 76 Mississippi 69 South Carolina 80 Georgia 83 Alabama 66 Georgia Tech 60 Navy 82 Georgetown 62 Oregon high school basketball SATURDAY Lewis and Clark College Frosh 41, Roosevelt Portland 39 Pendleton 51. The Dalles 49 Madras 52, Prinevlllc 49 Albany 61. Springfield 63 .Echo 53, McKwen, Athena 46 Marshfleld 71. Myrtle Poini 42 North Bond 55, Coqullle 44 Lincoln, Portland 77, Molnlla 26 Grant, Portland 52, Portland U. Frosh 51 Baker 61. Nyssa 33 Mcdlord 51. Klamath Falls 44 Central Catholic, Portland 47, As toria 27 Grants Pass 58, Ashland 47 Mlllon-Frcewater 6S, Hcrmiston 59 John Day 60, Eastern Oregon Frash 69 St. Francis, Eugene 47, Sacred Heart, Salem 41 (Sunday) Huskies Win Over Dorris Dick Reeves and Wes Haskins pooled 28 points lo lead the Mer rill Huskies to a 41-33 victory over the Butte Valley Bulldogs Saturday night on the Merrill basketball court. Reeves scored 14, Haskins 12 as Merrill erased an eurly Dorris lead lo posi a 19-13 halftlme bulge and stay In front the entire second nan. Jim Cooper and Cliff Branham scored 12 and 10 for the losers. Box acore DUKRIS US) Kempke P Cooper 12 T Branham 10 r Vlata Kutkowakl O Dorrll eubs-Ward Merrill auba O'Ne1 2. (II) MFRRII.I. 3 Honevcutt 7 WeUham 13 llaaklna 14 Heevea s Hendrlckaon Miller, Smith. Klamath Cats Claw Medford By HAROLD McKAY Mediord's Sophomore team fell prey to the Klamath Wildcats 49 to 41 on Pelican court Saturday alternoon. The Wildcats shot to a first quar ter lead of 9 to 5. Then Clinton Armstrong. KU guard, scored eight points to lead the scoring In the second quarter, swelling the Klamath lead to 23 to 18 at the half. The Cats dumped In 14 points In the third quarter and lead 37 .to 25 at the end of that period. Armstrong was high for the Wildcats with 18 points. Wildcat Center Leo Davis was next In line with 15. Box aeore: WILDCATS (IS) Summer 2 T Chalfleld S - - r Davla IS f Armatronf 18 O Bevena 4 G (11) MF.DFORn 4 Knaoo 4 Greaorv in Golt p Holzant 4 Gannawav Klamalli .sub1 Ma'hH 3. uordv 2. CMe. Walaon, Young. Medford ail- Llllv S. Bucey 2. Nllea, Goldsmith. Mc Loughltn. Bixler Quits Colgate Job HAMILTON. N. Y., UP Paul Bixler Is busy hunting for a new head football coach at Colgate. Bixler, former top man at Ohio State, quit his post at Colgate Sunday because a new contract of fer contained stipulations he said were "Impractical and unworka ble." Bly Bows To Lakeview Lakeview upended Bly. 63-42, Saturday night on the Honkers' court. Franklin Hutchinson scored 20 In Blv's losing effort, The Lakeview B team also, beat Bly by a 88-43 count, The University of Arizona basket ball team selects a game captain prior to each contest. An honorary captain Is elected at the close of the season, , Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE Uh 4 Klamath Ph. 2-2511 Halbrook Sets New Mark, 66 By The Associated Preat A new state Individual one game scoring record ol 06 points by Wade (Swede) Halbrook of Lincoln highlighted a busy week-end of Oregon high school basketball play. The seven-foot one-Inch all-state center of Portland's 1951 champ Ions accounted lor all but 11 of Lincoln's points In Its 77-26 rout of Molalla Saiuilay night. Halbrook scored 30 field goals and six free throws as he erased the stale prep record of 52 points set lust four nights before by Johnny Frederick jr., iigard guard, against New- berg. i Halbrook had established the old : mark of 51 In a Portland high i school game last year. After Fred- crick s leal, ne swore to regain tne record, and against Molalla, ms Lincoln team-mates helped Hal brook by feeding him passes every time they got the ball. The tower ing Halbrook took care of the rest. The 00 points brought Halbrook s eight-game season total to 278. One major, upset was recorded In Saturday nighl prep play. Kla math Falls, rated No. 1 In last week's Associated Press poll to determine the slate's top 10 teams, Jell to Medford. 