Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 10, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    TimnsnAV. .lANiMHY K), mr,2
' Edlloi
Managing Editor
Entered second class matter at the post office of Klamath (alls. Ore,
on August 20, 1906, under act of congress, March 8, 1879
The Associated Press Is entitled exclusively to the usr for publication
of all the local news primed In this newspaper as well an all AP news.
By Mail t mouths $6.50 By Mail year $11.00
FF!' ' ' ' I "Hi "" l-l ''!"-"',!' '. -V ' '! .'"W 'vl,,'?4Kl M'l
The 39 students and two instruc
tors in the Klnmath county CI
farm training program (referring
to accounts nere on conditions in
tiie Irainim urogram south o' the
border) want It known that they're
a lunerent ureeu oi utts.
That they believe In the philoso
phy of getting the most possible
vuiue tror.i time and money spent;
That Instructors pay Is not de
pendent on the number of students
rounded up;
lhat the advisory committee of
local farmers rejects some would
be students and keeps others wait
ing until it's economical to start a
new class:
That the training program is
handled by Oregon Tech as agent
for the county:
And it's under a different region
al Veterans Administration office,
That the Portland office stan
dards are higher than VA nation
ally and Oregon Tech standards
are higher -than Oregon generally:
That farnv technology courses
(tractors.- weldinn, arm csnjen'rv,
etc.) are taught by regular top
lnght Oregon xech instructors:
That farm production problems
are taken up by instructors trained
to teach sericulture, at such farm
points as Merrill, Bonanza, etc.:
And that. n enerpl teVre
proud of working hard and learn-
- J-
ing something and applying it to
tlieir farms.
Note to the Chamber of Com
merce winter travel committee:
Returning here af"- the ''o!'
days Don Orrell, Oregon 'Tech
iau.6 iustiuctor. in a stop-over at
Weed inquired of road conditions
north. He got the answer that it
was tough, that highway 97 was
completely blocked at Chemult,
that it would be safer to slay
overnight at Weed. He came en:
smooth sailing. Other drivers, wfco
were planning to go on through
Chemult. took the advice and
sieved in Weed. .
! Returning here; after the noil
jdays that same ntsiit. Ed Miller.
KFLW and OTI radio engineer.
was stopped at Chemult as the
road was completely blocked bv a
spilled load of bailed hay. Hc
rp-ip rn smooth siint wh-n th
hay was yanked off the road in a
lew niinuie;.
Note to members of the Shasta
Cascade Retriever club and all
othe' dog fene'ers:
Never feed a dog off a
for . vii roar" him ne?n.
Never feed a dog raw meat. It
will make him real mean.
Tf vo-t wan to h"ve a w' ex
tra mean, man-eating watchdog,
tee ' s .ii p'n-O". der.
(Old wives tale.)
They'll Do It Every Time
By Jimmy HatloJ
'AtiV &6H Or THAT f , jfS,
CSZ-t iff
com. mt uw riATutrj iimcti. tm. would r- -t 'rrtrn '
3ur lst
WJklrtr 1 in 1...
"'10 ntivr
M H k nu If It w KiM-imm
Not oiicn have we Americans any 1 lug were suited to the Kremlin s.Q pK.s ,0J n, die urine Site
Aiiis tetter rai6es an uupoutinl
CSttse to regret the passing of algtuorat goals.. inoi,e Wore .ne.. u. says that her husband who Is 1u.
top Russian Communist figure. But j .;rsir.n icai- and weaknes:-. flrit I did some hcavv lifting which mijht
o may properly mourn the death! when the Nazi menace began to'nave CBUsrd it. Some neo:i!e. he
of Maxim Litvtnov as almost Uieji..- . .iot sico;, n uie tnir,e . e:i ! says feel that this is not serious.
5omary s. mooi in tne soviet un-wnen tinier s noracs were oaiier
icn of a once better day in East-ling down the gates.
