, PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, JANUARY 14, lor,) EFJI U6 Ke PST Monday Evening, Jan. 14 t:00 Gabriel Heatter UBS :1S Quia Show a JO Around Town Newt :U Sim Hejea, Ntwi MB 3 l:U BUI Henry MBS. , ., ..; . , W) Peter Silent MBS 1:30 Brlfbt Star 00 Let (Marie Do II MBS 6:30 Hollywood Playhouie MBS 1:4.1 Dick Hiinwi Show i:00 Glenn Herd; Kewe MBS . 9:18 Fulton Lewie Newt MBS M Crime rijht.re MBS 8.53 S-Minute rintl MBS 10:00 I Lni A Myatery MBS ' . 10:15 Country Muile 10:30 Crowell'i Neat MBS 11:00 Night Owli Newa ,11:05 Nlfhl Owla Club 12:00 SUn OH -; KFJI 11S( Ke, PST Tuesday, Jan. 15 : SiOO Mutlcal Reveille -. 6:45 Farm re-rt ' 53 Local Newt 7:00 llem.ni,,, Newt MBS ' ' T13 Breakfatt Cent MBS ,' 7:30 Headllnea and Bylines . - T:43 Bett BUM :00 Cecil Brown MBS 1:15 Breakfast Oeng MBS - 1:30 Htven of Rett MBS . t 9:00 Homemahera Harmony , . 9:13 Pletler Party 9:43 Faiulllar Fevorltei " 10:00 Glenn Hardy. Kewt MBS " I 10:13 TeUo Tent 10:30 La Polntea 10:43 Concert ' 3 mi He'eiv Jce-re 10:35 Ken Carton MES 11:00 Ladlet Fair MBS 11:23 Newe MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Kama Bandt 12:15 Newe Headline! 12:30 Your Dance Tunee ' 11:43 Market and Livestock 11:35 Kent Iron Jack Klrkwood UBS 1:30 -Tune Teat 1:35 Newe 3:00 Local Newt 2:03 Net Newe MBS 2:13 Tea Time Tips 2:43 Answer Man MBS - 3:00 Rleky'a Request - - ' 4:00 Fulton Lewis Newt MBS - 4:13 Hemingway Newt MBS 4-30 Speed Glbton MBS 4:43 Sam Ha jet MBS . 5:no Sergeant Proton MBS 3:30 Sky King MBS 3:35 Cecil Brown MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:13 Klamath Theater Quia . 6:30 Around Town 6:45 Sam Hayes Newt MBS 6:55 BUI Henry MBS , 7:00 Black Mueeum MBS ' 7:30 Peter Salem, MBS . 8:00 Count of Monte Crlato MBS -' 8:30 Roving at Rudy't 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonalret : ' 9:00 Glenn Hirdy Newt MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewli Newt MBS . , . 9:30 Official Detective MBS 9:55 5-Minute Final MBS loan I Love A Myttery MBS 11:15 Here a It Vela 1030 Opera Concert, MBS - 110 Night Owlt Edition . J. 11:05 Night Owli Club 12:00 Sign Oii KFLW-145 Kc.-rST Monday Evening, Jan. 14 :00 Sporti Hlghllghti . 6:15 Home Town Newt ' 6:25 World Newt Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attrac. on ABC 7.-00 The Lone Ranger ABC -. 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC . 7:45 Prevew Of Tomorrow 6:00 Could Trill Be You 8:30 -How Can We Better Build To morrow t citizeni? ft:3A Pia-irt Playhouse. ABC lot 10 P.M Headllnea 10:15 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 S:gn Off KFLU-14S0 Ke. PST - Tuesday, Jan. IS . - '6:00 Sign On Newt Summary .; 6:05 Corn In the Morn , 6:45 Farm Fare Mo Newe. Bkftt tdltlon ' - : i ' -. ft :15 Charlie'a Roundup -7:30 Bob Garred. Newt ABC 7:40 Top of- the Morning MOV M T:M John Contt ADC 8W Breakfatt Club ABC i 9:00 Hank llrnry Show 9:M Brrnfc the Bank ABC 10:00 Chtt Hunllry ABC 10:1 Lont Journey ABC 10::W My True Story ABC 10:, VI Eg win. Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Aiamit the Storm ABC NiUailca K.uncaup 1:3 Market Report ' I3:C0 Noon Edition Newt 12:1.1 l-yle Sl-dewaU Show n.'O 1 wKy It Ranch ABC 1.-00 Paul Harvey ABC - 1:13 Eetter Livmr 1 :C0 Standard School Bdcjt. 2:00 Basin Briefs 9:15 Accent on Melody 2 30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:5 Horn. Evelyn Wlnlera ABC. 3:01 When a ftlrl Marrlea ABC 3:13 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Perfect Mu band ABC 4:00 Mary Marlin ABC 4:13 Reejueitfully Yourt .:; i ' , Cori..t. Sivce Cadet AEC 5:23 Will Roger ABC RrM Chel Huntley ABC 3.43 It'i Movie Time 60 Sports Hlghllihti 6:13 Home Town Newt 6:23 World N.i Summary C:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attraction on ABC - 7:00 Greateit Story ABC 7:30 t erf time Stores 6:00 Met Auditions of Atr ABC 8:30 United or Not ABC 9:00 Town Meeting, ABC 9:45 Paul Carson at the Orsaa. 10 00 10 P.M. Headline 10:13 Dream Harbor ABC 1C:30 Insomnia Club . 