FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 4t FINANCIAL LOANS ss AUTOMOTIVI AUTOMOTIVI si AUTOMOTIVI 1: $$MONEY$$ ON TUB FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auio On voui aaliiry or furniture up to IJ00 ' pay Day" loans tperlnliy - 110. fit. ISO loaned nil "pay day' or limner fit eobta but II cent fur out wcH No othar chaiies. LOCAL LOAN CO. tit No 10th St. M-364 si ts DON MilNTVHK. Msr. Years friendly Brrvue Phone J-2531 MISC1LLANIOUS FOR SALI FARM MACHINERY As I am moving from this territory, I must sell the following equipment right away: 1 MODEL "G" JOHN DEERE TRACTOR Willi starter, lights and Powcrtrol. 1948 Model. 1 NO. 400 SERIES JOHN DEERE LANDPLANE 45 ft. long. 1948 Model. I 1 JOHN DEERE 12A COMBINE 1946 Model. 1$-10 FT. INTERNATIONAL POWER GRAIN BINDER. 1949 Model. 1-8 FT. OLIVER DOUBLE DISC GRAIN DRILL. 1949 Model Contact: L. B. DEMOSS DORRIS, CALIFORNIA 9 Miles South on the Old DeMoss RancV SOME REAL BUYS FOR YOUR $$$'s 1050 BUICK 8UPKII 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio, heter, Dynaflow drhe. Very low mlleane $1995 IM BUICK BUPKIl CONVERTIBLE Hadlo, heater. Flr.t tl AQC In every way. Lou of equipment 4) I AY J 1041 OLDS "0"-70-4-DIl. SEDAN Radio, healer, malic drive, A dandy buy at the low price of .... 1050 FORD V-8 CUSTOM COUPE SEDAN Radio, heater, low mllerge. Juat like new 1048 CHEVROLET FI.EETLINE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. It'a a buy at 1040 FORD V-8 TWO-UOOR SEDAN Tutone finish, heater, good and clean SPORT COUPE 1048 PONT' AC Radio, heater 1048 CHEVROLET "i TON PICKUP 4 speed trannmlnslon, A real bargain at 1047 BUICK ROADMASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. New finish 1048 PONTIAC "8 '' 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Look and drives like a new one $525 $1625 $1195 $245 $1025 $1245 $1225 $1195 USED CAR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN USUAL BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE A DEAL IN YOUR RO'CKIN' CHAIR COME:IN TALK TO US! These Cars Must Go. Big Savings For You!! 1949 BUICK Super 4-Dr. Dynaflow : $1595 1949 NASH "600" 4-Dr. Sedan $1445 1947 STUDE. Regal Deluxe Coupe 995 HURRY! HURRY!! HURRY!!! THREE '51 DEMONSTRATORS PRICED TO MAKE THE DEAL YOU'RE LOOKING FOR RAMBLER CUSTOM COUNTRY CLUB STATESMAN SUPER 4-DOOR AMBASSADOR SUPER 4-DOOR ASHLEY'S OK II IOATS MTSSrRTS HOBIIlS Folf9ALl!7"3 iamale bc)itlmn(rpup. On rad, ona black anil Ian. Wormed anil dlitemper ahol. Call after ft p.m SIM Kharleln, Phone IJM. ArtuiRffflN Uoardlnikennele Phone SIH7MM Delewareoff llomedolo BOAR DIN 6 KENNELS Dot boarding bjr day. week or month aaiilury kannala. wall balanced diet Clean Individual e-jldoof runt for oarh Doge naodled durlll mating- ww ra up ana aeiiver. VUllore welcome Marrtll ltd iii a. no aoe SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS Pica up and dtltvar. fnona (071 42 LIVISTOCK POULTRY POULIRY WANTED Cash paid for wny amount Top market prices frr good quality. For quotation! PHONE 3867 KLAMATH POU1 TRY FARMS . nto mYEns fan-ready In Dlaatle baia. Turn IcM a: it-He on flnt ruad aouth nf Merrlll.Lake. viaw Junction. Will deliver. i.loyd aiurrin Phone .IM III. 2. Bo an roll SALE flood Voting;" white face to atart lamblnf reliruerv 7. Will aall In lot to mil llaikina ann He 44 MISCILLANIOUS WANT1D WANTED t5 RENT" Two or llirra heriroom unfurnlahed houao In Pcleraon nrh"ol dUIMt I. Phone -J-20IO, Hr-'WCfSMf II to Kiamalh, rp"reeeiita. Ilva of National concern, dealroa two or tltrra hadroom unfiirnUhed houar for rent. Wlllla.e. Call VUi. WAfifRtfTld RENfTYiva or tlx bVT room houte. Would Irate or with op tion to buy. Phone WOlg. WANTEOtS-IU;V. L'ard Burlap lackl Peyton and Company. BM Market. WANTED lo Iraae or rent. M In WO arrea hay land Write Herald nawe Poit AW alvtnf full parllru'ara. A'E NEED CABS' Get lop prlct now Boar Motor Co 6lh and flum. isHoUSINISS OPPORfUNITIIS fffcALtHaiieiVacriitre ol nka ciaan liver-. Writ HereW .NwtBox aoo. ron"SAt.E. fleuly""alon In Tulelake. California Owner moving-. mut aell. Knr further Information call Tutelage 7-1571. 