PAGE FOUR TTCa W f i ' ' " ? 5 ;; n4" ; ; ; : v. 4 H SALVAGE U.S. NAVY FLYING BOAT A British Royal Navy salvage craft raises the. wings of a U.S. Navy PBM twin-engined flying boat which crashed after taking off on a' test flight at Hong Kong. Four crewmen were killed, four rescued. The plane was a courier from Manila and developed engine trouble. Repairs were made and tests were being undertaken when the crash occurred. Note wings were torn from fusilage. .... v;y V r a a FIRST WHITE HOUSE MEETING President Truman and ston Churchill pose in the president's White House office as four formal conferences. WEATHERED IN It's no wonder these camels appear i bit forlorn tn the snow at Chicago's Brsokfield Zoo, for it's a tar cry from their usual habitat of sun and sand. . Blinded Pilot Talked To Safe Landing TJ.S. JTPTH AIR FORCE HEAD QUARTERS, Korea (Pi A B-28 bomber pilot temporarily blinded by an exploding anti-aircraft shell was "talked in" to a safe landing by his navigator, the Fifth Air Force said Monday. tt. John Grubbs, Brooksville. JT., was making a routine stral ing run on a Communist ware house when the shell hit the plane's canopy. The pilot was stunned and blind ed as blood streamed down his face. . "I've been hit," ha yelled Into the plane's Intercommunication system. "I can't see. It's all yours, "i Lt. Vincent Alessi of Roxbury, Mass., couldn't take over the con trols because in a B-26 no one but the pUot can reach them. So he began giving Grubbs quiet instruc tions for heading the plane back toward the bate. Tot more than an hour the pilot responded to the words of Alessi coming over the Intercom. rrjown a. little. . . A little to tht left . Slower" and finally "We're on the ground Johnny, put More POPULARITY. . . . SUCCESS . . . HAPPINESS wirh o sensibly priced 75 Main Street .. By Crewman on the brakes' Grubbs inadvertently set the emergency brake and the bomber blew two tires as it jolted to a sudden stop. "I have to taxi this plane down to the ramp," Grubbs muttered. But Alessi replied quietly: "Do not bother, Johnny." Air Force doctors said Grubbs' eyes were not damaged. He was blinded by blood streaming from a head wound. RETIRES BEND (Pi Claude L. McCauley, veteran Deschutes County Sheriff, will retire at the end of this year. By then he will have been Sheriff for 24 years. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Listed. Inactive. Unlisted and Over.the-Ceanter bonds and Sleeks. Investment Funds Ml Med-Oen Rlifc. Phn-a 2-S12I! KLAMATH FALLS ...get more out of life kl ITH ONLY Headband ind bent con due I ton 4 le 1 1 aralltbl it modtratfl xtrft calf. HERALD British Prime iMinister Win they begin the first of their On, Urn JfaaStofc; BIRTHS MANTERO Born at Klamath Valley Hospital, Jan. 13. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mentero. Modoc Point, Ore., a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 13 ounces. SHARP Born at Klamath Vallev HospiUl Jan. 12. 1952. to Mr. and Mrc. Elmer Sharp. Dorrls. Calif., a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 6 ounces. ECCLES Born at Klamath Valley Hospital, Jan. 12, 1952, lo Mr and Mrs. Ivan Ecclea. 2133 White St.. a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces. CRAPO Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. 12, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crapo. route 1. box 597. Klamath Falls Ore. a girl. Weight: 8 pounds &"a' ounces. A colony of 7,500 .American fla mingoes has been reported living on the Island of Great Inagua In the Bahamas. fOs mwifinn to 101 not HE 0, cLomaTM taLLS . outsort IHIIIi 1 7 in I AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Legal Notice KOTICIE Or BOND 9M.B Scaltd prupoult will ba rvreutd by the Common Council ol th City of Klamath rail. Ortiron. for Hit pur rhvrt of aawr improvement boniit. Srlea Pal. autTvfa.tiii, four Thoutand Five Hundred Twanty-two and 3J-I00 Dollars, U4..vj3 3,l duly autliorntd b ordtnant of th tald City of Klamath falU, for tht construction and Uylnit of ttir l!ni In Hver Unit No. 30, of ald City and riving Iht property bttwren South Sixth Strut, th O.O.At K. Railroad Right of Vy, Shall Way and Washburn Strtts. PropOMla to pure has iald bondi will bo wctived by H undrlHncd up to and Including tha 4th. day of February, 1951, at th liour of vcn-thtrty o clock p.m. of iald day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun. ell Immediately