11:00 News Summary ll:CS Sign Off Pieces Fall From Plane TACOMA Wl Three large piec es of metal (ell from the sky near here Sunday shortly after an air plane nad taaen on irom weenord Air Force base. One chunk landed in a child's sandbox in the yard of one home, and others narrowly missed resi dences, witnesses said. Earl F. Witt, a witness, said the metal aonarentlv flew off the front of the plane. The pieces struck the earth over a half mile path three- quarters of a mile, north, of the base.' The witnesses aid the frasrments were from a B-36 bomber but Mc Chord officials declined comment on the report. KM J j I . PiT If tlaaa,Aaaaaja oi.iS .1l. . hi L CM 6 fSM tlBVJ MODEL AlUs Chalmers tractors are shown above as they arrived consigned to West-Hitchcock Corp. here. The new praetors are powered with ,2-cyclo General Motors diesels. Though the new design, heelinj, trcommoi fault with crawlers, i eliminated. Two of the new models are to ba delivered to the Hercules Powder Co. here. Crashed Plane Said Located ANCHORAGE. Alaska (Jfl A General. Airways transport plane reported ' missing Saturday on a flight from PorUand. Ore., to An chorage, crashed on Mt. Crillon the Falrweather mountain ranee, the Air Force announced Sunday. Searchers said there was no siim of life around the wreckage, spot ted at- the 9,000 foot level of the towering peak. The plane's .right wing was torn off and the cockpit was. smashed. -The pUot, - Burton L. McGuire,. 20. and the co-pilot. George A. Simpson, 27, both of Portland, were the only known occuoants of the transport. They made their last report from the Cape Spencer area at 9:47 a.m.. PST, Saturday, after leaving Annette Island near Ketch-, ikan. .... f a Continuous From lAi Young People... Atking So Much of Life. ..Taking So Much of Love! r . ' : . a 3? Z, -a-- ?i. 1 V-"'- aa, M 4 , . , J ' II , i "fL . 3 III ataaaaaa I IP I John Agar Back to Work, 'Through with Kid Stuff ' n FltHKlNK JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD (NEA) John Avar, shudtlrred over his recent prison aenlrnce niul on id (tint lie nad moUiballed Ilia talent lor mak ing tin front pages. He's back on the sound stages In Republic' "Minnesota " clear eyed, thou"!itfuI and riirln' to go. ".I'm through with the Ud stuff," 111 ex-husbnnd of Shirley Tomule told me. "I've made up my mind that this la what I want. A lot of things happened to me and people thought I wnsn't ncrlotia about mv career. Now I'm a little older and a little wiser. And tills Is like a new itart. Strong-Jawed John's big hope: A movie musical that will lvo lilm a chance to sing. . "I don't have a great voice but f can carry a tune and People think X should sing." , The Judy Garland-Artie Shnw "friendship" In New York Is a re vival of their old Hollywood to- monce that began on the heels ol bona Turner a divorce from Artie Robert Tavlor. I hear, has for. given firry Italian, actress Lis oe Llo for her embarrassing front page valentine to him and will re sume the romance after his di vorce from Barbara Stanwyck. Bt:t the c rl Bob will be seeing in Parts during his three-week tu- ropean vacation Is LIU DuBols. a beauty who's high In the French social register. There's a bersistent rumor that the marriage of Gregory Peck and his Greta Is on the shakv side a"'i nciu pvihii airu Bt-V- viui jvuia VUb 111C11UCQ uiej marriage skiif. Finnkle Lalne'a throat condition' may he more norlous tluin hl doc tors thought. He's under orders W'l to speak for one whole week and must undergo further medical ex aminations. Now It's Boris Day who -will bs asking for her TV rlghla or an out from her Warner contract. Projection room raves for Wally Cassell, who's said lo leap to Im portant stardom as the hunchback prlnodght trainer In the just-coin-pleted "Decision." Carolyn Jones, Paramount' new 0' lamtm Lie. aaiaea. AMIRICAN CHINISI raaaa ffcetla kaeal fa. 4f far Otaert T fake Oat Ben B. Lt, Mar. dln'covoiy, liopn Inlo a Iniul ml, Willi Unb Hope niul Mli'key ft,,,,,,, liry( In ."'i'lio Mllitiuy i'allcAiiiHuv' Contract of Vlvlnji and Itoaelfa Dimcaii v.ilh Pnraiiiiiunl, wliu will film their ilia ainry IMillor Mm telle of "Topsy and B:va," lolblils Hm InmniiN slsler lemii limn iMipeiirin j III (ilui'ltlucp In llielr uuiuelmck tuui. The allien will hate Kva Aalhn, daimlilor of Vivian and Mis An ther, In their act. . r5liltT DOWN TElinAN, Iran l The, Irn. Ian giiveriiinniit demanded In ( note Haturdny that all nine llrli. i.i, rmuiiiintea In Iran ba rlci.r.i ... n, Klilng the I" M 1 Collet time . . .1 f I OffiHi) IMS Humphrey Bogart didn't like