Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 12, 1952, Page 11, Image 11

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    SATURDAY. .JANUARY 12, Il).ri2
"Fred won'l admit Ihrre's anr
loniirrtloii, but 1 nullre M' been
piling up around hire lnr the
day all tlitme Imoklrn wrnt out
of bulnr!"
I, Mint
KHUN' lli:itl ot Wednesday
drlicU with iiloum concerning the
rlwhKlblllty ot biinclmll rctiunliiit to
Kliunnth KnllH after Uie Knr West
ICBKUC Hlil)C(l. out ol CXUUrllce In
a Keddlnn mrcllnn IliU week.
Club President Uuk Mimulrc.
who nbio runs things l KFJl way
and slrrrcil the bUhliiess end ol
the (leius lor two yours, tell inc
Ihut llilimn arcn t m bud as this
column pictured.
Magulra or the club directors or
tiny ol Dio I'htlly brush Hint have
been connected with l"p Oenis l"r
lour yrnrs will not venture to any
when we'll have professional base
ball hero agaln-but Klamath Kalln
definitely Hi any plans the I'lilin
make along that line. .
TIIK IMl'OUTANT thing Is. ac
cording to Magulre. we will have
Allhouuh not ol l ie proiesMimui
hrXl the Cirms II lliey keep Hint
J ; "h, b. iu.i a itood "limy.
! better" aiva Ulcki a luit
lie better . aaja uick. in
llcre a Iho plan as It now stands
fcrnm flycol eie bov uuderiirad-
NLrp'ospecJ b nL'ii? of Tm ' -hamied and the Pelican, started;
rwssrs si'v'Medd'riind h..f ,
ri rtlc. al eue us el." Uh' Ihlrd fl.mrter was .. bucket by;
utCmVTdS m to ,.ly b: :Couner while Uie Pe Ucnns were ,
delivery by ihejniddle ol June JhA
I the fourth quurtcr.
Cuusl lenauo cluua, Iravelmn pro-; But that's the onlv free ors the
Icwoonal tvauis audi as the Kan-; Pellcnns missed In the second half,
sua tl.y Hionnrcha. House ul Unvld, IThey spent lots of time on the
fit- uood aeiul-pio clubs. ,li'ul line as Medlord pressed hard
v a-"lire tay thut there Is Utile to Ret nosarmdoii of the ball,
dou'li. ' between 30 and SO giunes ' Carroll hnd six Held goals lour
nil uc lined up. 'ol """"i In u second-qunrtcr spree
lllchard warns to nink It clcni-nnd live (we throwa lor 17. and
'lii,,.t ii won't be "bush league " jhlgh-polnl honors. Bell and Oil
'bisehall imorc chipped In Willi 11 and 10.
... J, i, owl baseball, fast Tile Medlords were watching
baseball," lie uc.v.es.
..,'. n.,.i umu'ler nboiit the
boys now on I'htlly or Oem con-
ti acts they'll all bo released Irom
llic Gems. Thoso Hint belong to llic
I'hllln will probably wind up with
Salt Lnkc City In spring training
siiiils at Merced. From there, they
will bo placed according to their
THIS PLAN Is ready to go but
there still remains big liuiinclal
And IhaVA why the directors met
There Is atlll some f.'O.OOO to pay
lt cairt bo repaid right away
and the dlreclora ore hoping their
debtors will be patient In Inking a
little at n time.
In a nutshell, here's the most re
cent nioiiey-iulslng plan.
A Iloo.'.ter's Club will be formed
Mngulre mnkes It clear that the
baseball club Is fooling no one. All
dnnators will get out of that they
throw Into the "Savo Baseball" pot
In the event the plan now being
eyed does not pan out, all money
will be refunded.
MID-JUNK will be the earliest
lioaslbla sliuUng lime. That's when;c nv 46 t0 33 on pciictln court
.nlleon h.iva will nr. renrix'. .
colleeo bovs will be ready.
Magtilre said that another plan
that would bo launched along with
the Booster's Club Idea would be
to have the spud growers whose
(iroduct the Gums luivo been flying
in their unllorms lor four years
kick in with several carloads of
Gems Stadium won't rot for lack
of use.
In addition lo the Clems' plans,
there'll bo American Legion base
ball and possibly high school and
Oregon Tech tennis will schedule
their games nt the local bnllyard.