West relations. yei mmiy Western statesmen are
For a decade, from 1929 to 1959, convinced Lltvinov, an old Bolshev
he wfs ihe Kremlin's foreign inlnir-iik who could afiord the luxury of
ter. In that span, Russia emerged ' being at least partly himself, real-
.1 .-o ,iw,.i-ii.b. cocuii it jiuida , iy believed in the policies he advo-
general diplomatic recognition for
its revolutionary reg.mu, won a
scat in the old League of Nations.
Litvaiov was a decisive promoter
of all the? developments, and v'ren
l School Trains Singers
For Grass Roots Opera
AP Nrwafralurr
lt.M flUlH, N. C Tim gllller of
tlio Dliimmid Horseshoe ot New
YurU'a MeliiiDollliin 0)r llotfie
Is rollri'ted in a studio over a
Jewelry ittore here.
It's a lomt Jump between the two
points, ' but Director Robert C.
Bird of the Carolliin Opera School
believe some of his Minimis can
ninke the grade.
The school, lituni'lit'd under the
extension eervlce ol thp University
of North Carolina, already has
some of the iiliintoiir ol Urn Met.
Oiui of IN stall members Is Nor
man Cordon, a native North Car
olinian who saii baritone roles
ivl'h "' Motro"-iitn.
Another uieinber of the slalf Is
Mis. Ktilplle itucker. cnuaily lamed
as a conceit pianist and as Vice
President Albrti Harkley'a niolher-In-law.
Director Bird sera a future) for
the school as brUht as the writes
sold in the Jewelry store below.
There's not another tiulle like It
In Ihe country, lie declared.
Orl'iltA O.N It (Ml)
Some other universities offer
Irnliilnir In opera, but this school
has ll:r own tourlnn company to
Rive students actual on-lhe-road ex.
perirnce, Bird explained. The
Grass ftoots Opera Company, a
protect of the North Carolina fed
eration of Music Clubs, helps the
The operas Iho ntudentn take on
Ihe road with the Orass Hoots com
pany are all given tn Kngllnh. Thl
s the onlv way opera will ever
gain a secure loothold In America
says Bird. Faculty members ami
local slnnerx are recruited to till
out Ihe casta lor Uraaa lloota pro
ductions, Music Is supplied by Mr.
Hucker at the plauo.
In chuosliiit oiierun for prodtuv
lion. Bird aleeia away Irom such
heavv tare as Washer. Comic
opera Is the standard choice. MD
larl s "School for Lovera" is
lovorlte. The company aho h
presented Bluet's "Carmen," and
Verdi's "La Trnvlala."
Maker Keep
Un Schedule
CHICAGO If - A WashlUKton
announcement thai production ol
major household appliances will be
reduced another 10 per cent begin
ning 1:1 April tailed to disrupt
ut Mr.,., ml Mrs. Wallace
Milll;atii 8202 Crosby, who
cnlistfil. In Ihu U.S. Army
on his Kcvi'ntecnth liirlli. '
tiny, May 12. llo left for
Japan. Dec. 3, ami expcclctl
to ro lo Korea rliit nflri'
Christ mas. lie Is n former
Kl'HS .stutlunt.
rural areas of the slate. The tedcr-
and Mor.rt to small town, ..ut ' , "ma'. E JlT !T
New Control
Law Demand
frlenu of the West as could be
found in Russia. More, they thought
ne tuiKea u-e language ol the west,
B- kd t-:a"H
For Hal Boyle
WA5HlNUTOrt 1 'Dear Sir;
"I have been bearing for a long
time about what a big place Texas
is and what wonderful people
Texans arc, and I have started
to wonder. ; -
"My Daddy says if you read it
in the paper it's true, so I am
counting on you to set me straight.
Is there any such place as Texas?
i "Trustingly,
- "Virginia."
No, Virginia, there Isn't any
Texas, i -
Texas is Just one of those good
natured American myths like
Paul Bunyan, George Washington's
cherry tree, or Brooklyn that
have been handed down, genera
tion, until many people have come
to believe that, they are true.
