SATUHDAY. JANUARY 12, 11152 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Prices On Way Down Today CHICAGO Ml ariilii prlnw mink quietly on llio biiunl nl triuin Hui UNluy nlli'r ml Inlllul burnt of Mlrriilftli In whi'iil noun prlprcd out, Loim-h worn mil Imnc nnywliorr, bui llu iniirkrl showed a iliiitlncl lurk (if riillvlim power. , MHIk bnUHlil whriit Hie oitriiliw, tcilri'lhiK luiKr Hour Hiiicn liv mithuTNti'rii mlllii uvnrnlKlil. Once , llil.i urniiin'l will Milblipd wlloul deiilliiKH ilrlrd up. llowovor, Dm brt'iul crrcnl turned In n1 uelter pt-rtoi iniiiu-tt limn corn, which wuh unilrr IiihHiIiik piuviuro through out tlic dny. Wlii-nf flimt'il n lower In ! Iiluh lower, Mnrcli 1 00 out low er In ' hlnlier. Murch Ul 'rt. rve ' lower lo I cent liluer. Muy U .13 'i. miyliiMiim h'-' "t lower, Jitiiuury SXOl-MOO J(, mid llird 3 tenia lower to b rents hundred pouiulH lilwher, JmiUHry . SH.&7. win: at Mr 2.M i a Ml t 1M 3.M 's Mny a.'itf XM a 56 H.& July 2.4.9 3 'i 2 47 "i 3.4" eept. ', a so . 2.44 ! J.4 Oil Stock Stages Slio.ig Advenes NEW VOHK i-n - U'li iwiic me tlisy nwiiy from inc. rent ol the ck iiirrwi Biuuinity wun ii imuf iiflvniice mm put inein all' nd by Irncllniw to uruund i point. Ai the Kiiuie time thp volume ol builncMi cxpimded mpidly, helped bv n ii.milirr ol lurue blocks, to ii rMiimited lUU.Uut) nliiirns. 'Hint in the lumeM Hiilurilnv toliil nines Oct. 21 when l.Mn.OOO nhnrrii Crmimeu hands In the mld:il ol u invert! mnrkel hrei k. Oili were in-live and lilKlier rhilil f l urn the Ilritt. iiltlioiiKh the Kiimi W-ro mode il when column i-d with tin- wide upsweep niitde Knduy. .-, 'Hie rcmmmler of Die inurkiil old well to ntielch plus Muni pu-.t H point MPhih imirkn wiro seutlcicd (lid iclullvely Miinll. Quotations , ; New York Stock l!y The AMaelnlrd I1 Admiriil i.'orponillon Allied Cliemicnl tills Ch-ilmerri Americi'.n Airlines American Tower fc I.luhl Anierlcim Tel. fc Tel. Ainericrn Tolwcco .. Anticondii Copper AU'hlson Ri'ilrond 1 , Bethlehem 'Hleel lioelni' Alrplnne Co. Born Warner BurrowK Addlnu Mitchlne California Parking Cniiadinn Piirlfle Cepternillnr Trc.einr ('elnne.e Corporation Chrysler Corporation '. Cit ei Hervlre Consolidated F.ldMin Caimolld-'ted Vulicc Crown Zellerlmch Curllfs Wrl'iht J)oui:liin Alrernft - tluPont de Nemuirn Ilnnlmun Kadnk ''i, 3 :memnn Rndlo liencritl Klectrlo j Slrnrriil I-'oodr, '.''cnrr.ll Moloin , .-: irarsln I'm: I'lywood t'podvenr Tire llomentnke Mlnlnn Co, lnterniitlonnl Hnrvesler , Jniernntlonnl Fiiper -.tnhn.i Mnnvllle ; Kennecott Copper I.lbby, McNeill 1 Lockheed Alrernft ; il.ocw'n Incorporated ; Lonir Bell A MonlKOinery Wiird Jnsh Krlvlnnlor New York Centnil i Norlhern Pncllic I Hnclllc Amerlciin FWi 5 Pacific Or it Uleclric J Pncllic Tel. h Tel. ? Packard Motor Car i Prnnv (J. C.) Co. 1 renii.iylvnnln R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. f Phllco Hicllo Radio Corporation .; Rayonlcr Incoro 3 Rayonlrr Iucorp Pld :i Rrpublln Sleel i Rrvnolris Melnls . Rlchlleld Oil ' Safrway Stores Inc. V Scolt Paper Co. ? Sears Rnebuc fc Co. " Socnny-Vnciiiim Oil Southern Pncllic hliilKliird Oil Ciillf Klnndiird Oil N. J, fitudrbaker Corp, s Siinshlrc Mlnlnn Kwlll Si Compnnv Tranaanirrlra Corp. Twentieth Centurv Fox Union Oil Compuny Union Pacllln United Airlines United A I rem t Untied Corpornllon United States Plywood United filntes Steel Warner Pictures Wratern Union Tel Wcstlnghouso Air Brake Chicago Livestock CHICAGO W IloKs aold within a (IU.7A lo $18.30 mime Hiiliirdiiy ut tha end of a weak which miw iTcnlpM sour lo the point lor any vwnk allien February, 1044, For the week, hog prices dropped M to 60 cents. In addition to the mmin of the lurue pnckliiK plnnls made buyers somewhat wary of overblddlnii. Cattle receipts were Inrncr than In any week of llliil. As a result, prices declined IhroUKhoul with the exception of choice, and price ycurllhK and Unlit steers weigh IhK up to 1, 160 poundi, which were hli'imii to 26 cents hliiher. I'rlcei broke all alona thn Hue In the sheep section this week. Re ceipts were heavy and price rnsl nern cropped up in Hie dressed trade. Potato Shipments CHICAGO Ifi lUSnAl-Pota-loes: arrivals 80, on track 278; total U.S. shipments 711; market iibiiul steady on Russets, allnhtly weaker on others; Colorado Rus ssls . 76-6. 10; Idaho Runsel 5.76 linker 7.oo. , nss 0.00, Utllltlei $4.35; Oreiion Russets linkers $7.00. reus A 75 ' 61 ' 10 21 166 ' 114 61 77 60 47 111 28 311 40 60 6U ion 33 ' 18 63 0 68 811 48 14 5!) 43 61 2' 44 34 36 47 08 i'i 811 ai 8 . 23 18 4 18 10 '1. 83 19 35 ' 110 ii 4 , C8 !j in ' 10 27 ; 24 ', HII i 34 i, 41 U 60 68 , 32 51 S 68 38 i 62 62 77 '.j 33 1 4 10 34 21 10 ' 39 inn i 32 1, 33 b S3 1; 39 4 14 U 44 "4 28 Weather Western Oregon Mostly cloudy Willi occasional showers and par tlul clenrlng Saturday and Hntiir uuy nlaln: IncrensiiiR cloudiness Sunday with rain or snow by eve 111113; Utile temperature cubiikc. Illllhi both days 34 to 44; low But (irony nlrtllt 28 to 3U. Eiaslerly winds 10-20 miles an hour oil the (1,1.31 Siiturriny, becomlnu variable Saturday iiIkIH and southerly to southeasterly 10-20 miles an hour Sunday. r.'iisiern Orcon Consid erable cloudiness Kulurday through hunilny; wcnslunal snow llui'ile.i niuimtain ureas. Illfh Siiturday .10 lo 38; cooler Saturday nlihl Willi lows of 10 to 20 excepi about 5 liiKhrr valleys; hluh Sunday 20 lo 30. Northern California Ruin Satur day Showers Siiturday nlKhl mid Sunday. (II111I111M1111K latu buiulny and followed by rain In north por tion, snow showers In the hhls and mountains. Colder . Saturday nr.) Snturduy nlKht. Southwesterly lo northwesterly winds of 15 10 30 miles an hour off Die coast. Oram Pass and Vicinity cloudy with a few showers or snow Hur ries UirouKh Sunday inornuiK. Unlit rain suirlliiK Sunday altar noon, llliili Saturday 38. Low Siit urday nlKhl 30. HlKh Sunuuy 40. Optometrist Ordered To Drop License The license of Dr. Alva T. Cus ter, Klamath Falls optometrist, has been ordered revoked by the Orriion Stale Hoard, of Examiners In Optometry, and he. him appealed the order to Circuit Court. The appeal was filed Friday. The order icvoklmr the optometrist's certificate and license to practice was Lnsued Doc. 28 alter a hearlnK In Portland September 12, 1051. Grounds fur the revocation re ported ill tho state board's order chariicd that Dr. Custer allowed his license to be used by the Stan dard Optical Comnany for finan cial Kidn. Ihnl Standard Ontical was a "capper and atcerer' lo se cure patient fur Dr. Custer, and thai "Improbable, ml'-leadlnz and deceiving advertising" copy was allowed to be published. Dr. Cusler Mild In Ills appeal that the flndlnna and conclusions of the stale board were pot sun norlcd by any evidence submitted to th boprd. Ihnl he was he'nn deprived of hl livelihood on claims unsupported by facts and with. ot'f Hu- process of l-w. Dr. Custer's office Is at 715 Moln. It K according to the stale board' reociilln order, leased from Standard Optical, and none of the equipment or ontorretrlcel Instruments belongs to Dr. Custer. Pehorts of antes, th" order ron I'nues, are sent to Standard Op tlcrl of 8:11 L-'-e. and -M Tre "crlntlon are filled bv Standard Optical, with supnllec fnrnl.'hed hv a firm kii'i'vn as Allied Suonly, which he the s-me sto"Vhoiders ap't dheeiors a B'andnrd Ontlrnl. f1e orde- Hli'-ulaled b-' D". Custer rould make aopllcatlon In ix ino"th"- l" hove his ic""p re lntcied. If the eu'-s of the re vrrpilnn were pie-cpd up. He ' rcp'esentert bv the Port land luw flr--i p' Penderi'-r'-s. Honrkmrn and 3iiHlvant, ard 'he pftllll" r"(t I- Hecc'i ega'Met P". rharles H. Dc'lev. D'. P"ni r. Crnm red P". 'i'isj'1 "'. nh-'-e'v "embers of the Ore"cn rtete Bonrd of Examiner In Ontometry. Senate Investigators Say Delay Of Scandal Probe Doesn't Mean Long Lay-off Road Closed By Oldster INDEX. Wash. Ml Schools closed early for the week-cud here because a strong-willed elderly man blocked an access roadway, claiming It was over his property. A "No Trespassing" sign posted by Henry C. Schneider, a man In his late '70s, prevented any school being held Friday. Schneider bought the land over which the roadway lies six year ago and live In a shack on ii. Snohomish County Deputy Sher Ifl Ed Walker came to this Western Cascades community Friday but cot nowhere arguing with the old man. A tree had been felled across the road and Schneider threatened anyone who touched It. The deputy returned to Everett for a warrant and some help and then po.itncned returning here late rrldav. The county plans court ac tion to act a legal right for public use of the roadway. WASHINGTON W Senate In vestigator said Saturday their de cision to delay a probe Into con Chamber Has Sellout For Big Dinner Two week auo, the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce di rectors were worried for fear something Important wouldn't oc cur. Toduy, the director are even -i,, f P,ain ns.mi,.,.! i, i more worricu oecause wnai mey doc not mean they are trying lo !"r'f nha"Ly1,"ld"LLaJ,p,en "duck anything" na nRPPened with a vengence! Chairman Hocy (D.-N.C.) of the!, Fretting of the Chamber chief Senate invest.gatlons ubcommlttee!,twf rwc2:; S? h"?,, ILm'S (,11)1,mi,ft,i uvi,it. c ,it!ineir lear the county wouldnt in war surplus uhlps would be the S8."6" the importance of the if,--! ioiri h 1,7. Senior-Junior Chambers' annual ( 1 24 hour ending at 4:30 a.m. Mr .11 In I'recip I linker 34 23 .01 I'.end 34 6 .01 j I Kugtne 43 31 .12 ' I I.a Oiiinde 30 38 T '.j Medlord 38 21 .06 I North Bend 42 32 .31 Ontario 37 31 .02 '1 I'cndleion 42 2 .28 "i Portland 38 33 .25 Itonebuig 42 30 'i Snlem 44 30 .29 . i;o:se 40 34 'i Chicago . 35 25 :1 Denver 01 32 'ii Kureka 48 34 .51 ' Lo Angeles 67 48 .04 "s New York 37 30 '.! lied Blull 49 39 .80 "s Braille 40 33 .17 Spokane 31 26 .24 Doctor Held On Polio Rape Case SEATTLv I Dr. Roy B. Pat Ion. 20, former hospital Intern, pleaded Innocent bv reason of men ial Irresponsibility Friday to charges of raping a woman polio patient In a hospital ward. Dr. Pavton, formerly of Colum bus, Ohio, was committed to a state hospital Inst week for 60 day observation to determine If he Is a sexual psychopath. Hlu victim, a 22-year-nld house wife and mother of two children, charged that he administered a rednilve and then attacked her. Little Nancy Kruger, duughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Kruger ts re covering nicely Irom a dog bite : which conllned