PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 195J Defense Bottlenecks Ease But Much Left To Do In Catching Up To Schedule Mrs; Cornett To Attend SF Meeting Mrs. Olive Cornett, National Re publican Conimltteewoman Irom Oregon will leave Soturday for Ban Francisco where she will at tend the klck-ofl session for the 1052 Republican campaign, a meet ing of the Republican- National Committee, convening Jan. 17-18- The names of outstanding lead ers in Republican attairs pack the agenda. Every breakfast, lunch eon and dinner will present a Na tional figure as a speaker, Color lul entertainment Is being planned by the San Francisco committee. Republican leaders of U West ern States Including chairmen, vice-chairmen, representatives of the Young Republican Organiza tion and the Federation of Wom en's Republican clubs, the latter created by the National Commit tee will attend the sessions.- At least two candidates for the Republican nomination for Presi dent will address the meeting. Invitations to attend were ex tended by committee chairman Guy George Gabrielson, to the announced candidates Senator Robert A. Taft, Ohio: Governor Earl Warren, California and Har old E. Stassen. Pennsylvania or designated representatives. Accept ances have been received from Gov ernor Warren and Harold Stassen and one dinner meeting has been reserved for Senator Taft. - Senator Henry- Cabot Xodge, Mass., will speak in behalf of the Elsenhower - for - President move ment. Senator William F. Know- land. California will also address luncheon meeting. Mrs. Comett. member of the sub-committee on housing for the convention will attend sessions of committees on call . and arrange ments, meeting for the first time In San Francisco to plan for the national convention. Mrs. Cornett will also attend a sub-committee on contests for the 1952 Republican convention In Chicago, July 7 and Ralph H. Cake, Portland, National Republican Com mitteeman from Oregon and mem ber of the sub-committee on hous ing for the convention will attend sessions of committees on call and arrangements, meeting for the first time in San Francisco to plan fox the national convention. WASHINGTON l-P The United States Is breaking bottlenecks in Jet fighter and tank production but estimates It will take a long time to catch up on the schedules set for big scale deliveries. The defense chief expressed this view in testifying before tlie Senate closed door session Thursday. Lovett's statement taken togeth er with unofficial estimates of American and- Russian-production, pointed up President Truman's re port to Congress on Wednesday that the Soviet Union "is still pro ducing more war planes than the free nations. The most recent unofficial esti mate here is that Russia is pro ducing about 15.000 planes a year. Of these about 12.000 are first line combat aircraft with about 70 per cent. of them Jet fighters. Against this is the recent esti mate of Adml. Dewltt C. Ramsey, (ret). President of Aircraft Indus tries Association, that total pro duction of American planes of all tvpes may reach about i.auu per month by late 1952. That would be at the rate oi m.uuu a year aim some industry men believe this figure may be a little too nign. The Industry blames the lag in plane production first on what it savs is tne attempt to impose a multi-billion dollar armament pro gram on a booming civilian economy. Industry leaders say the primary reason for lagging production has been a ' shortage of engines and component parts traced to scarci ties of macmne toois ana anoy metals needed in Jet engine manufacture. The Army is producing an undis closed number of light, medium and heavy tanks. Driver Fined After Wreck One of two drivers involved In a two-car crash on U.S. 97 near the Chiloquin Junction yesterday morning was fined $30 in District Court here for passing with insuf- iicient clearance. Samuel W. 'Jamzen, Spokane, Wash., paid the fine. He was operator of a car going south on the highway that side swiped . another vehicle driven north -by Ira F. Orem 1636 Kane. Jamzen told State Police he was attempting to pass a truck and trailer rig that was throwing up snow and crashed into Orem's car. Both vehicles were badly dam aged. Orem suffered a severe lower lip laceration. Five Iron Curtains Guard the Soviet Union By SIGRIO ARNK Washington There are five Iron Curtains not Just one surrounding the whole Soviet Union.' They run along the tremendous Soviet border, from Norway on the Northwest, around tho South past Afghanistan and India, and up the PRctflc coast all the way to the Bering Straits. News about the five curtains has slipped out of the Soviet Union piece-meal ever since Uie Russians moved tens of thousands of Poles out o( Eastern Poland curly in World War II, . Information comes from refugees from the satellite nations in Eu rope from Russians who have es caped and turned against their nov ernment. from secret papers found during World Warr II, and lrom published Russian law. The story has been pieced to gether in Washington by Russian experts both in and out of the gov ernment. Experts say that Moscow has set up these curtains for two reasons: to keep unwanted foreigners out of Uie country, and to prevent Rus sian citizens from escaping into the free world. They point out that under Com munlst beliefs the world is really at war, a war for men's minds: that the Russians are up against a more serious problem than keep ing out troops and tanks. They must also try to keep out Western ideas. . . Here are descriptions of the five curtains; 1. At the actual border there Is a strip of plowed ground 15 feel wide. This is to catch tho foot prints of anyone who may have escaped during the night. 2. Next there is a border about 1.600 feet wide that Is threaded Drop Seen For -NW Carloadings SPOKANE lPi The Pacific Northwest Advisory Board Thurs day predicted a slight drop in Pa cific Northwest carloadings during the first quarter of 1952. The board said the decrease is expected despite anticipated in creases in gram, coal and cole shipments. carloadings in January, rcoru ary and March will total 219,601, the board said, compared with 320, 162 for the same period a year ago. Top Military Men Study 'New Korea' By C. YATES McDAMEL WASHINGTON I Military chiefs of the major Pacific pow ers began talks here Friday on what can be done In event an as sault from Red China Is launched against French Indochina. Such a "new Korea" would threaten nil of Southeast Asia. The staff chiefs of Britain, France and the United States, with observers from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, open their top secret conference under a dark shadow cast by reuorts that the great leader of the fight against communism in Southern Asia lies dying in a Paris clinic. Urgency was given to the high strategy session by warnings from French Gen. De Lattre de Tus signy before he was stricken in Indochina and flown home for treatment. He expressed fears, backed up by facts and sobering evaluations, that Red China was preparing a major Intervention In the Commu nist inspired and led rebellion In Indochina. Diplomatic officials in London said Britain. France and the U.S. are considering plans to set up a unified military command In South east Asia. This would enable a pooling of available air, land and sea forces. The command would be tied in Indirectly with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Suffocating "Hot Flashes" stopped 4 or strikingly relieved in 63-80 of cases in doctors' tests! Are you going through "change of life" . . . suffer ing the "hot flashes." ner vous tension, irritability, weakness and other types of functionally-caused dis tress of tills difficult time? Then . . . here's hope for vou! In tests by doctors. Lvdia Pinkham's Com pound and Tablets gave relief from such distress... in 63 and 80' e (respec tively! of the cases tested. Complete or striking relief! Surelv you know that Lydla Pinkham's is scientifically modern in action! Surely you know what it has done for othersl But do you knovr what It will do for jrou.' Not it you haven't experienced the relief of tension. '-flaahea" and Irri tability It io often brings at such times! Before another dav has passed, try Lydla Plnkhatn a . . . the Vegetable Compound, or new. improved Tablets with added Iron . . . and dis cover how much easier your "change of life" may be! Younger iromen and airls suffering; from functional pains and distress of men atruation find pinkham's wonderful too! it contains no pain-deadening drugsl 5 M 1 tydta Pinkham's action throuah sympathetic ner rouj syjtem -re-Meres Ailtress of the" heatwaves "I with barbed who fence. There Is reason to behove that this whole network Is electrified so that if the fence is cut at night an eloutrlo signal flashes tit tho nearest patrol station. This, at teast, has been reported fur specific spots. 3. Next Is a strip about four miles wide, which is Just a No- Man's land. It contains barricades and field mines. Former residents have been deported. Border guards patrol the area with dogs: and aided by spotlights. . The next strip is about U miles wide. Here (utilities live till tho ground, and work but only If they hiive a special pcrtnlt lrom the ministry of state security the super-secret MUB. The (unions MVD, the ministry of interior, used to run this strip. But Wushlngton experts have learned that the much more secret MOB has taken it over,-This is tho zone from which huge deportations have tuken place lrom the Kttrelttin isthmus nnu the Baltics through the Balkans, and the Caucasus, and around to Uie Pacific, Wushlngton political experts soy the deportations prove how uncertain the Communists are about the loyalty of Soviet citizens. 8. The fifth Iron Curtain is really big. It consists of the areas Into which NO foreigner may enter. It was described In notes from the Soviet government to all foreign embassies In Moscow on Sept, 30, 1948. This zone extends from the bor der hundreds ot miles toward the Interior. It includes largo sections in the very center of the Soviet Union. It includes one area, Kazak- stiiu, which lies north of Iraq. Afghanistan and India that is half the size of the United States. West ern experts think this zone hides new Russian industrial areas new military establishments, and fur ther, areas in which there have been sporadic revolts by the peo ple against the Communist reglni. Even Russian citizens may not travel In the first four zones ex cept the small number who are COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE I CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main or Esplanade Ph. 3121 permitted to- live In the fourth zone. Russians, however, enn seek to travel In the area forbidden to foreigners, but is difficult tu ar range. There Is a Bardonlo note In these Iron curtains. - For all Moscow's taik about the brotherhood of the "People's Democracies" the Rus sians have carefully set up the live Iron curtains between the Soviet Union proper and their satellite na tions in Mlridlo Europe Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary and Bulgaria. Even so the satellites have their own ring of Iron curlulns on Ihrir outer European borders. There Is now evidence coining in that the Russians are running their bur rlcts down the middle of Germany i and Austria even while they talk j of peace treaties for the two na tions. I Russian experts In Witshtuglon I are appalled by Uie extreme waste-1 (illness ot Mich a border system. ThmiMiml of men are apparently tied down fur border guard In n tuition that nrmU manpower badly lor numinous industrialization pians, , oose Dance SATURDAY-Jan. 12 for MEMBERS and GUESTS Moose Hall -1010 Pine Your Membership Card Is Your Ticket Ml 3 GHZ? IEItWMIIIH.MMtra ',T Co Pick out your '52 Studebaker todayl -Klamath Aw'. AT 8th. AAcCulloch Motors You saw it in national ads.. We have the Best Carpet Buv in Town! s 1 tw-rfW i f v . - - . .s, , "i J Chansonette by Bigelow No, your eyes did NOT deceive you . . . it's only You can thank Bigelow's specially V' developed carpet rayon for this down-to-earth price. Blended with the purest virgin wool, this combination is truly a marvel of modern weav ing. Fabulous beauty and richness of color dis tinguish CHAN SON ETTE. But see it for your self. See how CHANSONETTE can make your dreams of high carpet fashion come true in tpite of today's high prices! a sq. yd. Nationally advertised in magazines and oii the Bigelow Television Theatre. LINOLEUM 7 CARPETS 8 THE LARGEST STOCK OF QUALITY JW kV ( 357 EAST MAIN STREET BLINDS - 3 (N THE KLAMATH BASIN'. "-.TELEPHONE 849S: