PAGE TWELVE irERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAIXS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1052 T l I CRAMMING OTI Medical Fullerton (seated), Bly, and Bill McCullough (standing), get together in a study session as examinations near. ' CHARLES A. MARTIN (left), at OTI, checks a blood cell 1 Student. THREE MEDICAL TECH students at OTI run a blood sugar test. The trio is comprised of (1 to r); Jim Dennis, 144 Kane; Audrey Ferguson, Enterprise; and Tom Williams, Route 1. 1 . Alaska Has Warm Spell" FAIRBANKS Alack- Im Tv.1- banks was basking in a compara tive ucni wave eaiuraay alter warm breezes from the Pacific snapped a cold spell that had sent the mercury tumbling to as low a on degrees oeiow zero. The thermometer edged up to ero yesterday Just as a severe shortage of fresh food was develop ing In the city. Some stores ran out of eggs, milk and fresh produce during the cold snap, which saw the tempera ture in nearby Dunbar dip to 74 degrees below zero. Although airlines planes man aged to reach here each day dur ing the cold spell, the flights car ried little more than passengers and mail. Little air cargo which required unloading was carried. The planes had to take off al- HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Barley. Proprietor ' and Joe EarJry . . Technology students George Medical Technology instructor chart with Margaret Stevens, most immediately to prevent the engines from getting cold. When airplane engines cool off in 50 de grees below zero temperature, get ting them started again, is a major task. Japan Builds Up National Police TOKYO m The newspaper Asahi said Saturday Japan will add between 20,000 and 50.000 men to its 75,000-man national police re serve.. The exact increase scheduled for the American-trained force has not been decided, the newspaper said. Asahi said the decision to in crease the NPR resulted from talks jan. 5 between Gen. Mat thew B. Rldewnv onH DmA Min ster Shigeru Yoshida. A meteor from outer snn ho. ?Smta, .? meteorite by surviving the friction Of nnccatro lhu u. earth's atmosphere and reaching the ground. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Racoeilfolly TreaUd Eaolgtlra Method Cklrtpraellt Phrileltn :-r ' h I r-r ICEBOUND DUCK Caught by a sudden drop in tem- V : ' J Ail Perature, this duck is froien fast in Scioto River near Columbus. YJzaVk''''' i 1 '"! ' ' A Sta,e Con5ervUon Department rescue squad freed quacker. EXPERIMENTING Two Medical Tech students at OTI perform an experiment. They are (1 to r): Tom Harvey, Nampa, Idaho; and Dave Mallea, Jordan Valley. rf. .;;. - "H 1 - ' " -. L.B,HAS UPS AND DOWNS Mr,. Dorolh, Arko, Postmistress at Royal Gone, Colo.. takes her mail off incline railway for transfer to regular train after descent down rore. i - AFTER-DINNER CONVERSATIO N sir Leslie Boyct, Lord Mayor of London, makes friends with a chimpancee luucncun (iven oy neriram mills OPS Makes Investigation BOISE Ml The District Of fice of Price Stabilization inves tigated 269 Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon individuals and businesses for nrlnn rrtmilai.inn vio lations during December. u 'if- circus in the BrKish capital. D. Worth Clark, OPS district en forcement officer, said 113 of the cases were closed after thorough investigation revealed either no violation or minor unintentional in fractions. Where violations were discovered all firms involved Immediately got In line with OPS requirements, Clark said. The remaining 166 cases have been carried over for January investigation, CLASSIFIED RATES