This Is morn anticipated Income
lor the debt-rldtlcn Gems.
Magiilre Is wlso enough lo shy
away from any promises but he
does Indicate tliat Klamath Falls Is
loo good a baseball town to die
on tho bush.
One gets the Idea after talking
lo Magulrs that "someday" we'll
have professional baseball here
ngnln. .
In the meantime, tho current
plan will keep things hot,
Business Manager Kirk Hcrrlck
mill I'lnylng Manager Bill DeCaiio
arc looking for Jobs,
Cage Ducats
Go on Sale
Tickets went on snln yester
day at thn Oregon Woolen stoio
for the Jan. 20 basketball clou
blchonder nt Pelican Court fen.
luring the two great totirlng.Nn.
gro teams, the O.innus Harlem
Globetrotters and tho Kansas
Cltv Stars.
Tho 'Trotters will meet the
city league lender whilo the
Clilloquln Townles of the Klnm
t.ith Basin lout! no will be Invited
to lace uie KO Stars. .... .
Gift Line
Pays Off
11 v hi;i in Hi)
The I'elleann' first step 111 the
genet-til direction ol Oregon's I)lst.
4 baiikulbiill llllo last nlKht was a
Mire one lit the blK.bova In red
mid while bent Medlord by a H-3
In the llnul analysis, It was ae
cm lie v li'oiii Iho loul line thut puld
oil lor the Kliiinntli club.
Thev tunned 20 ol 'M lor the
evening but It won their second
ItiUf performance Unit turned the
lrlik- n lira l 111 ol 17.
It took the Pelicans until mid
wuv In the necond Irnine to llnd
Ihelr stride tout when lliey did
ihey pulled nwiiy Irani the hard
preKKiiiK Medlord live,
livi: T1KH
In the first hull the lend changed
liutidH three times mid live tunes
llic count was deadlocked, the last
lime llitill Just putt Hie midway
point In Hie Hecond Irunie.
But ltny Bell scored Iroin the
ehnrltv line, Hnlph Cnrroll found
I ho range on u swing shot and tip
In nnd Dell hit again Just past
mldcourt nlniOHt simultaneously
Willi llic hnlMlnie nun nnd the
Pelicans held u 22-18 hnlltlme
bulge, the largest thread by eith
er lenni In tile Ural hnll.
Medlord "cored Urnt on H lay
In by Don Spina but Col Ollinore,
who was Hie sparkplug nnd stingy
on deleruie, gave the Pels a 3-2
lend on a Held uonl and free
tornai(i:h i.i:m
Hut niter Iwo lies. Meaiora neiu
nil o n .- -
scorlntr Ural chapter.
Cnrroll made It 8-8 Irom the key.
then Gllmoro put the Pels ahead
10- on n pluv. Mcdlurd wont
ahead lor the last lime lust briefly
uls Conner who led the Tornado
.Inrk Itnrlon closely and the big
; bov didn't gel away with any of
his pet corner shots.
n,iic wire.
tl lll'lltltt
llmeham. f
is IT it tp
Spin., f ..
llnardman, r a
Alterhury. a -
r'onnfr. I
II erven
Wooton O
Thniniwon I
Crlpnen 0
Lander - - 1
T.I.I, 12
llrll. 1 3 ; 2
Morion, f S 1 i
Cnrroll. e J s 4
Johnson, a ; ?
Cllnwire. g .. 3 4 I
I'm- - I S i 2
Freoeh J
S Floeehlnl ? X I!
Sunuiun - - .. . a 0 "
14 HI
llaKtlnM ore: niin.u "
IS Free throwt mlwd; Medlord 10
iWooton 3. Alterbury 3. Conner J.
lorUnin li; Klanuth iBell 2. Horjon
2 Carroll 1. Johiuon 1. Gllmore 2'. Ot
lirUli. Paul llaaan and Aufla Sllva.
JVs Whip
VI-.......... 1 .. n I n v Vacllv
,.,, ., vinm.ih povmcr
Hist. Illglll.