It would be nice, wouldn't it.
If there really were a Texas? A
thundering day and night rodeo,
with oil gushinar from every hoof
print?' A Valhalla (that's a sort
of Hot Springs. Ark., for the Gods,
Virginia) of the tallest, handsomest
braves hombres ever to . whin out
a .45? And the sweetest, prettiest
women this side of Mary Martin?
But you're getting to be a big
pirt now. Virginia, and the truth
must not be kept from you. Don't
tell your playmates, but there isn't
a thing between Oklahoma and the
Gulf of Mexico, between Louisiana
and Arizona, except sand and sage
brush, swept ceaselessly by howl
winds that sometimes sound like
human vo'ces.
Figure it out for yourself. Vir
pina: There couldn't be a Texas.
No nation on earth, not even this
rich and powerful land of ours,
could afford a Texas. If Texans
really existed, there wouldn't be
room for the rest of us. Before
you knew u. uie wnole country
would be overrun by Texans. And
that way madness lies.
How did this Texas legend get
started, then?
Well, years ago a couple of pio
neers. rci pu p'l oecersr s
stranger had poked his nose into
their private uauiwic oi Arkan
sas, stood staring moodily out at
the west, wondering if it wasn't
time to push on.
"Sure is a big place," one of
them said.
"Hmmpf," said the other. "Noth
in's sure "cept death 'n' taxes."
"Haw-haw-haw." chortled the
first pioneer, who was hard of
hearing. "That's a good one. noth
ings sure 'cept death -n' Texas."
His Jriend looked at him sharp
ly, saw his chance and took it. He
shot the first -pioneer, moseyed
back east and sold the joke (for
that kind of thing was regarded
as a joke in those days) to a mag
azine called the New Yorker for
Americans are great ones to go
along with a gag. and the story
spread. People started pretending
there really was a place called
Texans, like Davy Crockett' (who
really was a ..e:inessc?r.ni. and
make-believe cities like Dallas an
Fort Worth.
That's the story. Virginia, and I
hope you'll keep it to yourself. Let
the other children bei:eve in lex
as. It will do them good. Some
body, pretending to be Texan, once
said that if Texas didn't exist, it
wbuld be necessary to invent one.
Sweet dreams, Virginia. Tne eyes
of Texas are upon you.'
he moved onto the League scene l and so could meet their minds.
at Geneva in the mld-lSiO's, he be-; And. lastly they judged him to
c..n.- a ounva. o. support tor me j be a genuine human being.
old Allied doctrine ol collective se-j with his death at 75, when again I
curuy. ,can uie Wejt hooe for a Russian
atinn also helned launch the school. "ie cimcensun hiu been that coil-
Bird, a lormer director ol uic.stnner rirmand lor thr:.e Penis.
Fort Worih. Tex., Civic Opera As- with certain excepllons, will bo
f.oclallon. said he has louna a lot down Irom 5 lo 10 per ceni tbl
ni iii,.i,i..i, (ir ,mi.ru in tiiurlnii !ear as compared Willi last, when ,
question because far loo manv pco-i the state. He directs Ihe opera ; H aprlng scare buyliui spree, j
pie tend to Itnore the appearance i company as well as the school. chalked up exceptional appliance,
of b'cod in i'ic, urine. i ier' llv The picture wasn't so rov when '. volume. !
