HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN j 30 REAL ISTATI FOR SAL! Y" ' Have You Thought of Selling Your Home? Wo hnvo buyers wailing now for good homes from $0000 to $111,000, Contact us today for an estimato of tlio value of jour liomo on today's market, For prompt and courteous ..'help on your real estate problems, CALL 2-3545 "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phono 2-3545-0440 1025 Main : Evenings 'Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 NORTH SIDE ... $4750 buyi thin two bedroom cot lv typo home. All rooms Iuikc I mid cheerful, Furnace hent to nil ' rooms. Kaay walking cllntnnre from town. Double unnme. Full price 11760. Only $760 down liicliidinii taxes and Insurance, Dninnce low nonthly payments. ATTRACTIVE Three bedroom home In nice sur rounding. Has lame living room, entrance hll fireplace, hnrdwood floors two full until, nice kitchen and 'dinette, utility room with ' ample apace for drying clothes. Automatic heat to each room. Oood garage, excellent aoll. garden, Inwn. ireea. Price $11,500. Terms. Financed , on ey monthly payments with , only V. Interest, Anne Mason Eddie Hotley Evei. 8714 31088 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 12 B. 8th Phone 7269 I St. Francis Park Neat, attractive, well constructed, modern 2 bedroom bungalow. Con- '" venlent, kitchen and dining area, laundry room, completely liuulated and equipped with storm windows. I Attached gnroge, automatic oil bat. A good buy at $8500. PI I A r ternu. KENO ROAD j Don't mliu this modern 3 bedroom j home on 1 acre good aoll. Altrac- 1 tlvo living room with fireplace. Automatic heat, detached grne. The co.liplcls Xurolihlnga of thl j' home Includes automatic washer i and dryer, and power lawn mower, i Everything goes for WOOD. Iinmcd- , lute possession. i: 'iKIenr rnnnor rhnnl I Owner l leaving and must sell Uil i 3 bedroom modern home on double , lo:, completely fenced. Electric ; range, new fioor furnace. Total t price 14550. Reasonable terms sr- i ranged. MILLS ADDITION $750 down buys this well located bedroom home. Total price $3750 Monthly payments like rent. Open Evenings by Appointment Be.' stonier Stiles Ph. 2-2400 Eves DfM Slotn 6658 Eves, Prtd Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1009 111 N. tth St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 NEAR MILLS SCHOOL Neat two bedroom home on large corner lot. Two car garage. Very close to school, stores and bus line. This lot has future com mercial possibilities. 86500. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom ranch-type home among newer homes. Paved street and driveway. Fenced back yard, electric and oil heat. Car. rles F.H.A, commitment for full selling price. 88000. WE NEED LISTINOS IN HOT SPRINGS HAVE THREE QUALIFIED BUYERS WAITINO. VPAT" HOWES V JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 Wo have one of the finer home for sale In Mills Addition. Three bedrooms, kitchen with breakfast nook, dining; room with alcove or sewing; room, llvlntj room, flower loom and of course utility and btith. Partial basement mid i two garages with concrete floors. This liomcMinn hardwood floors through out, insulrted celling and Is lo cated on ft large corner lot. Make sn appointment to see It as It may be Just what you want. Sec or Call Jnmrs Hcseltlne arnyce Katon 6069 7737 Snle.'inifn with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. t Office Phone 6113 01 ACRES andy loam tn Buttn Vallov. r-riKHtion well and pump, tt acran al. fnUb. itiooo pah. Set Leiand A, Criia, bTncdntj', California. 