Oiliind Dixon, Klamath packers
forward, was liiah nolnt man of
the game with 11 points - to Ills
credit. Junior Varsity forwnrd Bud
Barron was close behind with 10,
The Junior Varsity forged ahead
22 to 16 nt the half. In the second
half the JVs widened their lend
lo 38-21 when the third period
Tonight the "Little While Birds"
(angle with tho Medlord JVs In
tho preliminary to the Pelican
Medlord game. Game time is 6:45.
nox score;
.tAVVIIS (1(1)
II. Mills 4
Oiirron 10
Keller ft
Doiiehertv 0
F 11 Dixon
F a Rarretl
K 0 Lowell
O ,1 Clnrk
(i 4 QiilnouiHlfl
Jmvee ul Fredrlr-kon 4. MilU 2.
n-tr.-ll 2. Si. minora 2, Flnnlian 3, Hall.
Woldon, Wright.
L&C Wallops
Idaho, 74-45
lly The Associated Press
Lewis nnd Clnrk College held to
lis first place tie In thn Northwest,
Basketball Conference Fridny night
by dcfentlng the College of Idaho
Hie Portland team Is tied with
Willamette. It was the third
straight win for L-C.
Milt Schrocdcr pneed the win
ners with 14 points but was out
gunned by Dick Spless of the Idaho
school who sank ID.
In the only other conlerence
Rnmc, Dick Fnln with 24 points
led Whitman, to a 71-S1 Victory
over Pacific. Jiillani Amaya was
high for Paclflo with 15 points.
TJYTON, O. NEA Lconnrd
Blnckburn's Dayton Flyers started
tho baskctbnll cnmpnlgn with a two
yenr record of 61 victories and only
13 dcfenls,
KLAMATH'S JACK HORTON (near camera) and Med
ford's Ed Bingham po up for a rebound iate in last night's
contest on Pelican Court while Uerald Wooton (12) looks
oh. The Pelicans won, 48-33, in the Dist. 4 opener.
w m. mm " ' i m tx w mm m y'.- i
n un
tv I. rn.
Vklipnrt .......
OrfKon Cuiirav
OrrKn Terll
Kaxcrn Oregon . .
0 I una
0 1 oiiu
1 -OJO
2 .000
MONMOUTH Oregon Collene
sourted In the last three minules
; ot plav last night to break a 48-
! ail deadlock and beat Oregon
It was the oreRon collegiate
5 conference opener for both schools
s ' The. final six-point spread was
a the largest In the game for either
, team in a nip and luck battle in
i , which Uic lead changed hands sev
i 'cral times.
?! The Wolves of Monmouth con-
trolled the backboards and the tip
oils and that
'Jilhem the margin of victory.
io I Oretech's Don Sutpliiit scored 25
a 'points, high In the contest. In the
1 Owls' losing effort. Homer Dun-
can contributed 13. Thai's 38 of
Oretech's total.
But OCE's Bob Bushnell and
Harold- Pitcher teamed up for 34
of the winners' tallies with 19 and
IS points respectively.
In a slow-starting game. Oregon
Tech led 7-6 at the llrst-quarler
post and nursed a shaky 22-21 lead
at the half.
The game was tied, 39-nll, nt
Iho end of three quarters. In n
touch-and-go battle, it went to 48
all when Uie hast team started its
scoring binge that, gave them the
Frank Rosenstock wrecked OTI
chances late in the rally with two
hook shots Irom the key for Ore
gon College.
The two teams meet In n re
match tonight.
Box Frore:
oitrirc a , po ft rF tp
Duncan, f .... U 1 2 )J
Finklry, f o 1 3 1
HcItfitM, r O O 2 fi
Suiphin, ji n ;i a 2" i
(Jeiieltti. g O a 2
Hrscrvw: 1
WMl 2 2 A
Koch O 2 0 '
Fl.inlnnm .... O 1 2 1
Pfltermtn OO ! fll
liamniick 1 1 4 a
Totnls - 21 iT2.-.?il
OfU I (1 FT lK Tl
HulHvnn, f - t Klfi
Pitcher, f n A 3 1,1
Ho.se.mock. c H 4 I i ft
Bunlinell. U - H 3 4 1ft
Pinion. R 2 12 3
Mclhie 0 0 2 0
Vnnnver . B I 0 1 3
lluhhitrd - 0 0 n Oi
Dnsch .... . 0 0 0 ft
PalqtlUt 1 0 .1 2
Totals 22 13 17 7 1
lly The Associated Press
New York Ernie "The Rock"
Durando, 151 Bnyonne, N. J.
stopped Rocky Castellnnl, 158 ii,
Tenncok, N. J. 7.
