MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 10!52 HKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE 1& fcj W - -j.-.,... - h - .... ,,r ... ' 1 k nn , .I, M Ki'hoiil Vain 'Jim elr-cllon for ImlloUiiK an tlio proposed timid In cut to rnlMi luudn for new tirade school bulldluit at Nrwoll will bo ciirrlrd out on schedule Tuesday. J'ullliiu liuum are from 8 a.m. lo B p.m. In Hie (trade school build lull, Voters are unktid to lime Hint Mlc of Iho bulldltiK run bn dimmed In event nubverslvr ciimn In lo cated In tlio old WllA inllltiiry pre u. 'till' liict him been rmi llrnied by the ttnta board of plan iiIiik, Sacramento. Illoodiiialillr Next achrdulf-d.ap-pi-arnnce In art for Juu. Ti at the Klamath fill In nrmnry. Appoint ment rihoiild b imidrt now by cnlllUK 3'M, 3B3 or Tim. Homu 300 donors are ncrdrd to acquire the necessary 'i'it pints of blood 1(1 tills (il'itn, In Germany Pie. Ardcn W. Nelson, husband of Mrn. Miiry K. Nelson, has arrived In Heidelberg Mllllnrv Tout In the U.H. Stone In Germany. Ho bun born serv ing 10 months In the Army with the OMh Antiaircraft Arllllrry Uun ltatlallon. Captain John Eplcy. son of Mr. nnd Mm. Malcolm Kplry, I.oiik Uracil, will proNrnl pins to new members of Hcubbard nnd Hludc, University of Orruun military lion nrury society, of which he In cup luln The presentation will be i ninde at the Military Hull, Jun. ID. i Kplev l h M-nlor In iieneral science i ut the University. Wrdnrsdny Club Merti ut St. Puul'n Kplscoptil Church, Wednes day, p.m.. In the I'm irh Hull. C'onirr (trout Troop There will be a, meollliK sponnored by the I'TA it Conner school Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m.. for thrue Inlerenled In or KnnlKltiR a Cub Bcoul troop. Light refreshment nd child care will be provided. Irl'llla Club Cunurexiillonnl ' Church unit will meet Tuesday ut the home of Mrs. Loyal, 111 Mitchell 81.. 8 p.m. Almn Nelson will be co-hostcna. Twyla Keruu son will lead the uroim m a study of "Steps of Peace," a Cjuiikcr view nl U.H. lorelKii policy. Any one Interested In this study, al ihouith not n member of Iho club. Is Invited to attend. Boy Htouta Tioop 42 to to meet at Uie First Presbyterian Church, tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. New Assignment MaJ. George Epperson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Epperson. 130 N. 1st 8t.. left Saturday with his wife and two children for Olendale. From Olendale. the Eppersons are to no to Omaha, where Major Epper son hn been anslitnrd to Moffutt Field's Strategic Air Command. Re-In-Cs flub Father and son dinner Tucrduy. 8:30 p.m. at Uicea Cefe. Winston Purvlne of OTI will be guest speaker. Cluest of the feenlnp. James Brown of KU118 'I ne dinner Is an annual alfnlr r-uonsored bv members of Re-In-Ca fMuli. comprised of boys from KUHH under the artvtsnrahlp of Harold Teale and William Fink. , Hack Home Mr. V. R. Wlnkel- men. 300 8. E1orado 81., relumed home from the hospital In Eugene where she had been III for some time. She was accompanied here by her lter. Mrs. Joe Breese. Ve Old Nnochle flub Meets Wednesday. 12:30 p.m.. at the home of Ada Bnrleen. 4881 Harlan Drive, lor lunch and cards. Catholic Daughters Meet to night at 8 in Bacrcd Heart Parish Hall. American Legion Auxiliary, Klamath Unit No. 8. meets In reg ular session Tuesday, 8 p.m., In the Legion Hull. Members are urged to attend. Women of the Moose Initiation will be held at the Moose Hall. Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Aid -A clans for beginners has been scheduled to start Tues ,':y at 7:30 and will be held every Tuesday thereafter. Instruction will be provided free by Ella Kedkey. Two 40-Inch trlanmilRr baudnges are to be brought by each student. Mec& your tfnifed pocket -timetable.' -V Southbound Molnllnorl Uov at.... 5:10 P.M. SAN NUNCISCO 3 hrs. IOS ANOUES . St, hn. NtMhbound Malnllnsri Uoaf... 12:35 P.M. PORTIAND . . 3 hrt. 5 hrt. toil, fiMirfom HjMi 1 la " lb, foil" 1 I UNITED AIR LINES j Airport T.rmlnol. Coll 2-25J7 or, . ' a os aulhorlitd i travtl ogtnl, I Texts will be available In the class. Klamath Falls F.stcnslon Meets Wednesday, 10 a.m., at Joan's Kitchen, Project: Lesson two, Ea ster Ironing. Hack Lunch. I'ostponril Camp Fire Olrls an nual council meeting scheduled tor Tuesday has been postponed until further notice. Choir The Luther Seminary choir will present a program to morrow at 8 p.m. In the Kluinath Lutheran Church. The choir comes from Ht. Paul, Minn., and has 38 voices. Tour The University of Oregon Klniiialli Fulls Alumni Tour has been slated lor 'lliuraday night ut U:30 In the Wlllard hotel with four top University educators sched uled to be present. Illness Mr. and Mrs. Jess Whlt latch have received word of the serious Illness of llev. W. CI. For blts, Lebanon, father of Mrs. Verne Whlllatch, Foster, Ore., and Mrs. Lynn Propsl, Guam. Both women ure former residents of Klamath Fulls. Mrs. Whltlulch Is the for mer Avu Forblts, employed here at one lime by Kcslerson Lumber Co. Hev. Forblls, a retired minis ter, HU-yeara-old submitted to am nutation of a leu at a Lebanon liospiutl Inst week. Till la the sec ond It-- ampuallon for the axed man. fione Mary Cllcnn. Klamath Counlv Home Extension aitent has none to Cleveland, O. fur a visit Willi relatives. She made the trip by air., OurliiK her absence the olllce will be In charRe of the hccretary, Sybil Williams. There Will be a meeting of the HUH "Division of Uie Klamath Cam era. Tuesday. 8 p.m.. 1028 Main St. A PSA Color Slide Circuit set will be shown. These sets are made up of slides submitted by Camera Clubs throuithout the country and are tntercstlnit as well as Informa tive. Ouests are welcome. New Lease Louis Toucher, man aiicr of the meat department at Carters' will nl.'.o operate the meal dtpartmcnl at Earl's Market, Tule Jake. Home Mrs. Larry (Marge) Why tat has returned from a buying trip lo Los Angeles. She waa ac companied by Harriet Redden, bookkeeper at Whylal'a. Rnowplow Tulelake Cllv' streets are being dug out of drifts today with n smoll tractor and b'ade loaned by the Crater Lake Ma chinery Co. PTA Meeting Allamont PTA holds Its scheduled meeting Tues day, 2:30 p.m., In the elementary school. First-graders will give a demonstration of reading. Third grade mothers will acrve refrcsh mens. 4-11 Leaders Meet Demonstra tions will be the chief tonic at to night's meeting of the 4:H Leaders Avioclatton scheduled for Joan's Kitchen at 7 30. Ester Brown. Bo nanza, will give pointers on good demonstrations, and Patsy Tofell and Margaret Rodgers will Illus trate demonstrations with one on grape Jelly. Representative from Safeway Stores will present an award to these girls who demon strated at the state fair. Other features will Include a talk on the 4-H Congress fh Chicago by John Heyden nnd announcements of the state leaders' confernce In Cor vallls later this month. Crew Rescued Off French Ship DEAL. France OP A lifeboat landed 37 crewmen from the wreck ed French ateamer Agen Monday 1 and then returned and persuaded j Uie skipper to leave the ship. ; The captain, Maurice Landreau, 42. refused to go ashore when the ! lifeboat took off the rest of the i crew, but entered the lifeboat when ' It returned. j The 4,186-ton Agen rah aground Inte Sunday night on the treacher-; ous Goodwin Sands and broke In . two. , Here's an EXCEPTIONAL OFFER to fill up your silverware chest with ... at The Owens at South Sixth Urn. I. WM wm mimuiii: Jig Snow Closes High Roads Overstate SALEM W Severs snowstorms caused closure Monday of the Pac ific Highway In Northern Califor nia, thn Old Oregon Trail between La Urunde and Union, and Uie Klamath Lakevlew Highway at Uly, Chains were required through the Columbia River Gorge, all mountain passes, and In Central Oregon the State, Highway Com mission reported. The Pucillc Highway was block ed between Yrrka, Calif., and the Oregon Slato line. Over the Blskl yous in Southern Oregon, the name route wun reported almost Im-as-nuble. Between La Grande and Union, snow united badly over the Old Oregon iran. Tne commission also reported high winds and poor visi bility. I he road report: Government Camp and Timber line Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowtng, enrry chains. 4 to B Inches new snow. Wilson River and Sunset Sum mits Snowing lightly, packed, plowing, cany chains. 4 inenc-s new snow. Warm Springs Junction Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. iroutaale Snowing lightly, bare in exposed areas, 4 Inchen new snow. Cascade Locks Snowing llghtlv packed nnow, plowing, carry chains. 7 Inches new snow. Salmon River Summit Snowing hard, well snnded. Union Creek and Slsklyous Snowing hard, highways almost impassnnic. 10 inches new snow. Tile Dalles Snowing llghtlv. sanded. Ochoco 8nowlng hard, packed anow, chains required. Bnnuam and Willamette Passes Snowing hard, packed snow, chains required. 8 Inches new snow. Oukrldge 8nowlng hard, pack ed nnow, chains required. . . Chemult Bnowlmj lightly, packed snow, carry chains. Bly Closed by snowstorms. Lakevlew Snowing hard, pack ed snow, carry chains. 8 Inches new snowj Pendleton Packed snow, sanded. Meacham Snowing lightly, packed snow, carry chains. La Grande ' Snowing hard, bare In exposed areas. Baker 8nowlng lightly, packed snow, carry chain". John Day Snowing lightly, packed snow, sanded. Austin Packed anow, carry cnainn. Try This New 1-Day The Economical Family Size 'BUDGET BUNDLE' I A BIG POUNDS QO W Waihed ond Dried! MEN'S HAND LAUNDRY 1 1th and Klamath 4-BUCKLE WERE $7.35 the GUN 714 NO COST OVERSHOES COME IN FOR VALUABLE REDEMPTION CARDSI Free . , . with everv 25c worth of laundry service! . yEni Fish Dates Tentative PORTLAND im Tentative dates for the opening of trout season in Oregon were reported here Saturday by the State Game Commission, In zone 1 (coastal waters) and zone 2 I Willamette and Hood river watersheds) the season will open April 18. The opening will be May 3 In all other .ones except Lake County which will have a May m opening, xnese end Oct. 12 In all zones. Sportsmen will have two weeks to file objections to this and other regulations. Then on Jan. 25 the . Commission will hold a final sea-1 slon and adopt the regulations. i The proposed regulations also call for changes In the salmon limit to permit the taking of two fish over 24 Inches long and four between 12 and 24 Inches from July 1 to Oct. 12. The weekly or possession limit would be four of the larger salmon or eight of the smaller, Other regulations would set aside