her to the hospital for aeverr.l days with special I nurses In attendance. Her leg had : to be put In a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Dor Hanklna and son have returned from several months in New York with her rela tives and Irlcnds. Mrs. Wesley Dearborn and Cath erine and Mary l.civilt all of Lon gcll Valley vlnlted In Bononza with her mother. Mis, Ruby Brown on ; New Year a Eve. I Mnyor and Mrs. Carroll Wcathcr- by and Carol Lou nave returned lo Bonanza after soendlng the holi day with their relatives In Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Stewart have returned from visiting her aunt and uncle In Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roblson have relumed from the holidays with relative In Snn Francisco. ,!udv Ralph of the Waves was up from her base at Treasure Island lo spend the holiday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ralph and family. Betty Jones has returned to her college at ORden, Utah after spend ing the holiday with her parents the Casev Jones. Mrs. Philip Oden Is In Klamath Fall with relatives. She has been 111 with pneumonia and a broken arm. Mr. and Mr. Oden celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Dec. 2(1. All their children were home for the occasion and the first time In 11 years that they had all been tonethcr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rice Sr. and Mary visited at Malln on Sunday wlih Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rice Jr. Rev. Remington To Visit Hawaii Friends of the Rt. Rev. William Proctor Remington and Mr. Rem ington, frequent visitor here will be Interested In learning they will leave soon to fly to Honolulu to be guests of the Rt. Rev. Harry Kennedy, Bishop of Hawaii. first case taken up by hi group this session. He said the subcommittee mem bers voted unanimously to "hold In abeyance" case Involving Rep. Boykin (D.-Ala.i; Mrs. Flo Brat ten, secretary to Vice President Barkley; and Charles E. Shaver, a lormcr benate employe. Reds Said Plotting To Keep Trade Mission In Tokyo Despite Protest Joint dinner meeting Jan. 15. The Chamber directors belabored the Herald and News and radio stations KFJI and KFLW with Dlca.i for aid. "Tell the people this It the mosti'he!r Purposes even without full important meeting In Chamber I diplomatic relations. The Russians hiatory." they said. "Help us get "' J""'". "ow oiuy as mem By WILLIAM JORDEN TOKYO W The Soviet Union Is planning to keep a trade mis sion in Tokyo a part of a plan to woo Japan away from the West, These sources, Japanese and for eign, say the Russian already have laid the groundwork for the mission. The Russians want their repre sentatives in Japan even though they refuse to accept the Japan ese Peace Treaty drafted by the Western powers. A trade mission would serve j bers of the Allied Council for Ja- noey oam ui-. wa aone oecauseid r b , -M f ,h h,nourt .. pan. a powerless advisory group n'5 XXuZ?, i fbeVS d'wecfhketo11 have ; "?1'he supreme commander fo? onr; "it is hardly p. oper to have j th!L,?laCe P'-1 e "1'ed ",1 parallel Investigations of the same 71,14 morning, this reporter salli lacts " ": , nonSi realizing the importance it .... . , ,. the Chamber's aims, agreed to ti 'If we are not satisfied that the ,h hin . Justice Department Investigations j xnis morning this reporter ca'lld ' pan- There is where the trade mis- " iiiiukii mmnpr npnr n innri .... II. Ihon " ha tniri 1 ., , - yvnai Advised that some persons have ; meeting Indicated the decision rejected a; write another story about; the Allied Powers. When the peace treaty is ratmed the Allied Coun cil will go out of business. The Soviets would then lose their only reason for remaining In Ja- "What's new about the dinner rt preparation ror me cnange- . " .... 