PAGE TWO KFLW ltt Kc-PST Friday Evening, Jan. 11 (.00 SporU HKhllfhu ' 0:15 Horn Town Newa . 6:23 World News Summary :30 Suburban Serenade 1:49 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 fcmka New Kounoup ABC 1:00 Gillette ABC . 1:00 Richard Diamond ABC - I M ThU U Your FBI ABC t-00 Oule and Harriet ABC "0:30 Concert- of Favorllae 10:00 10 P.M. Headline! J0:15 Dr. Glno'e Musical ABC 30:30 Iniomnla Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sun OK KFIW 1450 Ke. PST Saturday, Jan. 12 6:00 Sin.On New! Summary 6:05 Corn In tha Morn 6:45 Farm . Fare 7:00 Newi BrfcM Editloa '. 7:15 Charlle'i Rounduo 7:30 Bob Garred. Newa ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 Muilc , , 6:00 No School Today ABC 8:00 Saturday Serenade :30 Space Patrol ABC 10:00 Lady Skyhook , 10:15 lt'l Dancetlme : 10:30 Shake the Maracaa ABC 1:15 Baaln Brief! , 3:30 Pan American Union ABC 3:45 Faiclnatlni Rythm ABC 3:00 Junior Junction ABC 3.30 American Farmer ABC 4.00 Alert America ABC 4:13 Brrar.di of Mercy 4:30 Reouettfully Youri 5:3(1 Bob Croiby Show 5:45 If! Movie Time 6:00 SporU Hlfhlllh'l 6:15 Home Town Newa -25 World Newt Summary 6:30 Science Editor ABC 6:45 Word! of Ufe 7-00 Mr. DUtrict Attorney ABC 7:35 Mutlc 7:30 Bedtime Storlef 1:00 Lone Ranfer ABC 6:30 City of Hope-Cancer PfTO. ABC 9:00 Panclne; Parry AEC J0:00 10 P.M. Keadlinej 10;i5 Danclne. Pert- ABC 10:30 Inaomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 Sign Off omsoe. AMERICAN CHINESE rati at rMt ket! Pa. MM f- Or4m U Take Oat Em B. Lee, Mgr. EVERYTHING NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $S A MONTH fiailflarl'M 715 Main Street KIAMATN 'ALL. mB .m m.a n .s.jtvitvveWf ' - Young masters need light planned for seeing Your youngster' eyes are precious. They're the only eye he'll ever have to help his seeing through a busy life. i Protect those eyes in two ways: ' " (1 ) Consult an eyesight specialist for a thorough check-up. Catch possible defects early. (2) Provide the kind of light that is PLANNED for seeing comfort Sounds easy? It IS easy, today. Just call us for complete information on today's PLANNED Lighting. The service is free, of course. Send for our booklet "Eree Our Windows lo the World." lt'a a complete story on light as it affeeu our teeing. It's free, t course. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER 'BETTER KFJI 1150 Ko PST Friday Evening. Jan. 11 6:00 Gabriel Hcatter MBS 6:13 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town Newa. 6-45 Sam Hayes Newa ABC 6:55 Bill Henry MBS :0J Malsle MbS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 8 00 KUHS v. Medlord 6:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS 3:15 KUHS va. Medford 6:45 Fulton Lewli. Jr. MBS 0:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 IT. S. Navy Band 10:30 Proudly We Hail 11:00 NUe Owl Newi 11:05 Nlfht OwU Club 11:00 Sun Olt KFJI 1150 Kc VS1 Saturday, Jan. IS 6:00 Musical Reveille - ti:d term Reporter K M Local News 7:00 Hemingway New! MBS 7:15 Breakfaat Cam MBS 7:30 Newa 7:43 Best Buy! COO Mornint Melodies 6:15 Breakfaat Gang MBS 6 30 Haven of Rest MES. 11:00 Emil'a Saturday Special! 9:15 Dance Tunea V.M Your Income Tax MBS 9:45 Favorites of Yesterday -10:00 News MBS . 10:15 Name Banda 10:30 4-H Club 10:45 OPS Program 10:50 Currtn'a Program 10:55 Social Security Program 11:00 Music 11:15 News MBS 11:30 Mualc Demo Take Tops GOP WASHINGTON Lfl Financially speaking. Democrats fared better in 1951 than did the Republicans. The Democratic National Com mittee has reported to Congress. in compliance .with the corrupt Practices Act. that It took in al most twice as much In contribu tions in 1951 as did the Republi cans. But it spent more than twice as much. Contributions to the Democratic National Committee in 1951 were listed at $1,318,574 and disburse ments at $1,311,652. Miscellaneous receipts for the Democrats approx imated (25,000 and total disburse ments wefe $1,311,652. The Republican National Com mittee reported $679,157 in receipts and $584,473 in expenditures dur ing 1951, leaving a net gain of $94,684 lor the year. Headband and bone conduction devlcea avallablt at mad era tt extra cast. LIGHT MEANS BETTER fl ixs&j-. 0.. $75 W 7a?5?7 13:15 Mark Rnfert &B3 12:30 Kick Krqutit t:30 Local Ntwa i:M Stturftay Swinf ' S on Mat'iw at Mt low brook MBS 3:30 Band for Bonda 3 Nt? MBS 11 3:00 MftUnw at Meadowbroolt MBS 4:00 You Nvtr Know 4:13 rnk Hamlncwav, ,Nw MBS . 4:30 Mark Rofera Nt 4:43 Twin Vlwa of Nw WB 3.00 Dud Ranch Roundu MUS 8:30 Chr.stlvn fictenc - 5:43 bandiund USA MBS , , ' 3 33 Baukhan Talking MB 4 6:00 Al Ilelfcr, SporU MBS .- v 6:13 Quit Show 1 6:30 Around TowA NWI ; 6:43 Marin Show 7.tX Colic f Choir MBS T:30 KlamaUl Tempi 8 00 lUklbl. KUHS va. MedforX 9:00 Newa MBS 9:13 Btklbl. Kl'US 't. Medford 9.33 Cecil Brown, Nw, MBS 10:00 Monica Whalcn. MBS 10:15 Dane Orch.. MBS lu::J Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00. Nit Owlt New. 11:03 Night OwU Club 13:00 Sisn Off Retailers On Prod Again NEW YORK CTi The National Retail Dry Goods Association called on Congress Friday to overhaul the price control structure. In a public statement approved at the close of its 41st annual con vention, the NRDOA said: "The NRDOA believes the pres ent Congress in debating the ex tension of the Defense. Production Act . should consider carefully whether the continuing emergency and the need for overall stabiliza tion are such as to warrant the maintenance of these Incomplete and essentially discriminatory price controls.". The Association' said changing conditions since price controls were adopted last year necessitate "a substantial rethinking of the prob lem and may call for Important modifications." Other inflationary checks, such as credit controls and cutbacks in non-defense spending, have not been fully utilized, the statement aaaea. Death Count Appeal Made NEW YORK W Counsel for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, con demned to death as atom spies, argued In their appeal Thursday that they were convicted because of their political beliefs and not because of anything they had done. At their federal court trial, Ro senberg and his wife refused a number of times to say whether they were Communists. Judge Irv ing R. Kaufman sustained them In their refusal. This background was not men tioned by Defense Counsel Eman uel H. Bloch as ho argued yester da" in the U.S. Circuit Court of Ap peals. Bloch contended that Judge Kauf man -committed trial errors -prejudicial to the defendants. The Quebec. Canada, asbestos pits produced 716,769 tons In 1948. PLAN Your lighting for Pleasant Living COMPANY SIGHT- HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH - r.t " . ' -'i.''. I ANtELOPS ANTICS K. L. Morrow, Moore Park Zoo caretaker seems to have his hands full as heytussols with an antelope. BBiBBaelMSBaKissaaaMaanaas,! Hi YOU WANNA FIGHT Brother Badger appears in a bat tling mood as his picture is snapped at Moore Park. AiaK'i- A V t-. - fJ' i- - "J V HANDOUT A deer at the Moore Park Zoo gets a hand ful of food from R. L. Morrow, caretaker. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2581 FALLS. OREGON X 4.-.,. Poles To Die For Spying WARSAW, Poland Wl Tliree Poles charged with spying for the United States were sentenced to death Thursday night and two oth ers were given life sentences. In a one-day trial before the Warsaw Regional Military Court, all five pleaded guilty to slipping into Poland Illegally after going to agents In Berlin. The prosecutor, in his final speech to the court, accused form er U.S. Ambassador Arthur Bliss Lane and many of his staff of es pionage. The male nf the common house sparrow Is much more active In nest building than the female. USW Argues Pay Demand WASMNOTON IP The CIO steelworkers llred facia and UK ures at the Wuge Hinblliiiitlon Board Friday In an attempt lo Justify their 18' cent wage boost and other demands. Arthur J. Goldberg, general counsel for the one million man union, said Thursday the union will not sign any new contract which does not contain a union shop agreement. He listed 27 sleel companies which he said already have union shop clauses In their contracts with tho steelworkers. And he blasted the major companies which don't, for a statement they made imply ing a union shop would "Impair efficiency." The statement was made public by the coordinating committee rep resenting the steel companies In the wage board hearings. Fishing Good In Drydock BREMERTON Ml The fishing was good Thursday In the Puget sound Naval anipyaras aryaocn No. 2. A shovel and a bucket were re commended fishing gear. a yara imorniaiiou oiuccr esti mated the "catch" at more than 20 tons mostly herring. Jt nappencd this way: Enough water for a small lake was taken Into the drydock to float the Cruiser Boston. The. drydock Is 1.000 feet long more than three football fields. When It was pumped out Wednes. day, there were flopping fish by me carioaas. feopie were scooping them up until midnight. Machin ery was being used Thursrinv m clean up the mess. me fish were drawn In by the powerful drydock pumps. It has happened before, but the catch hadn't been so big in a couple of years. J'':?l By MRS T. M. KOHI.Kit Mr. anrl Mr. Mnrnlfl Vfnllnr., turned from an extended visit with friends and relatives In California. Bill fihnrt Ktinnr. th. uin.lrA,,H ...itt. his parents a few weeks ago. mrs. r rca ncss look a train two weeks ago to Join her husband who is flttnriinfr nrn....!,i.. i at Fort Bennlng, Ga. ian bmitncrs was on the alck list a few weeks ago. Mr. anrl Mp Mmi.Atl -.. .1 have moved from the Mallory prop- n. v.i VTY','. c'npioyea oy the Pacific Frtlit and Produce Co. Ronald Phair 011H u..i -1 ....... nuutrv, and young daughter, Jole enjoyed ,",lV,tu" ' we mg i;aie a few weeks ago. Mr. nnri Sjrr 13 13 . Midland returned from a trip to wncre mey visilod rela tives and friends. Dill llffln lirhM I. In w niu .a in uio nir Force, visited his parents here laet week, returning to his base the first of this week. Mr. anrl Mm rJufll nMft moved to the Altamonl district this Mr anil X.... n , , , . riiriVi j, ' "c enjoyca ........v.Mas, uiiincr wun meir son .aci css and 1,18 wl,e ln Klam nr. nnri Mr. T3....... i' . . Dill a... .1.1- iu.i. , " uuwiud vncir nousc were beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mer.lrlckson returned frnm a frin in