51 MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI 25 MORE TO SELECT FROM 1940's lo 1951s Priced from $250 to $2000 OUR WARRANTY IS: "The Customer Must Be Satisfied." TRADES We Meet All Legitimate Terms H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPT. Main at Broad Phone 5151 12 PRE-WAR CARS ALL GOOD TRANSPORTATION PRICED FROM $100 TO $545 If anyone can . . . Guarantee You'll go Far in a SELECT Used Car . . . . KEN CAN! KLAHN NASH CO. J06 South 6th Frank Elliott, Salesman Phone 3650 Home phone 2-0432 USED A DC -a I VAAiNJ We anticipate a shortage of new cars, for 1952. This condition will naturally increase the price of used automobiles. BUY NOW at LOW PRICES. 1942 Pontiac 4-door sedan, R&H $515 , 1941 Plymouth 2-door sedan, H. & Antifreeze $295 1942 Chevrolet 4-door sedan $325 1942 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan, Rcc. Motor $495 1942 Chevrolet Club Coupe j $393 1941 Chevrolet V ton pickup. Sharp $515 1941 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. Hi torque motor $495 1941 Buick sedanette. R&H $495 1941 Bulck Spt. Coupe $375 1941 Mercury 5-pass. coupe $395 1941 Nash Ambassador 4-door sedan $325 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 DIMBAT BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum AUCTION SALE Krldnjr Night, Jan. 11, 1 p.m. II A: 1 1 Auction Mart Wocu ..Mit.r. Marriu. Oregon. PhonajiBia r:T,Wtli uteii, aklt. eating i.iF "rfrwiumpihirapuiiete. Laying, j potatoes, mciclwtmllise of all kinds. Phim 3iia WANTED I'tTTluVTCowa So-liTicarf. 9 to imr old Hereford or Durham All lo calve thla eprlng Phone or write rieuge Crr. Ytilriake. Califor nia Call Newell .VH irMoi. V'AN"l'Eb"col'o"rod bene Phune 43al ItKlilEltT prirapaltf for poultry, bogt and llve.tock. " BIG Y MEA1 UARKE1 l.akpylew Junrtln Phono rrr" "unVrit.'iAL ttrtEiDiNtj SEHVicr. Phone 87J1 M. C. tchurki Warren SI 2 Bn MJ 44 MISCILIANIOUS WANTtD VvA?Il'ETjf6 SOY. Chicken wheal In Ion luga delivered. Phone VANTFD' tued No. as Sttet'ftarvea. Irr Chain. Call7SJB or SJ30. WANTED" TO BENT." Store manager and wile would Ilka partly furnlahed or tinfurlahed Iwo bedroom modern home. Cloie In. Thona 03M between a. m.-fl Pm. WANTED amall ua'ed piano. PiiVna .UK. WANTEfTYO PENT. Small 'modern tin. furnlahed houae for retired couple. Pre. far South Suburban rea. Phone eaiu. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Ooals coming fresh. Bring your Items for tale. COL. FRED L. HOWARD. AUCT. PHONE 9410 IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow PT Onl $100 Mo. Repny In IS Installments UP VO 1300 ON FURNITURE? OR 8ALART UP TO 11300 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to par Locally owned Ji New Cars "nancart st sank rates "MVNICV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 30 years serving KlAmath BatUi See "Chuck" Ball Mt. Ill N 7Ui St. Phone 3m 8-341 Ma" Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS ISO to S300 Auto Furniture Livestock - Salary ISO to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial . Finance! . ? Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. lio. a-m M-im 107 No, (th Phone 7711 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 r"on"SAI.E"flreprace"Vnd"furnaca wood", length 1 Inchea to 48 Inchea. Phone waa. SO TONS baled alfalfa hay. Phone 20S1 Donanu, Data noblnaon, Bonaiua. Oregun. , COl.DSPOT rtcrrlgcritor. 1100. Perfect condition. 1733 Oak Street. TOR SA1.EJlalf beeljMl llomedale. r'KKE NO. 8 Sewing Macnli'e with Hamilton neach aeparala motor. Hard, wood cabinet. Excellent condition. At ttchmenu. S0. Sea Mgr. Emplra Hotel. S.14 Main. "get-vourt snow caps Now: tl huv uaed tlrea. O.K. Ruhber WclO era. a.Tfll So 8th. Phono 4nl3. KUI.I.F.H brtiihca. Phone 0UO4 or atnl A Salute to a New and Better Year With New and Cheaper Prices if You See Selby Last! 1951 Willys Jcepstcr Overdrive for economy $1795 1950 Buick Special Sedan. R&H. Clean $1921 1950 Willys 4 Wheel Drive Station Wagon $1558 1949 Crosley Station Wagon Hydraulic brakes $ 595 1948 Chev. Sedan R&H, very nice '.. $1195 1948 Ford V-8 Fordor Can't be beat for $1045 1947 Dodge Sedan R&H. Overhauled $1045 1947 Hudson "6" Sedan. Overdrive, R&H $ 995 1946 Chev. Ton Pick up $ 795 1941 Ford V-3 Tudor , $ 395 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan $ 395 1940 Chevrolet . Tudor - $ 295 1940 Willys Sedan ? 85 1938 Oldsmobile "6" Club Coupe $ 145 1938 Ford V-8 Fordor - ? 85 1937 Plymouth Sedan $ &5 Selby Motor Co. 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Clean as can be 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. All the extras 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE 16,000. Really sharp ... $1545 ... $1645 ... $2095 YOUR DREAM CAR 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT beautiful car on the road! All the extras. Low mileage only The most $2395 'Big Chief PONTIAC HAS THE . BIGGEST USED CAR VALUES IN TOWN All Guaranteed '"PARKERIZED" Used Cars 1949 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, Huid drive 1949 DODGE CORONET CLUB COUPE A price that can't be beat . $1695 $1595 $1495 THE CHOICEST USED CAR IN THE KLAMATH BASIN 1949 ' PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Real low mileage. ' ClQ All the extras. Only $)J 7 J Open Eves. Till 6:30 2330 So. 6th Ph. 8456 ADDING MACHINES, calculator!. tpa wrltera. cash reglatera, doaka, chain files for aalo or rent PIONEER OmCE SUPPLY m Main Phone 741? CltliSHED rock and drlvaway clndera. Phone 3-1IB7. Pumice BLOCKS, drain tut, concrete culvert pipe. PEYTON V CO. R.1S Market ELKCTROLtlX CLEANER and pollahet and auppllea. Phono 7l7 farkel Tweet. niarKi t'litdert. C? CRUSHED ROCK. Phonr SS4I. olc. tanki. Peyioti and nil body wood. Phone POSfl. ADAM He ha I bungalow tlpa uprlgnl piano, rlemtah oak finish. Good con dition. Kaay terma. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY ;4 E Main fifir.D Rex Air cleaner. S17.30. I'hone ai. rol.KS who like food with the homt maue taali. . .Ilka lo shop al Johnny Big Y Bakery. Merrill Lake view June. tion. LANDSCAPING. evergreena. ahrubi and treea. Wa trim, ipray and rtmovt "LAKEs'HOnB GARDENS NURSERY I'hona 4111111 Fb'nTSALE. Nearly new dlvidTd top largo gaa range alio Montgomery Ward Wnahlng Machine used 3 monlha. Phone Sllia or aeo al9520 Avalon. REASONABLE: Muil be aold soon. 1 fur coala. alae 12, 16. Dark Brown neover, email kid Caracul. 215 N. El dorado. . . .. WANTED. B'ecWom sat. Under a7S. Phone 3505 or 92l. WE AltE prepared lo-buy, for Imme illat ch. one piece or your tntlta houaehoid of furniture. If you have aomethlng lo aell call tit. Wt buy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUC- TION MART. Phona OSHS-MIO, rORSAL"gna"rngoi. 710 Main St. Orcer Apia. Call al Manager'a apart- incat. , Foil SALE 6 ctl. it. olectrlo rcirlgei-a-lo". pcrfact condition. Phona 1304 altar 4 Pj SS AUTOMOTIVE ,u.l SAI.K. mil Chevrolet tudor ile Itixo. Radio, healer, aeat covers. S1705. Call n:i.'io. FOR SAI.K I1H0 ' T. lord pickup. New motor, Iranamlaslon, rear - end, battery, fuel pump, brakes reltned. Oood rubber. A30., or will trade for foully In a good lata model ear. Phont 47M. FOR SALE or trade light truck, G. 1. equity In two bed room homo In south D141. for Pickup suburbs. Phone BARGAIN! 11)31 Ford Convertible. Ptir- chnaed new, November 22. Over H00 discount. BUS BAROENTS tiatd Cars Phona 8203 AGAIN DYES' PUT ON SOME REAL SPECIALS Top Cars In Top Condition $1495 $1145 $1075 Check these and you readily see why it pays to SEE DYE BEFORE YOU BUY! OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Clean, snappy and In line condition 1948 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. Radio, heater, clean throughout 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN. Radio, heater, log lights, tutone - 733 East Main Phone 1326 TRY NOW . . and you'll ask HOW we can make you such a good deal. THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL KNOW IS TO COME IN AND J l w w pontiac "8" M OA C 2-dr. Sedan P I U-J PACKARD tltO "8" Sedan P1J7J 4-dr. sedan $1645 HUDSON Super '6' 4-D. PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpc. OLDS "8" Sedan A I CHEVROLET I 5-Pluu. Cpe. il PONTIAC "8" A I Scdnn COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-spccd .... S395 1946 Dodge Panel SS9S 1948 Ford V-8 14 T Pickup S795 1949 Int. KB-8 S3995 1960 Pord F7 wtng $3796 1950 Pord F8 Air $379S 1948 O.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3596 1938 Ford Panel Sedan. Motor over hauled - $195 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT lllh to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 '49 49 49 '48 '48 48 '47 $1395 $1495 $1145 $1265 $395 $425 AT DYES' Want Reliable Transportation CHEAP? '39 Stude. Commander $245 '40 Che. Good motor .. $395 '39 Ford Tudor $165 "40 Stude. 6-Pass. Cpe. $195 DYES' ' 733 E. Main Phone 932,6 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Ganianade 1049 CROSLEY Station Wagon. 1150 or consider beat otter, sea at iot r. 9tn. 'It" 'C HI i 7711. EQUITY IN 1931 Dodge 'a Ion Ixnreaa Pickup. Snow Krai. 7300 miles. Phona oaoi eventnga ana sunaays. 194(1 PONTIAC 8. streamliner." Radio. heater. A-l angina. Full prlct $. Bet at tin w. Htn. rnone. gay 7711. REPOSSESSED 1041 OLDS flva pauanger coupe. Hy nrnmntic. piano otter, r-nona v-iwis. in37Plvmouth. Good motor, good bodv $130 caah. Phone 2-2702 after 6 p. m. 1949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Tops In every way but price 1(41 BUICK SUPER SEDAN A remarkable buy lor only -- 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Run!! I Don-t walk to look tills over $1295 $495 . $225 DIMBAT USED CARS Where YOU are GUARANTEED a BETTER Deal So. 6th at Plum Phone 91Jy Evenings Si Sundays phone Layton Sleight 8825 SEE IT NOW The New Chrysler 180 h.p. & more Also the new PLYMOUTH For '52 NOW AT OUR MAIN SHOWROOM 3rd k Main Phone 7763 1950 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan (TQrjQC Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive !..!.. 4)-CVJ 1950 UUJb Detuxe 4-ur. Sedan SnOT Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive xPiVJ J 1950 NAStl AAlBASSHDOR 4-DR. SEDAN . Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1949 KAISER 4-Door Sedan Radio, heater, low mileage. Many extras 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1948 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1948 HUDSON Club Coupe Radio, heater, automatic transmission .... 