West Pulm Beach, Fia. Nor
man Thomson, 143, Paterson, N. J
outpointed Sonny Luciano, 139, Mi
ami, 10.
Hollywood, Calif Art Soto, 152,
Oakland,-Calif., outpointed Reno
Abellnlia, ,155, Honolulu, 10.
' ' H) HUtP, SrOtTt tOlTOR , ,1 1
Ryan Faces Fine In
Assault on Arbiter
NEW YORK J State boxing
boss Bob Chrlstenbcrry was ready
to revoke Manager Tommy Ry
an's license Saturday and possibly
plaster him with a big fine for his
assault on Referee Ray Miller in
a wild aftermath to the Ernie Du-rando-Rocky
Castellanl fight in
Mndison , Square Garden Friday
The raging manager stormed Into
inc ring and threw punches at
,0" 'igt ?t iSTS
the seventh round of a 10 rounder
Bn1 awarded a technical knockout
1 10 . Durnndo over Castellani, Ry-
Castellani had Insi crnoooi-,, i
jhis feet at nine after being clipped
Associated Prrss Staff Writer
Oft-beaten MiUon-Freewntpr nrn.
vided the single ninjor upset tn a
ioiik schedule of Orecon high
school basketball games Frkluy
niBlit. ,
Tho Pioneers outshot and outran
The Dalles, -previously undefeated
and rated No; 8 In the slate As
sociate:! Press poll. 10-49. In a
Class A District 2 contest. Milton-1
Freewatcr, a 1951 slate tourney
entry, had suffered two losses In '
league play, as well as others to
wasiiiiiBloii teams.
Nearly nil the other top-ranked
tennis came through.
Klamath Falls, ranked No. 1 in
(he noil, brushed off Medlord, 48
33. Central Catholic, a close No. 2,
bent Jelferson of Portland, the de
fending stale champion and sev
enth rated, 45-40, for the second
time Ibis season.
An expected scoring duel be
tween All-Staters Bob Allcnhofcn
of Ccntrnl and Max Anderson of
Jeff (ailed to materialize. Alien
liofen counted only eight points and
Anderson six as they : opposed
each other from the center - posts.
It was tho first game this season
in which either has failed to score
In two ligurcs. ., ,
Salem, ' rated No.- 4, "trounced
Bend, 69-43. Sixth ranked MeMinn
vlllo ran wild over West Linn, 72
Astoria,- tied lor eighth with
Miirshfield in tho poll, staved olf
a Into rally by Washington ol
Portland to win, 08-57. Mnrshfleld
whipped Myrtle Point, 43-33.
Corvallls, ranked No. 10, turned
back Lebanon, 44-38, to retain Us
favorite's rolo In Class A District
7 competition.
Johnny Frederick Jr., the Tl
tfard miard who set a new Ore
con nreo individual scorlnir record
ol 53 points n gainst Newberg;
Tuesday night, lound the going i
tougher ' Friday night. Stubborn '
Forest Grove limited him to 20 i
points although Tlgnrd won eas- i
lly, 63-47. 1
Northern Division (Handing
tV lt Pel.
Orciion 2 0 1X100
Washington i 1 .807
Iduho 1 1 .500
Oregon State 1 2 .333
Washington Stale 1 3 .000
CORVALLIS, Ore. I Oregon
State College slowed Washington
with n man-to-irian defense Fri
day night but the Huskies plodded
Mctdlly to a 46-37 Coast Conler
enc? Northern Division basctball
The Washington defense was
even more effective and allowed
the Beavers lew good shots.
Forward Doug McClary. who
moved Irom center to replace Uie
injured ace. Bob Houbrcjts, was
hieh scorer ol the jjame with 11.
Guard Dannv Johnston and For
ward Jack Orr got seven each Jor
OSC's best.
The Beavers led only once at
0-5. Washington had a 14-9 lead
at the lirst quarter turn. 23-17 at
the half and 36-27 Roing into the
final nuartcr.
1 From there on the Huskies pro
jected the lead with slow, bail con
trol play that also helped keep tnc
:ore down.
The two teams play again Sat
urday nifjht while the Idaho Van
dals Invade Washington State.
