Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 12, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS for 1952, Aloha Chapter 61, OES, at the Masonic Temple January 5, was a colorful
and impressive ceremony. Front row, from the left, Edna Jones, Associate Conductress; Claris Williams, Associate Pat
ron; nnoaa narnaen, Associate Matron; ietna Murpny, wortny Matron; timer Bramlett, Worthy Patron; Rena Oldham,
Conductress. Second row, from left, Georgia Dehlinger, Adah; Clara Sherman, Treasurer; Pearl Gisvold, Electa; Thel-
ma nnKerton, Marina; Leona aeiDy, secretary; Kuth Holcomb, Marshal. Back row, from the left, Ruth Renie, Organ
ist; Helen Crapo, Ruth; Dorothy Bramlett, Esther; Martha Powell, Chaplain; Edith Williams, Warder; and Robert Dehl
inger, Sentinel Phntn hv finrlpri.-in
A 1 rv
... . I! :- "t '
PA1T I11?!!!' BETTY HUNTR' and newly installed Worthy Matron, Letha Murphy,
at the Aloha Chapter 61, OES, installation January 5, at the Masonic Temple. Guderian
Aloha Chapter
V Installation
V Standing- room only was to be
.had Saturday evenlnsr Jan. 5 In the
Masonic Temple when a large
party of members and friends wit
nessed the program and installa
tion of the 1952 officers of Aloha
Chapter 61 OES, Those installed
Were: Letha Murphy, Worthy Ma
tron; Elmer Bramlett, Worthy Pa
tron; Rhoda Harnden, Assoc. Ma
tron; Claris Williams, Assoc. Pa
tron; Leona Selby, Secretary,
Clara Sherman, Treasurer; Rena
Oldham, Conductress; Edna Jones,
Assoc. Con. j Martha Powell, Chap
lain; Ruth Holcomb, Marshall;
Ruth; Renie, Organist; Georgia
Dehlinger, Adah; Helen Crapo,
Ruth; Dorothy Bramlett, Esther;
Thelma Pinkerton, Martha; Pearl
Oisvold, Electa: Edith Williams,
Warder and Robert Dehlinger, Sen
tinel. The officers all wore blue,
-except the Star Points who wore
colors appropriate to their offices.
Installing officers were: Helen
Listoe, Matron; L. A. Murphy, Pa
tron; Dorothea Wortley, Chaplain;
Clair Alice Epperson, Marshal;
Alma Cnfpr nrcrnnict' inrl ilma
Getz Honorary Marshal and Bea-.
'w icuisuu nuuurary urganisi.
Friendship Girls appointed to
serve the chapter for the year
were: Leona Angel, Leader: Myr
tle Ackerman, Nellie Angstead,
Beulah Balsiger, Mary Barkdoll,
Marion Barker, Mildred Dimbat,
Ida EriKflll. ITliznholh Prow Tuil.
Heilbronner, Eleanor Hoagland,
Jane Howell. Ailsa Kuvkenrisill.
Letha Landis Mnrlo Mptlef nnai
McKibbpn. fiPrtrilHP KTalp rimonn
Peak, Xiona Schoonover. ' Manzaret
Sheridan, Thelma Short, Gretchen
Thompson, Dorothy Tyrell, Arzella
Voight and Maude Wright.
The lodge hall was decorated
with palm trees and flowers and
Hawaiian fiffiirpa in fhp enit-lf i
Aloha, while the lower banquet hall
Wan A nppnp nf wintaf nA
-- - n....... CT11U UUHIUUI
winter sporus with evergreen trees
anu uitiiiuiui snow wnn special
lighting. The officers all wore leis
of baby orchids and Camella rnr.
Those in charge of the program
and arrangements were: Charlotte
OsbOrn. Recentimv T.vnna Martin
and Alpha Phelps, Guest book:
Sallle Wood, Viola Dickson, Lena
Denis and Helen Spiker, Pouring;
and Joe Kennedy, Flag Escort;
and Amelia Hanks and Ella Mc
Millan, Bible escorts.
