Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 11, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952
VH' If'.l )
for tvitit
1" 0
1 ' B I
"I Jiul ran't o In the rliif and
fare all thonn iinilr not In a
last year's wrralllna; outfit!"
"id j Matthew bitiih-otl la paral
leled In Jno Hurley ' uwn inunn
lirrlitl history.
ilurlrv In the canny skipper of
Matthews, Mr. Box OHIce of Ihe
Untie business.
Ilurlrv t one time Imndlcd a
pi rlty fair rouiiiry iluhlrr.
Billy Petrolic wim his name.
I'eliolle, Ilk" Matthews, una
lulled the g intent Hunter of Ills
But, also like Matthews, there
were no Mien l"r Petrolle, tlie
Fargo Express."
WHAT IS l'elrolle doliiK now?
lie's director of a bank, wealthy
and has all his murines.
)lurloy'a own words about Pe
trolle Rlvea additional IiuiIkIH Into
hia current hit and run battle with
the boxinu monopoly called the In
ternatlimal Boxlnrt Club.
"I proved to him that he was
belter olf without a title ... a
champion's inanauer is seldom his
own boss ... he has to tie up
with one promoter , . .. and some
body else Is boss . . . "
IT ALL seems to He In with
Hurleys recent rejection of the
lftO for a title flora for Matthews
with Light Heavyweight King Joe
Matthews has admitted to close
friends here that he's very happy
with Hurley's managerial moves.
He admits that he's made a lot
of money and thai Hurley hi hand
lmi his buslne's with llnessr.
Right now Mattnews wnnoui
a doubt the top drawing card In
the flatlc world.
Chew this possibility for awhile:
Bay Hurlcv did .sign Matthews
tor a tight with Maxim. And pay
Maxim punched htm full of holes?
In nurh an event, he could lose
Ed note: This, of cource, Is
.purely hyppUieilcsl because, lf
liny' opinion Maflhewa would un
hinge Ma:;lm nnytlme Hurley gave
the "go ahead" nod from the cor
ner, JKfinV RCIU'BKnT has fol
lowed his brother Tom's move In
transferrins; from Oregon State to
Klamalh Kalis' Oregon Tech . . .
Grid Coach flex Hunsaker soys
Jerry will be eligible for football
come fn.ll nd that "he msy help
tii" . . , there's another reason
for Hiinsrker's bigger than usual
smile nowadays . . . -Mm Doorller
has also enrolled st the school on
the htll . . . the big tackle played
for Hex three years at Albany
High ... he was named All Big 8
sll three years ... he enrolled
at Oregon Stole yenr before last,
wss called Into the Conn Guard
. . . recently releored. he decided
to transfer to Oretech ...
Win One
I. Fl,
0 I win
1 .7(1(1
i .sun
:i .i
rtioliy 4
I'eyl.M , .1
llllllotl 2 I
Cftro Trill 2 2
llar.ld.Naws I :t
Halmnrtnil I S
Herc-ulea . .14
Srer.. l.ail Nighl
rtlrksa 114 Palmerlnn :iu
llereld-Newe S3 llerculea .l
nickys won Its fourth straight
biiskellisll decision in city league
play si Alliunont Intt night thst
was expected. But the unexpected
came when Ihe Herald and News
(ulnt won Its first to climb out
ul the leugue cellar.
The Typographies! errors, with
Jiiy Clrlggs polling 31 points,
nipped Hercules, 53-l3.
ltlckys won handily over Palmer
ton by a 04-311 count.
Oil Ilunney paced the Rlckys
five with n points as the Jewelers
slayed aheud of Palmcrlon Lum
ber Co. all the way. Jerry DodUs,
ex-Gem bsncbsllrr, wss high for
Ihe Lumbermen with 8.
Pied Kloetke's 17 was high for
the losing Hercules team.
Games Monday night pair Her
cules and Hilltop at 7:30. Cues
Cola and Palmcrton at V o'clock.
tarn rsi.suTni
r 9 to(i'ii
r a mi,,
t: s llur
Ci 4 Kiialer
1, 7 Hall
Peterson 1.1. Wnnney 17.
KemniUar 7
llarve) 14
Wllla 6
rtar 3
nirltV allha.