1-5 AC'hi. ranch, all under cultivation'. Large 7 room hoime and outbuilding!-,, Located 3'i -ml. went of Sorria. Jawel Wire, rhona SFB, JJorrla, 10 REAL ESTAfl FOR SAlt THREE BEDROOMS Very llvuble home. Large rooms, scimnilo dining room, npnclous kitchen, continuous foiindntlon. double car garage, on 100x165 fool comer lot. OooU terms. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 0th Phone 9832-5742 Lot uud dwelling In Merrill, mod ern, Insulated, laundry troys, Vene tian blinds, electric water heater. $0400. M. A. BOWMAN REALTOR Merrill, Oregon Phone 7302 NKW IIOMKK (or Mil. William Pnwrll. I'liona s.vo. 32 BUILDING i RIMODf LINO f'6n kern-Ton'."""' Super Kam-Toni, Krm.nia. II.. Ill Bullillnl Malar.als, 4704 Ho. Sixth. I'hune 2-UUJ. UNITrD Stales" (iypsum nooflii'.-and composition shinties at flavin Uullding Materials, 47114 So. Sixth. Phone r S JIMU. KNfrTTV ' Pint Patlern Slock aa low aa S7S0O par M. llasln nulldln( Ma lerlsls.47II4 bo.SUlh. I'hone 2 J4 f 1)11 ' HIATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Kill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Malefaction , FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that 8nti.fy Plus Service" -Since 1019 831 Boring fit. Phone 4153 BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 Cilff Yiifont Signal flrvir JMO lo aih Phone ae.ii or 7-9200 S Ai II GHF.EN STAMPS mlvin on h.i ing olla Phone 33I or UtUAl for orompt dervery CLirr YADKN'S 8IONAL HERVICt UM BO flth STANDARD HE ATI NO Otl " Store, furnace llihl fuel. coal, wood :hatTCual Peyton and Co tM Market rnone 3iw 18 BOATS mroRtTwBBils COLLIE pupa. Litter reiiMered. Call Mtun. FOR SALEBo.ton toy bulPdoea. Phone .1.UI, FOR" S AiJtr2ltmi lTDaVKalTund puna. One rd, one blnrk and tan. Wormed ana emtemper not. cmi alter S p,m 24X1 Rberlrln. Phone nsitfl. ANDEKSON Hoarding Kennel Phone hut noiiw ueiawa-e nn unmedale HOAnDINO kennkLs Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary Icenneli Well balanced diet Clean Individual cndoor rum for each aog Doga nandied durltg mating Will piv up irn nenver VUltori Welcome Phong Mil Merrill Ra Rl 2. Box 504 SHASTA CASCADE KENNr.LS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY POULIRY WANTED Cash paid for wny amount. Top roariei prices trr good quality. For quotation PHONK 38S7 KfAMATH POUl.TRV FARMS ron RALE four hull,. Call a-ftaii. res'atei-ed Holataln POIXKU HcreloriJ hull. Thrca yearuraT. Phone 11024. nrn vnvrna Pnn-rmdy In plnitlc- naff. Turn left mile on flr,t road aoulh of MarrlllLkc vibw unciion. viii nenver. I L.OYD QIUFKIS Phone J-l Ilia nt. J, Box 817 100 NEW Hnmpahlre ptillali. Laylni. rnoiiB iK. WANTKIJ "TO nflV Cnwa 30.3.1 t,.!, 3 to 0 vear old Hereford or Durham. All to enlva thin , print. Phone or wrur r'erRo r.rn,. I'u'e'n'ce, Cnl!for nla Call Newell or 2:101. WANTED roiored liana Phoni-4S9I HIGHEST prlrea paid" for poultry, tTosi and llvexlork. BIO V MEAT MARKE7 l.aaevlew Junrtl"n Phone 4ft;n I I'II-'VciaL .TtTrB-niwri iun'. T-nrne oLl ftl u icnilrKI Warren Bl BOH W2 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow put onl $100 17.