During the program, a piano
number, "Evening Song" by Schu
mann VAC nlnVpH hv VlnleA (T.
Intyre and Violin solo "Romanza
flnoaiuza- ny tsarasate was played
by Wayne Angel.
Rptinno- Wnrthv Matn nnit..
Hunter and retiring Worthy Patron
iva uianam were congratulated
upon having served a very success
ful vear and wern nrppntpH with
gifts from the chapter and from
the outgoing onlcers.
After the program and Installa
tion rerpmnnv a rpppnlinn
held in thp lnwpr hall nt th
Temple with refreshments under
the chairmanship of Charlotte Os-born.
Don t buy a new mattress! I
Carlson's, .40MP
Quality . 32.50
$ovt.wlfh Carlson'r
?40SSo. 6rh Phone 4510
South American
Trip Discussed
Mia. Ocurgo H. Merryiimn, ' 1U1
Pile. lir Toi'i'tno. lias loiuiMod from
it Eomh Animicmi lour, wliidi wus
)lunmcl to ili siniillPMt dftull iiml
.stipt'i'viKCd thi'oimliout by Commiiii
;lrr Srotl (Scoltto to pnswu
iior.sl well known trnvplrr, niul Ico-
urcr, wuo quli'kly riulmrpd hlm
lf to Ilia crow. .
Tiln Vi.i'u , lltnl It iiii, t.lMiMiit
mid coiiducttHl by sut-li nn iiulhorlly
opiiifd up new vl.siius to those tiik-
iiik Hiw painrumr uip. which are
not uvHllnblo tn the ordinary trav
Commnllflni. Mpntt'u nnrlV' Infi
Los Antji-les Oct. 1U. by Pan Aiuer
U'tllt nlitilM fnr flvp hnni nmv
loi) lliulu to Mi'Mlco Cltv. nrrlvlim
at ?:45 a.m. wIhto rrsrrviitlotw at
i lie Del Pi-.ido Hotel had been
Tllp jtlLthlOinlliiT tnti Ihrniiiil. tHp
my uuounaing wnn niuiuis oy
Diego Rivera of which ninny of
the urouu look Aim vlriv. Hi.':
masnlc "God o( Water" at Die new
ly completed water works was tre
mendous and unusual but, aecord
UlUT 111 Mt'M Mi.vrviitiitt utlll lint
appealing to most of her conipun-
On Ort It tlipv Mnu- tn thp ripniit
Zone, with Kinivi: t ntiiitptiiiiin
PitV Rill .Quit-art,,, Mnmimin n,wl
meill'ltlillfl nrnviiia 111 ttin 7.finp nt
iiKiii-uiii'iy mill niBiii. tiriiaquar
ters were at the Hotel El Pnniima
and each guest's accommodations
was "a umiill hixurimiK iintne."
Tile lie.vr rluv wiis NttenL pnttrplv
Wltll thp "1i'n r ill Kiiivliil" mill
U-Illpll lllf.tliHn H..ll.,t.l Mil BilA,,liT
" I'lHUUlM VIVIIIllW, VLt,l(t
ut the ftiinotis George Washington
iiuiei ni colon.
Quito on the 14th. with the color
fill Indiiin AfnrkeL In full swlns.
They found Hie poverty here un
oenevnble, with lorty dollars a
year average lor peons. Starvation
IS tint lltlf.11111111,,11 1,1 tlliu ill, nt
320,000. Their guide had three serv
lima a manservant, cook ana
nursemaid for seventeen dollars a
Lima, whet-ft the nrp-Tnra Ruins
of Pachacanac were explored.