since It Is likely to be Intermittent the school first set up shop in a Manufacturers and dealers have j
rauic- .ii.ni coiuiuuou... . . tlel-' re-Ver"-' fMscru-t la-1 laid their nlans accordingly, with
Actually, Ulia should never be Ig-; fall. After tho first low operatic makers abo taking Into account I WASHINGTON l.f President
nored, and even the mailer of a I Inlis aoumlcu ihrou.,11 tno ne.iiiiooi- expected additional cutbacks III . Truman's call lor a stronger anil
month or two may mean the uil- j hood, distressed, citizens look their materials. 'inflation law brouitht an "enforce
lewi-e between l:fe end ria"'. ' complaints to Uie city council. Most major appliance In He ihe one you've got" retort from
This svmntom is not cau.-ed bv . The council amended toning or-1 "while aood-" ratCBury relrieera-1 iii,ii-.. ti,....... ..,
or a lo.o. uu. some t dinances to ban opera scnonis irom ; tors, ireejirrs. wasniim '"n, "mr,l Xfoudy (D.-Mlch.l termed the tirm.
resiaemiai aistricis aim uir lira me iun- urina uwiuajru .ti mPnure "entirely Inadequate
moved tlowntuun. The would-be I with lew chaimes In atvllnir from u .. ..
fr.n. ,,rf h,l,ll.m i.rlnia ommas Inst vear Some luncllonal lin- : ",u""v " '. "V""" Mr-
a "sua ii
more serious condition is aluuiit
always present. It means that there
Is bleeding somewhere along the
urinary passageways.
ine blood may come Irom nigh
WUh militant Jauan. Gei manv ; who is all or even half those "J "'" "" D l":
ana .many ita.y bo.unB the i.eagu.-: th'nis? '"?m'rom ,n,,v mm " ,,
SLTIZ'., Pc Kremlln 5ccms evinced to- naSmatlon. stones and from otheV
. . . u . . Lnj wi.it llo U11C UI1UC1 Ita Sittt.V
keep hopes ot peacs alive. can be any of them believer in
But the League never had had world cooperation, friend of the
the courage or capacity to act in .West, thinner of Western thoughts,
.ci ....-. and uivinuv a la noi human being and still be a -ood
give it mat.
now practice In the rooms over the ; provemenls are claimed, but man. "".,' """ his H le o( in. tintill
Jewelry store and In a radio siu- j ulneturers are not permitted to re. ""'"''; " Vniaa
Bigger Families
To Roost Soles
disoroe.'s within u'.c-.e oruun.-.
Needless to say anything which
causes enough bleeding In the kid-
ny. o nbre-ed In the "r
Sliialng Imi'I the only suliject
taught. Students also gel training
In opera dramatics, costuming end
stage techniques, if they wisn. they
can receive undergraduate credit
By ihe time of Munich in 1938,
Geneva was virtually dead as a
center of psace-making effort. The
spotlight had shifted back to per
sonal dmlomacv.
iuamoeriain, Daladlcr, Hitler . told Friday that a bumper
and Mussolini met to hack off a I youngsters in vountr A
ai&UUlC IJVltlUll U. lliCtllWIUltfBlri. , livtlica oiluuiU 11C1JJ UUUSt SU1CS Ol rraat.nnnl I , U.
Litvmov's usefulness plainly wasj ' -a gcods and home sewing iab- j l"$?nL Ll, ?,"Sel,K.. '
at an ena wnen nitier seized rrague ; rics
and began threatening gestures to-!
.hnniri h invMtiiraiert nrnmiiiiv at the university at Chapel Mill
ana compictcij. : about 30 miles e way.
Most .such condition., can be I , , l"nM 'f he,"r"'r
trrirt snrPiiinv i.hr i.v m -h. I Most take full-time work, but some
icai mean or oy surjery if tney
ar dlscove-ed e-rr
come In for evening classes.
blllzatlon law was shot full of
holes" by Congress at the 1M r-
. Moody and other members of the
Senate Banking Committee r.
rum.ed to talk Ihe situation ever
Thursday, but Republican In Un
uroun said In advance of tha ss.