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP VO 1300 ON FUHNrTUrvB. OH SALARY UP ro 11200 ON CARS HtH! IDEA1 PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow ' Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'inane! at Bank rate "M'JNEY IN A HURRY" Motor. Investment Co 10 year serving Klamath Bam 8e -Chuck" Bailey Mp. Ill N 7lh SU Phone 3326 8-341 ' v M-27 14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WaN'IKU 't( HIIY. Chli kon wileai lo ton lugs ricllvrra'l. Plume :m:i2. tVANTKI) TO HUNT . " Blora manager ami wile wou'ft Ilka nurlly fitrnlkhail or unfllrlsheil twu ballroom modern liulii. Close In. Phona MOO bclwcan B a. m.-rt u m. VANTKD email uaad piano. Phone a-ioii. t VMN'ren TO lir.NT."Ktnall "rnmlarn'iin. furnished home for retired couple. Pre. fur Houlh kubilruan areB.Pliuna 0SU4 Nr.W't.'li.MriM "lo Klamath, ""reprffaelila live of National i-oniem, dealrea two i f tlir.e ""IrirTi n tfiMnl-iia-J houaa for mil. Wllllfa. tM Jala. t lvAr.'lKU'i'6 llfSN'ir'Uva oVaU bad" room Iiuiim). Would Iraia or with op lloiiln liny. I'liona lit. Kr:Ku"1CAitM;fcGarVop prVt-a"now llo Motor Co fllh tnd Plum; 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS 50 to (300 Auto Furnlturs Livestock Salary 50 to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Prlvaie Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Eob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie B-Zbl N-'j 107 No Kih Plmna TM! 48 USINESSOPPORTUNITIES fltALi'jf t-uutea kacrlfite of nlta cican livnrn. 'ArUn IWraU. tlcv-J Box roil SAt.lE, nrattty aalon In .TulrlaVa. California. Owner moving, mini aall. for further Information t-all Tulclake 71371. ! ' SI MISCELLANEdUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 L'HEOHKifnj-. nearly perfect condition. Cuarantrd 0201. 6l( HALF., hxnmorv WtikhiiTg inT fhlne. Ilepntly ovrrttaulrd. Kucellenl rendition. Mi. Phone 42 JQ after A, all da" Sunday, M EN new wh lle"iiie' rn Ulfskalei. V "J- 1 0 M Phory XVW. GOOD alilfahay. round tate, in hint. I.to per ton at ranch. Black and w hiTn "iih . FULL aire bnx aprlnga 20. Phone 6230 at:t ft i. m. FOR SALE fireplace and furnertwood. length 18 Inchet to 40 Inches. Phone B3. V) TONS bated' alfalfa hay. Phnne 20l Honanea, Dave noblnwin, Bonania, Oregon. COl.DSPOT hcfrlgerator. 100. Perfect condition. 112.1 Oak Street. FOR SALE. Half beef . 1931 llomedale. " OET ' VUUM SNOW CAPS NOW: We buy uud tirea. O.K. Rubber Weld- riJLLBribnuhei. Pnune 'WW4jffrftf)7 AUDINO MA CHINKS calrulatort. Type writerj. cath regttera. dokka. chain file for iale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE S''PPt.V 120 Main Phnne 7417 CHL'SHEU ruc;k and driveway cinder, Phone 2J17 . Pt'MICE BLOCRs. drain llle. concrete culvert pipe PEYTON It CO. a:is Market Kl.r.CTIlOl.CX CLEANER and polllhai and auppllea Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweel li Market CHtsirKU ROCK, Hnvewa' cinder. Ihnr. 8341. etc. OIL ttoraga tank,. Peyton R.1A Market. P1K bodv wood. Phone 903d. AUA.M Scn.nf bungalow type uprmni piano Flemlth oak finish- Good con dition Ka.sy term,. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY .145 K Main rol.KS who like food with the home made taate. .like to ahop at Juhnny's Rig Y Baker)'. Merrill . Lakeview Junc tion. LANOKCPING. evergrecni. anrubi. and trees. We trim, epray and remove large tree,. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone42H FOR SALE. Nearly new divided top large gna range aho Montgomery Ward Washing Machine tued :i months. Phone 8913 or see at 3320 Avnlon. REASONABLE! Must lie sold soon. 2 fur coats, size 12, 10. Dark Brown Heaver, amall kid Caracul. 