Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 14, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered u lecond claw matter at the post office of Klamath Falls, Ore,
on August 20, ISM, under act ol congress, March 8, 1879
The Associated Press la entitled exclusively to the use for publication
ot all the local news printed In this newspaper as well u all AP news.
By Mall months 16.50 By Mall year 811.00
i' The news and radio boys may
not welcome this horning In on
their baby, but let's take a look
at the (orm-your-opinlon questions
on the subject of "How can we
better build tomorrow's citizens? "
' This subject will be discussed
tonight, at 8:30, on the first "Build
the Basin" panel on KFLW. Ten
questions were printed in the pa
per Inviting a response of opin
ion, so here goes.
.'Are tomorrow's citizens Ameri
ca's greatest basic resources?
We think of timber or water or
good old Klamath sandy lonin soil
as resourses: not persons. Let's
see what Webster says about the
word, "resource." "That to which
one- resorts or on which one de
pends lor supply or support; means
of overcoming a difficulty."
Okay, boys, the answer has to
be,, yea.
Do we recognize this fact with
adequate emphasis? No. rNot in
the. terms of "resource, as stav
ed, r we don't think of persons as
resourses. . .
j "-
Are parents delinquent In their
responsibility? Parents generally,
no. Too many are delinquent: a
juvenile delinquent almost always
reflects delinquent parents.
' Are schools doing all they
should! The trend in schooling
has been to take over more and
more of the students' guidance.
Schools aren't perfect, but don't
pass the buck of full responsibility
President Truman's plan for re
organizaing the Internal Revenue
Bureau Is understandably drawing
a skeptical response from such
congressmen as are around to re
spond. '. He is here reaping the reward
of too long refusal to acknowledge
widespread corruption within his
Administration. For months he
either laughed off the well-founded
charges or sought to dismiss them
as nothing more than cheap polit
ical attacks upon him.
At a recent news conference, he
' set a new low in insincerity, not
to mention presidential manners.
In defiance of the fact that con
gressional Inquiries and press
sleuthing had unearthed much
shocking information, the President
baldly claimed full credit for tak
ing the initiative against govern
ment wrongdoers. He lashed out
crudely at the press for daring to
contend otherwise,
i Earlier in the tax scandal story.
Mr. Truman was doubtful that it
would do any good to take the
revenue bureau out of politics. He
took ' an attitude which suggested
the proponents of this scheme were
mere amateurs in statecraft.
s He is now recommending that
very course. He would abolish the
64 politically named district rev
enue collectors and establish 25
new divisions, all under civil, serv
ice. Only the top bureau commis
sioner would be appointed by the
Presidenti He also would boost bu
reau salaries to lessen the temp
tation to seek supplementary in
come outside.
The Hoover Commission on gov
ernment reorganization proposed a
roughly similar plan more than
two years ago. This group hardly
can be classified as amateur. Mr.
Truman has acted, however, as if
he never heard of the Hoover
Commission and were generating
: Over the , telephone came this
query: "We are having an argu
ment nere in me office and we
want you to settle It. Does the
earth's axis Up sufficiently every
slX' months to give us the differ
ence In temperature between win
ter and-summer?" .
f When called upon to mediate an
astronomical dispute, I am alwavs
pleased to be able to tell the one
doing the Inquiring that he is
right. In this case, however, I had
ssillfully to suggest that the truth
lay- on the other side.
Let us ask the reader to con
struct a diagram on a sheet of
paper. In the center of the sheet
draw a circle around a silver half
dollar If such wealth is yours. In
side of -this circle write, "The
Sun." To the right of this, and
near the edge of the sheet trace
a circle around a dime. Label
this, "The Earth."
j From a little above the earth
circle draw a line Ktrnii-ht rinum
through its center and continue it
a anort distance below the lower
part of the circle. This represents
the imaginary axis around which
the entire earth rotates approxi
mately once each 21 hours. (The
more exact time is 23 hrs. 66
minutes.) This daily rotation turns
any part of the 'earth alternately
toward and away from the sun,
thus giving us day and night.