Hyder. Georgia Tech's new bas
ketball coach, won letters in four
sports basketball, baseball, track
and cross-country as an under
graduate. with a terrific right uppercut when
Miller intervened.
"I stopped It because Castellani
would have been hurt," Miller
said. "You know how hard Du
rando can punch."
This observer and an over
writer agreed that the referee had
acted wisely,
Durando. a stocky, powerful
puncher from Bayonne. N. J., is
one of the hardest hitters In the
middleweight ranks.
Chrlstenberry suspended Ryan
on the spot, ordered Castella-.il's
purse ot some 7,000 held up, and
advised Ryan by telegram to ap
pear nt a 10:30 a.m. hearing at
the commission offices Saturday
Asked II he planned to take away
Kyans license, cnristenoerry saia:
"Yes. I'll do everything In my
power to see that he regrets creat
ine such a disorderly scene.
Before quitting the garden, the
fuming manager threw some more
punches this time at Matchmak
er Al Weill.
. Hugh Brndiey, ol the New York
Journal-American, and other after
noon boxinsr writers were flresent
in Castellani's dressing room when
Weill entered.
Bradley said Ryan kicked and
punched tlie middle-aged bespec-
tackled Weill, knocked his glasses
oil and cut his face. Weill declined
to name his assistant and said he
would not press any charges.
By The Associated Press
Friday's Results
American League
Pittsburgh 4 Hershey 1
Pacific Coast League
Seattle 8 Victoria 4
Edmonton 4 Saskatoon 0
New Westminster 2 Vancouver
The Odds Are 2 to 1 ...
that your assurance . program
needs attention if It hasn't been
reviewed recently by an exper
ienced underwriter, A change of
beneficiary perhaps . . . mort
gage protection or less life as
surance and more provision for
retirement. Let me review your
assurance you will be under no
Ph 7777 today!
Ditt. Alt.
Dinit laker
aaaaapaMaaaawajatwM,err,'rHryw' -- '
... "I vuz robbed ..."
Tea Party',
Snort Pop,
If you think Wednesday's Pete
Belcastro - Kurt Von Poppenhelm
donnybrook at the armory was
hair-raising, you haven't seen any
thing. Take it from the principals.
The big monacled German grunt
ed after the match In broken Eng
lish, "I win rassle ... I do it
again . . . but quicker . ya"
The Weed Assassin used a lew
words that can't be put In a lam
lly newspaper, ail of which meant
that he'd take the Proud Prussian
apart In record time Wednesday
night when the two meet In a win-ner-take-all
rematch with no time
limit attached
Fans are still talking about Wed
nesday's blood-letting scrap that in
vaded the sanctity ot tne rmgsiae
seats in the last few hectic min
utes. It was called "no contest .
Pinch hitting Matchmaker Buck
Davidson hasn't completed the rest
of his card but he promises it will
be good.
He has Danno McDonald, good
looking Irish boy, signed lor an
apparence but a toe hasn't been
Davidson hopes to get the Parks
boys Herb and Billy back, plus
vain Yorg cretorlan, the Rumani
an Ape.
Castleberry Drugs, ticket head
ouarters at 530 Main, Is preparing
lor a huge advance sale.
HONOLULU l The Hawaii
All-Stars upset the College All
Stars, 39-27 here Friday night In
the second Hula Bowl loolbaU
game of the new year.
Last Sunday the Collegians from
the mainland won the first game
The Hawaii team, bolstered by
several pro players, scored in ev
ery period to win the second en,
counter. They led 19-14 at the half
The pro passing combination of
Quarterback FranKle Albert to End
Tommy Fears was the undoing of
the Collegians.
Washington's Hugh McEihenny
scored three times Jor the couegi.
ans twice on the ground and once
by air.
McEihenny traveled 40 yards In
four carries In the second quar
ter and scored from the one. In the
fourth quarter he made 44 yards
on four runs and scored from the
four. Late In the game McEihen
ny galloped 41 yards with a pass
from Loyola's Don Klosterman.
Klosterman also threw the pass
that McEihenny took over the goal
on the game's last play.
McEihenny- returned one kick
off 33 yards and carried another
23 yards.
