SATURDAY, JANUARY ' Imi hi i m hm J , tTT, WiuIXJLm jUjT!JM. . THE HOMECOMING OF PART of llvjir family made a happy holiday time for Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Oatcs, Cliiloquln. St:?rulin. hack row, (1 to r) Robert, U.S. Navy who has fompli'ted his hoot training at .San Diego a:ul is now enroute to Pearl Harbor, Jaunita, a daughter employed In .San Kr.-Michco and Gerald Kay, high school student at Chiloquin. Seated, ir. and Mrs. Oales and young Linda Lee. Photo by Gudcrian BETROTHAL REVEALED AT HILTON TEA A luivn tviil n:rrr v.--,-.fh w'tli liirKC rrd bows ittut trolcl hclN. hmiK over llir nmnlt'lplrre. tit the lr. Jitiiii'M M, Hilton home, c;irric the nttutrs of Jrnti Mtnliin Hilton mid Jttrk ISlUrdm In void Irllrrn on n white burki'rour.d. itiiiiuunc Ini! tlflr bfro'.hnl. 'Hi" ill.-itinrlii i hi m imminent V.11-. lilKlillKhlrd ly Iuith IikIiK-u mncUm. About 100 uiicili culled (lurliu tlic t'irrc to live Ira hour. Drcrm lier '.'3. nl the llil'on home. 4.5 HlllMcio Avrimr. to learn Ihn news ol Itirlr (luuRlilrr'N rirtni'mncnt. 1 lie? ruoi.iN were festive with Oil- tt.' k.'f " rn' ?.r ctv i)d the ten table carried cut the linlidi'V theme. Hutli Landry received the nue:.t at lite door. Mrn. Di-mi O:,t)orno mil - . ."j . Mil . . -v. .. liiK Ihe llrrt hmir, nnd Mrs. Paul I.nndry und Mrs. A. O. Koenlcke durlni? iUf Inii hour. Mi'iiv of Jcnn'K IiiendH were home irom m-hool lor tho hi.llilnyii iiiiiklnii the tea a complete itcl lorethrr." Jcan'ii flniinre In the non of Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Klltrcmi, 4-0 t,ie i.i:inn-:l are KUHS e-a-'r. sten. Jean I- a sintluulc of the Unlvemlty ot Oieuon und la u member ol Al)lia Omlciuu 1't ao ' rorlly. , ' Jack la now In active mtvIco Willi the U. H. Navy aboard liio SS OaMni- Youn. The wedding dale will be an nounced Inter. St. Barnabas Guild Meeting I.ANC1KI.L VALLEY Mrs. Faye Weinier rnictlalncd Ihe Guild ol Hi. Unrimbiia Church at the parish I, -II. in Laimoll Valley on Jan. J. 'Ilic meetins was called to order by prcrldcm Catoiyn Dearborn. ().' licer.t for the coining year were elected Mnrv Noulo be.nix tlic new pre.ildcn:, Mildred Ctuuilnu hum vice president and Dale Smel cor e;re:iry anil trenKUror. Clracc Dearborn will be In thaiRe ol the monthly card parties. Tne ii2Xi par.y will be at the pi.rLsh hull en Jan. 13, when ttslher jile will be i s h i.ste Jte.s. Mary Koble won the conlei.t prize. A aoclal time was enjoyed a;id re fisishnients were served by Mrs. Welmer to Cirare De.Tborn. El Ircdda Lindsay. Marc.iret Hui-iclt. Krnia Parlrldcc, I-enc linker, Car olyn Deal born. Edith Wa'sh, Clrr trude Oraves, Mary Noble. Malire Monroe, and Ethel Jones. The next meeting will be on Feb. 7 when Irene Baker will bo hoslef.s. SUNDAY TEA Sunday tea (ItirhiK Ibo holidays brought together a group of youir women Irlcntla of Mm. Jo-cph (Kleanor) Narclsao. San Francisco, hco to spend a low dayx with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomas 8211 Paelllc Terrace. Mrs. Narclsso a bride of la.l year Is rcmtlnlwt Jn Sun Kranclfico while her hus Ai.ind Is overseas In tlio service In Korea. Invited for the afternoon were Donna Morehouse Birch. Mary Ha vens VotiRht, Klla Tatlow Waller bury, Janle Mason Barnes, Hhlrley and Anne Mason. Mr.s. D. D. Ha vens, Barbara Osborne nnd Mary Ellen Bomcnson. Mrs Lloyd Gift Entertains LANGELL VALLEY A social afternoon was enjoyed nt the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gift on the after noon of Dec, 27. Holiday refresh ments wero served by Mrs. Gift nt the close, of a pleRsnnt afternoon to Mrs. Owen Pepplo and Mrs. Cecil Haley both ot Bonanza, Mm. Pcto Hodges of Tulelnkc, Mrs, Bill Durnctt, Mrs. Elliott House, nnd Mrs. Harry Frazlcr nil of Langcll Valley. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER - j Ph. 2-2513 633 Moin 12, 1052 1:7: ,f - y l I fc.,i.iliii'.f im JiliiiiiTi t -i MMtlnniM ini iii ii ' y iii'l ii MR. AND MRS. EARL MACK, Klamath Falls announced the engagement oi their daughter, Ann Beverley to Arnold Brandt, son of MY and Mrs. W. A. Brandt, Wellington, Kansas. The news was given at a formal tea, December 31 at the' horns of her parents in the Mt. Laki district. An April wedding date is planned. The bride elect is now studying at Oregon Slate Collcqc. Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh ENGAGEMENT ' REVEALED AT RECENT TEA Mrs. Karl Mack was hostess at 1 flirmtll tr.i llrnnil, 1! A n. ! uounoc tl'e t'lignRcincnl of a (ii.tiKh jtcr, Ann Beverley to Arnold Bnindt, son 01 Mr. nrd Mrs. W. A. Brandt Wclllniuon, Knn as. A roly-poly snowman that cen tered the Attractive tea table held a banner with the names Beverley nnd Arnold. Other appointments wore in keeping with tiie liol'dnv seai on. PoiiiIiir were Mrs. Bert Hawkins grandmother of the brldc clect nnd Mrs. Arthur L. Rice. Invited nucsts wero Mrs. Bnhert Dnvls, Mrs. Don Johnson. Mrs. unrrctt Dean Hllyard. Mrs. Huoh Slaplcton. Mrs. Robert Horlon. Mrs. Arthur L. Rice. Mrs. Bert Hawkins. Sylvia Ready. Donna Dixon, Mnry Louisa Enmnn, Mar garet Brunilage, Barbara Dickson. Carolyn Dickson. Klamath Palls. Joan Howell, Corvnllls nnd Ber nlco Born, Seattle. Birthday Dinner LANGELL VALLEY Mr. nnd Mrs. Bill Burnett entertained with a dinner at their home In Langell Valley on New Year's Eve In honor of the birthday of their datmhtrr Mnrln Kay. Quests were Marin, Monte and Richard Burnett. Mr. nnd Mis. O. C. Johnson, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Lester Lcavltt nnd Mnry Anne, g35!'VVw.'W,.V''.y.i.'l.'1i miiw YOU'RE INVITED TO OUR FIRST March of Dimes DANCE ' Saturday, Jan. 12, RED BARN In Dorris MUSIC BY OREGON HILLBILLIES Admission 1.00 Per Person, Inc. Tax Sponsored By V.F.VV. Post No. 5944 ondAux, Robert Grafes In New Vicarage The Oregon Journal, December 29 printed a story under the nnme Prances Blnkely, which will Inter est Uic flrcnds of Father Robert Grafc. recently ordained to Uie Episcopal priesthood by Rt Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell In St. Mi chael nnd All Angels church. On November 10 Robert nnd Hel en Orr.fe (Helen'Radcllffjl moved Into the vlcaraijc new to St. Bara bns church. The nddress Is 2427 SW Idnho St. This move was first In a series of events for the Grafes. Then came his ordnlnmcnt Into Uic Epis copal prlesUiood. Christmas Eve, Father Grafe cel ebrated mass for the first time In the new St. Barnabas church, 2201 SW Vermont St. Dsceniber 26, a 7-pound son was born to Robert and Helen In Wil cox Memorial hospital. His name Is Mark Thomas. He is their first child. Mrs. Grafe Is Ihe daunhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Heber Rndcllffe, now of McCloud, former Klamath Falls residents. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON y . & IN . r - v JANET LEE, one-and-one-half and Louis, live, attractive thildren of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lopez (Jerry Lee Giffin), formar local residents, now living in Tampa, Fla. They are the grandchildren of Mrs. Zeno Dent, Portland. Mrs. Dent is Mrs. Lopez' mother. -i. jf SMILING YOUNG LADS Donald (Butchie) and Ronald (Ronnie) Manning, Ronnie on the left, is three, and Butchie is four. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Don Manning and the grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manning. 6 'a ft 'J 4 i l X i' t 'it . I v 1 ii BRIGHT YOUNG MAN RODDY PROPST, six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Propst, 705 Owens St., is the great-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bamber, pioneer family of Klamath Falls. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kennerly Sr., Roseburg. Paternal Grandmother is Mrs. L. E. McGonagle, McCloud. Paternal grandfather is Mr. R. N. Propst Sr., Las Vegas, Nevada. in, Wy 1 'Qffv w MEN'S SUITS SALE PRICED! Regular $39.95 29.00 Regular $55.00 43.00 Regular $60.00 47.00 1 Group Reg. $60.00 40.00 Regular $65.00 50.00 1 Group Reg. $65.00 42.50 Regular $69.75 59.00 820 Main HARDY'S Phone 6778 x T I) T . Big Sayings On Hardy's JANUARY CLEARANCE ill - ' " ' " m BOARD MEMBERS, LADIES AUXILIARY, Reames Golf and Country Club, met at the C. B. Larkin home, 542 Pacific Terrace, Jan. 7, to elect officers. From the left, Mrs. C. C. Kelley, board member; Mrs. Greer Drew, President; Mrs. Haarby Bechen, Secretary Treasurer; Mrs. Clifford Shuck, Vice President; and Mrs. C. B. Larkin, Retiring Presi dent Photo by Kettler s, ft" SANDRA LYNN PALLIES, who was two years old on Jan. 11, is pictured with her two brothers, Bobby, thirteen, and Kenny, six. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ells worth Pallies, new residents of Klamath Falls, 736 Upham. Bonnie May, 16, another daughter, is making her home with the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Pallies of St. Cloud, Minn. The children's father is with Weyer haeuser Timber Co. KLAMATH FALLS YACHT CLUB Retiring Commodore of the Klamath Yacht Club. L. Orth Slseraore, makes one last announce ment before going out of office, to the effect that on Jan. 19, in stallation of officers will take place at Uie club formal for the wom en sailors and optional for deck hands. A big crowd of members is ex pected at this annual Yacht Club affair, so no guests, please. Good food, dancing and fun for $3.00 a couple. Make your reserva tions at the club with Mike Regan. Big Value . New Lew Cost The Traditional Concerto radio-phonograph. Espe cially appropriate for small homes, apartments. A compact console. Fully automatic three -speed changer. Pull-out drawer for easy loading. Super sensitive radio delivers full range sound. 12-inch dynamic speaker. Only , $-QQ50 Model 147M MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th Ph. 4519 IP"" sin j 1. V jk It January White Sale TVimsutta Si jl j ercale plain hem white Supercale sheet, 72 x 108, (Linen Closet Wrap), regularly J5.93 , Reg. $6.85 Plain hm shtoti 81" x 108" $5.85 Rg. $1.60 Matching pillowcases 42" x 38H" $1.30 Rtg. $1.6$ Matching pillowcase 45" x 38!i" $1.35 Bedding and Llntn-Stcond Floor Sate $1 per sheet, $12.00 per dozen on all popular sizes! Plain hem and hem stitched sheets . . . and truly marvelous values in scalloped sheets! - How can such prices foe today? Only once in tlic last 5 years (during Wamsulta's record breaking, pre-Korea, January 1950 White Sale) have Wamsutla Supcrcalcs sold at prices as low as these. Fur thermore, when June '30 brought generally rising prices, Supcrcala did nnl go up by one penny above lilt 1919 level. And it is these already amazingly moderate prices that Wtm sutta is sharply lowering for January. How is this possible? First, llie-ie cxira-loiv prices are brought about by lh nmrrchus cooperation of leading stores throughout the country. Second, cx ety cent yon fpend is . for the quality of the merchandise not for ribbons, cellophane, and boxes. Not a jol of Wamsulla quality is sacrificed. These are the same magnificent Supercale sheets which have set n all out standard for beauty and service. For Distinctive Gifts lift STORE 72T Main PAGE SEVEN AAUW Meeting AAUW wilt hold Its first meetlnf of 1952 In the Pelican Party Room, Saturday, Jan. 19, at 12:45 p.m. One of the outstanding programs of the year has been planned. Anne Henderson will play two piano solos ine jjitue wntie uoncey Dy Ihert and "Cradle Sng" by Brahms-Orainger. Mrs. Victor O'Neill will review the book VBarabbas.' This la a compelling and powerful story about the life of the third thief who was spared at the crucifixion of Christ. Mrs. Robert Smith is In chant of arrangements and Mrs. William Proctor calling chairman. Members may bring guests, and If you are not contacted by Wed nesday evening please phone Mrs. George Proctor, 2-3337 for reserva tions. ZION LUTHFRAN LADIES AID Mrs. Doris Craef was hostess to the members and friends of Zioa Lutheran Ladies Aid at a Christ mas party at the parsonage, the night of December 27. Guests enjoyed an evening of listening to Christmas music and playing quizz games. Instead ot the usual gift ex change, each guest gave a stun of money to purchase a gift for the church. ESS233BW