Ont day . Thru Days Week run Month run per word 4 ' per word lie per word 20c per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one a u ovc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled Legal Notice NOTlrK nr nnNn an Srtltd pruiHwali will ba waived by in common Council of th city of ." union, tor mi pur. ch or wr limrovmnt bumta. Strict BJ, realltitf- r.uip I'kn ("Ivy Hundred Twtnly-lwo and M-loo ""! "" i,Ma.wi amy aulhotlitd bv frdlnano til tlx uid Clly ol KUmalh ior in conilrtictlon and laylna J ', in 8-.r Unit No. ill, of uld Clly and Mrvlns tin pruparly between South Sixth Strati, the O C A niani 01 way, anatta way and Waihburn Street.. rropouu 10 purrnm laid Ixindt will b received by the undtreianed ud to .tiviuuuit m. ein. oay or rtDruary, 1032, at the hour of aevan.lhirtv o'clock p.m. of eald day and opened at a reaular meeiine nr th r,,,t....,n r...t. ell immtdlately thereefter: eald bond. nan o aaltd February I. liMa, and thall be in amounta of ssoooo aach, except bond No. 1, of .aid terlea. Which thtll be for the fratlnnal nrt of eald turn, and all ehall be due ten tar after th data of Ineuo. payment of tht entlr bondt optional with aald -iiy at any coupon paying data on and after ont year from the date thereof. Said bonda will bear Intereet at tht rata of not to exceed tlx tier ctnt ner annum. payable semi-annually on rebruary Ut. and Auau.t 1.1. of each year, principal and Interest pavable at in ouice os tne treasurer of lite Clly of Klamath rails, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check sor nve per cent or tne proposal. Tht Common Council reserves tht riaht to reject any and all bids. Tht successful bidder for said bondt will be furnished with an opinion as to the Itsallty thereof by Iht law firm of Wlnfree. MrCullorh, Shuler ti Sayra, Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. This notice Is authorised by ordinance of tht Common Council of tht City of Klamath rails, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. 19.11. ROBERT M. ELDER, Police Judgt of tht Clly of Klamath a'alU, Oregon. D-31-J.1-J-3-4-3 - 7 - - - 10 - II . n - 14 - IS -is . it . is . 1a . 31 - xi xt - 34-X-ad-U-U-J0-3l.- r l - 3 No. K2S. notice or date or riNAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE Or OREGON rOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Malttr of tht Estate of DENIS LACEY. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis. tratlon of the auov entitled estate and that tht Court has appointed January 38. 1931 at 10 A. M. as the time lor nearlng objections to such final account enu uie settlement inereof. Wm. Ganong, Administrator uanong at uanong Attorneys for Administrator D-'JS J-3-13-IB No. tus NOTICE IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TllE STATE or OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY in th Matter of the Kt i AUGUSTA MAY HESSIU, Dectiifd. Hotlc iM hereby given that i have EMMn aDDOlntM EXMUtnr fit that etaOd or AUfujt May Hesilg. deceaMd. All pvrBona naving ciaimi aiainat said required to pretent them ml With DfOMr VAUthra tat tYim nfflxai ?. nmTrr u oivin. 