Valleiicour 4. McCall. Palnierton aubt
Yee .1. IWII 3. Zalanariio.
III SI 11.14 1131 (' M-V
FloHk. 17 . F S Hartley
n. Wavhrant 10 T II Kavall
MrHa S f 31 Crises
U'lmtr II (I 4 Entry
hUman 3 ii I Downa
Haitul.a aulM -l.uhrey ft. J. Waibranl
3. McUanlel. Adrian.
4 Share
Lead In
KB Loop
suffer from shortitio when
they open against Medford
tonight on Pelican Court in
the first of. a two game
series. Here Coach Paul
McCall hands jhc ball to
his two talles'l players
Ralph Carroll (35) and Ray
Bell (33). Center Carroil
measures 6-7 while Bell
comes in at 6-5. Jack Mor
ton adds 0-4 to the starting
lineup while the two guards
pull down the team's aver
age somewhat with Calvin
Gllmorc an even six feet
and .Jerry Johnson measur
ing 5-10V2. Tip-off time to
night and tomorrow night
is anproximately 8:15 p.nr.
in the Dist. 4 openers for
both teams.
T vejd ..rMjkV.)
Chlluquln H
Tulalaha . .
Klamallt gona
Ilrrla ,
bpraMua nivar .
... 1
. s
I. Frt.
I 1 .00 1
1 1.000
I 1.000
i .son
50 I
I .000
I .000
I .00-1
I .000
College Basketball
By The Aasnrlsted Tres
San Francisco M Los Angeles Loy
ola 44
Eastern Montana 83 Alberta 74
Los Angeles Stote 40 Bants Bar
bara 43
Chlrago Loyola 68 St. John's (Bkn)
64 . '
Duke 74 NYU 73
Beton Hall 60 Crclgllton 44
Penn State 61 Svrscuse 67
I Hsmllne S8 St. Olnf 41)
I.oras 63 Upper Iowa 62
Western Illinois 68 Southern Il
linois 60
Esslern Illinois 97 Central Mich
igan 57
fhlo NorUtern 2 OUerbcln 70
Ifsrdln-Slmmons 63 Texas Western
Southwest Texas 81 McMurry 46
Kentucky Wesleyan 75 Georgetown
iKyi 61
Eastern Kentucky 88 Tennessee
Tech 60
Maryland 55 Georgetown (D.C.) 40 i
Wnko Forest Oft Norm Carolina bl
(overtime) ,
Marshall 75 Moiehead (Ky) 69
It's lers crowded In the Klam
ath nasm Independent basketball
league top spot after second-round
play lartl night.
Onlv lour teams still are unbeat
en Chlloquln, Jayhawlu, Keno and
the Tulelake lmi live.
O'hlloquin kept Its perfect record
by clobbering Merrill VFW, 68-34;
the Jayhswks Oilers stayed on Uie
victory train with a 68-43 win over
lily; Keno beat the Beatty LakerB
l.i a low-scoring game, 39-35; and
Tulelske't Welch led his tcum to
It 66-33 smash over Sprague River.
In other games, the Klamath
Sons upset Uorrls, riddled with
iihorisge of players, 45-42: snd Mu
lls took care of the Mormons In
line style 60-19.
nox acoraa: (Chlloiiuln-Marrttl and
Darrlt-Soiia unavallablti
niAttv rili ti urso
llrowti s r It bow
W'aliar F 7 Ratnatv
Falthltil I t: 4 Ijvlon
nifldla (I John, on
Banrtarvilla ( 3 Toiler
Kano aulia I) i.anuo, K. Ramaav,
Brvrurx 7, uunrn p.
Homer 10 F
Hllcl.il.l 4 F
llaue S C
lUnla S i;
Klma t (i
Ja hawks atiba I'altaraon 9. Brow.i
S. iiryanl l;i. nly aubi Sandbars 4,
tsooua, Mrcioua K.
SPDACitg 133)
Snail T
Uoalwlck K
llulf a C
Weliar S G
Dtifrr u
Moraine Rlvar buIh Jarkaan. Tulalaka
una-Croat, Landalns 13, Oraanam 4.
urnarK a.
lop - Elated Pels Face
lornado Five Tonight
Eyes Tie
Oretech's Owls could return to
Klamath Falls Sunday with a tie
In the Oregon Collegiate Confer
ence basketball race but It will
take some doing.
