THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, TOM umMJ) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE frankie Baker, Who Said Her Man Done Her Wrong, Dies In Perfdleton Hospital J'KNDIjETON Ml Kninklei mnny yrniH n nil hud n HtroiiK leol Diiknr, whn mild ll wun Her mini iny of liiUcpciidrMi o. who hnd Uuno Iwr wrcuiK, In (lend. Himill mid nllKht, hc mil in Iwr No uno known wlicllmr nlio rnully ofl liourn In pnrllnnrt In a dimly vim Hip I'Vunklo In "V'ruukle mid lluhlf d rnom plnylnu milMuni! or Jiilinny me iwo wim worn uivvrn prurlnp mil, iiiiohkIi tl curtiilim unlll Nrlllo Illy I'liiuo nlonii Hhr nuld kIio wiik I he cent nil lluure in Hint "onii iwiMily yniun H;in. DllO Midi rvinn vvrnv mill nnc HmnntliiiFii children would iiuthcr outMilp mill cliiint vliiit word llicy knew of "Frniikm und Johnny." J Mr y mum II with di-rlnlun. Blio lolk viiik. Kxcrpt r.ii'io liuvo been money In It, ' uliould iimihliu I'leiuri-B livniir 111 nlwiiyn thmiitlit there wnn wimp eiilleft money fur n lllni iibnut UiIiik nli iibolit bclriK purl of n I'liinklfl and Johnny. Mho didn't collect. Tor nonrly thirty yearn nils tnlked nboiit needliitf inonvv (rum whut "ho culled thnl one purl ol the blory ol her llle, 11 wu per- Ilium bltmrneiwi over tnni which Ix1 In lUfiO to her cniilinltlul to III' Ktute lloxpltnl lor the Inniuin here It win In the nun nun ni inn ny nf it. ulia died 'luc.-duy. Pri nklc'ii Mory Iiiih been told and re-told Hi nowhpuperu and muKii rlue articles. They hnvrn'l alwuya mirred In detull. but thin much detinue: alio Kcurrully told tho mine: I Bridges Files Trial Appeal ! SAN TRANCIHCO W Atlornevs Imvci filed a USpuxe bliel aup portlnii Went Count Lonunhore : Lender Hurry Brlduen' appeitl from a perjury consplrucy conviction. i The brief wan filed for Brlducn Hhe lived In HI. I.ouln and there and two co defrndunln In the 1050 oh the nlKhl ol Oct. la. Ilitiu on conviction In the Ninth U 8. Court Turiico atrect nhe look Allen of Appenln Wednentlny. Ilrltl'a plntol and He killed nun Tlio brief annerta' Fcdernl Judue with It. 'Hint wan alter nhe hud Oeoriie I), llnrrln, the trlnl Judue, .done to the home of Alice 1'ryor fnvored the Koveriunent iikiiIhhI and hnd found Unit there. llrldiien and "deprived appellanta Whether It wan roolu-toot lool of a fulr trial." a three-shot lob an the noun nnyn, I Drldnen, head of the Internntlonal IMi't clenr. Bui Krankle uhvuya I I,oni(nhnreinen'n and Wnrelioune nnld the allootlHK wun the atari of men'n Union Und l and Union ax the nonif. noeluten J. R. Hobertion and Hurry Why wan "Frankie and Johnny?" Schmidt were convicted ol ploltlUK Well, aomelliHcn II wan called lo help BrUlKcn nwenr he wan not "Frnnkle and Albert." loo. and a CoinmunM at a 1015 naturallza Allen llritt wan unuully called Al- j lion hearliiR. bert, nhe aaltl. Nelly Illy, nhe nld, Oral arirunientn are expected to wna Junl (metio ucenna lur wo atari in Aiarcn other woiniin'a name. Frankie. whoie teeth flnnhfd whll In her dark face, reached Portland In I01& and that wun her home from then on until brouxhl hi re lo the honpltul. She ran a ahoo nhlne atnnd In Portland (or MISSING Mrs. George Le May (above), 21, who disap peared while fishing with her husband ifl the Florida Keys is the object of a state-wide search. Mrs. Le May, the former Huguette Daoust, was a semi-finalist in a "Miss Cinema" beauty contest held in Montreal, Que. High Cost Of Sessions May Keep Solons Out Of Oregon's Legislature OnANTS PASS Knyniond C. Coulter who ban nerved two lernin an ntule representative, will not seek rc-elocllon, ho reported Wednesday, lie aald he cant a( ford It. Wives Compare, Husband The Same MEXICO CITY in Chatting at the market, two Mexican wives compared note. on their husbands and found they were both married to the same man. They complained to police. The police found the wives had leurned only half the ntory. The husband, Riifuel Eslruda Huerta, wan churned Wednesday with tak ing on four wives In It months. I He hasn't Rot a Job cither. By PALI, W. IIARVUY JR. SALEM W When many, lcsflrv IntoiH mild al the rod ol the 118 duv opinion last April that they wouldn't come back becaune they can I alford It, we discounted a lol ol that talk. We had heard It bciorc. But now It looks like a lot of them weren't kidding. And that la bud (or the Slate of Oreiton. With the 1953 leijlsluturc fuclng the worst financial problem In Its history, the alato will need legis lators who know the ropes, What brlnus thin ud Is that two atnlwart members have aald In the pust (cw days that they won't run iiKuln. They are Sen. William E. Wnlxh, Coos Bay, and Speaker of the House John F. Steclhammer, Salem. Walsh, a former Senate prcal dent, was chairman of the Senate Law Committee last session. He wan on the Highway Tax, and Ways and Means Committees. All four of Ihw.c are powerful committees showing that Walsh Is one of the five or six aenators who really made the wheels no around. Steclhammer, like Walsh, in a veU-ran of six lrbilaturin. Both are lawyers, and lawyers are need ed bauiy. Ihere aren't enough ol them to man the two senate law committees, so they had to be combined Into one committee last esslon. Starting vlth the 1951 legislature, the lawmakers get 1600 a year. That isn't enough to Induce good salaried men to leave their Jobs to come to the legislature. I would like lo serve loneer Stcelhammcr suld, "because It's In my blood. But I cun t uflord the financial aacrlflce. Last session I had lo borrow 1500 to live on." The flllni period for candidates ends March 7. By then we know just now many legislators won't lun again. In 1951, half the house members were inexperienced, and that ulowed the session. Something will have to be done to shorten the sessions, and a legis lative committee Is studying that now. This committee has $5,000 to nnend. It will consider many Ideas, such as setting deadlines for Intro duction and consideration ol Dins, having key senate and house com mltteen meet Jointly, and getting the Ways and Means Committee to start work before the session. Baltimore Hit By Transit Strike BALTIMORE The Public Transportation System of Balti more braked to a halt early Thurs day as 3.200 employes of the Balti more Transit Co. went out on strike. Pickets started marching In a cold, steady rain before all BTC terminals. The atrike against a transporta tion system that hauls 375,000 pas sengers dally began despite frantic last minute efforts by mediators land public officials. NSL Policy To Pay $60 WASHINOTON m Payments averaging about tfiO will go out this year to holders of National Service Life Insurance policies, The Veterans Administration an nounced Wednesday It will start dividing a 200 million dollar divi dend In March. This will be the first regular dividend lor veterans and servicemen, the VA having paid two special dividends In the past (our years. The VA said It Is mailing out a special form which will give a policy holder the choice of receiv ing cash or put the dividend up as a deposit at 3 per cent Interest. The deposit would be Insurance against possmie lapse oi a policy or as advance payment on premiums. Payments will be made alter the Tax Increase Held Unlikely WASHINaTCW Ml The pros pect of any general federal tax In crease this year unless wide spread war breaks out shrank to the vanishing point Thursday. State of the Union message spoke only of continued high taxes over the next few years, and omitted any mention of a possible further Increase. . . t Ills reference to the desirability of spreading those levies as fairly as posatbla among the people In dicated to some top tax authorities that Congress at the most will bi asked to plug existing "loopholes" which give special tax relief to on group or another. ' Therci Is no certainty that th lawmakers would go even that far, The consensus at the Cnpltol was that any recommendation (or an other general would be a, waste of White House stationery. anniversary date of each policy Theodore Roosevelt was elected covering the provlous 12 months. 1 governor of New York In 1808. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE llfh & Klamath Ph. 2-2581 Is Your House Cold! Remember . . . You pay for insulation whether you hay it or not. INSULATION ... is simple to install . . . use that spare Saturday afternoon ... Do it yourself: ! YOU . . . can insulal- the ceiling of an average house for as li'.'.'a as $49.50 Swan Lake Moulding Co. 3226 South 6th Phone 3169 "Time Tells In Building" NOW IN PROGRESS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS! lff nA Our Sale Values Lead! SHOP AND COMPARE! WINTER COATS Flared Fitted Boxy Modified Pyramids Tweeds Gabardine Velvet Zip-Ins. Trimmed and Untrimmed! Values Up$ To 34.95 25 Values UpJS i 0 4Z. Values To 52. SENSATIONAL VALUES! WIDE CHOICE OF STYLES! VALUES it UP TO P 8.99 VALUES UP TO 12.99 NEW LOW PRICES! Plain or Black Seam IS Denier 51 Gauge NYLONS Clearance ! SUITS Vaues to 19.99 fl588 Us EMM tVVHV i P HARDl Wt ' STARTS TOMORROW AT 9:30 A.M. BIG SAVINGS THROUGH JANUARY 31st SHORTS (Limit 3) 44c Fine quality knit briefs. Top this buy! Suede Jackets Top quality. Navy blue only. Reg. 23.50 21 88 Sweaters Two of the finest names in sweaters. Reg. 7,95 6.88 Reg. 12.50 8.88 r kzs u u ci o Regular $39.95 I .; ; 2900 Regular $55.00 .;. 4300 Regular $60.00 .... . 47 1 Group Reg. $60. 4000 Regular $65.00 5000 1 Group Reg. $65. 4250 Regular $69.75 5900 Dress Shirts One group of fine dress shirts. Regular 3.65 & 3.95 mm or Mm for Argyle Sox A school boys delight. In colorful patterns. Values to 2.95 169 O C00 or for Canvas Gloves Popular Red Tops specially priced! (Limit 3) 29c 78 r 488 688 Sport Coats The ever popular 'all wool plax model. Reg. 24.50 ir Regular 9.95 Regular 14.95 Reg. 16.95 & 17.95 Reg. 19.95 & 22.50 Two Peir Far $13.00 Two Pair For $25.00 Two Pair For $29.00 Two Pair For $33.00 Sport Shirts One group of short sleeved styles drastically reduced. Reg. to 4.95 99c Leather Jackets Genuine horsehide with plain or fur collar. Reg. 26.95 24" SPORT SHIRTS Tee Shirts Finest quality at a lowest possible price! (Limit 3) 44c Regular 3.95 Regular 4.95 Regular 5.95 Regular 6.95 Regular 7.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 288 588 688 Sport Coats Big savings on this smart-looking style. Reg. 22.50 0 Underwear Several styles to choose from in odd lots at sharply reduced prices. TIES 2,0, r SHOES A fine name in men's dress (hoes priced! 900 One Group Reg, 1.00 One Group Reg. 1.50 34 1.19 Values PERFECT Full-Fashioned 2 1s0 A for STORE FR MEN tnt 617 Main ' IN MM St.