72 Main Street, Aiamain Faiu. Oregon, within six mom ha from January 3. I Ma. which u the date of first publication of this notice. ftr-hari4 T. Ita.sla s -J-l-l.D no, Mai NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice 1 hereby given, that the unaersirnea nai been aonotnted minUtratrix of the estate of David W cox, alto known ai D. W. Co. riw "wo. oy oraer 01 ine circuit court or the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and hai qualified and letters of administration have been issued to nr. ah persons having1 claims against Mill . as rag gigsresnv nniiriatif in . win Mine, property verified ai provided by law, to the undersigned a the Office Of A. W Kfhmnn -?7rrl W.l IIU Bldg. Klamath Falls. Oregon, with in six months from the 3th dav of Jan uary. 1992, the date of the first oub- Miauuii ui mi notice. auatea this 4th day of Jan. 1852 Eisie k. Cherry Administratrix A. W. Schaupp, Attorney. J -3-12-19-28 T-2 No. SU CITY OF CH1LOQUIM CHILOQUIN, OREGON Bids will be received at our City Hall. Thursday, January 17, 8 a.m. on I fr h , . '.Ou fttt il J'- inch giiil'a jacketed wax and gum treated rocker lug or slide well couplings In AO foot sections. 300 feel 1 Inch double jtH-nctaia wax ina gum treated rocker lug or slide well couplings In SO foot sections. Bids must specify Grade of hose and number of years guaranteed. City may ur ait viasa J -0-1 2 No, M7 NOTICF! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Civil Service Commission of the Ciiy of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will hold competitive examinations for Patmi. men and Firemen positions with the t-ny oi mamain rails. Oregon. Certificates of health and physical if us... .(.-..lions oy a uocior s examina tion must be submitted at the time the applicant takes the examination. Application blanks may be procured from the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission at the City Hall, Klamath Falls. Oregon, and must be completed by the applicant and filed with the aecreiary oi tne i-ivii service Board on or oerore January 23, 1952. to en title persons to take the examination. Secretary of Civil Service Conv mission. City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. City Hall, Klamath Falls, J12-16 No. 85 1 notice iNvmisia nins The undersigned Police Judge of the ciiy oi mamam rans, uregon will re ceive sealed bids uo to 7:.'W P.M. Jan. 28. 1052 for fumUhltltf two tr.h nltmna ' '"iid bou iprcuicaiions may oe od. wmea irom me city, engineer. The city reserves the right to reject ur an ma. Robert M. Elder PollCM Jllrftfa J-12-14-13 NO. 849 Composer's Wife Quits LAS VEOAS. Ncv. lfl Cnm. poser Ferde Orofe'a wife has di vorced him. She testified he screamed at me all the time." Mrs. Ruth Orofe tnlri a Indira EVI. day that the composer of such worts as ine "MmsiHsippi suite' and the "Orand Canvon finllo" in. lured her health and peace of mind because he "ran around with other women and Drought some of them to our house." Thev were mir. ried in 1929 and have two grown uimuren. Mrs. Orofe Informed Judec Frank: McNamce, however, that sne am not wish to press the adult ery charge contained in her suit for divorce. ROUGH LOS ANOELEH lri Tn nlilnln. ins; a divorce, Mrs. Velia Arenan, 22, testified she ftrew tired of her boxer husband uslnor her for a sparring partner. She and Alfonso Arenas, 23, had been married less than five months when the decree was granted Fri day, Labrador's nufflna. rlvnllncr Iho cliff swallows of San Juan Capls trano, leave their summer and winter haunts on definite dates and nrrlve at their destination with equal predlcabillty. through box nuinbrrs at the paper ior a acrvico cnur.e 01 iioo, www DEADLINES Claullled ads aocepted up to 1:30 p.m. (or following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon ior following day pub' llcatlon. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas make all claims Ior adjust' menu without delay. Corrections or cancellations celved by 6:30 p.m. will b audi In following day's publication Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH OROCERT Phone Hi Box SO DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM Phone 7S3 301 G Kasen Henley Tulclake RUTH KINO Phone (453 Rto. 3. Box BI6 LAKEV1EW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phone 3701 138 E. St. No MERRILL ROBERTA DEWEY Phone 8201 Merrill MAUN MRS. JOE HALOUSEK Box 114 Mnlln Phone S74 FUNERAL HOMES VV.XKUS Klamath runeraJ liorne. aa MEETINO NOTICES Klnnmtli LodKe No. 77 A.P. mid A.M. Will hold a slated meeting Monday, Jan. 14, I p 111 "Senior Wurdeiu NlKht." Vlitltlng breUv ren invited. Rpfirslv InrnLv DALE BEBBER WorlilpIul Master ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meeli Erldey. s p.m.. for information, write iiox vh. rnone xuia. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST small Ronson fj'ern ilahter. Jan 10. ner Fiuneor Office supply, Phone auo,-w. I.t)STBiue polnl female siamesT PTl" LOSf; lady's wallet near fxielrflce rinaer please Keep money, return pa pers. i'none wihsj. LOST OH STOLEN white lona haired male dna, resembles tarae sH'ottte. An' suera to Topper, Phone 2-OQja 3011. LOST aolrfen fnx terrier near Arthur St. Child's pel. Reward to finder. Phone a.joiz. STRAY llerefnrd branded with Rafter U. S. on left hip. Owner phone 3.11S3. nnwer Hros. Midland. Oregon. LOST, rhtnestone necklace. Reward. Phone 3J2B alter p.m. GENERAL NOTICE rOUR Sinter Sewlnl Canter la open to the public. Thursday 3:30 to 640 for free attachment Instructions. SINGER SEWING CENTER S33 Main Phone I Mll 6 PERSONALS STANLEY Home Produrts. Phone eaof! WILKN1T unranteei hoisery for an lire lamiiy. rnone taaa. 10 SERVICES CABINET WORK Remodeling In your home. Furniture Kepalr GEORGE E. C0NDREY 1938 Fremont Phone 4338 Septic Fanks Cleaned Nr-watt Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 94 1 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6595 or 2-3310 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt TodsoII Crushed Rock . Driveway Clndeis compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5541 or 9110 rLOORSpoiUhed tree , Prione 0300. " SEWING and ltrratioii Work, baby-sli ina, i-none x-u.i.lil. BltlL'K LA YINf; Hnai vn lit- lrnl.Vl jiiiw, ai nni cjiii iiiiii, DOKS YOUR ircplaco need repair? ..ill I at-inf'tl PIPE TirAWINtST Call 4003 evening! nd weekend). WATCH HKPA1HING, 'heaionable. 7i ivinin sirent, PAINTING 7017. and pa per hanging, " Phone THIPP'S AUTO nalntlne. body and fen. drr work Phone 4fM0. ELECTRIC WIRING, work bv hour or ronirnci, fnone 2-1 "10. EXPERT flreiimaklng and alleraliona, rnnnii nerti deroratlna. paper hanging, ptnter-bonrd finlBhlng, pray pain ling. rnnne .win. CURTAINS laundered Phone 4014 and atratcheit J. U DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Offlra at 306 No. 7th. Phone 9.140 12 EDUCATIONAL CHILD CARE and education. Prt-ichool center, t-none 427. BOOKKEEPING, horlh.n Ivnlne kin. uitju RuujcviR. ni ice nraoninei, KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine ' Phona 4190 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exerclat. welBhtlifiinB. PhK muLiiDiuM.v nir reaucing, relaxation, y liunuina. naiea ior noriefi. ap- ointmcnt, phone .'K)(iLi-rfl00, Medical I n Hue u ne( women only. 14 HELP WANTED. FEMALE EXPEHIENCED hnnhkn.r rTmlllov with payroll and general office work. UOOd RleadV nnfiilinn. Rial Atra anI experience In firnt letter. Wrlta Box 4H1 Herald and Ncwa. EX P E M IENCED a tonoeranntar tnt V. ponKthle ponition. Good aalary. Apply uregon mnie Kmpioyment Office. WANTED. Worn nri to care for children n my home. Full nr nart tlm. Vhnnm WANTED. Loriv for tinuknr -nri to care for elderly lady in Lakavlew, Oregon. Modern home, good wagei with room and board. Write Mra. E. O. i-aveii, sjrio aoum h. street, Lakavlaw, m ctm "I piliillC l.Wat UBKCVieW, 6 HELP WANTED, MALI Man to earn fib week lln. f,nne n.ri,rf Invention. Atlvertlsed Sniurday Evening Post, Colliers. Prospects everywhere Full or part time. Exclusive. No Invest ment. Free ssmnles. Writ. Rjtrf fnmat Inc., Dapl. S0-I), Littleton, Colorado. 