Twenty of the travelers left Lima
by air for Cuzco. one of the most
amaztntr nlnppu nn punh it i u
medieval city sprawling over the
ruins of old Cuzeo. ordinal capital
of the Inca Empire. Santo DomniKO
Chtirrh tnnH nn th Bit i tl..
ancient Temple of Uie Sun, which
U1H.O uuuaiea roois ana doors ol
Overlooking the city is the colos
sal fortress of Sacsahuaman be
lieved to have been built by a pre
lnca race. It vies in mvstery with
the nvramid ni irmnt tkp
i-i,., x, , . , t nnno uum ui niaiumoin atones
Thomas H. West (Tom who was some whirh upiot. . ...
- inVi V niuuoims viu9a;uviu logeuier witnout use of any
of 1945 is now stationed at the; mortar or cement
Bentwatcr Royal Air Force Base From Cuzco they traveled bv
lue nlgn mouiiialns en
AftPf hie frra1i,ntlAn , Clrclintf thp pilu tl,rn....L .u ...n
a.awuu.ivu, 1117 JMTIVI.-U . "J "WUin II IQ Wll-
four and one-half years In the navy. ! "f ncss of Urabanm t0 visit ruins
wnue siationea at Moses Lake, '.iiu nccnu. The roadbed was
Wash., he married Sgt. Ethel Bll-1 the. sl"'o Commander Scoti a lath
lock, of the Women's Air Force. cr nua bu"t many years ago under
They have an apartment in Ipswich circumstances which would make
and nlnn nn hplnw iha l.AAlSUCh ail Unriprtuk mo Bu.n i
7 .
and Dltln nn hptner thnra thraa
years. He went over September 1,
and his wife followed in November.
Mall reaches them at the follow
ing address: Sgt. Thomas H. West
AF 1940 2490 Hq. and H.q. Sq.,
181st Ftr. Intcp. Wg., APO No. 755,
Care of Postmaster, New York
Tom was employed by the South
- "i.ii nuuiu mase
such an undertaking seem Impos
sible of. achplvpmi.ni m,. ......
common -switchback" snK-p. ih.
present traffic problem.
More amazing country was trav
eled tn fPflPh T n tra M-l
i. . : iiii-ih; wnicn
, .lei at an "'titude of laoo
lmn oy lake steamer to Bo
vl0 and La Paz, lu beautiful cap-
im was employed oy the South- next, no iresn vegetables,
Pacific Fruit Express before : irult?- ",uk products or water were
nftpr vnin Intn thp nn., 1T I touched bv thp iFrnnn uhllH 1.
and after going into Uie navy. He
enlisted the second time last Janu
ary. He nlfin was nt nnp ttmp a
Herald and News carrier.
mis parents are former Klamath
Falls residents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter West, now llvincr at 3S46 Shut.
ter Ave., Oakland. Calif.
Mervyn Shucks
MERRILL Mr. ond Mfi vi..
Vyn Shuck entertained at ' nrp.
holiday party for a group of young-
wioi i icus. nn evening ol cards and
games was enjoyed, followed by
buffet supper.
Invited for the evening were Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Chatburn Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Costa Delis, Mr. and
Mrs Bruce Owens, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Trotman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Wynant, Mr. and Mrs. Larry So-
well, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ratliff,
and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Walker.
Open House For
Friends Home
From School
BONANZA Mrs. Guy Hitson en
tertained at her home in Bonanza
on the afternoon nf TWomW on
for a groUO of school friends mho
were home for the holidays.
A social afternoon wac anU,j
with delicious refreshments served
uy irs. riiison to Annie Lou
Romtvedt who U'fl hnmo fmm T.ti
theran College at Washington,
BettV Jones Who WU hnmp rrnm
college at Ogden, Utah, Judy
Ralph, who Is a Wave stationed at
Treasure Island and Mrs. Aaron
Andrews. -
. .... ,. . u u , UJ m i, ifr were
touched by the irronn u-hti. h-I
even using mineral water when
brushing teeth. They stayed at Su.
ere Palace, known to U. S. citizens
us sucKer s faiace.
On a side trip to Vina Del Mar
on October 28th they were unwill
ing witnesses to a tragedy on the
rugged shoreline, when they saw
a tisherman washed off the rocks
and dashed to death In one horri
ble moment.
Santiago, with a breath taking
backdrop of mountains with the
Wide nepnn in fi-nni . . ...
- na uue ui me
most impressive sights of the trip.
ph.ui.iic, me center ol all ac
tivities in the Argentine National
ram is located n a hpmnifni
mountain setting on the shores of
Lake Nahuel - Huapl. The Chilean
Lakes rptrinn hn hppn li... .u.
South American Switzerland, be
cause of Its extraordinary scenic
wonders ivhioh innii..
....... ,,,,UUi; ujwttriiiK
volcanoes (some active) magnifi
cent forests, awe Inspiring can
yons, waterfalls and many lakes of
fascinating lovllnes.
Commander Scott and his brood
are now 7500 miles away from
home, and are about to leave Ba
riloche for Buenos Alren Hiihip.-
ing. and the witnessing of an nntt.
Peron meeting. Despite the fact
th.lt all trnnRnortntlon n,n
i "..w.u,. nan HlVIJCU
In the city of 3,500,000 to stifle the
anti-Pemn demonntrntlon pno.,,,1.
antl-Peron citizens filtered through
to greatly Impress the outsider
with a repeated chant which meant
'Down with Peron" as ominous
and eerie as African drums.
cantos me "coilce port of the
world" was reached on Nov. 11 on
board the SS Uruguay.
Rln Tin .Tflnplfn luniMaM.! - I...
many travelers to' bo the world's
"most beautiful harbor" was next.
Ci! POtirUP hara thp pxntin A..
. "l ."v-.o .i nivuj, UIUYD
to the summit of Corcovado with
us worm lamous statue of Christ
the Redeemer.
",1-. . ,-wJJ
OFFICERS OF CASCADE CREST CHAPTER, OES, Clilloquin, after Instnllalion ci-it-mony
January 2. From the loft, Donna Hidi-nour. Associate Matron, Eve Cook, Worthy Ma- (
tron, and Myrtle Myers, Installing Worthy Matron. Mrs, Myers was appointed by tho
Grand Chapter of Oregon as Grand Ilepresenlative from Oregon to Illinois. Kettler
; -: Cascade Crest
CQk- Chapter 159 ,
BIG BROTHER James Robert Uerlings and his sister,
joan niary, wnose parents arc Mr. ana nirs. ucorgo ucr-
linac 1309 Pact Mnin Cuillim Tmno 1.. tii.nnti manlli,
ti" " "nil i.iiiiii. winning U111111.0 la vnvilljf lliuilllia Ulll
and Joan Mary is seven months old. Maternal grandparents
It. .1 1 1 ir a n:..t inn n . . i , . ,
aic ii. ami iu. v. i. iii.si nj, iu iu. utii, una paternal
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Uerlincs. 4690
Crosby Ave. Photo by Evergreen
Lucile Gray
Piano Pupils
XfAT.fVPInnn mmllp f Vrp
die Gray enjoyed a group JumlTO-
iM'm ncr noma oaiuraay, Janu
ary 5 from 10 a. m. until 3 p. m.
Solos, duets and trtnft wera en.
joyed and commented upon.
Hot dogs were served at noon
followed by games.
Girls received" dressed dolls as
prizes: boys received games.
Those participating were Jill and
Nlcklo Johnson, Nancy and Jimmy
Knlkow, Kdwln and Dnnnie Utastny,
Marrla and Kalhy Kenyon, Oary
lliilousek and Connie Johnson.
Guest artist was Miss Kathleen
Plans were discussed for the
coming spruig recital.
Cascade Crenl Clinptrr IM, Outer
of the Kantem Htur, held puuilo
Installation nf officers Wrdnetiduv,
Jan. J, 11)63. at tho Mi lhudlBl
Church In Clulotiuiu.
The following nlllcers were seat
ed; Worthy Miilron. Mm. Kva
Cook; Patron, Hiirnld Wing;
rntary. Mrs. L'lltel Zltntnortiuiu
Treasurer. Mrs. Ruth Mrrter: A.
ociate Patron. UwikIu Kr roller'
Amioclato Matron, .Mm. Donas
Rldenolr. Conductress, Mrs, Wanda
Prescott; Assorlnie CondiictreM,
Mrs. Knsnlle lloebttrk; Miirnltnl
Mrs. 8adyo Page; Cliiiilun, Mr.
Kllr.aletli Zeller: Warder, Mrs.
Mary Nnrvnl; Sentinel. Gene pnge;
OntanUl. Mrs. Athel Hiwrr; Adah,
Mrs. Doris Keniier; Hiith. Mrs.
Marie Hale; Martha. Mrs. Georgia
Pae. Esther. Mrs. Ann lUfe;
Electa. Mrs. Helen Wing.
Installing officers were; Worthy
Matron, Mrs. Myrlle Myern; Pa.
tron. Lawrence Myers; Marshal,
Mrs. llael Blrlger; Chupluln, Mrs.
Ethel '.lninicrmaii; urganisi, Mrs.
Atltel Roser.
llQless's for the evening were:
Mrs. Elisabeth .eller, Mrs. Helen
Wing, and Mrs. Maria Hale.
Th Automat Tulolalt
or dial 9578 Klamath Fall.
Mrs Wrrru r.i n n anlnuMl thp
sparkling cosmoiwlltan atmosphere
of Rio but did not feel that It
had the stability of Buenos Aires.
Port of Spain. Trinidad, was very
ntiiprpni pnnnirv inn pti pni,ii,t-
lng tropical Island paradise. Inter
esting natives and calypso music
ui uie uina oi its origin.
New York on the 20th of Novum.
ber. with stored memories and
pictures to enjoy forever.
Mrs. Merryman emphasized
many times as she referred to Hv-
nig tuiiuuiuii.1 nun sue nopeu
the future that there would
more "sanitation" and less "salva
tion" for the dcspcratclv undcrnrl-
vilcged natives.
An added bit of excitement was
provided the passengers on the SS
Tlpiipiiair whnn llirpp alnwa ivn u,
reported Russian spies, were taken
off the boat at sea a day or more
out from Buenos Aires. Mrs. Mer
ryman has the picture of them In
the small boat which took them
Su (Beauttjui Sttndvi
Vob can rnl lorelr nrw iplnrt plina
Irmwn I h a I on la R
psny, t'.9N. 1th, al a low monlhly
rmw, niirr m rravanania iima yon nan.
If you with, chan re tmm rent In pur
rhaaa ttrnemtnt, Th rrnt alrradr paid
and no other down payment la necea-
ry. ini moniniy piyrntnii run nr
lltlla hither than rent. Or, If you pre
fer, you can continue, ta renl.
Build your modern Crosley
Electric KHchtn as your budget
ptrtnlts- itam by Item ,
With the many great Croiley
Kitchen helpers, you can plan
exactly the kitchen you want
You have your choice of Crosley
Bais Cabinet tops in fivo at
tractive colors, Let ui help you
plan your Croiley Kitchen
with every unit arranged to
suit you beall
Start with the Items
you want most
-then add others until you be
come the proud owner of a
Crosley Complete Kitchen.
We'll arrange easy terms on
our dd-an-itom plan, ,
The overaqe kitchen, consisting of
one 66" Twin Bowl sink, two 21"
Base Cabinets, two 21" Wall Cab
inets, costs approximately $340:
pay only $34 down and $9.79 per
With deltas ef btautiful Croiley units to
choose from, you can build your superb,
modern kitchen step by step. You can have
it complete In every detall-with our
easy-peyment, add-an-ltem plant
Y f' ' 'tfTTZTVi -omplt In every detall-with our
1001 Main
Ph. 2-2518
be io-K-.t
I .Jfr xw. igW .
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