Waieott May
By-pass Ezz
NEW YORK tP The manager
of Heavyweight Champion Jersey
Joe Waieott Is talking about by
passing Ezzard Charles for a big
money shot at either Harry "Kid"
Matthews or Rocky Marciano.
Manager Felix Bocchicchto talks
In one breath of "meeting the com
mitment with Charles" and in the
next threatens "to violate our con
tracts" to move into bigger mon
ey. Bocchicchlo pointed out that the
championship so far hasn't been a
bonanza for Waieott.
The University of Florida bas
ketball team is composed of five
iunlors, 10 sophs and three fresh
men. These are no seniors on the
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Remember. . .
Yon pay for insulation whether you have it
or not. '
iNSULATiON ... is simple to install..,
use that spore Saturday afternoon ... Do
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YOU . . . can insulate the ceiling of an
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- $49.50 ;. ;;:
Swan Lake Moulding Co.
3226 South th . Phone 3169
"Time Tells In Building" ' ' " ,
Friday's College Basketball
By The Associated Press
UCLA 05 Southern Caillornia it
Stanford 81 California 74
Washington 4 Oregon State 37
Wyoming 85 New Mexico 2
Brigham Young 65 Denver SI
Utah 82 Montana S4
Colorado State 67 Colo Mines 80
Utah State 46 Colorado A&M 41
Oenzaga 77 Seattle 78
Idaho State 48 Colorado College 39
Pepperdine 81 Santa Barbara 82
Puget Sound 72 St. Martins (Wash)
Central Wash 68 Pacific Lutheran
Los Angeles Loyola 61 Santa Clara
Nevada 65 Sacramento State 57
Chieo State fll Southern Oregon 47
San Francisco State 63 Fresno
Slate 52
Lewis and Clark 74 College Idaho
Calif Aggies 53 Humboldt 31
Whitman 71 Pacific Univ 53
Oregon Education 47 Oregon Tech
Princeton 50 Dartmouth 48
Duquesne 70 Colgate 52 i
Springfield 74 Rhode Island 69
Maine 80 Massachusetts 59
Buffalo 72 Cannon 'Pal 50
Amherst 78 Bates 69
Northeastern 6 MIT 61
George Washington 6 Wash it Lee
Miami 93 Florida State 5fl
Form an 73 South Carolina 64
Davidson 100 The Citadel 64
Virginia 75 Richmond 64
TiohviMrian So Mercer 57
Johns Hopins 72 Catholic .Univ 48
Oklahoma A&M 71 Houston 44
Miami (Ohio) 49 Muskingum 42
Texas Christian 75 Baylor ,S7
T.v.. AJbVT KS. Rice 44
Arizona State (Tempe) 76 Arizona
o.-... tmvotitatt SR -
Arkansas College 63 Arkansas AJiM
By The Associated Pres
Baker 49 Ontario 27
Aisea 40 6c lo 37
Knappa 75 Westport 57
Sheridan w amuy a
r,o.. OT tliinnis Valley 44
Muton-Freewater ro ine mum
Jacksonville 45 Fnoem a
Jewell 51 Star ol me eea,
Utariram 30 Clllver 33 '
Stayton 58 Sacred Heart (Salem)
Salem Bible Academy 51 Parkdale
n.nlr. 97 Sherwood 20
Roseburg 48 Willamette (Eugene)
Pendleton 66 Hermiston 3
North Bend 42 Coqullle 40
Marshfield 43 Myrtle Point 33
Newnort 47 Sluslaw 41
Toledo 36 Waldport 33
Corvallls 44 Lebanon 3S
McMinnvllle 73 West Linn 49
Park Rose 50 vernonia 38
Columbia Prep 48 Concordia 37
(Both Portland)
North Martion 42 Willamlna 30
Seaside 43 Clatskanie 41
Oregon City 60 Newberg 50
Dallas 42 Mt. Angel 34
Rainier 51 Warrenton 37
Wheeler 39 Tillamook Catholic 31
Dayton 75 Yamhill 43
Nestucca 98 Nenaiem 33
Philomath 42 Cascade 41
Central Catholic 45 Jefferson 40
(Both Portland)
Vaisetz 46 Eddyville 38 .
Silverton 58 Canby 34
Maupin 39 Corbett 25
Banks 37 Sherwood 20
Portland TJ Frosh 37 Roosevelt!