10 WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE . Mnrle and Oimrnnteed by Oncldn, Ltd, Roy Rinehart's CIIEVR0N STATION Phone 2-mi Tilt only Scrvlre Hlntlnn In Kin in mil Frills laatilni Rogers Sllvcrwnrs Cm tin U HELP WANTED, MALI SAXESMXN Kxperlenccd, preferred, wnnted by soap deiwrtinent ot CoIhiUo Pnlin- ollve Pert Co., to cull oil rot nil mid wholeAflle grocery trnda In aouthern Oregon. Age 33 to 35, snlitry mid ex pens pa phu quarterly bonus mr rnngemeut. Car furnished. For In tervicw ace L, R. Bmlth between 9 .m. and 9 p.m. Frldny, Januury 18th at Jackson Hotel In Medford, Ore. HEHK IS ttne immey-maklil nuiiurlii- Mly with an ornanlatioii rvpreMttlittg ira Kattiern Manuianurer or a E rod in-( that la beil liked nr It'i Ind. If you are a rioar antl ara will. Intf lo do more lo get more money, II Villi are rleancui. lumnrahla aitri nf ood pervotialltv, oii will du well Willi ua. .arnuta ui viuu to I30 and more lr week are poultile. If Vnu would do more lo gl mora write Herald Newa llux 4iU). ADV. NovrLfVWrrVfcii"YViV. PHONE tIAl.. FAST HI.Ll.Klt 1.111 KltAla COMM. ritKK HAMI'I.EM ACMK MriJ. AT r.CHKI.MHroitll NT.. RONTON 23. MASS. Ola money aelllng UNION t.AHrL llmtk Mairiiea d reel from Weal Coat, fao tury. rat aervlre, low ahlppiiig riwii Cuiivmiwilnn dally, r I lire Olamour Cilrlx. lllllttlllv. fUllliai: dttxana nt nlhar tvlft. Itagular, Double. Jumbo talio. f'HKK higeeal moat rumnlete rataloe ever offered, MONARCH MATCH CO.. Itetil. KM. Aloiilerav al Tullv Md.. Urn Joae. Calif. "We offer an ooooriuttltv tn ealalillan youraeir in a Dermnnenl. dignified liual. nea. KKCellent profit. We will finance )oh. itive iuii pariiruiare auoui your- lf flrat letter. Write the J. N. Wat. klna Co.. UI Uanlar Avenue, ftaatlle 0. Waahlngton. WANTED "utTrjer .13. man eiiperie'nred n appliance aelllng. Oppiu-tunity for ad- vanevment. Iteply to box 4IS rare of Herald and New giving name. aee. ex perience and aalary expected. WANTriir three cul-off men.Phoeiti7. Ore. Phona after ft p. m, I'hont a.l71S Medford. 17 HILP WANTIO 4(0 MfftTHLVrMura llmeTTrVe wll. select a reliable peraon from 1hu area to refill and collect money from out new automatic merchandising ma. chines. No selling. To qualify applicant muai nave car, references ana nw working capital. Devoting a few hours week will net ud to two monthly with the possibility of taking over full lime, rnr interview write giving run particulars, name, address, age and pnone numner. CAi.-ven corp. r. u. x wxn-Biation s Lea Angeies. llf " HIl.K and wool orejuter. must be ex perienced. Top wagea. Call 35Jd3 Hoe- nurg. a SITUATIONS WANTED WILL CAM! lor your cliililren In loi home or yours days. Phone 3-14oa. LAIlVwaiits Ivolna of 'any kind "to do al home. I'none vum. BARV-BiTTINU In nTrToma days. In yours evenlnas. In To Valley dislrlrl. Mrs. Marvin 'ord, Ml, 3, Uox 740 U, Klsniath Falls. 6'Alf WdllK; coT5Tairr"fr7onr.rMi WAMiiINO and lroniii.Tno'ne" aollg. :,ADY with one child desires work In motherless home or assistance to molh Phnne Matl. 2 llvtsion. (KlSrilH67Tail"TMM. ilA'llV SITTINtj. Hhnne 3 0312. WILL care (nr children my home days or your noma evening. Call 1J3. fiotrri work. Phone 7HI3. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LAHflK sleeping room with heat. Close in. r none an.17. Imjom and board for MenUemeii. Phone KOOM8. 3 week 020 Jefferaoi'. RATED rooms. .123 Pacific Teirare. ItOO.MH, prices reasonanle. Phone 4(177. I, .OVEI.Y roomi for rent W -St. a week, toae in. Phone 429S. WANT housework by hour. Phona 3-0-14. HOQMS 1034 High; 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT UHN1NHED two-room apartment. lie". frlgnrator, W3; all utllitiea Included. 111 n, renin. :01JK ROOM furnUhed annrtment for rent, with sleeping porch. Electric stove and refrigerator, 92 50. Close in. 11 IB rOH RENT three room furnished partment. Inquire 2033 Eberlatn. FOR RENT two room furnished apart- ment. Adults 3;ifl Broad. SMA1X furnished apartment for lady. mines turnuneq. 107 wo. win. FOR RENT. 3 mom annrtment, 2 blocks from Main Street. For working couple, Phone 447 evening 3334. ICE clean apartment, tias equipped. d. "Villa Marguisa" Inquire 1334 Onk. T1IIIKE room furnished apartment at 2023 Oarrow. FOR HENT two room modern apart ment. Adults. 321 Broad. KOR RENT. Two room apartment. Call '.02.10. ROOM itirnlshediipartment on East Main. Private bath. 2 bedrooms, oil heat, Adults, No pels. $33. Inquire at 21 in add eiiate. NORllIRIDE.C.ose in. UnstaViiTnt." ern, nice amau o-room uniurnisnen partment aouiih only, ivo nogs, ilchollcs. References, 1022 Owens. FOR RENT large three room furnished partment. u7 can t. TWO BEDROOM unfurniihed apart ment. Adult. 4.14 no. oin. FOR RENT "two room furnished apart ments. Couples. Phone 7.118. TWO ROOM apartment!, gn equipped also small three room nouse. wooa heat, am Mleh. FOR RENT." Large-four room urnlihed partment. Phone B220. THIIKE room furnished apartment. centrally mcatea. izi o. uno. FOUR BOOM furnished apartment. SOU Market. Phone e:ii7, APARTMENTS for rent. Inquire 24U ji road, see Manager. FOR REN nice unfurniihed duplex, 000 Onk FOR HKNT, furnished Irrant," In- quire BIB High. NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat, electric range week Ilex Arma Apartment. mm ALL clean anurtment. Uleu trie Ally coiilpned. 4:i:t North IQth. OR RENT, three room furnished flnartment. Hot water heat. Adults. Phone Mm, von RENT, two bedroom furnished up- stairs aportment. Heat and water fur- ished. H2 orant. rnnne -rt. iiiiniimn J l H sslataa anlrnnra thrM room furnished' apartment. Electrically equipped. Oil heat. 1A05 Main 26 HOUSES FOR RENT TWO HOUSES for rent, with laree common lawn and fruit trees. Small nouse one and one-half bedrooms, part, ly furnished. $48. Large house has two bedrooms on main floor, three rooms daylight basement. Automatio heat. . Will rent aeoaratalv. Phona 4103. evenings wvm. FOR RENT, in Klamath nils, Air. Ished three room house with new bath, electric heat, electric atove, new refrigerator. Call owner at Tulelake oooo after p. m. TWO bedroom furnished tsunlt-v'Phnnfi laCUU. TH REE bedroom ' modern house, 10(1(1 block on Calif, Ave. Sea W. J. Easter 1090 Calif. SIRVICI Oim, Oil, Tim. Tube Bnttorlra, Lubrication, Winlilug SOUTH HIXTII and MIDLAND ROAD Klnnmtli Knlli, Orr.on 26 H0USKKR HINT rept grooerlea. 