SATURDAY. JANUARY 12. 1 nsj HKRAI.n AND NEWS. KT.AMATH FALLS. 0KKC50N PAGE SIX vtl f f-L"fV'. VI. I A y i vu ij jf. S 1 Sl MR. AND MRS. AUGUST DRIER, (Saran Marie OKeefe) wno had just Leen married at St. Augustine's Church in Merrill. Sarah is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-Tom O'Keefe, Malin, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Drier, Stibnite, Idaho. Father John Phelan read the double ring candlelight service at 9 a.m. Jan. 5. Photo by Guderian . - . t Ellen OKeefe Becomes Bride in Late December Of Frank James Sullivan In a beautiful setting of white chrysanthemums ntnl red poinsettias at Sacred Heart Church, l)ac?mber 27, 10 a.m. Ellen O'Keefe. attractive daughter ct Mr. and Mrs. Dun O'Keefe, 335 Pacific Terrace, became tho bvide of Frank James Sullivan, Tulelake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Poe vallev. Rev. T. P. Casey officiated at the double rinc cercmonv before a large gathering of friends and relatives. The bride, m a full length gown of ivory sal in. with Chantilly lace trim around the shoulder linf e-teud'iKj to a j Christmas tiimia and the bride mm point below the waist in front, elbow lensth veil with match ing lace cap, and carrying a white prayer book cantered with a white orchid, was escorted down the white carni'tad aisle, roped and touched with white ribbon and red poinsettias to tne foot of tne altar oy ner Drotner, William, who gave her in marriage. Matron of honor was Mr. Bruce? Davis who wore a gown of Ire- Lois Arlene Sianbery William Roy Lundgren Exchange Marriage Vows FiKst Christian Church was the scene of n lovely candle light wedding Sunday afternoon, December 23. when Lois Arlene Sianbery, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Oils K. Stanbery, 2150 Kiln, became the bride of William Roy Lundgren. George 11. Alder, minister of tho First Christian Church, read the double ring servico before a large gathering of friends and relatives of tho young couple. The bridegroom is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nunlev, 509 N. 3rd St. Church decorations were In the i descent red slk satin over a net hoop skirt. She carried a bouquet of white poinsettias. Bridesmaids were Shirley Swaf- ford and Dorrls Corkrell of YnSsi mn and Patricia Murphy, whose dressc3 were identical with the ma tron of honor's except that they were green. Their bouquets were the same effective arrangements cf poinsttics. carrying out the holi dry decor. - Charles Sullivan, brother of .'ie bridegroom, was best man, and ushers were Carl Coulson Rex H:ch and Tom Waldrlp all of Tule- iaKe. Mrs. O'Keefe chose a blue bal lerina length frock of Imported lace, accented with a corsage of baby orchids. Her hat was of rose satin and she wore white kid el'iow length gloves. Mrs. Sdlllvan wore a navy blue afternoon dress with ma&hiiig ac cessories. Her corsage was the same as Mrs. O'Keeie's. Susan Vandenberg. organist, ac companied the Maarigal choir of Sacred Heart Academy, which sang selections appropriate to the oc casion. Following the wedding a reception was held at the parish hall, beautifully decorated for the Bride Honored At Luncheon One of a of nf.ajrs for recessional. uriue-c.i-ct until U Mt.e, Decem ber bride, was a luncheon at the home ot Sirs. Paul Landry. 33i Pacific Terrace. Mrs. Lsntiry end dnushtcr Ruth were nosiesns for the af.'nir. Invited guests inciu-c: : Mrs. Irvhi Whltt. Ru,h Merrill. Mary Lou Case. Kathleen O'Connor. Mrs. Chester Stonecypher and Patricia and Joan Murphy. Unable to attend because of weather and various reasons, were: bridgroom stood before a b.tck ground of uhered Ponrlerosa pine, candelabra and finrni arrauxe- mcnts of white chrysanthemums and sivered foliage. The aisle was n.mmea in white with green fo liage. Before the bridal nurlv entered Mrs. Stanley Kendall nt the organ ai-i-uinpiuurtt jerry igi, who sang "For You Alone." During the cere mony he sang "The Lord's