PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREC.ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1952 ill! lllljltlllWll HI II ' By MYRTLE WIMER Christmas guests at the home of Mr., ana Mrs. Don Banders and nons were Mr. and Mrs. William Pickering 01 Enscanada. Calif.. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Smith and son Jimmy of El Monte, Calif. Oi. Christmas Eve, the Sanders home at their apartment house here was the scene or a Jolly party, when an evening of dancing and fun was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. their bouse guests, and a number of local people as well as Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fortna of Klamath X sub. Mrs. Sanders left after Christ mas for Snn Diego, Calif., on a combined business and pleasure trip, and expected to return home In two weeks. The two Sanders sons, Ray and Don, spent New Years at Sisters, Ore., visiting weir sister ana tamiiy. Spending the New Yctir holiday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall and family were their son-in-law, daughter, and two little boys, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Winn and sons of Grants Pass. Loy Barker, Insurance agent ot Klamath Falls, was here Monday, Dc:. 31. difpeiuinr Hapn "ew Year wishes as well as calendars for the coming year. After spending Christmas with relatives at Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Whorton returned here Saturday Dec 29. and on Monday moved Ihelr hniiKfhnlri nnir tine moved their household belongings irom me tan jaegson rental property here back to Springfield, their former home. Whorton is working as hooker and climber in logging there for the winter, and the family, including their small son Terry, will return here in the spring when the Modoc Lumber Co. of Klamath Falls resumes logging operations at the Seven Mile Divi sion west of here, where Whorton is employed as top loader in the ! wooas. ine new xear was usnerea inland oesi oiaaer tneretor. tor casn, me by a Jolly party held New Year's 'nt described goods, to-wit: Eve in the Bronco room Of the Old 0J much thereof as may be nece Fort Tavern and Lounge, owned sary to satisfy claim of the under. by Mr. and Mrs. Clav Thomas. The large crowd present was com posed largely or local people, with several attending the party from outside points also. Music for danc. lng was played by Dick Varnum and his violin, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Roy Deffenbacher of ciuioquln. Mr.- and Mrs. Kenneth Brlcco drove up from Klamath Falls to spend New Year's Day with his sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. '?rvir Boeder. the son" '"son aid and Clark. Also with his father. Chariot Brlcco, of the Crater Lake Cafe and Tavern. After a stormy week, New Year's Day was clear and cold, with a cloudless blue sky and the famous brilliant Klamath sunshine turning the winter Ipndscap of mountains and trees Into a thing of beauty indeed.. At 8 a. m thermometers here registered a frigid 14 below zero, and from pres ent indications,, will drop still fur ther. .... During December, there have been severe snowstorms and a rainy spell. As a result of the snowfall, the snow is unusually deep in the mountains as well as here In Wood River valley, ar.1 this In all probability accounts for the signt wmcn amazed some local people on a trip, to Klamath Falls Monday, Dec. 31. Mrs. Marvin Roeder, Donald Roeder, Mrs. James Van Wormer and son Doug las, were enroute to Klamath Falls when- they, saw a herd of 15 deer above the road at the lower Chilo- quin junction of highway 97, a distance of 12 miles from here. Included among the deer were two magnificent bucks, with Immense racks of horns. For the past two - weeks, two yearling deer have been fed at the William Brewer ranch north of Ft. Klamath, Brewer being as sisted in taking hay to the animals by- Jack Thomas, who is deputy game Warden and lives a few miles north of the Brewer ranch. No doubt the deep snow has forced the deer from their customary winter feeding grounds to a lower level. Wilfred Loosley left Wednesday Jan. 2, Tor induction Into the U.S. Air Force at Portland. Wilfred Is 21, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Loosley, pioneer ranchers of Wood River valley, and has enlisted for a period of four years in the Air Force. He is a graduate of Chiloquin high school, and was a student at Southern Oregon College at Ashland before h! decided to enter the service of his. country. Vote Slated For Taft, Warren LOS ANGELES UP) Now that he has been declared legally compe tent, John Michael Haggerty, 101, can go to the polls next election and "vote for Taft and Warren." The Judge complimented Hag gerty on his physical appearance in Superior Court Thursday. The centenarian attributed It to abstin ence from coffee, tea and hard liquor. He said he voted for Presi dent William Howard Taft and wants to cast a ballot for his son. Haggerty was adjuged incompent in 1934, but his niece and guardian certified that he Is now capable ot handling his own affairs. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notfco is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed adminiatra Irl:; of the fiat" of N'ettfe Wallan. deceased by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Klamath County, Oregon and has Qualified and letters of administration have been issued to her. All persons having claims ngaint said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as re auired by law, to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp, 200 Wilms Bldg,, Klamnth Falls, Oregon within tlx months from the date of the first Imbllcation of thia notice which date Jan 11, 1932. Dated this loth day of Jan. 1032. .. Jessie L. Reed Administratrix A. W. Schaupp, Attorney. J-ll-18-25 F-l-8 No. 848 IT HELPS YOU in so many ways when you learn the trick ot bene fiting by Herald & News Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost articles. Phone sin. SPEEDY 10NG-USTING relief for AGONIZING .lES-PAiriS Legal Notice notice or ram to satisfy WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provlelons of section 60233 O.C.L.A. nolle la herehy given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co. will al the O.K. Tranafer Co MO Spring St. Klamath Fall. Oregon at ona o'clock p.m. on January 19. 1933 aell at public auction to tht hlghd and beat bidder therefor, for caih. tht following described good!, to-wit: 1 Circulating Heater or so much thereof as may bo iecs ary to satisfy claim of the under signed for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are) held Is Mr. V. L. Duncan, that the amount oi tna undersigned s claim on said goods is Kn.oo plus coat of nolle ad vertisement and sale. Dated December 2. 1MI O.K. Transfer CO. By: A.L. Vincta D-H J-lt No. S33 NOTICE Or SAM TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of section SO-233 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co will at the OK Transfer Co 330 Spring St. Klamath Falls. Oreaon at one o'clock p.m. on January 19. 19.12 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following descrioed goods, to-wlt. i uversiuuea s-nair 1 Davenport 1 Table 1 Washing Machine 1 small Chest of Drawers 1 Bundle skis and poles 1 Clothes Basket 1 Sled 1 Wagon 1 . Barrel 1 Kettle 12 Cartons or so much thereof as may be neces. wry to Mtisfy claim of the under sicned for storm of Mid aood: Ihit ho.eun,th.e.idW,nood.r. rTTeid ," - w a r-.iH....n h.t iiu ! Mr. w. A. Caldwell, that the amount of the undersie-ned's -claim on ss-a goods Is $188.00 plus cost of notict ad vertisement and sale. Dated December 86, 1931 O.K. Transfer Co. By: A.L. Vincze D-tt J-ll No. KU NOTICT OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S L1E.N Pursuant to the provisions of section I 60233 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby aive.i thst the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co ; will at the OK Transfer Co 300 ! Sorina- St. Klamath Falls. Oreeon at : one o'clock p.m. on January ly, l&c at Buhlic auction 10 the htahest signed for storage of said goods: Tiat the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held ir. Mr. Henry Nelson, that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods is S24.O0 plus cost of notice advertise ment and sale. Dated December 96. 1931 O.K. Transfer Co. By: A.L. Vincze D-28 J-ll No. 831 NOTICE Or SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of section 60-333 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co will at the OK Transfer Co 350 Spring St. Klamath Falls. Oregon at one o'clock p.m. on January 19. 1933 sell at public auction to the nighest and beat bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to-wit: 1 Vanity 1 Chest of drawers t Bed Ends 1 Bed Rails 1 Vanity Bench 1 Night Stand 1 ChUd's Rocker or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy claim of the under, signed for storage of said goods: that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is mr. Henry . kiss, mat ine amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods is 74..43 plus cost of notice ad- verttsement and sale. Dated December 28. 1931 O.K. Transfer Co. By: Al. Vincze D-28 J-ll No. 830 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the orovisiom of icction 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice ii hereby given inn ins unaersicnea U.K.. Transfer uo. wilt at the O.K. Transfer Co 330 bprinf St. Klamath Falu. Oreeon at one o'clock p.m. on January 19, 1952 ml at public auction to the hffht and best bidder therefor, for cash, the wuowini acscnoea gooas, io-wii: 2 Barrels 2 Pictures 1 Mirror ' - 1 Desk 1 Table Radio 1 Lamp Shade 1 Corner shelf 1 Glass table to. 1 Ma a tine Rack 1 Coffee Table 1 Clothes Hamper 7 Cartons or so much thereof as majr be neces sary to satiny ciaim oi tne under, signed for storage of said aoodi: tna the name of the owner or neraon on whose account said goods are held is Mrs. G. H. Fogie, that the amount of the undersigned's claim on satd goode is iu9.w pius cost ox notice advertise- mem ana saie. Dated December 26. 1951 O.K. Transfer Co Bv: A.L. Vincze D-28 J-ll No. 834 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the nrovlsions of auction 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice ia heretiv riven that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co. win at tne u.K Transfer Co 350 spring st. Kiamatn Falls, Oregon at One o'clock n.m. on Januarv 10. 19r sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the lotiowing aescnoeo gooas, to-wu: 1 Trunk unlocked or so much thereof as may be neces sary io unity ciaim ot tne under, signed for storaae of said roods: that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is Mr. Winters Lane, that the amount oi tne unaersignea s claim on said goods m.w cost oi no uce advertise ment and sale. uatea December 26. 1951 O.K. Transfer Co. Bv: A.L. Vinp D-28 J-ll No. 835 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOIfRFMAV S T.TFM Pursuant to the orovisions of arfion 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice Is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co will at the OK Transfer Co.. 350 spring St. Klamath Falls. Oreeon at one O'clock n.m. an Januarv lo 1014 sell at public auction to the highest aim ucii uiaacr increior. ior casn. tne following described goods, to-wil: 4 Boxes Roped 2 Boxes Wired 1 Trunk Roped or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy claim of the under signed for storage of said goods; tnat the name of the owner or person on whoe account said goods are held In M' .J" r- JKlrl,n1' that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods ia 862.00 plus cost of notice ad vertisement and sale. Dated December 26. 1951 O.K. Transfer Co. By: A.L. Vincte D-28 J-ll No. 838 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pu"u'n,J to the provisions of section 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co. will at the OK Transfer Co 350 Spring St. Klamath Falls, Oregon at one o'clock p.m. on January 19. 19:ii! ?1 .pbLc iulon to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to-wit: 1 Radio 1 Wash Board 1 Bundle Bed Clothing 1 Trunk 1 Bundle 2 tubs and contents 1 Mattress 1 Bed Springs 1 Bed End Metal 1 Bed EndMetal . 1 Bundle tools 12 Cartons 1 Battery 1 Bundle two bed rails 1 Carton 1 Cnd. or so much thereof as mav be neces sary to satisfy claim or the under signed for storage of said goods; that Suburban Service 1 Or) Your Worn Equipment ' 11th ftWolnut Ph. 7709 j CLASSIFIED RATES One day rhret Days Week run . Month run ... per word r per word lie per word 20c per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Anc-i-A,- In man k, irM.u4 flvmnoli hAV tu,n-hrc at ih -....' tor a service cnarge oi joc. DEADLINES Classified ao accepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up tc u noou for following day i pub lication. a ADJUSTMENTS Please mane an viauna lor adjust ments wluiout deiay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m will be made in fnllowmg day's publication Legal Notice NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be receded bv the Common Council of the City of Kl.m.fh r-n- n . chase of ,mpriwnwnt ds", G.r,.. a, .-,.. l r . ! rfar,""?,," 7u.nS?,d "'of ; im.W3.:ui dui authorized b ordinance ot the said City of Klamath Falls, for the construction and lading of sewer lines In Sewer ITml No. 30. of said City and serving the property between Snuth Slvth sirt fhj. n r- a. E. Railroad Right of Way. Shasta Way"! ana w asnourn streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 4th. day of February. 1S53. at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Coun. cil immediately thereafter: said bonds snail be dated seoruary l 1953. and ; shall be in amounts of 5500 00 each, except bond No. 1. of said series, which shall be for the fractional, part of said sum. and all shall be due ten ears after the date of i&sue. payment of the entire bond optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and Auxust 1st. of each year, principal and interest parable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. All proposal must be unconditional and accompanied by a cert idea check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an oonton a to the legality thereof bv the law firm of Win free. McCulloch. Shuler & Say re. Spalding Building. Portland. Oregon. This notice is authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. 1951. ROBERT M. ELDER. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. D - 31 - J-1-2-. 1-4-3 - 7 - 8 - ft - 10 - 11 - 12 - 14 - 15 -16 . 17 - IS - 19 - 21 - 22 - 2.1 -24 - 25 - 26 - 28 29 - 30 - 31 - F.l - 2 No. 826. CITATION JN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of PEDRO GONZALAS. Deceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: TO: The Unknown Heirs of PEDRO GONZALES. Deceased. A oetition havina been filed bv Ivy M"" entitled estate, for an order authoriz ing him to sell at private sale for cash the following described real property, to-wit: Portion of Lot 7, Sec, 14. Twp. 36 S.. R. 10 E W.M.. Klamath County, Oregon, containing .28 acres, also W'j.E'i-SW'4 - VE'4 W, SW'.. XE'i, E'i-Ei-SEi-NW'i. Sec.. 33. T. 34 S.. R. 7. SEU-SE1, Sec. 34 T. 35 S.. R. 9 N'El4 - NEU. Sec.. 3 NWU-NW'i Sec. 2. T. 36, S.. R. 9 E.. W.M., Klamath County, Oregon, containing 160 acres You. and each of you. are hereby cited to appear in the above entitled Court on or before the 30th day of January. 1952. then and there to show cause, if any there be. why the said petition should not be granted. WITNESS the Hon. David R. Vanden. berg. Judge of the above entitled Court. Dated this 28th day of December, 1951. (SEAL CHAS T. DeLAP. Clerk of the Circuit Court By JANE WEVER I Deputy D-3I J-4-11-18-25 No. 839 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of section 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co will at the OK Transfer Co 350 Sorina? St. Klamath Falls. Oregon at one o'clock p.m. on January 19, 1952 sell at Dublic auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following descrtbea gooas, to-wit: 1 Coil Springs 1 Bundle 2 bed rails I Carton bed ends 1 Carton book stand 1 Carton three chairs or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy claim ot the under signed for storage of said goods: that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are neld if Mr. Lee unenauil, tnai tne imouni oi the undersigned's claim of said goods la S83.08 plus cost of notice advertise ment and sale. Dated December ze, iii O.K. Transfer Co. Bv: A. L. Vincze D-28 J-ll No. 828 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of section 60-233 O.C.L.A. notice is hereby given that the undersigned O.K. Transfer Co will at the OK Transfer Co 350 Kni-in St. Klamath Falls. Oregon at one o'clock D.m. on January 19. 195' aell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to-wit: 1 vanity 1 Swing Rocker 1 Davenport 1 Mattress I Small Bundle Rug 1 Coffee Table 1 Mirror 1 Mirror 1 Mirror 1 Chest of Drawer! 1 Coil Springs 1 Roll Linoleum 1 Washing Machine 1 End table 1 Vanity Bench 1 Night Stand 1 Carton 5 Chairs 1 Smoke Stand v 1 Hassock 1 Table 1 Bundle mops 1 Bed End 1 Bed End 1 Stool 2 Table leafs 3 Bed Slats 2 Rrf Ralls or so much thereof as may he neces sary to satisfy claim of the under signed for storage of said good; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is Mr. Wesley G. Collins, that the amount of the undersigned's claim cn said goods Is 8218.00 plus cost of notice ad vertisement and sale. Dated December zu. ioi O.K. Transfer Co. By: A.L. Vincze D-28 J-ll No. 829 the name of the owner or person on whose account said gooda are neio is Mr. Sloan, thai the amount of the undersigned's clftm on safd foods in S66.00 nius cost of notice advertisement and sale. . Dated December 2. O.K. Transfer Co. By: A.L. Vlncie D-2S J. 11 No. 837 fax anvaiv 32S "HE Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH GROCERY Phone 7S2 Boa SW DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM ' ' Phone 782 301 E Hisen Henlcv Tulelake RUTH KINO Phont 8452 Rte. 2, Box S18 LAKEVIEW I BLUB NOTE MUSIC 1 Phont 2701 126 E. St. No ' MERRILL ! ROBERTA DEWEY i Phone B'.'01 Merrill 1 MALIN MRS. JOE HAXOUSEK Bo 1U Malln Phone 374 CARD OF THANKS FUNERAL HOMES WARDS Klamath funeral Home. KB mmn oirrei mono 333S. MEETING NOTICES KLAMATH LODGE No. 77 AF&AM will hold a Pancake and Square Dance Party Friday. Jan. 11. Starting time 6:15. All EA and FC Invited. Bring the fam ily down aisl have