thereafter; tld bonds ahall be dated February I. IMi, and hill be tn amount of $W0 00 each, except bond No. I. of aid terlei. which shall b for the fractional part of said sum. and all shall be due ten j ears after the date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the dale thereof. Satd bonds will bear Interest at the rale of not to exceed six per cent per annum. payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. rf each year, principal and Interest pavablr at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. All proposal must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council re.erves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for satd bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of Wlnfree, McCultoch, Shuler A Say re, Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. This notice ts authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamatn Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. IBM. ROBERT M. ELDER. Police Judge of tne City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D-31-J-1-1-3-4-3 - T - 8 - 9 . 10 - II . 12 - It - 1.1 -111 . IT IS - 19 - 21 - 33 - S3 24 - 3S - 2 - 28 - M - 30 - 31 r.i r no. m. NOTICE INVITING BIDS The uirfersignetl Oolice Judge of the tuy oi iviamam raus, urrson wiu i-1 ceive sealed bids up to 7:30 P.M. Jan. Plans and specification may be ob. ; tained from the city engineer. j The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Robert M. Eltier Police Judge I J-12-U-15 No. 949 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 am the dulv annointMt. auallflrd and acting executor of the estate of JAMES n. UHiaULJj, aeceasea. ah persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with vouchers attached, in the manner provided by law. to me at mv office at 206 Pine Tree Building. Klamath FaWs, Oregon, within six months of the date of the flrt publication of this notice. Sicned EDWIN E. D1SCOLL, Executor of the Estate of JAMES H. DRISCOLL, Deceased. D-17.24-31 J-7-U No. 819 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLSMEST Notice ll hereby given tnst the under, ilfned administratrix of the estate of Je.-cmlah Cornelius Murphy. a:ru known at Jerry C. Murphy, deceased, has riled tn the Circuit Court ot V't State of Oregon for Klamath County the final account of her ftdr-tnUlrat.ou of said estate and the Court has ap pointed the 6th. day of February. at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day as the time etu the Courtroom of said Court, tn the Court House for Klamath County, o-e-gon. as the place for hearing and set tlement of said a "counts. Done Jan. 7. 1S33. Nellie T. Murphy Admnltratrix of the estate el Jerry C. Murphy, deeeaed, Henry E. Perkins, Attorney for said estate. 731 Main St.. Klamath Falls. Oregon. F-4 No. 841 CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In ih Matter of the AdODtion of ALBERT GUY LAyERN CHURCH, minor In Guy P. Church: You r hereby notified that Theo dore Max Gratzer and Ruth iiratzei1, of Klamatn Fa'U, Oregon, have filed a petition In the above entitled Court, seerctnr the adoption of Albert Guy Lavern Church, and for the chance of name of iald child. Albert Guv Lavern Church, to the name of Lavern Albert Gratzer. and that by virtue of an order made and entered in tne above entitled Court by the Honorable David R. Vandenberff on December 26th. 1951. citation is published In the Here Id and News, and that the firit aublica- tlon thereof is December 31st. ll&l, and , that ine last publication thereof i I January 21st, 1852, and you are notified I to appear and show cause. If any there be. on or before February 4th. 1652. at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. why the petl. tion of the petitioners should not be granted, and for want of such appear ance the Court wiTl make such orders as sha'l be just and meet concerning the ..doptton of said minor child, and you are hereby directed to show cause. If any you have, why satd adoption should not be made as oravea for in the petition of the petitioners. IN TESTIMONY WHEPEOr. Witness mv hand and teal of the above en titled Court this 26th day cf December. 