Prayer." .mis. Kendall a'so uinved the Ira ulticnai wedding processional and Arlene, who was escorted to the altar by her father, was gowned in a !ml sweejiug lid and lailcin siul with a ilowiiur train. A scal loped lace orcrrklri dipped to the lioor in back. A lace guimne with l ny worn under the snuggly titled bodice. aKeming full gathered skirt. Her fingertip veu oi illusion net arnica irom a cap oi Inu oried lace trimmed with seed pearls. Arlene carried a white uioic, g.ven her when installed as Mrs. Bruce Davis. Mrs. Li-rry Jucen of Jo'o's Daughters, on which was placed a purple throated white orchid, from which fell a cascade of white satin ribbons caught with French Bouvardia. Picitett, Mary Lou O'Connor, Jody Bennet and Mary Ann Mills. A bridal shower lor Ellen ceP"'e trad'llon, the O'Kee.t, recent bride was g.ven wore blue s,u"' rtcr-be.'o.-e h;r 'wedding at IV home ?meth:"? ' KId br5!Le cf Mrs. Rov Pickett. 4J57 Clinton. ' a. B'ft ' tl,c brlde:.rocm. rh.- " .' ' sntn A. Vuntr nin w a hai dnne ntA uec. 13, with Mrs. Biuce uavis iZXr" j k 1 y V , T-,. as co-hostess. (she carried a handmade Irish linen Tom and 'jerrvs were served ; handkerchief borrowed from Louise , while guests embroidered dish ! one oi we orioe.ima.ns. towels lor the bnde-io-be. lln her sloe was a goodluck six-1 l.iiniWAn -ae crve,4 whtli the ' PCnCC I guest of honcr opened her gilts. Mary lou Stanbery was maid of Hon. avtisted by Nancy an I no- mvius iruesis were- Mrs. h ran- uonor lor ner sister, onacamaios urri num. cuwuu w ui.vt?. occasion. Holiday arransements c cis Manning. Mrs. Kate Gilhian. (were Louise Llnman and KaUier-jMrs. George Utterbnck, Mrs. Rny irreens ana nowers were usea.'Mrs. Lcuis f. cornsan. firs. Kose ine Minagren. sister oi uie oriae- una mm, nuu. n. velvet muffs with cascades ol red carnations and hnr.llsh holly. Little Barbura Alder, Mower girl, wore an Instep length dte aim liar to the other attrwlimls. She carried a buket lliil with roNes Horn which she sprinkled ro'e pet als In the path of tho bride. Brent Hicks was rliij bearer and carried the rlnss on a white vel vet pillow, Er:c Lundgren was best man tor his brother. Bill Caller, brother-In-law of tiie bridegroom, and Dun Don uli were ushers a'.id also ll!hl 1 the candles before ths ceremony. Tho xcung couplo and their par nu receixed their guests In tne church purler lollowina the cere mony. Mra. Stanbery cuose a blue lallle two piece dress with o:ac accessories. Mrs. i:n:cv voi'o a tuvv suit wlih inntrhtmi accessor les. Beth wore similar corsages ul bel?e Svmbldtuni orchids Reception decorations were also In the Christina theme. The cuke table was festooned with green 10 llace. green katin rlbxin.Enuhsh holly and mistletoe. The refresh merit table was entered with a Delorobia tree splmled wll,h nilnla lure fruits mid mils. The four llered wedding cake was served by Mra. On e S. stanbery aunt of the brulc. Donna tinmen, cousin of the bride asslneu. Mrs. John Qulgley. aunt of the bride groom, presided at tne conee urn and Mrs. Wlllard Dryden, couxln of the bride, was at the punch bowl. Mrs. Joe Olodoskl. cousin of the bride, was In charge of Uie recei- i, !' y ; ' " , ' , - - J V v f ( v n 4 j ' ly i ' I v l n O Leary-. Mrs. Jerry Murphy. Mrs, James CavanauBh. Mrs. John An demon.. Met. F. C. Silliman. Mrs. ring were Mrs Roy Pickett iLarrv Pickett and Joan and Pa-, matching gloves trimmed-In white William Canton, Mrs. Frank iflcia Murohy. velvct. Maid of honor was In mid- r AFTER THE WEDDING, the nsw Mr. and Mrs. August Drier, on their way to the reception. Photo by Guderian .- Nupiial Vows Exchanged At Si Augustines jt. Augustine Church to Mer rill was the setting for the wedding of Sarah Merle O'Keefe, daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. O'Keefe,' Malin, to August L. Drier, son of Mr. and Mrs. nite, Idaho. August Drier, Stib- "ver-"en a"d bf-ke' o' "h!''" chrysanthemums and red polnret t'as formed Ihe background for the ceremony. Father John Phelan read the double rln? candlelight service at 9 a.m. on January 5. Escorted to the altar by her fath er, who (rave her in mprriaqe, Sarah Marie wore a trown of heavy white sr.tln end Chantilly lsce. with princess lines, off the shoulder, with fine nylon, net yolce trimmed vith a lace flounce. Wide inserts of lace were in the skirl which ended in a court train. The long slewes ended in a point below the wrist. Her shoulder length circular veil c' -ihti iiii-Hm -et fe oti a t! era of seed nearls and rhinestones. Her bounuet was a single white orchid with lilies of the valley and white satin streamers, which she Carried on 8 white prayer book, which was the "something bor rowed." A rhlnestone necklace, choker style, and a bracelet and ring, the litter two heirlooms be longinl to her mother. The troditionel blue garter was worn, and she carried a handker chief which came from Ireland manv years aso. In her shoe was an Irish penny which her father had brourht back from a recent trio to Ireland, Maid of honor was the bride's Bister, Nora O'Keefe, whose gown was styled exactly as the bride's except that it was in peacock blue satin and lace. She wore a satin braided tiara of trie same material as the dress. Her Jewelry was made of rhinestones. Best man was John Drier, broth er of the bridegroom, and ushers were Henry O'Keefe (bride's broth er! and Paul Brockman, Klamath Falls. Mrs. O'Keefe chose a brown and aqua crepe dress with aqua hat for her daughter's wedding. Her cor sage was of gardenias and red roses. Mrs. Drier wore a navy and white two piece dress with navy ac cessories, and her corsage was the same as Mrs. O'Keefe's. The reception was held at the Merrill Recreation HaU, and the lace draped reception table was centered with a three tiered wed dm? cake. Whit randlrs 'p crys tal candelabra illuminated the ta ble. Norene and Sadie O'Keefe (the bride's cousins I were at the punch bowl, Mrs. Con Murphy and Maude Murphy served the coffee and tea. Mrs. Dan O'Keeie and Mrs. Nora O'Keefe and Mrs. Jerry Ahem served the cake. Guer.t book was passed by Sadie Veronica O'Keeie cousin of the bride. Soloist was Athena I ampropulos, who was accompanied by Ronnie Hersh'seraer at the organ. Ronnie also played the traditional wedding music. The bride's going away costume was a navy blue gabardine with navy and white accessories. After a trip to Palo Alto and other points south, the newlyweds will make their home In Klamaui Falls. throughout the hall and the re freshment table was centered with the many tiered wedding cake. Pourii Mrs, Sullivan and Mrs. Jerry Murphy, Presiding at the punch bowls were Joan Murphy, Kathleen and Maribou O'Connor. Mrs. Paul Lan ory cut the wedding cake,- which was served by MoUle McAuUffe and Helen Sullivan. In charge of the guest book was Mrs. Chester Stonecypher, of Tulelake. Acolytes were Kenneth McAn drews and Dan Murphy. When the new Mr. anl Mrs. Sul livan left for a California honey moon. Ellen wore a beige suit ac cented with oark brown, and she wore brown g.ove3 ana alligator bag and shoes to match. Yhey wiU be at home in Klam ath talk. Prior to her wedding, EUen was guest of honor at several affairs, among them a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Paul Landry, 331 Pacific Terrace: a breakfast party at the home of Mrs. F. R. Silli man,. 