the story or the Idea of playing a SO-year-old Army general, so he said no to an offer to star in Ernest Hemingway's "Across tlio River and Into the Trees." , Bob Hope as Nathan Detroit, ning Crosby as Sky Musterson and Betty Hutton as Adelaide mny play a movie version of "Guys and Dolls." It's a possibility, producer Ernie Mnrtln, Jr., told me and he bases It on Hope's desire to play the gambler role. ."We haven't wanted te discuss movie sale," he said. "With the Broadway company and the na tional company set for years to come, we would have to put the release date years ahead. It would not be fair. But now the pressure to sell the movie rights Is being put on us and we may make a deal." If You DID NOT or CANNOT Finish HIGH SCHOOL Tea tea al Heme la Stale Time ant Mm a hltk areel Olfleaia rasraail NOW lei XalUte l.a a Iraaa oi a GBAui'ATra hav r.vTsarn nvt tea toLUtnn AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. Kle-l-14 1744 lreeder Oakland 12, Celil Name Addieii - City I Jete MILLION DOLLAR FIRE RAZES. RESORT HOTELS Whipped by high winds, fire sweeps through three unoccupied Atlantic -City, N.J., hotels a block of stores on the famed Epardwalk and a 300-room section '61 the big St. Charles Hotel (unper left), with a loss estimated by fire officials at "several, million dollars." The Boardwalk runs diagonally across top of .picture to the Steel Pier at estreme tipper, right. Joe The Kangaroo Makes11 Big Hit In Washington By ED CKFAGH . hnfkluMfrttaVtt CLI FT-TAYLOR -WINTERS' .GEORGE STBENSe A PLACE VV INJHE SUN (For Hal Boyle) , ; WASHINGTON tf( "I'm sorry." my wile said. "We must have a bed connection. I thought for a min ute you said you were going, to a party with a angaroo." "Not with a kangaroo. Tor a kangaroo," I said. . i "Oh," she said. "A party for a kangaroo. That makes everything perfectly clear. "Look, are you feeling all right? You're not feverish or anything? You haven't had a blow on the head?" So I explained that some movie people, who have just finished shooting a picture called "Kanga roo," had flown a couple of the beasts in from Australia. - One kangaroo- took to her bed after a few hours of Washington. but the Australian ambassador was iving a .party for the other one. "All this." mv wlfi said, "sounds a littlo giddy; even for .this town. Go ahead, though. Try to set home early. And I don't want to hear any stories about your having- to sit up with the sick kangaroo." " ' Well, the party at the embassy was more fun than a barrel of kan garoos. . This Percy Spender, the ambas sador, is a ruddy, gusty type who sets out a fine buffet. Turns out he's a great kangaroo fancier. Mrs. Spender can take kanga roos or leave them alone, but she let tills one romp through her house with never a shudder. And Joe, the kangaroo, stole the show. He's the only kangaroo I ever met socially, but If they're all like him I want one. He's greyish In color and abou the size of a small He's as cunning as an Easter bunny, and tame, too. Didn't kick a single American. . Mostly Joe was led around on a leash by a pretty Australian model named Loretta North, an 18-year old who has been chosen "Miss Kangaroo," of all' titles. She didn't have anything to do with kanga roos until she won the contest, but she learns fast. Turns out there's a lot to learn, to. "Wonderful animals!" boomed the ambassador. "Ought to see them Jump I Ten yards easily I Whole herds of them In the in terior of Australia! It's a picture, by gad, to see a whole 'herd Jump ing at once. Why, I remember one time . . ." Just then his son John, who Is 16. burst In. He made a bee-line for Joe and the kangaroo, who had never seen him be'ore. greeted him luce a icnj-iosi orotner. Talk rbout a bov and a dog you shou'il have seen John and Little Joe scamper through the embassy corridors. Joey fell on his face, finally. Be sides, he had a tough schedule ahead' of him New York this week end. then a tour of 30 or more U.S. and Canadian cities. So ; they cov ered him with a brown blanket and he took a long nap, right there on the rus. ' - "Has it occurred to you," some body said, "that with Washington women afraid to wear mink coats, on account of oil the scandals, there might be a brisk demand for coats m.de irom kangaroo iurv I could have sworn that, under his blanket, Joe the kangaroo' trem bled from head to foot. UI Is upplng Tony Curtis' weekly 1 paycheck to the $300 mark Just I achieved by Piper Laurie . . . Cnthv Lewts will get equal co-star billing with Marie Wilson In the ! TV version of "My Friend Irma." j which hits the channels In Janu- ary. A clause In Cothv'a CB8 con-1 tract protects her billing In the new medium. - Driver Sticks - To Stuck Truck LOS ANGELES W Cant. Kurt Carisen of the Flying Enterprise has a counterpart. In a small way, in Mike Mechlkoff. Mechlkoff stayed by hlsv "ship" in distress and, with more luck than Carisen, eventually brought it to safety. Mechlkoff'a "ship" Is a truck. He drove It down to the Los Angeles River early. Sunday. Something went wrong and truck wound up In the channel bed. Mechlkoff refused all offers to pull the truck ashore. When dawn came he put In a fresh battery and drove uo a concrete ramp to safely. The north magnetic Dole of the earth la that region where the magnetlo force la downward. Vets Mail Bag The year 1031 was a bi dlvl- denu y-'&r for Worm Yar xl vet erans living in the Pacific North west, according to the Veterans Aonnn,stration. The VA reports that during the past twelve months It palo out over seventeen million collars In divicicnus to holders of National Service Life Insurance who live In Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Mon tana and Alaska. ... Tne payment, the second special dividend to be distributed by the VA on active N.S.L.I. policies, covers me inree-year period from 1048 to 1851. The first dividend payment covered the period from the Issuance of the Insurance to line.. Distribution of the second divi dend began the first of last vcar the VA said, and Is. now. about two-tiurds completed,-. Approxi mately 150,000 Northwest veterans are eligible for . the dividend pay ment. Dividend' payments by' states were estimated by the VA as fol lows: . . , ' Washington. 17.870.000: Orccrnn $9,371,000; Montana, $2,070,000; Idaho, $1,732,000; Alaska, $173,000. QUESTION OF THE WfcEK Q. I. got a O. I. home loan three years ago, when the top VA guar antee was $4,000. I understand that a law passed since then has raised the maximum guarantee to $7,600, and that I'm entitled to an other O.I. home loan guarantee for $3,500 the difference between the old and new guarantees. May I use. this new O.I. loan to build an addition to my house? A. No. Under the law, your new O.I. home loan may be used only to purchase or build another house, and not to Improve your present one. ' Zlpov wordage from Corlnnd rial vet on Fox'a "What Price Glory" set; "X aim my performahnces for e men. I think I understand men. Woman who can fcegure tern out?" i Big Savings On Hardy's JANUARY CLEARANCE " SLACKS REDUCED! Reg. 9.95 7.88 2 pr. for 15.00 Reg. 14.95 12.88 2 pr. for 25.00 Reg. 16.95 & 17.95 .. 14.88 2 pr. for 29.00 Reg. 19.95 & 22.50 .. 16.88 2 pr. for 33.00 820 Main HARDY'S Phone 6778 Hans Norland 627 Pine St. Fire Insurance. I COMPLETE ' I I RADIATOR " 1 SERVICE k' CLEANING FLUSHING ; REPAIRING SALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Eiplanadt Ph. 3121 6HfGCf... FINE TRAINS Fail Streamliner lervice daily belween Ilia Pacific Cootl end Chicano. Real travel en joyment in ipaciout Pullman accommoda tion! or slesp-eaiy Coach teal with modern leg-reil. Smoolli riding on a roadbed built for comfort, FINE SERVICE The kind of penonal lervice you like , , . Ihouahlful and courleoui ... by trained attendant! in club, lounge and dining can. Union Pacific wonli you to f,e at horn from Ihe moment you Hep aboard until you arrive at your detlinolion . . . reiled and refreshed. FINE FOODS Your choice of wonderful meals prepared from the finest of western-grown foods by skilled chefs. Special menus for the lillla ones. "Meals that appeal" are a Union Pacific tradition. DAILY ttn dally service between Ihe Pacific Coast and Chjcago oris the SAN FRANCISCO OVERIAND . . . IOS ANGELES IIMITED ... end COID COAST. for liltrolurt, Information end reservolons JI7 forum lldi., Sacrementa 14, Calif, rnena Klamath rolls 4301 "CITY OF SAN fRANCISCO" (F.if.if fr.. b,tw,n So. frnduo-Chfugo) 'CITY OF LOS ANGEUS" (Ho f,,t fr., ilfwtM ,,, 4,t.CW(,j9. "CITY OF PORTLAND" UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD