FklUAT, JANUAKT 11, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON page nvi Wwiiwi v,i!!i.n""wi"wPf ii"f vi in' !i ii ii V' :, Kappa ChapterBeta Hlgma fhl iikI Jn, H ut the home of Mrn. doriiall Flynn, 1340 Kldiirutlo. Mrn, Stanley Boran wits co-hostess. The program nil absolute music was presented by 0)nt Parlsotta mid Natalie Oudcrlan. The chapter prenrntcd ft number o volume (or "Tired flyes" to patient al the County Infirmary during tlio hnll lnyn, project lliAt will be curried nut nmiiiiilly. The presentation was inndo by F.valyn William nd Mary Cottlngham. Meeting A meeting of the Tule Inks Ulemeiilsry School PTA will lie held In thn grade school audi lorliim Jn. 18. Tho proKriiin will b by the sixth and seventh grades. A film on health will be shown, llsnre A March of Dimes dunce will be held Bnturdny night In Uie CI Clubhouse at Kort Klamalh. til proceeds to go to the campaign. Dancing will be from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. mid good orchestra hmi been secured. Everyone' to wel . tome. Clone CUrry M. Freltag, who ipeiil the holidays with hit pur ent, Mr. mid Mm. John H. Frcl tug, Mulln, huu returned to Lowrey Air Dune, Denver, Colo., where he In u student majoring In photo In lolllnence. He will complete the .'nurne In early Feb., then will be Klfttn furlough to prepure lor nvfersees service for a duration of three years either In the European theater or In Korea. (lolng Mouth-Mr. and Mm. Wll llam llnopr, Tulelake, are leaving today for a sojourn In Southern California. They will atop at La guna Beach for a time. Golnr North Mr. and Mm. Mer ton Brown. Tuleluke, will leave Jan IB for Portland where Brown will have a medical checkup In the Veteran' Hospital. He la much Improved following a slay ol ev eral weeks In the hospital before the holidays. Lioness Club Meeting scheduled Jan. 14, I p.m. In the Empire ltooin at the Wlnema Hotel. There will be Installation of new mem bers. Library Club Meeting Monday will have Scandinavia as It theme. Musical Arte Council drama group, directed by Krlstlen Olppo w 11 Mage the third set of Henrlk lhen'e "The Doll House." Refresh ment and exhibits will lso carry out the Scandinavian theme. Meet ing scheduled for , J p.m. In the City Library Auditorium. Speaker Phil Hitchcock, efate senator, will apeak Monday night before the Chlloquln PTA on legis lation with emphasis on school re organisation. A bill on the topic will come up In the next legisla ture. Meeting time Is p.m. Card Party Pinochle will be the order ol the evening when the Midland Orange meets Ssturday, a p.m.. in the Midland Orange Hall. New heating arrangements Lumber Vorlt Figure Down Approximately one-third of the fasam lumbering and logging labor ioree baa been laid off because of winter weather, the Klamath Falls employment office announced to day. However, the unemployment, though following the usual sessonsl pattern, hss been a little longer this year because of the early winter. The lumbering Industry has shown a steady decline since 1940 in the number of persona em ployed the office reported. In 1940 the Industry employed 6410 persons; In IBM, 3366 persons were employed In lumbering, log ging and manufacture of lumber products. The phase has leveled off though. The 1947 payroll (second qusr ter) was 13,551,834; the same pe riod Isst year payroll was (3,530 448. The sgrlcultursl Industry the of fice reports, has upheld the level of economy In the baaln. In 1949, 8823 persons were em ployed In thst Industry with a pay roll of 18,811,638; In 160 8960 per sons were employed with a payroll of i6,36,551: In 161 8836 persons were employed with a payroll of 7.380,r;3. have been mndc. The Orange ladles are asked to bring, itmitui' cake. Food Hale Tho Hume Kconnmlra Club of Hhaaln View UlliiiKO is tu nniii a food sule Saturday ul l'lnu tJlreet Market, At Hillside Vance Viiuiicl. 1502 Wlurd, was admitted tu HIIIhKIc llomiltal yesterday fur medical treutmcnl. Stream Year Figure Gains Only three and a half months of the present nlreum ycur huve passed, but so fur there hus been more than nine Inches of prcrlpi. tatlon In Kluniulh Falls, according to figures released bv the Bureau of Reclamation. As uf midnight last night, 8.12 Inches of rain and water content ni snow nod lullen on Klumulh Falls. Last yenr ut this lime 8.71 Inches of nreclultullun hud been record ed, and that was a neiir record year for ralnfull up to that time. Normal for the period Is 6.34. with the atreum year bcKlnnliiK on Oct. 1. Ill Alturas total preelp litis been registered by Mudoc National For est headquarters through Decern- oer as a. 3D inches. Five yenr average for the period It 4.30 Inches. Last month alone preelp mea sured 3 Inches; but tho same month In 1037 anw 5.65 inches of precipitation, according to Forest Service Records. Alturas recorded Its low temper ature for the sesson on Jan. 1-2-3 when thermometers dropped to 8 degrees below zero. yijy.mij.M.. ,,,, ,,, , mi, ,n ip u .,. gy. - x . ...:;- i .,zsif , mania PAGE Born si Klamath Valley lint. PIUI. Jan. II. 1031. la Mr. and Mr.. Uene Paaa. Fort Klamalh. Ora., a buy. Wtlght: 1 pound ta ouncai. HUNDLEY Born al Klamalh Valley t!o.pllal. Jan. 10 1033 to Mr. and Mra. Harry Hundlay Tulalaka. Calif., a girl. Walffht: B pounds 1 ounct, roMn.AiNTs rii.Kn N. W. aialay va. Paul Jonea. ault lo eollart SI77.1S St S par rani from Auf. I. 1091; Ull so at par rant Irom May M. 14I. rmu and duburaamenu. Win ton and Dlmkk, sltornaya for plain Urf. Annahalla Walkar va. William Walker, aull foe dlvoros. Couple married Nov. T. IS4S. Mann. Nav. Charaa. rruellv. PUInUff aaka ruatody two minor chil dren, Sao per mnnlh rhlld atipport. Sinn aiioenay raea ana roais. s. a;, trucoii. atlnrnay for plalnuff. Sarah Allan va. William Allen, ault for divorce. Couple married Aus. 4. I4S. Norfolk. Va Charia. cruelly. Plaintiff eeeka custody two minor chil dren, ISO par month child aupport. !M attorney feea E. K. Urlacoll, at torney for plaintiff. Clarence W. Backatrom va. Pranrea C. Backatrom, aull for divorce. Couple married Nov. ao. 1031. llano, nev PlalnUff aeeka annulment because of divorce within elx monthe period. L, A. Humble, attorney for plsmuff. - -Andrew H. dialer va. niolaa E GlBlax,,ault for dtvurre. Coupla married April, 4U, neno, nev. uurif, cruelty. Plalnllff aeeka properly settle ment, a. B, Maxwell, attorney lor plalnllff. ASSt'MrD Bl'SINKSS NAMt EAST SIDE AUTO PARTS James V. Kalar, 2041 Radcllffa. Rescue Team Heads For Crash Scene PEN-YOwryd. Wales W Litter parties set out al dawn Friday to recover the bodies of 23 persons killed in the crash of an Irish air liner on a rugged Welsh mountain peak. Two of the dead were believed to be Americans, but their identi ties were not definitely established. The two-engine Aer Llngus plsne, Hying from London to Dublin, nose dived Into 2.860-foot Moel Slnbnd Peak In the Snowdonla Range Thursday night during a hail storm. German Invaders completely wrecked the mining towns on the Island of Spitsbergen during World War II. UWelb MtViK ASK fOK 1M4; "ASPIRIN" WOlllIlliyiJ Maaa-aa Corn and Honey! A NEW FLAVOR Sensatioh JH FLUHRER'S 11 nrft 5& SLICED . . . READY FOR YOUR TOASTER Baked Exclusively by t Klamath's Finest Bakery fx f( 'm$ wit 1 I A ..I I sSSW .! IStlr. sCki- PONDEROUS P0T-. What appear to be gUnt mlxlnr bowl Is actually world's largest cast steel cinder pot, one of tt being built by V, 8. Steel for hot ilag In open hearth ihop. 1 . YTOawmcnamaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaa l. -i i i "-''3aeer. is. l XaV.1 1 ff CANDIDATE PREPARE S Assisted by bit wlfe.rretl C. Proehl, Greenbsek Party presidential nominee, checks mail la the living room-office ol their Seattle, Waalw grocery (tore. Mate Tells Of Ship Breakup NEW YORK , Ml Pank L. Bar tak, 32, chief suite of the Ill-fated freighter Flying Enterprise, testi fied Thursday that the ship suf fered lour cracks before ill began listing" in heavy kcm. , - Bnrtak, of Bedford, Ohio, testi fied nt a Coast Guard Inquiry seek ing to determine tho causes lead ing to the loss of the Isbrandtsen Company's 6,711-ton vessel. Bnrtnk snld four cracks, between one-eighth and one-lourth ol an Inch wide, appeared on the star board and port sides near the Mo. 3 cargo hutch. : Barlnk snld he and the crew ce mented the cracks in the deck and put canvas covers over the patch work to prevent water from get ting into the ship. Horsemeat Sales . Lead To Fine . BEAVERTON Pi William J. Patterson, Beaverton, who admit ted selling horse meat as hamburg er, was fined tlOO In Justice Court here Thursday. His arrest was part of the State Department ot Agriculture s cam palgn to drive out small operators who have been buying: horse meat In Portland and selling it as beet to stores and restaurants In smallj towns. , .. . The log-cabin village of New Sa lem. 111., where Lincoln once lived, has been restored to the, way It looked 130 years ago. - General Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 2254 So. rh Phaiio 2-OJtJ JLj; suggest BUY- IP as 1 laJ aUfaf' IfJ I BaB v I aasalj.----air" ...iiim tf'UIKNU; 1 Vx Wm-.f-"' Lff' ,,illaIl(rS a im i I ol Oatlda Ltd. JjlLe'" ini rtHllI liiviseiail WITH THAT CHRISTMAS AND v YOU CAN BE SURE OF . A Lifetime of Um. ' Beauty for Everyday. For off the Family. ' ONLY for this 52 Pc. Service for 8 ' Commvnlfr's croffsmonlhfp al wi you of long wearing qualify. Fvery piece )l fully puoranfeed'. rianrf some antl farnith cheif h fnefurfeef at no taffo charge with each ervice. 1 TEASPOONS I SOUP SPOONS t KNIVCS I FORKS 1 SAlAD FORKS 2 SERVING SPOONS ' t I UTTER KNIFE . 1 SUGAR SPOON ' ' Star Star rfeaieWCereaaaWWJ BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED! 2 700 Main St IICISTIII Jlilllll tsjiiKMwn ijeiiri I fhone Army Offers To Reinstate Girls Fired As Possible Security Risks In 1948 WASHTNOTON Wl The Army apologized Friday to two govern ment girls It fired as security risks four years ago and offered to return them to their old fobs and pay them any money they lost as a result of the dismissals. Bald Eleanor Deak. 26, of Jer- myn. Pa.: "It Is regrettable that four long, heartsick years for me and my family have had to pass be fore my good name could be cleared." Orace Patton. 35. of Charlotte, N. 0., said "It's been a long fight, Judge Liquor Ponders Case Decision on a Juryless trial In District Court on charge of selling beer to a minor was taken under advisement yesterday afternoon by Judge M. A. Carter. Claire B. Ulbson. operator of Triette'e rirwerv R Ath bI WlarH was named In the charge filed by an Oregon Liquor Control Commis sion representative Nov. 6 1951. Mr. Olbson was accused of sell ing the beer through an employe. Louise Ross, the only- other Dcr- son employed In the store besides Mrs. OlDson, denied ever selling any beer to Wilbur Oscar Pear son on Sept. 13, 1951. Pearson testified he bought a 24 can case of beer at the store. Deputy Dlat. Atty. Don Pirjer prosecuted the case and J. c. O'Neill, represented Mrs. Olbson. NAMED SAN FRANCISCO (7P R. B. Taylor, Adams, Ore., cattleman and rancher, was named Thursday oy uie Boara oi directors oi the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to bead the Portland branch office. but we made 1t. I'm awfully happy me case it an over witn." Miss Deak said In a statement that "The police state can happen here unless the people, their rep resentatives and the courts are ev er alert to the dangers Inherent In the granting of the summary discharge power to civil, adminis trators." The two were dismissed from the Army Finance Center In 8t. Louis In March, 1948. The Army said the women would receive back pay from the date of their removal to reinstatement, but with deductions for whatever other income they had received mean while. Details of that will be work ed out later, a spokesman said. Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr., 'wrote the women he hopes the Army's action will "serve In some measure to restore you to the status, of a respected and trust ed civil servant." The Washington attorney who represented them said the women were charged with attending meet ings of subversive groups, includ ing one "open only to members of the Communist Party." Both denied attending such meet ings. Sens. Martin fR.-Pa.) and Hoey CD.-N.C.) entered pleas to the Ar mv Department In their behalf. But, the attorneys said, no action was taken until the District U.S. Court of Appeals ordered Pace, to review the case. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A, PIANO To can rent a lortlr pi"t from the B. ! ri ;- pinr, 12 S. Hn, mt ft lew tttlr ratt. After a reaeonable tlm j em. if ym wilt., cbaofffl trm t par- rbaie arreemeni. The rent lrta4r vaJJ la all credit., U roar trarefcaa meemmnt mn4 n ether dawn payment la maa ary. The menthlr pynl eaa bt Utile bather tbaa rant. Or, If yam re fer, yu can canilnat t rant. 9 tifl Ie seen Jie fflM lfORK .iMItV'-'1 mm V v y.l ill If lrl WORK 1 MILC rr ML CNrtI!YAGO 7ffJiVMG ';: 4MffiaitMU 70 HTOK ALMOST AMI 4Oi70 4M7WPftC OP A OfiWOAKMUiMNfOZMMMO mM MAfirSOfMGftLY M0STSrM(OVSOfi$rArAlW rHMosrM?o&fAMrs Sf6i OO0 OA A47W.Yr..:; ....cosrs ywuss mtArrcosr ytXff GA?A0ArA?Y 9QO V a KLal - A -' . on display Saturday nn n WW u ll tmiuviou ASHLEY CHEVROLET (ffi 410 So. 6th St. " ! Phont 41 U Ainn n7 ilf 4att ' 11 f qRiiii n