CHICAGO ' Milkman Rich- sinn lhat they see no need for any
ard Bopp, 73. Was robbed of two major rhanues In the law.
pints of milk while miking dePv-1 Hep. Capehart of Indiana, senior
cries in roiice Headquarters build- Republican on the committee, aatd
Quick Action On
Scene Of Crime
Rctalle-s were ! .uTh' ?rft tragedy. Inwever. Is llme the urine and then dlsap-'he sti
imper crop of , h" h.c". "V hove bcei allowed pcnr u-ading lo labo seme otjcieva
"g Arnica. 10 exlst or 100 ' they often ; rcltci and secur.ty. mon ,
brt 1m i lcac" a ,'lBC ln wnlch si.ccK-sful specialists in this Held maintain 1 (or a
Ine- Wednesday
Bopp discovered the theft after
he stepped off an elevator. On the
lor with htm were two pollre-
ai'd a itroun nf nrlnncra bound
lor a thirii-uoor bullpen.
that this Irregularity of bleeding The milkman went to the hull
is responsible lor many tragic dc- pen and complained to police. They
lays and that many of their prob- noted telUete bulses In the sire 13
After leaving Uie kldnevs. the
lirlnA nilMs .Intlrn lulu. l.,.n.....
in a uwarn nivnoiwn in. hi,,.a. .. . . . . - - .
ward ro)' nci. To any real'si. it was ! .i n,. i,lnrf,, .;.! . ii. Y."."" " vr . .nt- ' Kmx r! "'nar muc" wor,,,, uc-, rubber bools of one prisoner, a
evident Hitler was not to be dis-, tional Retail Drv Goods Associa-1 l , - CBiis0 0, nelect', . I man who had been arreted as a
suaded from the path ot conquest. ! I on 41st aSnual me b -'""l0"' ?r..Cn To . Wkc "VM ,cam ueh i pickpocket suspect. The cops found
..a...!, nopii.,, to -uy uie ..ai;i ! Mu"lanv fab" ed! ""' ll'!"n! 'l n unopened carton of milk In each
dictator' oft, ol- at leist lo buy j Weir tra& pub& dStord ' m"&f?T,W.-ln? t?-t0 "I" u';.in?k "X" ",,,M,1 'r!"' ' common ; boot,
time made ready to conclude his ft. puoncation, aeciarea n- , ... , -. sense. Untrld sulfermg and often
iniamous deal with Germany. Lit-1 a Pect"? 1 0,ro-?lece good,s, 1u, i i?S,,Jt"6 el"1'V In men other death would be avoided It more One ihotisand Rolls-Royce Ken
vinov was shelved. partments In 19j2 are actually structures which can become dl- attention was paid to this danger- litlnes are to be supplied from Brit-
There he stayed until Hitler de-J r0!,y' fCa i cause 10 PI,ear:ou symptom and If it was not ; aln to power 500 twin-motor U.8.
strcved the pact between the two Miss Mullany noted that parents,1" 'h tirlne. ignored as aoinethlng of no Im- tvpe trainers for the Royal Cana-
nations bv attackine the Russians 'are having more children than the Bl00d mBV apiiear for a short portance. i I dian Air Force.
with mil force in June 1941. At previous generation. She said young
"As loi Ihe President's conten
tion that we need a atronaer con
Irols law, 1 would aay to him: 'En
force Ihe one yuu've got and you'll
find it provides lull and complna
power lo curb Inllatlon.'"
Rep. Wolcott ill -Mich.), Cp
hart and Ken. Hiicker IR.-Ohloi all
predicted Congress would take no
Mieedy action o-i extension ol tha
Defense Production Act. which In
cludes wage, prlre and rent ran.
trvl aulliorliy. The present mem-
tire expires June 30.
More than two-third of the :
000 population of Camlguin Inland
In the I'hiipolne Islands had to M
ovacunlrd when the volcano on HI
bokhlbek Mminlaln erupted in 11)41.