1140 MonClaire. with Mrs. John Anderson, hostess assited by Mrs. James Cavanaugh: and a snower at the home of Mrs. Roy Pickett 4357 Clinton, with Mrs. Bruce Davis as co-hostess. Bridal Breakfast! Honored at breakfast on Dec. 11 was Ellen O'Keefe, bride of Dec. 21. Hostesses were Mrs. John Ander- sou and Mrs. James Cavanaugh. The afialr was given at the home of Mrs. Anuersun's mother, Mrs. F. S. Sillimen, 1140 McnClaire. Invited guests included: Mrs. Bruce Davis, Mrs. Ellen Patterson. Harnett Meuller and Patr.cia Murphy, Yeilow daisies made the table bright for the occasion. grorm. All the attendants were In I Teddy Lundgren, brother of the opalercent taffeta dresse fashioned br deitroom. passed tho guest book, with full skirts and boleros, with Both Arlrp.e and Roy are KUH8 graduates. Hoy is now stationed at Camp Roberts MARY NEWTON BETROTHED TO PAUL NORSETH Dr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Newton, Walla Walla, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Mary Eliza beth to Paul Norseth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Norseth, 4634 Cannon Ave. Mary Is a senior at the Univer sity of Oregon School of Nursing, and a member of Delta Delta Delta Sorority. Paul is a senior at Oregon State College and is affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity. The couple met at Whitman Col lege when they were students there. Couple Wed At Stewart-Lenox Baptist Church Stewart . Lenox Baptist church was the scene of the marriage of Anna Mae Beshears, daughter of iMr. and Mrs. E. G. Beshears. 3226 Butte, to Kennem Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin. ' Rev. V. P. Weeks read the dou ble ring service at 7:30 p. m., De cember 29. The bride was given in marriage by her father, i For ner informal wedding the bride chose a soft grey afternoon jtuit accented with touches of white. I Bridesmaid was Rachel Weeds, and the bridegroom's best man was Robert Smith. I Beverly Fernlmen sang "O Promise Me" before the ceremony. Dan Weeks sang "The Lord's Pray er" at the benediction. Accompa- ntFt was Chariotte Roland. After a short trip, the young cou ple will be at home at 3226 Butte Street. Marriage Rites In Methodist Church An informal wedding was solem Ized In front of the Ilreplace In the social parlor of the First Meth odist Church, when Rev. Lloyd Hol loway read the service Dec. 22. uniting Arllne Knight and Gabriel O'Connor in marriage. The bridal couple was attended by Bertha Hole and Dewey Swaf ford. Mrs. O'Connor Is the daughter of Mr atlH Xfrx A W r.nffplt. ! Mnnn anrt ht- HtichanH la thn sr,n of Mrs. O. C. O'Connor, Portland. Only immediate members of the family were present. 1 Wedding Invitations f 7 V ..w..-.--:".W.xiVhv.-TJ end announcements Which Are Socially Correct? Beautiful . . ingraved , , ; 42 styles of engraving to choasa from , , . Special ONLY 16.95 per hundred Call for your copy of Wedding Customs, by Evelyn Murray, aU Voight's Pioneer Office Supply 6V Mam Pnone 7412 Mueller. Marv Vandenberg. Mrs, William Falvev. Mrs. William Can ton Sr. and Mrs. William Canton Jr. and the brides maid's dresses were soft water turouolse. Tl'ey wore Ident'crl white velvet hats trimmed with a sprig of holly, and carried white For her going away costume, the bride wore a navy blue knit suit with a gold velvet coat and blue accessories. ll?r corsrge was the orchid from her bridal bouquet. .. , :l:;jfX '.-V N ; ' l Mk. MNU MX 5. WILLIAM btKT GASicrl, who WC'IC married on New Year's day In St. Augustine's Church in Merrill, Father John Phelan officiating. The new Mrs. Gasscr is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hohert Pclrik, Mer rill, and her husband is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. William I'. (Jasser, Bridgcville, California. Photo by Guderian EVELYN PETRIK ' HOLIDAY BRIDE MERRILL Red ChrlaUnat itar flowers, poinsettias. white chrysan themums and lighted candles bsnkM tho altar of St. Augiutlne't church New Year's Day, Jan. 1. when Evel)ii Ann Pe'.rlk, daughter of Mr. anj Mrs. Robert J. Prtrlk ol Merrill, became Ihe bride of Wil liam Bert son of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gasscr ol Undue ville, California. Reverend Father John Phelan read Uie double ring service. Tho bride, given In innrrlauo by her lather, wore traditional white Nlipper satin, inc ftown had a fit ted bodice, net yoko circled with lull rullie (lolled with acquma. und a full i.klrt ending In a court .ruin. Vlie Inni; tumi-liUlug aleeves were pointed ut the wrists. Her lln- uer-llp