44-51. The Pelicans had beaten Medford the night be fore. It was their second loss of the season. Central Catholic of Portland, ranked No. 2 In the poll, walloped Astoria, which was tied for eighth, 47-27. The Dallas, rated No. 5 and un beaten until the week-end. suffered I Its second defeat In as . many nights, bowing lo Pendleton, 51-48. Marshfleld, ranked eighth with Astoria, swamped Myrtle Point, 171-42. Mllton-Freewater defeated Her- i i mlston, 69-59; Madras beat Prlne ville, 52-49; Baker overwhelmed Nyssa. 61-33; Grants Pass whipped Ashland. 58-47: and Albany leveled Springfield. 61-53. Huskies Host To Webfoots By The Associated Press A collision between delending champion Washington and unde feated Oregon highlights play In the tightening Northern Division Pacific Coast Conference baskket ball race this week. Washington, No. 6 in the Associ ated Press poll last week and re ! garded as probable repeat divi sion cnampion. win oe nost 10 me Ducks in a crucial series at Se attle Friday and Saturday. With two wins and no losses for the season, the Ducks will need only one victory to retain lirst place in the division, while the Huskies need to sweep the series to knock the Oregonians out of the top berth. In other games this week. Wash ington State plays Idaho at Pull man Monday night and is host to Oregon State Friday and Saturday. WSC defeated Idaho 62-46 in the series opener last Saturday. Washington will go against Ore- : gon minus boo MOUDregs., ine i hookshot specialist sidelined with a leg Injury. Houbregs also was lout of the lineup in the Huskies" I series with Oregon State last Frl j day and Saturday but Washington, i playing a ball control game, drop Iped the Beavers twice, 46-37 and 149-41. Duane Enochs took over for Hou bregs and led the Huskies in scor ing and teamed with Doug McClary I to control the backboards. Lakeview Names Baseball Club LAKEVIEW Champions of the Central Oregon League last sea son, the baseball club here now has a name. It's Blue Sox, the name suggest ed by Ben Waldness. Trow Long was named president of the club when incorporators met recently. The baseball club will continue on the same operational set-up, with Hugh Mercer manager and Ben Franklin business manager. Tentative date for the COL meet ing was set for Feb. 10 at Burns. Kircher Inks, Says Oregonian PORTLAND (A"l Alton Kircher alreadv has signed as head foot ball coach at Washington State Col lege according to the Oregonian. The newspaper saia h naa gamea its information from "an unim peachable source." Kircher was assistant coach un der Forest Evashevskl who quit as WSO head coach last week to take a similar Job at Iowa. Kirch er had been offered a post at Iowa under Evashevskl. TACKLE TVILL JACKET WERE SPECIAL PRICE the GUN 714 RED Wolves Sweep Series STANDINGS w I. rcr. Vanport . ; 2 0 1,000 Oregon College 2 0 1 000 Oregon Tech 0 2 .000 Eastern Oregon O 2 .000 Oregon Tech Is still looking for its first win in Oregon Collegiate Conference basketball play after a disastrous weekend brush with the Oregon College Wolves In Mon- The Owls lost a 58-48 decision to the Wolves Saturday night. Fri day's setback was by a 51-58 count. Oretech Saturday night played without the services of Don Sut phln, high-scoring guard. Sutphm was suspended for "an indefinite period of time" Just be fore Saturday's contest. Coach Art vi-kUnJ ..U it uoe fnr "rlisiin- linary reasons," details of which he declined to reveal. "ALLY , riIAaiU IU"i -r the scoring gauntlet Saturday night, scoring 21 points, as the Owls stayed in. the running until OCE touched off a fourth-quarter blitz that gave them the victory. buostituie rurwaiu. nu u livan sparked the Wolves' last- m v-ll.. atnrino- All Of - hlS total seven 'ooints. Charles Pinion and Leroy vanover aisu uu .... than a little to do with the scor ing binge. HALFTLME LEAD The Owls led 13-10 at the first quarter gun and 25-20 at the half. An -J iUo nan in the third quarter as the two teams went into tne lourtn quaner " Pinion scored 14. Harold Pitcher added 13 for the Monmouth five. The Owls drill this week for the invasion of Eastern Oregon Friday i cn,..a nio-Vitj: nn the OT1 ana iwi'M.' - hardwood. The La Grande Moun taineers are also loosing ror uvv win Number 1, sharing the cellar with Uie uwis. Sm arnre: OREGON TECH Duncan, f Pinkley. I - Holzfuas. c Hammack. Genetln. f Heerves: Schubert Wyalt Koch - FlanJngam Paterson FG 7 .. 