But the axis of the earth does
a 'm
Managing Editor
from the home to the school.
Schools should do what they're
now doing better: not take over
more of the territory of respon
sibility. Could the churches take a great
er part? It's evident that in the
last few "decades other activities
have taken Interest away from
churches. We'd say they could, be
cause, they have In the past, but
we couldn't give the answer of
getting worse?
Are there more juvenile delin
quents In the Basin than else
where in Oregon? No. Klamath
Is a fine place to raise a family.
Should we be making a greater
effort in the Klamath Basin? Cer
tainly. What does the future hold,
if not better things from greater
Will our best ideas work If we
don't work? Don't be silly. There
Is nothing In this world so power
ful as an idea who's time has
come if put to work. There is
nothing so dead as an idea that
has not been put to work.
How can we better build tomor
row's citizens? By individually
providing better guidance, first, in
our homes, and next, in bur schools
and churches.
(This is written by a parent of ,
a teen-ager.)
these ideas on his own.
So congressional doubts are to.
be expected. But Congress never
theless should examine the de
tailed proposals carefully and re
ject them only if they are genu
inely unwise. And it it does spurn
them, it ought to substitute reor
ganization plans of its own. The
need is fundamental.
To ignore the need on the e round
simply that the President's plan is
no good would be to suggest that
we lawmakers see political advan
tage in keenintr the situation bad
until after election Such irrespon
sibility might backfire.
There is one other vital aspect
to this presidential move. Modern
izing the structure of the revenue
bureau Is no substitute for clean
ing it out. and it would be a
grave mistake for Mr. Truman to
assume otherwise.
The major problem of weed ins
out the morally unfit and exacting
a higher standard of performance
from government workers is still
unsolved. Commissioner Dunlao is
vigorously combine the revenue
bureau and dismissals continue to
mount. But there is a serious ques
tion whether confidence can be re
stored in the integrity of eovern-
ment by the limited tactic of fed
eral agencies policing themselves.
What is called for Is an indepen
dent commission of high-minded,
disinterested public men, with a
tree nano to prooe anywhere and
everywhere in search of wrong
doing. For a time it seemed Mr.
Truman was on the verge of tak
ing this step. He must have had
second thoughts and decided he
could get by without it.
But u he does not attack the
problem with the boldness and
courage it demands, the public
may give him some dismal third
not point straight up as we have
arawn it. uian t we learn some
thing in our grade-school geogra
phies about a 23"j-degree tilt? If
the upper end of this axis - is
tipped down 23 Ji degrees toward
the left, an amount a little less
than one-third that to make it
point directly toward the sun. we
have the approximate tilt. Rear
range the axis in your diagram
We now have the condition of
Summer in the Northern Hemis
phere and Winter In the Southern.
The sun can warm the end of the
earth turned toward it much bet
ter than the other. .
If the North Pole could slowly
tip toward the right so that In six
months It would point as far to
the right of straight up as it does
to the left In summer, we would
have winter conditions without any
doubt. But it does not do it that
way. The axis continues to tilt to
the left as the earth moves around
the sun. In three months it will
be hidden behind the sun in our
diagram. Draw another 10-cent
fitrtaLlne left of tne u" with
the. North Pole still tilting toward
''Monthly Pains" stopped
. or amazingly relieved
in 3 eul of 4 casts In doctors' Itils!
Chances are you're putting up
unnecessarily with the functionally
caused pains, cramps and weak, "no
good" feelings of menstruation!
For, in actual tests by doctors, Lydla
Plnkham's Compound brought coin
plete or striking relief from such dis
tress in 3 out of 4 of the casesl
L;UaMnUam'sUmafrnntt action!