1931. CHAS. F. DeLAP. Clerk. By JANE WEVER , Deputy. D-31 J-7.14.21 No. 827 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Tn the Matter of the Eatate of DOLLIE BLANCHE NALE, Deceaied. Notice la hereby given' that the underilfned hua been appointed Exeru tor of the Estate of Dollte Blanche Nale. Defeated, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for Klamath County. Oregon. All pemoni having clalmi a gain at Mid estate are hereby required to present the same, properly verified, to me at the office of U. S. Balentlne. attorney at taw, 211 I.O.O.F. Bldg.. Klamath Falls. Oregon. within six months from the date of the first pub lication hereof. This notice la served by publication In the Herald ec News, the first of paid publications on the 14th day of Januarv. 1AA2. and the last of said publirot'ons on the 4th day of Febru ary, lyoit. 'si Chan. E. Nate Executor of the Estate of Dollie Blanch Nalt, Deceased. J-14-21-28 F-4 No. 8.12 Finland became guarantor of the independence of the Aland Is lands In the Gulf of Bothnia in 1951. "If you-'ra looking for a buyer for your house why not call Boiu Dale, Rtolror." Mm iff A Carrier Plane Use "Great" WASHINGTON UP Unllod SUtca Nfivy Mrcrnft run tnko oft from carrier any pine In the world, drop mi atomic I'umb 710 mlle nvay and return. Vic Admiral John II. CnsMuly Mild Monday. The deputy chief of Naval op erations for air miulr the KUitemenl m a copyrluhted interview in U.S. News i World Report, a weekly ncwit maftaainc. Cassady said the Navy has 13 big carriers. 10 operating- while two undemo repairs. Three are kept In Korean waters, he said, and "If the world situation worsens we very definitely should build up Na val air power." Navy planes, with heavy Jet fltthtor escort, can deliver an atom ic bomb or a 10.000-pound bomb load up to "110 miles out and 710 miles back," Cassady said, add ing: "If you take a map of Europe and subscribe 110-mile circles from possible carrier operating areas, you can draw your own conclusions as to Naval-air capabilities." Morse Claims Vill Tell By MARVIN L. ARKOWS.MITII WASHINOTON Mt Sen. Morse iR.-Ore.) satd Monday he believes Oen. Eisenhower's basic views on political Issues will be well known in advance ot the Republican pres idential nominatlns convention In July. "I think Elsenhower won't be operating in a vacuum between now and the convention," Morae told a reporter. "Ho will be mak ing statements In broad terms on atialrs generally, and I assume he will ust language which will indi cate his point of view." aiorse. wno is backing Elsen hower for the OOP nomination. declared supporters of rival Re publican presidential candidates were "talking nonsense" In any assertions that the general can't make his position clear on the Is sues while still In uniform as com mander of the North Atlantic de fense forces. "If the convention were held next week." Morse said. "I believe Ei senhower would walk away with the nomination." Fir Sawmills Set Record PORTLAND I Pacific North west fir sawmill broke all pro duction records In the past year. Hie West Caast Lumbermen's Association reported 8unday that December production wis up to average, and this was enouuh to boost ;he output to a record U, 198.459.000 board feet. It was more than a hn If -billion board feet greater than the pre vious record of 1950. The year's output was 120 per cent of the av erage In the past five years. Year-end figures, however, re flected some market softening. Or ders for the year totaled 10,404. 155.000 feet, down from 1950s rec ord of Nevertheless the orders ran more than a half billion board feet higher than In 1949. Alumni Meet Set Thursday Four top Oregon educators nil from the University of Oregon will provide brief "refresher courses" for Klamath parents, alumni and friends of the univer sity Thursday nltrtit In a meeting at the Wlllard hotel. Held alone the lines of an old fnshldned "chautauqua," the oro irram will feature talk by Dean Theodore Kralt. University Music school; Dr. James H. Ollbert, emeritus professor of economical Or. Edwin G. EbblKhauscn, associ ate professor of physics and Track Coach Bill Bowerman. Alumni Director Lester Ander son is In charge of the program. John Houston, Klamath Insur ance man. Is In charge of arrange ments. He emphasized the "com munity nature" in the meeting. In e8ch case the educators will speak on topics of general Interest in their field for the listening lay men. Dean Kratt will give a popular lecture Illustrated on the piano; The nation's economic problems will be discussed by Dr. Ollbert: physics for the laymen will be dis cussed by Dr. Ebbighausen, well known for his simple explanation of complex physical facts; Coach Bill Bowerman will bring the audi ence up to date on the Oregon Lawyer Asks How George N. Taylor "What must I do to inherit eter nal life?" So asked the lawyer of Jesus. In turn, Jesus asked him what the law said. The lawyer ans weredLove Ood with your whole heart, soul, strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself. 8o live and eternal life Is yours Luke 10:27. But only Christ ever so lived. Only He ever earned e t e rnal life. At the end. He died for you and proved His love a 1 1 over again. Zulu Convert Stands The mission M.D. drove Into the So. African moun tains to bring out an injured native. On the way, the 2 i M.D. learned of one of the con. Geo, N. Taylor verts who was standing elone among the heathen all about. Now turn to America. Have you received Christ Into your heart as your own Lord and Saviour? Then know that in America also, GoJ gives power to live to his glory among the old crowd but to grow, you must feed the new Inner man on the Bible. A Portland lumberman and wife use this space to point to the Ever lasting Arms, LZJ 1 ED DITTRICH (above) re cently received his 20-year service pin from the Union Oil Company. DUtrich, his wife and young son, came to Klamath Falls in 1047. Dittrieh is Union Oil's dis trict sales manager. Bird Feeding Plan Grows Klamath County has undergone a full winter already, and Klamath sportsmen and game conservation ists are still calling for help In their program to feed and shelter as many birds as possible here. A fund campaign hrs drawn about (40. Blrdfeed Committee Chairman Virgil Davis reported. That's enough to buy about a ton of feed, he said, but mere la a lot more needed. Some feeding la being done right here Inside the city limit. Davis said. About 50 pheasant and quail are being fed under the program along nivcrside Ave., and another 5b pheasant are being provided feed in the Mills Addition area. Davis aald anyone wishing to work with the program bv feeding may call In to the Sportsmen's Association or Uaak Walton League. If their areas are not al ready Included In a set-up feed ing district, their help will be gladly accepted. There has been some trouble, he said, because some persona want to feed In their own places In areas where habitual fenilngs have already been established. Food will be supplied persona of fering help. DavU of.'ered a word of apnrecl atlon to those persona already as sUtlng and who have donated mon ey and feed to tht project. Judge Fee To Sit On Smyth Trial SAN FRANCISCO I Federal Judge James Alger Fee of Port land will preside at the conspiracy iriai ox jamea o. smyin. former Internal revenue collector of North ern California. Smyth and two ot his former aides. Paul V. Doyle, and John J. Boland. and Lloyd J. Cosgrove. a San FrancUco attorney, are ac cused of conspiring to defraud the government by. back-dating Income tax returns. Six San Francisco federal Judges disqualified themselves aa Judgea of the case. WED RYE. N. H. 1 Two State Representatives nn a nmn... and the other a Republican are now husband and wife. Nfrs. Paulln Miller, 47. a Fitz wllllams Republican, and William Mavnard. 10 Nithn. ru,.nM,. were married at the Bethany Con- Kichttti-iuiiai unurcn Sunday. alhletlc picture. , The lecture tour here Is not Just v,.p,n nuijvi,cis, nuusion said the general public Is Invited FYOCK'S OFFER ANOTHER FINE RANGE SPECIAL! 4V. J as) fit trt952 Model DDU "Divided" top. beven heat speeds. Deep well cooking unit can ue raised to serve as, surface unit. King sized oven with broiler. ( 2i9" Tzystj Roittebla Unit optlanal at outre cost. "Colorh-ol" twitches give precise control of all surface units. Now "Hoity huH" Unit heats faster than any cooking fuel. Ixclutlv Sttf-ssMlIng, Salf-e)duirlr Oven Door keeps more heat inside. Ovoa Thermo stat wtth Automatic Ovsn Pro-hoot. m nmmm hums GIVEN ! At No Extra Cost! A genuine COSCO KITCHEN STEP-STOOL (17.95 value) with the purchase of each Crosley Range Model DDL1. FYOCK'S Spud Battle Still Rages As Congressmen Rush To Aid Of Angry Constituents Itr JOHN KAMI'N A I' Niclnl Washington Hcrvlre WAHII1NUTON 1.11 Tlio gov ernment will clump it lid on iioiuto price Saturday unions farmers, dealers and legislators persuade the price slablllior to chungo his mind. There la no Indlcatlun that lliey will. The would-be mlndclmiigers have been busy since Jan. ft, when Michael DISnlle, Ofllie of Price Stabilisation chief, announced ceil ings on prices paid to potato grow ers would become ellectlvo Jan. Ill, to bo followed by retail controls. Some of the loudoal cries come buck from Idaho farmers, who will lake the biggest financial rollback. The protest, are relayed to OIS through Idaho senators and rep resentatives, who tried unsuccess fully to change DlSallc'a mind dur ing several days of conferences before the order wus announced. The meetings, arranged by Hen, Dworshak ilt.