1947 PONTIAC Four-Door Sedan Radio, heater 1947 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater 1947 DODGE Four-Door Sedan Radio, heater ." 1947 MERCURY Four-Door Sedan Radio, heater 1946 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater : 1946 LINCOLN Club Coupe Radio, heater SEVEN DOLLAR DOWN SALE ENDS THIS WEEK! This sale has been a tremendous success but our stocks are running low. Climb on the band wagon and get one of these pre-war used cars before this Saturday. 1938 Plymouth Coach $127 1939 Olds Sedan $397 1940 Olds Sedan $297 1937 Dodge Sedan $127 1937 Chevrolet v $ 97 1938 Lincoln Sedan .. $147 1941 Studebaker $447 1941 Chrysler $397 1929 Model "A" ........ $ 97 1937 Plymouth Coupe $127 $1995 $1145 $1745 $1445 $1345 $1095 $1145 $1095 $1045 $995 $945 PRE-WAR CARS 3 '41 Chev. Sedans 1 '41 Plymouth Sedan -41 Mercury Sedan 2 '41 Pontiac Sedans 1 '42 Pontiac Sedan 2 '41 Ford Sedans 2 '41 Olds Sedans 1 '39 Ford Coupe . NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS ON PRE-WAR MODELS. SEE US FOR A REAL DEAL DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PONTIAC and' DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PARKER PONTIAC DEAL! PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 YOU GET THE BEST AT ' DUG AN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTHDODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 NEW For a or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International True Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth ant) Klamath Phone J-958) CROSLEY Tints 4.90x12, brand naw, oetow retail, rnona ootn. WHV WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS .401 . Main. Phono 3S19. "Wa will (til your car tor you." Wa buy and tradal BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS-CARS ' GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER til S 7th ' Phone m cArs BUS SAROANT'S USED WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shuta War and Arthur Simla rnona em IF YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST TRY THE BEST 1. THE BEST in late model used cars! All below are top-notch one-owner cars that have been traded-in on NEW PACK ARDS. 2. THE BEST in guarantees . . . our famous BLUE RIBBON! Unconditional 1000 miles or 30 day written guarantee. 3. THE BEST possible deal for you! You'll agree when you check our deal, our sale price and our top allowance. 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Big 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive. 0'i1ft Our new low price .. $2.0 I J 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a price anyone can afford and In such sparkling condition M OOC you'll be proud to own it yu' 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Have two of these beauties to choose from, Identical In equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. 100 Never before priced so low . P I J 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has auto matic transmission, radio, heater and 'tO 10 nearly new tires. Now only ' 1949 PACKARD "8" SEDAN ' ' This late '49 model Is oleaner and nicer than most 50's. ttiyif! See It at this new price and you'll want to own it H 1 1 NO FOOL1N" . . . HUFF HAS THE STUFF! See them Try them Y'our Comparison will prove it!! DArADn , VAII I vc rXJ Vlu ITH.1,1 J I r i ii iri k if a I r r i j i 7th and Oak Phone 72SS 1940 OLDS SEDAN. $17S. Small down FOR SALE or trad; lfMi Ford udo payment. Sea at 10 N. 8th. Phone day deluxe. Inquire al tall Oreion Ave. aiu 77IL er p. m. . rOR SALE 1947 Kaiier sedan. oi. mm at 3103 Cannon daya, at call 3077. NKEU CARJl OOt tOD OMCa BOWl - rom Motor Co, tin .and Plum.