THURSDAY. JANUARY in, PAGE EIGHT IIKRAL1) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Administration Faces Big Problem Over Support For Far East Against Commies WASHINGTON (Pi Tile ques tion of whether the United States should underwrite the security of Southeast Asia perhaps by send ing In troops if necessary con fronted the administration Thurs day In the wake of the Truman Churchill conference. The issue of what the Western powers and particularly the United Slates should do about possible Communist aggression In that area is high on the list of problems un der discussion between Secretary of State Acheson and British For eign Secretary Eden, it was learned. It also will be taken up by military chiefs of the United States, Britain and France in a three-power conference opening at the Pentagon Friday. A communique issued bv the President and Prime Minister Thursday, about the time Churchill left on a trip to New York and Ot tawa, reported that a "broad har mony of view" had developed on the "many grave problems affect ing our two countries In the Far East." i DR. A. L. STRAND Strand To Speak Here Dr. A. L. Strand, president of Oregon State College, will speak in Klamath Falls next Thursday while on a tour of Southern Ore gon sponsored by the OSC Alumni Association. He will be accom panied by Bump Elliott, OSC back lield coach, end Bob Knoll, man ager of the OSC Alumni associ ation. A meeting with members of the Klamath Falls OSC Alumni Associ ation Thursday evening has been arranged by Earl Ker.t. Alumni club president, and Robert Thomp son, member of the Alumni Board of Directors. President Siraud is expected to speak oil the principles oi ireeaom-wmcn are sometimes forgotten end possibly to touch on the athletic situation in generel in colleges and universities. Elliott is slso on the program for a short talk and will Ehow pictures of last lall's Oregon State-Oregon football game for those wishing to remain lor thm. . Dr. Strand and the alumni party will visit Boebursr. Medford. Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Lakeview on the Southern Oregon tour. - " .),.. ( ........... ,v ment that "We recognise that the over-name neea to counter the Communist threat in tlmt area transcends such divergencies as there are in ntir nnllrfft tnu-nrri China." Britain recognises the Communist regime while the Unit ed States continues relations with the National government on For mosa. After declaring support for the fight against the Reds in Korea, the President and Prime Minister welcomed the forthcoming military talks nn Snttthfnr Avia their purpose will be "to consider specific measures to strengthen the security" of that area. Both American and British dip lomats privately asserted that the uroau narmony of view ' on Far Eastern policy was one of the more important accomplishments of the tour days of conferences here. Britain's recognition of Commu nist Phinn rlllHni, fh,. t bor government administration, has been a source of considerable dif ficulty in Anglo-American co-operation. , Authorities said that while there is no immediate prospect of a change in the British policy under Churchill's Conservative "govern ment, differences between the two governments over Far Eastern ool icy have now been for all practical purposes eliminated. Bride To Keep First Husband ATLANTA a m cm ij-j car Ctd bride hue rfwiriwt t v- u - -- -- w-w- v cty me j first of two soldier husbands given l rer by a strange turn of fate in the j fortunes cf war. In the name of Mrs. she petitioned superior court to an nual her marriage to William S. i Sasser. She asked that the mar raige be declared null and void on 1 grounds thr-t she is the legal wife , of Walter B. Dixon, once reported killed in Korea but later listed anions war captives alive in Com. munist prison camps. one and sasser were directed bv Judge E. E. Andrews to appear in court for a hearing January 28. Sasser a creed in a signed affidavit to abide bv ihm court's riariinrv judgment. The petition recounted that she ;was married to Dixon at conley. Ga., on April 5. 1950. and was I notified by the Defense Deoartment iin June, 1931, that he had been killed in action. I Last September she married Sas ser in the belief that she was a She found Dixon's name on the rolls of prisoners of war published Just before Christmas. j Lottery Winner Dies Of Worry PF?CUT. Tta'v, is Don At tillo Bellachioma, 75-year old priest who suffered a breakdown soon after winning 40 million lire 'about 64.000t in a lottery last fall, died Wednesday in a mental clinic here. Friends blamed the elderly priest's collapse on worry over the scores of requests for help he re ceived after winning the money. MYSTERY WINCHESTER, Va. (.fl J. R. Costello, 87, doesn't believe in go ing to a dentist to buy new teeth he grows bis own. In his sixty-third year of mar ried life Costello has Just finished cutting the seventh tooth in his third set. Dentists are mystified. Mrs. Walter Abel Puts On Blue Bonnet For Best Reception! Mrs. V."alter Abel, wife of the tele vision and stage star, discovers that Blue Bonnet Margarine makes a big hit with guests and the family, too! You will love Blue Bonnet's delicate, sunny-sweet jflaror. And Blue Bonnet gives your family real nourishment. No other spread for bread is richer in year-round Vitamin Al What's more, the high priced spread for bread costs up to VH a pound more than Blue Bonnet Margarine! So buy Blue Bonnet and enjoy "all 3" flavor! Nutri tion! Econom-c-e! GET THIS BIG II IIKH GLASS BAKING DISH TOM It' th best vatua of th yar-a atntrtn G las bale mLIhh ftl.U ujlak Al I I . . , won inv wxKivtiT quicK-naar Dorrom, an 85 vahia that cost you but 33 with on label from ' vrriiw ivagy gna fOVO 50 on this dandy 1 1-Inch baking dish! We pay postage and mall' nq costs Just serial 1 i.i-.i t mvw uom any mission and. DJri MAIL TO MISSION MACARONI COMPANY, 1101 STH SOUTH SIATTll 4, WASH. S TOMATO JUICE 23Cfi DEL ROGUE 46 ox. Tin fca OBF ? lil't - !!"!? fl Grepefmif Juice I m m iiii 'Mi iliilji"- mm LIBBY'S No. 2 Tin PRUNE JUICE DEL MONTE Qt. Bof. Pineapple Juice aw m a BV If 29cl Stay within your budget and ho plonty to iparo for yourself by getting all your food noedt at Emil'i! We make every price a low price every day ond that meant it takes lets money to :ll ...... I L-b uu. ... . l . .... .l . liffig Ss don't rcb your piggy bonk when your shop- ifiS lina list i lona. Buv rvervthina her and fatten VJurl If un with tWm EXTRA SAVIKIfC n... lunrr values put into your honds. LIBSY'S SMILAX No. 2 Tin m a m r EGGS GrodeAA Large Strictly Fresh Ranch 1 doz. 2::: r.-zz NUCOA rvKAri g is i l, jaw $ir AMPPrA (ciivr m un I 111 I AI-.E- I MI-l-r A. V U flNSJi H g m . 4 Or 1 ,,.. f.i) I BALLARD'S BISCUITS j 1 A,,.. A 1-53" lb. Tin ' .ifi iyi-c - Mite lean. itsr L'H.:i mm m mm .Ji:u:,n ' iuici iiiji saMWaW m ala I J in. - - I-'f m ini. aw m m TUIft JIVUI shOU.oer. g ,ff m MARGARINE In 4 Yellow Cubes 1 lb. Ctn. SALMON , LIBBY'S Red Aloska JA Sotkeye LSt No. i Tin V TUNA FISH White Stor 4M Soi;d Pock w r 7 o. Tin Corned Beef LIBBY'S Mf CHILI CON CARHE HORMEL ff 16 Ti- ooC HORMEL BEANS With Sliced Horn Mf 16 ei. Tin 4C SHRIMP Blue Plate AP Broken STl 5 o. Tin WJI SARDINES Royal Club AA Lge. Oval Tin JAt m m m lb. Fresh. By the piece Swift's "Tendergrown" Cut up, ready to fry. lb. Pork Roasts Side Pork Fryers Pork Sausage kArell's. Tenderiied 1 Picnic Sh!d. Haras m. .... iiii W eners Shoulder cuts, 0Q. leon. lb."'- vitrni? IB 1 Country Style. lb 39c 59c 35c ami !2:if.:i SUNSHINE. GRAHAM CRACKERS 2 lb. Box mm riMMM. a mm uiaimpc 111 iv m Juky A lb. bog 69c S.'Utfjfj nono white, 59c 16rapefrult2 !2S 33i Sii5S? mm mm mm 1 Skinless, no waste. lb. lb n Del Monte SISCed BaCOIl 39c 49 c 45c PANCAKE FLOUR HUNGRY JACK 10 lb. Bog SYRUP -LOG CABIN Meedium Size Tin' POSTS SUGAR CRISP 2 Giont Size Pkgs ipi.Tl 0 W U m UT.'i in; 98c 49c 49c COOKIES HYDROX 12 oz. Pkg. .. CANDY CORN 12 oz. Cello Bag 37c ORN 19c I.-KiJJI UN M. 1 isi " l lla moth Gems. PARTY MIX CANDY. 2 lb. Bag 49c Super Weight COOKWARE 15c Potatoes T(K 59c Ero fancy, crisp .tend,. Carrots 1 lb. cello bog 15c lods.'crlsp, 90 green, lb. w LIBBY'S PEACHES Sliced or Halves In Hoavy Syrup No.2ViTin naives 31c Grapefruit SMITH A ft Florida I Vr No. 2 Tin HUNT'S Fruits For Salad Extra Special No. 2 Vx Tin' 39c HUNT'S APRICOTS Whole Unpealed No. 2Vt Tin' 29c GOOSEBERRES Bamford'i A M Best At No. 2 Tin V HUNT'S Raspberries No. 2 Tin W f V Apple Sauce Royal Club AA No. 303 Tin jQ SLICED APPLES Royal Club No. 303 Tin 2 For 49c RHUBARB Royal Club AA No 2 Tin Q DOLE PINEAPPLE Fancy Sliced No. 2'i Tin ' SPAGHETTI FRANCO AMERICAN 15'i oz. Tin . 15c MECO CORN 29c Cream Style No. 303 Tin 2 For HUNT'S PEAS Tender Garden ' No. 300 Tin 15c CORN Royal Club A Whole Kernel I LC Picnic Tin Aluminum Roasting ran with the handy TOMATOES PEAS Royal Club A f Dainty Dimple I Kf Picnic Tin 3-Way Rack Large Size 2 98 STATE FAIR No. IVi Tin Miracle Whip Quart 1 f 63c Cheese Spread BURDEN S VA lb. Loaf GERBER'S BABY FOOD 4 Cans SPINACH HUNT'S No. 2'j Tin .., 17c 59c RIPE OLIVES Lindsay Select No. 1 Tall Tin CUT GREEN BEANS GARDEN No. 2 Tin 2 for ASPARAGUS VALLEY BELT All Green Cut Tips Picnic Tin 13c MARGARINE Southern Maid 4 Yellow Cubes ... lb. 24c A 1 F 1 M " ftaM FREE PARKING While Shopping (POT BEETS Diamond A Med. Whole No. 303 Tin ...... 17c BEETS Diamond A si J Diced I It No. 303 Tin I 1 K - jtt iiii p w ni . i