WASHINGTON i. Ever-one
now seeing agreed that this will be
a completely dismal session of con
gTe 'nin'-r e- it 'oncerr lnv;
making but will be a rip-roar
VU-- pe
Especially politically, since next
fall vne vcters must choose tne
occupants for all 435 House seats
and one-third of the 96 Senate
Th's f: p situation hprdb7 con
ductive to silence, modesty or polit
ical impaitiaUiy o.i tne pan of
those members of Congress who
vent. In i-"?- th1. 'oh. meaning
practically everybody there.
Oldtimers around here have the
notion, which is hardiy odd, that
almost everybody who ever gets
a seat in Congress would like to
ieel it's his permanent property
and always tn an election year
develops thRt bifocal look which
enables him to keep one eye on
his work and one on the voters.
Experts in political science have
pondered the question should Con
gress have its daily sessions tele-vlsed?-ln
the belief that if the
folks back home could ever sec
their congressmen in action they
might wind up with a better Con
gress or at least more work done.
It may be only a coincidence
that Congress has never shown
even small enthusiasm for this
Idea at all past, present or future
but it may have turned out to
be a blessing for all of us, in
this election year at any rate, that
Congress won't be within mugging
distance of TV.
If TV's glittering eye looked
down from the galleries, putting
every speech In focus, It Isn't hard
to - surm'e wnn wou'd hannen
among the members of Congress
v.in "!' a rh.""ce everv dn' fn
the week to make a stump speech
lur the benefit of the people at
The congressional crush in front
of the cmuera would be grander
than bargain -day in Gimbel's
basement. (
Much to the relief of the Demo
crats, who have made a spectacle
ol- themselves more than once
through the years with their Intra
party differences, the Republicans
this year will probably take over
their franchise and even give them
wearing gloves.
This alone should add to our
entertainment, If not to our en
lightenment,! since everybody ln
congress Is a politician and what
ever a politician says in the field
of politics can, be sliced in halt
tua. moment. ..us.,, a ie,t duspciaie
ly in need of allies, particularly
of one ally, America which could
provioe heavy assistance.
Lilvinov the old friend of the
West, was resurrected and made
ambassador to the U.S., where he
served lor two critical years.
Through the war he still was pro-
inuienuy neara irom.
wives are more economy-minded
and want to make their own and
their Children's clothes.
Property Tox Take
Hits New. Record
without losing an ounce of sense.
In botn houses there will be
devotees of General Eisenhower
and Senator Taft and others mak-l
NEW YORK The property
tax provide -cities with record rev-
Rllt in OACl tho Irnn e,,rl.!M ! ettUCS in 1951.
scended and Lltvinov faded into : A s"'e.v shows that unadjusted
near ooi.v.ou. MoiOto, arci-oosuu- a rates wenf UD 2 5 ce,nt "ver
tionist. symbol of hostility to the i W?0 "d total assessed valuations
West. h-eme foreign minister (Climbed 8.2 per cent.
RISS FEAR Iore'gn mlnL-ler- Furthermore says the Citizens
Litvinov served of course only jRe'eerch Council of Michigan a
in those periods when the policies ' furthcr rlsein, assessed valuation
K "may be anticipated if th general
inflationary pattern continues."
ing wooing glances at the Presi- The counrll published a retrort on
dency, and since devotion means its survey In the January Issue of
ardor and ardor means heat there ; the National Municipal Review.
ousni 10 ne a warm time among
neither very anxious to make hay
for the other while still hoping the
party can win because everyone
wants to keep nis Job.
A goldfish put alone in a bowl
will become so lonely and frustrat
ed as to actually wind up a "men
tal case."
If Ii : : i
tome no
Pick out your '52 Studebaker todayl
AAcCulloch Motors Kl
be CDsiiraiiic
Nearly 400 pair of shoes and slippers go ar this unbelievable
price. Nearly three for one on most patterns!
Formerly selling
to 12.95 pair
Sensational -n""!
values! .
Casual footwear
Calf and suede
Amazing values!
All heel heights
Dressy shoes
All makes
O 162 pair all wonderful values!
O Formerly priced to 5.95 pair!
O While they last! .