! V 22T JJ J 1 - 8y . milly RAMS8Y o Wedding photo by Guootion. j MRS. WILLIAM ROY LUN0CR6H, who wo. Lol. Arlone Stonbery b.fore her wedding December 23 In the flr Chrl.tlon Church. .. '. . J . ' t , ' , bus In the crunch parlor of Ti . v .'yjk. A , h bride and her new lS , ,. , - 1 re --I JT MRS. FRANK JAMES SULLIVAN, formerly Elton 0 Keefe, whose marriage wa. tetemniied in Sacred HmH Church on December 27. AT THE RECEPTION, Fir.t Chrl.tlon Church hu.bond propo.e a loan M Y- o ' J1 J : .1 J V' THE BRIDE AND HER MOTHER, Mm. Don O'Keofo, at Mr. O'Kecfo odo1 hor daughter' y.ll. LOOKS LIKE SPRING ... with all tr prty bfioVt wid brld.4M adornina tho pago... Th holiday unutoally buy with Many woddtnaft and ongaaonoat , amoancomoirt. MRS. OTIS R. 'STANBERY and hor daughter, a : that "loit momont" btiort tho coramonir. o 1A xv MR. AND MRS. I. J. RUSSELLi 10a Honk St., onnoonco tho on gaoemont of tholr doughtor, Jonot Ru.i.ll, to Horb Wlnj, of Modtord. Both sro ttudontt at SOCE. Tho woddlnj doto will bo announcod u. ' " Photo by Gudorlon, C 1 ( L S DDtnc ' Awln llDtriliflDrVlU nrfiot roceotion jutt in tho parish hall of Sacrod Heart Church. : -2 DR. AND MRS. JAMES M. HILTON, 435 HiUido, havo announced tho, onjaaemont ol tholt douahtof, Jean Marlon, to Jock Elttfolin, an of Mr. and Mr. Hotold Elttroim, 420 Grant. Joan and Jack are KUHS graduate) and Joan wa graduated from tho Univeriity of Oregon In Juno, 1951, whoro ho wa affll- : latod with Alpha Omlcton PI. Hor; ftanco U in active tervtco In tho U. S. Navy aboard tho USS Caiino Young. Tho wedding dote l Indef inite. Photo by Ferebeo. w i 7 MM IARY. ELIZABETH NEWTON, .daughter of Dr. and Mr. Edwin P. ; Nw1 on. Walla Walla, who announced hor engagement to Paul Nor toth, an of Mr. and Mr. Paul C. Nonoth, 4634 Cannon Avenue. , ' Photo by EdrU Morritan. MR. AND MRS. FRED CALF6E, 3804 Summon Lane, announeo the ongogomont of their doushtof, Bovoroly, to Glenn Rf. M'. Herbert Rouf 4408 S. th, and Ruby Runnol, Conby, Oregon. No dot hot boon tot for the wedding, phma tr Gudorlon. MR. AND MRS. SCOTT MK6N0RE, 1893 Del Moro, onnounco tho engagement of tholr daughter Geraldtno (Gerry) to Chorte (Chuck) Robert Knox, ion of Mr. ond Mr.. Robert M. Knox, Gold Soooh,- ' Oregon. Soth ore itudent. at Oregon State College. Cotry i Hero, bar of Si am a Kappa .ororlty ond Chuck I. offllloted with Del CM: . fraternity. Gerry onnounced hor ongogewont at hr .ororlty honoo' , .hortly before the holiday. No dote ha. boon .et far the w.ddlng. ;.; . . Photo by Guooflon.