Art Klrkland's Owls are In Mon
mouth for a Friday-Saturday date
with the Oregon College df Educa
tion Wolves In the OCC openers
lor both teams.
Vanport already holds a lead In.
the four-team circuit with two
victories over Eastern Oregon last
Dick Flaningam and Jim Pater
son were singled out by Klrkland
just before departure yesterday
morning to Join the 12-man trav
eling squad.
The OTT cage mentor Indicated
before he left he would return
Homer Duncan to his familiar for
ward spot to team with Jack Pink
ley on Uie starting five.
Wayne Holzfuss would get the
center call, with Don Sutphln and
Len Genetin holding the guard
Tne second team would have
Tom Schubert back at forward
he had been shifted to center
with Jerry Wyatt. John Koch, Is
relief center. Jack Brown has been
moved up from the Junior varsity
for guard duty and Marv Ham
mack, lctterman guard, will be
able to see at lea3t limited duty
after an early - season tumble
against Southern Oregon broke his
The Big Three for the Wolves are
Howard Pitcher, Howard Sullivan
and Bob Bushnell.
A set shot artist, Sullivan led
OCE In scoring last year. Pitcher
is a boy who does everything well
on the cage court. Although no
more than six feet, his strong
backboard work and movement In
the key has earned him the center
Oregon College's playmaker Is
Bob Bushnell, voted last year's
'most valuable player".
The Owls have shown in 11 non-
league games this season, winning
The Wolves hold a 4-3 record in
king's-X play.
mi ni v
6 Thraahar
It Fatike
S Davl.
II Hall
coal Tl't.ll.AKE
12 Crawford
SI Walrll
3 Dalila
10 Jcnian
MAI. IN ()
Vlrtorln S
I'nla s
Hrlshlman II
Andaraon 4
Ltindaay 4
Mil I.DS
t Whlalar
I Lynch
Stutc ba'kctbnll scribbling ex
perts will either be loaded with
"I told you so's" or equipped with
red lncos come Sunday morning.
It all depends on the Pelicans
of Klamath Union high school who
open Dlst. 4 play tonight In the
first of a two-game scries against
the Medtord Black Tornado.
Uametlme Is approximately 6:15
both nights on Pelican Court, with
the Juyvecs meeting Klamath Pack
of the Victory league tonight and
the Medford Junior varsity Satur
day night In 6:45 preliminary skir
mishes. On the same nights. Grants Pass
will be ouarellng with Ashland In
other Dist. 4 play.
The boys who write about Ore
gon high school basketball, togeth
er with radio men, this week gave
Klamath Falls the top spot In the
first of the annual Associated Press
poll to name the best 10 teams In
the slate.
Mediord Jul barely slipped into
the voting with one tenth-place nod
In the honorable mention column.
On paper, that should make the
Pels shoo-ins. But Medfordi a tra
ditional foe. always comes tip
tough and the Tornado certainly
Isn't as poor as the poll would
have Uiem.
Also, It's doubtful If the Pelicans
are quite Unit good.
It's a cinch Medford Coach
Frank Roelimdt's Job this week
has been easier than Paul McCall's
Malln anha'. -rVl.tar 9 Wn..Hlv o
Conroy 9, Dalton, Sntaltay, Kanyon 4."
McKoan. LOS auba Man-Ill, Tarry 4.
Southern Cagen
Start from Scratch
LOS ANGELES t Hot rlvils
In tho Pacific Coast Conference
bssketbsll race, UCLA and South
ern California, launch a two-game
series Friday night, wlUi the out
come of the Southern Division tilts
rated a toss-up.
The two broke even In their
games Inst week with Stanford and
California, so all four are starting
out again from scratch In the di
vision campaign,
Logue Fights
Pesky Measles
SALEM lPl Doug Logue, high
scoring Willamette University cen
ter. Is almost over the measles
and may be able to play against
Llnflelrt Saturday, physicians said
Logue entered the campus In
firmary with measles Wednesday.
Doctors determined they were the
three-day kind.
NEW YORK Ifl- Clever Rocky
Castellanl is nn 8 to 5 favorite to
make Ernie (The Rock) Durando
of Bnyonne, N. J his 11th straight
victim Friday -rilght when they
clash In the main ten rounder at
Madison Square Garden.
who masterminds the big, fast
moving Pelicans.