(Portland) 36
Astoria 5S Washington (Portland)
Junction City 51 Pleasant HU1 27
Toledo 47 Little Rock 13
Sweet Home 64 Central (Monmouth
Independence) 45
Ashland 45 Grants Pass 43 (over
time) Oakridge 59 St. Francis (Eugene)
Scappoose 50 St. Helens 41
Miiwaukie S3 Tillamook 36
Hills boro 51 Beaverton 48
Klamath Falls 48 Medford 33
Gresham 55 Hood River 29
Molalla 51 Estacada 37
Tigard 63 Forest Grove 47
Eugene 69 Albany 60
Cascade Locks 36 Moaier 16 .
Woodburn 47 Sandy 36
Garibaldi 52 Bay City 41 "
Lewis and Clark College Frosh 43
Benson (Portland) 32
Salem 69 Bend 52
Dufur 44 Wasco 35 .
Payles Drugs of the city league
beat the visiting Weed cagers, 8
42, last night at Alternant.
Jim Palmer scored 17 lor the
Drugs high-point honors. Bob Er-
landson added la.
NOTRE DAME. Ind. OB Johnny
Lattner, sophomore right halfback
from Chicago, was a sianaout, on
thn ISM Notre name grid sauad.
according to team statistics, john
ny had the best ban-carrying aver
aae. amone the regulars 68 car.
riers for 341 yards and an average
of 5 yards per try .He was second
in scoring with six touchdowns for
36 ooiiits. Since he olaved both of
fense and defense, Lattner also
had the most playing time to his
account. In the final game oi uie
season against Southern caillornia,
the youngster played 69 minutes.
finrrM Heart
. Pt,
fl 1,000
Boninu , . I 1
MhIIii tw.. M 1 1
Bly . 0 i
Glkhrlat o t
Henley o 1
Srgrra I t Mill!
Matin Sfl Bonanza 211
Other gsmea pualponed, tnow,
Bonanza should have staved al
home like the rest of the Klamath
uouniy mass league members
did last night when the snowstorm
postponed threo-fouiths el the
But the Antlers trawler! tn Mn.
lin heavy favorites to whin tha
Mustangs, Thev had tinnr, it (!.
this season In non-league meetings
by convincing margins.
eut in the one that counted Uat
night, the Mustangs reared up and
Kiciea uie Antlers with a 38-26 vic
tory. v '
Snow stopped the Sacred Heart
at Gilchrist, Chiioquin at Henley
and Merrill at Bly games.
ine oacKooara work of Wayne
Rick and Bob Stevenson was th
big factor In Malm's upset of the
Dale Fentrmi rtnntrit i,n
shooter Irwin Crume from the field
as the Bonanza forward dunked
just one shot from the foul line.
roHim iea au the way with Rick
pacing the attack with 15 points'.
Fenters added 10.
Malta Coach Jim Comoy pulled
an "Iron man" stunt on Bonanza,
using the live starters throughout
the game.
In a preliminary contest, the Ma
un B team beat Bonanza, 40-32.
Box irnrn,
Crume I r
Hubble 7 F
Chandler 4 C
Haley 8 a
Wllnon j
. Bonanza suta Die.
IS W. Rick
10 renters
S Sleyenwn
1 V. RlrJK
NEW YORK m ThB Tnier.
tional Boxing Club and Manager
jacs nuriey, wno handles light
heavyweight contender Harry Mat
thews, were as far apart as ever , '
The IBC and Hurley have been
engaging In a feud of words. The
latter recently turned down an
IBC offer to match Matthews
against Champion Joey Maxim.
Friday the IBC offered the olive
branch to Hurley and asked him
via wire if he were Interested la
matching Matthews against Clar
ence Henry, fourth-ranking heavy
weight contender, in Madison
Square Garden on Feb. 22.
Hurley promptly rejected the ot
ter. ubaujb v uicvwua wu .... la
ments, Matthews not available at
present. Thanks for offer," he
wired from Seattle.
When asked what the "com
mitments" were, Hurley said Mat
thews was Testing up after a bout
with the flu and four fights In the
Middle West.
Kiner, who has hit 257 home runs
in his six seasons with Pittsburgh,
has walloped only seven at Crosiey
JAN. 19!
ify. f Ve
410 So. 6th - Ph. 4113