219 N. El dorado. WE'ARE prepared to buy, for Imme diate rash, one piece or your entire household of furniture. If you hnve something to sell calt us. We buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC TION MART. Phone 3393-9219. FOR"SALE gas ranges. "710 Main St Greer Apia. Call at Manager'a apart' ment. FOR SALE S cu. ft. electric refrigera tor, perteci conoition. rnone aucr ss AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE Radiator Service , CLEANING FLUSHING RE1-" AIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esomnnrte AT DYES' Want Reliable Transportation CHEAP? '39 Stude. Commander $245 '40 Che. Good motor .. 5395 '39 Ford Tudor $165 '40 Stude. 6-Pass. Cpe. $195 DYES' 733 E. Main Phone 0326 Far a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See ' "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Trt'ck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath - .'hone 2-258) KOB SALE or trade. ln:U Chryalar So day R & 11, Ovcrdriva. Phona 3000 attar 6:30 p. m. SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FARM MACHINERY As I am moving from this territory, I must sell the following equipment right away: 1 MODEL "G" JOHN DEERE TRACTOR With starter, lights and Powcrtrol. 1948 Model. T 1 NO". 400 SERIES JOHN DEERE LANDPLANE 45 ft. long. 1948 Model. I JOHN DEERE 12A COMBINE 1946 Model. 110 FT. INTERNATIONAL POWER GRAIN BINDER. 1949 Model. 18 FT. OLIVER DOUBLE DISC GRAIN DRILL. 1949 Model. Contact: L. B. DEMOSS DORRIS, CALIFORNIA 9 Miles South on th'c Old DeMoss Ranch AUCTION ' THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1 p.m. MERRILL, ORE. A we have told our store building and are quitting business, our complete (tock of Groceries, Store Fixtures and misc. Hardware will be told at Public Auction. $6000.00 GROCERY STOCK INCLUDES ALL TYPES OF FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT Will jell at 7 p.m. Thursday Evening Larse Double Vault Office Safe; Large National Cash Register, 4 drawer: Undcnvood Typewriter; Butterklst Popcorn Machine; Glass Show Cases; Bin Counters; Counters; 1000 lb. Hanging Butcher Scales. HARDWARE e-300 Chix Pctulma Elec. Brooders; 2-Warehouse Wood Stoves: New Elec. Sickle Grinder; New Universal Milking Machine; Draper Chains for 26" 8pud Digger; H" Stel Plow Shares for J-D; FalrbanSs-Morsc Platform Scale; 12-Steel Chlx Coops; New 150x36 Tractor Tire; Walking Plow. ' TIME OF AUCTIONS Thursday, Jan. 171 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday evening 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. If additional time Is required to complete auction will continue Friday, Jan. 18 at the same hours. Listen to KFJI for further announcements. NO RESERVE LOCK STOCK BARREL EVERYTHING GOES DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUY GROCERIES , -AT YOUR OWN PRICE Coffee ii Donuts served by the Rebekahs' SANFORD & CO., MERRILL, ORE. - Owners Complete Auction Service by R. E. 'Bob' Rhodes, Auctloner, Phone 4032 - AUTOMOTIVE REAL VALUES IN ' COMMERCIALS 1950 FORD "6" Vi TON PICKUP $1395 4-Speed transmission .v 1 949 FORD "6" Vi TON PICKUP $1295 4-Specd transmission 1947 FORD Vi Ton Stake Pickup $ 795 '4-Speed transmission 1950 FORD "6" PANEL DELIVERY $1395 Radio, heater 1949 FORD V-8 PANEL DELIVERY $1295 Heater, 3-speed heavy duty Syncro Mesh 1936 FORD V-8 V2 Ton Stake-Bed $ 95 4 new tires BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2151 South 6th AGAIN . DYES'" PUT ON SOME REAL SPECIALS Top Cars In Top Condition 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Clean, snappy and TAQS In line condition V 1048 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. Radio, heater, . (Ml clean throughout P 1 .' 