McCull has had the not-easy
chore of convlncimt his boys that
slipping over press clipping comes
easy. Koelnndt has no job in the
mental depariment. The results of
Ihe poll automatically puts the Tor
nado hiBh psychologically.
RocluaJt said this week he would
use either Don Spinas or Dennis
Conner to run with Ed Bingham
at the forward spots.
Darcld Wooton gets the center
nod with Dick Atterbury and Rol
and Thompson at the guard spots,
although there's a chance Conner
might go to a guard position.
Bingham, Spinas and Conner are
last vear's regulars.
With Calvin Gilmpre ready for
heavy duty after a dlslocifted fin
ger kept him on the beuch lor
most of the Bend series. McCall
will have his race-horse first quint
in shape for starting chores.
Gllmore teams with Jerry John
son at guard.
The towering forward wall con
sists of Forwards Ray Bell (6-61
and Jack Horton (6-4) and Center
Ralph Carroll (6-7).
Ezz" Loss to Walcott
Called Biggest Upset
NEW YORK Wl A short left
hook shot through the sultry air,
landed flush on the jaw of Ezzard
Charles and ten seconds later, a
weeping Jersey Joe Walcott was
crowned heavyweight champion of
me worm.
The sensntlonnl victory of the
37-year old gladiator, a 5 to 1 un
derdog In his fifth crack at the
crown, was chosen Friday as the
upset of 19S1 by sports writers and
sportscasters participating In the
annual Associated Press year end
It was a year of big upsets with
two others ranking close to the
Wnlcott-Charles surprise Randy
Turpln's decision victory over Mid
dleweight Champion Ray Robinson
in London and the New York Gi
ants' drive past the Brooklyn Dodg
ers to the National League pen
nant. Michigan State's 35-0 thumping
of Notre Dame In football was
rated fourth. Then came Southern
Methodist's football victory over
Notre Dame; Rocky Marclano's
knockout of Joe Louis: Indiana's
football triumph over Ohio State;
Texas Tech's football win over Tex
as Christian; Stanford's victory
In the Pacific Coast Conference
football race; Vanderbilt's victory
over Kentucky in the Southeastern
Conference basketball tournament
and young Mnureen Connolly's tri
umph in the Women's National Ten
nis Championship at Forest Hills.
W I, Fei.
31 13 .705
20 18 .991
22 22 .500
2L 23 .477
19 25 .432
Louie' Food
- K-Amuaement
Suburban Flower
Leach Service
Star Beauty
Klamalh Flower . 13 31
1 Meodar'a Beaolta
K-Amluement 4 Louie's 0
Leach 3 Star 1
Suburban 4 Klamath 0
Louie's Food is stjll leading the
Moose Ma's bowling league but by
somewhat less margin after K
Amusement turned in a 4-0 blank
over Uie Grocery gals Monday
But while these two teams, 1-3
in the league, were battling third
place Suburban Flower was steal
ing must of the evening's high
scores. ,
In the team department. Subur
ban tied Leach Service with a high
851 game. Suburban's 2540 series
was alone at the top of the heap.
Ruby Phelps paced the Suburban
keglers to a 4-0 win over Klamath
Flower with high game and series,
201 and 471.
STUDENT BODY president
Tom Wells also knows a
thing or two about the
bone - bending pastime.
Wells will be entered in the
133-pound class by Coach
Dutch Simons when the
Pelicans host the Medford
mat team tomorrow, 1:30
p.m., on Pelican court.
Wrestling, called a minor sport
at KUHS. but major in proportions
the way the Pelicans make a habit
of winning state titles, makes its
first local appearance tomorrow
afternoon on Pelican Court.
The Pels, winners of four straight
mat titles, host Mediord In a dual
Coach Dutch Simons yesterday
listed the boys who would probably
see action against Medford.
urvnie swindler, me oniy return
ing state champion, will compete
in the 121-pound class. Swindler
has Jumped up two divisions in the
past year. He won the state uue
in the 103-pouna class.