0 0 FT PF TP 7 o 21 Total! Ot'E 14 FG ....4 -.5 .. 2 2 ... 1 ...2 . 3 20 28 48 FT TF TP 3 4 13 4 4 14 2 3 S 7 1 S 3 Pitcher, : Pinion. I Rosenstock. e Bushnell. a Palmouist. t Reserves: Sullivan Vanover Davla . Dasch Totals - .19 20 28 SB WIL Sked Delayed SEATTLE l.fl Western Inter national Baseball League directors met here Saturday to draft a M schedule but postponed final action until the next meeting February 2. Robert Abel, WIL president, said plotting the schedule has become k major problem now that the leaguo has been advanced from Class B to Class A status. Campanclla In Fold BROOKLYN VP The Brooklyn Dodgers Monday had the most val uable player In the National League Catcher Roy Campanella safely In the fold for another year. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Joe Earley - FU R COLLAR $95 $15.50 NOW STORE MAIN wis- ILse SnO'EpLrBDOTl Si HUW, SPIRTS EDITO V I TSME OUT! "And in this corner at 185 pounds, wearing black trunks and trying; desperately to climb out of the ring . -. Matmen Wallop Medford The Klamath Falls Pels slammed out a 48-5 win over the Medford wrestlers Saturday on Pelican Court. The defending-" Klamath Falls state champions won eight of the 12 bouts by falls. Dennis Faulner won the only bout for Medford, scoring a de cision over KU's Harold Simmers in the 168-pound division. The Tor nado matmen collected their other two points when Norm Hanscome drew with Roland Biehn in the 148 pound class. Results: Simonda KF -beat McDonald M, fall. 98: Conner KF beat Bendlckson M, fall, 106: Dexter KF beat Baker M. fall, 115: Swindler KF beat B. Reeves M. fall. 123: Wells KF beat W. Reeves M. fall. 133: Williams KF beat Mc Danieis M, fall, 130: Dearing KF beat Nelson M fall. 133: Johnson KF beat lfewkinj M. decision. 139: Blehn KF and Hanscome M. drew. 148 Mitchell KF beat Thames M. decision 137: Faulkner M beat Simmers KF. de cision. 168: Pierce KF beat Steele M, fall. 178. TALLAHASEE, Fla. IAV-Florida State University has awarded two more scholarships in anticipation of the 1952 football season. Coach Don Veller has announced that Wayne Hodges of Dade City and Irvin Barwick of Croveland have been ! enrolled. New '52 SBSBE SrWd .'599 down65 per month ! . . i DUGAN 522 So. 6th. n o ff l Mustangs.. Win In Overtime The favorites' role Is a danger ous one In the. Klamath Countv Class B high school basketball league. Malln. surprise winners over fa vored Bonanza Friday night In a league game, had to go overtime to beat the spunky Henley Horneta Saturday night in a non-counter. final score was 37-34. Henley pierced Malin's man-toman defense for a 20-13 halfMmo lead. Then the Mustangs switched to zone in the second half and slowed Henley's fast break. The count was closed to 23-25 at the end of three quarters and Wayne meg scored tne Dasket tnat tied the game 31-alI at the end . of regulation playing time. . Virgil Yadon gave Henley a 32 31 lead on a free throw. Rick made it 33-32 for Malln. then Bob Hill handed the Hornets a 34-33 lead. Rick put Malln ahead again. 35-34 and Dale Fenters cinched it for the Mustangs with a long shot. Henley played without Cordon Ramsey, on the shelf with a cold, and Jim DeVore, whose father died. . Malln won the B preliminary game over Henley. 47-17. Box score: MAI. IN is: ) w. Rick lft Fenters 4 Stevenson 7 Parts 2 V. Rick 2 (31) nENT.ET 2 Anderaon 13 B. HIU 7 Havea 2 Cas 7 Lehts Rajnus. Henley C G G Matin sub! Travis S. suiM Jones. Yadon 1. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Sunday's results: Tacoma 5 Seattle 2 Saturday's results: Vancouver 4 Tacoma 2 , Saskatoon 5 Calgary 3 New Westminster 9 Victoria 4 Bums Tears Moth Hole Worn Places Rewoven SALLY'S REWEAVING SeaHIt PortlgiU Rriirf 4 kf and MEST Phone 8101' j i i