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. $107 Radio, heater, fog lights, tutone V 1 KJ' Check these and you readily see why it pays to SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY! OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS 733 East Main Phone 1328 n ARfiAiNi IBM Tord ConvrtVb1. Pur chased ntw. November 33. Over 400 ducouni. BUS S ARGENTS Uted Carl Phone aaos FOR 9 A cleanest 1946 Jeep In town, or will trade for four-wheel drive Jeep or station wagon. See at 1805 Melroae st f iNANCE any or all auto repair t at nnlv Ana.llt 9 nf am ucKanl aa t rtlali B. Mtl'er Co. f'lNANCH any or all auto renair at only one-half of one percent at Dick B. Miller Co. Phone 4354 WHY WALK? DRIVE MORS MOTOH8 303 B- Main. Phone 9570. "We will eeli your car for you." We buy and trade' ivt NfcUU OAKS, tiet tup price mm Rorf Motor Co sin and cium 1937 Plymouth. Good motor, good ' body. 130 cash. Phone 2-2102 after b p. m. BUS SARGANT'S ifstSD CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shaita Way and Arthur Streets rnone szos FOR SALE or trade for Pickup or light truck, O. I. equity in two bed room home In South suburbs. Phone 0141. CI Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AIR CONDITIONING A, A MASSAGCS ' " FXSt U HOLLAND-222 Sprlnj. Phon. yS ls MASSAGS Natural hot water mln.tal Air Conditioning HffatlnC'Vantl'at- hats. Onn even'nfti. Phoo 84W. In 8hat MeUI-Waldllif-Stml rabrlca- lion MOVING AND STORAGE ARCHITECTS fCT TUC UADIT peoples WAREHOU3E-Phon ftai PERIIIW. HOWAltD R. - AHCHlTECf. llltrlABII Dno"' 8tor.MVHH QoS" Vufn"! A t. A.-Phon. 6407-1 m Main Slrwl. tur. Antj Eeklna Tan' AUTO DEALERS USED : , ,,,,, , ... ORNAMENTAL IkON I III ...., s . ..anmmii on.y im ciBane.t. nn.ii. wuu -"i Iron - Fancaa and R.lllnga J337 South nv. .102 yt "h-n ?t7o. 1 (lln. Phong 43fl2. AUTO GLASS PHOTQGhAPHEgS KIMBALL'S GLASS SHOP Comolett ' TWIC PHOTOS BY CttOEIIIAN 1135 Main ai.lo clait a.rvlc. S51 Walnut. Phont IfllJ Phone 2-27DI. Commercial . Portralta 7Ii Aerial . Copying - Plctur. rramlni BAKERIES O'l Colonn.. "Oi LV im RAirrSv no .k Srfr-Br;; sruOKi in U.S. National Pli-i m "BiTifJ r,)L. ' 1 I A r r I r"t f-rs B,nk Bi.Mdlni!. Ph7tie 0232. 'Worth. VX-?'"7 BlnM' c'ka s"- (I Av-XlflPfj wh" Photography at R.aaonabl VACS BAKERY - "Special Occaalon y L JvJII I L L 1- B,Akift h'tTTcBC Cjfcet Vart. to Order" 4509 Eouth glh flANO DEAIEKS Plirnf r-j KYLE MORGAN PtANOS 1833 Main. CAMERA SHOPS Baldwin olanoa. organa: Selm.'-rtolto-l r- TS MOP b,nd Initn'mnt5: piano tunin?: BI'DS PHOTO SERVICE 1031 Main V L. Jll l n'anoa. M-4 InatrumenU for .rent. Phone 33M. Everything Photoeraphlr JL fVV " -rn Film Deve'oplrg In by 10 m m.. Ou by LOt'lS R MANN PIAPfO CO - t?s 1 " m- Xorth 7lh- One of I..ri"t Strvk. Lcad- UNUEKWOOD'S CAMERA SHOP 727 Halce Planoa in Wert. H-imond Main Phon. 7083. Leading trand w , Oran - 9ovnr. Ppntff' Sate Plan. Photographic Suppllea. Expert Photo y ta ti .i Dl nunilJA flnl-Mng Bmterafl Creeling Cardi. YOUT VVefSklV Gulfie rXUMBINta . ; CHINA-SILVERWARE " &fl$3&Et RICKYS JEWELERS - 700 Main- . . PliuiK Thone 3151 "Home of Famoui Braudii " ruM" ' rrno t-Plcltard - Royal York Royll -, i-R"SOV EQUIPMENT COMPAVYT"- piton Wed-Lok . Corham - Wallace ,u Merrill-Lakevlew Junct'on. Jacuirl HirV Towle - Lunt - International oumos ar" watf" 'vatcnia. Satea and CLEANERS-DYERS ... "- CHAPMAN CLEANERS - Phone 702 1 I--y.