veil of Illusion net was bor rowed from her sister, Mildred, who wore It Inst June when she murrled Kills Wilson. It was held in place with a seed penrl tiara. The bridal bounuet was of white lilies ol the valli-y entered with an orchid, and tied with white satin streamers. For r.omethlng old she curried a handkerchief from her f raiHlinotmr Mra. Mrrle Zump.e. the bluo wes her garter," and she hud a penny In her shoe. Matron of honor for her alsler was Mrs. Kills Wilson, who wore i full-sklrtcd pink satin, with a lace bodice and net yoke. A halo of while pompons wits her headdress, i and her nosegay hnunuct was pink , carnations and white pompons. i Bridesmaid was Margaret Pe trlk, the sister of the bride. Her ro'vii. headdress and bouquet were Identical to that of Ihe matron of honor, except lor ihe color, which was blue. Best man was Fred Toylnr and ushers were Ellis Wilson and KoJ' Shumakcr. j Mrs. John Degnan, organl.t, played wedding music and aololns were Helen Lscey and Mrs. Krcd Taylor. The bride's mother. Mrs, Petrik, wore a green wool gabardine street length dress with tan acces sories, and a corsago of yrlluw rosebuds. A reception at the recreation hall followed the ceremony. The bride s while three-tiered cake, trimmed with pink rosebuds, mid circled wllh l-'rns, centered the lace-cov-cied table. Tall lighted tapers writ placed on either side. Mi.i. K. J. I.nhocln, aunt of the bride Iroi.t Malm, presided at llin coflre i.rrv Ice, the rako was served by Mrs. Jce Zumplc. also nil runt of the bride, Irom Brookings, Ore, Kvrlyn Jane Ochs served the uuixh. ami Itoherta Klrllry pnssed Uie Ruc-J book. , For going away tlio new Mii, Oasser wore a lUue Rnbnrdlue nine, wllh beige and brown acccsiorlft, After a houevniooii to an uiuhi closed destination the voung coupon will be at home for Uie present m Kuieka. C.illfurnla, where Ihe groom Is employed. Out of town guests at the wed. ding were Mr. and Mrs. Jac k KM ser and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zumnie, all of BrooklngH, Ore. SHAW STATIONERY 72 Mela WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Cng raved at fmbotteo' an finest quality paper. 4 DAY SERVICE! All. tar Ihe reception. MR. AND MRS. J. T, BENNETT, 1134 Grant, announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Hazel, to Richard (Dick) Schieferstein, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Schicfcrstein, 4619 Balsam Drive. Both are KUHS' graduates, Dick is attending OSC, No date has been sot for the wedding. Photo by Guderian Wed Recently In Carson City A Klamath Falls couple were re cently married in Carson City, when Bette Dolan McLlng and Clif ford Phillips exchanged vows In the First Methodist Church on De cember 27. They took a short trip U San Francisco, returning January 2. Mr. and Mrs. Philips are now at home, 2009 Garden Ave. Wi-aie-ina COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Pinners 75c from ff UV from . Southern Oreqon'i Finest Anyone who ii interettcd in learning to speak easily bo fore an audience is invited to join the SPEECHCRAFT COURSE A friendly, enjoyable and profitable 10-week course beginning WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M., Willard Hotel This is an opportunity to hear the fundamentals of organ izing and delivering a speech, through examples' and practice. There is no obligation for attending the first meetinq. Come, learn about it, then if you like join the 10-week course for only $5.00, This fee may be applied to membership in Toastmasters club if desired. Modoc Toastmasters C!eJ) Telephone 6001 For Further Information Have You Heard The GOOD NEWS? CASCADE'S k K DRY BUDGET BUNDLE 10 BIG POUNDS Costs Only 89c (each additional pound 8c) Lowest priced delivered laundry bundle in the Klamath Basin! FAST ONE-DAY SERVICE FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY CASCADE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office Klamath's Finest Phone Sill