7 over, thp Russian hnv 1 nnea someming to 1 , .... . , .v ' . ' I said. ;. . "",''" rriiirunn oi rnuinni or,n, ,.iin..,.. --.. -iJ... ....J.J In the past month or so. thev to investigate the conduct of Con- j the chamber chieftain on the phone, i g'nSpfin ' Tnk' t?'.'!18?? nrt . We've 100 soldiers are believed to have g regional officials, Hocy told a i "I'll tell you whals new renorLer: a .mhu cam nil tr.rr.n ink., m.w- "We realized that construction ' are going to have to try and get eUrn,sn shif Smolni Th2? might be placed on It. We dis-,an additional 25 dinner places set 11 .JJ,,, s?i5 j!"ir cussed It thoroughly. But It Is notion the banquet hall's mezzanine. ","io T2I nShiS rl,l. correct." I "And you want something to "P-.Ti? J,r?ably WlU make In one of the cases, the sub- write another story about! Well, ,;?., In-S mV. . 1- f- committee had set out to explore! shut it off and help us figure out Lyn"?Imend "d.l CS ft ,h.' propriety ol Boyk.n's reported in-'how to handle this crowd." said Sef5 Z old kusslan tmbit tercessions with the Reconstruo : the exasperated man. i?,.168 01 me om Kuss'an emoas- llnn HiinQltr.0 Cnmnalinn In KaV,nir Thp unniial riinnpl mPPllntf al J of borrowers. jthe Willard Hotel, Tuesday, 6:30 At issue in the other Is the pro-1 P-m-. is to feature talks by two The occasion Is the BOih annl- nrl,,v of inu,rr-(n hv KhJvr i Diominent Northwest business men vercary Of the Episcopal Cathedral. ;nnrt Mr. hlnin Hillman Lupddemann a p n e r I to obtain RFC loans. Hoey said I manager of Pope and Talbot and for th rnip nl Rhnvpr in ihp poti.,!. i Dresident nf the Northwest ties, which both have acknowl- berman's Association; and Edgar edged, is under Justice Depart-! Smith, president of the Portland iiniiiuur ui Luiiuiierce. An added feature is to be the annual Junior Chamber of Com merce award to the county's out standing young citizen of 1951. Bishop Remington headed thr Diocese of Eastern Oregon many years while makln? their home In Pendleton. 81nce his re. tirement thpv have lived at Rancho!n,ent 'scrutiny, but that he knows 01 no justice Department investi gation of Mr3. Bratten. Santa Fe. California FORT ROCK By DON McGF.E For FO".KH'r -'f:"CP Tuesday evening Fred Painter of Bend walked into town from about ! mllnn mil nn lha HAn The big talk of Fort Rock the', m j r,.n,., d...u past week seems to be the weather. , erford went out , hel hlm We sure have been gett ng nlent- new Iuel um on hlg "u'Tl 711 V, V'en"Cfl "n " 'Penama the mi wi h the first three day being 18 out , J8 weather as tney below, but now we are getting some got stuck and had ,ots o lrmWl more anow. We have about 10 j m0rnlng they walked in to At one time, the Soviet delega tion was made up roughly of two military men to one civilian. Now the ratio has been reversed two civilians for each soldier. Foreign diplomats say the hand ful of persons the Russian have brought to Japan recently have been mainly economists. Name of the person to be honored is to be kept secret until the mo ment of the award. Valsetz Claims Scoring Record VALSETZ, Ore. (fl) Thi high school of this Polk County com munity I the latest to claim tho state high school basketball soor ing record. On Jan. 19, 1951, It team de-'-itp'l Woodburn Training School 110-25. ,ie record was brought to light after Tlgard defeated Newberg 31 last Tuesday. That looked likl record. Then Oregon City came up wits two 1945 scores. They defeated Canby 99-23 aril 98-20. That too looked like a record until Valsetl recalled Its high scoring game. BIRTHS MeCAlXISTER Born at Klamath Ho oltal. Jan. 12. 193a. to Mr. and Mri. Orvlll McCalllster, 1310 Rad - a uoy. Weight: ( pounds S ouncei. OVZRTURF Born at Klamath Val-- p tlial, Jan. II. Isa. to Mr. and Mrs. James Overturf 3020 Darrow St., u ..j. . ticigiu: v pounds S ouneafl. TO' -w f Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Jan. It, 1052, to Mr. and Mrs. --- Cnlpman. 1126 Grant St., a bey Weight: 7 pounds 7 ouncea. PROBATE MATTERS W ALLAN Jessie L. Reed named ad ministratrix in estate of Nettie Watlan valued at SflOOO. Heirs: Jessie L. Reed: Bernice Clark; Kenneth WaUan: John Wallan; Verna Wenner; Clarence Wla ner: Carlene Wisner; Barbara WaUaa and Susan Wallan. COZAD Wilson S. Wiler named ad ministrator In estate of Gary B. Coud estimated at SSS0O real and penonal property. Heirs: Vera Pope: Mary ' Cozad: Josephine Mcintosh; Sara D. Fair; Lulu M. Chandler and Charlesr H. Cozad. Inches now and more coming down. From what I can find out, this Is about the most snow has had for several years. the Godon ranch where they were out, mis is jed and got warrned up while wait- rOrt HOCK ntr frt- I-Thnrltp Rtlnlpv l hpln them out. Louie ..orden of Oilchrist came over Friday, Dec. 28 to spend a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGee. He went back Jan. 2 Joe and Barbara Webber were home for the holidays with their and their children. Second Lieut, and Mrs. Bob Evans and family were here dur ing the holidays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Orval Devaul and other friends Hp had been coiner to heavv arillierv school In Texas and ' folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Webber, Is now Bofnai to be at Hnnford. I Wednesday Mr. C. C. HoIUngs- Mrs. Jack Weimcr and John . head of Bend brought word out to spent Christmas vacation at Grants Pass with Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hartley left Jan. 2 for Portland for a vacation and will bring her mpther, Mrs. Johnson, home with them for a vim. The annual Fireman's Ball Riven at the Bonanza gym on New Year's Eve was a big success in every way. The dance hall was decorated with colored streamers with all sizes, colors and shapes of balloons. Nolsemakers were given to every one and the New Year was given a noisy reception. The door prize, a fine fishing cole was won by Mrs. Jack McCartle. The melody mak ers furnished the music and J362 was cleared for the fund. Men in charge were John Brown, Roy War- field, Reg Thomas. Royi Ferniund, Elva Maxwell and Bob Hartley. The Bonanza Women's Club are giving a benefit Card and Canasta party at the library in Bonanza on Jan. 15 at 7:30 p.m. for the benefit of the Bonanza firemen. Everyone is Invited to attend. Shorty Gustafson that his mother was quite ill and Shorty has now left for California to oe wnn ner. Fridav Howard aii' DonaH .V Gee were business visitors in Klam ath Falls. While there Roberta and David left for Florida where Ro berta will visit with her mother for a month. Sure wish I was down in that warm country with them or had some of that Florida weather here. Jimmy McGee left Friday to go back to Camp