-l.L.'r. RADIATOR SERVICE -ai' Tmu Main Pick ub an4 IJellverT rVJarnOrft 5 tt.AMATH BABIATOH tvORK! iflOt HOV.ARD S CLEANERS 521 EaM South gth. Phone 6H43. Erca. HKKT. ll"? DPm"" ,833' "'" A' 10 a m 0ul RADIO STATIONS KLAMATH CLEANERS - "Klamath a Pmnf eccivo t! Tf,'.1"," . BVCMi!S5 Co- Oldeit and rinea." 431 Mala. Phone rrOyreSSlVe Top. H radio llatenttif :" :430 sn 7i62 your dial. NEW METHOD CLEANERS 143 Er- RESTAURANTS CAFfS PenUe" "rr P"i'cuU' 111,. BARNEYS CHAT-N-NIBBL! gat t. verchants ' bar-ne.p.upoer. ho CLOTHING NEW AND USED ' lYtcit-i lui no m,r!. Pie,, 1310 Enianode. Dial -?4Q. THE CLOTHES MART 125 South 9th SAW FILING M,V'a a0M"' A'1! ' BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 351 Ea.t Main. Saipa ard Service. Lawnmowers. CLUBS TAVERNS , . RS.A. Motorcyetea. All Saw. and TINY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk- VV , int. W. E. "Bill" Maine. "Acre, of JUT lS SAWS POWER Pa.klng. M.Uory'. Big T MeCUMXCH SAW SHOP DRUG STORES McCulloch Chain Saw ealea. parU. CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead i .--'-t t.-,. mi Prop Drugs, Prescriptions. Sundries. ,.,.,. Main Phore 3333. SEED STORES ELECTRIC APPLIANCES GROCERS MARKETS MURPHEYS S:ED store "Seed. fcAST SIDE APPLIANCE - Bob Rob COMMUNITY GROCERY - 1040 Ea. That Grow" 834 Klamh. Phon. 3443. bma . Dewey Randolph. Owners 623 Main. Phon. 363. Ere. Delivery, Tresh SECOND HAND STORES Klamath Phone 83M. "Your Friendly Vegetables. Meats. COFFR'S rxecANflgBnl.ml gSf We-,ln.hou.. Dealer." GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS I - Three S 61 KmiShPhon PhoS MERITS - Sale, and Service Maytag. Stores Klamath Fall. - Merrill - Stew- neo "House of 1001 Bargain." New Phllco . Servel - Ironiite - Hamilton art Lennox. and Used. . 'tL-CTR!-!'!! c'olThp.Tn? GUNSMITHS SERVICE STATIONS CONTRACTORS RALPH'S GUN SHOP - 4820 South RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE - tlth EAST SIDE ELECTRIC G25 Klamath, glh. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester and Klamath. Phon. 3422. Auto Renalr. Phon. 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup- and Remington Gunsmith. Ing - Motor tune-up - Mobllga. - Mobil ...r-r-.r- ur.T.ur INSURANCE GENERAL . " "c''" j.""0"" "-tCTRIC HEATING driscoll and padgeit Fire SEWINg EI.KCTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car- Auto - Farm - 203 Williams Building SINGER SEWING CENTER 833 Main. rol Colvln. Owner. 123 Pin. Phon. 2- "hn-. 7313. Phone 2-2313. Compl.t. Lint of 0 ''F?2 JOHNSON M. L. 20 Years in One uns ' ELECTRIC LIGHTING S,ock- Aoci''V: .?yct,Emt SHEET METAL .. .. - Causemalcr. 434 Main. Klanutb Falls. ! ' VAN FLEET E.LECTRIC 2nd and Oregon. PADE & HOLLAND 222 Spring Main Phone 4413. Modern Electric itrmei me Phcne 3:. Stainless Seel. Flu. Ex- L'ghtlng rixturet. JtWELtKi . tensions Kitchen Ventilator-. . . FARM MACHINERY BARW1NS--A Jewelry Store of pot- SHOE REPAIR CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO. V"""-" 1" . " t-h ' Clerpllla, John Deere. Phone 2-2344 , RENt, nvaJiR 1019 Mn STOE SBOP-Tc-- Dunn. Phon. FLOWER SHOPS Phon. 4608. Watch, Clock It Jewelry ., ,vv cSfri hfpaih all iSii -,,., ...... Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving Kt11i , t.-.- irtS. S,'A?oo MAC,K,? ?HLaA3? "-S?.- Orange BtoMom Diamond Rings? Ham- SI -t. Phn mm. Br-vrt Memb?FTD Main. Phone 41SJ. mop Elgin It Wyler Watches. SHOE STORES nimv., nnwT-n a vn nrrc 577i RlCKVai -"Home of Famous Brands' ; j .Zi 1 .. ST. '.? ...r iil The finest ntrnet lit Watches. Diamonds MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En- DePew. Phone 8173. 