Others are Ronnie Conner (95)
Joe Shearer (103). Donnie Dexter
(112), Perry WUliams (128), Tom
Wells (133). Dean jonnson U3),
Roland Biehn (145), either Don
Shell or Elvis Mitchell (155), For
est Rutledge or Harold Simmers
(165), Floyd Pierce (175) and Doug
Campbell or Vernon Pryor (heavyweight).
Lead In
Metier Broa. .
Klamath Pack
Crater Lake
Gun Store
t e'er,'
e in,
0 1.009
1 ' ,ST
1 ' MM
1 . .00 .
.90- ,
...... a
0 ,
Mm i Hand Ldry. 0
TScl .... 0
Scarea I.aat Nlahl
Metier S4 Gun Store 43 . '
Crater Lake 31 Til 26
Metler Bros, won Us second
stratorht latt nlcht At PAlrvlAW in
ieaa tne victory DasicetDau league,
while Crater Lake edged T a I
In the other game on the program.
The Metiers beat Gun Store.
54-43, with Tex Robinson dunking
in 22 points. Ronnie Cheyne helped,
out with just halt that number, 11.
It wasn't Bud Mullens fault th
Gun Store lost. He hit for If to
pace the losers.
Wentz led the Crater take at
tack with 13. while Sandera and
Hosteler each had 9 for the Trade
and Industry quint. ;
Box scores:
(,L.V STOBE (13)
MuUena 19 T
Alexander 9 T
Keene C
McLauehlla G
Bisby S G
It Cheyrt
a KoMaawal
S Lpaeia
S Thornton
KFJI Carries
Pel Games
Radio Station KFJI wiU carry
all the Pelicans' conference games
both home and away, starting to
night at 8 o'clock when Klamath
Falls and Medford open a two
game Dist. 4 series on Pelican
Bob McVay will handle the play-by-play
account.. .
Gun store subs Henry 4. Steele a).
Wood. Metier subs Dow 3, Cravrncsl
Mailer 3, Roberts 2,
Til (!S (St) CBATIS
Byrd S r a Hansen
Sanders T .' 1J Winn
Hosteler 9 C v .1 fpfwju
Richardson O , . Xerbow
Cahoon G i Fiscal
TU subs Houser t, Kesri, Proaeee S,
Cobb. Crater Lake subs Miller a. .
Counfy Loop!
nous lonigru
The traffic la the ton tilvlslaga
of the Klamath County Class
cage league may be thinned out
tonight when all eight teams go to
me post in tne second round of
games that count.
Currently Chlloquln, Saerad
Heart, Bonanza and Merrill ihara
the top half of the standings with .
wins last week.
The first three are favored to
keep their perfect league records.
when tne panthers visit Henley,
the Trojans travel to Gilchrist and
the Antlers go to Malln.
But Merrill's share of first place;
according to the dope sheets, will
probably be snipped when the
Huskies go to Bly to meet tha
Bobcats. -
Seven o'clock preliminary games,
in all cases, will pair Junior var
sity teams. - ;'
Drugs, Weed
Mix Tonight
The busy Payless Dru tlva
meets Ihe Weed Townles tonight
at 8 in the main event of a basket
ball doubleheader on Altamont'p
Junior high school floor.
Hilltop Cafe, another city league
team, faces the Weed B team in,
the 7 o'clock opener. ; , .
Admission for the twin bill la H
By The Assoclatett Tress
Cedar Rapids, In. Glen Flan
agan, 138, st, Paul, knocked out
Eddie Milton, 120, Omahn, 4.
New York (Sunnysldo Ortrden)
Ralph "Tiger" Jones, 150, Yonkers,
N. Y. and Bobby Lloyd, 145 i,
New York, drew, 8.
Spokane Bobby Woods, 128,
Spokane, stopped Marlln Edwards,
128, Scuttle, 8.
m h n J . JANUARY 11TH g
v . . ar
By The Associated Press
Tacoma 8 Calgary 4 l'f.'i
Seattle Hi. Vlntnrln . V-
New Westminster at, Vancouver
Saskatoon at Edmonton,
8 P.M.
7 P.M.
Altamont Jr. High Gym
11EVJ '52
See us today for a demonstration of these peat extra-value trucks
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Topcoats !
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Reg. to $59.50
your lost chance to buy
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Shop Drew's Clearance
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One Group $48
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