-hlahoi, attracted Irate congressmen from several western states which produce America's popular vegetable. Alter they failed to block the or der, the congressmen, prodded by farmers and dealers, brim press ing a campaign to gel the order rescinded or modified. Ren. Bmliio iK,-Iiluno ciauns he order already h lalled to keen the price ol potatoes down, teicnei. uuKiatui . ilrnounred -vie-as I was supposed to do. To tiiel"i rumor. beln circulated contrary, he declare., relall potato h""" ''". . prices in Washington nave . creased suice the celling was an. nnunced. Dworshak savs Dial potlllons sent lo OPS by Idaho farmers aritue correctly Uial erroneous" Infor mation was used In arriving at Uie unliilr, discriminatory ana con flscatory" celling lor Idaho run- o'i':!d,,,th.(,h!!e':f o? X r 4 Die Over Weekend By The Associated Tre. Weekend accidents In Oregon claimed the Uvea of four. One was killed In an automobile mishap, one drowned, one burned lo tlculh and one died In an eartn cave-in. Mrs. Emma Qiieahpnma, about 55. was killed outright Saturday hen a car driven by ner son. Wilbur, 32, crashed Into a narked pickup truck near Prlnevllle. Diana Btraub. 5. was fatally burned In a house fire at Spray in Whetler County Sunday. ne was alone In a house when fire broke out apparently from a near by oil stove. Melvln James. 23, Horlon, Ore., drowned Sunday when his car plunged off a highway Into Swamp Creek 35 miles west of Eugene. George Randolph Hontlllu, 43. died Saturday in a sewer ditch cave-In In Portland. The sides of ihe ditch collapsed as he was level ling lis bottom. cool cooking Bkctcic fonfe ' Como In and wo the sfoionf of oreof features en off fO stunning Croilov Ranges for 1952 au iomino mom aosiw 1001 Main Ph. 2-2518 I H if lair I afaaTaaw Oil I MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1052 ancn tn cniupohstitta for the low yield and suliimriiml quality of t1( ll'Ol ldnho mm, Without llio 4u rent "dlMiHtnr ' allowance, (he Idaho celling would lie m.65 lower than tiioso listed for many olhur status, "Tills shows," nwornlmk aavs, "Ihul the records of the U.S. I)r piirtmeut of Agriculture, on which partly Is basrd, are Inaccurate. They would give alates with In ferior polaliiea an imlitlr sdvunluKe over Idaho's russets. Calif. GOP Backs Warren SAN FKANC1HCO I The Call forula ItiMiiilillcan Assembly draft ed HOI' plnt:irm rccnmmendalloiis and endorsed tJov. Karl Warren fur President at n week-end meet, lug. The volunteer party organisation urged support for a primary elec lion shitn of Kepuhllcnn conven tion delegates I'leilgcd to Wrr.-n. The convention also endorsed Ite publli an Hen. Wlllluui F. Knowlsittt ,U I V-.-Il l HUH, the home slutn backing for Wnir. m F. ff" raine Miorlly after William health hnve spread arross the conn. try since Ills recent llliirs.. On Nov. ill. his aiinciullx wes removed nloiig with aoiuo adhesions (near tissue). He went (lurk hunting a week alter coming home from Uie hos- I'"" Without referring dlrertlv to the is' M,X":: "tin kepi iren of personal Inver Itlve, auuiie and undermining ads I which might or could Injured the Republican party," Woodworkers Eye Pay Up PORTLAND i.fl CIO Wood workers will ak employers for a substantial wuvn ItlcroaMi when contract negotiation reopen. That was decided here Hundav at the Union's regional negotiating conierence. The amount of the Increase to be asked will be determined when the matter, along with other new contract recommendations. Is re ferred lo the union's 110,000 mem bers. Other recommendations Include three additional paid holidays, re vision ol payment methods for health and welfare plans, revision of vacation schedules and other benellts. Contracts covering Workers .orkers bn ii Oregoli. nlana arid the northwest region Washington, Idaho. Monla Northern Calllornla will expire April 1. 1 1 m COME IN! .or rmw WW ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 JAN. 19! a, Li 4W r MA