Ml..i where they visited relatives during me iiunua5 ana reported having i fine time. Mrs. T. M. VnhlKr nlnv.rf rlt.l.l mas dinner at the R. R. Sukraw nome in tne Midland district. Mr. and Mrs .Talr CHaeL-al sons were callers at the C. F. Hess home here Saturday. tjico Burgess visited home folks over the weekend. She la amntnverl at Ashland. riala Hpnrirtr.l'.nn vl.tlarl Vila brother and family on Sunday. Oregon Counties Get Road Funds SALEM Wl Oregon counties were given $2230,264 In state high way funds Thursday. The amount Is 19 per cent of the state highway revenues collected In the lust three months of 1051. The money is distributed on the basis of the number of motor vehicles registered In each- county. Multnomah County got $660,958, followed by Lane with $187,783 and Marlon With $145,367. Duke University's football team averaged a net gain of four yards per try In rushing the pigskin. The Blue Devils gained 2,272 yanls on the ground in ten games. Bentley In Fresh Red Spy Probe WABUINOTON l.D tfllr.nbetli Dcnllry, admitted wiirtlino ! com lor, Heps buck Into tho spot light to toll House Npy-liuulciH what nil knows about tlio purl plnycil by Americana In Clilnoao Commu nist activities during tlio lU30's. 'Ills House un-American Activi ties Committee has called both MIns Dcnllry and Louis Undent, luriner iiiaiiiigliig editor of the Communist - Daily Worker ud a I'ocniilrd Communist, to appear Tuciiday, Thn committee Is now In recess. Miss lientley first made head lines when her testimony of a war time Kuuilnn spy ling touched oil a aeries of Congressional inveillju lions lu 1048. Her new rolo Is In a House probo of iicllvltlp.i o Grace and Max Qranlch, whose venture In publish ing "Voice ol China" In Hlmnghnl lu the critical Hino-Japunrno war years 11130-37 camo to light In se cret Shanghai police flics. They were Idcntlllecl Thursday by Morris L. Appclman. of Denver, as propagamnM.H sent to China by the Communist Parly of tho United States to atlr up unit-Japanese and aul-Natloimllsl feeling In China. Appelninn, now executive neere tary of tho General Rose Memorial Hospital In Denver, Is an admitted veteran Communist projiUKumll.'ti who broko with the Party In 1U38 because of "complete disillusion Price Fixing Try Accusation Made WASHINGTON Ml The Fed eral Trado Commission 'iliursilny chnrged lour western companies with conspiring to fix prices lor de hydrated onions and garlic sold 111 ixnnlcr, flake and other forms for use as seasoning or llavorlng agents. Companies named In the FTC complaint are basic Vegetable Products. Inc. of Snn Francisco; Gentry, Inc. of l.o Angeles: Puc clnelll Packing Co. of Turlock. Cul. and J. ft. Sliuplot Co. of Dolae, Idaho. DOORS OPEN 1 1 4 5 P.M. CONTINUOUS FROM MS THEPUrVflESTPlCIURg IN vi jr4 Nine IIFP- ' 'times niuaiao-UATOM QHUB4R& PA7 JW GENE LOCKHART "'RHUBARB DON'T FORGET KID8I lie Cat Contest rjaturday 10:00 llrlng Your Cat (on leash), lie May Win One of the S Prizes courtesy Mt'HPISY'S Seed Store Continue! II V Days Prom 12:30 TOO BIG - COMPANION HIT - mi ri'.l'ir7 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 ment Willi Moscow loadciahlp." Ho ttutlllcd lie knew the Ornnf tali at Oommiiiil't Pally Head. quartern In New York. Open Tonight i30.Soturiloy I2i30 ill H M nil mil till hcinci ...Trail TtiHIIflt TMttllCl SOON THE KISS ( AND THE PICTURE ON EVERYONE'S LIPSI para SUNDAY FOR ONE.. A 101 mm - l.m.i M.mi iik i B fJ attssi H 1st Mil iuf fa IWi 0 X