8o get Lrdlt E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound or neu. Improved Tablets
with added Iron. 8ee If teken through
the month It doesn't give relief from
those backaches. Jitter help you feel
better before and during your perlodl
Or If you suffer from functional "hot
flashes" of "ehnnKe of life." fltid out how
wonderful Plnkliam'e It for that, tool
It ha a antrling effrrl ea
terln ranlracllfiaa that
erica cause menstrual palal
They'll Do It Every
- , .SSftf !kr5HpSfaW- rM surprise?" 1
WTO SALESMAN, &&&?J? fiSs-JI H b $ -ijfa that HEAP! J mxiWT
LOOKED OOWi i rSHfcrn 86 SEE" veA0 ltJ ,T" 1
r- T 1stop5 : rf'PL Ry'S OLP CRUNCHER
V0'Re uNai
Jsrfting ilwftfj&x
' ... ... .... V. ! .-V.,.-.J . ... -.
us are wondering why Pastor Al
derscnt spends so much time try
ing to stir up a religious argu
ment over whether Sunday is the
sabbath or whether Saturday is the
sabbath. I have always thought
the function of the church was to
try to promote peace and good-will
among peoples. Then why spend
so much time trying to find some
one to argue- with over such
f mite concept as time.
I Calendars have been subject to
I change from time to time. The
I seven-day week concept, of course,
has been adhered to throughout all
jages. Its origin is found in the
i record of Creation found in the
first and second chapters of Gene
sis. However, the names of days
and calendar months have been
changed from time to time. So who
knows actually which is the sixth
day of the week or which is the
seventh, that is. measuring from
the beginning of time. We read in
Psalms: 90: 4: "For a thousand
years in thy sight are but as yes-1
terday when It Is past, and as a I lieve he will be released by his
watch in the night." Does this not boss, the president? This s a po
indicate 'that time is a finite con-;litical game, you know,
cept. and that God's day and year Someone has asked "Are the Re
Is not measured by calendars, but ! publicans crazy?" If the people
by eternity. of Europe trust him why not leave
After all, Isn't the Important hlm there to mlfm such an Impor-
thine whether or not we are ob. :
serving the Institution of the Sab
bath as a day of honor and rev
erence to God, whether or not It
comes on Saturday or Sunday?
Saturday and Sunday are names
given to days of the week by hu
man beings, but the institution of
the Sabbath as a day of rever-
Pn fnp Cmi la a Hiirina snil
spiritual concept, and has nothing w . t
to do with the calendar, which has In 19s- 1 wrote to the Republi -
been subject to change at different can headquarters in New York that
times throughout the ages. Iif thev didn l choose a man in
Cant we find lareer itsue- to,whom mey bc''eved and stand
concern ourselves with? It
seems ;
to me that we could solve all our ;
human problems by getting an un
derstanding of what Jesus meant
wnen ne saio: (Matt, a: ji-ju.i
f, h.ff inv. Z irf tht '"Ai!PrPhesy 'he same thing will hap
Thou shalt love the Lord thy Gc.i : y.. nnnn-uW. nhiif
with all thy heart and with all
thy soul and with all thy mind.
38: This is the first and great
39: And the second is like unto
it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself."
What profound wisdom and spir
itual insight we find in these state
ments ot Jesus. Can we afford to
nSmnnVTan " .a Vhether the '
sahha.h i. s.mriav r,r Rotnrrinv
wisdom to be found in the Bible. 1
wisdom with which to solve all our
human nmhioms.
The churches are not going to
aurucb many iniu&iuK ueopie 11 I
fm7?a A rtifn. 3: front row seat beneath the stage
'n' e W.bSr.atS;l' . Academy of Music Theater
we neea spiritual wiiuuiii :
and insight. We can find it in the i
Bible if we search for it with an
open mind and stop clouding our
vision with human opinions. Let us,
rather, spend our time In trying
to find out what God is, and in
trying to learn what it means to
love our neighbor as ourself. Je
sus said these were the most im
portant of the Commandments. I
can see no other way to solve the
world's problems. Let us search
for this wisdom with our whole
heart. The Bible tells us: (Matt.
7: 7;) "Ask, and it shall be given
you: seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto
you." .
Yes, wisdom Is ours for the ask
ing; but let us be sure our mo
tives is to seek true wisdom,
rather than engender strife over
creeds and beliefs. The world's
burdens are too heavy now. Surely
the churches should not add to this
the left. This is the Winter posi
tion six months from the summer
The seasons are thus due to the
annual revolution of the earth
around the sun while the earth's
axis remains at practically the
same tilt.
Am ' ,",e, ,0 ,h0P P
l one. . . I
r ' oluei ot onc--y"
M i i prlcest I
M DREWS Manstor? f
fJ 731 Main .
ill irfUNMtt
ourden by trying to incite argu
ments over doctrines and creeds.
Dear friends, let us learn to
love our neighbor as ourself. There
Is no doctrinal belief Involved here.
It is that wisdom from above, here
for all men to utilize and express,
regardless of creed. If we learn
this lesson well, we will be so
busy and so intensely Interested In
gaining this true wisdom, that we
will not have time to occupy our
thinking with anything less than
fundamental issues.
Sincerely yours,
Ada Adams
Rt. 2, Box Sit
DOERIS Have read The Days
News of Jan. T by Frank Jenkins.
In fact, generally read most of
them because of the clear think
ing contained therein.
So, Gen. Dwlght Elsenhower de
clares himself a Republican. Evi
dently that will make some of the
bigwigs of the Republican party
feel better. ' But If he will not ask
release from his present assign.
mem, is there any reason to be-
nt work, seems to .me he evl
dently wants the honor of being
drafted. I believe in him too but
like Jenkins I want to know what
kind of a Republican he Is as I
always vote for the man whom 1
think will serve our country's best
interest, never lor just a party
And I believe we have other men
miiu nuuiu wive as null aa ciacii-
hArk nf him thpv U'milH Iaca nut
,.; : .;r,. ;
too much division. Too many hats
in the ring. And now seems to
have the same condition and I
weapon Is "divide and win". The
Is "divide and win". The
KepuDiicans snouid never forget
Mrs. H. J. English
Boy Dies While
Crowd Watches
. NEW YORK I - Some 800 thea.
er Patrons, intent on watching a
movie, were unaware Sunday that
h0' ,,1 'nf '.yewi.!,"w
nnmgh"tshtd L0' " hllX." r, t
by bV moving orchestra plat-
The youth,
Anthony Blaskovlch
was killed as he peered fromjator, will speak on "Referred Leg
14tl Q(,4 tu- A.naAt- ..
- hpctra nat'rnm him
chestra platform caught him
against the wall of the pit, crush
ing his head.
Navy Bomber Crash
Kills Two Men
Navy patrol bombers crashed and
burned In a vacant field north of
here during a violent rain squall
Monday. Two persons were report
ed killed and 10 or 12 Injured.
Navy officers said names of the
victims would not be released un
til next of kin are notified.
The nlane was a two-enclne Con
solidated flying boat a PBY-typo
uscu lor training.
In northeastern Iran, In the so
called "Belt Cave" overlookintr the
Caspian Sea, the bones of three
in luoi.
Look here partner!
good deal tee ...
$sjuut Thomas
6th & Main Phone 6465
For a
By Jimmy Halo
OO PARfit,
6SfS StfftHOoST.,
k V.V ' fl
Klamath fans saw spectacular
basetball In a rapid-fire two game
scries tills weekend, when the Pels
won over Medford In Friday nights
game, and was eased ott by the
tornadoes the next night by a close
Rally squad vs. the pep peppers
basketball game highlighted the
halrtime Snturday night. Plnying
on the pep pepper team were Mary
Ellen McColgin, Fully Tealc,
Patsy Young Janice Tavlor, Vir
ginia Van DOren and Helen Ber
tram. Rally squad quintet Included
Barbara Arnold. Bettv Karnes.
Jean Dunlavy, Dot Collier and
"Misa Blllle Wright." Barbara
Rodgcrs and Brent Hedberg Ref
erced. Dressed In old-fashioned outfits
were Lyn Perkins and Janice Lar
son who were pep pepper yell
leaders. qtfnd members made
high score.
Semester exams are finally over,
and today we reported lor only
a half-day to receive report cards.
Tomorrow, marking the beginning
of the new semester, will bring
many changes in schedules and
courses, new activities and resolu
tions to raise grade averages.
The honor roll has not yet been
compiled, but It will be run as
soon as all the names have been
turned m.
Friday morning all Juniors arid
seniors will assemble In the audi
torium where "Youth Views the
News," sponsored by the Weyer-
nneuaer i iniuer company, win oe
tape recorded, with those who care
to participate helping out the pro-
Station KOMO. with Bob Kurd
as emcee, will do tape recordings
land furnish technical apparatus,
Four members of the Interna-
tlonal Relations League will sit on
Stflfff as a main no rial T-u .
i.aH,n Ti. ,u 'J
will be presented to them for their
I opinions, and then the emcee will
ask for opinions from the eroun.
mr. r-nui ueiier, advisor to the
IRL, will receive a nhone call
from Seattle soon and receive the
three news topics to be discussed
on the program.
This is a wonderful chance for
the furtherance of public relations
between the high school and the
community it represents, bo come
lo the assembly, uppcrclassmen,
with an open mind and be pre
pared to ask questions and voice
your own opinion.
Hitchcock To Be
PTA Speaker
Phil Hitchcock. Orceon stale
islation- at the January meeting
of the Roosevelt school Parent
Teacher Association, tomorrow,
2:15 p.m. In the school auditorium.
Hitchcock will discuss the two edu
cational measures which will be
referred to the people on the bal-
ioi next mil.
The Roosevelt bnnri under th
direction of Freeman Yount will
play. Mrs. Floyd A. Boyd, presi
dent, will preside, and Mrs. Robert
A. Thompson, program chairman,
will Introduce Senator Hltcficock.
A mee'ting of the board of direc
tors will precede the regular ses
sion in the teachers' room nf the
school at 1:15 p.m.
AMSTERDAM. The Netherlands
tlPt The usually well informed
Dutch Newspaper Nlcuwe Rotter
damse Courant said Saturday
Prime Minister Stalin of Russia
underwent an operation for heart
trouble Dec. 19, two days before
his 72nd birthday.
Anyone who it interested in learning to speak easily be
fore an audience is invited to join the
A f riefndly, enjoyable and profitable 10-week course
' 6:30 P.M Willard Hotel
This js an opportunity to hear the fundamentals of organ
izing and delivering a speech, through examples and
practice. There is no obligation for attending the first
meeting. Come, learn about it, then if you like join the
10-week course for only $5.00. This fee may be applied
to membership In Toastmastert club if desired. -
Modoc Toastmasters Club
Telephone 6001 For Further Information
gj. IMk
For Trinity Plan
By II U.K. SCAItllltOl'till
Ren. Clulr Kiwlo iD-Cnllfi hna
publicly chilled lliimbolril County
in his district lor a on-in-ino-
maiiKcr" iiltlludo toward mo u.o.
Bureuu of Reclamation's pionosal
lo divert a part of the How of
the Trinity river Inlo the Sacra
mento river system,
Humboldt County mid practically
all of Northern California is in
Congressman Knttle'a district, and
he la clinli'inuu of a Congressional
subcoiniiillloo on Irrigation and
reclamation. Ah such he can be
considered bolli an niilhorlty and
a power on the subject.
The Trinity river lies entirely
Tree Snatcher
Draws Fine
MT. SHASTA Judge Kenneth
Slone ot Weed on January 8, sen
tenced Don 11. Monow, 315 South
Oregon St., Yrekit, lo 00 days In
the county lull and assessed a line
of HH). Thirty days ot the Jail
sentence was then suspended. Mor
row whs audited for Illegally
transporting Christmas trees with
out a notarized bill of sale on Nov.
7. He was arrested by V. S. For
us! Sri-vice Officers Irwin BoNWurth
and Clare Miller ol Dtinsmulr when
luund transporting a load of trees
around mldiuiiht along a one ronn
near Bolain. lie was trico in
lice Court on Dec. 13 by Jury trial
and found guilty.
For route years the Forest Serv
ice has been attempting to break
up the organized thelt ol Chrlstmus
trees from both private and pub
lic lands. Theft of Christmas trees
in Siskiyou County each year has
amounted to around $10,000 In
vitluo irom Forest Service lands
alone. Losses from large private
timber land owners ure equally
large. The thelt of $10,000 worth
ol Christina-! trees per year from
government lands means the loss
ol $S500 revenue to the county.
Death Ordered
For Two Spies
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia I
Two Yugoslavs have been sen
tenced to death and five others
given long prison terms In neigh
boring Bulgaria on spy charges,
according to press reports here.
New newspaper accounts 8tinday
said one of the persons condemned
to death was Danll Donclc. presi
dent of the Yugoslav Peoples Front
In Bulgaria before Yugoslavia
broke with Russia and her satel
lites'. He was charged, among oth- i
cr things, with refusing to remove
a picture ot Premier Marshal Tito
from the Front's headquarters aft-,
er the Comlnform-Tlto break.
Douglas Says
He Won't Run
NEW YORK Wl Supreme
Court Justice William O. Douglas
says he has Informed President
Truman that he will not be a
candidate for President or Vice
President in 1952.
Douglas, who eliminated him
self twice before as a possible
Democratic candidate, adds that
his current decision la a perma
nent one and docs not apply for
tills year alone.
In recent months, Douglas' name
has been mentioned frequently as
a possible running mate with
President Truman or as a pos
sible Presidential nominee If Mr.
Truman does not choose to seek
TAIPEH. Formosa i.fi The Chi
nese Nationalist Defease Minister
said Monday the Red China gov
ernment at Pciplng has Instructed
Its workers to refer to Soviet Rus
sia as "the fatherland of the work
ing class."
The Jack Bennys celebrated their
26lh wedding anniversary Sunday.
The comedian and the former 8a
dye Marks, known as Mary Liv
ingstone on the radio, were mar
ried In Waukcgan, III., in 1027.
Underseas mountains 11,000 feet
high were discovered In the Arctic
Ocean between the Orkney Islands
and Spitsbergen.
Wonderful Belief for
LTcmnG siuui
To promptly lootha intense itching of
rashes, eczema, psoriasis, athlflte'i
foot, pimplm, and similar suifarn skin
and acnlp Irritations, apply Znmo
modern highly mnriicatrfrl stalnlens anti
aeptic. Zomo also helps heal and cloar the
Irritated skin. Buy Extra Strength Zomo
liquid lor stiiDDorn
cases. Any drugstore.
within hla district. It originates;
near Weed and Joins the Klumiilh
river at Wrlli-hpeo In Hiinibultlt
County. The Klamath runs Inlo the
Paulllo ocean at Rrqua, In Del
Norte County, adjacent to Hum
boldt. A couple ot months ago the Bu
reau of Revliiiiiiitlon uiinounoed
plans lor a Iln0.000.0fl0 dnveloit
ment on tho Trinity In the vicinity
of Lewl.Hon, in Trlnlly County, lor
the production of up to 2'JO.OuO kilo
watts of power and also lo make
available to tho Slinstn dain-Sncrn-mento
NVNtom sumo water Hum
the Trinity.
The project would Include a dam
at Lewistnn and tunnels through
the mountains lo carry witter lo
the Sacramento river.
After the water reaches the 8nc
ramento, the machinery la there to
carry It all the way lo the Hull
Joaquin valley: that's the Contral
Valley project.
' Tho Humboldt County Court and
Humboldt Pomona Orange huve
spoken up against the diversion
project, and their attitude la as
nulled by Rep. EiirIo In letters to
the Humboldt Times Eureka,
Ciilll., newspaper, and the Orange.
The Klninnth river system, Kngle
declares, right now la wasting Into
the Put-tile enough water each yrnr
to supplv the current needa of the
13 largest cities In the United
States New York. Chicago, Phila
delphia, l.os Angelra, Detroit, Dial-
i t,,,ore. Cleveland. St. Louis. Wash
, nRion, n. c.t yn Krauclnco and
i Pittsburgh.
Each, year it discharges Inlo the
Paclllc an average of 11, 500.000
acre leel ot water.
That being the case, Kngle
writes, anv contention Ihat the
Trinity diversion would leave Hum
boldt short of water la llttlo short
of ridiculous.
The Trlnltv diversion, he says,
anticipates the use of only 000.000
acre-feet, or about 0 per cent ol
the total flow of the Kltimnth.
The Humboldt Orange resolution
also sperllled objections to the
transfer of water Irom one water
iJicd to another and that, points
out the Congressman, puts the
Orange In a peculiar light. The
Central Valley project which Is
based on the very Idea of trans
Bird Count Shows Fewer
Feathered Friends In Area
Now Than In Past 3 Years
Fewer birds are to be found In
the Klamath Basin this winter
than at any lime during the past
three years Is the conclusion drawn
from the figures revealed by the
fourth annual Christmas Bird
Count taken bv the Nature Society
ot the Klamath Region Dec. 30.
Twelve observers working In five
parlies spent 23 party houra In Ihe
Held to take the bird etiunt which
draws a cross sectional view of the
bird population In the Klamath
Basin from Crater Lake National
Park to the Lava Bcda National
In a six hour counting period ob
servers travelled 180 parly miles,
U77 by car, 3 on footi and tallied
8.281 birds In 70 species. Tills Is
the largest number of species to
be recorded on any Christmas sea
son bird count while the number
of birds per party mile was the
Brewer's Blackbirds lead the list
this year wilh a total ot 37 per
cent. The Ruddy Duck look second
place wilh 11 per cent. The English
or House Sparrow took third place
wilh 8 per cent. Ring-necked
Pheasants were In fourth place
with 4 per cent, followed bv Cali
fornia Quail wilh 3 per cent and
the Lesser Scaup Duck with 2 per
Birds were tallied as follows:
Common Loon. 1: Eared Orebe, 12;
Western Orebe. 2: Pled-blllnd
Orebe, 47; Double-crested Cormor
ant, S; Great Blue Heron. 4:
American Egret, 1; Black-crowned
Night Heron. 4; Canada Ooo.se. 10;
White-fronted Ooosc. 6: Mallard,
33: Oadwall, 62: Bnldpnte, 38: Pin
tall, 9; Shoveller. 32; Ring-necked
Duck, 2: Canvas-back, 4: Lesser
Scaup, 20H; Am. Golden-eye, 150;
Buflle-hcad. 102; Ruddy Duck. 013:
Hooded Merganser, 8: Am. Mer
ganser, 10; unidentified ducks. If).
Sharp-shinned Hawk, 1; Cooper's
Hawk, 2; Red-tailed Hawk, 10:
Swainson's Hawk, 2: Rough-legged
Hawk, fi; Golden Eagle, 6: Bald
Eagle, 4: Marsh Hawk, 7; Prairie
Falcon. 1: Pigeon Hawk, 1; Spar
row Hawk, 6; California Quail,
277; Mountain Qunll, 30; Ring
necked Pheasant, 301; unidentified
hawks. 3: American Coot. 100: Wil
son's Snipe. 1: Ring-billed Gull, 4:
Von run runt a lovely rtfw ttplnrt pUns
from lh Law-lit R, Mann Dane l orn.
puny, lift N, 1th. al a law nutnlhly
rile, Aftfr a mtnnaltl time you ran,
If you wish, chant Irom rrnt lo pur
chase areemenl. 1'h rrnt already paid
li all credited lo your piirrhaap at'counl
and no other down payment I nenen
ftary. The. monthly payment ran lie
little higher than renl, Or, If you pre
fer, you oan continue to rent.