1 14.1 i'lne. fott JtRNt lo viniple ""only' "moiiJn. Iiiime. two Urge room, Inquire 44 J Hhaata Way jtr Ifliu CUrJII. rOH " UKNf. Turn triable. elMtPlwe) hedroam duplex. I'arlly furnlalied, (7U. Phona 771W or 4:ilHi, wtJ"""liKtnt66M uiiurKfniaii'T.iuae for rent. Phnne Jtiwa. Voir ItKNf'lwn IwiTrooin unfurnlahee. houae. ItUK) Auitiit Ml, soft month Phone 34iui: roil MKNf. IMO Down tree7Tw iMdriKtm unfurnuhed house, ti month, 40J.1 Winter, Two bedroom, nearly nw, uufurnlahed, JU acre.0. Phone 0303. KOH ItENT. Three room""furnUhel houae, bath. Inquire XXI Market, Apart- meitl14 after 3 p. in. rOII LEA HE iWobefroom Moifarn hnuae, furnuhed S5 per month. Call aata. O n"KNf rTnUi)'iec5'"Tw ' berJroo m houae with garage. 3u month. Inquire I.VJ2 lkevlew. NEAT modarii houie atllagar. Call I47, . KOKitlS'W1frw " beifrooin (urnialiefl houae. 3U73 Doardman, Inquire at 37 01 Derby. WYlt IttNTTI'o bedroom duplex, ftir- nlahad, clnae In. Ingujre SW.Niyjfr lfI nicely lurnian' ff one bedroom house Couple only, 323 ' l.nirnln. l 38 MISCELLANIOUS 'OR KIN If BEEHIVE A u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Mnin Phone 0304 orYlcK- for reni Main. tone 71(11. roit HfcNT door sanders Isle. I lypa equipment Suburban Lumber Co. Illb andWslnut I'hone T7M CAK lTjltAhlt"rATll). day waea or month. Carl Lamb, pltona 413 or 770 30 RIAL ISTAfl COR SAL I "MILLS" Nrnrly n(w on bedroom horns located 0110 block to bus 1 1 riff. Wall to wnll cnrpctlntf, very sttrsctlvo kitchen nnd dlniiiB nrra, liwulalrd wnll.i. cclllimn and floors. Attached Ritrnur, utility room and workshop. Kx cell cut condllioa throimhout. A rrnl buy at $0600, terms. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY A real money making bualneas lo euled on 0110 of Uie main thorouiili (urea. Tills la a year around bual nraii and would be rxptctally Ideal (or mail nnd wl(e, I'reaeiu owner hna bualneiui lnterent out of town. Hhntild net man and wife at leant 1800 per month. 113.000, term. NEAR ACADEMY Well constructed four bedroom home an large lot, Spacloua living-,' room, dlnlnit room and kltchenJ two batlu, full baarmenl with ren tml hem. OueM hou-e at rear. Owner leaving. Only 17600, term. HARRY VAN (Eve. 8034t JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3311 STOP PAYING RENT Here la a bnruuln If vou want ft close ,n home. Completely fur- nl.Hhed two bedroom home, for th Mniill price of IS260, ft look; will convince you. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AGAIN Here I a lovelv home, nicely fur nlalied too. Frlgldulre, atove, piano nnd all. Price onlv 110.000 with convenient terms. See It today. C-0-O-K-S HERE IT IS Nicely located CAFE doln ex cellent business. This Is what you have been asking for and waiting for, don't miss your chance to go Into business for yourself, Priced at only S4260. Clnlro Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-28S9 Jay P, Orlifgs Eves. Ph. 42&i W. W. Thompson at Mnlln J. W. Sander, Realtor 1213 Mnin St. Phone 7521 60 ACRES Excellent snndy lonm. Irrigated, 23 acres clover, 8 acres old alfalfa, 2 bedroom modern house. Price WO.OOO, $18,000, down, terms. 6 ACRES New house, 2 bedrooms, bath, floor furnace, electric water heater good location. $8000, some terms. M. A. BOWMAN Realtor. Merrill, Ore. Phone 7302 URGENT Our office Is In need nr llatlnire In city limits and South Suburbs. We have buyers for 2-4 bedroom homes. If you are planning to sell ran our omce TOR COURTJEOU3 EFFICIENT SERVICE. B0GUEDALE, Realtor 122 S. Oth Phone 7268 (OVELY. Iwn-bedroom home" built In 11)40. tn.,,l-,-t u.. Ihrouihriul. Caved linoleum. One block oli Seulh nth In South Suburbs. Hrll 9M0 ' ,i00' B'no 'l00' Phon JPjJ SALE. Two bedroom home, rur- ., nisiieu, mverview aaai tlon. Phone 4n:i4. HOMES rOR SALC 7 CVEHETT DENNIS. REALTOR I tai n eia C ...3 r"OR SAt.E, riva room hoiiVe tob ...... u, wmaB, e-nona aw, maun, Ore-Ion.