Stoneman to return to school. M-Sgt. and Mrs. Robert McGee are the proud parents of twin boys who arrived Friday January 4. The named the little fellows Pat and Mike. Last I heard the mother and The River and Flood Forecast ing Service of the U.S. Weather Bureau is conducted through 86 river district offices and four riv er forecasting centers. It issues flood warnings for all principal U.S. rivers and tributaries. CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Mark and Garth Waters of Montague like Medo-Land Cottage Cheese. This imposed photo was taken by Mrs. Waters in the family kitchen right after the twins had gotten well into the cottage cheese. The Waters are prominent Montague dairy operators, whose milk comes to Medo-Land in Klamath Falls. Pd. Adv. Potato Shipments J.-tmmry 11 . .. Month to time ... Seanon lo date . 10.T0-.H 1S.1I -S3 : i IIS A2 jsia a?ai 11ISTHICT COCKT I.ronnnl M. Qimm, no operalor I If. ctmr. Fine Floyd A. Mendcnhall, overload. For feit :U bnll. John C. Lamon, no vehicle llrenice. Klne 3. MI'MCII'AI, COI'RT ThmniM Kllcdse, disorderly conduct. Pine M or )2'j dnyi, Klnrence Thompon, drunk. Fine I9 or 1t dnv. A. B. firisrrn. vaarancy. Fin flOO and .10 da.VH mipentlcd. Dor Alrxnndcr. vnRrnncy. Tpt I00 and ;10 dnvo MUkipcndod, John Kinnlev, vrfftnncy. f Ine . f 100 and :i0 dna auHpendcd. Funeral .IDItNSON ' Funrral nervifM for Ralph J. C. .loluiMon. AX who rilfd In Las Vb. Nv . Jn. 8. win take place Irom the rhnpcl nf Word Klnmnl.. . Funeral Home, 0::n lush St.. Monday, U a.m.. nrv. Dnvld nnrnelt -Ir. and offlcera of Klomnlh FnUn Lodue No. 1247. BPO KM. offlrlnlfn. Commitment wrvlre and ' vault entombment In Klnmatlt i tcmor.l Pni l:. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE l.lftirtl, Inirllvr, Unllflied and Uvfrthe-(:nuntrr hnndn tni ntnrht, Invfnlmcnt Fnndi 101 MtMl-rirn ft hit, rhn-e I-34S KLAMATH FALLS BASIN AUTO SERVICE OPE INI 2933 So. 6th "The Newest Thing On The Miracle Mile" MONDAY, JANUARY 14TH FOR REAL DRIVING PLEASURE THE YEAR AROUND Phone 4659 PUT YOUR CAR IN OUR HANDS HAROLD BURT Whether you are starting out on a trip or just driving around in city traffic, your car should be at its top performance peak at all times to give you real poace of mind . . . real comfort . . real satisfaction in knowing that you can depend on its performance. PUT YOUR CAR IN THE HANDS OF EXPERTS! fs. ISSr v Specializes in tune-up work, carburetion and ignition troubles on all makes of cars. Graduate of the Carter Carburetion School of St. Louis Missouri. With Kauffman Buick-Cadillac Co. of Spokane for 15 years, and with H. E. Haugcr for past 6 months. JIM HOLLOW AY Specializes on Dnyaflow and all ether automatic transmis sions. Years of experience mokes it easy for Jim to spot and cure mechanical troubles on any car. With H. E. Hauger for past five years. It Vill Pay You To See Us First ! IH 2933 South Sixth Street AUTO SERVICE BE SAFE! Guard against accidents due to fautly front-end alignment. We use the latest portable equipment available. ft ACCURATE --6 JCjy ills irn DfVtVlr, 1 WRECKED? Let our ex ""'Y') pert body and fender, l r IIIMIVi -i man iron our ini I' flnffiN JH man K; wrinklpt! Wo invite in. VV0rkJ V surance bids. TAKE-OFF with confid ence! Quick, accurate diagnosis given on car buretion and ignition troubles. If your car is hard to start . . . gets poor mileage . . . SEE US! A M0T0TUJfE-UP ALL WORK AND MATERIALS FULLY GUARANTEED FREE Pickup and Delivery fo) A(? SERVICE Phone 4659