These conditions can be corrected easily
and economically -
Bring your problem
to us-' .
Advice free -of course
Swan Lake Moulding Co.
Phone 316
3226 So. 6th St.
- Time Tells In Building -
kw Fnnl A
ferring water Irom the Hitcramento
vullrv to the San Joaquin river, re
culvert complete Cliunge blessing
In Calllornla,
Ihat the proposed Trlnlly diver
slop within Itself would not ma
terliillv hurt the Klamath water
shed la undoubtedly true, and on
position to tho diversion should
not bo bused on nilulMormatlon
and clulma that 11 would, ,
But opposition lo I he plan for
mother reuson certainly la legltl
mate for lutcresta along the entire
length of the river.
That oilier reason la on of pre
cedent, '
The whole future development of
the country along the Klamath,
luom here at the Indian reserva
tion down to the sea. depends In
one way or another on the river
and depends upon prevention of
that great natural resource from
being taken away from this area
to be used In another.
The Trlnlly Is part of tha
Klaiuulh river system, and a diver
sion on the Trinity could be a foot
In the door toward eventual diver
sion trom the big river Itself.
Opposition to the Trinity matter
should realistically be based on op
position lo the establishment of a
precedent directly In the Klainalh
watershed. Just opposition lo Uie
establishment of a vague precedent
la not enough. One has already
been established the tranaler of
Sac rumrnlo river water lo tho Ban I
Joaquin. J
But lurther than that, anv oppo
sition will seem to be dog-ln-lhe-manger
unless the water Is put to
One way or another, It will not
be allowed lo waste into the Pa
clllo ocean many more years. Ei
ther 11 la commuted to beneficial
use (Irrigation, hydroelectric de
velopment, fisheries, etc.) along
the river or II will be shuttled Into
the Sacriiineulo system for use In
Centra! and Southern California.
The river Is capable of Irrigating
three-quarters of a million acres
ol Innd mid of producing a million
kllowatta of hydroelectric power,
and of sustaining a considerable
outdoors sports Industry. But It has
to be used. It cannot ba allowed
tri go to waste.
Mourning Dove, 1;
Screech Owl, 2: Horned Owl, 4;
Pygmv Owl. 1; Belted Kingfisher.
3: Red-shatted Flicker. 7; Hairy
Woodpecker, 1: White-headed
Woodpecker, 3; Horned Lark, 14;
California Jay. 1; Bteller'a Jay,
4G; Am. Magpie, 123; Common
Haven, 2; Ptuon Jay. 38: Clark a
Nutcracker, 4; Mountain Chtcadee,
01; Common Bushtlt, 87: While,
breasted Nuthatch, 3; Red-breaslet)
Nuthatch, 1; Pygmv Nuthatch. 1;
Am. Dipper, 1; Long-billed Marsh ,
Wren, 0;
Western Robin, J; Mountain
Bluebird. 17: Townsend'i Solliaire.
4: Loggerhead Shrike. 1: House
Sparrow, 7H; Western Meadow-
iiurk, 23; Yellow-headed Blackbird,
;Ki; Red-winged Blackbird. 124;
IBrewer'a Blackbird. 3001; House,
! Finch. 125: Spoiled Towhee. 1;
iSlate-colored Junco, 2; Oregon
Junco. 239: Fox Sparrow. 1: Song
Sparrow, 6: Alaska Longspur. t.
I Those taking part In the count
iwere: Frank McCornack. Mrs. Bert
dray, Lou Hallock. Thomas C.
i Horn, Helen M. Horn, Nancy Horn,
iwnrgcry norn, uene Krinier. Ray
Knox. Ken McLeod. Jim O'Dona-
hue, and Mrs. Frank Btrahan.
Tele fun
by Warren Goodrich
"Better wait two full minutes
for Mr. Horned Toad to an
swer he's probably practic
ing a trombone solo l" .You'll
complete more calls if you give
tho other person time to an
swer . . . Pacific Telephone.