a 33-mlle portion of the North Umpqua River In Southern Oregon for fly fishing only, and open Cas-1 caae mountuin lakes, wun a lew exceptions, lor fishing May 30 to Sept. 30. Dog Licenses Now on Sale Dog licenses for 1852 are now ob tainable at the County Clerk's of fice, at a cost of 8150 for males and spayed females, and 82.50 for unspayed females. County Clerk Charlie DeLap said he would accept license applica tions by mall If the money Is sent along with the application. Seneca and Burns High winds, packed saow, chains required. Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism How To Avoid Crippling Deformities An amazing newly enlarged 44 page book entitled 'Rheumatism" will be sent free to anyone who will write for It. It reveals why drugs and medi cines Rive only temporary relief and fall to remove the causes of the trouble: explains a specialized non-surgical, non-medical treatment which has proven successful for the past 33 years. , . You Incur no obligation In send ing for this Instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. Write to day to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 2608. Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Adv. Laundry Service! Phone 2-2531 ALL RUBBER NOW JUST $C95 STORE MAIN to you! Phone 6373 Penney's STORE HOURS 9:30-5:30 NOW IN STOCK! OUR NEW SPRING LINE OF CHOICE DRAPERY FABRICS IN THE MOST FABULOUS SELECTION OF PRINTS AND SOLIDS YOU'VE EVER SEEN I 9 . i ' PpV$: IM VAT-DYED COLORS! iSPgP DRAPERY t fabrics! 2J29 yd- I j Choose bark cloths, pebble cloth in excit- . i vVlv w' jssPIs? Patterns or yur moern or ped IV Wi. flt decor! You'll like the clear, sharp prints. ftf lhilw1 And the fabrics all have texture interest, r J W(VBu l',e newest decorating trend! Fabrics are )K JlPeir pre-shrunk; average residual shrinkage is IS ll! DowNSTAIRSP 48" PRINTED AMAZON FABRIC 249 yd. 48" FLORAL or MODERN PRINT FARBIC : 1.98 yd. 54" MODERN DESIGN UPHOLSTERY FABRIC . 1.98 yd. 36" KITCHEN DESIGN PRINT FABRIC. 1.49 yd. 48" ANTIQUE SATIN FABRIC 1.98 yd. DOWNSTAIRS wl J ffl M CHEVRON WEAVE DRAPERY FABRICS 1119: DOWNSTAIRS 48" RAYON CASEMENT CLOTH u YD. DOWNSTAIRS IfflOW PRINTS! SOLIDS! 36" WIDE! You'll find clear prints, sparkling solid shades, all in an interesting chevron tex tured design! Youll like this sturdy, easy draping fabric I Com choose now! Decorator Colon! You'll want many yards for draw drapes, vanity skirts, spreads, valances! This softly draping fabric is easy to work with, .looks so nice at your windows) Choose from many colors! n J9 U FOR SPRING! TODDLER'S PLAIN I PRINTID COTTON DRESSES 98 Lovely embossed cottons, Dan River Fabrics, broadcloth I Fresh new styles In fay prints! SECOND FLOOR SPRING SHADES! 51 Gauge - 1 J Dnir NYLONS 98 Six PAIR Jubilee! Mardi Grajf Fiesta! Gala! Wispy Sheer Gaymodes . . . Always first quality! 8!4 - 11. MAIN FLOOR ALL SIZES! WOMEN'S WASHABLE COTTON DRESSES 2" Juniors! Misses! Half Sizes! Women's! Supers! Lots of exciting styles. 9 - 52. . SECOND FLOOR VINYL PLASTIC! 54" Upholstery , PLASTIC YARDAGE i 49 Yd. New designs In rich decora tor colors I Recover your chairs now and save! DOWNSTAIRS HAVE YOUR DRAPES MADE TO ORDER In Our Own Workroom LOW PRICES! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! EXPERT WORKMANSHIP! DOWNSTAIRS HEIDENBERG NET LACE PANELS EACH TerrUlo value! : Imagine getting sheer rayon lace at Just 88c. Each panel It 42" wide, comes In egg shell. Handsome new "Geometric'' design! . ; DOWNSTAIRS 73SPECIAUCT I j! j 3 qC (b)