a good time. Dale Bebber Worshipful Master ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Friday, a p.m., for Information, write Box 304. Phone 3383. LOST AND FOUND LOST OR STOLEN while lung-haired male dog, resembles large Scollie. An swers to "Topper. Phone 3011. j-wjo or LOST golden fox terrier near Arthur St. Child's pet. Reward to finder. Phone 2-3012. STRAY Hereford branded with Rafter V. S. on left hip. Owner phone 2-1183. Flower Brw. Midland. Oregon. LOST, rhlnestone necklace. Reward. Phone 5326 after 6 p.m. STRAYED: from O. D. Reeder'a place Two Heifers, one Holstein, one Guern sey Branded Diamond "F" on left hip. Please call 2-1175 or writ George Lew is. 5648 Denver Avenue. GENERAL NOTICE Lorill Sicleon Teacher of PIANO and THEORY PHONE 2-Q940 tOUH Singer Sewlna Center t. opn to the public. Thursday 3:30 to SJO for free attachment instructions. SINGER SEWING CENTER 33 Main Phone 1-1913 PERSONALS NLEome Product..honT-(iS; WATERPROOFING product, for leaky basements, or roofs. Phone 83,7. OR DERNOff. WILKN1T guaranteed hotsery lor tire family. Plione 7585. 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" FIX THAT RADIO Out QusineM Is Sound CONNfciH8 SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 beptic lanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean bewer Lines uf Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 8841 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6595 or 2-3316 EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoll Crtuhed Rorle Driveway Cinder. Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5541 or 9110 SEWING and alteration work, bs by -i it ting. Phone 2-05.18. furniture repairing. Phone 4338. BrtlCK LA YiNt; tJoes your fireplace draw? If not call 9148. DOES YOUR Call 2-0081. fireplace need repair? PIPE THAWING. Call 4863 evenings and weekends. Reasonable. 73 PAINTING and 7017. pa per hanging. Phone FLOORS polished. Phone 9200. THIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen der work Phone 4040 ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract. Phone 2-1010. EXPERT dressmaking and alteration. Phone 6781. PAINTING, decorating, paper hanging, plaster-board finishing, spray painting. Phone 3028. CURTAINS laundt-ed and stretched. Phone 4914 J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 308 No. 7th. . Phone 9348 12 EDUCATIONAL CHILD CARE and education. Preschool center. Phone 4278. BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tyolng kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 4780 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exerclfte. weightlifting. Phy siotherapy for reducing, relaxation, body building. Rates for serlen. Ap- K ointment, phone 3663-9506. Medical asseusc. women only 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE EXPERIENCED stenographer for re sponsible position. Good salary. Apply at wegon ftiaie Employment, WANTED Woman to care for children In my home. Full or part time. Phone 9006. WANTED. Thoroughly experienced and capable stenographer for general office work. Permanent position. Apply in person-al Dick Heederi, GINIRAL SPEECHCRAFT MODOC TOASTMASTERS ENROLL NOW Final Date for Enrollment WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1052 CONTACT Bill Wcntworth Phono 2-2501 or Bob Mitchell Phono 6001 10 WEEK COURSE-$5,00 MEETINGS EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M. WILLARD HOTEL Dinner $1.00 10 Sc'RVICE WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Made and Guaranteed by On'rlda, Ltd. Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION Phone 2-9237 The only Service Stntion In K'niiiutli Falls Issuing Rogers Silverware Cards U HELP WANTED. FEMALE WANTED. Lady for housekeeper and 0 CJr8 ,or etd,rly Btl. ,n Lafcevtew Oreaon. Modern hntnt nviri u. with room and board. Write Mrs. E. U Favell. JM South H Street, Lake view Oregon or phone 1JH3 Lakevtew . H HELP WANTED. MALE WANTED Driver ulestnan person. 1300 Esplanade. Apply In ADVERTISING BOOK MATCHES Big money selling UNION LAHEL Book Matches direct from West Coast fac tory. Fast service, low shipping coats. CommUulon dally. Feature Glamour Girts. Hillbilly, Srenlcs: doiens of othvr styles. Regular, Double. Jumbo slii. FKKE bigg-eat moat complete catalog ever offered MONARCH MATCH CO.. Dept. 108. Monterey at Tully Rd . San Jmte. Calif. We offer an opportunity to etbluh yourself in a permanent, dignified btut. ness. Excellent profit. We will finance you. Give full particulars about your self first letter Write the J. R. Wat kins Co., 137 Dexter Avenue. Seattle 8. Washington. WANTED" under 13. man-experienced vancement. Reply "to box 4!8 rare of ; Herald and News giving name. age. ex-t perlence and salary expected. HERE IS a fine money-making oppor tunity with an organliation represent ing a large Eastern maufactunrer of a product that is the best liked of Its kind. If you are a doer and are willing to do more to get more money, if you are cleancut, honorable and of good personality, you will do well with us. Earnings of 8100 to 8130 and more per week are possible. If you would do more lo get more come to Room 202, Wlnema Hotel. Saturday 1200 noon. WANTED, three cut-off men'. Phoenhc". Ore. Phone 3-1204 after 3 p. m. Phone 3-1778 Med ford. 17 HELP WANTED SILK and wool presscr, mut be ex perlenced. Top wages. Call 3-8382 Rose burg. 18 SITUATION WANTED D AY WO R K, coiored"iirl7P hone2-028i Of 1 student, married with l.imity wishes work a fter 3 p. m. Phone 2-1 143. WASHING and Ironing. Phone 2-01.6. LADY with one child desires work In motherless home or assistance to moth er. Phine 322:. 423 Dlvlilon. IRONING. Call 2-2038. BABY SITTING. Phone 2 0372. WILL care for children in my home days or your home evenings. Call 2-1343. HOUR work. Phone 7813. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE sleeping room with heat. Cloie in. Phone 3837. ROOMS. 83 week. 620 Jcffero, HEATED rooms. 322 Pacific Teirare. ROOMS, prices reasona ole . Phore 4 02T. LOVELY rooms for rent. 88.-87. a week- Con In. Phone 4238 WANT housework by hour. Phone 2-0214. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT. 3 room apartment. 2 block from Main Street. For working couple. Phone 467 evenln g 3334, NICE clean apartment, (ia equipped. Refrigerator. Couple preferred. "Villa Margune" Inquire 1334 Oak. THREE room furnlihed apartment at FOR RENftW'o room moderTTTpTrt. mem. aquiis. jzi uroao. . FOR RENT.fVoroom apVFtmentTa.i 2-0230. ( ROOM furnished apartment on East j ni.iii. rriva.c mm. ucu,uum., un heat. Adulu. No peti. 133. Inquire at eciitf nppieiaie. NORTH SIDE. Clou In. Upitarli. Mod. ern. nice tmall S-room unfurnished apartment Adulli only. No dogi, no alcnollci. References. 1022 Owen. FOR RENT large three room furnlihed apartment. 1147 Eait St. TWO" BKDObM"uhfurrilihed apart" 1 - " n o. am . LARUE three room 7an. hViVh apartment. Adults, nn nmtm ttt f.,i.. FURNISHED, three room, clean, new- rfsuetroraiea. mce view. 940.00. Phone 3924. FURNISHED two room anartrntm, tit. one room cabin. $23; all utilities in- ciuaea. ub jv. Tenth. FOR RENT two room furnljhedVpart- aaaxsna, V,UU)IH, rflOnt I JIB. TWO ROOM nirtmnli niilan.rf alto small three room house, wood iie i. 9IO man. FOR RENT. Larva four room FitmUfTmA iiinmtni. fnone aiw. THREE room furnished apartment" i-cinrwiiy locmea. ii ao. una. FURNISHED bachelor apartment. Util ities paid. 32.30. Phone 46A6. 1603 Mar tin. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment. 3oJ Markrt. Phone 6317. APARTMENTS for rent. Inquire 246 FOR RENT, nice unfurnished duplet 600 Oak. ron RENT, furnished apartirtnt. In- NEWLY decorated, private bath, kit. cneneue. aieam neat, electric range Sin week Rex Arms Apartment. SMALL clean aoartment. enuipned. 433 North 10th. FOR RENT, three room furnlihed apartment. Hot water heat. Adults. Phone 3688. FOR RENT, two hrrfrnnm urnttthori i.r. stairs apartment. Heat and water fur nished. 823 Grant. Phone 2-0212. Un UUrtD Door, private entrance, thrre room furnished apartment. Electrically equipped. Oil heat. 1803 Main. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT three room furnished coU tie.1421 Oregon Ave. TWO IIOUSES for rent, wltlTTarge common lawn and fruit frees Small houie one and nne-hatf bedrooms, part, ly furnished. 43. Larae home has two bedrooms on main floor, three rooms In daylight basement. Automatic heat. 160. Will rent separately. Phone 4193, evenings 9409. FOR RENT, In Klamath Falls, fur. nished three room house with new bath, electric heat, electric stove, new refrigerator. Call owner at Tulelake 7-0000 after 4 p. m. TWO bedroom furnished duplex. Flume 42m. THREE bedroom modern houxe, WOO block on Calif. Ave. See W. J. Easter 1030 Calif. NOTICtS Oas, Oil, Tires. Tubes Batteries, Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH and MIDLAND ROAD Klamath Falls, Oregon HOUSES FOR RENT j FOIt It K N T" i oiiiiMn urifuniuhrd homo, itiuo Austin Jil fud month. 1'honr 34-U. KOR RENT attractive small two bed room home, third block from Mmn, Alto urat apartment, downtown til Mi. Gomer Jones, Realtor 111 So. 4lh. Tele plume 1.M7. FOR RENT modern- f on rroo m""i Wiu r nlshed on bedroom houe nn Califor nia Avenue, (.as furnace, wood range. $40 month. Phone 7DU8. FOR RENT. 1220 Sown Street. Two neoroom unrurnisnru house, 840 mouth. 1034 Winter. Two bvdroom, nearly naw, unf urn uhed, acre. 170. Phone 3Au3. FOR HENT." Three" room furnUhfd home, bath Inquire 2O0 Market, Apait ntent 14 after j p. m. FOR LEASE two" bedroom Modern home, furnished 833 per month. Call 3-04. FOR RTNT. fam furnlihed three room houae with garage. Inquire ttutl Hummers t-ne. FOR RENT two bedroom modern part" ly turn Uhed huuae. 8J3 month. Inquire at S34T Avalotv FOR RENT, furnlihed two bedroom houae w'h frage. 830 month. Inquirs MM Lakeulew. NEAT modern house at 11 scar. Call 8147. FOR RKNT. two bedroom turnuneu houe. 3073 Buardman. Inquire at 2701 Derby ON E ROOM cabin. Ligh t a and water furnlihed. Across from Pelican school. 330 Hank Street. FOR RENT, two bedroom duplex, fur. nlihtd. cloitn, InqtUre 728 North Mlh. FOR RENT. Clean, nirelv tur.iUheTl one bedroom house. Couple only. 223 Lincoln. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself Save ' New Trucks For Long Trip Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 drrice lor rent. 3J uiin. Fhont 7101. roil HENT door aandars lala.l lypa equipment Suburban Lumber Co. Uth and Walnut Phone 7700 CAB TOBAr.'E"flEATrb. day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4473 or 77 og. 30 REAL I STATE FOR SALE MILLS Nearly new one bedroom home located one block to bus line. Wll to wall carpeting, very attractive kitchen and dining area, Insulated walls. ccllliiKs and floors. Attached Karaite, utility room and workshop. Excellent condition throughout. A real buy at 16500, terms. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY A real money making business lo cated on one of the main thorough fares. This Is a year around busi Rnd w0"Id especially Ideal ness ana would be especially ideal for man and wife. Present owner has business Interest out of town. Should net man and wife at least $800 per month, f 13, 000, terms. NEAR ACADEMY Well constructed four bedroom home on large lot. Spacious living room, dlninj? room and kitchen, two baths, full bn.scmcnt with cen tral hent. howr at renr. Owner leaving. Only 17500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 STOP PAYING RENT Here Is a bargain If you want a close .n home. Completely fur nished two bedroom home, for the fimnll price of 15250, a look will convince you. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AGAIN Here Is a lovely home, nicely fur nished too. Frlgldalre, stove, piano and all. Price only 110,000 with convenient terms. See it today. C-0-O-K-S HERE IT IS Nicely located CAFE dninn ex cellent business. This Is what you have been asking for and waiting for, don't miss your chance to go Into business for yourself. Priced at only (1250. Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-265(1 Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. Sander, Realtor 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 HOMES TOR 8AL.K EVERKTT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlt-k Salesman 121 Slk Phone 1401 FOR SALE, rive room tinusc to ha moved. Cheap. Phone sas, Malln, Ort-fon, 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALE Have You Thought of Selling Your Home? Wo have buyers waiting now for gootl homes from $8000 to $18,000. Contact us today for an estimate of the value of your home on today's market. For prompt and courteous help on your real estato problems. CALL 2-3545 "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phono 2-3545-0410 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 3 BEDROOMS 8f Oils wrll ronalruettd modern home Hli riming room, brrukfaal lUKik. convrmrnl kllclirii, full bsuir mcnl. Automnllc piped lurnnre heal. Vrry well Inmtiu'itped, pnved treet and Ulewnlk. Price 113.000. YALTA GARDENS Attractive 1 brdroom modern home on acre local anndy loam. Fire place, automatic heat, atorm wliv down, all floor completely carpeted Attached garage. Paved atreet, convenient to bin and atoret. Price tQMO. FHA termn. DUPLEX Within easy walking dUlance. Auto matic heat, one apartment conv pletely furnished. Price fOSOO. Walking Distance I bedroom furnlahed home 5 blocks. from Main. Iimilolrd. weather tripped, attractive yard, paved st reel and aldewnlki. Total price J3150. Easy terms. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stllea Th. 3-3480 Eves Don 8loan 8SM Evea. Fred 8cott ' 5103 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtor! Since lOOD 111 N. Otis St. Phone 45M or 6528 NEAR MILLS SCHOOL Neat two bedroom home on large corner lot. Two car garage. Vary close t school, stores and bus line. This lot has future com mercial possibilities. 0000. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom ranch-type home among newer homes. Paved street Bivl driveway. Fenced buck yard, electric and oil heat. Car rlea F H A. commitment tor lull selling price. 18000. WE NEED LI8TINOS IN HOT SPRINGS HAVE THREE QUALIFIED BUYERS WAITING. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 THREE BEDROOMS Very livable home. Large rooms, separate dining room, spacious kitchen, continuous foundation, double car garage, on 100x105 foot corner lot. Good terms. Newhouse Real Estate 20CO So. 6th Phone 9832-5742 We have one of the finer homes for sa e in Mills Addition, inrce bedrooms, kitchen with breakfast nook, dining room witn aicove or Mwlng room, living room. Ilower room and of course utility and bath. Partial basement and two Rarages with concrete floors. This home has hardwood floors through out, Insulated celling and Is lo cated on a large corner lot. Make an appointment to see it as it may be Just what you want. See or Call James Hcscltlne Orayce Eaton 6669 "37 Salesmen with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 ' 60ACRES Excellent sandy loam, Irrigated, 23 acres clover, 8 acres old alfalfa, 2 bedroom modern house. Price $30,000, 818,000, down, terms, 6 ACRES New house, 2 bedrooms, bath, floor furnace, electric water heater good location. (8000, some terms. M. A: BOWMAN Realtor, Merrill, Ore. Phone 7302 URGENT Our office Is In need of listlnaa In city limits and South Suburbs. We have buyers for 2-4 bedroom homes. If you are planning to sell call our office FOR COURTEOUS SUFFICIENT SERVICE. BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. 9th riione 7266 160 ACRES All under gravity Irrigation, level. Good Improvements. 45 acres of new clover. 17 acres of old alfalfa ready fur potatoes. Well equipped. Price 105,000. Terms. JACK C. MACE Real Estate Tulelake Phone 7IS11 NEAT as a butcher's block after hours I TRIM as a fresh haircut I COMFORTABLE as an old pair of slippers I $5,965 Is all It will cost to own this well constructed, 3-bo.lroom home, lo cated on a comer lot on California Avenue There's a nice lawn, lots of shrubs and room to move around In ouuloora. The recently redecorated Interior, with new carpeting In the living room, enjoys clean ash free heal from a new gas floor fumace. Truly, H i a real pleasure to live In. The handy kitchen and extensive utility porch will make "Mom's" work easier. TERMS CAN BE ARRANOED Don' Klrkpatrlck, Salesman (Evenings Phone 7M EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8th Phone 1491 SOUTH SUBURBS Two bedroom home on 1 3 acre, irrigated land. Venetian blinds. Will trade equity for good house trailer. Immediate possession. 1 BEDROOM HOME ( In South suburban district. 14000. ' Term can be arranged. LOVELY Two bedroom home. Nice neighbor, hood. Electric heat, storm windows, beautifully landscaped. LARGE HOME Within easy walking distance of town. An Ideal buy for the handy man: This home has unlimited pos sibilities. Low down payment, Im mediate possession. 2 BEDROOM HOME In Mills AcYlltion. Fire place. Close to school and bus line and stores. Immediate possession, WE HAVE SEVERAL MORE IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS. SEE OUR SALESMAN, MR. FREDRICKSON. FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AL LONGE, REALTOR 111 So. 8th St. Phone 8253 sale. William B. NEW 1IOMKS for rnwell. I'hnne SS2U. 32 BUILDING & REMODELING roil Kem-Tone. ffupar Ktm-'Tona. Krm.Olo. He Ha. In Building Materials. 47114 Ho. Sixth. Phone 2-USX UNITEI Hlalea (lypsum Rooflnit and romnoallton ahlnalea at Daaln Hullrilna Materlala, 4704 80. Sixth. Phone 2-2.1SJ. KNOTTY Pine Pattern Slock as low aa S7S.O0 per M. Raaln Bulldlna Ma terlala, 47S4 80. Sixth. Phone a-aab. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS J Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee OI Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that 8atlsfy Plus Service" citt.i- iaio 821 Spring St. Phone 41M BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 . QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 PifKeTOLOtiH pickup or delivered' "Un" Servlc.. 3.160 So, Slh Phone 3liBl or 2-2te. 8 At H o'fffiBN 8"TAMPrivenonhtar. Ina nils Phone .1681 or 2.026V (or sromul delivery. CLIFF YADKN'R SKIN At, MCRVICI Z9soito ath STANDABD HtAtlNO oft. Slova. furnace, light fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. I3i Marxat. Pnnne S149. 38 BOATS PITS SPOUTS HOBBIES pTlREn'RiSD, three months, OoldeiTFiw trlever, female pups, $2S. Juniper Lodge, llnhway 17, six miles loulb Macdoel, j;ellf. T I'blNTKIt "puns for sale. BeaMmahf .i.mi. urnyer Avenue. I'ltono ixii.LIK pups. Llller rrgl.lcrml. Ufl sm.