30 silver. China ana .-f' Appliances, lire Family. Featuring Naturaliier ""n- Inox-Pi:kard . Royal York . V"!d-Lok Roble. - Buster Brown. 717 Main. FURNITURE Gorham . Wallace - Kirk - &...' Phone 7363. r?wl. - Lunt - Rolex - Bu'ova - Ham- VAN ORMAN'S-"Klamath Falls New. KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. - 221 ilton - Elgin - Art Caned Speidel - In- e5t rm1ty stloe store." Trim .-Tred Main Phon. 3333. Willard Hotel Build- ternational - and many others. Rlckys p0n Parrot - Rand - Star Brand. 327 Inc Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg- Main ' Istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. , : r- C-ASS LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICl S&H GREEN STAMP STORES ; KIMBALL'S GLASS SHOP Complete BOB S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY BROADWAY CLEANERS - 4333 South glasa service. Auto, plate, window and 1711 Main Phon. 234. K.nmore Auto- 6th Phon. 8403. "For Thos Who mirror. 321 Walnut. Phone 7378. ntatica. Care." AUTOMOTIVE TRY NOW . . and you'll ask HOW we can make you such a good deal. THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL KNOW IS TO COME IN AND ' SEE US! 49 49 49 48 48 48 47 41 PONTIAC "8" (M Q A C 2-drv Sedan P i U-r PACKARD "8". Sedan DODGE 4-dr, sedan $1595 $1645 HUDSON (tTlO Super '6' 4-D.; vp I07J PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpe. OLDS "8" Sedan CHEVROLET 6-Pass. Cpe. , $1495 $1145 $1265 $395 '$425 'ii PONTIAC "8" 4 1 Sedan COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed .... $395 194B Dodne Panel $59S 1946 Ford V-8 4 T Pickup $795 1949 Int. KB-8 S399P 19P0 Ford F7 w'tng $3795 190 Ford F8 Air S1795 1948 O.M.C. COE tag. 2-sp. $3595 19381 Ford Panel Sedan. Motor over hauled .. $105 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT llth to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED " TRUCKS-CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 617 a 7th Phon mi THE HERALD AND NEWS ified ass 55 AUTOMOTIVE SOME REAL BUYS FOR YOUR $$$'s 1950 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, (tlOO Dynaflow drive. Very low mileage -. tyWD 1948 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater. First tTiO class in every way. Lots of equipment V 14J 1941 OLDS "6" 76 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydra- f rr r matic drive. A dandy buy at the low price of CpO-tJ 1950 FORD V-8 CUSTOM COUPE SEDAN Radio, heater, M low mileage. Just like new v I 0-.0 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 4-DR. SEDAN tllO, Radio, heater. It's a buy at vp I I 7J 1940 FORD V-8 TWO-DOOR SEDAN , tO A Tutone finish, heater, good and clean J);' sj 1946 PONTIAC "8" SPORT COUPE (tlAOic Radio, heater - P I D 1948 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP $101 4-spced transmission. A real bargain at P I r -J 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN CIOO'n Radio, heater. New finish - - 1948 PONTIAC "i" 4-DOOR SEDAN HO'x Radio, heater. Looks and drives like a new one . P 1 I YJ 25 MORE TO SELECT FROM 1940's to 1951's Priced from $250 to $2000 OUR WARRANTY IS: "The Customer Must Be Satisfied." TRADES We' Meet All Legitimate Terms . H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPT. Main at Broad REPOSSESSED 1041 OLDS flva passanfar coups. Hjr - dramatic. Malta attar. Phona J-3J3. Phone 51151 FOR BALE or trait tat Tord" tutor 1 deluxa. Inqulrt at 1011 Orajoo Ave. all I ar p. m. i f